5. Simplify this expression. (1 point)


Answer 1


syntax error. .

Step-by-step explanation:

error error error error error error error error

Related Questions

What percent of 40 is 17?


In general, we can calculate what percent of y is x using the equation:


In our problem, we identify:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=17 \\ y=40 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The percentage is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P=\frac{17}{40}\cdot100\text{\%}=\frac{17\cdot5}{2}\text{ \%} \\ \Rightarrow P=42.5\text{\%} \end{gathered}[/tex]

What are inequalites, and a example of one.


Inequalities are relationships like equalities, what makes it different from equalitites is that on both sides are different expressions that allows to comparate them without been equal, for this we have 4 types

≤ less or equal than

≥ greater or equal to

< less than

> greater than

some examples are:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3x-3<50 \\ 5x-45>33x \\ x^2-15x<34 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Another difference between inequalities and equalities is that in equalities we obtain 1,2 or 3 solutions accronding to the degree of the equation, in inequalities we can obtain infinite number of solutions.

3. A doctor sees between 7 and 12 patients each day. On Mondays and Tuesdays.the appointment times are 15 minutes. On Wednesdays and Thursdays, they are30 minutes. On Fridays, they are one hour long. The doctor works for no morethan 8 hours a day. Here are some inequalities that represent this situation,0.25 Sy 51YS0S 12Y S83a. What does each variable represent?Your anowar3b. What does the expression xy in the last inequality mean in thissituation?



We have the following inequalities:

0.25 <= y<= 1, 7 <= x<= 12, xy <= 8

And we can conclude this:

Part a

the variable y represents the appointment time in hours and x the number of patients by the doctor

Part b

the expression xy is the time in hours that spends with a patient

According to psychologist IQs are normally distributed with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 19. What’s the percentage of the population has IQs above 154?


In order to solve this problem, we will calculate the z-score of the given data.

To do this, we use the formula,


We plug in the given data:


With this z-score, we can consult a z-score probability table or use an online resource. However, this will give us


but we are interested in itbeing greater than it, so we must calculate


So, the percentage of the population that has an IQ above 154 is 0.224%.

compare the elevation of death valley and westmorland using< or >



If D represent the elevation of Death valley , California and W represent the elevation of Westmorland, California.

So, we would have;

[tex]DWhich means that;

the elevation of Death valley < the elevation of Westmorland


Given that the elevation of Death valley , California is -282 feet


And the elevation of Westmorland, California is -157 feet;


And we know that -282 ft is less than -157 ft.


Therefore, the elevation of Death valley , California is less than the elevation of Westmorland, California.

So, if D represent the elevation of Death valley , California and W represent the elevation of Westmorland, California.

So, we would have;

[tex]DWhich means that;

the elevation of Death valley < the elevation of Westmorland

A new song has gone viral on the Internet. The website hosting the song uses the function f(t)=500t^2 to represent the number of daily hits over time, where t is time in days. Use the function to predict the day on which the number of daily hits reaches 1,000,000. Show your work.


We will have the following:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 1000000=500t^2\Rightarrow t^2=2000 \\ \\ \Rightarrow t=\sqrt{2000}\Rightarrow t=20\sqrt{5} \\ \\ \Rightarrow t=44.72135955... \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, on day 44 it will reach 1 000 000.

Question 4 If the vertices of ABC are A(-3,5), B(2,4). and C(-1,2), then ABC is classified as


To be able to classify the triangle you have to plot it

You can calculate the length of the sides as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} AC=\sqrt[]{(-1+3)^2+(5-2)^2} \\ AC=\sqrt[]{13} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} AB=\sqrt[]{(5-4)^2+(2+3)^2} \\ AB=\sqrt[]{26} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} BC=\sqrt[]{(2+1)^2+(4-2)^2} \\ BC=\sqrt[]{13} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Sides AC and BC are equal.

You can classify this triangle as an isosceles triangle

what digit is in the



Rounding 9177 to the nearest hundred give us the following number:


What is the volume of this cone? Use 3.14 and round your answer to the nearest hundredth. 38 mm cubic millimeters





We are given the height of the cone as 19 mm and the diameter of its base as 38 mm.

The volume of a cone is given as:

[tex]V=\frac{1}{3}\pi\cdot r^2h[/tex]

where r =radius; h = height

The diameter of a circle (the base of a cone) is twice the radius. Therefore:

[tex]\begin{gathered} D=2r \\ r=\frac{D}{2} \\ r=\frac{38}{2} \\ r=19\operatorname{mm} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the volume of the cone is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} V=\frac{1}{3}\cdot3.14\cdot19^2\cdot19 \\ V=7179.09\operatorname{mm}^3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

10x-76=754 how do I solve this




Step-by-step explanation:


Move 76 to the other side and it becomes positive


Add 754 and 76


divide both sides by 10



Solve the following system of linear equations using elimination. -3x + 3y=-3 2x-y=0


The system of equations is

[tex]\begin{gathered} -3x+3y=-3\Rightarrow(1) \\ 2x-y=0\Rightarrow(2) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since all terms in equation 1 can divide by 3, then

Divide each term in equation 1 by 3

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{-3x}{3}+\frac{3y}{3}=\frac{-3}{3} \\ -x+y=-1\Rightarrow(3) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Add equations (2) and (3) to eliminate y

[tex]\begin{gathered} (2x-x)+(-y+y)=(0-1) \\ x+0=-1 \\ x=-1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute x by -1 in equation (2) to find y

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2(-1)-y=0 \\ -2-y=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Add y to both sides

[tex]\begin{gathered} -2-y+y=0+y \\ -2+0=y \\ -2=y \\ y=-2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The solution of the given system of equations is (-1, -2)

What is the surface area of the following figure?



surface area of cube = 37.5 units

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the area of one side of the cube with the formula sidexside:

2.5 x 2.5 = 6.25 units

now multiple the area of one side by the number of sides of the cube which is 6 sides:

6.25 x 6 = 37.5 units

please help me solve. The answer I have is incorrect which is 527.5


527.8 m³

1) Let's find out the Volume of the biggest cylinder then subtract from it the smaller one.

Big Cylinder Volume:

[tex]\begin{gathered} V=\pi\cdot r^2\cdot h \\ V=\pi\cdot9^2\cdot3 \\ V=243\pi\approx763.4m^3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The Small one:

[tex]\begin{gathered} V=\pi\cdot5^2\cdot3 \\ V=75\pi m^3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Subtracting 75π from 243π we have:

V=243π -75π =168π approximately 527.7875658 to the nearest tenth: 527.8 m³

16x^2 + 56x + 49 Is this a special product? If yes, what type


Let's check if the given equation is a special product.



a = 1st term coefficien

b = 2nd term coefficient

c = constant

We get,

a = 16

b = 56

c = 49

Let's check, you can use this method to check if it is a perfect square binomial:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ 2(}\sqrt[]{a}\text{ x }\sqrt[]{c})\text{ = b ;} \\ (a+c)^2\text{ if b is positive} \\ (a-c)^2\text{ if b is negative} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} 2(\sqrt[]{16}\text{ x }\sqrt[]{49})\text{ = 56} \\ 2(4\text{ x 7) = 56 ; since b is positive, a and c are positive} \\ 2(28)\text{ = 56} \\ 56\text{ = 56} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the equation is a special product. It is a square of a binomial.

The answer is YES, it is a special product. It is a Square of a Binomial (x + y)².

Can you help me with this? The approximate area of the circle is (Blank) square feet. (Use 22/7 as an approximation for pi) The approximate circumference of the circle is (Blank) feet. Use 22/7 as an approximation for pi


Let's begin by listing out the given information:

Select all statements that must be true.
(Select all that apply)
Students selecting B are likely mistaking the range for
the IQR. Students selecting C are likely mistaking the
median for the IQR. Students selecting D are likely
mistaking the mean for the median. It may be possible
that the mean is 3.6 goals per game, but cannot be
determined from the box plot alone. Students selecting
F are likely mistaking Q1 for the minimum.
A. The interquartile range (IQR) is 1.2 goals per game.
B. The interquartile range (IQR) is 3.2 goals per game.
C. The interquartile range (IQR) is 3.6 goals per game.
The average goals scored per game are calculated for
20 soccer tournaments. The 20 averages are used to
create this box plot.
D. The mean is 3.6 goals per game.
E. The median is 3.6 goals per game.
E The minimum is 2.8 goals per game.
G. The maximum is 5.6 goals per game.
2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6
5.2 5.6
Average Number of Goals per


The maximum = 5.6 goals per game

median = 3.6 goals per game

Interquartile range (IQR ) = 1.2 goals per games


To solve this question, we need an illustration that identifies the part of the box and whiskers plot:

The minimum on the box and whiskers = 2.4 goals per game

The maximum = 5.6 goals per game

The median = the line in between the box

median = M on the image

median = 3.6 goals per game

upper quartile = Q3 = 4

lower quartile = Q1 = 2.8

The interquartile range = IQR

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{IQR = Q}_3-Q_1 \\ \text{IQR = }4\text{ - 2.8} \\ \text{IQR = 1.2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Interquartile range (IQR ) = 1.2 goals per games

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Mean = average of the data set} \\ \text{Mean = }\frac{su\text{m of the numbers}}{nu\text{mber of the data set}} \\ \text{Mean = }\frac{2.4\text{ + }2.8+3.6+4+5.6}{5} \\ \text{Mean = 18.4/5} \\ \text{Mean = 3.68} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The mean is 3.68 goals per game

The cube root of our varies inversely with the square of S which to equations model this relationship?


The question states as follows;

"The cube root of r varies inversely with the square of s."

The general form of an inverse relationship is shown below;


Substituting the variables, we would now have;


Therefore, the third option is correct.


[tex]\begin{gathered} \sqrt[3]{r}=\frac{k}{s^2} \\ \text{Observe that}_{} \\ \sqrt[3]{r}=r^{\frac{1}{3}} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, we can alo have the expression;

[tex]\begin{gathered} r^{\frac{1}{3}}=\frac{k}{s^2} \\ \text{Cross multiply, and we'll have;} \\ s^2r^{\frac{1}{3}}=k \end{gathered}[/tex]

The fifth option is also correct.


The third and fifth options are both correct models of the inverse relationship given.

How many kg of water are in a 132 kg person ?



[tex]88kg\text{ of water}[/tex]


Here, we want to get the number of kg of water in a 132 kg person

From the question, there is a direct variation between kg of water in the human body and the mass of the body

Let the mass be m and the amount of water be w

By direct variation, with k as the proportionality constant, we have it that:

[tex]w\text{ = }km[/tex]

From the question, a 72 kg mass boy has 48 kg of water

Mathematically, we have it that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 48\text{ = k }\times72 \\ k\text{ = }\frac{48}{72} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, we want to get the kg of water in a 132 kg person

What we have to do here is to have k as 48/72 and solve for w

Mathematically, we have that as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} w\text{ = }\frac{48}{72}\times132 \\ \\ w\text{ = 88 }kg \end{gathered}[/tex]

A parallelogram has a height of 7 meters and an area of 35 square meters. what would the sum of the bases be for a trapezoid with the same height and area as the parallelogram?


The height of trapezoid is h = 7 m.

The area of trapezoid is A = 35 m^2.

The formula for the area of trapezoid is,

[tex]A=\frac{a+b}{2}\cdot h[/tex]

Here, a and b are length of bases of trapezoid.

Substitute the values in the formula to obtain the sum of bases of trapezoid.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 35=\frac{a+b}{2}\cdot7 \\ \frac{a+b}{2}=\frac{35}{7} \\ a+b=5\cdot2 \\ =10 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So sum of bases of trapezoid is equal to 10 meters.


Solve the system of equations by any method. 6x+11y =16x+2y =4


Hello! I'll draw the solution of this system of equations:

Now, let's go back to the second equation and replace where's y by 8:

So, the solution will be: (-12, 8) or x= -12 and y= 8.

Suzan collected 560 milliliters of rainwater on Saturday. She collected 3.5 liters of rainwater on Sunday.How many total milliliters of rainwater did Suzan collect on Saturday and Sunday?A.910B.4,060C.4,600D.9,100


It's easy to see that to obtain the total of milliliters of rainwater that Suzan collected on Saturday and Sunday is the sum of the milliliters that Suzan collected each day.

The problem that we need to be careful about is the units. So we need to pass all the numbers to milliliters, we already have one in this unit then we just need to transform one:


Now we can use the sum as:

[tex]mL\text{ total=}3500mL+560mL=4060mL[/tex]

Then the correct answer is B, 4060 mL.

what will the deposit have to be if you want to have 12000 in an account that will earn 8.55% compounded weekly at the end of 5 years



The expected deposit =?

This is also referred to the principal

r = rate = 8.55%

t = time = 5years

n = we

Which represents the inverse of the function f(x) = 4x?h(x) = x + 4Oh(x) = X-4Oh(x) = 2xh(x) =17 1x


f(x) = 4x

To find the inverse of a function, you have to replace every x with an y, as follows:

f(x) = 4y

then, replace f(x) with an x,

x = 4y

and now, isolate y,

x/4 = y

Finally, replace y whit h(x),

h(x) = 1/4x

There’s a few more questions like this I been stuck on


Problem N 9

we have that

m by addition angles postulate

substitute given values


solve for x





Find out the measure of angle SQR

msubstitute the value of x


Could someone help me out please I don’t know how to


As per given by the question,

There are given that ,

[tex]4y^2+y-9,\text{ when y=-3}[/tex]


There are given y=-3.


Substitute the value -3 instead of y in given equation,


From the equation,


Put the value of y in given equation,


Now, solve the above equation,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 4y^2+y-9=4(-3)^2+(-3)-9 \\ =4(9)-3-9 \\ =36-3-9 \\ =36-12 \\ =24 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the value of given equation is 24.

Write the phrase as an algebraic expression: a number divided by 2





Let the number = x

If the number is divided by 2, then an algebraic expression to represent the phrase is:


It can also be written in the form:


can you help pls with



C. 3.5=3.50


Given the statements below:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A.$0.43>0.5$ \\ B.$0.65<0.56$ \\ C.3.5=3.50 \\ D$.2.45>2.54$ \\ E.$0.4<0.04$ \end{gathered}[/tex]

The only true statement out of the given options is:


The correct choice is C.

What is the probability of choosing a recheck at first and then choosing a red card with a replacement


Since there are 25 cards in the deck

Since there are 4 jacks on it 2 red and 2 black

Since the probability of an event = outcomes of events/total outcomes

Then for the first card

There are 2 red jacks for a total of 52 cards


For the second card with NO replacement

Since there are 26 red cards in the deck

Since we took out one of them for the first card, then

There are 25 red cards

Since the total is less by 1 because of the first card, then

There are 51 cards


Since and in probability means multiply, then


The answer is the 3rd choice 25/1326

Use the number line to answer the question. Each tick represents 1.Which point is located at 2?PQSnone of the above


Given that each tick represents 1. The numbers on the right of 0 are positiv and on the left of 0 are negative. SInce 2 is positive, 2 lies on the right side of 0.

Since each tick represents 1, the first tick represents 0+1 = 1.

Now, the second tick represents 0 + 2 = 2. The second tick on the right of 0 denoted as S.

The correct option is S.

Hi, could you please help me understand why I got some of the answers wrong?


For the figure in the right up

The two triangles have 2 equal angles and one equal side

Then it should be AAS

Triangle AOC is congruent to triangle BOC

You must write the name of the triangles with equal angles

Since < AOC = < BOC ------- Given

Since Since OC = OC ------- common side

By using the AAS theorem of congruency

Then triangle AOC is congruent to triangle BOC

For the figure in the right down

Since OX // YC, then


Since OC = CB ------- Given

Then by using the AAS theorem of congruency

Triangle XCO is congruent to triangle YBC

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