Lines 410-415: How are the stakes raised in these lines and for whom?


Answer 1





Related Questions

When separating items in a list, a writer should
end the list with a colon.
separate the items with colons.
add a comma after the "and" before the last item.
add a comma before the "and" before the last item,



Usually, we use a comma to separate three items or more in a list. However, if one or more of these items contain commas, then you should use a semicolon, instead of a comma, to separate the items and avoid potential confusion.

Question 1 of 10
Which passage is the best example of deductive reasoning?



The correct answer is option B.

In the Lions of little rock, what does Marlee's mother tell Marlee's father she is afraid that school integration will lead to?

a. Disease.
b. Violence in the schools.
c. Crime
d. Race-mixing​







D. race mixing


Plzzz helppp ASAP !!!!!



Darryl is the correct awnser.


I looked it up and it said a apposite phrase I'd a word you could take out of the sentence without it seeming uncompleted or unreadable.

because if you read the sentence without Darryl then it would still make sense.

hope this helps!

The agent wants to sell Veronica Lodge on main street??

Naomi is writing an essay about "The Most Dangerous Game.” Which detail from the excerpt best supports her idea that Rainsford feels agitated?

. . . nevertheless Rainsford could not quiet his brain with the opiate of sleep. He lay, eyes wide open.
He sought to throw open the door; it would not open. He went to the window and looked out.
. . . the hounds heard him at the window and looked up, expectantly, with their green eyes. Rainsford went back to the bed and lay down.
He had achieved a doze when, just as morning began to come, he heard, far off in the jungle, the faint report of a pistol.



. . . nevertheless Rainsford could not quiet his brain with the opiate of sleep. He lay, eyes wide open.


The answer would be A


A. . . . nevertheless Rainsford could not quiet his brain with the opiate of sleep. He lay, eyes wide open.


Person above me is right. I took the quiz too.

My two best friends in college were tan Californians. All Californians must be tan!

The statement above is an example of a fallacy?






A fallacy is something decribed better than it is

In the source, the table of contents is always:
A. in the middle.
B. at the end.
C. wherever the author decides.
D. at the beginning.


D- at the beginning

change in to conditional sentence i didn't read the instruction. i made a mistake​



u did wrong now say sorry



If I had read the instructions, I wouldn't have made a mistake.


please I want help in this​




So The other day I went to the mall and as I was walking into the clothes store, I ran into someone. As we began to talk, we had a lot in common and they were pretty funny. They have a really good personality, too. We talked and joked around a little bit and I think that you would like them as well. We exchanged numbers before they left the store. You are really funny and really sweet and I think that you guys would get along because you both have a lot in common. We are all also closely related in age and in the same grade, so we can all relate to a lot of things. Maybe we can all go hang out somewhere some time. what do you think?

Could someone please help me on this essay?
Writing Prompt.
Labeling foods and drinks with warnings may have benefits. You have been asked to write an informational essay for a health and environment-focused website explaining the benefits that may result from putting warning labels on certain types of foods and beverages. Your essay must be based on ideas and information that can be found in the “Labeling Foods and Drinks” passage set.




Only with a clear label will consumers be able to make informed choices when they buy food. ... If there were warnings on the wrappers, like those on cigarette packets, children would be able to see how junk food can negatively impact their health, and that might help them make healthier snack choices.


I'm not sure that's the answer

Sore ga kotae ka wakaranai


The  topic of the essay is people's eating and drinking habits and their effects, and the information provided shows how different foods affect different people, and based upon that, different research projects have been carried out.

What are the effects of food levels on people's health?

Labels are very important as they help inform people about the potential health risks associated with certain foods and drinks, such as sugary drinks and labels can help people understand the link between consuming large amounts of sugar and the increased risk of obesity and diabetes so that they can avoid consuming these foods.

Hence, the topic of the essay is people's eating and drinking habits and their effects, and the information provided shows how different foods affect different people, and based upon that, different research projects have been carried out.

Learn more about the food levels here.


Please Help Me. I Have To Have This Done Soon.



the answer is the third one


Why do you think Wendy and Tinkerbell were so upset with
Peter when he said he wanted both of them to be his



I dont know yet give me a sec


Their small and easily influenced, their personalities are also strong and independent and the feel the need to be in charge but only in a certain way at a certain moment. It could also come from their attitude of being female and feeling as if that's whom their supposed to be later in life, when Wendy might grow old unless she chooses to stay with Peter in never never land, where she'll never grow up.

Why does Echo blame Judge for killing the cat?



i dunno️️


How does "This Is America" raise awareness for police brutality, racism, etc?


I'm guessing this is about the song by Childish Gambino

tw// shooting

It raises awareness by showing how media and entertainment muffle police brutality and racial injustices. This is shown multiple times in the video, first when Childish Gambino shot the guitar player and then immediately a dance sequence was shown. The dance distracts the mind from what just happened, and as time goes on, you slowly forget there was a shooting at all. Then, again, he shoots at a group of singers. This again is followed up by dancing.
The video shows how the human brain is easily distracted by and forgets real problems when entertainment is shown. Media outlets gloss over racial injustices and then move on to 'entertaining' topics to make you forget, sort of how a muzzle silences a dog.

Write about something that happened or that you did that was disappointing, unforgettable, surprising, interesting, unexpected, funny, unfair, etc

you can just help me with some not a whole essay if u want thx




“I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” Said by Marilyn Monroe. For once, I believed what someone said without a doubt, and most importantly from experience. Everything happens for a reason, and good things can fall apart so better can fall together. Personal experience’s can change people in the sense of who they are and sometimes their perspective on life depending on the situation. Personally I have had one experience that has made me realize many things in life and I will…show more content…

I felt the biggest knot in my throat as i tried holding in my tears. Once I couldn’t hold back my tears anymore, I felt a shadow of people over me. It was the most comforting, hurtful crowd ever to surround me, my team. I opened my eyes and saw every one of their faces and thought that I was letting them down. They were all asking if I was okay and I couldn’t help but stand up and walk it off. I walked to the bench with the feeling of a knife going straight in through one side of my ankle and out the other. I thought about what I can do to keep practicing. I got up, limped all the way to the trainers room and asked them to tape it as tight as they can without it hurting me. Walking back out on to the field, where my team is still practicing, I sucked it all up and pulled my coach aside. I explained to him how it only hurt at the moment and a little after I walked it off. Inside, I was dying of pain. He told me to run around for a little and if I felt comfortable I can join the practice again. I felt like it wasn’t such a big deal so I got back on the field and started running around. Right when practice ended, I walked back to the trainers room. I unwrapped my ankle from all that tape to find an extra swollen ankle looking as if there were a softball in it. She looked at my ankle, looked at me, and told me there was no way she was letting me leave her room without getting checked. She told me to lay on be continued


Individuals change so you can figure out how to give up, things turn out badly so you value them when they're correct, you trust lies so you in the long run figure out how to trust nobody yet yourself.

What is context of excerpt?

For probably the first time, I accepted what somebody said indeed, and above all for a fact. Everything occurs for an explanation, and beneficial things can go to pieces so better can fall together.

Individual experience's can change individuals in the feeling of what their identity is and at times their viewpoint on life relying upon the circumstance.

By and by I have had one experience that has caused me to acknowledge numerous things throughout everyday life and I  show more satisfied.

I felt the greatest bunch in my throat as I took a stab at holding in my tears. When I was unable to keep down my tears any longer, I felt a sorry excuse for individuals over me.

It was the most soothing, frightful group ever to encompass me, my group. I woke up and saw all of their appearances and believed that I was letting them down.

For more information about witness, refer the following link:


Write a letter of appreciation to the People of China. SOMEONE PLS HELP ME ITS FOR MY PROJECT ILL GIVE BRAINLIEST (needs to be 3-4 paragraphs long)


I’d did disband dvdbdbfbfbfbfbdbdbdb

Pls help me I’m so s t u p I d I’ll mark brainliest if correct



The correct answer is A (:


A is correct


Cuz aall the rest have some sort of mistake

PLEASE HURRY!!!! Which topic would be most appropriate for an argumentative essay (Put your explanation)

A. Composing is a good way to turn food waste into something useful

B. Several students have proposed great ideas for improving the environment

C. Our school's recycling program is ineffective and needs to be replaced

D. The school administration simply doesn't care about saving the earth

(Please show your explanation)



Our school's recycling program is ineffective and needs to be replaced


A proper argumantative topic that gives room for explanation


C. Our school's recycling program is ineffective and needs to be replaced


because an argument essay goal is to get something changed option C is the only one that proposes that the idea of something needs to change

The lady lived next door. The lady eloped with a man. (Into one sentence joining with who)​



the later that lived next door who eloped with a man

I hope this helped :)


I hope its helpful


please mark me as a brainlist

Which of these helps to bring about coherence within paragraphs?

listing details in general–to–specific order

linking one sentence to the next with transitions

citing all relevant evidence from the text






B) Linking one sentence to the next will transitions


I got it right on the quiz, just wanted to reaffirm

14. Which statement is true about Paris?
A. His interest in Juliet lessens after Tybalt dies.
B. He visits the house of Montague and speaks with Benvolio.
C. He enjoys puns and games that match people's wits. o lovu 5
D. He wishes to marry a woman he has not courted (dated).





Read the passage from "Snow.”

"Snow," I repeated. I looked out the window warily. All my life I had heard about the white crystals that fell out of American skies in the winter. From my desk I watched the fine powder dust the sidewalk and parked cars below. Each flake was different, Sister Zoe said, like a person, irreplaceable and beautiful.

What adjective best describes the tone of this excerpt?



Awestruck I hope this helps

Awestruck adjective best describes the tone of this context.

Why did the snow made the speaker feel so amazed?

The girl looked at the snow that was so beautiful and made her feel awestruck.

She had heard about the snow white crystals that fell out of the American sky only in winter season and she always wanted to see that.

This scene is what she was waiting for, since long time. That is why she was so surprised.

Learn more about the passage from "snow" here:-


Find a quote in chapter 7 of The Outsiders showing that "Everybody loved SodaPop, even when he was being ornery. And the media took a bunch of pictures of Darry and Soda because they were so good looking."



"Soda can make anyone grin. I managed to get hold of some hair grease and comb my hair back so that it looked a little better before they got any pictures."


"The reporters stared at him admiringly; I told you he looks like a movie star, and he kind of radiates."


Sodapop causing a ruckus was something that people enjoyed instead of getting upset about. Jerry Wood even told Ponyboy that if Darry and Sodapop weren't so good-looking then they wouldn't have taken so many pictures of them, but they just happened to be that attractive.

If you could rename Civil War with a more accurate descriptive title what would you call it?



I would call it the war for power and right and equality

The Great War because it would be a better name

please help and explain if you can.



I believe It is B because it uses and it pops better visuals and it describes in a different way.

"as phone lines and
power lines break
from the
against the wet
ground like giant
whips.what does it actually mean?



it is talking about a storm damaging the power lines


hope this helps!

Please help

I'm not sure!

If your answer is right, I'll give you brainlieat



its D thank you


hope it helps

The correct answer to this problem is D

Antonyms for paraphernalia


avoid outspan detach unharness disassemble

Episode 2 begins with Mars in the backseat of a police car. Why is Mars in the backseat of a police car? *



Mars is in the backseat of the police car because he set off the alarm at Jonas' house while looking for Jonas and Aurora.


This is from a podcast titled "The Unexplainable Disappearance of Mars Patel".

It is about an eleven years old boy named Mars Patel who together with his friends Caddie, Toothpick and JP embarked on a quest in search of their two friends who were missing. Mars was very concerned about the disappearance of his friends but no one listened to him.

Episode 2 begins with Mars being in the backseat of a police car because he went into Jonas' house without permission, looking for Jonas and Aurora and set off the intruder alarm.

debate the motion that " free education is a waste of Ghana resources" and I am for the motion. pls I just want some points.​



it is


beacuase some of those that are given free education misuse the privilege.

some boost about it.

some after finshing they become useless in life.

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