A bag of popcorn contains 36 ounces. Your friend ate 14 of the bag. You eat 1/3 of what's left. How many ounces of popcorn did you eat?


Answer 1


you ate 7.33333 (repeating) ounces of popcorn

Step-by-step explanation:

36 - 14 = 22

22/3 = 7.3333 (repeating)

Related Questions

Find the half-life (in hours) of a radioactive substance that is reduced by 5 percent in 75 hours.half life = ___ include units


Let's list down the given information.

Time = 75 hours

Final Value = reduced by 5% = 95%

To get the half life, the formula is:

[tex]t=\frac{\ln 0.5}{k}[/tex]

Before we can get the half-life, we need to get the value of k or the decay rate first. The formula is:

[tex]k=\frac{\ln A}{t}[/tex]

where A is the final value in percentage and t = time. Since we have this information above, let's plug it in the formula and solve for k.


Now that we have the value of "k", let's solve for "t" using the formula stated above as well.

[tex]t=\frac{\ln 0.5}{k}=\frac{\ln 0.5}{-0.0006839105918}=1013.51[/tex]

Hence, the half life of the radioactive substance is approximately 1,013.51 hours or 1,013 hours and 30 minutes.

On Day 16, Ebony deposited $100 into her account. On each day after Day 16, segment 5, Ebony made adeposit, and those deposits were equal to each other.(a) Explain how you can determine, just by looking at the graph, whether the amounts she depositedafter Day 16 were each less than $100, $100, or more than $100.(b) Use the graph to estimate B(21) in hundreds. Explain how you determined this estimate. Then showhow you can estimate the amount of money Ebony deposited into her account each day after Day 16.


Given that on day 15 the balance was $0 and on day 16 the balance is $100, then we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{slope:} \\ m=\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1} \\ \Rightarrow m=\frac{100-0}{16-15}=100 \\ \text{for point (15,0) and slope m=100:} \\ y-y_0=m(x-x_0) \\ \Rightarrow y-0=100(x-15) \\ \Rightarrow y=100x-1500 \end{gathered}[/tex]

we have that the relation function for this period is B(x)=100x-1500. Then for x=21 we have the following:

[tex]\begin{gathered} B(x)=100x-1500 \\ B(21)=100\cdot21-1500=2100-1500=600 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

therefore, using the relation function, we have that B(21) = 600.

To find the amount of money deposited into the account after day 16, we have to find B(17), B(18), B(19) and B(20):

[tex]\begin{gathered} B(17)=100\cdot17-1500=1700-1200=200 \\ B(18)=100\cdot18-1500=1800-1500=300 \\ B(19)=100\cdot19-1500=1900-1500=400 \\ B(20)=100\cdot20-1500=2000-1500=500 \end{gathered}[/tex]

I need to know if it’s A b c or D


The value of x is 1.

Step - by - Step Explanation

What to find? The value of x.


From the diagram,

• Inscribed angle = 70°


• arc length = 141x - 1

The formula we can use to solve the given problem is;

[tex]\text{Inscribed angle =}\frac{1}{2}(\text{ length of arc)}[/tex]

Substitute the values into the formula.

[tex]70=\frac{1}{2}(141x\text{ - 1)}[/tex]

Simplify the above.

To simplify, first multiply both-side of the equation by 2.


140 = 141x - 1

Add 1 to both-side of the equation.

140 + 1 = 141x -1 + 1

141 = 141x

Divide both-side of the equation by 141.


x = 1

a recipe for cookies calls for 1/4 cup of brown sugar for one batch how many batches can be made with 3/8 cups of brown sugar


1) Gathering the data

1/4 cup of brown sugar ------ 1 batch

3/8 ---------------------------------- x

2) Let's solve this problem by setting a proportion to solve this:

1/4 cup of brown sugar ------ 1 batch

3/8 ---------------------------------- x

Since it is a proportion then we can cross multiply those fractions:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{1}{4}x=\frac{3}{8} \\ 8x=12 \\ \text{Divide both sides by 8} \\ x=\frac{12}{8}\text{ =}\frac{3}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

3) So with 3/8 cups of sugar, we can make 3/2 batches or 1.5 batches

Parallelogram ABCD has vertices A(8,2), B(6,-4), and C(-5,-4). Find the coordinates of D.



ABCD is the parallelogram.

vertices are A(8,2), B(6,-4), and C(-5,-4)

We know the diagonals of the parallelogram bisect each other.

Find the midpoint of AC.

[tex]\begin{gathered} m=(\frac{x_1+x_2}{2},\frac{y_1+y_2}{2}) \\ (x_1,y_1)=(8,2) \\ (x_2,y_2)=(-5,-4) \\ m=(\frac{8-5}{2},\frac{2-4}{2}) \\ m=(\frac{3}{2},-\frac{2}{2}) \\ m=(\frac{3}{2},-1) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, the midpoint of BD is given as,

[tex]\begin{gathered} m=(\frac{x_1+x_2}{2},\frac{y_1+y_2}{2}) \\ m=(\frac{3}{2},-1) \\ B\mleft(6,-4\mright),D(x,y) \\ (\frac{3}{2},-1)=(\frac{6+x}{2},\frac{-4+y}{2}) \\ \frac{6+x}{2}=\frac{3}{2},\frac{-4+y}{2}=-1 \\ 6+x=3,-4+y=-2 \\ x=-3,y=2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The coordinate of D is (-3,2).

function notations For the function below for which values of x does f (x)=3 ?



x = 2


Each ordered pair in the function has the form (x, f(x)). So, the first coordinate is x and the second coordinate of each pair is f(x).

Then, the ordered pair that has a second coordinate equal to 3 or f(x) = 3 is the pair (2, 3). Therefore, the value of x that does f(x) = 3 is x = 2

So, the answer is x = 2

hurry and anwser please im dying



the answers to your question would be 65 aka D

So my teacher teach us about this leason but I did not understand it at all can someone please teach me.


x + 2= 2(2x - 14 )

We will first find x

x + 2 = 4x - 28

collect like term

4x - x = 28 + 2

3x = 30

Divide both-side of the equation by 3

x = 10

But TU = 2x - 14

substitute x = 10 in the above and evaluate

TU = 2(10) - 14 = 20 - 14 = 6

Hence the length of TU is 6

Hi could you help me with my homework Number 1


Slope-intercept form:


This form reveal the slope (m) that describes the steepness of a line, and the y-coordinate of the y-intercept (b) (The y-intercept has coordinates (0,b))

Find the slope of the tangent line to f(x) when x= -3. Two points on the line tangent to f(x) at x = -3 are: (-4,-7) and (1,3).


When x = -3, the line that's tangent to f(x) is shown in the given image. So, in order to find the slope of f(x) at x = -3, we need to find the slope of that line.

The slope of a line is given by the formula:


Now, notice that the points (-4,-7) and (1,3) belong to the tangent line. Therefore, we can use them to find the slope:

y₂ = 3

y₁ = -7

x₂ = 1

x₁ = -4

So, we have:


Therefore, the slope is 2.

Find all the roots of the following equations2x^3+x^2-7x-2=0


Let's begin by listing out the information given to us:

2x³ + x² - 7x- 2 = 0

We will proceed to factorise, we have:

(x + 2)(2x² − 3x - 1) = 0

We will proceed to equate the factors to zero, we have:

x + 2 = 0⇒ x = -2

x = -2

2x² − 3x - 1 = 0

We will use the quadratic formula, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2x^{2}-3x-1=0 \\ x=\frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a} \\ a=2,b=-3,c=-1 \\ x=\frac{-(-3)\pm\sqrt[]{(-3)^2-4(2)(-1)}}{2(2)} \\ x=\frac{3\pm\sqrt[]{9+8}}{4}=\frac{3\pm\sqrt[]{17}}{4} \\ x=\frac{3\pm\sqrt[]{17}}{4}\Rightarrow x=\frac{3+\sqrt[]{17}}{4},\frac{3-\sqrt[]{17}}{4} \\ x=\frac{3+\sqrt[]{17}}{4},\frac{3-\sqrt[]{17}}{4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Please help with this math problem so my son can understand better I have attached the image. For some reason he keeps getting it incorrect cause he's not sure were the point should be placed on the graph please help.


Step 1

Choose input values for x for both equations based on his graph. The x-values on his graph sheet range from -10 to 10. we will choose; -10, -8,0,4 and 10.

Step 2

Input these x-values in the first equation and get values for the output y.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3x+y=6 \\ \text{Transforming the above equation we will have; y=6-3x} \\ y=6-3x \\ x=-10 \\ y=6-3(-10) \\ y=6+30 \\ y=36 \\ \text{First point(-10,36)} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{If x=-8} \\ y=6-3(-8) \\ y=6+24 \\ y=30 \\ \text{second point}(-8,30) \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{If x=0} \\ y=6-3(0_{}) \\ y=6 \\ \text{Third point(0,6)} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{If x=4} \\ y=6-3(4) \\ y=6-12 \\ y=-6 \\ \text{Fourth point(4,-6)} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{If x=10} \\ y=6-3(10) \\ y=6-30=-24 \\ \text{fifth point(10,-24)} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 3

Find similar points using the same x values for line 2, the second equation

[tex]\begin{gathered} -3x-4y=12 \\ -4y=12+3x \\ -\frac{4y}{-4}=\frac{12}{-4}+(\frac{3x}{-4}) \\ y=-3-\frac{3x}{4} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{If x=-10, points are }(-10,4.5) \\ \text{If x=-8 points are (-8,}3) \\ \text{if x =0 points are (}0,-3) \\ \text{if x=4 points are (4,}-6) \\ \text{if x=10 points are (10},-10.5) \end{gathered}[/tex]

What is the variable term in 2x+3?


In the expression


Can you explain/show the steps to me how to solve


Step 1: Identify the overall set

Which in this case is the Dangerous

Step2: poisonous things are dangerous

These are contained in the dangerous things, hence contained in the big circle

Step3: Some Chemicals are poisonous

Then the chemicals are contained in the poisonous things

Hence since some chemicals are poisonous then they are dangerous as in the diagram above

Therefore the argument is valid

POS The radius of a cylindrical box of oatmeal is 5 centimeters. The height of the box is 18 centimeters. 5 cm 18 cm QATMEAL Which measurement is closest to the total surface area of the oatmeal box in square centimeters? A 597 cm2 B 361 cm? C 314 cm? D 723 cm?




Step 1

to find the area, imagine the unfolded cylindrical box


length=18 cm


radius= 5 cm

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{width}=2\cdot\pi\cdot5\text{ cm} \\ \text{width}=10\cdot\pi\cdot\text{cm} \\ \text{width}=31.4\text{ cm} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 2

now, the total area would be

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{total area= area of the rectangle+twice area of the circle} \\ \text{replacing} \\ \text{total area=(length}\cdot widht9+2(\pi\cdot radius^2) \\ \text{total area=(18 cm}\cdot31.4\text{ cm)+2(3.14}\cdot25cm^2) \\ \text{total area=565.2 cm}^2+157.07cm^2 \\ \text{total area=722.27 cm}^2 \\ \text{rounded} \\ 723cm^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

I hope this helps you

to which set or sets of numbers does the number 5 belong?A. rational numbers only b. integers c. integers and rational numbers or D. integers,whole numbers, and rational numbers


5 belongs to the set of integers, whole numbers and rational numbers, so the answer is D.

What is the length of the dotted line in the diagram below? Round to the nearesttenth.


From the given figure

The rectangle has a width of 3 and its length is the hypotenuse of a right triangle with legs 5 and 7

Then we will find at first the hypotenuse of the triangle using the Pythagoras Theorem

[tex]\begin{gathered} L=\sqrt[]{7^2+5^2} \\ L=\sqrt[]{49+25} \\ L=\sqrt[]{74} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, to find the dotted line we will do the same with the length and the width of the rectangle

[tex]\begin{gathered} D=\sqrt[]{L^2+W^2} \\ L=\sqrt[]{74},W=3 \\ D=\sqrt[]{(\sqrt[]{74})^2+(3)^2} \\ D=\sqrt[]{74+9} \\ D=\sqrt[]{83} \\ D=9.110433579 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Round it to the nearest tenth

The length of the dotted line is 9.1

in a class of 20 students, 40% of them have a pet how many students have a pet


20 students represent 100% of the class, to find how many students are 40% of the class, we can use the next proportion:

[tex]\frac{20\text{ students}}{x\text{ students}}=\frac{100\text{ \%}}{40\text{ \%}}[/tex]

Solving for x,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 20\cdot40=100\cdot x \\ \frac{800}{100}=x \\ 8=x \end{gathered}[/tex]

8 students have a pet

The students in Mr. Collin's class used a surveyor's measuring device to find the angle from their location the top of a building. They also measured their distance from the bottom of the building. The diagram shows the angle measure and the distance. To the nearest foot, find the height of the building. Building 100 2400 ft b. 72 ft 308 ft 33 ft D


The height of the building is 308 ft

here, we want to get the height of the building

From what we have, the angle given faces the building which makes the building the opposite

The length given does not face the angle nor the right-angle and that makes it the adjacent

The relationship between the opposite and the adjacent is the tan

In fact, tan is the ratio of the opposite to the adjacent

Let us call the height of the buliding h

Thus, we have it that;

[tex]\begin{gathered} \tan \text{ 72 = }\frac{h}{100} \\ h\text{ = 100}\times\tan \text{ 72} \\ h\text{ = 307.76} \\ h\text{ = 308 ft} \end{gathered}[/tex]

does 1/2y+ 3.2y=20 have a solution?



3.7 is multiplying on the left, then it will divide on the right

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=\frac{20}{3.7} \\ y\approx5.4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Find fractional notation. 12.3% = (Simplify your answer. Type an integer or a fraction.)


The repeating decimal is 12.3.

To transform the repeating decimal into a fraction, first, we subtract all the digits 123 with the whole number 12


Then, we divide 111 by 9 because the repeating decimal has one digit only.

[tex]\frac{111}{9}[/tex]Hence, the fractional notation is 111/9 %

How many radians are in 120°? ?7T22T30123


To convert 120 degrees to radians, we have to multiply by pi/180 and simplify the fraction:


therefore, there are 2/3 pi radians in 120 degrees

A battery is charged. The percentage of the battery's capacity that is charged as a function of time (in minutes) is graphed 0 IT) HE + What was the battery's charging level when the charging began?


look closely to the graph

when the time (which is on the x-axis) was zero (0),

the capacity of the battery (which is on y-axis) was already at 40% left

Now, the battery's charging level when the charging began was 40%

Graph the line given a point and the slope. (2,-2) ; m = 1/2


[tex]\begin{gathered} m=\text{slope}=\frac{1}{2} \\ (2,-2) \\ \text{Function} \\ y=mx+b \\ y=\frac{1}{2}x+b \\ U\sin g\text{ point (2,-2) to find b} \\ -2=\frac{1}{2}(2)+b \\ -2=1+b \\ b=-2-1 \\ b=-3 \\ \text{hence} \\ y=\frac{1}{2}x-3 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

On a map, 1 inch equals 13.1 miles. If two cities are 2.5 inches apart on the map, how far are they actually apart?



The ratio given is 1 inch equals 13.1 miles. That means 2 inches would be 13.1 miles times 2, and so on.

Therefore, if two cities are 2.5 inches apart on the map, then;

[tex]\begin{gathered} 1\text{inch}=13.1\text{mile} \\ 2.5in=13.1(2.5)\text{miles} \\ 2.5in=32.75miles \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the two cities are actually 32.75 miles apart

(5x-1)+2y= 194° what is x and y?


Given a cyclic quadrilateral

The sum of the opposite angles = 180


[tex]\begin{gathered} 2y+90=180 \\ (5x-1)+76=180 \end{gathered}[/tex]

solve the first equation to find y as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2y=180-90 \\ 2y=90 \\ y=\frac{90}{2}=45 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Solve the second equation to find x as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 5x-1+76=180 \\ 5x+75=180 \\ 5x=180-75 \\ 5x=105 \\ x=\frac{105}{5}=21 \end{gathered}[/tex]

so, the answer will be:

x = 21

y = 45

Brenda uses 1/3 of a bag of flour in each batch of pizzas. She used 2/3 of a bag of flour on Monday. How many batches of pizzas did she make?


Given that it takes 1/3 of a bag of flour to make 1 batch.



If one batch of pizzas is 1/3, then another 1/3 would be 2/3 and 2 batches of pizza

Three years ago Maya was eleven times as old as her daughter Fiona. In four years time Maya will be four times as old as Fiona. How old are they now?


Let's call M the present age of Maya, and F the present age of Fiona.

Three years ago Maya was eleven times as old as Fiona. At that time, Maya's age was M-3, and Fiona's age was F-3. Thus, we have:


Also, in four years Maya will be four times as old as Fiona. At that time, Maya's age will be M+4, and Fiona's age will be F+4. Thus, we have:


Now, we need to solve the system of those two equations to find M and F. Subtracting the second equation from the first, we obtain:

[tex]\begin{gathered} M-3-(M+4)=11F-33-(4F+16) \\ \\ M-3-M-4=(11-4)F-33-16 \\ \\ -7=7F-49 \\ \\ -7+49=7F-49+49 \\ \\ 42=7F \\ \\ \frac{42}{7}=\frac{7F}{7} \\ \\ 6=F \\ \\ F=6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, we can use the above result to find M:

[tex]\begin{gathered} M+4=4(6+4) \\ \\ M+4=40 \\ \\ M+4-4=40-4 \\ \\ M=36 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, now Maya is 40 years old and Fiona is 6 years old.

The formula for finding the distance traveled, base on the speed and time, is D= RT, whereD is distanceR is rateT is timeUnits must be consistent. If the unit for D is miles and the unit for T is minutes, what must the units for R be?_______Solve this formula for R.R=______If a bicyclist rides for 140 minutes at an average speed of 14 miles per hour, how far was the ride, to 1 decimal place?_______ miles.At what speed must a bicyclist ride to cover 60 miles in 1.5 hours, to 1 decimal place?______ miles/hour




The formula for finding the distance traveled, based on the speed and time, is D= RT, where D is distance, R is rate and T is time.

The unit for D is miles and the unit for T is minutes.


A bicyclist rides for 140 minutes at an average speed of 14 miles per hour.


A bicyclist ride to cover 60 miles in 1.5 hours.



We need to find the units fir R.


We need to find the distance.


We need to speed.



The given formula is


Divide both sides of the equation by T.


Substitute D =miles and T= minutes in the formula.

[tex]miles=R\times minutes[/tex][tex]\frac{miles}{minutes}=R[/tex]

We can rewrite miles by the hour. since 60 minutes = one hour

[tex]60\text{ }\frac{miles}{hour}=R[/tex]

The most common unit of speed is miles/ hour.


The unit of R is miles/hour.


T =140 minutes and R =14 miles per hour.

Convert the minutes onto hours.

Divide 140 by 60 to convert units.


Consider the formula.


Substitute R =14 and T=7/3 in the formula.



The bicycle was ridden 32.7 miles.


D =60 and T =1.5

Consider the formula.


Substitute D =60 and T =1.5 in the formula.


Divide both sides by 1.5.



The speed of the bicycle is 40 miles/hour.

Final answer:

5.1234 to the thousandths 6.6666 to the thousandths



[tex]\begin{gathered} 5.1234\approx5.123 \\ 6.6666\approx6.667 \end{gathered}[/tex]


We want to round up the given number to the nearest thousandths.


To the nearest thousandth which is also to 3 decimal place, we have;




To the nearest thousandth, we have;


Note that numbers from 5 above will be rounded up, while numbers below 5 will be rounded down.

Other Questions
2.The magnetic field of magnet A extends further than themagnetic field of magnet B.State what can be concluded about the strengths of thesetwo magnets. Create an acrostic poem that describes the influence of the Roman Catholic Church in medieval Europe. Use your student text, Reading Notes, and Handout D to complete your poem. Your poem must meet the following requirements. It must have nine short stanzas, or lines. The first letter of the poems stanzas must spell out the words THE CHURCH. So, the first word of Stanza 1 must begin with the letter T, the first word of Stanza 2 with the letter H, and so on. The poem must contain at least five of the Social Studies Vocabulary words from this lesson. The poem must contain correct spelling and grammar. What would be and example of a point , a plane , and a line in a classroom setting? An artist in Portland, Oregon, makes bronze sculptures of dogs. The ratio of the height of a sculpture to the actual height of the dog is 2:3. If the height of the sculpture is 14 inches, find the height of the dog.i need a step by step run through to understand 4/8 =Express your answer as a whole number or fraction. Consider the quadratic function y=2x2 12x + 20.Rewrite the equation in vertex format. Suppose the cost per ton y to build an oil platform of x thousand tons is approximately by:What is the cost per ton for x=300? Metropolis Elementary recommends a ratio of 2 adults for every 24 children on every field trip.The school has 20 adults and 350 students.If everyone goes on a field trip, would that meet the recommendation? write the first three terms of sequence A(n+1)=1/2A(n) for n 1 and A(1)=4write your answer separated by commas, with no space for example 5,6,7 a. Use the line of random numbers to obtain and report the resulting list of heads and tails. Use H for heads and T for tails.Q0000 00.000 0.0.000 00000 Connor filled his 108 gallon pool with water in 8 hours. How many gallons per hour did he use? Match the causes with their effects.injecting fracking fluidsinto the groundoil spills during transporton a shipdestroys animal habitats andcauses topsoil to erodepollutes groundwater withdangerous chemicalsharms aquatic creaturesand vegetationResetNextdeforestation Find the improper fraction with a denominator of 8 that is equivalent to 3 and 1/2 Question 3(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)(Interior and Exterior Angles MC)In AJKL, mZJ = 67 and mL = 90. Determine the measure of the exterior angle to ZK.23113O 157O 78.5 Which person has potential and kinetic energy? find the sum of the first 6 terms of the following sequence. round to the nearest hundredth if necessary.35, 14, 28/5,...sum of a finite geometric series:Sn=a1-a1^r^n/1-r I need to solve it and fill in the spaces Point P is located at (4, 8) on a coordinate plane.Point Pwill be reflected over the x axis.What will be thecoordinates of the image of point P? calculate the difference quotient and use your results to find the slope of the tangent line I am going to attach a photo of the question. as you can tell the question has already been answered but my teacher wants me to show how she got the answer.