7. ________ diversity is the variety of genes or inheritable characteristics that arepresent in a population.A. SpeciesB. GeneticC. Ecosystem


Answer 1

The genetic (b) diversity is the variety of genes or inheritable characteristics that are present in a population.

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If you looked at the range of height in humans, would you this is a polygenic trait or a simple mendelian genetic trait? Why?504030Number of people201002606570Height fin75


Looking at the continuous variations of the range of height in the graph, it can be determined that the trait is a polygenic trait.  

Continuous variation is the factor where the human height can differ to a variety of ranges. There are no clear cut distinctions of height between short, medium and tall. Also there are no fixed amount of heights in the graph. The height can vary even from a fractions of inches and that defines continuous variation.

Polygenic trait is the one which is influenced by two or more than two genes. These traits do not follow the Mendelian genetic pattern and they may also be influenced by genetic factors.

To know more about polygenic trait, here



Please assist with following question Why is it not possible for Fungi to photosynthesize? What reproduction method occurs in Fungi?


A. They do not have chlorophyll, they are not plants and they cannot carry out photosynthesis. They obtain their food and energy from the decomposition of organic matter.

B. Sexual and asexual reproduction.

How can you tell which organisms would have a specific trait on a cladogram?


In many cases, organisms' traits help to establish ancestry relationships and allow to elucidate evolutive history, now in cladograms when organisms share ancestry it implies that that group of species share a specific set of traits. In other words those organisms that belong to the same branch will share a set of traits.

What happens to the body system in the body as a whole of homeostasis is not maintained 


Many systems of the body work together to maintain estable the inner conditions of the organism such us temperature and pH. It is carefully regulated, but in case a mechanism of controll fails and homeostasis can't be maintained, cells may not receive all they need, or toxic waste may accumulate in the body. If homeostasis is not restored, the imbalance could lead to illness or even death.

- How could a rock be changed but still be classified as the same form of rock?



If it rains, the rock will be wet. But it is still classified as the same type of rock.


I really hope this helps!

what are mutations in bacteria


Mutation is an alteration in the sequence of DNA of an organisms. Bacteria undergoes mutation when it is under stress. It gives rise to DNA variants that makes the possibility of its survival and reproduction. Mutation can weaken the bacteria. This mutation in bacteria can happen before it undergoes division. It is a permanent modification in the DNA's sequence of nitrogenous bases. It can be a result of an error in the replication of DNA or by certain mutagens.

QUESTION 11Red blood cells are responsible for __________.transporting water throughout the bodytransporting organic waste out of the bodyhelping with blood clotting due to injurygas exchange throughout the body.


Red blood cells or erythrocytes are charged with hemoglobin hence the red color, this molecule is in charge of transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide in and out of cells, so taking this into consideration we can say that the correct answer is the last option.

Which of Mendel’s genes was first identified at a biochemical level 125 years after he first published his findings? which genes which he discovered are still today uncharacterized


The first of Mendel's genes that was identified at the biochemical level in 1990 125 years after he first published his findings is the round or wrinkled genes. The genes which he discovered that are still uncharacterized are the genes for inflated/constricted pod, axial/terminal flowers, and green/yellow pod where green is dominant to yellow. The gene that is incompletely understood is the gene for purple/white flower.

I need helpList two natural causes of deforestation List two human related causes of deforestation


Natural causes of desforestation (natural and cyclical events):

- Fires (because of climate or heat waves);

- Floods (because of climate changes and storms);

- Hurricanes (because of natural events).

Human related causes of desforestation (human activity):

- Activities as agricutural expansion;

- Oil extraction;

- Infrastructure development;

- Mining;

- Construction;

- Cattle breeding.

i need help!!! i have no idea what to answer and i have to turn this in today!


Okay, we can see that parents in the image have a 4 puppies' offspring, all of them with spotted fur (SS or Ss). So the genotypes of each parent must be ss for the white-furred parent and SS for the spotted furred parent.

Some individuals suffer from a rare genetic condition called hemophilia. This condition makes it extremely difficult for the body to stop bleeds when they occur. Which of the following blood components does a hemophiliac most likely lack?Blood plasmaErythrocytesLeukocytesThrombocytes



People that born with hemophilia lack or have a low amount of a clotting factor.

Coagulation factors are proteins necessary for normal blood clotting.

Coagulation factors are found in blood plasma. These factors act with Thrombocytes to clot blood.

However, hemophilia is not a decrease in Thrombocytes but a decrease in coagulation factors due to genetic causes.

Diagnosis includes screening tests and clotting factor analysis. Screening tests are blood tests that show whether the blood is clotting properly. Clotting factor tests can reveal a deficiency of clotting factors in the blood plasma and determine the level of severity of hemophilia.

As the coagulation factors are in Blood plasma, we can conclude that the correct answer is:


2. Explain how small coral polyps can produce huge reefs. Then explain how a living coral comp
with a dead coral, and describe what happens to a dead reef over time. (3 points)


Stony coral polyps can create massive reef structures because polyps secrete skeletons of calcium carbonate (CaCO3).

Most stony corals have very small polyps, averaging 1 to 3 millimeters in diameter, when they grow large they forms colonies that can grow and weigh upto tons.

Coral polyps feed on microscopic algae called zooplankton. All the polyp then secretes an exoskeleton made out of limestone (CaCo3). These exoskeletons join together to form a coral colony which forms a coral reef. with due course of time, as the calcium carbonate builds up and corals reproduce, the size of a coral reef grows.

To learn more about Coral polyps , here



Which of the following forms of reproduction would result in offspring that are genetically different from the parents?00000binary fissionbuddingfragmentation and regenerationmeiosis and fertilizationparthenogenesis


Of the following examples the one that represents forms of reproduction that result in offspring genetically different from the parents is the meiosis and fertilization.

Sort the descriptions or examples into inherited or somatic mutations


The descriptions of somatic mutations are: exists in all cells of the body, skin cancer caused by UV exposure, not passed on to offspring.

The descriptions of inherited mutations are: transferred via egg and sperm cells, found only in a specific cell type.

Somatic mutations are the changes in the DNA that occur in all the cells apart from the germ cells. The change can be due to influence of environmental factors or due to exposure to some chemicals. The examples of somatic mutations are skin cancer, lung cancer, etc.

Inherited mutations are the change in the DNA of germ cells that are further passed on to the offspring. The examples are: cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, sickle cell disease, etc.

The question is incomplete, the complete question is:

Sort the descriptions or examples into inherited or somatic mutations.

exists in all cells of the body, skin cancer caused by UV exposurenot passed on to offspringtransferred via egg and sperm cells,found only in a specific cell type.

To know more about inherited mutations, here



Which of the following describes therelationship between the barnacle and the whale?A. both organisms benefitB. one organism benefits; the other is harmedC. one organism benefits; the other is neither helped nor harmedD. neither organism benefits or is harmed


A barnacle is a marine crustacean that attachets itself to a surface and stays in the same place its whole life. They feed on plankton by sweeping the water with their fan-like feet.

In this case, the barnacle attaches itself to the whales, by doing so, these organisms do not harm the whale, but are provided of a surface where they can filter food and live without being harmed themselves.

In this relationship, one organism, the barnacle, benefits, while the other organism, the whale, remains unaffected. This type of relationship is called "commensalism"

The correct answer is C.

Most nutrient absorption happens in which structure within the digestive system?Question options:A) StomachB) Large intestineC) ChymeD) Duodenum




In the mouth, physical digestion of the food happens by chewing of the food. In the stomach, the food is broken down by chemical digestion into smaller particles that can be easily absorbed by the body. It will pass through the small intestine first where the microvilli and villi are. Then, most of the undigested and unabsorbed food particles are passed through the large intestine. It will be getting secreted out of the body after.

ANSWER: D. Duodenum is the first section of the small intestine right after the pyloric sphincter.

A red rhododendron was crossed with a white rhododendron. Its offspring has patches of red and white. What type of inheritance does this exhibit?


The type of inheritance it exhibits is codominance because both of its parents' phenotypic characteristics are expressed in the offspring simultaneously.

In what ways are humans responsible for causing extinctions of other species?I. Destruction of habitatsII. UV radiationIII. PollutionIV. Over huntingV. Climate changeA. I, III, IV, VB. I, II, III, IVC. II, III, VD. I, II, IV


Humans are responsible for other species' extinction because over the years we have overhunted them, such as was the case of the Tanzania tiger (Thylacinus cynocephalus), and destroyed species' habitats. We have caused climate change and air and water pollution, such as happened with the industrial revolution and still with many of our today's industrial practices.

So the correct answer is the first one: A. I, III, IV, V, or destruction of habitats, pollution, overhunting, and climate change.

Hemophilia is caused by an x-linked recessive allele if a man who has hemophilia marries a healthy woman who is not a carrier. what is the chance that their child will have hemophila?


Cross XhY with XHXH

Based on the Punnett square seen above, there will be no child with hemophilia. Instead, there will be a chance a child carries the affected X chromosome.

Using the following table match the tubes to the right patients


We have the following information about the patients:

A) Healthy 40-year-old man

B) 18-year-old girl with chronic lung infections

C) History of anemia

And for each tube, we have the values for hemoglobin and leucocytes.

Hemoglobin is found in the red blood cells and helps carry oxygen, so a person with anemia would have low levels of hemoglobin.

In this case, tube 3 has the lowest levels of hemoglobin, out of range for both males and females, so we can say it belongs to patient C.

This leaves us with tubes 1 and 2.

If we see the levels of hemoglobin, tube 1 has lower levels of hemoglobin than tube 2, which suggests that tube 1 belongs to a female and tube 2 to a male.

But we also have to take into account the leucocyte, which would be elevated in the case of an infection. If you look at this, tube 1 has elevated leucocytes.

Combined, this information tells us that tube 1 belongs to patient B and tube 2 belongs to patient A.

Meiosis is a life process associated with sexual reproduction which choice correctly summarizes meiosis into on statement?


Meiosis is a process where a single cell divides twice to produce other new cells containing half of the original amount of genetic information (haploid daughter cells). They are know as our sex cells (eggs and sperm), and for all the organisms who have sexual reproduction. The meiosis can be divided into nine stages, these stages are:

Meiosis I

- Interphase

- Prophase I

- Metaphase I

- Anaphase I

- Telophase I and cytokinesis

Meiosis II

- Prophase II

- Metaphase II

- Anaphase II

- Telophase II and cytokinesis

The meiosis is also divided in two parts. The first part (meiosis I) is when one cell divides into two, and the second (meiosis II) these daughter cells are diveded into four granddaughter cells.

From the list provided, select all the functions of the circulatory system. (Check all that apply.)Delivery of oxgen to all cells of the bodyExcretion of urine from the bodyGenerating new red blood cellsDelivery of nutrients to all cells of the bodyRemoval of waste from the blood


The functions of the circulatory system are:

1. Delivery of oxygen to all cells of the body

2. Generating new red blood cells

3. Delivery of nutrients to all cells of the body

Excretion of urine from the body- Urinary system

Removal of waste from the blood- Excretory system

Part C
Summarize the third NASA spinoff technology in the answer space. Use the Insert Image button to add an image file.


The third NASA spinoff technology is one of the first interesting NASA Spinoff Technology which has been the Drill Bits that could be able to break off and retain rock samples. They are later collected on Perseverance and flown to earth for the use of geologists.

What is NASA Spinoff Technology?

The term NASA is a publication from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration that shows the technology used by NASA to the public and NASA has shown about fifty technologies each year since 1976 in this annual publication.

The third NASA spinoff technology is one of the first interesting NASA Spinoff Technology which has been the Drill Bits that could be able to break off and retain rock samples.

Therefore, They are later collected on Perseverance and flown to earth for the use of geologists.

Learn more about geologists on:



What is one way inwhich mutationscan beBENEFICIAL for aspecies?A. causes geneticdisordersB. creates geneticvariationC. hinder ability to survive


Mutation can cause beneficial, harmful, or neutral effects. It is a beneficial effect when it causes genetic variation. It results to a new version of proteins making the organisms be able to adapt to its environment. It is a harmful effect when it causes genetic disorder. Mutations can also hinder in the ability to survive. It affects the fitness of the organism to survive and its capacity to adapt to future environmental changes.

Answer - B. creates genetic variation

Someone please tell me if this answer is correct



yes your answer seems correct, there is something wrong with all the other options

A codon is a set of three nucleotides that correspond to a specific amino acid. The table below shows various DNA codons andtheir corresponding amino acidsAmino Acid DNA Codon(s)Alanine GCT, GCC, GCA, GCGArginine AGA, AGG, CGT, CGC, CGA, CGGAsparagineAAT AACAspartic Acid GAI,Cysteine TGT, TGCGlutamic Acid GAA GAGGlutamine CAA CAGGlycine GGT, GGC, GGA, GGGHistadineCAT, CÁCIsoleucine ATT, ATC, ATALeucineCTT, CTC, CTA, CTG, TTA, TTGLysineAAA AAGMethionine (Start) ATGPhenylalanineTTT, TTCProlineCCT, CCC, CCA, CCGSerineTCT, TCC, TCA, TCG, AGT, AGCThreonine ACT, ACC, ACA ACGTryptophan TGGTyrosine TAT, TACValine GTT, GTC, GTA GTG,StopTAA, TAG, TGA+Two strands of DNA are identical except for one codon. As a result, they code for slightly different proteins. Based on theinformation in the table above, which of the following statements could be true?OA. One strand contains a ACG codon instead of ACAOB. One strand contains a CCC codon instead of CCAOC. One strand contains a CAC codon instead of CTCOD.One strand contains a CGC codon instead of CGG


We have to find those codons which don't codes for the same amino acid, so we can do the following:

Explain hot the properties of the phospholipids are important for the stability of the membrane.


The cell membrane is formed by a lipid bilayer of phospholipid.

Phospholipids are amphipathic, which means one region is hydrophobic and the other one is hydrophobic. Given this property, the phospholipids arrange themselves with the hydrophilic "heads" on the outside and the hydrophobic "tail" to the interior of the membrane, forming the bilayer and mantaining iitsshape.

9. Which of the following characters are not used when determining the phylogenyamong species?A. morphological characteristicsB. biochemical characteristicsC. physical or analogous characteristics


The characters that are not commonly used whendetermining the phylogeny among species are the biochemical characteristics.

The correct answer is option B.

In the science field we use the metric units, this is due to
A. Metric units are universally accepted.
B. Metric is a universal scientific language.
C. Both


I think it’s B, because metric is used universally in the scientific language

Which nervous system structure controls the release of hormones in the endocrine
O cerebrum
O cerebellum


Answer: Hypothalamus


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