A company finds that there is a linear relationship between the amount of money that it spends on advertising and the number of units it sells. If it spends no money on advertising it sells 350 units. For each additional $3000 spent, an additional 15 units are sold.
A) If x is the amount of money that the company spends on advertising, find a formula for y, the number of units sold as a function of x.
B) How many units does the firm sell if it spends $25,000 on advertising?
C) How many units does the firm sell if it spends $50,000 on advertising?
D) How much advertising money must be spent to sell 700 units?
E) Which of the following statements correctly explains the meaning of the slope?
1. If the company spends an additional $1000 on advertising, it will increases the number of units it sells by 10.
2. In order to sell one more unit, the company would need to increase the amount it spends on advertising by $100.
3. If the company spends an additional $0.01 on advertising, it will sell one more additional unit.
4. If the company increases the amount of money it spends on advertising by $300, it will double the number of units it sells.
5. None of the above.


Answer 1


A. y = 0.005x + 350

B. 475 units

C. 600 units

D. $70,000

E. None of the above



If the company spend $3,000 on advertisement then it can sell 15 additional units. Total the company can sell 350 units without any advertisement. Then assuming linear relationship the equation will be:

y = 15 /3000 x + 350

y = 1 / 200 x + 350

y = 0.005x + 350

B) y = 0.005 (25,000) + 350

y = 475

C) y = 0.005 (50,000) + 350

y = 600

D) $3,000 / 15 units = $200 per unit

Since 350 units are sold without any cost then additional 350 units will be sold by,

350 units * 200 $ = $70,000

Related Questions

Doe, Inc. purchased a bulldozer at a cost of $300,000. The bulldozer has an estimated residual value of $20,000 and an estimated life of 10 years, or 15,000 hours of operation. The bulldozer was purchased on January 1, 2020 and was used 500 hours in 2020 and 3,000 hours in 2021. What method of depreciation will produce the maximum depreciation expense in 2021





the unit of production method


Straight line depreciation expense = (Cost of asset - Salvage value) / useful life

($300,000 - $20,000) / 10 = $28,000

Depreciation expense using the double declining method = Depreciation factor x cost of the asset

Depreciation factor = 2 x (1/useful life)  

Depreciation in 2021 = 2/10 x $300,000 = $60,000

Book value in 2022 = $240,000

Depreciation in 2022 = 48,000

Unit of production = number of hours in 2022 / total number of hours) x (cost of asset -- savlage value)

The following information is available for Bonita Industries: Allowance for doubtful accounts at December 31, 2019 $23500 Credit sales during 2020 1280000 Accounts receivable deemed worthless and written off during 2020 28900 As a result of a review and aging of accounts receivable in early January 2021, it has been determined that an allowance for doubtful accounts of $16700 is needed at December 31, 2020. What amount should Bonita record as "bad debt expense" for the year ended December 31, 2020?





With regards to the above, the calculation for bad debt expense is is given as;

= Bad debt expense balance required + bad debt written off from accounts receivables - Existing bad debt allowance balance

= $16,700 + $28,900 - $23,500

= $22,100

Therefore, bad debt expense for the year ended December 31, 2020 is $22,100

Suppose that the U.S. government decides to charge wine consumers a tax. Before the tax, 35 billion bottles of wine were sold every year at a price of $7 per bottle. After the tax, 29 billion bottles of wine are sold every year; consumers pay $8 per bottle (including the tax), and producers receive $4 per bottle. The amount of the tax on a bottle of wine is $1 per bottle. Of this amount, the burden that falls on consumers is $ per bottle, and the burden that falls on producers is $ per bottle. True or False: The effect of the tax on the quantity sold would have been smaller if the tax had been levied on producers.



1. The amount of tax on a bottle of wine is $4.

2. The tax burden on consumers is $1.

3. The tax burden on producers is $3.

4. The effect on the tax on the quantity sold would have been smaller if the tax had been levied on producers.



a) Data and Calculations:

Before the tax, the number of bottles of wine sold every year at $7 per bottle = 35 billion bottles

After the tax, the number of bottles of wine sold every year at $8 per bottle = 29 billion bottles

Therefore, there is a reduction of 6 billion bottles as a result of the increased price of $1 per bottle (from $7 to $8).

The price received by producers = $4 per bottle

Therefore, there is a total tax of $4 ($8 - $4)

Consumers bear $1 ($8 - $7)

Producers bear $3 ($7 - $4)

The effect of the tax would have still increased the price to $8 or more.  Thus, if the tax had been levied on producers, the quantity of bottles sold would have reduced drastically.

Which aspect of production planning might make use of a Gantt chart?


I think it would be C

QUESTION 1 of 10: Your market share is defined as:
a) The area's demographics

b) The percentage of sales your restaurant will make out of all the sales possible in a particular market

c) The amount of marketing time you can buy on the radio

d) The percentage of restaurants targeting the same customer segment as your restaurant is targeting​



Market share is the percent of total sales in an industry generated by a particular company. Market share is calculated by taking the company's sales over the period and dividing it by the total sales of the industry over the same period.


A multinational engineering consulting firm that wants to provide resort accommodations to special clients is considering the purchase of a three-bedroom lodge in upper Montana that will cost $220,000. The property in that area is rapidly appreciating in value because people anxious to get away from urban developments are bidding up the prices. If the company spends an average of $400 per month for utilities and the investment increases at a rate of 0.75% per month, how long would it be before the company could sell the property for $100,000 more than it has invested in it



59.5 months


initial investment x (1 + appreciation rate)ⁿ = initial investment + $100,000 + ($400 x n)

$220,000 x (1 + 0.75%)ⁿ = $320,000 + $400n

1.0075ⁿ = $320,000/$220,000 + $400n/$220,000

1.0075ⁿ = 1.4545 + 0.001818n

I tried to solve it by trial and error:

50 months:

1.453 ≠ 1.5454

60 months:

1.566 ≈ 1.564 ⇒ Almost

61 months:

1.577 ≠ 1.565

59 months:

1.554 ≈ 1.562 ⇒ Almost

59.5 months:

1.56 = 1.56  

One example of a job benefit is:
a) Salary
b) Uniforms and supplies
c) Health insurance
d) Flexible hours






it would be C) health insurance.

Fusion has already been demonstrated as an energy source, albeit on a limited scale. Engineers hope to transform the scale to provide energy at commercial levels. A loan for development of a niche application has been taken out by an engineering research firm, borrowing $900,000. The loan will be paid back over 5 years with uniform quarterly payments and an interest rate of 10 percent compounded quarterly.
What is the equal quarterly amount to be paid?





The computation of the equal quarterly amount that need to be paid is shown below:

= $900,000 × 2.5% ÷ (1 - 2.5%)^20

= $900,000 × 0.041480855

= $37,332.77

The rate of interest is

= 10% ÷ 4

= 2.5%

And, the time period is

= 5 × 4

= 20 years

You are the manager of a pizzeria that produces at a marginal cost of $6 per pizza. The pizzeria is a local monopoly near campus (there are no other restaurants or food stores within 500 miles). During the day, only students eat at your restaurant. In the evening, while students are studying, 3 faculty members eat there. If students have an elasticity of demand for pizzas of -4 and the faculty has an elasticity of demand of -2, what should your pricing policy be to maximize profits?



since the price elasticity of demand for students is -4, the the price charged to them should be:

price = [-4 / (-4 + 1)] x $6 = (-4 / -3) x $6 = $8

since the price elasticity of demand for faculty is -2, the the price charged to them should be:

price = [-2 / (-2 + 1)] x $6 = (-2 / -1) x $6 = $12

Ralph buys a perpetuity due paying 500 annually. He deposits the payments into a savings account earning interest at an effective annual rate of 10%. Ten years later, before receiving the eleventh payment, Ralph sells the perpetuity based on an effective annual interest rate of 10%. Using the proceeds from the sale plus the money in the savings account, Ralph purchases an annuity due paying X per year for 20 years at an effective annual rate of 10%. Calculate X.



X = 1523


Perpetuity due = (C/r) + C. Where Annual payment C =500, Annual effective interest rate = 10%

Perpetuity due = (500/10%) + 500 = 5500

Value of perpetuity due will remain same after 10 years

Money in saving account can be calculated with FV of an Annuity due formula

FV = C*(1+r) *{(1+r) ^n−1} / r

Where n = 10 years

FV = 500*(1+10%) * {(1+10%)^10 - 1} / 10%

FV = 500*1.10 * [1.10^10 - 1 / 0.10}

FV = 550 * 1.5937424601/0.10

FV = 550 * 15.937424601

FV = 8765.58353055

FV = 8766

Total proceeds = 5500 + 8766 = 14266

Now this proceed is the present value for annual payment of X calculation  . Formula of the present value (PV) of annuity due: PV = X * [1- (1+r) ^-n / r] * (1+r) : Where  PV = 14266, Annuity payment X = ?, Interest rate r = 10%, Period of annuity = 20 years.


PV = X * [1- (1+r)^-n / r] * (1+r)

14266 = X * (1 - (1+10%)^-20 / 10%) * (1+10%)

14266 = X * [1 - 0.14864362802/0.10]*1.10

14266 = X * [8.5135637198*1.10]

14266 = X * 9.3649

X = 14266 / 9.3649

X = 1523.347820051469

X = 1523

a) Why is ethical relativism considered to be self-contradictory?
b) Explain conceptual muddles with an example.​



El relativismo no puede ser contradictorio porque no afirma ni niega nada. La expresión de una actitud moral consiste en valorar la diversidad.


El relativismo no puede ser contradictorio porque no afirma ni niega nada. La expresión de una actitud moral consiste en valorar la diversidad.

define return( rate of return).​



its returning the rate that was given out

i guess i jus gave it a try

Using a 21 percent rate:Compute the deferred tax asset or deferred tax liability (if any) from a transaction resulting in a $31,000 temporary excess of book income over taxable income.Compute the deferred tax asset or deferred tax liability (if any) from a transaction resulting in an $18,400 permanent excess of book income over taxable income.Compute the deferred tax asset or deferred tax liability (if any) from a transaction resulting in a $55,000 temporary excess of taxable income over book income.



A) 21% of $31,000 excess of book income over taxable income = $6,510 deferred tax liability.

B) There is no deferred tax asset or liability from permanent book/tax difference.

C) Deferred tax asset or deferred tax liability from a transaction resulting in a $55,000 temporary excess of taxable income over book income: 21% of $55,000 excess of taxable income over book income = $11,550 deferred tax asset.

A + A =2,A + B =3,A + B × 2 =??..only for geniuses​





A+A = 2

means 1 + 1 = 2

A+B = 3

means 1 + 2 = 3

A + B x 2 = 5

as A = 1

B = 2

We will use bodmas

so first multiply than plus the answer

I hope this helps a little bit.

You have $B in your bank account. You are asked if you would like to participate in a bet in which, if you win, your bank account will become $W. However, if you lose, your bank account will contain only $L. You win the bet with probability pw. How large should pw be to accept the bet? (



Pw = ( B - L ) / ( W-L )


pW  + pL = 1 ------ ( 2 )

Expected value after placing bet = W*pW + L*pL  ------ ( 2 )

pL = ( 1 - pW ) from equation 1

rewrite equation 2

W*pW + L*( 1 - pW ) ------ (3)

The condition to accept bet is ; W*pW + L*( 1 - pW ) > $B

= W*pW + L - LpW > $B  ( factorize )

= ( W - L ) * pW + L > $B

hence the value of Pw = ( B - L ) / ( W-L )

Which of the following social media influencing tactics can be described as getting someone to do or buy something because others are also doing it?
Aspirational buying

Bandwagon appeal





B. bandwagon appeal


define private equity funds economics. ​



Private equity is an alternative investment class and consists of capital that is not listed on a public exchange. Private equity is composed of funds and investors that directly invest in private companies, or that engage in buyouts of public companies, resulting in the delisting of public equity.

in the united states ,dollar bills, , and dimes are representative money



In the United States, dollar bills, nickels, and dimes are Representative money It can be exchanged for a valuable good, was used in systems involved a "gold standard", and can be traded for a commodity such as silver.

Which methods can be used to run a query? Check all that apply.
On the Create tab, in the Queries group, click Run.
In query Design view, on the Design tab, click Run.
Switch to Datasheet view before any other commands.
Close the Show Table dialog box in the Datasheet view.
On the Create tab, in the Queries group, click Create Query.



Option B and C


A query can be run by selecting query option visible through deign view option. After selecting the appropriate option, the query must be run. This shall execute the function for the selected option.  

Like wise in data sheet view, one can see the action query  before running it.  

Hence, option B and C are correct


B) In query Design view, on the Design tab, click Run.

C) Switch to Datasheet view before any other commands.


Taylor owns a boutique and needed to compute her inventory of all the scarves and jackets. She had 35 scarves on the floor and five in the storeroom. She had 15 jackets on the floor and eight more in the storeroom. Sally purchased each scarf for $28 and each jacket for $95.The weighted average unit cost of scarves and jackets being sold is __________.


Answer: $52.46


Total scarves = 35 + 5 = 40

Total jacket = 15 + 8 = 23

Total units = 40 + 23 = 63

Purchase price of scarf = $28

Total scarves = 40

Cost of scarves = 40 × $28 = $1120

Purchase price of jacket = $95

Total jackets = 23

Cost of jackets = 23 × $95 = $2185

Total cost of scarves and jackets = $1120 + $2185 = $3305

Weighted average unit cost:

= Total cost of scarves and jackets / Total units

= $3305 / 63

= $52.46

Michael's Machine Shop reports the following information for the quarter.
Sales price $70
Fixed costs (for the quarter)
Selling and administrative 47,620
Production 142,860
Variable cost (per unit)
Materials 18
Labor 15
Plant supervision 8
Selling and administrative 9
Number of units (for the quarter) 23,810 units
Select the answer for each of the following costs.
a) Variable cost per unit.
b) fixed cost amount
c) breakeven point
d) expected sales



Results are below.


First, we need to calculate the variable cost per unit:

Variable cost per unit= Materials + Labor + Plant supervision + Selling and administrative

Variable cost per unit= 18 + 15 + 8 + 9

Variable cost per unit= $50

Now, the fixed cost:

Fixed costs= Selling and administrative + Production

Fixed costs= 47,620 + 142,860

Fixed costs= $190,480

To calculate the break-even point in units, we need to use the following formula:

Break-even point in units= fixed costs/ contribution margin per unit

Break-even point in units= 190,480 / (70 -50)

Break-even point in units= 9,524

Finally, the expected sales:

expected sales= 23,810*70

expected sales= $1,666,700

Shao Airlines is considering the purchase of two alternative planes. Plane A has an expected life of 5 years, will cost $100 million, and will produce net cash flows of $28 million per year. Plane B has a life of 10 years, will cost $132 million, and will produce net cash flows of $27 million per year. Shao plans to serve the route for only 10 years. Inflation in operating costs, airplane costs, and fares are expected to be zero, and the company's cost of capital is 9%. By how much would the value of the company increase if it accepted the better project (plane)



41.28 million


the net present value of the two alternatives needs to be determined. The appropriate alternative would be the plane with the higher NPV

Net present value is the present value of after-tax cash flows from an investment less the amount invested.  

NPV can be calculated using a financial calculator  

Alternative 1

Cash flow in year 0 = $-100 million

Cash flow each year from year 1 to 5 =  $28 million

I = 9%

NPV = $8.91 million

Alternative 2

Cash flow in year 0 = $-132 million

Cash flow each year from year 1 to 10 =  $27 million

I = 9%

NPV = $41.28 million

The second alternative has the higher NPV and it would increase the value of the company by $41.28 million if accepted

To find the NPV using a financial calculator:

1. Input the cash flow values by pressing the CF button. After inputting the value, press enter and the arrow facing a downward direction.

2. after inputting all the cash flows, press the NPV button, input the value for I, press enter and the arrow facing a downward direction.  

3. Press compute  

Flash City Inc. manufactures small flash drives and is considering raising the price by 75 cents a unit for the coming year. With a 75-cent price increase, demand is expected to fall by 7,000 units. Current Projected Demand 78,000 units 71,000 units Selling price $9.00 $9.75 Incremental cost per unit $6.80 $6.80 Would you recommend the 75-cent price increase



Yes, reason been that operating profits increase


Calculation to determine whether

Incremental analysis you would recommend the 75-cent price

Current Projected

Incremental revenue $702,000 $692,250

(78,000 units*$9.00=$702,000)


Incremental cost -$537,200 -$482,800

(78,000 units*$6.80=$537,200)


Incremental Profit (loss) $164,800 $209,450



Profit increase by($209,450 -$164,800)

Profit increase by= $44,650

Based on the above calculation I would recommend the 75-cent price increase reason been that operating profits increase.

you recently increased you're spending on marketing by 10%. you now spend 5500 per month. revenue increase by 1000 per month and you're gross margin percentage is 70%. All other expenses stayed consant. Did the increase pay off?



Answer is yes


The following transactions occur for Cardinal Music Academy during the month of October: a. Provide music lessons to students for $9,000 cash. b. Purchase prepaid insurance to protect musical equipment over the next year for $3,240 cash. c. Purchase musical equipment for $12,000 cash. d. Obtain a loan from a bank by signing a note for $14,000. Record the transactions. The company uses the following accounts: Cash, Prepaid Insurance, Equipment, Notes Payable, and Service Revenue.



Part a

Debit : Cash $9,000

Credit : Service Revenue $9,000

Part b

Debit : Prepaid Insurance $3,240

Credit : Cash $3,240

Part c

Debit : Equipment $12,000

Credit : Cash $12,000

Part d

Debit : Cash $14,000

Credit : Loan Payable $14,000


Step 1 : Identify the Accounts affected in each and every transaction.

Step 2: Then determine if this Account is increasing or decreasing.

Step 3 :The journal entries have been prepared above.

On January 1, Smith Industries leased equipment to a customer for a four-year period, at which time possession of the leased asset will revert back to Smith. The equipment cost Smith $425,000 and has an expected useful life of six years. Its normal sales price is $425,000. The residual value after four years is $100,000. Lease payments are due on December 31 of each year, beginning with the first payment at the end of the first year. The interest rate is 8%. Calculate the amount of the annual lease payments. (Round your answer to the nearest whole dollar.)



The amount of the annual lease payments is $98,124.


This can be calculated using the formula for calculating loan amortization as follows:

P = (A * (r * (1 + r)^n)) / (((1+r)^n) - 1) .................................... (1)


P = Annual lease payments = ?

A = Amount to be recovered through periodic lease payments = Equipment cost - Residual value = $425,000 - $100,000 = $325,000

r = interest rate = 8%, or 0.08

n = Number of years of lease term  = 4

Substituting all the figures into equation (1), we have:

P = ($325,000 * (0.08 * (1 + 0.08)^4)) / (((1+0.08)^4) - 1)

P = $98,124.2614475627

Rounding to the nearest whole dollar as required, we have:

P = $98,124

Therefore, the amount of the annual lease payments is $98,124.

Saginaw Inc. completed its first year of operations with a pretax loss of $692,500. The tax return showed a net operating loss of $884,500, which the company will carry forward. The $192,000 book–tax difference results from excess tax depreciation over book depreciation. Management has determined that it should record a valuation allowance equal to the net deferred tax asset. Assuming the current tax expense is zero, prepare the journal entries to record the deferred tax provision and the valuation allowance. (If no entry is required for a transaction/event, select "No Journal Entry Required" in the first account field.)



Missing word "Tax rate is 34 percent"

Date  Particulars                                              Debit         Credit

          Deferred tax asset (884,500*34%)   $300,730

                 Deferred tax benefit                                        $300,730

          (To record the deferred tax consequences of the current year NOL)

          Deferred tax asset (192,000*34%)    $65,280

                 Deferred tax benefit                                        $65,280

          (To record the deferred tax consequences of the depreciation)

Julie was suffering from a viral infection that caused her to miss work for 90 days. During the first 30 days of her absence, she received her regular salary of $8,000 from her employer. For the next 60 days, she received $12,000 under an accident and health insurance policy purchased by her employer. The premiums on the health insurance policy were excluded from her gross income. During the last 30 days, Julie received $6,000 on an income replacement policy she had purchased. Of the $26,000 she received, Julie must include in gross income:______.





Calculation for what Julie must include in gross income:

Amount included in gross income= $26,000-$6,000

Amount included in gross income=$20,000

Therefore based on the information given Julie must include in gross income the amount of $20,000

Which employee in the Business, Management, and Administration career cluster would most likely work in a cubicle?

Mail Clerk
Sales Representative


An accountant would most likely work in a cubicle

c sales representative

Capital stock was issued in exchange for $363,000 cash.Purchase $186,000 of equipment by making a $63,000 cash down payment and signing a note payable for the balance.Made a $36,500 cash payment on the note payable from the purchase of equipment.Sold a piece of equipment for cash of $21,000. The equipment was sold at cost, so there is no gain or loss on the sale.What is the balance in the Note Payable account at the end of March





Open a Note Payable Account. Only focus on the events that affect this Account only.

Note Payable Account

Beginning Balance                         $0

Issue of Note Payable               $123,000

Repayment of Note Payable    ($36,500)

Ending Balance                         $86,500


the balance in the Note Payable account at the end of March is $86,500.

Other Questions
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the serial dilution-agar plate procedure? Balance the following equation andthen provide the coefficients for eachmolecule._SnO2+ _H2 --> _Sn + _H20 A microscope has a 4x ocular lens and a 10x objective, what is this microscope'stotal magnification?4x14x40x400x Antwone feels stressed because he works, goes to school, and takes care of his grandmother. He decides to take a semester off until his other family members can help out caring for her. This is an example of what type of coping? a) Emotion-focused b)Problem-focused c)Defensive d)None of the above luke rented a self-storage unit. he wants to know how many boxes will fit the unit. which measurement of the unit is luke finding when he fills it with boxes? a. the surface area of the unit b. the length of the unit c. the area of the unit d. the volume of the unit The formula for volume of this rectangular prism is: V=2x(exponent is 3) +17x (exponent is 2) +46x If there are important external benefits associated with the consumption of a product:_______. A. special excise taxes should be levied on producers of the product. B. the market supply curve for the product lies too far to the right to provide an efficient allocation of resources. C. the market demand curve understates the relative importance of the product and resources are therefore underallocated to its production. D. government should enact legislation to prohibit the production of the commodity. PLEASE HELP !! ILL GIVE BRAINLIEST *EXTRA 40 POINTS* DONT SKIP :(( .! Multiple Choice Question Valpar Company produces several lines of laundry hampers. The factory is highly automated and uses an activity-based costing system to allocate overhead costs to its various products. During the upcoming period the company expects to produce 72,000 units. The costs and cost drivers associated with four activity cost pools are given below: Activities Unit Level Batch Level Product Level Facility Level Cost $20,000 $10,000 $15,000 $36,000 Cost Driver 4,000 labor hours 400 set-ups % of use 72,000 units Production of 20,000 units of its popular foldable hamper required 2,000 labor hours, 20 setups, and consumed one-quarter of the product sustaining activities. What amount of batch-level costs will be allocated to the product The table shows the brightness of some stars when viewed from Earth. The brighter a star appears from Earth, the lower its apparent magnitude value is in the table. Star Apparent Magnitude Sun -26.8 Arcturus -0.06 Sirius -1.47 Vega 0.04 Betelgeuse 0.41 Polaris 2.0 Why does the sun appear so much brighter than the other stars listed in the table? A repairman leans the top of an 26 foot ladder against thetop of a stone wall. The base of the ladder is 4.7 feet fromthe wall. How tall is the wall? (Use Pythagorean Theorem:a + b2= c2) A local bakery sells cupcakes for $3.50 each. The fixed monthly cost totals $275 which includes rent, utilities, and wages. Each cupcake costs the bakery 0.90 to make. Grade For This Exam SeriesU 1 2.On the grid, complete theenlargement of the shadedshape with a scale factor of 3 Will give brainiest to correct answer with explanationSuppose 9x + 12 donuts were sold onFriday and 4x - 3 were sold on Saturday.What is the total number of donuts sold? A trapezoid has an area of 13.5 square inches. The bases are 3 inches and 6 inches. Solve to determine the height of the trapezoid.h=blank in. how to write a pizza recipe in spanish? What are the 3 biggest advancements in computers? Neal buys a board game. He pays for the board game and pays $1.54 in sales tax. The sales tax rate is 5.5%.What is the original price of the board game, before tax? HELP I NEED HELP ASAP HELP I NEED HELP ASAP HELP I NEED HELP ASAP HELP I NEED HELP ASAP HELP I NEED HELP ASAP HELP I NEED HELP ASAP Suppose that the supply function for honey is p=S(q)=0.4q+2.8, where p is the price in dollars for an 8-oz container and q is the quantity in barrels. Suppose also that the equilibrium price is $4.80 and the demand is 4 barrels when the price is $6.90. Find an equation for the demand function, assuming it is linear.