a bond that makes no coupon payments and is initially priced at a deep discount is called a a. treasury b. municipal c. floating-rate d. junk e. zero coupon


Answer 1

A bond that makes no coupon payments and is initially priced at a deep discount is called a zero coupon.

A price is the voluntary tender of cash or its equivalent or of factors of value by using one birthday party (which includes someone or organisation) to every other in change for items, or services furnished with the aid of them, or to fulfill a criminal duty. The party making the payment is commonly called the payer, even as the payee is the birthday celebration receiving the charge. bills may be effected in a number of ways, for example: the usage of cash, cheque, or debit, credit, or financial institution transfers, whether or not thru cellular payment or in any other case the switch of anything of value, inclusive of stock, or the use of barter, the exchange of one appropriate or provider for some other.

LEarn mroe about payments  here



Related Questions

Rats colonize an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean where no rats previously existed. The rats can have white fur, grey fur, or black fur. Predict what type of selection is likely to occur when each of the following phenotypes have the greatest fitness. Place each phenotype in the category describing the type of selection that will occur. Directional selection Diversifying selection Stabilizing selection Grey fur Dark fur on one island and light fur on another island Light fur Dark fur in forests and light fur in fields Dark fur Dark fur on one island and light fur on another island Dark fur in forests and light fur in fields


Directional selection occurs when folks with qualities on one aspect of the imply in their population live to tell the tale better or reproduce more than those on the other.

It has been verified many instances in herbal populations, the usage of both observational and experimental approaches.

What is an instance of directional selection?

Examples. An example of directional determination is fossil archives that show that the dimension of the black bears in Europe diminished throughout interglacial periods of the ice ages, but expanded in the course of each glacial period. Another example is the beak size in a populace of finches.

Why is it called directional selection?

Directional resolution entails heritable traits and is referred to as directional due to the fact the mean phenotype or genotype moves towards one, and only one, extreme in contrast to the authentic mean

Learn more about directional selection here:


why might large production quantities be necessary to justify metal deformation as a means of manufacture


When only a small yield is produced, it is too expensive to manufacture something since there are less expensive alternatives that are better suited to modest quantities of production. That's how it is justifiable that metal deformation is a means of manufacture.

Because they take place at lower temperatures than casting operations, deformation procedures consume less energy, and the deformation energy needed to change a shape is far less than the thermal energy needed to attain the molten state.

Generally speaking, nothing unusual is needed to create something that will be machined from a metal block. Without needing to purchase anything additional, a company can just place that block into their CNC machine and cut it to the required shape. They can also create something different immediately before and following that segment. Even though it could take some time and you might waste some metal, it's simple to start with little money.

Although there are many other ways that metal might deform, let's assume that you require forging. To complete the task, numerous specifically created tools may be needed. These instruments must all be individually machined because they are sometimes composed of pricey metals.

To learn more about Metal deformation, click here:



at what level of the project management maturity model does optimization of the project management take place?


At level 5 of the project management maturity model optimization of the project management take place. At this level, processes are established and actively used to enhance project management operations.

What is a project management maturity model?

Models of project management maturity evaluate a company's project management capabilities. These models offer standards and rating schemes for evaluating talents. Models offer a structure for future process improvement implementation.

Project managers may choose which of the many project management maturity models is ideal for their firm by comprehending the ways in which they differ and are similar. While some models assist general sectors like software development, others support huge enterprises or governmental organizations.

Learn more about the project management maturity model (PMMM), here:



an email marketer sending emails about new product lines or recommended products based on past purchases is an example of which type of content? online retail


An email marketer sending emails about new product lines or recommended products based on past purchases is an example of Online retail

Online retail is the small-scale sale of goods to the general public using the internet.

Even if online retailing is a component of e-commerce, not all e-commerce is it.

Online retail is different from ecommerce in that ecommerce also includes other online transactions that are not categorised as retailing.

The operational structure of traditional brick and mortar commerce and online selling are very different from one another. Everything from the product display to payment processing, ensuring the delivery of purchased goods, and handling returns.

Online retailing is economical, quick to establish, has a rapid market penetration rate, and has relatively low overhead and operating costs. more accessible to customers and a wider sales reach.

To know more about Online Retail here



true or false: the board of directors is responsible for establishing corporate policies.true false question.truefalse


The board of directors is responsible for establishing corporate policies.

The above statement is True.

What do you mean by Board of directors?

In the case of publicly traded corporations, the board of directors (B of D) is the group responsible for setting strategy and supervising management. The board normally convenes on a regular basis. A board of directors is required for every publicly traded firm.In fact, directors are obligated by law to prioritize the interests of shareholders before their own. The board performs a supervisory function by monitoring business operations and rating performance.

To know more about Board of directors here



at an output level of 18,200 units, you have calculated that the degree of operating leverage is 2.90. the operating cash flow is $59,500 in this case. ignore the effect of taxes. what will be the new degree of operating leverage for output levels of 19,000 units and 17,000 units? (do not round intermediate calculations and round your answers to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.)


For 19000 units operating leverage would be $94807.

For 17000 units operating leverage would be $50,039.

What is operating leverage?

Operating leverage or degree of operating leverage refers to the percentage change in earnings or operating cash flow related to the percentage change in a company's sales.


Degree of Operating leverage will remain same 2.90 at all output levels.

Operating leverage of 2.00 means, if sales change by 1% then operating cash flow would change in the same direction by 2.9%


If 1000 units are increased or decreased,

% Change in sales = (1000/18200) x 100 = 5.49%


Operating cash flow would change by = 5.49 x 2.90 = 15.9%


New operating leverage would be,

At 19000 units = 59,500 x 1.59 = $94,807

At 17000 units = 59,500 x (1 - 0.159) = 59500 x 0.841 = $50,039

To learn more about operating leverage visit the link given below



in concept, the estimating of warranty expense when products are sold under warranty is similar to the estimating of bad debt expense based on credit sales. group of answer choices true false


When products are sold with a warranty, the cost of the warranty is estimated similarly to how bad debt costs are calculated using credit sales. It is the set of true answers.

A sale that is made on credit will result in a bad debt. A warranty is a promise made by a manufacturer or seller to guarantee the product's quality or performance for a predetermined amount of time.

Bad debt and warranties are two unforeseen fees that come along as a result of making purchases. When the products are sold, the businesses must estimate the warranty and bad debt expenditures and record these projected costs (matching principle). There is a corresponding responsibility made.

To know more about bad debt costs, click the below link



what amazon site supports rosies, a local charity in brisbane, australia, to provide food and a friendly face for those who are experiencing homelessness.


About amazon is an amazon site supports rosies, a local charity in brisbane, australia, to provide food and a friendly face for those who are experiencing homelessness.

A local charity is one that was founded for objectives that are, by nature or by the charity's trusts, primarily or entirely for the benefit of that area or a portion of it.

Most organizations provide assistance to those in need, frequently as a last resort. They assist individuals locally and globally. They support the environment and spread knowledge about a variety of crucial concerns. They're also healthy for you.

an organization that doesn't focus on making a profit and instead works to aid individuals in need by giving them money, food, or other support. It may also engage in activities like medical research. the money received from selling

Read more on local charity here:



data governance can be defined as: group of answer choices a means to slow down the speed of data. a government task force for defining data quality. a means to increase the speed of data. high-level organizational groups and processes that oversee data stewardship.


High-level organizational groups and processes that oversee data stewardship.

Data stewardship is the management and oversight of an organization's data assets to assist give business clients top notch data that is easily accessible in a reliable manner.

While data governance generally centers around significant level approaches and methods, data stewardship centers around tactical coordination and implementation.

A data steward is answerable for carrying out data usage and security strategies as determined through big business data governance initiatives, acting as a liaison between the IT department and the business side of an organization.

to know more about management click here:



Consider the following premerger information about firm a and firm b: firm a firm b total earnings $ 4,350 $ 1,300 shares outstanding 1,600 400 price per share $ 43 $ 47 assume that firm a acquires firm b via an exchange of stock at a price of $49 for each share of b's stock. Both firm a and firm b have no debt outstanding. A. What will the earnings per share (eps) of firm a be after the merger? (do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to 2 decimal places, e. G. , 32. 16)


Price Earnings Ratio=share price /price per share=1,600 +400/$ 43 +$ 47 =[tex]1.34[/tex] of firm will  be after the merger.

Shares = 1,600 ,400

Price per share=$ 43 $ 47

Price Earnings Ratio=share price /price per share=1,600 +400/$ 43 +$ 47 =[tex]1.34[/tex]

The relationship between the market value of a company's shares and its earnings per share is known as the price-earnings ratio. P/E ratio is another name for price-earnings ratio. P/E ratio is calculated by dividing the company's share price by its earnings per share. The price-earnings ratio, sometimes referred to as the P/E ratio, P/E, or PER, measures the relationship between a company's share price and its earnings per share. The ratio is employed to evaluate businesses and determine if they are over or undervalued. Price Earnings Ratio=share price /price per share.

Learn more about Price Earnings Ratio from



8. the arguments for restricting trade suppose there is a policy debate regarding the united states imposing trade restrictions on imported ball bearings: the president of the united states explains that it is necessary to impose trade restrictions, such as a tariff, on the ball-bearing industry to protect workers in the domestic ball-bearing industry. the president claims that without trade protection, there will be layoffs, causing many u.s. workers in the ball-bearing industry to be unemployed. which of the following justifications is the president using to argue for the trade restriction on ball bearings? national defense argument saving domestic jobs argument foreign export subsidies argument low foreign wages argument infant industry argument continue without saving


The justifications which the president is using to argue for the trade restriction on ball bearing industry is known as jobs argument. The Option C is correct.

What is jobs argument in economics?

The opponents of free trade argues that trade with other countries destroys domestic jobs. In our example, a free trade in steel would cause the price of steel to fall, they reducing the quantity of steel produced and thus reducing employment in the steel industry.

Some steelworkers would lose their jobs, yet, the free trade creates jobs at the same time that it destroys them. When people buy steel from other countries, those countries obtain the resources to buy other goods from country.

Its workers would move from steel industry to those industries in which the country has a comparative advantage. Even though the transition may impose hardship on ‘some workers in the short run, it will allows the people as a whole to enjoy a higher standard of living.

Read more about jobs argument



Deep Earth Extraction, Inc., operates a facility near Estuary Bay. Discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result in
a. penalties and damages.
b. penalties only.
c. damages only.
d. none of the choices.


A facility run by Deep Earth Extraction, Inc. is located close to Estuary Bay. Penalties and fines may be incurred for disposing of rubbish in the bay. The right response in this case is option A.

When one of these is polluted with hazardous compounds due to poor waste disposal, it can lead to contamination of the soil, water, or air. This not only has a negative impact on marine life and animals but also helps to create greenhouse gas consequences.

The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, often known as the legislation, establishes standards for solid waste management and imposes fines of P300 to P1,000 on litterers and garbage dumpers. A different punishment option is performing community service for 1 to 15 days.

To learn more about waste disposal



our project team reads a guideline that makes recommendations and provides references for the recommendations but provides no information about how the recommendations were produced. which statement best describes the degree of confidence your team should have in the recommendations?


The statement best describing is that guidelines should be judged as having questionable credibility unless the producer provides access to another document or resource regarding the production process

A project recommendation is a suggestion or proposal for a specific course of action or decision related to a project. It is typically made by an individual or group who has analyzed the project and identified potential solutions or recommendations that could improve the project's chances of success.

In the described situation, the project team reads a manual that offers suggestions and citations for those suggestions, but it gives no details about how those suggestions were developed. Therefore, unless the producer offers access to another document or resource outlining the production process, the recommendations should be viewed as having dubious authenticity.

Complete question

Your project team reads a guideline that makes recommendations and provides references for the recommendations but provides no information about how the recommendations were produced. Which statement best describes the degree of confidence your team should have in the recommendations?

a. If the recommendations are clear, specific, and citations are provided, your project team should have confidence in them.

b. If the recommendations resonate with the views of those in your agency, your project team should have confidence in them.

c. The guidelines should be judged as having questionable credibility unless the producer provides access to another document or resource regarding the production process

d. If the authors indicate that a consensus conference was held to produce the guideline, your project team should have confidence in them.

c. The guidelines should be judged as having questionable credibility unless the producer provides access to another document or resource regarding the production process

Read more about project on:



Marketing activities amount to about one-half of every dollar that consumers spend.
a. True
b. False


The notion is untrue because marketing activities only account for around half of every dollar customers spend.

How would you define marketing?

The process of developing, communicating, delivering, and trading offerings that are useful to customers, clients, partnerships, and society at large collectively is known as marketing.

Why is marketing so crucial?

The advantages of advertising for your company is that it engages consumers and helps them decide whether to purchase your goods or services. A marketing strategy, which should be included in your business plan, also aids in creating and keeping demand, applicability, reputation, and competition. Growing a brand requires marketing at its core. It explains the advantages, costs, and USP of your brand, as well as why consumers should choose it.

To know more about marketing visit:



Zeng systems is currently operating at full capacity. The firm, has sales of $47,000, current assets of $5,100, current liabilities of $6,200, net fixed assets of $51,500, and a net profit margin of 5 percent. The firm has no long-term debt and does not plan on acquiring any. The firm does not pay any dividends. Sales are expected to increase by 3 percent next year. If all assets, short-term liabilities, and costs vary directly with sales, how much additional equity financing is required for next year?.


If the sales for next year increases by 3%, Zheng systems will require $908.50 additional funding for next year.

Additional funding or additional funds needed (AFN) is the additional resources or capital that a company needs to expand its operation or achieve its target. AFN has a simplied formula, such:

AFN = projected increase in asset - spontaneous increase in liabilities - any increase in retained earnings.

Based on the case, we know that:

Sales = $47,000

CA = $5,100

CL = $6,200

FA = $51,500

Net profit margin = 5%

expected sales increase = 3%

Using the given information, we could know that:

Projected increase in asset = total asset x expected sales increase

Projected increase in asset = ($5,100 + $51,500) x 3%

Projected increase in asset = $1,698

Increase in liabilities = CL x expected sales increase

Increase in liabilities = $6,200 x 3%

Increase in liabilities = $186

Additions to retained earnings = Net income

Additions to retained earnings = $47,000 x 5% x (1+3%)

Additions to retained earnings = $2,420.50

Additional funds needed = increase in total asset - increase in liabilities - additions to retained earnings

Additional funds needed = $1,698 - $186 - $2,420.50

Additional funds needed = $908.50.

Learn more about Additional Funds Needed (AFN) here: https://brainly.com/question/21774611


goods that all people may use free of charge but that are of limited supply, such as fish in the sea or clean drinking water. these goods are called


Goods that everyone can use for free but are in short supply, such as fish in the sea or clean drinking water. These items are referred to as common goods.

What is common goods?“Common good” in political science refers to anything that benefits and is naturally shared by all members of a given community, compared to things that benefit the private good of individuals or sectors of society. In some cases, securing things serving the common good requires collective action and participation in the political process.Examples of elements making up the common good include basic rights and freedoms, police and fire departments, national defense, courts of law, highways, public schools, safe food and water, and natural resources.

To learn more about common goods refer to:



what is the geographic area where the retailer can still be competitive despite a competitor having some locational advantage?


The retailer can maintain competition in a secondary trading area even if a rival has a slight geographic advantage.

The farthest distance a client is willing to go within a given geographic area is known as the retail trade area. Customers' transaction records are often available from marketing analytics companies and other sources, giving retailers reliable data to map out the trade area.

Retailers can define trade zones in a variety of ways. One method is to employ three tiers:

Where the regular customers are located and where 55 to 70 percent of a store's business is generated is called the primary trade area.The next 15 to 20 percent of business is generated in the secondary trade region. It's crucial to remember that the Main Trade Area is the concatenation of the Primary and Secondary Areas (MTA).The remainder of the business is sourced from the tertiary trade region, commonly referred to as the periphery sector. Only larger population centers typically witness it.

To know more about retailers click here,



the economy will move to a point on the short-run phillips curve where unemployment is higher if a. the inflation rate decreases. b. the government increases its expenditures. c. the government decreases taxes. d. the fed increases the money supply.


The economy will move to a point on the short-run Phillips curve where unemployment is higher if a. the inflation rate decreases.

Economics is the take a look at of shortage and its implications for using assets, manufacturing of products and services, increase of manufacturing and welfare over time, and a outstanding form of other complicated issues of vital problem to society.

Economics is the study of the way humans allocate scarce sources for manufacturing, distribution, and intake, both individually and collectively. the two branches of economics are microeconomics and macroeconomics. Economics makes a speciality of performance in production and change.The take a look at of economics facilitates people apprehend the arena around them. It enables human beings to apprehend human beings, organizations, markets and governments, and consequently higher reply to the threats and possibilities that emerge whilst things change.

Learn more about Economics here:



aquifers are underground sources of clean water that stretch over thousands of square miles. people who own land over the aquifer are free to take as much as they want. because there is no private cost associated with using the water, the water supply in the aquifer is likely to______, which is _____ outcome A. remain fairly constant; an efficient
B. fall from overuse; an efficient
C. increase due to underuse; an efficient
D. remain fairly constant; not an efficient
E. fall from overuse; not an efficient
F. increass due to underuse; not an efficient


Aquifers are underground sources of clean water that stretch over thousands of square miles. people who own land over the aquifer are free to take as much as they want. Because there is no private cost associated with using the water, the water supply in the aquifer is likely to fall from overuse, which is an efficient outcome. The correct answer is B.

Aquifers are the sizable underground spaces found beneath the earth's surface layer of rocks or silt particles. The deposited ground water is present in these areas. Because the water filters as it moves through the sediments, it is thought to be clean and safe for use.

Water is a chemical compound that is inorganic and colorless. It is regarded as one of the necessities for life. Water covers more than 70% of the surface of the globe. Only 0.5% of the available fresh water is suitable for drinking.

To know more about aquifers, here



devan, an american citizen, works as the sales manager at an office supply company. he is posted at the company headquarters in the u.s. and manages operations in china, making frequent and lengthy visits to conduct business meetings with his colleagues there. devan may be considered to be a .


Devan may be considered to be a global managing partner of the company.

A member who also serves as the company's manager is the managing partner. They are in charge of running things on a daily basis and carrying out long-term plans.

An LLC and partnerships both fall under the category of company structures. There are various distinct kinds of partnerships, each with their own set of legal ramifications, but in all of them, it's typical for one of the partners to be chosen as the managing partner and take charge of the day-to-day operations of the company.

Other partners may actively participate but exercise less strategic leadership than the managing partner, or they may be completely disengaged and merely contribute funds.

Know more about partnerships here:



annabelle deposits $120 into a savings account at the end of each month to save for a car. after 7 months, annabelle has a total of $4150. which of the equations correctly expresses the amount,image, annabelle has in her savings account afterimage months?


A=12 m + 3310 expresses the amount, and image, Annabelle has in her savings account afterimage months.

she deposits $ 120 each month .

A=120 m + c

after 7 months, there are $4150

So. at m = 7 , A = 4150

4150 = 120(7) + c 4/50 = 840 + c c = 4150 - 840

c = 3310


A=12 m + 3310

A savings account is a bank account at a retail bank. common capabilities include a restrained variety of withdrawals, a loss of cheque and connected debit card centers, constrained switch alternatives and the lack of ability to be overdrawn.

A savings account is a deposit account designed to hold money you don't plan to spend straight away. that is one-of-a-kind from a checking account, a transactional account meant for everyday spending, allowing you to write checks or make purchases and ATM withdrawals the usage of a debit card.

Learn more about savings account here:https://brainly.com/question/25787382

the use of theoretical capacity results in an unrealistically low fixed manufacturing cost per unit because it is based on . question 15 options: normal costing real available capacity normal capacity utilization an unattainable level of capacity


The use of theoretical capacity results in an unrealistically low fixed manufacturing cost per unit because it is based on an unattainable and idealistic level of capacity.

The British attempted to impose more control over the colonies and force them to pay back theoretical capacity the crown for defending them during the French and Indian War, which led to the American Revolution in large part due to colonial resistance. The American Revolutionary War, commonly referred to as the Revolutionary War or the American War of Independence, was a significant American Revolutionary War conflict. Fighting started on April 19, 1775, and continued until the Lee Resolution on July 2, 1776, and the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, which are all widely regarded as the events that guaranteed the United States' independence. This strong uprising had failed for a number of reasons, including the lack of a unifying leader, lack of cohesiveness, and lack of backing from India's rulers and upper classes.

learn more about theoretical capacity here



Identify whether the given items are examples of imports, exports, or neither. Assume the United States is considered the domestic country Heath lives in the United States and purchases a video game produced in Japan. Oneither export O import Veronica lives in Tennessee and buys an orange grown in Florida. O neither import export A Chinese consumer purchases a television produced in China. import export neither A farmer in lowa sells corn to a food processing plant in China. import export neither Resources Hint Check Answer O Assignment Score: Question 1 of 16 A Chinese consumer purchases a television produced in China O import Оexport neither A farmer in lowa sells corn to a food processing plant in China O import export O neither Chevron drills for oil in the United States and sells this oil to refineries in Brazil and Mexico import Оexport neither


The given items are examples of import, neither, export, neither, and and export.

What does a business item mean?

Any action that the board is approved to take, with the exception of those that it has lawfully assigned to another person or persons, the managing agent, an affiliation officer, or a the board's committee that is composed of fewer than a quorum of the board, is referred to as a "item of business." Samples 1, 2, and 3. according to 41 papers.

What are food products?

A food item is something that is used, intended to be used, or sold in whole or in part for human consumption. This contains relevant, cooked, or processed edible substances, ice, beverages, or ingredients. Ice, water, other beverages, meal components, and chewing gum are all considered to constitute food.

To know more about items visit:



one difference between a monopoly and a competitive firm is that question 3 options: a) a monopoly is a price taker. b) a monopoly faces a downward-sloping demand curve. c) a monopoly maximizes profit by setting marginal revenue equal to marginal cost. d) none of the above.


One difference between a monopoly and a competitive firm is that a monopoly faces a downward-sloping demand curve. So option b. is correct.

A monopoly is defined as a business firm selling a product or service that has no close substitutes. Therefore the monopolist has a chance to determine either its price or its level of output but not both because consumers still have a say in how much they will demand at various prices. For a monopoly, the firm is the same as the industry and consumers drive a downward-sloping demand curve. For a pure or perfect competitior, the demand curve is horizontal.

Learn more about a monopoly here:



abc inc. borrows money at 9%, sells bonds at 7%, and the purchasers of common stock require 15% rate of return. if the company has borrowed $40 million, sold $60 million in bonds, and sold $100 million worth of common stocks, what is the weighted average cost of capital (wacc)?


The weighted average cost of capital of ABC inc. is 11.4% as per the given bonds and common stock

A firm's weighted average cost of capital is the average of the firm's cost of capital raised from different sources, weighted by the firm's target capital structure. The weighted average cost of capital is often used as a benchmark discount rate in project evaluation.

The WACC is the average of the cost of capital from each source, weighted by the market value of the capital raised from each source, i.e.,

WACC = (40 * 9% + 60 * 7% + 100 * 15%) / (40 + 60 + 100)

WACC = 11.4%

Learn more about cost of capital:



Of the following influence tactics, which would be most effective for Malcolm to get his team members to work on the task?A. asking them to participate in planning how the project can be completedB. asking them to complete the tasks due to their loyalty to the projectC. offering them time off after the project is completedD. telling them that if they don’t participate, they will be reprimandedE. bringing a member of the board to a meeting to agree with him


It will show them that Malcolm is prepared to work with them in order to finish the task successfully.

Part A. Inviting them to take part in the project's planning process.

Part B of the justification is as follows: People are more likely to feel invested in and willing to work on a project when they are invited to participate in its development.

This is because people feel that they have a voice in how the project is carried out and that their contributions are valued. Additionally, people are more likely to be committed to seeing a project through to completion when they believe they have a stake in it.

Malcolm can employ this tactic by first asking his team members for their opinions on the best method to complete the project, and then incorporating their suggestions into the action plan. They'll feel like they're an important part of the process and that their opinions are being taken into account if you do this.

To learn more about the project



if a company’s operating cycle is much longer than its average payment period for suppliers, it creates the need to borrow money to fund its inventories and accounts receivable.
a. True
b. False


True: if a company’s operating cycle is much longer than its average payment period for suppliers, it creates the need to borrow money to fund its inventories and accounts receivable.

The time it takes for a business to purchase items, sell them, and get paid for those sales is referred to as an operating cycle. It is, in other words, the time it takes for a business to convert its inventories into cash. Depending on the sector, an operational cycle can be any length. DIO is initially calculated by multiplying the average inventory balance by the COGS for the current period, then by 365. The process of buying raw materials, converting the stock into marketable goods, and selling them to clients takes the business, on average, 97 days.

The following components make up the operating cycle: the average collection period (365 days/accounts receivable), plus the days' sales in inventory (365 days/inventory turnover ratio).

Learn more about the operating cycle here: https://brainly.com/question/26482515


an information systems specialist reported that his performance on a project in northern sweden declined due to sleep deprivation during the summer months, when they had 20 hours of daylight per day. this productivity issue is caused by which environmental factor?


An information systems specialist reported that his performance on a project in northern Sweden declined due to sleep deprivation during the summer months, when they had 20 hours of daylight per day. This productivity issue is caused by geographic environmental factor.

When referring to environmental influences that affect genetics, we mean things like being exposed to pollutants where we live or work, such as pesticides or industrial waste, engaging in unhealthy habits like smoking or eating poorly, or experiencing stressful circumstances (such as racism).

Living conditions, health, and well-being of people are substantially influenced by environmental variables. Environmentally modifiable variables account for around 25% of the burden of disease globally and 25% of all fatalities.

To know more about Environmental Factor here



the price of a bond is equal to the face amount payable at maturity, plus the periodic interest payments.a) trueb) false


The statement "The price of a bond is equal to the face amount payable at maturity, plus the periodic interest payments" is false.

The correct statement is "The price of а bond is equаl to the present vаlue of the fаce аmount pаyаble аt mаturity, plus the present vаlue of the periodic interest pаyments".

What are the bonds?

Bonds аre а debt instruments, where the bondholder pаys the issuer аn initiаl sum of money known аs the purchаse price. In turn, the issuer pаys the holder coupon pаyments (аnnuity), аnd а finаl sum (fаce vаlue) upon mаturity of the bond. Bonds cаn be thought of аs printed contrаcts.

The present vаlue of а bond is cаlculаted by discounting the bond's future cаsh pаyments by the current mаrket interest rаte. In other words, the present vаlue of а bond is the totаl of:

The present vаlue of the semiаnnuаl interest pаyments, PLUSThe present vаlue of the principаl pаyment on the dаte the bond mаtures.

For more information about the price of a bond refer to the link:



Does each of the following government activities promote competition or limit monopoly power by regulating markets?
a. Limiting content on public airwaves
b. Directing local cable companies to reduce Internet fees for rural consumers
c. Forcing a municipal water company to limit rate increases
d. Preventing the merger of two pharmaceutical companies
e. Breaking up Standard Oil into smaller companies


Government initiatives that encourage competition or restrict monopoly power by regulating markets include requiring a municipal water corporation to control rates.

Which day market is down?

This stock market typically experiences a recurrently poor or negative average return from Fridays through Monday. According to some ideas, the Monday impact is greatly influenced by firms' propensity to announce unfavorable news on a Friday after markets close, which lowers stock values on the following Monday.

Why market is suddenly falling?

This quick and unexpected drop in stock prices is referred to as a stock market crash. Any significant calamity, a financial crisis, or the deflation of a long-term speculative bubble can all lead to a stock market decline.

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which of the following is not a piece of evidence that Darwin used to support his theory of evolution1.) similarities among different species2.) the amount of shared DNA between species3) fossil record How did the status of government officials affect the daily lives of people in this social class? you have ten servers in your datacenter running windows server and linux. you recently performed performance monitoring tests and found that you have two high-performance windows servers that are underutilized with respect to processing, memory and storage. you have several other lower performance servers that are running windows server and linux on older hardware that is out of warranty and is becoming unreliable. using your existing resources, what can you do to better utilize the high performance servers while being able to retire the older servers? What is Douglass's purpose for writing this Narrative ? Put the correct abbreviation with following words:1. Doctor2. Governor3. Secretary4.Senator5. Avenue6. Building7. Drive8. Mount9. Boulevard10. County The time for the new election of a citizen to be president of the United States is coming soon. I should now tell you of my decision: I will not be among the candidates considered for the position."Read the paraphrase of a text written by George Washington. What does this text represent?Precedent of term limits, because he is threatening to resign if members of Congress run for office a third timePrecedent of term limits, because he is declining consideration for leader of the United States NEED HELP QUICKRead the excerpt from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.The manner in which they spoke of the Meryton assembly was sufficiently characteristic. Bingley had never met with pleasanter people or prettier girls in his life; every body had been most kind and attentive to him, there had been no formality, no stiffness, he had soon felt acquainted with all the room; and as to Miss Bennet, he could not conceive an angel more beautiful. Darcy, on the contrary, had seen a collection of people in whom there was little beauty and no fashion, for none of whom he had felt the smallest interest, and from none received either attention or pleasure. Miss Bennet he acknowledged to be pretty, but she smiled too much.Which statement best explains Austens use of setting in the excerpt?It helps readers learn about rules of social behavior in the 1800s.It helps readers understand how Bingley and Darcy are different.It informs readers about the different levels of society in the 1800s.It helps readers visualize what the residents of Meryton look like. According to the normative view of science, what should scientists leave at the laboratory door?a. historical forcesb. life stressesc. personal valuesd. social structures What responsibilities do state courts and the Supreme Courts have in common Use the term constitutional law in your answer If an increase in the demand for reserves causes a deviation in the federal funds rate from a target rate, the Fed can maintain the target by. A.causing the supply curve of reserves to shift to the left B.causing a downward movement along the supply curve of reserves C.causing the supply curve of reserves to shift to the right D.causing an upward movement along the supply curve of reserves Will give brainliest if answered thank you The advantage of qualified plans to employers isA - Tax-free earnings.B - No lump-sum payments.C- Taxable contributions.D - Tax-deductible contributions. a nurse is teaching her client about cyclosporine therapy following a recent liver transplant. what statement by the client indicates further teaching is needed? ______ theory states that the more participatory and involved older adults are, the more likely they are to be satisfied with their lives. The functions f and h are defined as follows:f(x) = (x + 5)/(x - 7) and h(x) = (x + 5)(x - 7).Explain why the functions f and h are not the same function. Why was Swift angry in A Modest Proposal? linda has never worked as a manager before, but she was just promoted to a directorial position at her firm. she just had her first conversation with hr to strategize around how she can both reward her employees and also combat the negative effects of stress for her team. she is considering offering benefits in the form of _________ and __________ in order to keep her team positive and productive. how does an increase in the price level affect the quantity of real gdp supplied in the long run? A balance sheet is a financial statement that reports assets, liabilities, and owners' equity on a specific date. True or false? HELP ASAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP