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Write a 200 word essay about genghis khan


Answer 1



Genghis Khan[note 4] (born Temüjin,[note 1] c. 1158 – August 18, 1227), was the founder and first Great Khan (Emperor) of the Mongol Empire, which became the largest contiguous empire in history after his death. He came to power by uniting many of the nomadic tribes of Northeast Asia. After founding the Empire and being proclaimed Genghis Khan (an honorary title ascending possibly from the Turkic "tengiz" — sea,[10] meaning "the oceanic, universal ruler"), he launched the Mongol invasions that conquered most of Eurasia, reaching as far west as Poland in Europe and the Levant in the Middle East. Campaigns initiated in his lifetime include those against the Qara Khitai, Khwarezmia, and the Western Xia and Jin dynasties, and raids into Medieval Georgia, the Kievan Rus', and Volga Bulgaria. These campaigns were often accompanied by large-scale massacres of the civilian populations, especially in the Khwarazmian and Western Xia-controlled lands. Because of this brutality, which left millions dead, he is considered by many to have been a brutal ruler. By the end of his life, the Mongol Empire occupied a substantial portion of Central Asia and China. Due to his exceptional military successes, Genghis Khan is often considered to be the greatest conqueror of all time.[11]

Before Genghis Khan died, he assigned Ögedei Khan as his successor. Later his grandsons split his empire into khanates.[12] Genghis Khan died in 1227 after defeating the Western Xia. By his request, his body was buried in an unmarked grave somewhere in Mongolia.[13] His descendants extended the Mongol Empire across most of Eurasia by conquering or creating vassal states in all of modern-day China, Korea, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and substantial portions of Eastern Europe and Southwest Asia. Many of these invasions repeated the earlier large-scale slaughters of local populations. As a result, Genghis Khan and his empire have a fearsome reputation in local histories.[14]

Beyond his military accomplishments, Genghis Khan also advanced the Mongol Empire in other ways. He decreed the adoption of the Uyghur script as the Mongol Empire's writing system. He also practised meritocracy and encouraged religious tolerance in the Mongol Empire, unifying the nomadic tribes of Northeast Asia. Present-day Mongolians regard him as the founding father of Mongolia.[15] He is also credited with bringing the Silk Road under one cohesive political environment. This brought relatively easy communication and trade between Northeast Asia, Muslim Southwest Asia, and Christian Europe, expanding the cultural horizons of all three areas.

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Reconstruction, in U.S. history, the period (1865–77) that followed the American Civil War and during which attempts were made to redress the inequities of slavery and its political, social, and economic legacy and to solve the problems arising from the readmission to the Union of the 11 states that had seceded at or before the outbreak of war. Long portrayed by many historians as a time when vindictive Radical Republicans fastened Black supremacy upon the defeated Confederacy, Reconstruction has since the late 20th century been viewed more sympathetically as a laudable experiment in interracial democracy. Reconstruction witnessed far-reaching changes in America’s political life. At the national level, new laws and constitutional amendments permanently altered the federal system and the definition of American citizenship. In the South, a politically mobilized Black community joined with white allies to bring the Republican Party to power, and with it a redefinition of the responsibilities of government.


I need help on 8 and 12 ​



number 8 is basiclly asking what the paragraph is talking about


just find the main i idea of the paragraph and that is the answer

If you know about this and know the answer than answer plz if not don't answer :)
how does the trail of Death change Equa-Ke-Sec's life?



It probably changed that person's life because it impacted them on a personal level/ emotional level. It affected that person in a way that only that person might understand. Hope this helped?


The Declaration of Independence was written on the behalf of the American people and addressed to the monarchy of


Answer: The Declaration of Independence was written on the behalf of the American people and addressed to the monarchy of the British monarchy under King George III.

Explanation: The text of the Declaration of Independence not only confirmed the autonomy of the United States of America but also outlined the various transgressions committed by the British monarchy under King George III.

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move to Texas?
free land
free slaves
cheap slaves
cheap land



free land


they offered liberal land grants to anyone who would become citizens, accept the Catholic faith, and settle there.

Which diagram most accurately explains changes in media over time?



The development of the web led to A change in who controlled which stories and opinions were published



The diagram D most accurately explains changes in media over time, that is, The development of the web led to A change in who controlled which stories and opinions were published.

What is mean by Media?

The word "medium" is pluralized to "media," which (generally speaking) refers to any method of communication. This covers everything from printed paper to digital data and covers information in the forms of art, news, education, and a wide range of other things. It comprises print and digital newspapers, magazines, billboards, radio, television, the Internet, fax machines, and telephone.

what is web

A web, often known as a website, is a collection of web pages and related material that is published on at least one web server and given a shared domain name. Websites.  Web provide information, You can locate information rapidly online, speak with people worldwide, manage your finances, shop from home, stream music and films, and do a tonne of other things. it change the pervious scenario to control everything which should published or which is not.

hence option D is correct.

to learn more about web here;



What is one reason the United States puts such strong emphasis in making this event happen



I believe it is B.


The moon landing occured during the cold war/space race so I believe it was more about the competition between USSR.

What was the significance of the 1918 Bolshevik takeover?



90% of people marry there 7th grade love. since u have read this, u will be told good news tonight. if u don't pass this on nine comments your worst week starts now this isn't fake. apparently if u copy and paste this on ten comments in the next ten minutes you will have the best day of your life tomorrow. you will either get kissed or asked out in the next 53 minutes someone will say i love you



The significance that you are most likely looking for has to do with World War I. In this case, the Czar and Russia was partaking in World War I, forcing Germany and the Central Power to effectively fight two fronts at the same time. However, with the Bolshevik takeover, the Bolshevik government signed a peace treaty with Germany, which allowed for Germany to concentrate all her forces to the west in an effort to take Paris.


Essentially, the significance is the formation of only one-front war, and Germany's last offensive for Paris. They will fail however, and surrender soon after.

Which of the following events took place
in the 1920s which was required in order
to pass the 18th Amendment banning
A. The temperance movement protested against the
B. The amendment was ratified by three-fourths of the
C. The branches of government were all unanimously
behind the legislation.
D. It became clear that immigrants, a rapidly growing
voting base, were against alcohol.


Answer: B

Explanation: In order for amendments to be passed, a requirement involves the amendment being ratified by 3/4 of the states population I believe.

How did the United States win the war in the Pacific?​



American forces attacked the Japanese in the Soloman Islands, forcing a costly withdrawal of Japanese forces from the Island of Guadalcanal in February 1943

The restructure of Japanese social classes was a loss to-?
a. shoguns and samurais
b. the emperor
c. the Western world
d. any chance of industrializing



the answer is b


i took it i know

The Tories were an English political


The Tories were a political faction and then a political party in the parliaments of England, Scotland, Great Britain, Ireland and the United Kingdom. Between the 1670s and 1830s, the Tories contested power with their rivals, the Whigs.

25 points. What impact did the pre-Socratic philosophers have on Western civilization? What are some specific examples?



As the first philosophers, they emphasized the rational unity of things and rejected supernatural explanations, instead seeking natural principles at work in the world and human society. The pre-Socratics saw the world as a kosmos, an ordered arrangement that could be understood via rational inquiry.


Which of these is the correct path that food takes through the digestive process?
A. mouth - esophagus - stomach - duodenum - ileum - colon
B. esophagus - mouth - duodenum - stomach - ileum - colon
C. mouth - stomach - esophagus - duodenum - colon - ileum
D. colon - esophagus - duodenum - stomach - ileum - mouth



mouth - esophagus - stomach - small intestine - large intestine - rectum and anus


A. Mouth - esophagus - stomach- duodenum - ileum - colon


What empire did the Ottomans conquer to occupy Constantinople?



the Byzantine Empire's

'Conquest of Istanbul') was the capture of the Byzantine Empire's capital by the Ottoman Empire. The city fell on 29 May 1453, the culmination of a 53-day siege which had begun on 6 April 1453.

In two to four sentences, describe the major contributions to government the colonists borrowed from the Greeks and Romans.



The Romans borrowed and adapted ideas from the Greeks as well as the Etruscans. Greek architecture was one important influence on the Romans




The colonists borrowed the basic philosophy of democracy from the Greek and Roman cultures. ​The structure of U.S. was also partly modeled after ancient Greek city-states.


1) The statement above was most likely prompted by which of the
following world events?
A Cuban revolt against Spanish control.
B Austria-Hungary's declaration of war against Siberia.
C Mussolini's invasion of Ethiopia.
D Adolph Hitler's invasion of Poland.

2) Which of the following statements is most accurate?
A. American involvement in World War I was an extension of a
long tradition of involvement overseas.
B. American intervention in World War I was a direct result of
“dollar diplomacy."
C. After World War I, debates intensified over American
involvement overseas
D. After World War I, Americans generally favored the new era of
American involvement overseas.


Answer: the first part is b


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights includes which basic rights? Check all that apply.
-freedom of religion
-right to a fair trial
-right to live in a democracy
-right to punish violators
-freedom from slavery
-right to government participation



freedom of religion

right to a fair trial

freedom from slavery

right to government participation


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights includes which basic rights has thirty rights for humans regardless of which country or continent they found themselves in.

Considering the available options, it contains freedom of religion, the right to a fair trial, freedom from slavery, right to government participation.

Some other rights include " a free and fair word" "right to education" "right to copyrights" etc.


A,B,E,F on edge 2020


got it right

What acts of bravery did Harriet Tubman do to help others for



Harriet Tubman risked her life on multiple occasions to save the lives of other slaves. She freed and helped many slaves escape their cruel captures. She was also a “conductor" of the Underground Railroad. Tubman also served as a scout, spy, guerrilla soldier, and nurse for the Union Army during the Civil War.

What was Constantine’s main focus after coming to power?

rebuilding the cities
organizing the empire into districts
spreading the Christian religion
expanding into northern Europe


Spreading the Christian religion, i think..



the answer would be option c, spreading the Christian religion.

please mark brainliest

Charlie’s nose looks just like his grandfather’s nose. This is an example of



help please I don't get these (Muslim study



Here is one answer, the rest of them I'd have to educate myself on a little further.


the first blank= Bible

"No one's like me, I'm Harley frickin' Quinn"!

-Harley Quinn (Birds of Prey)

Only answer I have for you bible

Can someone help me plzzz!!


Answer: number one,number two and number three




a b c

Why did so many German people dislike the pre-Hitler German government?

A. It wanted to continue to fight World War 1

B. It saved the German economy

C. It signed the Treaty of Versailles

D. It started a war with France by building up the German military



d is the anwerrrreeeee but not quite sure


its a not d L


The Mexican Government attempted to gain more control over Texas in all the following ways except:

Forcing settlers to pay Texas
Enforcing the ban on Slavery
Restricting immigration
Forcing the settlers to return to the United States





I'm assuming A means paying "taxes" not "Texas". Anyway, the Mexican government tried to restrict Texas using all of these methods except D.

D is the correct answer.

Which of the following was NOT a cause of the Great Depression

The Stock Market Crash

Failure of the Banking System

Over extension of credit and buying stock on margin.

Overseas market closures



I think it's the overseas market closure.

the answer is overseas market closure

Which of the following best describes the Tinker v. Des Moines case and its outcome?
(A) The case resulted in the supreme court ruling that students in U.S. pub;lic schools cannot be forced to salute the flag ?(B) The case resultedf in recognition that symbolic acts are covered by the free speech clause of the first amendment (C) The case clarrified that actions against the U.S. gov. werent covered under freedom of expression (D) The case clarified the amendment requiring seperation of church and state.





They wore armbands on their arms to protest the Vietnam War, the principle  didn't like that. So he suspended them. They sued.

How did James I contribute to the spread of Protestantism?
He ordered a new translation of the Bible.
He united all Protestant denominations into one church.
He had the Bible translated into many different languages.
He encouraged people of other religions to become Protestants



It's A


Not sure but this is a true statement

The James I contribute to the spread of Protestantism by ordered a new translation of the Bible.

What is Protestantism?

Protestantism is a Christian religious movement that arose in Northern Europe in the early 16th century in response to medieval Roman Catholic ideas and practices.

Protestantism became one of three primary forces in Christianity, alongside Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. By ordering a new translation of the Bible, James I helped to propagate Protestantism.

Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about the Protestantism, refer to:



By June of 1940, Hitler had already done which of the following? Check all that apply.
He had invaded Russia.
O He had conquered Norway.
O He had conquered Great Britain.
O He had invaded the Netherlands
O He had pushed Allied forces out of France.
O He had forced the United States to join the war.



O He had forced the United States to join the war.

I hope it helps...

Use the chart to answer the question.
Farming technology replaced the need for manpower
• G.I. Bill gave opportunities to veterans that they did not have before
the war
• Urban areas had more job opportunities than the rural areas
What is the BEST title for the descriptions?
A. Reasons for the Great Migration Before World War I
B. Reasons Georgians Moved to the Urban Areas After World War II
C. Reasons Georgians Moved to the Rural Areas Before World War II
D. Reasons for the Decline of Industry in Georgia After World War I







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