-4(e+6)(b+3) (-7)-8(v-7)(2n+3)65(c+d)27(3x-1)(e-f)32(-3m+1)(2b-3) (-9)5(s+7)(t+7)36(-2v+4)(m-n) (-3)4e+7e+55-4x-8-3h-2h+6h+97-5y+2+14z+3-2z-z


Answer 1

By using the distribution property in the following algebraic expressions, you obtain:

6) -4(e + 6) = (-4)(e) + (-4)(6) = -4e - 24

7) (b + 3)(-7) = (b)(-7) + (3)(-7) = -7b - 21

8) (2n + 3)6 = (2n)(6) + (3)(6) = 12n + 18

9) 5(c + d) = (5)(c) + (5)(d) = 5c + 5d

10) 27(3x - 1) = (27)(3x) + (27)(-1) = 81x - 27

11) (e - f)(3) = (e)(3) + (-f)(3) = 3e - 3f

where you have taken into account, that each term inside a parenthesis must be multiplied by all terms of the other facto. Furthermore, you took into account the signs multiplcation rule (+ x + = +, - x - = +, - x + = -, + x - = -), and also you mulitiplied coefficients by coefficients for cases in which you have numbers and variables.

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trapon 3 5 Which to 2 and 3 I and 2 32- integers does V5 go batwsen? 00 7 and 8 -80 S pues Simplify -3(2x+h 6.5.10 Simplify 8.42x104 45x10 08:00 18.28x02 EUDE 6 (L-6) 57 irrational Surve 4x - y=10 -2x + y=-8 (63)


The angles shown in the picture are over the same horizontal line and share a vertex and one side. These angles are a line pair, which means that they are supplementary, you can write the following expression:


From this expression, you can determine the value of x.

-First erase the parentheses, order the like terms together and simplify them:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 32º+48º+x=180º \\ 80º+x=180º \end{gathered}[/tex]

-Subtract 80º from both sides of the equation

[tex]\begin{gathered} 80º-80º+x=180º-80º \\ x=100º \end{gathered}[/tex]

The vertices of a y rectangle are 8 A(1,7), B (3,7). C(3, 1.5), and 6 D (1, 1.5). Find the perimeter and the area of 3 the rectangle.


Let us first find the measures of the sides.


We can find the width calculating the distance between points A and B. Doing so, we have:

The distance on the y-axis is 0 as they have the same coordinate

The distance on the x-axis is 2 ( x2 - x1= 3 - 1 = 2)

So, the width of the rectangle is 2.


We can find the length calculating the distance between points B and C. Doing so, we have:

The distance on the x-axis is 0 as they have the same coordinate

The distance on the y-axis is 5.5 ( y2 - y1= 7 - 1.5 = 5.5)

So, the length of the rectangle is 5.5.

Using the formula for the perimeter, we have:

P= 2L + 2W (P:perimeter, l: length, w:width)

P= 2*(5.5) + 2*(2) (Replacing)

P= 11 + 4 (Multiplying)

P=15 (Adding)

The perimeter is 15

Using the formula for the area, we have:

A=l*w (A:area, l: length, w:width)

A=(2)*(5.5) (Replacing)

A= 11 (Multiplying)

The area is 11

Convert this decimal into its fractionalform, simplified completely.0.300


The given decimal is 0.300

In order to convert it to decimal, we would start by making 1 the denominator. it becomes


We would multiply the numerator and denominator by 10. It becomes 3/10

Therefore, the answer in fractional form is 3/10

The concession stand sells 3 hot dogs forevery 4 hamburgers they prepare. Howmany hot dogs do they make if theyprepare 24 hamburgers?


3 Hotdogs are prepared for 4 hamburgers

N Hotdogs. For. 24. Hamburgers

Then make cross multiplication

3 x 24 = N x 4

Now find N

N = (3x24)/4 = 72/4 = 18 HOtdogs

subtract 3x^2 - 2x - 4 and 2x^2 - 4x - 6


3x^2 - 2x - 4 - (2x^2 - 4x - 6)

1.- Remove the parentheses

3x^2 - 2x - 4 - 2x^2 + 4x + 6

2.- Simplify like terms

x^2 + 2x + 2

3.- Result

x^2 + 2x + 2

A cylinder has a radius of 10' and a height of 11.4' what is the approximate volume of the cylinder used 3.14 for pi.


A cylinder has a radius of 10' and a height of 11.4' what is the approximate volume of the cylinder used 3.14 for pi.​

So, the formula for the volume of the cylinder is:

V= Pir²*h, in which:

Pi= 3.14

r is the radius of the circumference in the base, which is 10'

h is the height of the cilynder, which is 11.4'. So:

V= 3.14*10²*11.4

V= 3,579.6

Does the set of ordered pairs {(-5, 0), (0, 1}, (5, 2), (10, 3), (15, 4)} represent a function? Why or why not?



YES, it represents a function


For a relation to be a function, each member of the domain (input) must be matched to only one element in the range (output).

According to ordered pairs, we can see that the domain values are all unique as shown;

As you can see from the diagram, each input only has a unique corresponding co-domain (range). This shows that the ordered pairs represents a FUNCTION.

I tried solving this and I got the 2nd option. Is it correct?



We are required to determine the double angle for sin 120°.

We know that the double angle identity states thus:

So. we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sin2\theta=2\sin\theta\cos\theta \\ \sin120\degree=\sin2(60\degree)=2\sin60\degree\cos60\degree \\ \Rightarrow2(\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2})(\frac{1}{2})=\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the answer is:


The second option is correct.

what is the factor of 2 and 10


The factor of 2 and 10 is equal to adding up 10, 2 times:


This way, the factor is 20

The balance on a credit card, that charges a 15.5%APR interest rate, over a 1 month period is given inthe following table:Days 1-3:$200 (initial balance)Days 4-20: $300 ($100 purchase)Days 21-30: $150 ($150 payment)What is the finance charge, on the average dailybalance, for this card over this 1 month period?finance charge = $ [?]Round to the nearest hundredth.




Step-by-step explanation:

You want to know the finance charge on the average daily balance if the charge is 15.5% per year, and the balances were $100 for 3 days, $300 for 17 days, and $150 for 10 days.

Average daily balance

The average daily balance is the sum of daily balances, divided by the total number of days:

  adb = (3×200 +17×300 +10×150)/(3+17+10) = 7200/30 = 240

Finance charge

The finance charge is ...

  (r/12)(adb) = (0.155/12)(240) = 3.10

The finance charge is $3.10.


Find the area under the Standard Normal Curve in-between z = -2.39 and z = 1.03Use the Normal table and give answer using 4 decimal places.


Recall that the area under the standard normal curve in-between z₁ and z₂ is:

[tex]P(z_1We know that:[tex]P(z_1Therefore the area under the Standard Normal Curve in-between z = -2.39 and z = 1.03 is:[tex]P(z<1.03)-P(z<-2.39).[/tex]

From normal tables we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P(z<1.03)=0.84849, \\ P(z<-2.39)=0.0084242. \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the area under the Standard Normal Curve in-between z = -2.39 and z = 1.03 is:


Answer: 0.8401.

Ethan and Michael played tablebasketball using wadded up bitsof paper and plastic cups. Eachbasket was worth 2 points.Ethan scored 18 points andMichael scored 24 points. Howmany goals did the boys scorealtogether?



Total score of Ethan, E=18 points.

Total score of Michael, M=24 points.

The score for each basket, N=2.

The total points scored by both boys is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} T=E+M \\ T=18+24 \\ T=42 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, the number of goals scored by both boys is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} n=\frac{T}{N} \\ =\frac{42}{2} \\ =21 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the number of goals scored altogether by the boys is 21.

original price of pants is 2995 the discount is 10%



Since we have that the price of the pants is $2995 and that represents the 100%.

In order to determine the total value since we get a 10% discount, we do as follows:

[tex]2995\to100\text{ \& x}\to10[/tex]

We determine the 10%, multiplying the percentage we want to know (10%) times the total ammount of money the pants cost ($2995) and then divide by the total percentage (100%):

[tex]x=\frac{2995\cdot10}{100}\Rightarrow x=299.5[/tex]

x represents our 10% and so we extract x from the total:

[tex]T=2995-299.5\Rightarrow T=2695.5[/tex]

Therefore the total price to pay is $2695.5

What is the second term of the sequence generated by the fo02O 3O 5O 6


1) Since no other information has been given, we need to assume that the numbers used in this Sequence are whole numbers.

2) Therefore, we can write this:


evaluate the expression and enter your answer below. 3x10+15-6^2


3*10 + 15 - 6^2​

3*10 + 15 -36 (Raising 6 to the power of 2, because of the order of operations)

30 + 15 - 36 (Multiplying, because of the order of operations)

45 - 36 (Adding)

9 (Subtracting)

The answer is equal to: 9

Factor out the GCF in the polynomial.32x - 24 =


The Solution:

The given expression is


To factor out the Greatest Common Factor of the above expression, we have


So, the Greatest Common Factor is 8.

Simplify. (Assume all variables represent positive numbers.)✓32a5b15Need Help?Watch ItAdditional MaterialseBook


We have the next expression


In order to simplify we will factorize the expression in a next way

[tex]\sqrt[]{4\cdot4\cdot2\cdot a^4\cdot b^{14}\cdot b}[/tex][tex]\sqrt[]{4}\cdot\sqrt[]{4}\cdot\sqrt[]{2}\cdot\sqrt[]{a^4}\cdot\sqrt[]{b^{14}}\cdot\sqrt[]{ab}[/tex]

Then we simplify the results

[tex]2\cdot2\cdot a^2\cdot b^7\cdot\sqrt[]{2ab}[/tex][tex]4a^2b^7\sqrt[]{2ab}[/tex]

the simplification is


The population, P, of a species of fish is decreasing at a rate that is proportional to the population itself. If P=200000 when t=3 and P=150000 when t=4, what is the population when t=10?Round your answer to the nearest integer. Tries 0/99


The Solution:


[tex]\begin{gathered} P=200,000\text{ when }t=3 \\ \\ P=150,000\text{ when }t=4 \end{gathered}[/tex]


Find P when t = 10.

Clearly, the proportion is an inverse proportion.

[tex]\begin{gathered} P=\frac{k}{t} \\ \\ Where\text{ k}=constant\text{ of proportionality.} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Applying the given values:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 200000=\frac{k}{3} \\ \\ k=3\times200,000=600,000 \end{gathered}[/tex]

This gives the formula:


Substitute t=10, and find P.



The population is 60,000 when t = 10.

Graphing with end behavior



End behaviour

This describe the behaviour of the graph of a function at the end of the x-axis.

The end behavior of a function describes the trend of the graph if we look to the right end of the x-axis (as xxx approaches +∞, infinity) and to the left end of the x-axis (as x approaches -∞, negative infinity).

How do I find the minimum and maximum in a factored quadratic equation


Supposed you have a quadratic equation


Solve the following formula for the indicated variable.L = 2nrh; solve for r.


To solve for the indicated variable;

[tex]L=2\pi rh[/tex]

We shall solve for r as shown below;

[tex]\begin{gathered} L=2\pi rh \\ \text{Divide both sides by 2}\pi h\text{ to isolate the r variable;} \\ \frac{L}{2\pi h}=\frac{2\pi rh}{2\pi h} \\ \frac{L}{2\pi h}=r \end{gathered}[/tex]


Therefore, the solution is;

[tex]r=\frac{L}{2\pi h}[/tex]

how do you draw a model to explain 3/4 x 24


3 / 4 x 24 = 3 x 6 = 18

i need help with math


The true statement for the angles formed by the three parallel roads are-

∠EBC measure x°; then ∠BED = 180 - x°.∠HEF has the same measure as ∠x°.Sum of ∠GHE and ∠HED = 180°.What is termed as the transversal?A transversal is a line that connects two lines in same plane at two different points with in geometry. A transversal intersection with two lines generates a variety of angles in pairs, including consecutive interior angles, corresponding angles, and alternate angles.

For the given question,

There are 4 roads, three are parallel to each other and one is the transversal.

Thus, the relation of the angles formed as-

∠EBC measure x°; then ∠BED = 180 - x°.(supplementary angles).∠HEF has the same measure as ∠x°.(corresponding angles)Sum of ∠GHE and ∠HED = 180°.(supplementary angles).

Thus, the correct relation between the set of angles are found.

To know more about the transversal, here



5 is 100 times? I am not sure.Solve question 1







For the first question;

Let the number be x.

So let's go ahead and solve for x as shown below;

[tex]\begin{gathered} 10\times x=0.05 \\ x=\frac{0.05}{10} \\ x=0.005 \end{gathered}[/tex]

For the 2nd question;

Let the missing number be y.

We can solve for y as seen below;

[tex]\begin{gathered} 100\times y=5 \\ 100y=5 \\ y=\frac{5}{100} \\ y=0.05 \end{gathered}[/tex]

For the 3rd question;

Let the missing number be z.

We can solve for z as shown below;

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{1}{100}\times z=0.5 \\ \frac{z}{100}=0.5 \\ z=100\times0.5 \\ z=50 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Ms. Wheeler asks her students to look at their desks. What do the desks represent inEuclidean geometry?


To determine the what desk represents in Euclidean geometry?

Euclidean geometry, sometimes called parabolic geometry, is a geometry that follows a set of propositions that are based on Euclid's five postulates

The most basic terms of geometry are a point, a line, and a plane. A point has no dimension (length or width), but it does have a location

In its rough outline, Euclidean geometry is the plane and solid geometry commonly taught in secondary schools

“A point is that which has no part” and “a line is a length without breadth.” Proceeding from these terms, he defined further ideas such as angles, circles, triangles, and various other polygons and figures.

For example, an angle was defined as the inclination of two straight lines, and a circle was a plane figure consisting of all points that have a fixed distance (radius) from a given centre.

Hence in Euclidean geometry the desk represent the plane

Josh took 300 minutes to get to work. How many hours is this?


Problem Statement

The question tells us that it

I need help with this question its on arithmetic growthanddecay , been stuck on it for many days and i need help! pleasep


We are given the following information about the arithmetic sequence

First two rows = 27 chairs

Last two rows = 114 chairs

Common difference = 3 chairs

Recall that the general formula for an arithmetic sequence is given by


(a) Let us substitute the given values into the above formula and solve for n

[tex]\begin{gathered} a_n=a_1+(n-1)d \\ 114=27_{}+(n-1)\cdot3 \\ 114-27=_{}(n-1)\cdot3 \\ 87=_{}(n-1)\cdot3 \\ \frac{87}{3}=_{}n-1 \\ 29=_{}n-1 \\ 29+1_{}=_{}n \\ 30=n \end{gathered}[/tex]

There are 30 rows of chairs.

(b) Let us find the number of chairs in the 13th and 30th row.

i) 13th row:

Substitute n = 13

[tex]\begin{gathered} a_{13}=27_{}+(13-1)\cdot3 \\ a_{13}=27_{}+12\cdot3 \\ a_{13}=27_{}+36 \\ a_{13}=63 \end{gathered}[/tex]

There are 63 chairs in the 13th row.

ii) 30th row:

Substitute n = 30

[tex]\begin{gathered} a_{30}=27_{}+(30-1)\cdot3 \\ a_{30}=27_{}+29\cdot3 \\ a_{30}=27_{}+87 \\ a_{30}=114 \end{gathered}[/tex]

There are 114 chairs in the 30th row.

Given the following piecewise function, determine h(x)h(x) = { -x, if x greater than or equal to -2{ 2, if x > -2h(-6) =h(-2) =h(6) =


Part 1) h(-6)





Part 2) h(-2)


For x=-2


Part 3) h(6)







The value of angle is ∠P is 140° and ∠Q is 110°.

What do you mean by the exterior and interior angles of a triangle?

The angle between any two of a triangle's three sides is referred to as the interior angle. Any angle that is created when one of a polygon's sides intersects with a line that extends from another side is considered its external angle.

∠P and ∠Q is the exterior angle of the triangle.

we know that the sum of the exterior angle is the sum of the opposite interior angle.

9is the sum of the opposite interior angles that is (110°+30°) = 140°

∠Q is the sum of the opposite interior angles that are (30°+80°)= 110°


∠P is 140° and ∠Q is 110°.

to learn more about the exterior and interior angles of a triangle from the given link,

Use properties to rewrite the given equation. Which equations have the same solution as 2.3p – 10.1 = 6.5p – 4 – 0.01p? Select two options. 2.3p – 10.1 = 6.4p – 4 2.3p – 10.1 = 6.49p – 4 230p – 1010 = 650p – 400 – p 23p – 101 = 65p – 40 – p 2.3p – 14.1 = 6.4p – 4


The equations that have the same solution as 2.3p – 10.1 = 6.5p – 4 – 0.01p are (b) 2.3p – 10.1 = 6.49p – 4 and (c) 230p – 1010 = 650p – 400 – p

How to determine the equations with the same solution?

The equation is given as

2.3p – 10.1 = 6.5p – 4 – 0.01p

Evaluate the like terms on the right-hand side

So, we have the following representation

2.3p – 10.1 = 6.49p – 4

The above equation is indicated in option (b)

Multiply through the equation by 100

So, we have:

100(2.3p – 10.1 = 6.5p – 4 – 0.01p)


230p – 1010 = 650p – 400 – p

The above equation is indicated in option (c)

Hence, the equations with the same solution are (b) and (c)

Read more about equivalent equations at



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