A human resource staff member was asked to create a job description.
Which of the following steps should be included in the process?
A. Interview customers served by the employee in the job
B. Conduct a job analysis
C. Suggest changes to the management structure
D. Evaluate the employee in the job

Answer: B. Conduct a job analysis.


Answer 1

A staff member of the human resources team was asked to create a job description. The step that should be included in the process is to perform a job analysis. Option B is correct.

What is the job description?

It corresponds to the process of analyzing, developing and documenting the tasks and responsibilities of each work function in an organization, so that there is more control and structuring of the company's positions.

Therefore, the job description must be made by the human resources department, through the job analysis stage, which aims to identify what the work needs are and the reassessments of each job, so that the job description is aligned with the needs and company objectives.

Find out more about job analysis on:



Related Questions

Which of the following represents a benefit of the United States government's laissez-faire
policies toward business during the late 1800s?
A Strong government regulation spurred the rise of entrepreneurship.
B Minimal government regulation encouraged investment and growth.
C Strong government regulation increased wages for unskilled workers.
D Minimal government regulation encouraged Congress to ban protective tariffs.
Per Capita Income in the South, 1860 and 1880


American entrepreneurs were allowed to invest in their firms with little intervention from the government. Thus, the correct answer is Strong government regulation spurred the rise of entrepreneurship.

What is the fundamental meaning of entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship is the process of creating or obtaining economic value. Entrepreneurship usually includes more risk than is typical when beginning a firm, and it may contain values other than monetary ones. An entrepreneur is someone who starts and/or invests in one or more enterprises, taking on the bulk of the risks and reaping the majority of the gains. Entrepreneurship is the process of starting a company. Entrepreneurs are normally regarded as pioneers, bringing new ideas, goods, and services to the marketplace.

To learn more about entrepreneurship, click



evaluate the reign of elizabeth the first on your prespective !!


During the long reign (1558–1603) of Elizabeth I, England emerged as a world power and her presence helped unify the country against foreign enemies. Her reign is often defined in terms of her skillful diplomacy, her action on religious matters, and the defeat of the Spanish Armada, Her reign also saw a brilliant flourishing in the arts.


art is carved in stone, including giant stone heads



beautifully carved stone heads around the world are geographic and historical landmarks any traveler must see on their itinerary.


or  if thats what your looking for:)

Why did Spain not give cuba independence when Spain had control over cuba?



Philippine Islands revolted against Spain. The Cubans gained independence, but the Filipinos did not. In both instances the intervention of the United States was the culminating event.

In 1895 the Cuban patriot and revolutionary, José Martí, resumed the Cuban struggle for freedom that had failed during the Ten Years' War (1868-1878). Cuban juntas provided leadership and funds for the military operations conducted in Cuba. Spain possessed superior numbers of troops, forcing the Cuban generals Máximo Gómez and Antonio Maceo, to wage guerrilla warfare in the hope of exhausting the enemy. Operations began in southeastern Cuba but soon spread westward. The Spanish Conservative Party, led by Antonio Cánovas y Castillo, vowed to suppress the insurrectos, but failed to do so.

The Cuban cause gained increasing support in the United States, leading President Grover Cleveland to press for a settlement, but instead Spain sent General Valeriano Weyler to pacify Cuba. His stern methods, including reconcentration of the civilian population to deny the guerrillas support in the countryside, strengthened U.S. sympathy for the Cubans. President William McKinley then increased pressure on Spain to end the affair, dispatching a new minister to Spain for this purpose. At this juncture an anarchist assassinated Cánovas, and his successor, the leader of the Liberal Party Práxedes Mateo Sagasta, decided to make a grant of autonomy to Cuba and Puerto Rico. The Cuban leadership resisted this measure, convinced that continued armed resistance would lead to independence.

please mark as brainliest

Read the excerpt from Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard.

ROS () Eighty-five in a row. Tails?

GUIL Yes! What would you think?

ROS (doubtfully) Well. . . . (Jocularly.) Well, I’d have a good look at your coins for a start!

GUIL (retiring) I’m relieved. At least we can still count on self-interest as a predictable factor. . . . I suppose it’s the last to go. Your capacity for trust made me wonder if perhaps . . . you, alone . . . (He turns on him suddenly, reaches out a hand.) Touch.

Ros clasps his hand. Guil pulls him up to him.

GUIL (more intensely) We have been spinning coins together since—(He releases him almost as violently.) This is not the first time we have spun coins!

Which statement best describes how Guildenstern’s perspective about Rosencrantz develops?

He begins to question Rosencrantz’s character.
He becomes more patient with Rosencrantz.
He becomes more hurt by how Rosencrantz treats him.
He begins to see things from Rosencrantz’s point of view.


The statement which best describes how Guildenstern’s perspective about Rosencrantz develops is A. He begins to question Rosencrantz’s character.

What happens in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead ?

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are seen spinning coins at the beginning of the play in an unclear setting. The winner puts the coin in his sack because it is called "heads" or "tails" on the coin. Over seventy-six times in a row, the coin has come up heads, and Rosencrantz has won each time.

The more reflective and inquisitive of the two, Guildenstern, is not upset by his defeat but rather tries to mask his dismay at how unlikely the circumstances are. Rosencrantz merely thinks he has broken a record and is not alarmed by the happenings.

From the excerpt, we see that Guildenstern begins to question the character of Rosencrantz such as his self - interest and his trusting nature.

Find out more on  Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead at https://brainly.com/question/28925652


Please HELP Me !! History




-Ratification of the Violence Against Women Act

-The introduction of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act

-The passage of the Family and Medical Leave Act

-The introduction of the Equal Rights Amendment

-The repeal of the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy


-The passing of the UN Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women

-The passing of the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

-The passing of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act

-The introduction of the Gender Identity Non-Discrimination Act


-The introduction of the Equality Act

-The introduction of the Paycheck Fairness Act

-The passing of the Affordable Care Act

-The introduction of the Equality Act of 2020

Activists called for:

-Equal pay for equal work

-An end to gender-based discrimination

-Protection against sexual harassment and violence

-Access to reproductive healthcare

-Access to affordable childcare

-Equal rights for LGBTQ+ individuals

-An end to gender stereotypes and gender roles

Will mark brainliest


According to the information, the eras would match the following descriptions: Early middle age - Geocentric world view..., Classical era - Uniform state religion..., Enlightenment - New heliocentric world view..., Resainasence - Use of logic...

How to identify the right match?

To identify the appropriate match we must seek additional information on the characteristics of each of the eras mentioned. In this case we must take into account the different characteristics regarding knowledge, the use of logic, religion, and individual rights. Once we have carried out the analysis and the complementary search. We can infer that the match between the terms and the characteristics is:

Early middle age - Geocentric world view; focus on eternity, acceptance of church authority.Classical era - Uniform state religion; rapid development and expansion; focus on balance and harmony.Enlightenment - New heliocentric world view; importance of individual; questioning attitude.Renaissance - Use of logic; religious tolerance; individual rights defined.

Learn more about renaissance in: https://brainly.com/question/17646820


Hudson River School painters saw the untouched, wild American interior as the source of inspiration for a movement of in the American people.

OA. exploration
OB. discovery
O C. settlement
OD. spirituality


Answer: a


they had to find places

Hudson River School painters saw the untouched, wild American interior as the source of inspiration for a movement of in the American people is A. exploration.

What was the Exploration?

Exploration can be described as the historical practice which involves the discovering remote lands this is  studied by geographers and historians.

However the major eras of exploration occurred in human history which is the convergence, and one of divergence, hence with respoect to the Hudson River School painters they were able to see the  untouched, wild American interior as the source of inspiration for a movement which was an exploration.

0Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about exploration. at:



which of the following developments occurred during the 1852 presidential campaign? whigs renominated millard fillmore because of his vigorous enforcement of the fugitive slave act and support of popular sovereignty. the american party nominated former president and ardent expansionist john tyler for the presidency. northern and southern whigs resolved their differences over the compromise of 1850 and supported their nominee, winfield scott. democrats nominated franklin pierce as a compromise candidate because he was a congenial man with southern sympathies.


Franklin Pierce was the compromise candidate the Democrats nominated because he was a charming individual with affinity for the South.

The first presidential election occurred when?

Under the newly passed Constitution, it was held from Monday, December 15, 1788, through Saturday, January 10, 1789. John Adams was chosen as the first vice president, and George Washington was unanimously voted to serve the first of his two terms as president.

Why is a campaign crucial?

Social change is fueled by campaigning. It not only raises awareness of your problem but also encourages people to speak out and take action in favor of change. You have a possibility for long-lasting change once you reach critical mass in support of your cause.

To know more about presidential campaign visit:



one obstacle issac newton had to overcome to achieve success​



1) The experience of being abandoned by his mother scarred Newton and likely played a role in shaping his solitary, untrusting nature

2) Newton's biography is a catalog of the symptoms of bipolar (or manic depressive) disorder, an illness he suffered from most of his life.


u can pick one

hope it helps

Which aspect of the image BEST indicates the work for which certain groups revered Brown?

his ignoring the harsh soldier in the foreground

his stern and calm demeanor in the face of slavery

his neutrality when faced with two opposing forces

his apparent kindness to the African American woman and child


His apparent kindness to the African American woman and child indicates the work for which certain groups revered Brown. The correct option is D.

Why was Brown so important to the civil right movement?

There is still much work to be done, and the Brown ruling did not instantly change the nation. However, eliminating segregation in the country's public schools served as a significant catalyst for the civil rights movement and made advancements in the desegregation of housing, public places, and institutions of higher learning possible.

The decision in Brown v. Board of Education by the U.S. Supreme Court marked a turning point in American history regarding racial relations. On May 17, 1954, the Supreme Court eliminated the legal protections against racial segregation and established equal opportunity in education as the rule of the land.

Thus, the ideal selection is option D.

Learn more about the civil right movement here:



A central theme of transcendentalism is civil disobedience, or:

A. the idea that people of any race, gender, or physical or mental infirmity, could succeed with hard work and integrity.

OB. the idea that if a law were unfair or took away people's rights then people should refuse to obey it as a means of protesting the law.

OC. the idea that every human being is born with a unique
characteristic that allows for goal achievement, and personal

D. the idea that parks and preserves should be created because nature was important to people's spiritual well-being.


A central theme of transcendentalism is civil disobedience, the idea that if a law were unfair or took away people's rights then people should refuse to obey it as a means of protesting the law. Thus option B is correct.

What is a Theme?

The theme of a story highlights the storyline on which the story is based. These theme helps to determine the plot of the story as well as the events that are going to take place.

The principles of transcendentalism claimed that people are morally upstanding by nature, but they can become corrupted by institutions and society.

It holds the opinion that organized religion and political parties, in particular, corrupt society and its institutions' dedication to upholding individual purity.

Therefore, option B is appropriate.

Learn more about Theme, here:



How did the railroads help farmers on the great plain in late 1800s


Answer:Railroads helped farmers by shipping crops to new markets


Railroads helped farmers by shipping crops to new markets but hurt farmers by charging high shipping rates. the railroad industry. In the system of sharecropping in the late 1800s, farmers rented land from landowners in return for a share of the crops.

What was an important stop for water and shade while traveling through Arabia ?


Answer:-Most of the Arabian Peninsula is harsh hot desert, except for the cooler areas along the southern coast, and the western mountain regions. Here there are few lakes or permanent rivers. Most of the area is unsuited for agriculture, and in ancient times people lived at an oasis or in one of the small commercial centers.

The Bedouins found the answer to their problems in a four legged animal that carry great cargo, walk for miles and travel for days without refuelling - the camel. The Arabian camel or dromedary is the ultimate desert transport and has been a fixture in the desert since time immemorial.

Archaeologists have drawn attention to the value of material culture in documenting Byzantine and early Islamic trade networks. The Red Sea, for instance, has emerged as an important corridor for long-distance trade between the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean.                                                  The inhabitants of Nabataean cities such as Petra (Jordan) and Meda'in Saleh (Saudi Arabia) constructed extensive hydraulic systems of dams, canals, conduits, pipes, and cisterns to provide water for domestic consumption, gardens, and fields   Nomads lived in tents and raised herds of sheep, goats, and camels. The animals provided milk, meat, wool, and leather. The camels also carried heavy loads. Nomads traveled with their herds across the desert in search of food and water for their animals.


Write two paragraphs that argue for the theme you believe is most important today. In your argument, include personal reflection on current events and how modern ideas and concepts relate to the themes of the Declaration of Independence.



One of the most important themes in the world today is the idea of equality and the pursuit of justice. In recent years, we have seen a widespread movement for equality and justice in many different forms, from the Black Lives Matter movement to the push for LGBTQ+ rights and the fight against discrimination based on race, gender, and other factors. These movements have brought to the fore the importance of ensuring that all individuals are treated equally and with dignity, regardless of their background or identity.

In the context of the Declaration of Independence, this theme is closely related to the concept of inalienable rights, which holds that all individuals are entitled to certain fundamental rights that cannot be taken away by any government or authority. This idea is reflected in the famous phrase "all men are created equal" in the Declaration, which emphasizes the inherent equality of all individuals and their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

As a society, we still have a long way to go in achieving true equality and justice for all. But by recognizing the importance of these ideals and working towards their realization, we can create a more fair and equitable world for ourselves and future generations.

the most famous great awakening revivalist minister was: group of answer choices cotton mather. john peter zenger. john locke. george whitefield.


The maximum well-known incredible awakening revivalist minister was: george whitefield.

The required details about revivalist is mentioned in below paragraph.

A revivalist is someone who holds, promotes, or presides over non secular revivals. A secondary definition for revivalist is someone who revives customs, institutions, or ideas. The definition has come to be extra strong in current decades, and has been revised and tailored through American Charismatic and Pentecostal Christians to be a person who “acknowledges that God’s occur presence transforms lives and cultures.” A revivalist also can encompass a person that both presides over, or actively pursues, a non secular re-awakening or recovery to religious ideas, orthodoxy, non secular or private experiences, and/or communal pursuit of divine occurrences.

To learn about revivalist  visit here.



What did the Proposition 187, approved by Californian voters in 1994, intend?

to deny access to welfare and education to undocumented immigrants

to give illegal immigrants the possibility to become U.S. citizens

to build a wall in hopes of preventing illegal immigration

to organize raids and other activities aimed at deporting all illegals

to give undocumented immigrants a chance to vote



denied illegal immigrants and their children access to welfare and education.


Proposition 187, was approved by Californian voters on November 9, 1994. This anti-immigrant ballot measure barred unauthorized immigrants from using state services like public healthcare and education. The proposition also instructed medical and educational personnel to notify the Immigration or the Attorney General about any individuals suspected of being undocumented. Many claimed that Proposition 187 would single out and profile people who had certain physical characteristics considered to be foreign due to the lack of guidelines on how to recognize if someone was undocumented.

Proposition 187, which encouraged many Californians to see undocumented immigrants as the problem, was adopted during a volatile time of economic hardship.

Ancient Egyptian stone funerary figures, such as King Menkaure, were carved to bear the spirit of the deceased into the eternity of the afterlife, known as theSelect one:a. kourosb. ka c. santerosd. Osiris.


The statue of Menkaura and Queen, one of humankind's artistic masterpieces, was being seen for the first time by the modern era. The two characters are side by side and are looking into the abyss. He stands for the pinnacle of royalty and the ideal of the male.

What did the Egyptians of antiquity think happens after death?

The ancient Egyptians had the idea that once they passed away, their spiritual bodies would live on in an afterlife that was quite similar to the physical one. But admission to this afterlife was not assured. Before being allowed entry, the deceased had to navigate a perilous voyage through the underworld and stand before the last judgement.

To know more about Ancient Egyptian stone  click on the link below:



What was the purpose of the Office of Minority Business Enterprise?

to grant money to immigrants as they settled in

to promote gay rights

to promote entrepreneurial activities

to fund black capitalist initiatives

to fund initiatives led by women



to promote entrepreneurial activities

One major difference between the Greek city-states of Athens and Sparta was
that Sparta:
OA. made military service voluntary.
OB. offered more rights to women.
OC. outlawed the slave trade.
OD. allowed all adult men to vote.


Sparta concentrated on the military while Athens concentrated on citizenship. The correct answer is option (A).

What is difference between Athens and Sparta?

As their troops were significantly more powerful than Athens', Sparta had a military edge on the continent. However, Athens possessed a much stronger fleet, which further increased their advantage at sea. Throughout this conflict, there were primarily two fighting phases that were separated by a six-year cease-fire. Because of their formidable and protective army, girls obtained some education, and women had greater freedom than in other poleis, Sparta is significantly superior than Athens.

While Sparta had a decentralized government, Athens had a centralized one. All eligible inhabitants in Athens were allowed to vote in the city's governing body since it was a "limited democracy." At this time, only adult male citizens could cast ballots.

To know more about Athens and Sparta, visit:






what resulted from the public's awareness in boss tweed corruption?


Answer: William Magear “Boss” Tweed was the son of a furniture maker. From an early age, Tweed discovered he had a knack for politics, with his imposing figure and charisma. He soon began serving in local New York City political offices and was elected alderman for the Seventh Ward, joining the so-called 40 thieves who represented the city wards. He served a frustrating term in Congress during the sectional tensions of the 1850s and then happily returned to local politics, where he believed the action was. He quickly became one of the leading politicians in New York City, and one of the most corrupt.

the 1974 juvenile justice and delinquency prevention act requires that any state who accepts federal funds through the act must .


The 1974 juvenile justice and delinquency prevention act requires that any state who accepts federal funds through the act for their juvenile justice systems must agree to separate juvenile prisoners from adult prisoners by​ "sight and​ sound" and to​ deinstitutionalize status offenders.

What is a juvenile justice system?

The juvenile justice system means the primary system used to handle minors who are convicted of criminal offenses. It is composed of a federal and separate state, territorial, and local jurisdictions, with states and the federal government sharing sovereign police power under the common authority of the United States Constitution.

This justice system intervenes in delinquent behavior through the police, court, and correctional involvement with the goal of rehabilitation. In conclusion, the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Act of 1974 prohibits the placement of status offenders in secure detention facilities and required that states removed all juveniles from adult jails and lockups, because they can be victimized by other inmates and staff, and subject to abuse.

Read more about juvenile justice



during the civil war, union soldiers treated white southerners according to the laws of the war. they showed the same respect to native americans in the indian wars of the 1870s.


During the Civil War, the White Southerners in the society had displayed the same respect to the Native Americans in the American society during the Indian Wars of the 1870s. Therefore, the option D holds true.

The Civil War is highly remembered and historically revered among the most influential events in the American history, which took place during the mid-nineteenth century. At the time of the Civil War, the White Southerners had shown a sense of respect to the Native Americans, as they had during the Indian Wars of the 1870s.

Learn more about the Civil War here:



Complete question

During the civil war, union soldiers treated white southerners according to the laws of the war. Group of answer choices.

A) negotiating with all tribes to achieve a single, unified treaty. B) negotiating with each tribe separately. C) forcing the reservation of the Native Americans. D)they showed the same respect to Native Americans in the Indian wars of the 1870s.

Question 30 (3 points)
(Policy and Elections 03.06 MC)
Voter Tournout Rates in Presidential Elections Among 18-29-Year-Old
Citizens, by Race and Ethnicity
©2012 FLVS
O a
According to this graph, voter turnout is highest among 18-to 29-year-olds who report their race and ethnicity as (3 points)
2004 2000


The voter turnout is highest among 18-to 29-year-olds report their race and ethnicity was White. The correct option is (D).

What do you mean by the voter turnout?

The percentage of eligible voters who actually cast ballots is known as turnout.

New election rules, the nature of the election (e.g., presidential or midterm), and the level of competition in the race are only a few of the numerous variables that affect voter turnout. the total number of voters in a jurisdiction that are of voting age (18 years of age or older).

The quantity or proportion of eligible voters who cast ballots is known as voter turnout. A high turnout demonstrates the democracy's health, whereas a low turnout reflects voter apathy and mistrust of the political system.

Therefore, the voter turnout is highest among 18-to 29-year-olds report their race and ethnicity was White.

To know more about the voter turnout, visit:



Why might recent events have led to many African Americans working for ranchers?
A. During the Civil War, many African Americans went west to work on
B. After the end of slavery, African Americans could move and find new work.

C. In the 1850s, many free African Americans from the north became

D. During Reconstruction, African American politicians promoted ranching.


In the 1850s, many free African Americans from the north became


Hence, option A is correct.

Explain in detail.

African Americans started migrating north and west in significant numbers in the 1870s, motivated in part by economic worries and in part by disgust with the dire social conditions in the South. African Americans moved to the Northeast and the Midwest twice as often in the 1890s as they had in the previous decade.Following the Civil War, several thousand African Americans moved west alongside a sizable emigration of Europeans, primarily to escape the racism and violence of the Old South and to seek out new economic opportunities.

To know more about African Americans here



What country did the U.S. want to take


Ngl like all of them

Put the following events in order:

Stamp Act,
Boston Massacre,
Treaty of Paris,
Boston Tea Party,
Townshend Acts,
Declaration of Independence,
Pontiac's Rebellion,
Lexington and Concord,
Proclamation Line of 1763,
Navigation Acts


navigation acts
pontiac’s rebellion
treaty of paris
proclamation of 1763
stamp act
townshend acts
boston massacre
boston tea party
lexington and concord
declaration of independence

studying history check ur understanding




historiography- the writing of history and how it changes over time.dendrochronology- the use of tree rings to establish an absolute date of an object.geography- The scientific study of the features and processes of the Earth.Archaeologist- the study of human history bias- the tendency to do something another way.

1. According to Esherick, why did the Boxer Rebellion become such a famous historical a event?



Esherick saw the Boxer Rebellion as part of the mass nationalist movement that was sweeping the globe. People were coming together and seeing themselves


Q1. Identify the short-term and long-term causes for the revolt of 1857. [10 m]


The causes for the revolt of 1857 was the introduction of greased cartridges, which was seen as an insult to Hindu and Muslim soldiers.

What was the revolt of 1857?

The revolt of 1857 marked the formal start of the battle for independence from British colonial domination.

The revolt began when Sepoy refused to use new rifle cartridges that were supposed to be lubricated with a combination of pig and cow tallow and hence spiritually filthy for Muslims and Hindus.

The passage of the Government of India Act, 1858, which dissolved the control of the British East India Company and marked the commencement of the British Raj, bestowing powers in the hands of the British government to administer India directly via representatives, had the greatest influence.

Learn more about revolt here:



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If a polynomial function, f(x), with rational coefficients has roots 0, 4, and , what must also be a root of f(x)?. A pinball i launch at (ma=0. 1kg )to launched at 12. 6 m/. People compre the pinball machine pring by 0. 2m to reach thie initial velocity for the pinball. Which type if pring do you chooe to mot cloely reach the targeted launch peed of 12. 6m/? Jenny had heard it all from her sister, Dora, a psychology major in college. "Do you know people always expect others to do the right thing?" Dora once asked. "I meannot even when they could easily help someone." "I won't do that," Jenny had replied then, brushing off Dora's piece of information. "You always try to scare me!" She would still disregard Dora's theory, but now she had witnessed something that helped change her mind. That morning, she had just gotten out of the car and was walking toward the classroom building. It was the summer that Texas saw a lot of rain. Jenny was trying to balance the umbrella, her iPod, and her lunchbox when she slipped and fell. Down went the iPod into a puddle and out came the books from her backpack. Just when she thought the mess could not get worse, the heels of her shoes broke while the umbrella blew away with the wind. That was when Jenny realized she was going to be late to class. Others who were also running late swiftly walked passed by without noticing her ordeal. Nobody even paused. "Wish at least one of you were a Good Samaritan," Jenny exclaimed with a sigh. That was when she saw a little pair of little hands lifting her belongings from the mud.What is the best reason the author refers to the Good Samaritan in this passage? A. Nobody helps Jenny unselfishly. B. Jenny lacks faith in science. C. Jenny learns the truth the hard way. D. Dora thinks people are selfless. The paris agreement intends to direct money toward limiting climate change and lowering greenhouse gas levels. Which groups are likely to benefit from the paris agreement? select the two correct responses. The Minnesota legislature passed a law requiring that employers allow each employee adequate time within four consecutive hours of work to utilize the nearest convenient restroom. This law is:A) an executive orderB) an ordinanceC) a statuteD) a stare decisis Which event accounts for the probability that a particular allele will be packaged in a given gamete?Ajoining of a sperm and egg cellrandom chromosome segregationBCDmitotic cell divisionprotein synthesis