A main-sequence star at a distance of 20 pc is barely visible through a certain telescope. The star subsequently ascends the giant branch, during which time its temperature drops by a factor of three and its radius increases a hundredfold. What is the new maximum distance at which the star would still be visible in the same telescope?


Answer 1



The surface area of a star estimated by the energy emitted per sq meter yields the overall luminosity, which can be represented mathematically as:

[tex]L= 4 \pi R^2 \sigma T^4 --- (1)[/tex]


L ∝ R²T⁴


R = radius of the sphere

σ = Stefans constant

T = temperature

Also; The following showcase the relationship between flux density as well as illuminated surface area as:

[tex]F = \dfrac{L}{A}[/tex]


A = 4πd² and L ∝ R²T⁴

[tex]F = \dfrac{R^2T^4}{4 \pi d^2} \\ \\ F \alpha \dfrac{R^2T^4}{ d^2} --- (2)[/tex]

Given that:

distance d₁ = 20 pc

Then, using equation (2)

[tex]F_1 \ \alpha \ \dfrac{R^2_1T^4_1}{ d^2_1}[/tex]

However, we are also being told that there is a temp. drop by a factor of 3;

So, the final temp. [tex]T_2 = \dfrac{T_1}{3}[/tex]; and the final radius is [tex]R_2 = 100R_1[/tex] since there is increment by 100 folds.


[tex]F_2 \ \alpha \ \dfrac{R^2_2T^4_2}{ d^2_2}[/tex]


[tex]F_1 = F_2[/tex]

It implies that:

[tex]\dfrac{R^2_1T^4_1}{ d^2_1 } = \dfrac{R^2_2T^4_2}{ d^2_2} \\ \\ d_2 = \sqrt{\dfrac{R_2^2T_2^4}{R_1^2T_1^4}}(d_1)[/tex]

Replacing all our values, we have:

[tex]d_2 = \sqrt{\dfrac{(100R_1)^2 \times (\dfrac{T_1}{3})^4}{R_1^2T_1^4}}(20 ) \\ \\ d_2 = \sqrt{\dfrac{(100)^2 }{3^4}}(20 ) \\ \\ d_2 = \sqrt{\dfrac{(100)^2 }{3^4}}(20 ) \\ \\ d_2 =222 \ pc[/tex]

Related Questions

What is the density of iron if 5.0 cm^3 has a mass of 39.5 g



density =mass


x = 39.5 ÷ 5.0

x =7.9


7.9 g/cm3


Density = mass / volume

Density = 39.5 / 5.0

Density = 7.9 g/cm^3

Therefore, density is [tex]7.9 g/cm^{3}[/tex]

A boy is pulling a sled with a net force of 10 N. If the mass of the sled is 20 kg, what is the acceleration of the sled?



0.5 m/s


acceleration= force times mass

Given the amount of force applied on the sled as well as its mass, the acceleration of the sled is 0.5m/s².

What is force?

A force is simply referred to as either a push or pull of an object resulting from the object's interaction with another object.

From Newton's Second Law, force is expressed as;

F = m × a

Where is mass of object and a is the acceleration

Given the data in the question;

Force applied F = 10N = 10kgm/s²Mass of the sled = 20kgAcceleration a = ?

F = m × a

10kgm/s² = 20kg × a

a = 10kgm/s² ÷ 20kg

a = 0.5m/s²

Given the amount of force applied on the sled as well as its mass, the acceleration of the sled is 0.5m/s².

Learn more about force here: brainly.com/question/27196358


Joshua's physics lab group has been assigned project of designing a model bobsled track Each group will roll a marble down the track with the objective of having the marbte finish with the fastest time. Assume that the track is frictionless, and the length of all tracks is the same. They can use a small marble with a mass of 15g or a large marble with a mass of 209. What should his team do to give their marble the most potential energy? A) They should use a small marble with the ramp at a 45° angle B) They should use a large marble with the ramp at a 60° angle, C) They should use a large marble with the ramp at a 75° angle. 2) They should use a small marble with the ramp at a 60° angle​


They should use a large marble with the ramp at a 75 degree angle

Pedro is planning to model how changes in weather affect evaporation from lakes for his first experiment he wants to test how humidity affects the evaporation rate. he places one beaker with 300 mL of water in a dry area. and places another beaker with 300 mL of water near a humidifier which of the following variables does Pedro need to control during his experiment
A. humidity only
B. humidity and evaporation rate
C. volume of water and tempature
D. volume of water only


Pedro needs to control the variables such as volume of water and temperature during his experiment. So, option C.

What is meant by humidity ?

The amount of water vapor in the air is known as humidity. The humidity will be high if there is a lot of water vapour in the atmosphere.

Water can evaporate even at very low temperatures, but as the temperature rises, the rate of evaporation increases.

More surface molecules per unit of volume may be able to escape from a substance with a larger surface area, so it will evaporate more quickly.

The control variables in an experiment are the variables that the experimenter intends to keep constant always so as to limit their effect on the measurements of the relationship between the dependent and the independent variable.

Therefore, in order to have a proper measurement of the effect of humidity on evaporation rate, other variables such as temperature, and the volume of the water in the experiment investigations which affect evaporation rate by the provision of heat, (temperature) and their heat capacity, the volume, etc. should be controlled.


Pedro needs to control the variables such as volume of water and temperature during his experiment. So, option C.

To learn more about humidity, click:






u r right


it is A. DNA

i took that class.



I think it may be a brain?

A muon is a type of subatomic particle. If a muon is at rest in the laboratory, it will decay into an electron after about 2 microseconds. Suppose an observer watches a muon travel through the atmosphere at 90% of the speed of light. How does the lifetime of the moving muon compare to the laboratory muon for an observer at rest with respect to the lab



 [tex]\frac{t}{t_p}[/tex] = 2.29


For this exercise as the muon goes at speeds close to the speed of light we must use relativists

          t =[tex]\frac{t_p}{\sqrt{1- (\frac{v}{c})^2 } }[/tex]

The proper time is the decay time in the reference frame where the muon is fixed ( laboratory), t_p = 2 10⁻⁶ s and the relation

            v / c = 0.90

let's calculate

          t = [tex]\frac{2 \ 10^{-6} }{\sqrt{1 \ - \ 0.9^2 } }[/tex]2 10-6 / Ra (1 - 0.9²)

          t = 4.59 10⁻⁶ s

the ralation is

          [tex]\frac{t}{t_p} = \frac{4.59 \ 10^{-6}}{ 2 \ 10^{-6}}\\[/tex]

          [tex]\frac{t}{t_p}[/tex] = 2.29

calculate the moment of 3kg and 20cm away from the pivot​



5.88 Nm



Moment(M) = Force(F)×perpendicular distance(d)

M = F×d.................... Equation 1


F = mg.................. Equation 2

Where m = mass, g = acceleration due to gravity.

Substitute equation 2 into equation 1

M = mgd................. Equation 3

From the question,

Given: m = 3 kg, d = 20 cm = 0.2 m

Constant: g = 9.8 m/s²

Substitute these values into equation 3

M = 3×0.2×9.8

M = 5.88 Nm

if an object sinks in water its density is greater than that of water


I think this is true but sorry if that’s wrong. Hope this helps :-)
Density is a measure of how heavy something is compared to its size. If an object is more dense than water it will sink when placed in water, and if it is less dense than water it will float.

Osteoporosis is a condition that makes bones more
A. heavy
B. creaky
C. fragile
D. strong
answer is C


the answer for this question is c

Audrey recorded the grade-level and instrument of everyone in the middle school School of Rock below. Seventh Grade Students Instrument # of Students Guitar 7 Bass 14 Drums 13 Keyboard 5 Eighth Grade Students Instrument # of Students Guitar 8 Bass 12 Drums 5 Keyboard 2 Based on these results, express the probability that a student chosen at random will play the guitar as a decimal to the nearest hundredth.


The probability that a student chosen at random will play the guitar is 0.23.

To find the probability of student will play the guitar, we need to know about how to calculate the probability.

What is the number of elements of the sample space?

Sample space is the set of total possible out comes of an experiment.Here the set of sample space contains

Seventh grade students instrument

Guitar 7Bass 14Drums 13Keyboard 5

Eighth grade students instrument

Guitar 8Bass 12Drums 5Keyboard 2  Total number of elements of sample space is 7+14+13+5+8+12+5+2=66.

What is the number of elements of the event?

Here the set of event contains the students that will play the guitar.Number of students will play the guitar or the number of elements of the event is 7+8=15.

What is the probability of student will play the guitar?

The probability can be obtained by the ratio of number of elements of event to the number of elements of the sample space.The probability of student will play the guitar is 15/66=0.23

Thus, we can conclude that the probability of student will play the guitar is 0.23.

Learn more about the probability here:



A spring with a spring constant of 25.0N/m is stretched 4.50m. What is the force that the spring would apply?​



[tex]from \: hookes \: law : \\ force = k \bold{.}e \\ = 25.0 \times 4.50 \\ = 112.5 \: N[/tex]

An open vertical tube has water in it. a tuning fork vibrates over its mouth. as the water level is lowered in the tube, a resonance is heard when the water level is 180 cm below the top of the tube, and again after the water level is 220 cm below the top of the tube a resonance is heard. what is the frequency of the tuning fork? the speed of sound in air is 343 m/s. answer in units



[tex]428.75\ \text{Hz}[/tex]


[tex]\Delta y[/tex] = Change in water level = [tex]220-180=40\ \text{cm}[/tex]

[tex]\lambda[/tex] = Wavelength

[tex]v[/tex] = Speed of sound = 343 m/s

Between the points of resonance there exists [tex]\dfrac{1}{2}\lambda[/tex]

[tex]\dfrac{1}{2}\lambda=\Delta y\\\Rightarrow \lambda=2\Delta y\\\Rightarrow \lambda=2\times 40\\\Rightarrow \lambda=80\ \text{cm}[/tex]

Wavelength is given by

[tex]f=\dfrac{v}{\lambda}\\\Rightarrow f=\dfrac{343}{0.8}\\\Rightarrow f=428.75\ \text{Hz}[/tex]

The frequency of the tuning fork is [tex]428.75\ \text{Hz}[/tex].

8) Now drop the magnetic ball of the same size down the section of copper tube. Currents are induced in the tube both above and below the falling magnet (pictured here as a disc for clarity). On the drawing below, find the direction of the induced current, the direction of the induced magnetic field, and the N/S poles for both induced currents. Explain how these induced currents slow down the falling magnet.




To have a deeper understanding of this. Let's begin with the acceleration due to gravity (g), with N pointing downward.

Since magnetic field lines originate in the north, field strength decreases for the upper disk and increases for the lower disk when the disk is in the center of two disks.

According to Lenz's theorem, current-induced would be so that the magnetic field due to this induced current opposes the magnetic field due to which there is an induced current, so induced current will be clockwise for the upper disk and anticlockwise for the lower disk.

If the south pole is pointing backward, the generated current will flow anticlockwise for the upper disk and clockwise for the lower disk.

⦁ Light coming from a fish makes an incidence angle of 30° to normal under the water. The index of refraction of water is 1.33. A fisherman is looking at the fish through air. At what angle with the normal will the fish appear to the fisherman? Use Snell’s law: .



snell's law = sinI /sin r

refractive index = sinI /sin r

1.33= 30 /sinR

sinR= 1.33×30


The angle with the normal by which the fish appear to the fisherman is 41.68 degrees.

What is Snell's law?

According to the Snell's law, the ratio of index of reflection of the different material is equal to the ratio of incident sine angle and reflective sine angle. It can be given as,


Here (n₁ and n₂) are the index and reflective index and (θ₁ and θ₂) are the incident and reflected angle.

Light coming from a fish makes an incidence angle of 30° to normal under the water. The index of refraction of water is 1.33. A fisherman is looking at the fish through air.

The index of refraction of air is 1. Thus, by the Snell's law,


Thus, the angle with the normal by which the fish appear to the fisherman is 41.68 degrees.

Learn more about the Snell's law here;


7. A person sits on a freely spinning lab stool (no friction). When this person extends her arms, A) her moment of inertia decreases and her angular velocity increases. B) her moment of inertia decreases and her angular velocity decreases. C) her moment of inertia increases and her angular velocity increases. D) her moment of inertia increases and her angular velocity decreases. E) her moment of inertia decreases and her angular velocity remains the same


The spinning would slow down. I've done this so many times and I know when you put your arms out you slow down. Half the time thats a good thing because if you go too fast you end up on the floor. I dont know the answer but id say its B or E

Tell me if I'm wrong

If the distance between the first order maximum and the tenth order maximum of a double-slit pattern is 18 mm and the slits are separated by 0.15 mm with the screen 50 cm from the slits, what is the wavelength of the light used



Wavelength of light is 600 nm



Distance between the first order maximum and the tenth order maximum of a double-slit pattern = 18 mm

Separation between the slits = 0.15 mm

Distance of screen from the slits = 50 cm


[tex]= \frac{18*10^{-3} * 0.15 *10^{-3}}{0.50*9} \\= 6 *10^{-7}\\= 600[/tex]nm

While at the county fair, you decide to ride the Ferris wheel. Having eaten too many candy apples and elephant ears, you find the motion somewhat unpleasant. To take your mind off your stomach, you wonder about the motion of the ride. You estimate the radius of the big wheel to be 12 m, and you use your watch to find that each loop around takes 26 s.What is the magnitude of your acceleration



  a = 0.701 m / s²


As the game is spinning the acceleration is centripetal

           a = v² /r

The park system after a small period of acceleration goes at a constant speed, for which we can use the relations of the uniform motion

           v = d / t

the distance of a circle is

           d = 2π r

we substitute

          a = (2π r / t) ² / r

          a = 4 pi² r / t²


let's calculate

          a = 4 pi² 12 / 26²

          a = 0.701 m / s²

When electrons are accelerated by 2450 V in an electron microscope, they will have
wavelengths of:
a) 8.113 nm
b) 0.622 nm
c) 0.811 nm​


The wavelength of the electron microscope is 2.472*10⁻²⁰ m.


Provided, accelerating voltage = 2450 V

According to de Broglie's equation:

λ = h/p

where,λ = the wavelength of the particle that moves

P= momentum of moving particle

h= plank's constant = 6.63 x 10⁻³ Js

We know that,

P = √(2mk)

P = √(2mqV)

where P= momentum of moving particle

M= mass of the moving object

K= kinetic energy of the object

V= Electric potential of the object(accelerating voltage)

q= charge of the object(electron) = e=1.6 x 10⁻¹⁹C

∴λ = h/√(2meV) = [tex]\frac{6,63 *10^{-34} }{2*9.1*10^{-31}*1.6*10^{-19}*2450 }[/tex]

=2.472*10⁻²⁰ m

S0, the wavelength of an electron microscope is 2.472*10⁻²⁰ m. Think it matches option C.

Learn more about the wavelength here:



Pre-video question: What type of cell division produces sperm and





MEIOSIS produces sperm and ova

thank you

I am also reading this chapter

it will come in my exams

Meiosis ? I did this in class too

How does the excretory system work with the circulatory system to help the body regulate itself?



The excretory system is a close partner with both the circulatory and endocrine system. The circulatory system connection is obvious. Blood that circulates through the body passes through one of the two kidneys. Urea, uric acid, and water are removed from the blood and most of the water is put back into the system.


A ball is thrown downward from the top of a building with an initial speed of 25 m/s.
It strikes the ground after 2.0 s. How high is the building?
20 m
30 m
50 m
70 m



h = 69.6 m



Vo = 25 m/st = 2.0 sg = 9.8 m/s²h = ?



Replace and solve:

[tex]\boxed{\bold{h=25\frac{m}{s}*2.0\ s+\frac{9.8\frac{m}{s^{2}}*(2.0\ s)^{2}}{2}}}[/tex][tex]\boxed{\bold{h=50\frac{m}{s^{2}}+\frac{9.8\frac{m}{s^{2}}*4\ s^{2}}{2}}}[/tex][tex]\boxed{\bold{h=50\ m+\frac{39.2\ m}{2}}}[/tex][tex]\boxed{\bold{h=50\ m+19.6\ m}}[/tex][tex]\boxed{\boxed{\bold{h=69.6\ m}}}[/tex]

The building has a height of 69.6 meters.


Does the mass change how a bouncy ball bounces


The more mass an object has, the more kinetic energy it has when dropped, due to gravity. ... If the force of impact is too great for the ball to absorb, it may collapse and lose its bounce as the energy is dissipated in a different manner.


hiii what's up. and good morning hyd

An atom has two more electrons than protons. What is the charge of the atom?



If it has more electrons than protons it has a net negative charge and is known as an anion.

A spring is hung from the ceiling. When a coffee mug is attached to its end, it stretches 2.5 cm before reaching its new equilibrium length. The block is then pulled down slightly and released. What is the frequency of oscillation




In equilibrium , weight of mug is equal to restoring force .

mg = kx where m is mass of mug , k is spring constant and x is extension .

k / m = g / x = 9.8 ms⁻² / .025 m

= 392

frequency of oscillation n = [tex]\frac{1}{2\pi}\sqrt{\frac{k}{m} }[/tex]

[tex]n=\frac{1}{2\pi}\sqrt{392 }[/tex]

= 4.46 per second.

In a stunt, three people jump off a platform and fall 8.5 m onto a large air bag. A fourth person at the other end of the air bag, the "flier," is launched 16 m vertically into the air. Assume all four people have a mass of 74 kg. What is the momentum of the flier just after launch? Let upward be the positive direction.



They Died Period NO MORE

¿Cuál es la frecuencia de rotación en la tierra?



frequency is approximately 11.5 µHz, or more exactly, 11.5740740e-6 Hz


La Tierra gira más y más lento
Movimientos de la Tierra Características
Periodo de rotación sideral 365,256 96 días
Período de rotación (día sideral) 0,997 258 días, o 23,93419 h
Velocidad de rotación (en el ecuador) 1 674,364 km/h
Periodo de precesión 25 765 anos
4 more

The Sun is a star that Earth and the other planets revolve around. The Sun has a large gravitational pull. The gravitational attraction of the Sun contributes most to which of the following?
A) Motion of the planets
B) Magnetic field of the planets
C) Mass and density of the planets
D) Atmosphere of the planets





The sun is an emits energy in the form of light and heat.

The planets absorb this energy which helps keep them in motion. The closer they are to the sun, the more energy, the more speed and less the time it takes a planet to orbit the sun.

The gravitational pull of the Sun contributes motion of the planets because here the gravitational pull of the sun is balanced by the centrifugal force produced by the revolution of planets. The correct option Is A.

What is centrifugal force?

Centrifugal force is the pseudo-force that occurs only in the rotating frame of reference (non-inertial frame). it is directed away from the center. Its magnitude is,

F=[tex]\frac{mv^{2} }{r}[/tex]

where m= mass of the body in kg.

v= velocity f the body in m/s.

r = radius in m.

The star sun has a  gravitational pull that is about 274 m/s²  which is greater than the other planets. Due to this pull the planets tend to pull toward the sun but it does not happen because the pull force is balanced by the centrifugal force that is produced by the revolution of the planets around the sun.

Hence The Sun's gravitational pull contributes to the motion of the planets.

To learn more about Centrifugal force click:



You are working in the finance department of Innotech Ltd (INT). The Company has spent $5 million
in research and development over the past 12 months developing cutting-edge battery technology
which will be incorporated into the electric vehicle market. INT now need to choose between the
following three options for bringing the product to market. These options are:
Option 1: Manufacturing the product “in-house” and selling directly to the market
Option 2: Licensing another company to manufacture and sell the product in return for a royalty
Option 3: Sell the patent rights outright to the company mentioned in option 2
Your task
Your manager, INT’s CFO, Mr Barry Smith, has asked you to evaluate the three different options and
draft a memo to the Board of Directors providing recommendations on the alternatives, along with
supporting analyses.
Mr Smith has outlined the following three (3) areas you need to cover in your memo:
a) Analyse base case figures for the three options and using NPV as the investment decision
b) Provide recommendations based on the base-case analyses;
c) Provide recommendations on further analyses and discuss factors that should be considered
prior to making a final decision on the three options (Note. You do NOT have to undertake
any further financial analyses).
Further details for the various options are as follows:
Option 1: Manufacturing the product “in-house” and selling directly to the market
Three months ago, INT paid an external consultant $1.5 million for a production plan and demand
analysis. The consultant recommended producing and selling the product for five years only as
technological innovation will likely render the market too competitive to be profitable enough after
that time. Sales of the product are estimated as follows:
In the first year, it is estimated that the product will be sold for $45,000 per unit. However, the price
will drop in the following three years to $40,000 per unit and fall again to $36,000 per unit in the
final year of the project, reflecting the effects of anticipated competition and improving technology
Year Estimated sales volume
1 5,200
2 4,600
3 4,200
4 3,800
5 3,600
In the first year, it is estimated that the product will be sold for $45,000 per unit. However, the price
will drop in the following three years to $40,000 per unit and fall again to $36,000 per unit in the
final year of the project, reflecting the effects of anticipated competition and improving technology
in the market. Variable production costs are estimated to be $29,000 per unit for the entire life of the
Fixed production costs (excluding depreciation) are predicted to be $3 million per year and marketing
costs will be $1.6 million per year.
Production will take place in factory space the company owns and currently rents to another business for $2.5 million per year. Equipment costing $87 million will have to be purchased. This
equipment will be depreciated for tax purposes using the prime cost method at a rate of 10% per
annum. At the end of the project, the company expects to be able to sell the equipment for $37
Investment in net working capital will also be required. It is estimated that accounts receivable will
be 30% of sales, while inventory and accounts payable will each be 25% of variable and fixed
production costs (excluding depreciation). This investment is required from the beginning of the
project because credit sales, inventory stocks and purchases on trade credit will begin building up
immediately. All accounts receivable will be collected, suppliers paid and inventories sold by the end
of the project, thus the investment in net working capital will be returned at that point. (Refer to
spreadsheet example provided in Assessment Details).
Option 2: Licensing another company to manufacture and sell the product in return for a royalty
Lion Batteries Ltd (LIB), a multinational corporation, has expressed an interest in manufacturing and
marketing the pro


Answer: The Company has spent $5 million in research and development over the past 12 months developing cutting-edge battery technology which will be incorporated ...

Explanation: uhmmmmmm i dont know this one but it is pretty ez

Stars that are not very hot but give off a lot of light are
O nebula
O main sequence stars
O giants
O dwarfs


[tex]\huge{\textbf{\textsf{{\color{navy}{An}}{\purple{sw}}{\pink{er}} {\color{pink}{:}}}}}[/tex]


thankshope it helps.


giants are those stars that are not so hot but give a lot of light

Help me please please help



The answer is C.


If you have ever tried doing so, hair stick to the ballon. Opposites attract as well, so the answer is C.

Other Questions
The plank you are going to walk has a length of 8.76 m and a mass of 16.35 kg. The plank is not bolted down but is to be placed so that 3.17 m of the plank are actually in contact with the boat. The rest of the board overhangs the jelly fish infested waters. You have a mass of 60.3 kg. What is the minimum mass you must put on the end of the board that is still on the ship so that you can successfully walk to the end of the plank without have the board rotate you into the water Jill Kingman pays a $419.00 premium annually. This represents 35% of the total premium. The rest of the premium is paid by her employer.Use a thousands comma where applicable.1. the company's percentage %2. the total premium $ 3. the company's payment $ which two forms of rhetoric are used in the example? what should happen to people who don't respect the rights of children Which sentence below contains an incorrect verb form ? ASAP-WILL MARK BRIANIST I need help starting this essay Othello: Critical Perspective EssayOthello Analysis Essay: Applying a Critical Perspective Directions: In a five paragraph essay, analyze Othello from three of the perspectives: Historical, Feminist, Cultural.You will provide two quotes in each body paragraph and an outside source for at least one paragraph. Outside sources can consist of The Moor in English Renaissance Drama (p.215 in Springboard) for the Historical Perspective; Legally Blonde for the Feminist Perspective; and/or an online source on Elizabethan marriage for Cultural Perspective.You must conform spacing, font, margins, and parenthetical notation for outside sources to MLA standards (see "Pages").You need to provide a Works Cited page. An A paper will have at least two outside sources in addition to Othello.When you cite quotes, it is in the traditional format (I.ii.78 or 1.2.78 [Act, Scene, Line]).Intro: Provide a hook and a synopsis of the play. The last sentence will be your thesis which will be something like.Othello can be analyzed through the lenses of _____, _____, and _____ perspectives.Body Paragraph 1Introduce the first assertion with something like this:Historical criticism, when analyzing the exotic nature of Othello, clearly reveals the audiences ignorance of other cultures. * This is where you introduce the topics of The Moor in Renaissance Drama. Find a quote which demonstrates the aspects of the historical perspective.* You will then introduce textual evidence illustrating aspects of the historical perspective in the play. For example, you could show Brabantios ignorance and prejudice, lead in with a quote, and then comment on it. Think about his accusations of witchcraft. There are other possibilities as well, such as Iago's use of derogatory epithets.Body Paragraph 2Your second assertion could read something like this:Feminist criticism lends insight to the reader as women struggle to live in a world dominated by men. * How do the genders react to one another? What are the perceptions of the genders and who voices them?* You can talk about Legally Blonde and comment about whether attitudes have changed and, if so, how much?Body Paragraph 3Your third assertion could read something like this:Cultural criticism sharpens the understanding about the severity of Brabantios response to Desdemona marrying Othello without his clear permission. You could use an outside source about Elizabethan marriage if you wish for an outside source.Conclusion:The conclusion is an important part of the essay because it is the opportunity for the writer to leave the audience with final thoughts. Make a generality about the importance of analyzing literature through different lenses and leave us with a statement of theme. You could also come back to how you opened the essay, bringing unity to the paper. Suppose chocolate costs $17.60 per kilogram. Karega buys 25 grams of chocolate and Samadhi buys 100 grams of chocolate.How much more did Samadhi pay for her chocolate?0.441.322.202.64 SynonymsHelpHelpHelp What is the value of the expression below when z = 2?5z^2+3z+7 HELP! PLEASEEEEEIMAGE BELOW! Farmers that owned their farming equipment, agreed to work a landowner's property, and provide a landowner with a portion of the crop were .... A Tenant Farmers B Slaves Freedman's Bureau Sharecroppers Hola buenos das, hoy no estar en clase, os dejo como tarea buscar en internet 6 fotos y modelados creados por el viento. Adems tenis que daros cuenta de las caractersticas de los relieves creados por el viento, os pongo algunas preguntas para que las respondis.Para todo ello os adjunto una tarea. Please help with 17 and 18 How Is The Trail Of Tears Connected To Manifest Destiny? Why are members of the Kingdom Plantae important to members of other kingdoms? 5 times the sum of 24 and 7 Can someone pleaseeee help and if youre correct ill give brainliest N (populaticT (time)Which best explains what occurred at point X on the curve?A. The birth rate was equal to the death rate.B. The death rate was greater than the birth rate.C.The rate of emigration was equal to the birth rate.D. The rate of immigration was greater than the death rate. At the age of 13, what does Juliet think of marriage.