5. What factors influenced the development of religious Taoism PLEASE HELP!!!!!


Answer 1

The factors that influenced the development of religious Taoism is that there was a mixture of Buddhism as well as Confucism  which is been seen in asian community.

What is religious Taoism?

Taoism can be described as the religions that teaches  about the creation of creaturesand states that all creature should be living in a state of harmony with the universe.

It should be noted that the religion can be seen as one that is been influence with the presence of the  Buddhism as well as Confucism since the religions have some of the features with the Taoism.

Read more about religious at:



Related Questions

identify one example of the president using constitutional powers and fulfilling his duties. Then, explain how and why that power is limited.


Standard regulations that govern the state with equal authority are provided by the president and the defense secretary.

What is a constitution?

A constitution is a fundamental document that defines rules and regulations, laws and legislation as well as the power and authority of the government to conduct the functioning of any country.

Standard regulations that use equal authority to administer the state are established by the president and the defense secretary. The military commander-in-chief performs his function in the cabinet during this round of lawmaking.

Each country has a chief justice who serves as the national icon. Consequently, in America, the COS and the leader of the government are the same people.

Learn more about constitutional powers, here:



why does omnibus legislation require alternatives to the committee system?


They are employed to secure support for side projects that would not succeed on their own. Committees frequently find them to be too lengthy and complicated to handle.

Committee system means, the Legislative Assembly appoints parliamentary committees to do business on the Assembly's behalf. Small groups of Members that have been appointed by the Legislative Assembly make up committees. The Assembly, also known as the "House," grants committees their authority. Committees are required to report their findings to the House.Unlike what is available in the bigger House, parliamentary committees allow for a more thorough investigation of policy and other issues. Parliamentary committees may arrange public hearings to give people and organisations the chance to directly influence the legislative process.

To learn more about Committee system visit here;



perceptions of gender are affected by all of these attributes except


The perceptions of gender are affected by all of these attributes except none of the answers. The Option E is correct.

What do perceptions of gender means?

Basically, all gender serves as an important consideration in development. The perception means a way of looking at how social norms and power structures impact on the lives and opportunities available to different groups of men and women.

Record states that more women than men live in poverty and women are also less likely than men to receive basic education and to be appointed to a political position nationally and internationally. That means that men and women, boys and girls experiences poverty differently for instance, and they face different barriers in accessing services, economic resources and political opportunities helps to target interventions.

Missing options "social. psychological.behavioral.cultural, none of the answer."

Read more about gender



how did the White Primary violated the rights of the blacks



Following Reconstruction (1865–1877), white southerners employed various tactics to minimize the economic, political, and social opportunities of former slaves and their descendents. The white primary, which limited blacks’ political influence, was one. A primary is an election within a political party to select the party’s nominees for public offices. Late in the 1800s states began to replace party conventions with primaries as nominating devices. The primary became a “white” primary as participation in it was denied to voters of color. Along with poll taxes and literacy tests, white primaries were “Jim Crow” laws, practices used in the South in the late 1800s and early 1900s to marginalize African Americans politically.


Describe a time when the GDP data provided a misleading view regarding the actual living conditions for individuals or groups in the US.


A time when the GDP data provided a misleading view regarding the actual living conditions for individuals or groups in the US was during the second world war.

From 1939 through 1943, the globe was at war. During 1941-1943, the GDP growth rate was extremely high. At the same time, many people were dying as a result of the war.The gross national output of the United States increased from $88.6 billion in 1939, when the country was still suffering from the Great Depression, to $135 billion in 1944.Government spending at all levels contributed for 55% of gross domestic output in 1944. (GDP). By 1947, government spending had fallen by 75% in real terms, or from 55% of GDP to little over 16% of GDP. Over the same time period, federal tax receipts declined by only about 11%.

Thus the answer is second world war.

Refer here to learn more about GDP: https://brainly.com/question/1383956


How were early New Guineans different from Australia’s first people (Aborigine)?
A They lived by hunting, fishing, and gathering.They lived by hunting, fishing, and gathering.
B They were divided into hundreds of distinct ethnic groups.They were divided into hundreds of distinct ethnic groups.
C They were among the first people to discover farming.They were among the first people to discover farming.
D They migrated to the Pacific region from another part of the world.They migrated to the Pacific region from another part of the world.

Most of the 1,300, British settlers who landed in Australia in 1788 were
A gold seekers.gold seekers.
B religious pilgrims.religious pilgrims.
C soldiers.soldiers.
D prisoners.

Australia's government can BEST be described as
A a republic.a republic.
B an autocracy.an autocracy.
C an oligarchy.an oligarchy.
D a democracy.



Answer: D.


They migrated to the Pacific region from another part of the world.

The existence of BET, Telemundo and Lifetime prove media segmentation.

The existence of BET, Telemundo and Lifetime prove media segmentation.




The existence of BET, Telemundo and Lifetime prove media segmentation is True.

NBC Universal Telemundo Enterprises, a division of NBCUniversal, which is in turn owned by Comcast, is the organization that controls Telemundo. An American Spanish-language terrestrial television network is called Telemundo. It provides material at the national level with programs syndicated globally to more than 100 countries in more than 35 languages.

The channel airs telenovelas, sports, reality TV, news programming, and films that are either imported or dub in Spanish for Latin American audiences in the United States and around the world. Additionally, Telemundo runs the websites for Universal and Telemundo, a distinct channel geared for young Hispanic viewers, and Telemundo Digital Media, which distributes original programs throughout mass media.

To know more about  Telemundo visit :



In your own words, describe what a "Transactional" style of leadership is.


Transactional style of leadership is where leaders rely on rewards and punishments to achieve optimal job performance from their subordinates.

The transactional style of leadership is one that is focused on the exchange of rewards for performance. This type of leader sets clear expectations and objectives, and then provides employees with the resources and support they need to meet those goals.

In return, employees are expected to meet or exceed the expectations set forth by the leader. This type of leader is often more concerned with short-term results, and may not be as interested in the long-term development of employees.

To know more about leadership, click here.



Describe the four basic steps in choosing a service provider.



hope it helps

hope it helps

How is public health policy created?


Before implementing public health policies, policymakers and officials will conduct extensive research to determine which public health issues must be addressed and the best subsequent solutions.

The term "healthcare policy" refers to the decisions, objectives, and actions that govern how care is delivered and accessed. Policies can include, for example, state legal and safety regulations or protocols governing how care and medicine are delivered to patients at a specific hospital.

Health policy is defined as "decisions, plans, and actions taken to achieve specific healthcare goals in a society."

To know more about health policies, click here.



4. A really impressive baseball team
a. use extra players.
b. lack the proper equipment.
c. lead the league.
d. play only night games.



correct answer is

c.led the legue

Christianity, Islam and Judaism are similar in that they all ask their followers to
(1) Believe in reincarnation
(3) Follow a code of behavior
(2) Strive for nirvana
(4) Practice polytheism


A similarity in Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are they all ask their followers to follow a code of behavior. So, the correct answer is option (2) Follow a code of behavior.

They all are monotheistic religions, meaning, they all believe in a single form of god. They have similar rules like praying, preaching, following a particular code of behavior, and having belief in one god. They might worship and follow the words of different gods, but the notion behind it is everyone in this world has only one god.

To learn more about the similarities between Christianity, Islam, and Judaism:


How may we need to be more intentional on viewing parenting roles differently in order to most benefit our children/students?


Simply having a plan is intentional parenting. Having a strategy and setting priorities for your time and energy is all that constitutes intentional parenting. Your daily decisions and the commitments you make are then influenced by these priorities.

What is Intentional Parenting?

Being an intentional parent entails understanding that the time we spend with our children is valuable and finite, and that the choices we make about how to spend that time will have an impact for a lifetime. What am I doing with the valuable chances I have been given to affect my children? The core of deliberate parenting revolves around this focus. What kind of activities are we doing together?

To know more about Parenting visit:



what is the negative impact of traditional gender roles




What is the negative impact of traditional gender roles ?

Ans :-   A gender stereotype is harmful when it limits women's and men's capacity to develop their personal abilities, pursue their professional careers and/or make choices about their lives.


It effects people and harm their self confidence and it effects mental health and its also not fair

What kind of father do you think Washington McNeely was during his life? Explain.


McNeely starts out by detailing the incidents that have led to his depression. John, his father, was in some way disgraced and had to leave the nation. Jenny, his daughter, gave birth and passed away.

McNeely and life are the poem's central themes. Man has the option of living a steady existence and remaining in one area, or he can travel in search of his aspirations. father may take the straight way or the less-traveled route as he moves around. Man gathers trinkets and mementos on his travels. Edgar Lee Masters' Spoon River Anthology (1915) is a collection of quick free verse poems.

To learn more about McNeely, click here.



The fact that children all over the world reach language milestones at about the same time and in roughly the same order provides evidence for the notion of language _________ in development.


The fact that children all over the world reach language milestones at about the same time and in roughly the same order provides evidence for the notion of language universals in development.

Deaf babies' area unit learning signing seems to travel through equivalent stages of language as hearing babies.

Young kids learn vocabulary at a awfully quick rate. Quick mapping is that the method whereby a baby learns a brand new word terribly quickly, typically once only 1 exposure to the word.

Centration is the tendency to specialize in only 1 side of a state of affairs at just once. Once a baby will specialise in over one side of a state of affairs at an equivalent time, they need the power to decenter.

To learn more about language development, visit here



What was the slogan "no taxation without representation" meant to protest?



No taxation without representation" is a political slogan that originated in the American Revolution, and which expressed one of the primary grievances of the American colonists against Great Britain.


What victories inspired the colonists?


Answer:Capture of Fort Ticonderoga:

May 10, 1775 · 2. Siege of Boston: April 1775 - March 17, 1776 · 3. Battle of Trenton: December 26, 1776 · 4

Explanation:so this”Capture of Fort Ticonderoga: May 10, 1775 · 2. Siege of Boston: April 1775 - March 17, 1776 · 3. Battle of Trenton: December 26, 1776 · 4”are the dates and and what inspired colonies

the saheal region, What was it located next to?What was it like?Write 1 or 2 sentence description of the landscape.


In the saheal region This belt was located in between the Sahara and the coastal areas of the West Africa.

saheal region Traditionally, most people in the Sahel were semi-nomadic, farming and raising livestock in a system of transgrazing, perhaps the most sustainable way of using the Sahel. Taking advantage of the difference between the dry north, where soil nutrients are high, and the wet, vegetated south, northern herds feed on higher quality forage during the rainy season and migrate hundreds of kilometers south to find more plentiful forage. feed, but less nutritious in the dry season.

To know more about saheal region visit:



Suppose you are working as a data analyst for one of the two major parties during a presidential election. Which approach should you use to micro-target independent voters over the age of 65 who live in suburban areas and regularly shop at Target?
Question 32 options:


send mail to registered voters all over the United States


use patronage to encourage potential voters to support your candidate


use voter registration file data in combination with Census and commercial data


exclusively use voter registration file data in your analysis


As a data analyst for one of the two major parties during the  presidential election is used use use voter registration file data in combination with Census and commercial data

The most common method of U.S. elections is to go first, in which the candidate with the most votes wins the election. In this system, all a candidate needs to win is a large number of votes, not an absolute majority. Although the terms "research analyst" and "data analyst" are similar, they describe two different phases of research. Research is about designing meaningful experiments and gathering relevant information to understand the results, while analysis is about examining collections of data to draw a set of conclusions.

To know more about U.S. elections visit:



Which accurately describes the rise of the Byzantine Empire?​


The Moors conquered Spain from the Visigoths, effectively expanding the Islamic Empire

The Moors were a group of people that were part of the Islamic (Arab) Empire.

The term itself didn't had any ethnic significance. Initially, the term Moors was used for the indigenous people of Northern Africa, the Berbers. Later, as the Islamic Empire was established properly, the term was used for the Muslims in Sicily, Malta, and the Iberian Peninsula, big portion of which were of Arab ancestry.

The Moors played a very important role when it came to the expansion of the Islamic Empire. They were the consisting the majority of the military personnel that attacked the Visigoths on the Iberian Peninsula. The attacks were a success, and the Moors managed to push back the Visigoths, thus managing to expand the the Islamic Empire on European soil.

At its peak, the Islamic Empire occupied the next territories:

Arab PeninsulaLevantNorthern AfricaIberian PeninsulaPersia

Learn more about the Islamic Empire https://brainly.com/question/1769731


What kind of information does a population map provide? A) how many people live in an area B) who made the boundaries of the state C) how deep the lakes are D) how tall the mountains are


The kind of information which a population map provide include the following: A) how many people live in an area.

What is a population?

A population can be defined as a set of similar items or events that comprises every member of a group (people) and from which a researcher, scientist, or experimenter, obtains data for a statistical study.

This ultimately implies that, a population size is the number of individual (each) living organisms in a population, and it is usually denoted by N. Additionally, population size is highly dependent on the total fertility rate of the people living within a particular geographical region or area.

Generally speaking, a population map is a type of map that is designed and developed to provide an information on the number of people that are living in a geographical region or area.

Read more on population here: brainly.com/question/7301139


A distinguishing feature of american society in the early nineteenth century was the _________


A distinguishing feature of american society in the early nineteenth century was the increasing readership of newspapers.

The nineteenth century saw enormous expansion and change in the United States. The new country went through a transition from a farming economy to an industrial one, a significant westward expansion, the displacing of native peoples, quick technological and transportation advancements, and a civil war. In these courses, nineteenth-century artworks are coupled with written texts that serve as primary sources for students to reconstruct how geography, politics, economics, and technology affected day-to-day life. Between 1880 and 1890, almost 40 percent of the townships in the United States lost population because of migration. Industrial expansion and population growth radically changed the face of the nation's cities. Noise, traffic jams, slums, air pollution, and sanitation and health problems became commonplace in the nineteenth century.

To learn more about nineteenth century visit here;



4. SOCIETY AND SOCIAL INTERACTION - Each answer should be a minimum of 7 sentences
Interpret the sociological concept of reality as a social construct
Define roles and describe their places in people's daily interactions


Most sociologists concur that everyone experiences reality differently.

The idea that our interactions with others and our life experiences both have an impact on how we show ourselves to others is known as the "social construction of reality." Our upbringing and the beliefs we were taught have an impact on how we present ourselves, how we view other people, and how other people view us. In other words, our backgrounds and beliefs influence how we perceive the world.

Our world is a nuanced negotiation as well. What is socially acceptable determines what is true. Most social interactions entail some level of acceptance of the situation. Even if we play a part in creating reality, it is not totally our creation.

Learn more about the Social Construct of Reality here: https://brainly.com/question/28298353


Using critical thought and not party talking points, analyze the “good and bad” of each republican and democratic policy positions?


Democratic-Republicans were fiercely devoted to the republican ideals, which they saw the Federalists' alleged aristocratic tendencies to be endangering. The party vehemently opposed Federalist policies in the 1790s, particularly the national bank.

What each republican and democratic policy positions?

In American politics, a conservative Democrat is a Democratic Party member who holds conservative political views or views that are more conservative than those of other Democratic Party members.

The Democratic Party, which has a donkey as its symbol, is often associated with left-leaning, liberal, and progressive ideological ideas. As such, it supports strong government regulation of business and support for American residents.

Learn more about Republic and Democrat here:



what do you predict Howard Zinn will say about the
United States' reasons for entering WWI?


The main thrust of Howard Zinn's defense of why the United States went to war was that doing so would increase the country's financial security. It was also about the ruling class maintaining or gaining control of society. The European Alliances were the main players in the conflict, not the United States.

President Woodrow Wilson requested a declaration of war against Germany in front of a joint session of Congress on April 2, 1917. Wilson highlighted Mexico's attempts to form an alliance against the United States as well as Germany's breach of its agreement to halt unrestricted submarine warfare in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean as justifications for starting a war. The resolution to declare war on Germany was approved by the Senate of the United States on April 4, 1917. Two days later, the House agreed.

On December 7, 1917, the United States formally declared war on Austria-Hungary, a German ally.

Learn more about World War here: https://brainly.com/question/446364


8. If your friends are numerous,
a. you have very few of them

b. they live nearby

c. You have a lot of them

d. they live far away.





numerous means great in number




if you have numerous friends then that means you have multiple friends. Also numerous is synonym to many.

How did climate help determine where North Carolina’s early settlers lived?

It led them to avoid the area, since the weather was poor.
It led them to settle along the coast, where farming was supported.
It led them to settle in the mountains, where food was plentiful.


Option B. The climate of North Carolina  led them to settle along the coast, where farming was supported.

What is climate?

Climate is a region's averaged long-term weather pattern over a period of time, usually 30 years. More precisely, it is the average and variation of climatic variables over a period of time that can range from a few months to many millions of years.

The long-term weather pattern in a specific location is called a climate. Hour by hour, day by day, month by month, or even year by year, the weather might change. A region's climate is determined by its weather patterns, which are typically monitored for at least 30 years.

In the South is North Carolina. a favorable region for agriculture.

Read more on climate here: https://brainly.com/question/17922964


Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
The United Nations promotes
nuclear weapons lasts
long after its use. Nuclear bombs release in an effort to maintain world peace and protect future generations. The toxic impact of
Modern nuclear weapons are
v that poisons the environment and endangers lives
so powerful that they have the capacity to wipe out large cities i
minutes and perhaps cause the end of human


The United Nations promotes nuclear arms control in an effort to maintain world peace and protect future generations. The toxic impact of nuclear weapons lasts long after its use. Nuclear bombs release radioactive material that poisons the environment and endangers lives. Modern nuclear weapons are so powerful that they have the capacity to wipe out large cities in minutes and perhaps cause the end of human civilization.

Nuclear weapons are the most destructive and toxic weapons in the world. They have the power to destroy entire cities and kill millions of people.

Nuclear weapons are also a major threat to the environment and the planet. They can cause widespread pollution and contamination.

To know more about nuclear weapons, click here.



Why did some colonists choose to be Loyalists instead of fighting for independence with the Patriots? (cite a
reason from the reading) Do you agree with their choice? Why?


Answer: The colonists were afraid to go up against the british army


When the colonists heard the news about the war, some were scared. But, others were loyal.

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