36. Which ancient culture produced the "Epic of Gilgamesh"?
A. Egyptian
B. Hittite
C. Assyrian
D. Hebrew
E. Sumerian


Answer 1
E. Sumerian I think

Related Questions

4. Which nation strongly wanted to punish Germany in the Treaty of Versailles?
O A. Italy
B. Russia
O C. The United States
O D. France


Hopes this helps:

Answer: France


D. France


Got it right on the PF test!

Hope this helps!! :D


Why did Grant not attempt to run the batteries before and save himself a lot of trouble?
He feared Johnston's division
He was afraid the ships would be sunk.
Weather did not permit it.
There were not enough boats for his troops.



B. He was afraid the ships would be sunk.


hope this helps:)

Which of the following statements describes the Qing


Answer: The Qing Dynasty was the last dynasty of China. The Qing ruled China from 1644 to 1912 before being overthrown by the Republic of China. It is sometimes referred to as the Manchu Dynasty. History. In the early 1600s, the Manchu people of northern China began to unite against the Ming Dynasty.

Please write a 6-9 sentence paragraph describing the Feudalism, the Manor system and describing daily life during the Medieval Period.


Feudalism was a set of legal and military norms that prevailed in medieval Europe from the 9th through the 15th centuries. It is a system for organising society based on connections formed from the ownership of land, known as a fiefdom or fief, in exchange for service or labor. The Manor System was a Middle Ages system of agricultural estates owned by a Lord and managed by serfs or peasants. The serfs or peasants provided labor to manage the manor while the Lords provided safety and security from outside threats.The Lords were typically military commanders as well. Wealth, power, and position, as well as the feudal system, ruled daily life in the Middle Ages. The Feudal System was maintained through the Upper Classes' rights and privileges, which were mostly enacted through legislation. Serfs, freemen, and villeins were among the peasants who lived in a manor or village.

What territories did Israel claim after the six day war ?



Israel defeated the Arab armies and captured the Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip from Egypt, the Golan Heights from Syria and the West Bank from Jordan.


Israel defeated the Arab armies and captured the Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip from Egypt, the Golan Heights from Syria and the West Bank from Jordan.

According to chapter two how are some of the prisoners used to help the war effort


The prisoners were helped in the war effort by engaging themselves in army training for the war front and also by acquiring war bonds and stamps.

When did WW II begin?

World War 2 commenced from the year 1939 till ended in the year 1945. It was a global war that involves the huge majority of countries of the world.

During the times of WW II, sixty prisoners were trained for military services. Apart from engaging in training, they also acquired the war bonds amounting to $ 11,000 and stamps costing $3,000 issued by the US government for raising funds for the war.

Therefore, the military training services and the acquisition of war bonds and stamps were a kind of help initiated by the prisoners in the war effort.

Learn more about the WWII in the specified link:



Czech immigrants were largely
a. Jewish
b. Muslim
C. Catholic
d. Protestant



c. catholic


it's c).......

Hello, the answer is c. Catholic
Sorry if I’m not right!
Have a nice day!

Question 1: The two meetings of representatives for the thirteen colonies which eventually 5 points
created the Declaration of Independence was called
Colonial time
Continental Convention
Continental Congress
Colonial party


A sorry if I am wrong

37. Under Stalin, the communists in the U.S.S.R. adhered to all of the following practices EXCEPT
A. plans to industrialize the Soviet Union in five years
B. the rise of nationalism and Nazism
C. removal of anyone who did not agree with the dictator
D. plans to bring all privately-owned farms under government control into one large farm




A C And D all happened.

D: The farms were huge -- at least 50 sections.

C: Stalin was one of the great Meglomaniacs of the 20 th century. Lord help you if you got on the wrong side of him. He was capable of anything.

A: Industrialization was one of the 5 year plans.

Communism was on the rise. Natzism was not neither was nationalism. The bloodiest Battles of Europe during WWII were fought because Stalin opposed Hitler.

what describes the role that the people play in making decision


Answer: Learning from each other

Learning from one another

The immigrant group that became a target for violence and discrimination in Texas during World War I was the


O French

O British

O Americans​





What was the
name of the man whose vote fully ratified the 19th Amendment



Harry Burn


All of the following are true about the American military during the Vietnam War
The government censored the press by not allowing TV networks to report from
12 Unsaved
Americans had a difficult time telling apart the Vietcong and Vietnamese
The U.S. advantage in military power was balanced by the Vietcong's use of
guerilla tactics
American military tactics included search-and-destroy missions, bombings, and



The government censored the press by not allowing TV networks to report from  Vietnam


The media in the United States was all over the war in Vietnam and the Government did not do anything about that

What is 14/16 closest to?


well 14/16 simplified is 7/8 so I would say 1 ^^

Siddartha Guatama was:

A. The creator of Hinduism

B. The fourth vision of Buddha

C. The creator of Buddhism

D. All above



I believe the answer is A but check the thing again and look at his name and try and see he A,B or C


the creator of Buddhism

What Age of Me

A. 25

B. 14

C. 10​



I think 14 years .........

When the United States was on the gold standard, banks were required to:
A. exchange U.S. dollars for a specific amount of gold.
B. provide a certain amount of gold to the government each year.
C. use gold when conducting business with foreign clients.
D. only accept gold as collateral for large business loans.



A. exchange U.S. dollars for a specific amount of gold.


In the US, the central bank was required by the Federal Reserve Act (1913) to have gold backing 40% of its demand notes. Higher interest rates intensified the deflationary pressure on the dollar and reduced investment in U.S. banks.

how many people did the Nazis kill in Europe?



75 million people died in the war

A currency with an exchange rate that changes based on the supply and
demand for the currency in global markets is
A. flexible
B. inflated
C. fixed
D. fiat


Flexible is correct

True of False. The best way to Improve your fitness is to work on only one component





I just took the test and I got it correct.

There's more than only one component to improve your fitness.





If you pass the class for civics but you fail the eoc, do u. get held back? Please someone respond I'm getting a bit worried.



If a you pass the course, but do not earn the required minimum score on the EOC assessment, you will retake the test. You are not required to retake a course as a condition of retaking the test.



It depends on what you got for your final grade in the class. if you got a b and got a f on the test it should average out to a c as your final grade


I failed it in 7th grade but manage to to get a b as my final grade

~Hope this helps

Which situation is more likely to occur in a market economy than a command economy?
A. People line up for cheap but scarce products.
B. A student is guaranteed a job out of college.
C. An inventor designs and produces a new type of car.
D. A committee chooses which farms should receive new tractors.


Imma go with b Sorry if it’s wrong.

Which group of individuals in society became known as the "Flappers" in the 1920s?
A. College students
B. Striking workers
C. Young women
D. Working class men


If my Knowledge is correct, Flappers are Young women. They embraced a more outrageous lifestyle for the 1920s. Flappers helped push the barriers in political and sexual freedom for women. Basically: C. Young Women
c. young women because of their energetic freedom caused by a lifestyle many deemed immoral because of their demographic and other reasons hope that helps

what is the climate range in Argentina?
A: subtropical in the north to tundra in the far south.

B: Tropical in the west to generally temperate in the east.

C:Tundra in the north to tropical in the south.

D: moderate throughout the entire country. ​



I'd say it's B, but read the explanation for yourself!


The range of mean temperatures for summer months (December to February) is about 72–75 °F (22–24 °C), whereas that for winter months (June to August) is about 46–55 °F (8–13 °C).

The correct answer is B

The emancipation proclamation had many positive outcome for the union. By asserting the? stance of the union, the proclamation helped win approval and support from abolitionist whites and blacks community for?. Additionally,by?, it dash confederate plan to get support from Europe. It also caused the union to become stronger and reduced the southern labor force.



      a.  anti slavery

      b.  Abraham Lincoln

      c.  making abolition a war goal


The Union were not very successful during the first part of the Civil War and this led to a lot of discontent and lack of support for Abraham Lincoln. After the Emancipation Proclamation however, things changed as the Abolitionists and the Black Americans lent their support to him.

It also dissuaded European nations from getting involved in the conflict on the side of the Confederacy because they did not want to be seen as supporting slavery at a time when they had abolished the disgusting practice.


a. antislavery

b. Abraham Lincoln

c. disrupting cotton cultivation


True or False: The result of the Munich Conference was that Great Britian and France agreed to allow Hilter to take the Sudtenland



Why do countries enter into trade agreements? Check all that apply.


The United States has agreements in force with 20 countries: Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Israel, Jordan, Mexico, Morocco, Nicaragua, Oman, Panama, Peru, Singapore, and South Korea.

Options 2,4,5



Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
John buys a toy plane from a toy store. The money he pays the store
and the taxes paid by the store.
the economy thro



the money he pays back the store is injected back into the economy through the employees wages



Injected back into


employee wages


I literally just took the final in economics and this was on it


What do you think is the most valuable product that we get from China? Why?




silk was China's most valuable trade good because, at first, the Chinese were the only people who knew how to make it. Silk was the perfect trading good because it was light and valuable

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oh ok.


Answer: cool


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