29. A teacher presented the two models below to the dass. The models represent a eukaryote and prokaryote cell. The teacher asked the students to label the structure of each cell that contains the genetic code and
tell where it is located.

structure C, located in the cytoplasm in Cell A and structure C, located in the cytoplasm in Cell B
structure H, located in the cytoplasm in Cell A and structure A, located in the nucleus in Cell B
structure C, located in the nucleus in Cell A and structure C, located in the cytoplasm in Cell B
structure H, located in the cytoplasm in Cell A and structure A, located in the cytoplasm in Cell B

29. A Teacher Presented The Two Models Below To The Dass. The Models Represent A Eukaryote And Prokaryote


Answer 1


C. structure C, located in the nucleus in Cell A and structure C, located in the cytoplasm in Cell B


This question contains images that depicts an eukaryotic cell (animal) and a prokaryotic cell (bacteria). According to the question, a teacher asked the students to label the structure of each cell that contains the genetic code (DNA) and tell where it is located.

In an eukaryotic cell, the genetic material (DNA) which contains the genetic code is located inside a well defined membranous structure called NUCLEUS while the genetic material in a prokaryotic cell is found naked in a region of the cytoplasm called NUCLEOID as they lack a membrane-bound nucleus. Based on this explanation;

- Structure C is the genetic material (DNA) which contains the genetic code of cell A (eukaryotic cell), hence, the genetic code of cell A is found in structure C, which in turn is located in the centrally-placed NUCLEUS.

- Structure C is the genetic material containing the genetic code of cell B (prokaryotic cell), hence, the genetic code of cell B is found in structure C, which in turn is located in the CYTOPLASM.

Related Questions

A student crested a model to show the flow of energy in a terrestrial ecosystem.

Which of the following correctly describes the way energy enters and leaves the ecosystem?

A Energy enters the ecosystem as sunlight, which is used by plants to produce sugars Energy leaves the ecosystem as heat from plants, herbivores, carnivores, and decomposers
B Energy enters the ecosystem from decomposers and is used by plants to produce sugars Energy leaves the ecosystem during cellular respiration
C Energy enters the ecosystem when it is transferred from the herbivores to the plants. Energy leaves the ecosystem as heat from plants, herbivores, carnivores and decomposers
D Energy enters the ecosystem as sunlight, which is used by plants to produce sugars. Energy leaves the ecosystem as mineral nutrients​


The flow of energy in the terrestrial ecosystem is initiated by the sun and its flows to plants and then animal life and finally reaches the decomposers. Thus the option A is correct.

What is an ecosystem?

An ecosystem is an ecological unit and its function is to balance the flow of energy in the environment. The flow of energy is unidirectional and as energy flow in one direction, it cannot be destroyed completely as it changes its form.

The energy that is received from the sun is transferred to the green plants, they include this energy to animals that are producers to consumers that include primary consumers and secondary consumers to decomposers, and then this energy leaves the system.

Find out more information about the ecosystem.


a student models moon phase she holds a foam ball on a stick in front of her body and stands in front of the light as shown. the student uses herself to represents earth. she turns her body slowly to phases.



D- Diagram 4

the full moon is represented in diagram four.

Which statements describe the inheritance of traits? Select three options.

Traits can be inherited.

No traits are inherited.

Offspring inherit one allele for a gene from each parent.

Offspring inherit two alleles for a gene from each parent.

An offspring with two identical alleles for a trait is hom.ozygous.

An offspring with two different alleles for a trait is hom.ozygous.​


I’m pretty sure it’s the 1st, 3rd, and 5th ones

When Gregor Mendel crossed true-breeding tall plants (TT) with true-breeding short plants (tt), all the offspring were tall because



Because the trait associated with "tall-ness" is dominant and shortness is recessive


the allele for tall plants is recessive and none of the offspring received an allele for short height.


Thats what my teacher said^

Which of the following is always a commercially cloned plant?

• tomato
• wheat
• avocado
• banana


The answer to your question is: banana


the answer is wheat


Las estructuras que facilitan la union de las venas y arteriasel intercambio gaseosos entre los dintistos tejidos y la sangre que circula se denominan.....



Intercambio de oxígeno y dióxido de carbono


Rebecca Dezube

, MD, MHS, Johns Hopkins University

Última revisión completa jun. 2019


La principal función del aparato respiratorio es inhalar oxígeno y eliminar dióxido de carbono. El oxígeno inhalado penetra en los pulmones y alcanza los alvéolos. Las capas de células que revisten los alvéolos y los capilares circundantes se disponen ocupando el espesor de una sola célula y están en contacto estrecho unas con otras. Esta barrera entre el aire y la sangre tiene un grosor aproximado de una micra (1/10 000 cm). El oxígeno atraviesa rápidamente esta barrera aire–sangre y llega hasta la sangre que circula por los capilares. Igualmente, el dióxido de carbono pasa de la sangre al interior de los alvéolos, desde donde es exhalado al exterior.

La sangre oxigenada circula desde los pulmones por las venas pulmonares y, al llegar al lado izquierdo del corazón, es bombeada hacia el resto del organismo (véase Función del corazón). La sangre con déficit de oxígeno y cargada de dióxido de carbono vuelve al lado derecho del corazón a través de dos grandes venas: la vena cava inferior y la vena cava superior. A continuación, la sangre es impulsada a través de la arteria pulmonar hacia los pulmones, donde recoge el oxígeno y libera el dióxido de carbono.

Intercambio de gases entre las alveolas y los capilares

Para mantener la absorción de oxígeno y la emisión de dióxido de carbono, entran y salen de los pulmones entre 5 y 8 L de aire por minuto, y cada minuto se transfiere alrededor del 30% de cada litro (cerca de tres décimos de galón) de oxígeno desde los alvéolos hasta la sangre, aun cuando la persona esté en reposo. Al mismo tiempo, un volumen similar de dióxido de carbono pasa de la sangre a los alvéolos y es exhalado. Durante el ejercicio, es posible respirar más de 100 L de aire por minuto y extraer de este aire 3 L de oxígeno por minuto. La velocidad de entrada del oxígeno en el organismo es una medida importante de la cantidad total de energía consumida por este. La inspiración y la espiración se llevan a cabo gracias a los músculos respiratorios.

2. Which of the following BEST describes an organic compound?
a compound containing carbon that is important to the survival of living systems
a compound often found inside cells that is destructive to living systems
a compound containing oxygen that is important to the growth of living systems
a compound that attaches to the outside of cells and destroys living systems



a compound containing oxygen that is important to the of living system

PLEASE HELP ONLY 5 mins left!!!!
Looking at the following template strand of DNA below, what would that mRNA molecule
look like?



hope this helps sorry if too late

#5 Which statement is true in regards to DNA mutations? *
Mutations can lead to positive adaptations in an organism
all mutations result in a change in protein formed
mutations are not present in unicellular organisms
all mutations are negative and lead to diseases



Mutations can lead to positive adaptations in an organism

If a female spinach plant with flat (FF) green (GG) leaves is crossed (pollination and fertilization occur) with a male spinach plant with crinkly (ff) purple (gg) leaves, what allelles and traits will the offspring inherit?

B) This is an example of what type of reproduction?


A) all offspring will inherit Ff and Gg and will have flat and green leaves
B) sexual reproduction

f Ff Ff all offspring will have flat leaves
f Ff Ff
g Gg Gg all offspring will have green leaves
g Gg Gg

All offspring will inherit Ff and Gg and will have flat and green leaves.

B) sexual reproduction

please help. only answer if u know please. i will love u forever


First question: When the population of lynx increases, the population of hares will decrease due to being over-hunted by more predators than usual. The hare is a source of food to the lynx, so with more lynx's...less hares... and less hares means either less food for the lynx and their population starts to die off...OR... The lynx adapt and start hunting new animals which could cause a massive disruption in the food chain.

Second question: When the number of hares increase in the environment it would mean more food for the lynx and other predatory animals. But with more food, comes more overpopulation. with plenty to eat the lynx population increases and that could cause problems for the environment, and other creatures.

Fill in the blanks.

There are ___ different amino acids





Your answer is 20. Have a good day!




I go with C which says the dark mice are hard to be seen against the dark. Because of this the dark mice lived to reproduction age and reproduce more dark mice.

Desde captar el estimulo hasta efectuar una respuesta, la secuencia que sigue en el impulso nervioso es?



creación de un potencial de acción (despolarización), redistribución de iones a través del soma y finalmente repolarización (estado de reposo)


Las neuronas son células nerviosas capaces de transmitir impulsos en forma de corriente eléctrica. Una neurona está compuesta por dendritas, el soma o cuerpo celular y el axón. Durante la transmisión del impulso nervioso, el estímulo es en primer lugar recibido por las dendritas, recorre el soma y termina en el axón. El impulso nervioso se transmite a través de la neurona mediante un proceso de despolarización. Primero, se produce un aumento de la carga eléctrica en el interior de la membrana neuronal debido al aumento de iones de sodio en el interior celular. A continuación, se produce la redistribución de iones dentro del soma, con lo cual la señal se va transmitiendo a lo largo de la neurona. Finalmente, cuando el impulso ha terminado de recorrer el axón, se produce la repolarización o estado de reposo, donde se produce el restablecimiento de las concentraciones iniciales de iones y la neurona vuelve a su estado inicial.

A teacher performs a demonstration of cellular transport by placing a raisin in pure water. After 24 hours, the students check the raisin and find that it has swollen and has a greater mass than before it was placed in the water.



Explanation: it will swell after 24 hrs

Which of the major tectonic plates is composed mainly of oceanic lithosphere?



A tectonic plate (also called lithospheric plate) is a massive, irregularly shaped slab of solid rock, generally composed of both continental and oceanic lithosphere. Plate size can vary greatly, from a few hundred to thousands of kilometers across; the Pacific and Antarctic Plates are among the largest.

What is the largest geographic area that contains all the
ecosystems on Earth called?



biosphere is the answer

Biosphere is the answer.

A ph ______ than 7 is acidic because they have more _____ ions than ______ ions.



A ph base less than 7 is acidic they have more h30+ ions sorry that all I know

would like help . . . . . .. .



D.Children of congressional leaders.


The leader of the party that owns a majority of seats in either house of Congress or of a state legislature. Elected by their own party councils, majority leaders act as chief spokespersons and tacticians for their parties. The principal functions of a majority leader normally associate to floor duties. The majority leader is the lead speaker for the majority party during floor discussions, exhibits the calendar and supports the president or speaker with program advancement, policy formation, and policy decisions.

Hope this helped you :D

Which of the following is not a principle of natural selection?


Answer: The last one on the bottom i'm in biology

The statement which is not a principle of natural selection is, in every population, adaptations allow some organisms to survive and reproduce better than others. So, the correct option is D.

What do you mean by Natural selection?

Natural selection is the process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change their needs as per nature.

The given statement gives the idea of adaptation rather than natural selection. Natural selection gives the idea of competing for limited resources. Natural selection always leads to the most favorable types of variation that an individual possess.

Therefore, the statement which is not a principle of natural selection is, in every population, adaptations allow some organisms to survive and reproduce better than others.

To learn more about Natural selection, refer to the link;


tornadoes occur because a ___ air collides with ___ air. Please help!!


tornadoes occur when warm/humid air collides with dry cold air

Cells with half the usual number of chromosomes are called
A) Diploid
B) Ploidful
C) Half Ploid
D) Haploid


Haploid is the answer

The graphic below shows an unlabeled animal cell. In which location would genetic material most likely be found?





The nucleus holds the genetic information.

Cells need oxygen and nutrients to function well and get rid of waste products produced incellular reactions. Which system participates in these exchanges?



cardiovascular system


circulatory system

A requirement for the circulatory system to carry out its function of bringing blood close to cells so that the exchange of nutrients (e.g., oxygen) and wastes can take place by diffusion is that the blood be able to flow through the complicated networks of blood vessels in the various organs

Biodiversity plays a huge part in sustaining our ecosystems around the world.
Which of these below is a sustaining role?
Plant species harness the energy of the sun to fix carbon through
photosynthesis which provides the base of the food chain.
Climate change and other human environmental changes
Extinction of many key consumers within the food chain.
Global warming at the poles.



The answer is your first choice listed/ plant species etc..photosynthesis...

Which type of muscle's movements are involuntary?
A. Smooth muscle and Cardiac muscle
B. Smooth muscle and Skeletal muscle
C. Cardiac muscle
D. Skeletal muscle


the answer is A smooth and cardiac
answer is d skeletal muscle

True or False: When a biotic factor dies, the molecules within that
organism enter into the nutrient cycle.





When a biotic factor dies, the molecules within that organism enter into the nutrient cycle is a true statement.

Biotic factors:

There are two factors in a living system. Biotic and abiotic. all living organisms are biotic components. Plants, animals, and other living components are biotic components. Air, water, and sunlight are abiotic components.

Biotic and abiotic components together make the nutrient cycle. When biotic components die their molecules enter the nutrient cycle. Microorganisms act on the biotic component when they die.  

They release carbon, hydrogen, and other molecules into the atmosphere when they die.

Therefore, When a biotic factor dies, the molecules within that organism enter into the nutrient cycle is a true statement.

To learn more about nutrient cycle, refer to the link:



What type of bonds are present in H2O2?

covalent bonds

nonmetallic bonds

metallic bonds

ionic bonds


A. Covalent Bonds
Hope that helped
A. Is correct answer

How does natural selection lead to the evolution of a species?



One of these is natural selection, which is a process that increases the frequency of advantageous gene variants, called alleles, in a population. Natural selection can result in organisms that are more likely to survive and reproduce and may eventually lead to speciation.


When a species evolves, it can get more repellent and tougher to what kills them off. For exp, if a animal can’t survive due to a carried disease, it will eventually evolve to be stronger against it.

why breeding sows and boars should come from good mothers. (pls no long explaining)​


because if their mothers were good breeders, then genetics show that they (sow or boar) likely will be too
Other Questions
Which is more, 159 ounces or 10 pounds? Juan and Carol were studying invertebrates in biology. They knew that segmented or earth worms preferred a dark, moist habitat. During this lab, they would be investigating the responses of organisms called planaria or Dugesia tigrina. These were simple flatworms that still had a one-way digestive system and a very simple nervous system. Juan and Carol placed the planaria in a petri dish containing cool, distilled water that was partially covered with black paper. They shined a light on the dish. Next, they removed the paper and placed a small amount of chicken liver at one end of the dish. They added a few large salt crystals to the water. Finally, they added drops of hot water to the cool water in the petri dish. Their results can be seen in the data table. According to their experiment, all BUT one conclusion is valid. A) Planaria are a fresh-water organism only. B) Planaria are consumers and may be carnivores. C) Planaria have specialized cells to detect light intensity. D) Planaria have specialized cells that detect temperature change. answer and you get all my points plzzz The opposite sides of a parallelogramare PLEASE PLEASE HELPPPPPPPPP!!!!! IM ON A TIMED ASSIGNMENT!!!!!!!! Read the passage from Eleanor Roosevelts speech on the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.This Universal Declaration of Human Rights may well become the international Magna Carta of all men everywhere. We hope its proclamation by the General Assembly will be an event comparable to the proclamation of the Declaration of the Rights of Man by the French people in 1789, the adoption of the Bill of Rights by the people of the United States, and the adoption of comparable declarations at different times in other countries.At a time when there are so many issues on which we find it difficult to reach a common basis of agreement, it is a significant fact that 58 states have found such a large measure of agreement in the complex field of human rights. This must be taken as testimony of our common aspiration first voiced in the Charter of the United Nations to lift men everywhere to a higher standard of life and to a greater enjoyment of freedom. 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