A photon has energy of 1.8 x 10^-12 Jules. Find the wavelength of this photon.
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Answer 1

A photon has energy of 1.8 x 10⁻¹² Jules. The wavelength of this photon is 11.04 × 10⁻¹⁴ m.

Given that :

Energy of the photon : 1.8 × 10⁻¹² J

Energy of the photon is given by the formula :

E = h v


E = energy of photon

h = Planck constant = 6.626 × 10⁻³⁴ J.s

v = frequency of photon

frequency of photon is given as :

v = c / λ

therefore ,

E = h c / λ

λ = h c /E

c = speed of light = 3 × 10⁸ m/s

λ = (6.626 × 10⁻³⁴ J.s  × 3 × 10⁸ m/s) /  1.8 × 10⁻¹² J

λ = 11.04 × 10⁻¹⁴ m

Thus, A photon has energy of 1.8 x 10⁻¹² Jules. The wavelength of this photon is 11.04 × 10⁻¹⁴ m.

To learn more about photon here



Related Questions

1.40 L solution was made by mixing 69.3 mL of dioxane, Which has a density of 1.03 g/mL, and 1.3 L of Toluene, Which has a density of 0.87 g/mL. Calculate the volume percent of dioxane in the solution. Be sure your answer has the right number of significant digits.? %(v/v)


To calculate the volume percent of dioxane we will apply the following formula:

[tex]Volumepercent=\frac{\text{Volume of solute}}{Volume\text{ of solution}}\times100[/tex]

In this case, the solute will be dioxane, and the volume will be 69.3 mL.

To calculate the volume of solution we will sum both volumes:

Volume of solution = Volume of dioxane + Volume of Toluene

Volume of solution = 69.3 mL + 1300 mL

Volume of solution = 1369.3 mL

[tex]Volumepercent=\frac{\text{6}9.3\text{ mL}}{1369.3\text{ mL}}\times100\text{ = 5.1}[/tex]

We are given all the data with a significant digit, therefore we must report the result also with a significant digit. So the answer will be.

The volume percent of dioxane in the solution is 5.1 %(v/v)

Fill in the table with the mass of each sample. Use the periodic table to find the molar mass of each compound. Then calculate moles and particles. Periodic TableThe two compounds have the same number of moles. Compare how the number of moles relates to the masses and number of particles for each compound.


1) First, let's calculate the molar mass of NaCl and CoCl₂:

Atomic mass of:

Na - 22.99 g/mol

Cl - 35.45 g/mol

Co - 58.93 g/mol

So for NaCl:

22.99 + 35.45 = 58.44 g/mol

Molar mass of NaCl = 58.44 g/mol

For CoCl₂:

58.93 + (2x35.45) = 129.83 g/mol

Molar mass of CoCl₂: 129.83 g/mol

2) Now let's find out the number of moles of each sample. For this, we use the following equation:

moles = mass / molar mass


mole = 116.8 / 58.44

mole = 1.999 moles of NaCl


mole = 259.7 / 129.83

mole = 2.000 moles of CoCl₂

3) To find the amount of particles, we use the Avogadro's constant. Avogadro's constant is a constant of proportion between the amount of matter and the number of entities that are linked to that amount. These entities can be atoms, molecules, ions, electrons, protons, neutrons.

In this case, we have the same number of moles, so we will have the same number of particles for both NaCl and CoCl₂.

classify the following as a heterogeneous mixture (suspension), homogeneous mixture (solution), or colloid: hot tea with lemon


Hot tea with lemon is classified as a homogeneous mixture as once the two components are mixed they maintain uniform composition through out the mixture.

The mixtures can be classified broadly into 3 types:

(on the basis of composition)




Homogenous mixtures are those mixtures in which the composition of the mixture is uniform throughout the mixture.

Hetrogenous mixtures reffer to those mixtures where the composition of does not remain uniform through out the mixtures. These can consists two or more compounds in differet phases.

A colloid is a mixture of particles that are too big when compared to the atom but still are invisible to the direct eye. The particles present in a colloidal mixture range from 1 to 1000 nanometers in diameter

Hot tea with lemon is classified as a homogeneous mixture as once the two components are mixed they maintain uniform composition throughout the mixture.

Learn more about types of mixtures at:


What is the electron configuration of Silicon in Ground state ?

A) 1s22s22p63s23p14s1

B) 1s22s22p63s4

C) 1s22s22p63s23p2

D) 1s22s22p63s23p3


Si is in the 3p orbital which occupies 2 electrons

Energy and Temperature Activity Worksheet

Instructions: Follow the directions below to complete part one and part two of this activity. You will submit both parts once completed.

Note: You are not performing the experiment—only designing it.



The purpose of this assignment is to design an experiment that another student could follow and use to test whether land or water heats faster.

You will complete the following:

Part One: Experimental Design. Plan out an experiment by answering the guiding questions below.

Part Two: Design a Lab Report. Write the outline of a lab report so that another student could complete the experiment by using the materials listed below:



heat lamps




Part One: Experimental Design

Use these guiding questions to create the experiment. Answer each question below:

What hypothesis will the experiment test?

What are the variables?

What purpose would the sand serve?

What purpose would the water serve?

What purpose would the heat lamps serve?

What purpose would the thermometers use?

How can you use these materials to test whether land or water heats faster?

How would you compare whether land or water heats faster?

Within a 24-hour period, at what three points should the temperature be taken? Why?

What would an effective conclusion need to include?

can someone help me with part one please ☆ ~('▽^人) you'll receive 100 points


Land surfaces are much darker so they absorb much more solar radiation than water. Most of the solar radiation is reflected by water which leads in reflecting the solar radiation that reaches the surface back in to the atmosphere.

How does this occur?

Due to lower specific heat of sand it heats up faster than water. On the other hand water requires one calorie of energy to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius. Sand takes 19 calories per gram to raise the temperature of the sand by 1 degree Celsius.  While Sand requires fewer calories to raise its temperature one degree Celsius and that’s why it heats up faster than water.

Land absorbs more solar radiation the land surface retains more heat as do the vegetation for energy.

Therefore, during this experiment the sand heats up much faster than water. This happens because of the specific heat of the sand that initiates the heating rapidly under the lamp as the time passes.

Learn more about energy and temperature activity from the link given below.





Answer: Quadrant 1: (1/3, 2 1/3)

Quadrant 2: (-1 1/3, 3 1/3)

Quadrant 3: (-3, -10), (-3 1/3, -1 1/3)

Quadrant 4: (9, -1), (1 1/3, -1 1/3)


Graph these coordinates on an XY plane to visualize which quadrant they land in.

Chemical equations Help pleaseeeeee


4555The number is the number that you

C6H12O6 + 6 O2(g) 6 CO2(g) + 6 H2O(g)
If 7.5 g of glucose react with 5.5 L of oxygen, which one is the limiting reagent?


C₆H₁₂O₆   +    6O₂    --->   6CO₂   +   6H₂O, If 7.5 g of glucose react with 5.5 L of oxygen,  the limiting reagent is glucose.

The balanced reaction is given as :

C₆H₁₂O₆   +    6O₂    --->   6CO₂   +   6H₂O

mass of glucose = 7.5 g

molar mass of glucose = 180 g/mol

number of moles =mass / molar mass

                            = 7.5 / 180

                            = 0.041 mol

volume of oxygen = 5.5 L

density of oxygen = 1.42 g/ml

mass = density × volume

mass = 1.42 × 5.5

mass = 7.81

moles = mass / molar mass

           = 7.81 / 32

           = 0.244 mol

mass of reactant from each product:

now, glucose ,  mass of CO₂ = 0.041 × 6 × 44 = 10.84 g

oxygen, mass of CO₂ = 0.244  × 6 × 44  = 64.41 g

Since glucose gives the smaller amount of product glucose is a limiting reagent.

Thus, C₆H₁₂O₆   +    6O₂    --->   6CO₂   +   6H₂O, If 7.5 g of glucose react with 5.5 L of oxygen,  the limiting reagent is glucose.

To learn more about limiting reagent here



When the ph of a solution decreases from 4. 0 to 2. 0, how does the concentration of h3o+ change?.


Hydronium ion concentration increases by 100 fold on decreasing the pH of solution from 4 to 2.

In order to compute pH, the log of the hydronium ion concentration was used.

pH = -log [Hydronium ion concentration]

So, at pH 2.0 number of hydronium ions are 10^-2

And at pH 4.0 number of hydronium ions are 10^-4

By decreasing pH there will be 100 times more hydronium ions.

To know more about hydronium ions, click here



how many grams of chloroethane are needed to produce 5 moles of ethylamine from ammonia if the reaction yield is 67%?​



This reaction is reversible, and you will only get significant amounts of the free amine if you use a large excess of ammonia. The product as a nucleophile.


• What happens to matter during chemical reactions Are the atoms the same or different before and after the reaction?​



only the atoms present in the reactants can end up in the products.


Help pls I have 5 min pls


Yes the answer ur on is the right answer

3) According to internet sources
the Moon has an equatorial
radius of 1738.14 km and a polar radius of 1735.97 km.
What information can you tell me about these
measurements just by looking at the numbers? How many
miles do these numbers represent? Is the moon a perfect
sphere? How confident are you in your answer?


According to internet sources the Moon has an equatorial VectorStock radius of 1738.14 km and a polar radius of 1735.97 km and the miles do these numbers represent 2.17km and yes moon a perfect sphere

Miles is a unit of distance equal to 1760 yards or approximately 1.6 kilometers

Here given data is

Moon has an equatorial VectorStock radius of 1738.14 km and a polar radius of 1735.97 km then the miles are

1738.14 km - 1735.97 km = 2.17km

2.17 km miles do these numbers represent? Is the moon a perfect sphere

And the moon is the perfect sphere

Know more about miles



The bond formed between two nonmetals, which are usually very similar in their tendency to lose or gain electrons, is the _____ bond. This bond involves the _____ of one or more electron pairs between the two atoms.


The bond formed between two nonmetals, which are usually very similar in their tendency to lose or gain electrons, is the covalent bond. This bond involves the sharing of one or more electron pairs between the two atoms.

What is covalent bond?

A covalent bond is produced by the equal sharing of electrons from both participating atoms. This sort of bonding involves a shared pair or bonding pair of electrons. The sharing of bonding pairs will ensure that the atoms reach stability in their outer shell, analogous to the atoms of noble gases.

Elements with very high ionisation energies are incapable of transmitting electrons, while elements with very low electron affinity are incapable of absorbing electrons.

Atoms of such elements tend to share electrons with atoms of other elements or atoms of the same element in such a way that both atoms achieve octet configuration in their respective valence shells and thus achieve stability. Covalent Bond refers to such a link formed by the sharing of electron pairs among distinct or similar kinds.

Learn more about covalent bond from given link



describe and explain relationships between reactants and products in chemical changes that occur in the oceanic environment.


Scientists refer to the long-term alteration in ocean chemistry caused by CO2 absorption from the environment as ocean acidification.

The reaction can be expressed as:

[tex]CO_{2}[/tex] + [tex]H_{2} O[/tex] → ([tex]H^{+}[/tex]) +. ([tex]HCO3^{-}[/tex]).

Ocean acidification is a process that happens when the water absorbs too much carbon dioxide. In the equation,  [tex]CO_{2}[/tex] represents carbon dioxide. The  [tex]CO_{2}[/tex] in the equation represents the water molecules in which the carbon dioxide reacts.

Ocean acidification is the term for a long-term decrease in the ocean's pH that is mostly brought on by the ocean's absorption of carbon dioxide (  [tex]CO_{2}[/tex]) from the atmosphere.

To know more about Ocean acidification



which metalloid has five valence electrons in the fourth electron shell​




Arsenic is the the metalloid which has "five valence electrons" in the "fourth electron shell". Explanation: Metalloids are found between the metals and non-metals in the periodic table.

hope it helps

Why do isotopes undergo radioactive decay?


Isotopes undergo radioactive decay because thermodynamics generally governs the situation. Every atom strives to have the greatest degree of stability. When the number of protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus is out of balance, instability results in radioactive decay. In essence, the nucleus contains too much energy to keep all the nucleons together.

Radioactive decay a the spontaneous process through which an unstable atomic nucleus breaks into smaller, more stable fragments.

Three Types of Radioactive Decay:

Alpha Decay:

       When an alpha particle basically a helium nucleus with two protons and two neutrons is ejected, the parent's atomic number and mass number are reduced by two and four, respectively.

Beta Decay:

      A stream of electrons from the parent, known as beta particles, is released during beta decay, and a neutron in the nucleus is changed into a proton. The new nucleus has the same mass number, but an additional atomic number of one.

Gamma Decay:

        The atomic nucleus releases extra energy during gamma decay in the form of high-energy photons (electromagnetic radiation). The resultant nucleus takes on a more stable energy state while maintaining the same atomic number and mass number.

To know more about isotopes refer to:


I onlyI and II onlyII onlyII and III onlyI and III onlyIII only


The species that act as acid are the ones that donates H⁺ in the reaction.

Since we are working with an equilibrium, we have to consider both directions.

From left to right, we have H₂O turning into OH⁻ because it lost one H⁺, so H₂O is acting as an acid in the forward reaction.

From right to left, we have CH₃NH₃⁺ tunrning into CH₃NH₂ because it lost one H⁺, so CH₃NH₃⁺ is acting as an acid in the backwards reaction.

So, the species that act as acids are H₂O and CH₃NH₃⁺, I and II only.

Which of these groups would be MOST concerned with technological developments in insect control?









Meteorologist: weather man

Paleontologist: a scientist who studies the history of life on Earth through the fossil record.

Agriculturalist: One who practices agriculture, a farmer, a gardener.

archaeologists: Archaeologists can work for research organizations, consulting and cultural resource management firms, government agencies, and museums.




You have to record it before

Jillian is looking over a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for a pesticide at work. She notices it has the exclamation point pictogram shown below. What does this pictogram mean?

A red diamond with an exclamation mark inside

Chemicals that could cause toxicity to fish and other aquatic life
Chronic hazard that comes from long-term exposure
Health hazard that is less severe
Toxic poisoning after brief exposure



This symbol indicates that hazardous products with this pictogram can cause certain health effects for example, skin irritation, eye irritation, and/or. skin sensitization.




Answer: 1st one is 1 N2 + 3 H2 > 2 NH3

               2nd one is 2 KCLO3 > 2 KCL+3 O2

              3rd one is 2 NaCL + 1 F2 > 2 NaF+CL2

> are the arrows

The numbers in front of the other numbers are the coefficient.

The numbers behind the numbers are the exponents.

when a piece of wood is on fire how is that fired created through a chemical reaction ?


It created through chemical reaction because it feeds the fire and the oxygen does too.

If 7.34 mol of O2 reacts, calculate the grams of CO2 produced.CH4 + 2O2—> CO2 + 2H2O



[tex]161.48\text{ g}[/tex]


Here, we want to get the mass of carbon (iv) oxide produced

From the question, we have the balanced chemical reaction stating that 2 moles of oxygen molecule produced 1 mole of carbon (iv) oxide molecule

The number of moles of carbon (iv) oxide produced from 7.34 mol oxygen is thus:

[tex]\frac{7.34\times1}{2}\text{ = 3.67 moles}[/tex]

1 mole of carbon (iv) oxide contains 44 g

The mass in 3.67 moles will be:

[tex]44\times3.67\text{= 161.48 g}[/tex]

Decompositionof ammonium nitrate produces water and di nitrogen oxide. a) Predict how many grams of water will be produced from decomposition of 0.555 kg of ammonium nitrate.b) If 120. g of water is actually produced, what is the percent yield for this reaction


NH4NO3(s) ==> 2 H2O(g) + N2O (g) (balanced)

a) We need the molar masses for each compound:

NH4NO3 = 80.0 g/mol (ammonium nitrate)

H2O = 18 g/mol (water)

0.555 kg => 1 kg = 1000 g => 0.555 kg = 555 g

80.0 g NH4NO3 -------- 2 x 18 g H2O

555 g NH4NO3 -------- X = 250 g

Answer a): 250 g water

b) % yield of water

120. g of water = actual yield

250 g of water from a) is the theoretical yield

Therefore, the % yield:

% yield = (actual yield/ theoretical yield) x 100

% yield = 120. g water/250 g water x 100

% yield = 48 %

Answer b): % yield = 48 %

Look at the data in Figure 1. Fresh water has a salinity close to 0%. What is the surface tension for fresh water?


Answer: It appears as though fresh water has a surface tension of 72.5 mN/m

Explanation: Since fresh water does not have a high concentration of salt, and pure fresh water has no salt at all, you are trying to find the value of surface tension at 0% salinity. At 0% salinity, the surface tension value is 72.5 mN/m

Is a salt obtained as a reaction between a base and an acid?


To answer if a salt is formed between the reaction of a base and an acid, we need to remember that, if we react a strong acid and a strong base, such as HCl and NaOH, two products will be formed: the appropriate salt and water.

In the example above, we can write the reaction as:

HCl + NaOH -> NaCl + H2O

where a strong acid and a strong base react to form a salt (NaCl) and water (H2O).

Thus, we can say that, yes, a salt is formed when an acid and a base react between each other.

Given the following unbalanced equation: KClO3 -> KCl + O2A) how many molecules of O2 can be produced by letting 12.00 moles of KClO3 react?B) how many moles of KCl can be produced by letting 4 moles of KClO3 react?


Step 1: Balance the equation

To balance the equation it is necessary to have the same number of atoms of each element on both sides of the equation (reactant side and product side). Let's count the number of atoms of each element for the unbalanced equation: KClO3 -> KCl + O2

Reactant side:

K - 1

Cl - 1

O - 3

Product side:

K - 1

Cl - 1

O - 2

To balance the equation, we need to fix the number of atoms of O on the product side, let's add a 3/2 in front of it:

KClO3 -> KCl + 3/2 O2

The equation is balanced but 3/2 is not an integer. So let's multply all the equation by 2:

2 KClO3 -> 2 KCl + 3 O2

Now the equation is balanced.

A) To solve this, we need to use the ratio between O2 and KClO3. It is 3:2.


3 moles of O2 ---- 2 moles of KClO3

x moles of O2 ---- 12 moles of KClO3

x = 18 moles of O2

We found the number of moles, the question asks us the number of molecules.

For this, we need to use the avogadro's constant:

6.022x10^23 molecules ---- 1 mol

x molecules ---- 18 moles

x = 1.1 x 10^25 molecules of O2

B) To solve this we use the ratio between KCl and KCl3. It is 2:2

So it is produced 4 moles of KCl when 4 moles of KClO3 react.

where are the reproductive parts of plants located?leaves,flower,roots, stem


The reproductive part of plants is located in flowers.

The flowers are the reproductive part of a plant.

Stamens are the male reproductive part.

The pistil is the female reproductive part.

Process of reproduction in a plant:

Pollen is transferred from one flower to another by insects or the wind. Pollination is the name given to this procedure.When pollen enters a fresh flower, it moves to the ovary where it fuses the ovules, the egg cells that become seeds, to produce seeds.Animals or the wind can disperse the seeds.

To know more about  reproduction in a plant refer to:


an amino acid that forms a solution with a ph of 3.0 as it is dissolved in distilled water has a side chain with what functional group?


An amino acid that forms a solution with a ph of 3.0 as it is dissolved in distilled water has a side chain with a carboxyl group.

A carbonyl and hydroxyl group are joined by a carbon atom to form a carboxyl group. The hydroxyl group is made up of oxygen and hydrogen bound together, whereas the carbonyl group is a carbon double-bonded to oxygen (O=H) (OH). The carboxyl functional group, also known as the carboxyl group, is produced when the carbon atom is attached to both the hydroxyl and carbonyl functional groups.

This characteristic enables this functional group to bind to a variety of molecules that are present in typical goods. As a result, a molecule made up of a carbonyl and a hydroxyl group joined by a carbon atom is described as having a carboxyl group.

To learn more about the carboxyl group, visit the link below:



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