Write 80% as a decimal.
help me??

Write 80% As A Decimal.Ihelp Me??


Answer 1



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What is the standard deviation of the data?

2.38 first cousins
2.52 first cousins
5.65 first cousins
6.36 first cousins




Step-by-step explanation:

On edg

The sum of three numbers is 83. The first number is 8 more than the second. The third number is 3 times the second. What are the numbers?



23, 15 and 45

Step-by-step explanation:

a+b+c = 83

a = b + 8

c = 3*b

(b+8) + b + 3*b = 83

5*b + 8 = 83

5*b = 75

b  = 15

a = b + 8 = 15 + 8 = 23

c = 3*b = 3*15 = 45


a+b+c = 23 + 15 + 45 = 83; correct

Which figures always have right angles



rectangles, squares, and right triangles

What slope is being shown in the equation:


The slope is -3. The slope equals the coefficient of x and in this equation that would be -3.

Look at the picture.
Thank u!



option 2

Step-by-step explanation:

Step-by-step explanation:

option 2 is the right answer... I m sure , the formula is 1/2 × base× height...

Samantha’s annual college tuition is $18,541.89. The college offers a monthly payment plan of 9 equal payments. How much would each monthly payment be?


i think 2,057.21 because 18,541.89 divided by 9 is 2,057.21


18541.89/9 = $2060.21 is the answer

Step-by-step explanation:

Total college tuition = $18541.89

Number of equal payments = 9

Equal payments = 18541.89/9

                           = $2060.21

(Please do correct me if I'm wrong as I'm not completely sure)

The two columns below give fertility of eggs of the CP strain of Drosophila melanogaster raised in 100 vials of 10 eggs each (data from R.R. Sokal). Find the expected frequencies, assuming that the mortality for each egg in a vial is independent. Use the observed mean. Calculate the expected variance and compare it with the observed variance. Interpret the results, knowing that the eggs of each vial are siblings and that the different vials contain descendant from different parent pairs. Answer: o2 = 2.417; s2 = 6.628.
Number of Eggs Hatched Number of Vials f Expected Frequency of vials
0 1
1 3
2 8
3 10
4 6
5 15
6 14
7 12
8 13
9 9
10 9


Solution :

Given the number of the edges are = 11

Therefore we take [tex]$\frac{1}{11}=0.091$[/tex]

And the number of the vials total is = 100

Thus we can multiply = [tex]$100 \times 0.091 = 9.1$[/tex]

From the table provided below, we can obtained :

1. Null hypothesis and alternate hypothesis :

The following null and alternate hypothesis needs to be tested :

[tex]$H_0:p_1=0.091, \ p_2 = 0.091, p_3=0.091, \p_4=0.091, \p_5=0.091, \p_6=0.091, \p_7=0.091,$[/tex] [tex]$p_8=0.091, \ p_9=0.091, \ p_{10}=0.091, \ p_{11}=0.091 $[/tex]

[tex]$H_a :$[/tex] some of the population differ from the values stated in the null hypothesis. It corresponds the Chi-square test that is for the Goodness of the Fit.

2. Rejection region :

It is given --

significance level, α = 0.05

number of degrees of freedom, df = 11 - 1

                                                         = 10

Then the rejection region of this test is :

[tex]$R=\{ x^2:x^2 >18.307\}$[/tex]

3. Test statistics

The Chi-Squared statistics is computed as :

[tex]$x^2=\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(O_i-E_i)^2}{E_i}$[/tex]


    = 21.638

4. Decision about null hypothesis

Since we see that :    [tex]$x^2=21.638>x^2_c = 18.307$[/tex], we can concluded that we can reject the null hypothesis.

5. Conclusion :

It is concluded that the null hypothesis [tex]$H_0$[/tex] is rejected. So there is enough evidence for us to claim that the population proportions differ from that stated in null hypothesis at α = 0.05 significance level.

Working together, two copy machines can finish a copy job in 3 minutes. The slower copier can finish the job in 12 minutes. How many minutes would it take for just the faster copier to finish the job?​



4 minutes, because in 3 minutes, the slower copier has done 1/4 of the job (at a 12 minute pace ). That means that during the same 3 minutes, the faster copier did 3/4 of the job.

So the faster copier is on pace to complete the entire job in 4 minutes (3 X 4/3).

Step-by-step explanation:

1/2 of 2/2 = ???????????




Step-by-step explanation:

Help me and I’ll give you brainliest



The answer is 21

Which graph corresponds to the table of values?




Step-by-step explanation:

Quadrilateral ABCD is reflected over the x-axis. What are the coordinates of
quadrilateral A'B'C'D?


Answer: A

Step-by-step explanation:

X values to the right of the y axis are positive. X values to the left of the y axis are negative.

Y values above the x axis are positive.

Y values below the x axis are negative.

Pairs of coordinates are always noted as (x,y) with the x value of a point given first and the y value of that same point given second.



Step-by-step explanation:

Let A=(a,b) then the reflected over the x-axis will be A'=(a,-b)

A=(5,5) --> A'=(5,-5)

B=(5,1) --> B'=(5,-1)

C=(2,1) --> C'=(2,-1)

D=(1,5) ---> D'=(1,-5)

what is of the area of circle with a circumference of 12.56 feet?



π= 25.12 , r=6.28

area of a circle = πr²

= 25.12×6.28²

= 25.12×39.4

= 990.6cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

circumference of a circle is 2π

radius of a circle is 2π/4

Can someone please help meee



90 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

If two angles are supplementary they are a linear pair which means they form a straight line, and if you know a straight line equals 180 degrees which is the total degrees of a triangle.

Now if you have two supplementary angles and they are congruent that means not only are they right angles but its half of 180 so you divide these pair of 2 by 180 giving you your total of 90 degrees.

Have a nice rest of your day !

If f ( x ) = 1 3 x − 5 , what is f ( − 6 ) ?




Step-by-step explanation:

by finding the exact value.

Can yall help me what my teacher talking bout please this is worth 73 point put the answer nd all


Can I ask u to repeat your question you need answered.
The answer to what? I’ll try and help.

find the measure of each angle with an expression.

there should be 2 answers.



= -4x + 5 + ( -13x + 39 ) = 180 ( co - interior angle )= -4x + 5 - 13x + 39 = 180 = -4x - 13x + 5 + 39 = 180= -17x + 44 = 180= -17x = 180 - 44= -17x = 136= x = 136 / 17= x = 8Therefore angles are :--27 , -65

4. Which line represents the function y=10(1.05)^x
10 points



EX: Use three coins to represent the wolf, the goat, and the cabbage. ... The slope from (0, 0) to any point (x, y) on the line will be y_ x . 8b. b 7.5. 9a. ... 11b. x 2. 10x. 25 x. 4 x x2. 4x. 7. 7x. 28. 11c. xy 2y 6x 12 11d. x 2. 2x. 3. 2 x y ... 13c. 4 yr. 13d. 24. ___. 20. 6 __. 5 1.2. 14a. 3 x 2. 16x 5. 1. 3x x 3x2. 15x. 5. 1x.

Step-by-step explanation:

You have a restaurant bill of $46.32. If you are taxed 7 1/2 and decide to tip your server 20%, how much is your total?



The correct answer is B. $59.05.

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that I have a restaurant bill of $ 46.32, if I am taxed 7 1/2 and decide to tip my server 20%, to determine how much is my total, the following calculation must be performed:

1/2 = 0.5

46.32 + (46.32 x 0.075) + (46.32 x 0.2) = X

46.32 + 3.474 + 9.264 = X

49.79 + 9.26 = X

59.05 = X

Thus, the total amount that I must pay is $ 59.05.



Step-by-step explanation:


Anna juices 8 quarts of juice in 1 minute. How many gallons does she have in 1 hour? (4 quarts = 1 gallon)


Answer: 120

Step-by-step explanation: 8 times 60 is 480 then converted to gallons do


¿cuál. es el. valor. nutricional total de la naranja ?​



Las naranjas aportan cantidades importantes de vitamina C y folatos. Tienen un contenido apreciable de tiamina, vitamina A, calcio, potasio yfibra y destacable contenido de carotenoides y flavonoides.

Step-by-step explanation:


Las naranjas aportan cantidades importantes de vitamina C y folatos. Tienen un contenido apreciable de tiamina, vitamina A, calcio, potasio yfibra y destacable contenido de carotenoides y flavonoides.

Step-by-step explanation:

-2y + 4 > 10

solve the inequality


Step-by-step explanation:


subtract 4 from both sides



divide both sides by two



if negative y is greater than three than you have to multiply both sides of the equation by -1

y>-3 if you put that back into the earlier equation it is impossible.

so we have to switch the signs to < or less than


Hope that helps:)

Find the length below using the triangle given???asap



PV = 8

VT = 4[tex]\sqrt{3}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

in a 30-60-90° Δ, the ratio of sides, respectively, is 1: [tex]\sqrt{3}[/tex]: 2

if PT = 4 then PV is twice that, or 8

VT = PT·[tex]\sqrt{3}[/tex]

A digital communication channel transmits bits of information, usually designated as 0 and 1. If a sender transmits a 0, he/she hopes the recipient receives a 0. If a sender transmits a 1, he/she hopes that the recipient receives a 1. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Suppose on a certain transmission line, a transmitted 0 is received correctly 90% of the time (10% of the time a 1 is received), and a transmitted 1 is received correctly 74% of the time. (26% of the time a 0 is received.) It is known that on this transmission line, 80% of all bits transmitted are 0 bits. A randomly selected transmitted bit is examined. Say its value is X. The bit received is Y. a.What is the probability that X



a) 0.80

b) 0.72

c) 0.02

Step-by-step explanation:

It is assumed that

X = Bit transmitted

Y = Bit received

[tex]X^{0}[/tex] = Transmissted bit is 0

[tex]X^{1}[/tex] = Transmissted bit is 1

[tex]Y^{0}[/tex] = Received bit is 0

[tex]Y^{1}[/tex] = Received bit is 1

As per the given condition

P [ [tex]Y^{0}[/tex] | [tex]X^{0}[/tex] ] = 90%

P [ [tex]Y^{0}[/tex] | [tex]X^{1}[/tex] ] = 100% - 90% = 10%

P [ [tex]Y^{1}[/tex] | [tex]X^{1}[/tex] ] = 74%

P [ [tex]Y^{0}[/tex] | [tex]X^{0}[/tex] ] = 100% - 74% = 26%

P [ Tramitted bits are 0 ] = 80%

Now calculate each situation


As all the transmitted bits are o has possibilit of 80% then

P [ X = 0 ] = P [ [tex]X^{0}[/tex] ] = 80% = 0.80


P [ X = 0, Y = 0 ] = P [ [tex]X^{0}[/tex] , [tex]Y^{0}[/tex] ] = P [ [tex]Y^{0}[/tex] | [tex]X^{0}[/tex] ] x P [ [tex]X^{0}[/tex] ]  = 90% x 80% = 72% = 0.72


P [ X = 1, Y = 0 ] = P [ [tex]X^{1}[/tex] , [tex]Y^{0}[/tex] ] = P [ [tex]Y^{0}[/tex] | [tex]X^{1}[/tex] ] x P [ [tex]X^{1}[/tex] ]  = 10% x ( 100% - 80% ) = 10% x 20% = 2% = 0.02

Add and Subtract Linear Expressions

1. Subtract m + 8 ​​from​ 5m + 11.

Enter your answer in the box.

2. Add the two expressions.

−4.2x+3 and 2.5x−6

Enter your answer in the box.



1. 4m + 3

2. -1.7x - 3

Find the slope of BG, and HL using the coordinates; B(-4, 3), G(-2, 4), H(1, -2), L(-1, -3). then determine if the lines are parallel.​



0.5 or [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

BG = [tex]\frac{4-3}{-2--4}[/tex] = 0.5

HL = [tex]\frac{-3--2}{-1-1}[/tex] = 0.5

This mean that the lines are parallel ..

Two boards are placed end to end to make a walkway. One board is 5 feet 11 inches long, and the other board is 4 feet 6 inches long. How long is the walkway?
Write your answer in feet and inches. Use a number less than 12 for inches.



10 feet 5 inches long

Step-by-step explanation:

12 inches = 1 foot

11 inches + 6 inches = 17 inches = 1 foot 5 inches

1 foot 5 inches + 5 feet + 4 feet = 10 feet 5 inches

Therefore, the walking board is 10 feet 5 inches long

Answer this correctly I’ll give brainalist + 10 points



x = 43

Step-by-step explanation:

Since these angles are inside a right angle, we know their sums are complementary (they add up to 90°.)

x + x + 4 = 90

2x + 4 = 90 | Combine x's

2x = 86 | Subtract 4 from both sides

x = 43 | Divide both sides by 2

How does 39.54 compare to 39.4



39.54 is greater than 39.4

Step-by-step explanation:


39.54 is LESS than 39.4

Help ?? Anyone and how



just insert the x numbers in the calculation.. so for x = - 3 - > (- 3) / 2 +4 = 2.5

Step-by-step explanation:

x - 2 = y 3

and so on

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