a 0.240-kg billiard ball that is moving at 3.00 m/s strikes the bumper of a pool table and bounces straight back at 2.40 m/s. how much kinetic energy in joules is lost during the collision?


Answer 1

Kinetic energy in joules is lost during the collision is  0.3888J

Mass of ball= 0.240kg,

Initial velocity = v1 = 3m/s

velocity after collision = v2 = 2.4m/s

Duration of contact of the billiard ball will the bumper: t=0.0150s

Energy lost during collision = E loss= E1 ​​​​​- E2

E loss = 1/2 * m * ([tex]v1^{2}[/tex] - [tex]v2^{2}[/tex]) = 1/2 * 0.24* (9 - 5.76) = 0.3888J

Examples of kinetic energy being converted into and out of different forms of energy may help people to understand it better. To accelerate a bicycle to a desired pace, for instance, a biker uses the chemical energy from meals. Unless there is additional effort required to overcome friction and air resistance, this speed can be maintained on a flat surface. The process of turning the chemical energy into kinetic energy, the energy of motion, is not entirely efficient and results in heat buildup inside the cyclist. The bicycle's and the cyclist's kinetic energy can be transformed into many types of energy. For instance, the cyclist might come across a slope that is just tall enough to coast up, causing the bicycle to come to an abrupt stop at the top. Kinetic energy in joules is lost during the collision is  0.3888J

Learn more about Kinetic energy here:



Related Questions

The theory that dark matter is not real and is just a a problem with our theory of gravity has been falsified by:_______.


The theory that dark matter is not real and is just a problem with our theory of gravity has been falsified by an observation of what happens when clusters of galaxies collide. The term dark matter was coined in 1933 by Fritz Zwicky.

The observed evidence for dark matter is quite strong, and we know it's unlikely to be a mathematical artifact because different galaxies appear to have different amounts of dark matter, with some not having any at all. If our model of gravity were in error, we would expect to see the same error in all galaxies we observe. This is not the case.

Instead, we observe that some galaxies behave exactly as the model says they should, and some behave as if they're heavier than they ought to be.

Learn more about the dark matter here:



a rock with a mass of 525 g in air is found to have an apparent mass of 372 g when submerged in water. show answer no attempt 33% part (a) what mass, in grams, of water is displaced?


Ac rock with a mass of 525 g in air is found to have an apparent mass of 372 g when submerged in water mass, in grams, of water is displaced 153 g

When the rock is submerged into the water, there are two forces acting on the rock:

- its weight, equal to W = mg  (m=mass, g=acceleration of gravity), downward

- the buoyant force, equal to B = mwg (mw=mass of water displaced), upward

So the resultant force, which is the apparent weight of the rock (W'), is

W' = W - B

which can be rewritten as

m'g = mg - mwg

where m' is the apparent mass of the rock. Using:

m = 540 g

m' = 372 g

we find the mass of water displaced

mw = m - m' = 525g - 372g = 153g

=mass, in grams, of water is displaced 153 g

To learn more about mass Please click on the given link:



the total number of points of work a team can accomplish in each scrum period is called . group of answer choices speed degree velocity score


The total number of points of work, a team can accomplish in each scrum period is called velocity.

The high data growth speed is another thing is currently a problem. In a way, this problem is closely related to the data volume problem, because the speed of data created is generally directly proportional to the data volume. Data not only come in large numbers but also in a shorter tempo and even some that are real-time.

The burden of storing and processing data in a data warehouse will be more useful if it is utilized for data that is directly related to the business - transaction, financial and consumer data.

To know more about velocity:



one brand of dog whistles claims a frequency of 23.0 khzkhz for its product. what is the wavelength of this sound? express your answer in centimeters.


1.478 cm is the wavelength of this sound.

What is wavelength of sound?

The separation between neighboring identical portions of a sound wave is consequently known as its wavelength. The separation between adjacent compressions in a sound wave is equal to one wavelength, just to the distance between adjacent crests in a transverse wave.

There are three types of sound waves: pressure waves, mechanical waves, and longitudinal waves.

We know that,

wavelength and frequency of sound are related with the relation,

λ = v/f


velocity of sound in air (v) = 340 m/sec = 34000 cm/sec

frequency (f) = 23 KHz = 23 × 10³ Hz

or, λ = (34000 cm/sec) / (23 × 10³)

or, λ = 1.478 cm

To know more about wavelength refer to:



Most of the radiation released from the failed nuclear reactor was from fission products.a. Trueb. False


The fission products iodine-131, cesium-134, and cesium-137 made up the majority of the radiation produced by the failed nuclear reactor. Iodine-131 is rapidly consumed through the air and has a tendency to localize in the thyroid gland, despite having a half-life of only eight days, according to UNSCEAR.

Does radiation come from nuclear fission?

Atoms split apart during nuclear fission, releasing energy in the process. Nuclear fission is used in all nuclear power reactors, and uranium atoms are used in the majority of them. In the process of nuclear fission, a neutron splits a uranium atom after colliding with it, releasing a significant quantity of energy in the form of heat and radiation.

If a fission reactor malfunctioned, what would happen?

Because of the potential for radioactive elements to escape from all containment and enter the environment, causing radioactive pollution and fallout and perhaps poisoning nearby people and animals, a meltdown is thought to be extremely severe.

To know more about radiation visit;



how does a black hole form from a massive star? how does a black hole form from a massive star? if enough mass is accreted by a white dwarf star that it exceeds the 1.4 solar mass limit, it will undergo a supernova explosion and leave behind a black-hole remnant. any star more massive than 1.4 solar masses will undergo a supernova explosion and leave behind a black hole remnant.



A stellar black hole is formed by the gravitational collapse of a massive star (greater than 30-70 solar masses) at the end of its lifetime. The process is observed as a supernova explosion or a gamma-ray burst.


rank the following series from low frequency to high frequency. a. infrared light, radio waves, x-rays b. black light, nuclear energy, cell phone c. visible light, television waves, gamma rays


The following series from low frequency to high frequency are:

Radio waves-cellphone-television waves-infrared light-x-rays- black light-nuclear energy-visible light-gamma rays

In physics, frequency is the number of waves that pass a fixed point in a unit of time as well as the number of cycles or vibrations that a body in periodic motion experiences in a unit of time. After moving through a sequence of situations or locations and then returning to its initial position, a body in periodic motion is said to have experienced one cycle or one vibration. See also basic harmonic motion and angular velocity.

The frequency is 2 per second if the period, or time interval, needed to complete one cycle or vibration is 1/2 second; it is 100 per hour if the duration is 1/100 of an hour. The reciprocal of the period, or time interval, is typically the frequency.

To learn more about frequency Please click on the given link:



the pressure exerted by a phonograph needle on a record is surprisingly large. if the equivalent of 1.00 g is supported by a needle, the tip of which is a circle 0.200 mm in radius, what pressure is exerted on the record in n/m2 (1 pa


77,985.92 N/m^2  pressure is exerted on the record in n/m2

Equation: Pressure, P = Force, F / Surface Area, A

Force, F = Weight, mg = 1/1000*9.81 = 9.81 * 10-3 N

Surface area, A = πr^2

= π*(0.200 / 1000)^2

= 1.2566 * 10-7 m2

P = F / A = (9.81*10^–3)/(1.2566*10^–7) = 77,985.92 N/m^2 as a result.

The normal force exerted by the record is supporting the needle of the record player, and this normal force will be equal to the force of gravity pulling the needle downward. If we were to look at the end of the needle, its radius would be a circle with a radius of 0.200 millimeters. Since the prefix "milli-" indicates times 10 to minus 3, we will translate that into 0.200 times 10 to minus 3 meters.

And since this region of the circle will be r squared, we can calculate the pressure at that point. The force per area, or mg, is what determines pressure. Therefore, mg equals the force, and r squared equals the area. Therefore, the pressure equals 7.80 times 10 to the 4 pascals, or 1.00 times 10 to the minus 3 kilograms times 9.80 newtons per kilogram divided by times its radius in meters squared.

To learn more about Pressure Please visit the below link.



What is the mass and weight of an object on the surface of the moon, if on the earth its mass is 12kg.


The mass and weight of object on moon is 0.0138kg  and 0.0229kg .

Since force is a vector quantity, we must consider the direction in which it acts. There are two main types of frictional force: static force (Fst) and sliding force (Fsl). Normal forces (FN) produce these forces acting perpendicular to the direction of motion, although they act in the opposite direction to the object's motion.

It is equivalent to the weight of the object plus the extra weight. For example, pushing down on a block of wood on a table increases the normal force and thus the frictional force.



gm=10/6= 1.66


me ge =M gm

M=me ge/gm



W=mg =0.0138 x 10kg

To know about weight of object on moon -



Determine whether each of the following statements about the thermodynamic functions are True or False as they apply to chemical reactions.1. Enthalpy and temperature are multiplied in the Gibbs free energy.2. All spontaneous chemical reactions have no heat of reaction.3. The heat of reaction at constant pressure is always equal to the work done by the reaction.4. Positive enthalpy changes increase spontaneity.5. The entropy change does not effect spontaneity.


The quantity of heat needed to increase a substance's temperature by one degree Celsius per gramme is known as its specific heat capacity. As a result, the relationship between enthalpy and a substance's specific heat capacity is direct.

Describe enthalpy.

The term "enthalpy" is essentially used in thermodynamics to show the total energy that a substance possesses. Enthalpy mathematically directly correlates with a substance's specific heat capacity.

The Gibbs free energy is reduced by temperature and entropy. Spontaneity is boosted by favourable enthalpy shifts. Spontaneity is increased by positive entropy changes. Positive entropy changes are present in all spontaneous chemical reactions. As a result, the relationship between enthalpy and a substance's specific heat capacity is direct.

To know more about enthalpy, here:



what is the momentum of a car with a mass of 2,000 kg moving at a constant velocity of 20 m/s?(1 point)


the momentum of a car with a mass of 2,000 kg moving at a constant velocity is 40,000 kg. m/s

The kinetic energy is 400kJ

The kinetic energy is


The mass is m = 2000kg

The velocity is v = 20ms−1

So, K.E = (1/2)x2000x202 = 400000J = 400kJ

In physics, the kinetic energy of an object is the energy that it possesses due to its motion. It is defined as the work needed to accelerate a body of a given mass from rest to its stated velocity. Having gained this energy during its acceleration, the body maintains this kinetic energy unless its speed changes. Kinetic energy is the energy an object has because of its motion. If we want to accelerate an object, then we must apply a force. Applying a force requires us to do work. After work has been done, energy has been transferred to the object, and the object will be moving with a new constant speed.

To learn more about Momentum click here



a particle of mass m is moving with a constant speed v along a straight line that passes through point p. what can you say about the angular momentum of the particle relative to point p?


A particle with mass m is moving at a constant speed of v in a straight line via point p. With regard to the magnitude of point p, the particle has no angular momentum. The magnitude of the particle changes in sign when it passes point P.

Angular momentum, sometimes referred to as moment of momentum or rotational momentum, is the rotational counterpart of linear momentum in physics. as a result of the quantity's conservation.

In a closed system, the overall angular momentum remains constant. It is a huge physical amount. The conservation of angular momentum applies to both its direction and its amplitude. The conservation of angular momentum is responsible for the functionality of gyroscopes, rifled bullets, frisbees, bicycles, and motorbikes.

To know more about gyroscopes, click the below link



How do you compare the energies of the different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum?


The different types of radiation in electromagnetic spectrum are compared by the amount of energy found in the photons.

Radio waves have photons with low energies, microwave photons have a little more energy than radio-waves. Infrared photons still have more energy, then comes visible, ultraviolet, x-rays and the most energetic of all, gamma rays.

The energy associated with electromagnetic radiation is proportional to frequency and inversely proportional to wavelength. So, electromagnetic waves with shorter wavelengths have more energy.

On one end of the electromagnetic spectrum are radio waves, which have wavelengths billions of times longer than those of visible light. On the other end of the spectrum are gamma rays with wavelengths billions of times smaller than those of visible light.

To know more about electromagnetic spectrum:



How do you calculate period and frequency?


Time period is calculated by the formula 2π/angular frequency whereas frequency is calculated by the formula speed/wavelength

Frequency is characterized as the quantity of complete waves produces in unit time. The unit of frequency is Hertz.

It is the proportion of speed and frequency of a wave. f=v/λ , where v and λ is the speed and wavelength of light.

Time period is the important opportunity to finish a solitary wave.The unit of time period is second.

Time period is characterized by the formula, T=2π/ω=1/f, where  ω is the angular frequency of a wave and f is its frequency.

On the off chance that we know the speed and frequency of the wave previously, figuring out the frequency by the above formulae f=v/λ ,after estimation of the frequency we can gauge the time period utilizing T=2π/ω.

To know more about frequency, visit here:




Where are infrared and ultraviolet light on the electromagnetic spectrum?


The infrared radiation has longer waves than red light. It has a lower frequency and contains less energy. While ultraviolet radiation has a shorter wavelength than blue light and delivers more energy per photon than visible light. These waves move up and down faster.

Visible light neighbours on the electromagnetic spectrum are infrared radiation on one side and ultraviolet radiation on the other. Infrared has longer waves than red light and oscillates at a lower frequency and contains less energy.

Infrared radiation also known as thermal radiation is a band in the electromagnetic spectrum with wavelengths above red light between 780 nm and 1mm.

Ultraviolet radiation lies between visible light and x-rays along the electromagnetic spectrum. The range of wavelength is between 10 and 400 nanometres.

To know more about electromagnetic spectrum:



The specific gravity of an material is defined as the ratio of the density of the material to the density of water. The specific gravity of ice is 0.917, whereas that of seawater is 1.025.What fraction of an iceberg is above the surface of the water?


The fraction of the ice that lies above the water is obtained as 0.11.

What is the density?

We know that the term density has to do with the ratio of the mass to the volume of an object. In this case we can see that the density has to be looked upon as a kind of property that we can use so as to obtain the identity of a given material.

In this case, we can see that what we have been given in each case is the specific gravity. However, the specific gravity is the ratio of the density of the object to the density of water.


Density of ice = 0.917 g/cm^3

Density of sea water =  1.025 g/cm^3

Then we know that the fraction that is above the surface of the water can be obtained by the use of the formula;

Volume above = Density of liquid - Density of ice/ Density of liquid

Volume above =   1.025  - 0.917/ 1.025

= 0.11

Learn more about density:https://brainly.com/question/15164682


A black hole…
A. is a gateway to another dimension.
B. has the gravitational pull to devour an entire galaxy.
C. cannot exist, according to the laws of physics.
D. has an escape velocity of the speed of light or greater.





A black hole is not a gateway to another dimension.

It is impossible for a blackhole to devour an entire galaxy.

Black holes do exist.

Therefore, the answer is D.


We are going to leave the quantum theory of gravitation and return to Einstein's general relativity to describe those very exotic objects that so appeal to the imagination of young people, black holes. They are objects whose gravitational attraction is so great that not even light can escape from their surface. We already know what the escape velocity is, so what we mean is that, when we calculate the escape velocity in a black hole (see the end of Topic 1) we get a value of 300,000 km/s or more.


Which refers to any disturbance that carries energy from one place to another through matter and space?.


A wave is the disturbance that carries energy from one place to another through matter and space.

A wave:

Transfers energy.Usually involves a periodic, repetitive movement.Does not result in a net movement of the medium or particles in the medium (mechanical wave).

Wave Speed Formula:

It is the total distance covered by the wave in a given time period. The formula for wave speed is given as;Wave Speed = Distance Covered/Time taken

Properties of Waves:

Amplitude – Wave is an energy transport phenomenon. Amplitude is the height of the wave, usually measured in metres. It is directly related to the amount of energy carried by a wave.Wavelength – The distance between identical points in the adjacent cycles of crests of a wave is called a wavelength. It is also measured in metres.Period – The period of a wave is the time for a particle on a medium to make one complete vibrational cycle. As the period is time, hence is measured in units of time such as seconds or minutes.Frequency – Frequency of a wave is the number of waves passing a point in a certain time. The unit of frequency is hertz (Hz) which is equal to one wave per second.

        The period is the reciprocal of the frequency and vice versa.

To know more about waves visit:



consider the two stars in the constellation orion, rigel with an apparent magnitude of 0.18 and saiph with an apparent magnitude of 2.07.which star is brighter, rigel or saiph?


The two stars in the constellation orion, rigel with an apparent magnitude of 0.18 and saiph with an apparent magnitude of 2.07 and Brightest Star is rigel.

What is Rigel?A blue supergiant star in the constellation of Orion is called Rigel. The Bayer designation for it is Orionis, which can also be spelled Beta Orionis or Ori in Latin. A stellar system of at least four stars that, to the unaided eye, appears as a single blue-white point of light contains Rigel as its brightest and most massive member. Rigel also serves as the star system's eponym. The distance between this system and the Sun is roughly 860 light-years (260 pc).Rigel, a star with the spectral classification B8Ia, is estimated to be between 61,500 and 363,000 times more massive and bright than the Sun, depending on the methodology and presumptions utilised. Its radius exceeds 70 times that of the Sun.

To learn more about Rigel refer to:



A box slides on the ground. It has a 20N applied force pushing it to the right. The friction between the box and the ground is 8N. What is the magnitude of the net force on the box?



12 N


Fnet = 20 N - 8 N = 12 N

Force of friction is always in the direction opposite to the direction of motion of the object.  

A star is born when
A. it first starts to fuse hydrogen into helium.
B. it first starts to fuse helium into hydrogen.
C. it gets its first planet.
D. when it goes supernova.


I believe it’s A it first starts to fuse hydrogen into helium

sunspots appear dark because they are cooler than the surrounding solar surface. group of answer choices true false


Because they are substantially cooler than the rest of the Sun's surface, sunspots appear dark (in visible light). However, despite their gloomy appearance, they are nonetheless quite hot.

Around 6,300 Fahrenheit (3,500 Celsius) is the temperature of a sunspot, while 10,000 Fahrenheit is the temperature of the sun's surface (5,500 Celsius). A sunspot would glow brightly if it were the only one in outer space.

The size of the average sunspot is comparable to that of our entire planet! Although sunspots can range in size from hundreds to tens of thousands of kilometers across, they do exist (many times larger than Earth).

To gauge the sun's activity, scientists calculate the total area (size) of all the sunspots that may be seen on it each day. Sunspots disappear after a while. They appear and vanish on the Sun's surface.

To know more about sunspot, click below link



a fire truck is driving quickly toward you with siren blaring. how does the frequency of the sound change compared to a siren at rest?


The frequency of the sound will increase as the fire truck approaches, as the sound waves are compressed together, creating a higher pitch. As the fire truck passes by, the frequency will gradually decrease, as the sound waves spread out, creating a lower pitch.

The frequency of the sound produced by a fire truck siren changes as it approaches. This is because of the Doppler effect, which states that the frequency of sound waves increases as the source of the sound approaches, and decreases as it moves away.

Step 1: When the firetruck is at rest, the sound waves emitted by the siren travel in a straight line in all directions. This means that the frequency of the sound waves heard at any given point is the same as the frequency emitted by the siren.

Step 2: As the fire truck moves closer to the observer, the sound waves leave the siren at a faster rate than when the truck was at rest. This causes the sound waves to bunch up closer together, which in turn causes the frequency of the sound to increase.

Step 3: As the fire truck continues to move closer to the observer, the sound waves continue to bunch up, resulting in an even higher frequency of sound.

Step 4: Finally, when the fire truck passes the observer, the sound waves start to spread apart again. This causes the frequency of the sound to decrease.

to know more about frequency click here:



Where is infrared located on the electromagnetic spectrum in relation to other kinds of radiation?


Infrared rays are located in the electromagnetic spectrum between radio waves and gamma waves.

Electro magnetic radiation travels in waves, just like waves in an ocean. The energy of the radiation depends on the distance between the crests (highest points) of the waves, or the wavelength. In general, the smaller the wavelength, the higher the energy of the radiation. Gamma rays have wavelengths less than ten trillionths of a meter which is about the size of the nucleus of an atom. This means that gamma rays have very high energy.

Radio waves, on the other hand, have wavelengths that range from less than one centi-meter to greater than 100 metres. The energy of radio waves is much lower than the energy of other types of electro magnetic radiation. The only type of light detectable by the human eye is visible light. It has wavelengths about the size of a bacteria cell and its energies fall between those of radio waves and gamma rays.

To know more about infrared rays:



a particle moves along the x-axis. the velocity of the particle at time t is 2 6 . t t - what is the total distance traveled by the particle from time t


The total distance  of the particle is 7.33

How to calculate total distance ?

Distance is the sum of an object's movements, regardless of direction. Distance can be defined as the amount of space an object has covered, regardless of its starting or ending position.

The distance between two sites is the length of the route. The metric unit of length is the metre.

It's interesting to observe that while some physics symbols, like "d" for distance, are extremely relatable, others, like "c" for light speed, are not.

The distance formula is a formula used to determine how far apart two places are from one another. The dimensions of these points are unlimited.


Distance s = ∫03It2 - 6t + 8Idt

= ∫02(t2 - 6t + 8)dt + ∫23(6t - t2 - 8)dt

= (t3/3 - 3t2 + 8t)02 + (3t2 - t3/3 - 8t)23

=(8/3 - 12 + 16) + (27 - 9 - 24) - (12 - 8/3 - 16)

= 20/3 - 6  + 20/3 = 22/3


Therefore the total distance is 7.33

The complete question is : A particle travels along the x-axis so that at time t≥0 its velocity is given by v(t)=t2−6t+8. What is the total distance the particle travels from t = 0 to t = 3?

To learn more about distance refer to :



why do astronomers think the black hole in our galactic center has the event horizon with the largest angular size?


The black hole in our galactic center has an event horizon's size increases linearly with the mass of the black hole; a black hole with a solar mass of 10 would have an event horizon of 30 km.

The radius of a black hole increases with its mass. For the Sun or any object with a solar mass of one, the event horizon is 3 km (a little under two miles).

The matter will be broken down into its tiniest subatomic pieces once it enters the black hole's event horizon and finally be compressed into the singularity. The event horizon of the black hole grows proportionally as more matter is drawn into the singularity.

To know more about black hole, click the below link



What is the frequency of a wave Travelling at 500 m/s with a wavelength of 25 m?


The frequency of the travelling wave is found to be 20 Hertz.

The relationship between the frequency of the wave, the wavelength of the wave and the speed of the wave is given by

V = fy


V is the speed of the travelling wave,

F is the frequency of the travelling wave,

y is the wavelength of the travelling wave.

The speed of the travelling wave is given to be 500m/s and the wavelength of the travelling wave is 25m.

Now, putting all the values,

500 = f(25)

f = 500/25

f = 20Hz

So, the frequency of the travelling wave is 20Hz.

To know more about frequency of wave, visit,



How did you determine the coordinates of the vertices of the dilated image?


To dilate something in the coordinate plane, we need to multiply each coordinate by the scale factor. This is called mapping. A scale factor is labeled \(k\).e (x,y)→(kx,ky).

For any dilation, the mapping has a center and a scale factor. The center is the point of reference for the dilation, and the scale factor tells us how much the figure stretches or shrinks.

A dilation of a triangle is a stretch or a shrink of a triangle by a scale factor. The scale factor for dilation is the proportion by which the original figure is stretched or shrunk. The center of dilation is a reference point by which the dilation of a figure is stretched or shrunk.

To know more about scale factor here



the density of aluminum is 2700 kg/m3. if transverse waves travel at in an aluminum wire of diameter what is the tension on the wire?


A particular density results in a 52.02 N strain on the aluminum wire.

part of the aluminum wire

A = πd²/4 A = π x (4.6 x 10⁻³)

²/4\sA = 1.66 x 10⁻⁵ m²

The wire's mass per square meter is 2700 kg/m3 times 1.66 x 105 m2 which is 0.045 kg/m.

The aluminum wire is therefore under 52.02 N of stress at the specified density.

What does "in diameter" mean?

A straight line that passes through the center of a rounded item or form and ends at a point on the opposing edge: Radius is divided by two to get the diameter. A six-foot radius surrounds the pond.

To know more about Diameter visit:



Suppose you have a 8.4 cm diameter fire hose with a 2.2 cm diameter nozzle.a. Calculate the pressure drop due to the Bernoulli effect as water enters the nozzle from the hose at the rate of 40.0 L/s. Take 1.00 × 103 kg/m3 for the density of the water.b. To what maximum height, in meters, above the nozzle can this water rise?


(A) The pressure drop according to Bernoulli's equation is 1207.811 KPa.

(B) The maximum height nozzle can rise is 0.120 m.

In fluid dynamics, Bernoulli's principle states that an increase in the speed of a fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure or a decrease in the fluid's potential energy.

The total energy in the flow is generally tracked by Bernoulli's equation. Bernoulli's equation maintains track of how energy changes between potential energy, pressure energy, and velocity energy throughout the flow since energy cannot be generated or destroyed.


Diameter of fire hose = 8.4 cm

Diameter of nozzle = 2.2 cm

Since nozzle and hose are at same level so

h1 = h2

Applying Bernoulli's equation, we get

P1 + (1/2)ρv₁² + ρgh₁ = P₂ +(1/2)ρv₂² + ρgh₂

Solving further, we get

P₁ - P₂ = (1/2)ρ(v₂² - v₁²)

We also know that discharge is

Q = AV


V = Q/A

Substituting Q/A in this equation

P₁ - P₂ = (1/2)ρ(v₂² - v₁²)

P₁ - P₂ = (1/2)ρ(49.729² - 7.573²)

P₁ - P₂ = 1207.811 KPa

The pressure drop is 1207.811 KPa.


The maximum height attained

P₁ - P₂ = h*d*g

1207.811 KPa = h * 1000*10

h = 0.120 m

The maximum height nozzle can rise is 0.120 m.

Therefore, using Bernoulli's equation we got to know the pressure drop and the maximum height.

To know more about Bernoulli, refer: https://brainly.com/question/13098748


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