600 word essay about jack from the lord of the files​


Answer 1


In the 1990 film adaptation, Jack is portrayed by Chris Furrh. He is sixteen, two years older than Ralph, and has blond hair. Like all the other boys in this version of the story, Jack is American and attends an unnamed American military boarding school. He wears the rank insignia for cadet first lieutenant, making him the third-ranked cadet on the island, after Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Ralph and Cadet Captain Roger.

Jack in this version speaks faster than his British counterpart in the 1963 film does, and more often. He swears violently, more than anyone else in the film. He is vain, arrogant, and immature, but as he becomes leader of the Hunters and then ousts Ralph as the Chief, he quickly adopts a brutal and authoritarian style of leadership. In this version of the story, several boys leave with Jack immediately when he declares he will form his own camp. Jack relies on Roger throughout the film as a right-hand-man and enforcer.

Jack is visibly shocked when Roger kills Piggy, but does nothing about it. Instead, he drives Ralph away and soon sets most of the island on fire in an effort to force Ralph out of hiding. When U.S. Marines land just as the boys are about to kill Ralph, Jack, like the others, is completely surprised and unsure of what to do.

Jack's last name is never said in the 1990 film, or is his cadet rank actually referred to. He quickly dispenses with his uniform and any formalities of military rank, in any case, and all the boys simply refer to and address him as "Jack", or as "Chief" once he has overthrown Ralph and taken charge as the new leader.

Answer 2



Choose a novel with a character who you find fascinating. With reference to the text show how the writer made the character fascinating.

William Golding’s The Lord of the Flies is a novel in which Jack is a fascinating character. In the book a group of boys are stranded on a desert island and must work out how to survive. Golding makes Jack a fascinating character as he makes him change from a darling little boy into a terrifying and reckless young man. We can explore how this change takes place.

At the start of the book Jack is clearly still confined by society’s rules and still wants to be seen as good. We know this as in the scene where he catches a pig he struggles to kill it and we’re told ““he hadn’t because of the enormity of the knife descending and cutting into living flesh”. Here, the word choice of ‘enormity’ tells us that Jack finds killing the pig a big deal, he struggles to murder a living thing as he’s never done this before. The description of the knife ‘descending’ reinforces this as even though the knife is traveling a short distance to Jack it feels like an eternity as he tries to commit a big act of killing. The words ‘living flesh’ shows Jack still empathises with the pig and doesn’t want to kill it. At this point it is clear Jack still wants to follow normal rules and thinks that hurting things is wrong.

Jack begins to change slowly and develops a crazy and violent side. We see this when his hunting job starts to take over his mind and we are told Jack had a “compulsion to track down and kill things that was swallowing him up”. The word ‘compulsion’ suggests that this feeling is not something Jack has any control over; it is almost instinctive for him or a crazy addiction. This is reinforced by the idea that this feeling was ‘swallowing’ him up, it was a feeling or thought that was taking over his life and killing a pig became the only thing he could think about. There’s a possibility that Jack became so fixated as he felt like a failure and less masculine for failing to kill the pig in the first place and now wants to kill one to prove he is a man. This makes Jack fascinating as it is difficult to understand how someone could want to kill something, or be so fixated on that, unless they were going crazy in some way.


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Answer: I’d imagine it just by looking at it probably. Like, a taco. You could look at what’s in it (peppers, beef, etc.) Then imagine what they taste like. Or, If you haven’t eaten a pepper/beef/cheese before, you could think about where it came from. Like, southern food is kind more cajun, meaning it’s cooked a little longer. Think about how latina food is made. Is it cooked a little shorter? Is it charred a bit?

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Read this excerpt from "The Spirit of Alcatraz.”
But activists say their most important accomplishment was changing the way American Indians looked at themselves. As activist John Trudell puts it, "Alcatraz put me back into my community and helped me remember who I am. It was a rekindling of the spirit.”

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The quotation helps readers relate to a Native American’s viewpoint.

The quotation provides humor, which makes the story more interesting.

The quotation persuades readers to beware of the dangers at Alcatraz.

The quotation informs with facts and figures about the history of the island.



The answer is A: the quotation helps readers relate to a native Americans view point.


pls mark branliest




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I would categorize this as an opinion.





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It's the second one, to show how important and poweful one's home is.




the second


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in your village.
IS Maria
The Val





My village (name of village)




The editor

The Rising Nepal

It's address

Dear Sir/ Madam Editor

Subject; deforestation

With worm regards to whom it's may concern, my name is Maria a student of _______ school. I am writing this letter to draw attention to the increasing and alarming rate at which our forest are being pulled down. This action otherwise known as deforestation is the removal of trees from a particular area for a particular purpose. My village is a very small one , and the only thing that protect it especially during the rainy season is the forest which as I write you this letter is experienced a decrease. Forestation has so many advantages, such as prevention of erosion, provision of habitats for wild life, creation of tourist attractions and so much more.

However, with the removal of the little forest that our people have been preserving for years will only endanger the people. In that as forestation has its own advantages, deforestation has its own disadvantages. These includes, leaving room for erosion. As a result of deforestation the land is left bare and there are no trees to stop heavy flood waters from entering the little village. Killing and extinction of some wild life inhabitants, low cost of living and so much more.

As this is a major challenge to our village. I hereby write this letter to you so that through the medium of your newspaper we will be able to reach the necessary authorities and the necessary actions to save our forests and little village will be taken.

Yours faithfully.

*Your signature

Your full name.

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Answer this PLZZZZZZ



2 I think


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3) To run away


what is this pls help me out



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Answer and Explanation:

Dramatic irony is a technique used by authors in which the audience knows something that the characters do not. In Act 3, Scene 1 of "Romeo and Juliet", Tybalt, who belongs to Juliet's family, wants to duel with Romeo. What Tybalt does not know is that Romeo has married Juliet in secret. Romeo tells Tybalt he will not fight with him because he has reason to love him now - in other words, they are family now. This is the dramatic irony in the scene, for Tybalt does not understand what Romeo means by these words.



The answers are mainly in the passage

Read these lines from "If" by Rudyard Kipling.

If you can dream – and not make dreams your master;
If you can think – and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;

The first three lines are an example of



Answer: i believe it is the 2





right on edge

can someone please do this
argumentative essay for me? I would mean the world if this is done :( in your own words and everything! (100points)



You can use essay typer.

it actually works.

then just go in and edit some things and add your own voice.

i don't think any of us have time to write you an essay.

i'm sorry!

essays are so rewarding once you write them.



Yes, guys and girls should be in the same classroom together.


Judging by the title, I am gonna guess you meant for them to be separated inside the same educational facility. There is so much that might go wrong, I don’t know where to start.

Guys will be even more reluctant about approaching females. The whole reason guys are shy about girls is because they got that behavior indirectly hammered into them. The more girls are alienated, the worse it will get.

They won’t get accustomed to each other. Fact is, boys and girls on average behave differently. It is good to learn how to work around these differences, not to avoid it altogether.

It will be a disaster for the students who act more like the other gender. Some guys are more girly and some girls are more boyish. Many of these hang out with the other gender because the activities align better. I did it in primary school.

It might as well invoke even more sense of tribalism between genders. If you ask me, that is the last thing schools should aim for.

Honestly, the whole idea sounds like a disaster. The only reason I can think for somebody deciding on this is because a few guys acted like sex-hungry baboons.

1. Which statement best describes the central idea in "Adolescence and the loss of childhood"? *
(10 Points)
A. The experiences that young people go through during early adolescence can cause conflict between them
and their parents.
B. The experiences that young people go through during early adolescence are experiences that their
parents also went through.
C. The experiences that young people go through during early adolescence will help shape their future
relationships with their parents.
D. The experiences that young people go through during early adolescence will be determined by the quality
of their relationships with their parents.





The central idea in Adolescence and the loss of childhood can be seen in option A. The experiences that young people go through during early adolescence can cause conflict between them  and their parents.

According to the excerpt, as young people started to move from their childhood stage to the adolescent stage, they begin to face challenges. Once they are adults, they would never be children again.

As they move into adolescence,:

They would start to care less about spending time with their parents or pleasing their parentsThey would also start to care less about acceptable social behaviors.

These two factors above shows the fact that as they go through adolescence, conflicts would rise with their parents. Distance and abrasion would start to exist between them.

Read more on https://brainly.com/question/14305986?referrer=searchResults

1. What is "the law,” according to the text?
A. The law is the law of time, in which the older one lives the more likely one will
lose others.
B. The law is the law of nature, in that all things must eventually die.
C. The law is the law of survival, that those who do their duty will survive.
D. The law is survival of the fittest, in that nature is indifferent to fairness.




B The law is the law of nature,in that all things must eventually die

" The law,” according to the text, is the law is the law of nature, in that all things must eventually die.

What are The Law of Life?

This is a short story about an old tribal man who is left behind by this family and his people because they have to migrate in search of clothes and food. But the old man was incapable of leaving.

Thus, the correct option is B. The law is the law of nature, in that all things must eventually die.

Learn more about the law



Which option is the clearest example of a theme?


I think it’s c. The war between good or evil
b because that seems the most logical to me

Anybody know the theme of the story sorry wrong number.


Answer: The theme of the story is to listen to whoever is speaking to you. In Sorry Wrong Number no one listened to Mrs. Stevenson about a murder on loose. She tells the police but they think that she was crazy and was lying.

Explanation: Give me my brainliest

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