In the diagram, R1 = 40.0 ohm, R2 = 25.4 ohm, and R3 = 70.8 ohm. What is the equivalent resistance of the group?​

In The Diagram, R1 = 40.0 Ohm, R2 = 25.4 Ohm, And R3 = 70.8 Ohm. What Is The Equivalent Resistance Of


Answer 1
Given :

[tex]R_1 = 40 ohms[/tex]

[tex]R_2 = 25.4 ohms[/tex]

[tex]R_3 = 70.8 ohms[/tex]

Solution :

The resistors [tex]R_1 and R_2 [/tex]are in series connection, so the equivalent resistance of [tex]R_1 and R_2[/tex] will be their sum.

[tex] \boxed{ \mathrm{R_t = R_1 + R_2}}[/tex]

[tex]R_t= 40 + 25.4[/tex]

[tex]R_t= 65.4 \: \: ohms[/tex]

Now, the equivalent resistance of [tex](R_1 and R_2)[/tex] and [tex]R_3 [/tex] is the total resistance of the circuit, and since they are in parallel connection, Total resistance :

[tex] \mathrm{ \dfrac{1}{ R_{eq}}} = \dfrac{1}{65.4} + \dfrac{1}{70.8} [/tex]

[tex] \dfrac{1}{R_{eq}} = \dfrac{65.4 + 70.8}{4630.32} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{1}{R_{eq}} = \dfrac{136.2}{4630.32} [/tex]

[tex]R_{eq} = \dfrac{4630.32}{136.2} [/tex]

[tex]R_{eq} = 33.996 \: \: ohms[/tex]

[tex] \boxed{ \mathrm{R_{eq} = 34 \: ohms}} \: (approx)[/tex]


[tex]\mathrm{ \#TeeNForeveR}[/tex]

Related Questions

A classroom has a volume of 165 m^3. How many moles of gas are in the room if the temperature is 20.0°C and the pressure is 1.00 atm? (Make sure to put P, V, and T in the right units.) (Unit = mol)​


The number of mole of the gas present in the room given the data is 0.069 mole

Data obtained from the question Volume (V) = 165 m³Temperature (T) = 20 °C = 20 + 273 = 293 KPressure (P) = 1 atm Gas constant (R) = 8.21 m³.L/Kmol Number of mole (n) =?

How to determine the number of mole

The number of mole of the gas present in the room can be obtained by using the ideal gas equation as illustrated below

PV = nRT

n = PV / RT

n = (1 × 165) / ( 8.21 × 293)

n = 0.069 mole

Learn more about ideal gas equation:



6859 moles


n=(PV)/RT=(100000*165)/(8.21*293 Kelvin)=6859 moles

20 deg Celsius is 293 Kelvin

Kamal said the distance from the top of the balloon to the ground in the Example is Ï···· 353 ft. What mistake might Kamal have made? 1 2


Complete question is;

Kamal said the distance from the top of the balloon to the ground in the Example image attached is √353 ft. What mistake might Kamal have made?


the mistake Kamal made is that she probably used 17 ft as the perpendicular side of the triangle with b as the hypotenuse instead of using 17ft as the hypotenuse


From the image attached, we can see that the distance from the top of the balloon which is blue in color to the ground is denoted by "b".

Now the triangle is a right angle triangle with hypotenuse = 15ft + 2ft = 17 ft; the adjacent side = 8 ft, while the opposite side is "b".

Thus, we can use pythagoras theorem to solve this as;

b = √(17² - 8²)

b = √(289 - 64)

b = √225

b = 15ft

However,we are told Kamal got b as √353 ft.

From inspection of the calculations we just did, if we had used addition instead of subtraction, we would have gotten b = √353 ft.

Thus, we can under that the mistake Kamal made is that she probably used 17 ft as the perpendicular side of the triangle with b as the hypotenuse instead of using 17ft as the hypotenuse.

What is quantum, in your own words but be more detailed.


Answer: Quantum is really just an amount of any physical entity involved in an interaction.


A 450.0N force is applied for 9.90s, what is the momentum?



Momentum = 4455 Ns


Given the following data;

Force = 450 N

Time = 9.9 seconds

To find the momentum;

According to Newton's second law of motion in terms of momentum states that the net force acting on an object is equal to change in momentum divided by time.

Mathematically, it is given by the formula;

Net Force = change in momentum/time

Momentum = force * time

Substituting into the formula, we have;

Momentum = 450 * 9.9

Momentum = 4455 Ns

What is the potential difference across a circuit that delivers 4.2A to a 500W motor?



Thus, the potential difference is 119 V.


Current, I = 4.2 A

Power, P = 500 W

The rate of doing work is called power.

The SI unit of power is Watt.

The  commercial unit of power is horse power.

1 horse power = 746 Watt

The formula of the electrical power is

P = V I

where, V is the voltage and I is the current.

Substitute the values in the formula

500 = 4.2 x V

V = 119 V

3. A 40-gram ball of clay is dropped from a height, h, above a cup which is attached to a spring of spring force constant, k, of 25 N/m. The ball lands in the cup, and the spring compresses a distance, x. If x is 0.506 m, then what is the maximum speed of the ball?



the maximum speed of the ball is 12.65 m/s



mass of the ball, m = 40 g = 0.04 kg

spring constant, k = 25 N/m

Apply the principle of conservation of energy;

The Elastic potential energy of the spring will be converted into Kinetic of the ball;

[tex]\frac{1}{2} kx^2 = \frac{1}{2} mv^2\\\\ kx^2 = mv^2\\\\v^2 = \frac{kx^2}{m} \\\\v = \sqrt{\frac{kx^2}{m}} \\\\v = \sqrt{\frac{(25)(0.506)^2}{0.04}} \\\\v = \sqrt{160.0225} \\\\v = 12.65 \ m/s[/tex]

Therefore, the maximum speed of the ball is 12.65 m/s

RESPIRATION the exchange of gases between your body and your environment.




because in physiology, respiration is the movement of oxygen from the outside environment to the cells within tissues, and the removal of carbon dioxide in the opposite direction.

state one part of the body where you have a fixed joint​


Examples of fixed joints include the joints between the bones in the skull and the joint where the radius and ulna bones meet in the lower arm


Your skull


your skull has fixed joints

The half-life of iodine-131 is 8 days. If a sample originally contains 0.96 g of the isotope, how much will remain after 24 days?​


Answer: you ever get the awnser?


Answer: 0.12 g

Explanation: I got it right on the quiz.

how to calculate light year, minute and second?



A light-year is the distance light travels in one year. How far is that? Multiply the number of seconds in one year by the number of miles or kilometers that light travels in one second, and there you have it: one light-year. It's about 5.88 trillion miles (9.5 trillion km).


Un tren va a una velocidad de 18m/s frena y se detiene en 15s calcula su aceleracion y la distancia recorrida al frenar



Acceleration is -1.2 m/s² and distance covered is 135 m.


A train going at a speed of 18m / s brakes and stops in 15s calculates its acceleration and the distance traveled when braking

Given that,

The initial speed of the train, u = 18 m/s

Final speed, v = 0

Time, t = 15 s

We need to find acceleration and distance traveled when braking. Let a is acceleration and distance traveled.


[tex]a=\dfrac{v-u}{t}\\\\a=\dfrac{0-18}{15}\\\\a=-1.2\ m/s^2[/tex]

Using third equation of motion,

[tex]v^2-u^2=2ad\\\\d=\dfrac{v^2-u^2}{2a}\\\\d=\dfrac{0^2-18^2}{2\times (-1.2)}\\\\d=135\ m[/tex]

Hence, acceleration is -1.2 m/s² and distance covered is 135 m.

Setting a time limit can help you achieve your goals. A. True B. False



The correct answer is...
A. True


in my opinion i think is it a (true). Because it had helped my brother with school so i think it is true


The gravitational force is 2336 N for an object that is 4.15 x 10^6 m above the surface of the Earth? The radius of the Earth is 6.378 x 10^6 m. (Earth's mass is 5.97 x 10^24 kg) What is the mass of the object above earth?






What did Ben Franklin show with his famous kite experiment?
that lightning is electricity
how sounds could be recorded
that electromagnetic waves could be found and turned into sound energy
how to create a battery



your answer is A


brainliest plzzzz


c is the correct answer

How did we see through Venus thick atmosphere?



The Venusian atmosphere supports opaque clouds of sulfuric acid, making optical Earth-based and orbital observation of the surface impossible. Information about the topography has been obtained exclusively by radar imaging. Aside from carbon dioxide, the other main component is nitrogen


Because Venus has such a dense atmosphere which is some 100 times thicker than the earth's. Evidently, Venus is sufficiently close to the Sun that the little carbon dioxide it had in its early, Earth-like atmosphere caused the surface to warm up and leach out more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Write down the name of ten items made of different materials. You have to cover all states

of matter. Prepare a chart which describes the differences in between them by their shape, size,




helium,oxygen, shoe blackboard,juice,coffe,iron,rock,ozoneand water

A car with a mass of 1580 kg moves with a kinetic energy of 711,000 J. What is the car's speed?



900 m/s



Please dont delete this question......








A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance Co has plates of area A with separation d between them. When it is connected to a battery of voltage Vo, it has charge of magnitude Qo on its plates. It is then disconnected from the battery and the plates are pulled apart to a separation 2d without discharging them. After the plates are 2d apart, the new capacitance and the potential difference between the plates are: (Show all steps) [2 marks] a. ½ Co, ½ Vo b. ½ Co, 2Vo c. Co, Vo d. Co, 2Vo e. 2Co, 2Vo



b. 1/2·C₀, 2·V₀


The capacitance on the parallel plate capacitor = C₀

The area of the plates  = A

The voltage on the battery = V₀

The magnitude of the charge on the plate = Q₀

The new distance between the plates = 2·d

From an online physics source, we have;

[tex]C_0 = \epsilon_0 \times \dfrac{A}{d}[/tex]


ε₀ = Constant

A = The area of the plates

With the new distance, 2·d, we get;

[tex]C_{new} = \epsilon_0 \times \dfrac{A}{2\cdot d} = \dfrac{1}{2} \times \epsilon_0 \times \dfrac{A}{d} = \dfrac{1}{2} \times C_0[/tex]


[tex]The \ new \ capacitance \ C_{new} = \dfrac{1}{2} \times C_0[/tex]

The potential difference, 'V', is given as follows;

[tex]C = \dfrac{Q}{V}[/tex]


[tex]V = \dfrac{Q}{C}[/tex]

Given that Q = Q₀, we get;

[tex]V = \dfrac{Q_0}{\dfrac{1}{2} \times C_0} = 2 \times \dfrac{Q_0}{C_0} = 2 \times V_0[/tex]

∴ V = 2 × V₀

The new potential difference, V = 2·V₀

Therefore, after the plates are 2·d apart, the new capacitance and potential difference between the plates are;

1/2·C₀, 2·V₀.

At a distance of 2d, the potential difference will be twice the potential difference before while the capacitance will be half the value before.

Given to us

The capacitance on the parallel plate capacitor = C₀The area of the plate = AThe voltage on the battery = V₀The magnitude of the charge in the plate = Q₀The new distance between the plates = 2d

What is Capacitance?

We know capacitance can be written as,

[tex]C= \dfrac{\epsilon_0 A}{d}[/tex]

where C is the capacitance,

A is the area,

d is the distance and

ε₀ is the electrostatic constant,

Capacitance before,

[tex]C= \dfrac{\epsilon_0 A}{d}[/tex]

Capacitance Afterwards,

[tex]C= \dfrac{\epsilon_0 A}{2d}[/tex]

[tex]C=\dfrac{1}{2} \times \dfrac{\epsilon_0 A}{d}[/tex]

[tex]C=\dfrac{1}{2} \times C_0[/tex]

What is Voltage(Potential difference)?

We know that  for the voltage we can write,

[tex]\rm Voltage = \dfrac{Charge}{Capacitance}[/tex]

Voltage before


Voltage Afterwards

[tex]V_{new} = \dfrac{Q_0}{C_{new}}[/tex]

[tex]V_{new} = \dfrac{Q_0}{\dfrac{1}{2} \times C_0}[/tex]

[tex]V_{new} = 2 \times\dfrac{Q_0}{C_0}[/tex]

[tex]V_{new} = 2 \times V_0[/tex]

Hence, At a distance of 2d, the potential difference will be twice the potential difference before while the capacitance will be half the value before.

Learn more about Capacitance:

5. What structure did Friedrich Kekule discover that allowed carbon atoms can bond
with up to four other atoms at the same time?


benzene was a ring of six carbon atoms! This was the structure that made him well known around the world

How does the circuit structure affect the brightness of a bulb? How does the circuit structure affect the energy required to keep bulbs lit? Summarize some of the tradeoffs (pros and cons) of wiring bulbs in series vs. Parallel.



Part A

The relationship between the circuit structure and the brightness of the bulb are;

The brightness of the bulb depends on the voltage to which the bulb is connected to

Bulbs connected in parallel, are connected directly to the voltage of the power source and are therefore brighter than bulbs arranged in series due to the reduced potential difference between bulbs in series and the voltage source

Part B

Given that bulbs are brighter when arranged in parallel, they require more energy to keep the bulbs lit than when they are arranged in series

Part C

The pros and cons of wiring bulbs in series and parallel are;

Series Circuits Disadvantage

i) A failure of one bulb arranged in series can lead to a failure of the circuit

ii) Bulbs arranged in series are not as bright as bulbs arranged in parallel

iii) When the number of bulbs arranged in a series are increased, the brightness decreases

iv) The bulbs cannot be controlled independently

Advantages of Series Circuits

i) Series circuits consume less energy and the batteries last longer when the attached bulbs are arranged in series

Disadvantage of bulbs arranged in parallel

i) The battery power quickly consumed

The Advantages of Bulbs in Parallel

i) The bulbs light brighter when they are in parallel

ii) The bulbs can be individually controlled

iii) The current can flow through more than one path way

iv) When one bulb fuses, the others in the circuit keep working


A conducting bar moves along a circuit with a constant velocity. A constant magnetic field is perpendicular to the bar and circuit. The bar covers 1.50 m2 of area in 1.00 second. An EMF of 3.57 V is induced in the circuit. What is the strength of the magnetic field in Tesla?



2.38 T


Since the number of coils and the change in time are both 1, I set it up as 3.57=1.50(x) and then solved for x to be 2.38 T.

Describe the change to the stores of energy of the wood, pipe and water as the water is heated



thermal  energy  or proportional  energy


when the  wood is moved the energy is changed thoughout the wood and it would be the same as the pipe and water

What is the gravitational potential energy for a 35 kg box
that is 2.0 m above the ground?



PE=mgh = 35x9.8x2


Multiple Choice
Which is the best reason to be wary of those you talk to on the Internet?
A. They may not be who they say they are.
B. You don't know where they live.
C. You don't know their favorite foods.
D. They may not be in the same grade as you.


I would see a you get it right
A they might not be who they say they are

A jet plane travels at 40.8 km at an average speed of 340 m/s calculate how long this journey took- giveyour answer to the nearest minute



[tex]2\ \text{minutes}[/tex]


d = Distance traveled = 40.8 km

s = Speed of jet = 340 m/s

Time is given by


[tex]\Rightarrow t=\dfrac{40.8\times 10^3}{340}[/tex]

[tex]\Rightarrow t=120\ \text{s}[/tex]

[tex]\Rightarrow t=\dfrac{120}{60}=2\ \text{minutes}[/tex]

The time taken to complete the journey is [tex]2\ \text{minutes}[/tex].

Elements in Group____are common alkaline earth metals.
Answer here







Group 2 consists of the elements in the second column. They all have a combining number (valence number) of 2+ after giving away 2 electrons.They start with Beryllium (element 4 in the periodic table)  and end with Radium (element 88 in the periodic table).

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition

Device that measures electric current





An ammeter is a measuring device used to measure the electric current in a circuit.

we are learning about sound waves and pitched. i need to know which glass will make a high pitch and which one will make a low one.



the glass that has the most water produces the lowest pitch and the glass with the smaller amount produces the highest pitch


the glass full of water causes the glass to vibrate slower and the sound u hear is at a lower pitch

for the following equation answer the following:
Al + O2+ heat -----> Al203
1. Balance this chemical reaction
2. What type of chemical reaction is this?
3. is this endothermic or an exothermic reaction



4Al + 3O2 + heat ------> 2Al2O3


It is endothermic reaction.

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