A clinician is treating an adolescent with conduct disorder. The adolescent has been in foster care since his parents died many years ago, so there is limited information about his early behavior. The clinician has learned that recent research suggests there may be neuropsychological involvement when the onset of conduct disorder occurs at a young age, but not at an older age. The neurological tests required would be very expensive to conduct, so the researcher is unsure whether they should be added to the tests she is already using. In this case, the researcher is probably concerned with ______.


Answer 1


In this case, the researcher is concerned with whether the neurological test is capable of incremental validity.


The lack of the neurological exams of the boy presented above, can compromise the incremental validity of the tests that the researcher is using in the research with the boy, because these exams to promote more specific information, than the tests.

In this case, there is great concern about the incremental validity of the tests. This incremental validity is used to validate the ability to determine a result for the research using the chosen evaluation method, determining whether the information given by the test is sufficient to determine a conclusion about the boy.

Related Questions

What is the red iceberg


an iceberg that’s red

What is one way in which the United States acquired land in Spanish owned Florida?
as part of the Monroe Doctrine
as part of the Louisiana Purchase
by seizing Mobile
by invading Spain in Europe


One way the United States acquired land in Spanish-owned Florida was by seizing Mobile. Thus, the option "by seizing Mobile" is the correct option.

What is Florida Purchase Treaty?

Florida Purchase Treaty, which gave the United States legal title to Florida for no money out of pocket for the acceptance of around $5 million in American claims against Spain. John Quincy Adams, the secretary of state, signed the Florida Purchase Treaty at no expense to the United States, thus transferring ownership of Florida to the country in 1819 following years of talks.

Because Florida had become a burden for Spain, which could no longer afford to send residents or garrisons, it was decided to cede Florida to the United States in return for the resolution of the border dispute along the Sabine River in Spanish Texas.

Therefore, the option "by seizing Mobile" is the correct option.

Learn more about Florida Purchase Treaty, here:






How did the Balfour Declaration contribute to tension between Jews and Arabs?

• It created the state of Israel.
O It supported the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
It created unlimited Zionist movements throughout the Middle East.
It assimilated Jews into Arab culture



It supported the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. thousands of Palestinians became refugees. ... Among Israelis and Palestinians, the future must not belong to those who turn their backs on a prospect of peace.


It supported the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.



What are the Crusades?



The Crusades were a series of religious wars initiated, supported, and sometimes directed by the Latin Church in the medieval period. The precise definition of "crusade" is disputed among historians.


learned it in class

noun: Crusades
each of a series of medieval military expeditions made by Europeans to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries.

Imagine that you and a group of students held a protest outside of school in the morning. You did not think that you were causing any trouble by doing this, but when you go inside the building the principal tells the entire group that they are going to be suspended for organizing the protest.

Question: You believe that you are being unfairly punished and need to convince your principal of this.



you calmly and quietly explain it to him the point and benefits of the protest and hopes he buy it. And if he doesn't have egg his car

How was nation-building in Africa a success



This volume considers similar missions by the African Union and several subregional African organizations. These missions range from mediation and traditional peacekeeping to peace enforcement and extended counterinsurgency campaigns. This report contains case studies of six of these missions in Burundi, the Central African Republic, Darfur, the Comoros, Somalia, and the Lake Chad Basin. The case studies are followed by a statistical comparison of U.S., UN, European, and African missions. The report concludes with recommendations for the relevant African institutions, the UN, and other organizations and governments interested in peace and security in Africa.

Of the six missions examined, two were ultimately successful, and three have shown some progress. What is most remarkable and commendable about Africa's institutional role in regional peace operations is the level of cooperation generally achieved among the states most directly affected by these conflicts. African countries do not all agree with one another but instead have established effective consultation processes. They are also able to form ad hoc coalitions to pursue their shared interests. African-led peace operations have shown the flexibility to undertake a range of different types of tasks, up to and including high-intensity combat, under different subregional or continent-wide institutions, supported by varying partners. African institutions will likely develop new capabilities for peace operations, especially if new funds become available.


In order to avoid peer pressure, it is important to recognize __________. A. what peer pressure is and who the victims of peer pressure are B. who is trouble, who is popular, and who will get you things in life C. who to go to if you are being pressured D. none of the above Please select the best answer from the choices provided. A B C D





This seems like the most logical choice considering the choices you are given.


the answer is A



Which of the following is not a major feature of a group?
a. Common identity
b. Common language
c. Minimum 2 members
d. Shared expectations



c is the answer of this question

Approximately what percentage of Americans do not participate in the government process?
a. 5-10%
b. 15-2096
c. 20-30%
d. 30-4596


the best answer is D, 30-40%

Read this constitutional amendment:

No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any
house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of
war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.2

What does this amendment prevent the U.S. government from doing?

A. Searching citizens' property without approval from state
B. Enforcing any laws differently during peacetime and wartime
C. Interfering with citizens' civil liberties in their own homes
D. Seizing a citizen's property without due process of law



C. Interfering with citizens' civil liberties in their own homes



C. Interfering with citizens' civil liberties in their own homes


1.Summarize this amendment in at least 2-3 lines. 2.Would you want a soldier kicking you out of your house? Why would this be unfortunate? Explain.






What was the major impact of Israel defeating the Arab nations in the Six-Day War?


To Israelis, victory brought reunification of Jerusalem, renewed access to holy sites, and greatly expanded the size of the fledgling Jewish state. For Palestinians and Arabs, also including Egyptians, Syrians, and Jordanians, it was a dicomfort defeat that cost them the West Bank, Jerusalem, Gaza, and the Golan Heights.    

1) Why did the Europeans come to the Americas in the 1500's?



European come to America's in 1500s because they want to find their own sea route to the east that did not cross Arab lands.

Which of the following best reflects accurate views on the Articles of Confederation?


Answer:New Jersey-plan created bicameral legislature

Virginia plan-states maintain sovereignty



D) It guided the country through the Revolutionary War. The Articles of Federation were in force from 1781 to 1789 when the current constitution was introduced. Amongst other things, the new constitution strengthened the role and powers of the Federal Government.

if a person is a drug dealer is that also a violation of human rights​



yes it is





Is true because the person leads danger to society

What was the main goal of the Congress of Vienna in 1815?



The Concert of Europe was the political framework that grew out of the Quadruple Alliance in November 1815. The goal of the conservatives at the Congress, led by Prince Klemens von Metternich of Austria, was to reestablish peace and stability in Europe. To accomplish this, a new balance of power had to be established.


Hope this helps!

have a good day!

What did Ida B. Wells do to improve family life?



It was at Shaw University that Wells received her early schooling. However, at the age of 16, she had to drop out when tragedy struck her family. Both of her parents and one of her siblings died in a yellow fever outbreak, leaving Wells to care for her other siblings.


Larry was a self-sufficient, good student prior to his first episode of schizophrenia, which occurred suddenly when he was 19 years old. Similarly, Kahn was well-liked, performed well in school, and was self-sufficient before he developed schizophrenia when he was 18 years old. However, unlike Larry, Kahn's disorder appeared gradually. Both teens received early treatment. According to statistics, Larry is MORE likely to have a fuller recovery than Kahn because Larry had:



Larry will have a greater chance of recovering completely because, in him, schizophrenia had an abrupt onset.


Schizophrenia is a chronic disease that causes neurological problems such as delusions, hallucinations, problems with reasoning and concentration. It can be a very debilitating disease if it is not treated correctly and efficiently.

Schizophrenia symptoms can happen in different ways and at different stages of life. As seen in the question above, some cases can happen abruptly, as was the case with Larry, while other cases, like Kahn, can develop symptoms slowly over months and even years. The cases that present all the symptoms abruptly are easier to be treated and recovered, since all the symptoms are fought at once. Cases like Kahn's, however, are more difficult because it is not possible to determine when the symptoms will appear or even if they will stop appearing.

W.E.B. DuBois, an African American activist, helped to establish the NAACP and recommended that black people agitate for their rights.






i just learned this

I just learned about this in my class.

lz help if u answer this right ill try to give brain


The answer would be 5.5 cm

How did the phonograph Change Americans lives?

How did the phonograph affect American history? Explain In 3-5 sentences.

Please help!!!



Even as it changed the nature of performing, the phonograph altered how people heard music. It was the beginnings of “on demand” listening: “The music you want, whenever you want it,” as one phonograph ad boasted. Music fans could listen to a song over and over, picking out its nuances.

Which principle states that laws apply to all people equally? (3



Rule of Law!


explain 3 push factors that cause people to leave Guyana



n Guyana most internal migration is from rural areas to cities (inter-regional migration). Push Factors include lack of healthcare, education and jobs in rural areas. Pull factors include healthcare, jobs and education available in coastal cities within Guyana and in North America.


hope i could help

How are tundra and deserts similar?



A desert and a tundra are similar in that both of these regions receive little precipitation, have somewhat limited vegetation and experience cold temperatures at night. Cold deserts have long winters and cold temperatures. The tundra is cold with permafrost soil, which is not hospitable to plant life.


Answer:a tundra often differs from a cold desert because of the amount of water present. Some tundras, especially those on top of mountains, could almost be


1. Open your online Social Studies textbook left column in Schoology. The title of the textbook is McGraw-Hill K-12.

2. Go to Chapter 14, Lesson 4; click on the "Go" button to open the pages.

3. Define the six words in the lesson. You can use the glossary or the text to define each word. The words are below:


slave codes
Underground Railroad
4. You will read chapter 14, lesson 4 and make three (3) notes for each heading and subheading. The heading and subheadings are below:

Small Farmers and the Rural Poor
Plantation Owners
The Lives of Enslaved People
African American Family Life
African American Culture
African American Religion
Slave Codes
Escaaping Slavery
Southern Cities



yeoman - a servant in a royal or noble household, ranking between a sergeant and a groom or a squire and a page.

overseer - a person who supervises others, especially workers.

spiritual - relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.

slave codes -  based on sixteenth century English common laws that dealt with English felons, vagrants, vagabonds, and servants that absconded from their duties.

underground railroad - a system of cooperation among active antislavery people in the U.S. before 1863 by which fugitive slaves were secretly helped to reach the North or Canada

literacy - competence or knowledge in a specified area.


Which of the following BEST exemplifies the difference between the adult justice process and the juvenile justice process?
A Juveniles must go before a judge and adults do not.
B. Adults have the right to an attorney and juveniles do not.
C. Juveniles have the right to an appeal and adults do not.
D. Adults have the right of trial by jury and juveniles do not.





The right to trial by jury in the United States Constitution belongs only to adults. In 1971, the U.S. Supreme Court held that there's no jury-trial right in juvenile delinquency proceedings.

The difference between the adult justice process and the juvenile justice process is that the Adults have the right of trial by jury and juveniles do not.

What is justice process?

The criminal justice system comprises government processes and organizations aimed at maintaining social control, disciplining, and preventing crime those who break the law, as well as imposing criminal punishments.

According to the given case, The justice process is characterized into the adult justice process and the juvenile justice process.

The main difference between both the process is that the Adults have the right of trial by jury and juveniles do not.

Only adults have the right to a jury trial under the United States Constitution.

The United States Supreme Court ruled in 1971 that there is no right to a jury trial in juvenile delinquent cases.

Therefore, option D is correct.

Learn more about the justice process, refer to:


4. What were some of the positive and what were some of the negative effects of The
Industrial Revolution (on people & life in general).
Positive Effects
Negative Effects​



As an event, the Industrial Revolution had both positive and negative impacts for society. Although there are several positives to the Industrial Revolution there were also many negative elements, including: poor working conditions, poor living conditions, low wages, child labor, and pollution

Name five seas that are part of Asia



Arctic Ocean

Pacific ocean

The Indian ocean

North Pacific ocean

South Atlantic ocean

Based on the scientific use of the word work, why is lifting a box a form of work, but thinking of a homework plan is not a form of work?​



because thinking of a homework plan isnt exerting kinetic energy like moving the box would.

Explicar el significado de "toda ciencia, es un asunto político" de acuerdo al texto de Gabriel Bilmes y Santiago Liaudat presentan la revista Ciencia, Tecnología y política.


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no anexaste la lectura, un extracto de la lectura, o el link para leerla, podemos comentar lo siguiente, basado en nuestro conocimiento sobre el tema.

El significado de "toda ciencia, es un asunto político" de acuerdo al texto de Gabriel Bilmes y Santiago Liaudat, ,en la revista Ciencia, Tecnología y política, es el siguiente.

Estos dos científicos consideran que la ciencia y la tecnología están relacionados con la política en la posibilidad de explicar algunos de los asuntos políticos que afectan a la sociedad.

Ambos autores exponen sus argumentos sobre el papel de l sistema productivo y el papel que pueden jugar los investigadores en influir en decisiones políticas que influyan en la política nacional argentina.

Para estos dos investigadores, los gobiernos deben incluir las herramientas de la ciencia y la tecnología en el desarrollo económico, la inclusión y el fortalecimiento de la soberanía nacional. Para ello, es necesario la creación de un proyecto científico nacional no considerado por el gobierno.

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