27. The following chart represent the cost, Cd), in dollars, of a pizza in relation to its diameter, d, in inches. What is the average rate of change in cost from an 8 in to a 16 in pizza. d Cd) 8 2.51 103.93 125.65 147.70 16 10.05

27. The Following Chart Represent The Cost, Cd), In Dollars, Of A Pizza In Relation To Its Diameter,


Answer 1

The average rate of change is the ratio of the absolute change in one quantity divided by the absolute change in another quantity. Usually, the first one is dependent on the second one.

An 8 in pizza costs $2.51.

A 16 in pizza costs $10.05.

The absolute change in the cost is:


The absolute change in the diameter is:


Then, the average rate of change of the cost with respect to the diameter is:


Therefore, to the nearest hundredth, the average rate of change in the cost from an 8in to a 16 in pizza, is:


Related Questions

Window45°Apartment450BenchNoah can see a bench in the nearby play area through his window inhis apartment at a 45° angle of depression.If the floor of the apartment that Noah is standing is 25 feet abovethe ground level, what is the horizontal distance from the apartmentto the bench in the play area?



The angle of depression of the bench with respect to Noah, θ=45° .

The height of the apartment or the height at which Noah is standing with respect to the ground, h=25 feet.

Let x be the horizontal distance from the apartment to the bench.

Now, using trigonometric property in the above triangle,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \tan \theta=\frac{opposite\text{ side}}{\text{adjacent side}} \\ \tan \theta=\frac{h}{x} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute the values and solve the equation for x.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \tan 45^{\circ}=\frac{25\text{ ft}}{x} \\ 1=\frac{25\text{ ft}}{x} \\ x=25\text{ ft} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the horizontal distance from the apartment to the bench is 25 ft.

Determine whether each number is a solution of the given inequality.5b - 7>13



Solve for b:

Add 7 to both sides:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 5b-7+7>13+7 \\ 5b>20 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Divide both sides by 5:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{5b}{5}>\frac{20}{5} \\ b>4 \end{gathered}[/tex]


b > 4

If P(6,-2). O(-2,8), R(-4, 3), and S(-9, y). find the value of y so that PO perpendicular to RS.please?



y = - 1


Two lines are perpendicular if the product of their slopes is equal to -1.

Additionally, we can calculate the slope of a line with two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) as:


If we replace (x1, y1) by P(6, -2) and (x2, y2) by O(-2, 8), we get that the slope of PO is equal to:


In the same way, if we replace (x1, y1) by (-4, 3) and (x2, y2) by (-9, y), we get that the slope of RS is equal to:


Then, the product of these two slopes should be equal to -1, so we can write the following equation:


So, solving for y, we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (-5)(-1.25)\cdot(\frac{y-3}{-5})=(-5)(-1) \\ -1.25(y-3)=5 \\ y-3=\frac{5}{-1.25} \\ y-3=-4 \\ y=-4+3 \\ y=-1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the value of y is equal to -1

A sandwich shop has 70 stores and 90% of the stores are in California. The rest of the stores are in Nevada. How many stores are in California and how many are in Nevada?There are ____ stores in California and ____ in Nevada.


The sandwich shop has a total of 70 stores, this is the 100% of their stores.

90% of the stores are in California

The rest of the stores, 10%, are in Nevada.

To calculate how many stores correspond to the 90% you can use cross multiplication

100%_____70 shops

90%______x shops

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{70}{100}=\frac{x}{90} \\ x=(\frac{70}{100})90 \\ x=63 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the 90% of 70 is 63, this means that there are 63 stores in California.

Now subtract the number of stores in California from the total number of stores


And we get that there are 7 stores in Nevada

A van with seven people drove 422 miles six hours. About how many miles did they travel each hour?


Distance travelled by van in six hours is 422 miles.

Determine the distance travelled by the van in one hour.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{422}{6}=70.333 \\ \approx70.3\text{ miles} \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, they travel approximately 70.3 miles in each hour.

We estimate that the population of a certain, in t years will be given byp (t) = (2t² + 75) / (2t² + 150) million habitantsAccording to this hypothesis:What is the current population?What will it be in the long term?Sketch the population graph


Given that the population can be represented by the equation;


The current population (Initial population) is the population at time t=0;


[tex]t=0[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} P(0)=\frac{2t^2+75}{2t^2+150}=\frac{2(0)^2+75}{2(0)^2+150}=\frac{75}{150} \\ P(0)=0.5\text{ million} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the current population of the habitat is;

[tex]0.5\text{ million}[/tex]

The long term population would be the population as t tends to infinity;

[tex]\begin{gathered} \lim _{t\to\infty}P(t)=\frac{2t^2+75}{2t^2+150}=\frac{2(\infty)^2+75}{2(\infty)^2+150}=\frac{\infty}{\infty} \\ \lim _{t\to\infty}P(t)=\frac{4t}{4t}=1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the long term population of the habitat is;

[tex]P(\infty)=1\text{ million}[/tex]

Kirby wants to run a total of 7 5/8 miles every Tuesday and Thursday. If he runs 4 4/16 miles onTuesday and 3 3/8 miles on Thursday, will he meet his goal for this week? Explain.



Kirby wants to run a total of 7 5/8 miles every Tuesday and Thursday.

If he runs 4 4/16 miles on Tuesday and 3 3/8 miles on Thursday,

Then, the total miles he will cover is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 4\frac{4}{16}+3\frac{3}{8}=4\frac{1}{4}+3\frac{3}{8} \\ =\frac{17}{4}+\frac{27}{8} \\ =\frac{34}{8}+\frac{27}{8} \\ =\frac{61}{8} \\ =7\frac{5}{8} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since, he will cover total of 7 5/8 miles.

So, he will meet his goal for this week.

Plot the point given by the following polar coordinates on the graph below. Each circular grid line is 0.5 units apart.(2, -1)


In polar coordinates we must have two things to plot a point, it's the radius and the angle

If we use a negative angle, it just means that we are doing the rotation clockwise.

Therefore the point (2, -π) is

We do a 2 units long line and rotate is by -π, the result is

-2.5 (-3 +4n + 8) how can i expand the expression



Step 1:

In this question, we are given the following:

[tex]-2.\text{ 5( -3 + 4n + 8 )}[/tex]

Step 2:

Expanding the expression, we have that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -2.\text{ 5 ( -3 + 4n + 8 )} \\ \text{solving the bracket first, we have that:} \\ -2.\text{ 5( 4n + 5)} \\ -10n\text{ - 12. 5} \end{gathered}[/tex]

which of the following Roots would be between 8 and 7


To find which of the following roots is between "8" and "7" we can calculate the root of which numbers result in 8 and 7. To do this we will power them by 2, this is done because power is the oposite operation to the root. Doing this gives us:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 8^2=64 \\ 7^2=49 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the root of 64 is 8 and the root of 49 is 7. We need to find the number that is between 49 and 64.

From the options the only one that qualifies is 52. The correct option is b.

What are the coordinates of point F? 5 4 F 3 2 1 E 4 2 3 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 4 -2 -3 4 -5


According to the graph, point F is on the first quadrant. Its coordinates are (1,3). Remember that the first value is x, adn the

Hence, the coordinates of point F are (1,3).

2x = 5(2-y)y = 3(-x + 5)Solve system of equation using elimination method


The given system of equations is:


Simplify to get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2x=10-5y \\ 2x+5y=10\ldots(i) \\ y=-3x+15 \\ 3x+y=15\ldots(ii) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Multiply (ii) by 5 to get:


Subtract (i) from (iii) to get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 15x+5y=75 \\ -2x-5y=-10 \\ 13x=65 \\ x=\frac{65}{13}=5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute x=5 in (ii) to get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3(5)+y=15 \\ y=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Solution set {5,0}.

Which expression below is an equivalent expression to this one: (8x- 4x^4 + 8x^3) - (6 - 2x + 6x^4) Select one: 1) -10x^4 + 13x^3+ 10x - 6 2) - 10x^4 + 13x^3 + 15x - 13) -10x^4 + 8x^3 + 10x – 6 4) -10x^4 + 13x^3 + 15x - 6


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{The given expression is,} \\ (8x-4x^4+8x^3)-(6-2x+6x^4)_{} \\ 8x-4x^4+8x^3-6+2x-6x^4 \\ -10x^4+8x^3+10x-6 \\ So,\text{ the option (3) is correct.} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Question: Ramona wrote down an expression that was equivalent to... 3 . 15 + 10 (8 - 1) -82.(please look at the photo the numbers are different.)





We want to find the equivalent expression to:


To do this, first simplify the bracket:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3\cdot15+10(7)-8^2 \\ 3\cdot15+70-8^2^{} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, simplify the exponent:


Finally, simplify the muiltiplication:


That is the answer.

I need help with math



w = 52

Step-by-step explanation:

We have supplementary angles.

[tex]3w - 28 + w = 180[/tex]

[tex]4w - 28 = 180[/tex]

[tex]4w = 208[/tex]

[tex]w = 52[/tex]

1. Find the area of the triangle below. 13 in9in7in18 in63 inches squared91 inches squared126 inches squaredO 45.5 inches squared



63 square inches


We have the formula to calculate the area of the triangle is the following:

[tex]A=\frac{b\cdot h}{2}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\frac{7\cdot18}{2} \\ A=63 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The area equals 63 square inches

how would you find the absolute value of 5.23? i do not know how. my child is using a number line.


The absolute value is to write the nubmer as a positive number

For example:

|-4| = 4

|-2.5| = 2.5

| 6| = 6

So, the number if was negative, we will make it positive

And the number if positive, will remain as it is

There is no need to use the number lines

So, the absolute value of 5.23 = | 5.23 | = 5.23

Which of the following represents vector vector u equals vector RS in linear form, where R (–22, 6) and S (–35, 14)?


Given two points R(xR, yR) and S(xS, yS), the vector v = RS is found as follows:


In this case, the points are R (–22, 6) and S (–35, 14), then the vector is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} v=<-35-(-22),14-6> \\ v=<-13,8> \\ Or \\ v=-13i+8j \end{gathered}[/tex]

What is the probability that the spinner lands on blue?




The total number of angles in a circle is

[tex]\begin{gathered} =360^0 \\ =120^0+60^0+180^0=360^0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The angle of the sector that represents blue is


To calculate the probability, we will use the formula below

[tex]\begin{gathered} P(\text{blue)}=\frac{n(\text{blue)}}{n(S)} \\ n(\text{blue)}=60^0,n(S)=360^0 \\ P(\text{blue)}=\frac{n(\text{blue)}}{n(S)}=\frac{60}{360} \\ P(\text{blue)}=\frac{1}{6} \end{gathered}[/tex]


The final answer is = 1/6

3x – 2y= 12Find the x- and y-intercepts from the equation in standard form above. Explain how you got each intercept.


To find the y-intercept, we have to make x=0 and solve for y:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3x-2y=12 \\ x=0 \\ \Rightarrow3\cdot0-2y=12 \\ \Rightarrow-2y=12 \\ \Rightarrow y=\frac{12}{-2}=-6 \\ y=-6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, to find the x-intercept, we make y=0 and do the same as the previous case:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=0 \\ \Rightarrow3x-2\cdot0=12 \\ \Rightarrow3x=12 \\ \Rightarrow x=\frac{12}{3}=4 \\ x=4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

therefore, the y-intercept is the point (0,-6) and the x-intercept is the point (4,0)

Explain how I know the vertex of m(x)=x(x+6)


Answer: a lot of 5

Step-by-step explanation:



Rewrite in vertex form and use this form to find the vertex (h,k)(h,k).(12,−254)

Step-by-step explanation:

Hope this helps ;)

11.) SOLVE the equation for w by using "factoring by grouping". YOUMUST SHOW ALL STEPS of the grouping process, especially theFIRST STEP of grouping to receive FULL CREDIT. (10 pts)2w3 + 5w2 - 32w - 80 = 0



w = -5/2, w = 4 and w = -4


We have the following equiation:


We solve with the help of factoring by grouping

[tex]\begin{gathered} (2w^3+5w^2)+(-32w-80)=0 \\ w^2\cdot(2w+5)-16\cdot(2w+5)=0 \\ (2w+5)\cdot(w^2-16)=0 \\ 2w+5=0\rightarrow w=-\frac{5}{2} \\ (w^2-16)=0\rightarrow w^2=16\rightarrow w=\pm4\rightarrow w=4,w=-4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The solutions are w = -5/2, w = 4 and w = -4

Danny uses an app that shows him how many kilometers he has ran to prepare for a marathon. The app said he ran 8.045 kil. He wants to post online how many miles he ran. Danny ran _____ miles.


1 kilometer is equivalent to 0.62 miles. To find how many miles are 8.045 kilometers, we can use the next proportion:

[tex]\frac{1\text{ km}}{8.045\text{ km}}=\frac{0.62\text{ mi}}{x\text{ mi}}[/tex]

Solving for x,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 1\cdot x=0.62\cdot8.045 \\ x=5\text{ miles} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Another way to solve this, is the next one:

[tex]8.045\text{ km}\cdot\frac{0.62\text{ miles}}{1\text{ km}}=5\text{ miles}[/tex]

Danny ran 5 miles.

Two letters are chosen at random from the word MATHEMATICS, with replacement. What is the probability that the first letter is a consonant and the second letter is a vowel?


We want to know the probability of choosing two letters at random, and the first letter is a consonant and the second one is a vowel. The word we are given is


We see that it has 7 consonants and 4 vowels. We will denote by E to the event:

[tex]E=\text{"Getting as a first letter a consonant and second letter a vowel"}[/tex]

As the events: "Obtaining a consonant" and "Obtaining a vowel" are independent, we get:


This means that the probability that the first letter is a consonant and the second letter is a vowel is (approximately) 25.45%.

which values are in the domain of the function F(X)= -6x + 11 with a range of (-37 ,-25, -13, -1)? select all that apply a)1b)4c)8d)5e)2f)6g)3h)7








The domain of the function with a range {-37, -25, -13, -1} will be the set of values of x when f(x) is -37, -25, -13, and -1. So, to find the correct answers, we need to solve the following equations:

If f(x) = -37, we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=-6x+11 \\ -37=-6x+11 \\ -37-11=-6x+11-11 \\ -48=-6x \\ \frac{-48}{-6}=\frac{-6x}{-6} \\ 8=x \end{gathered}[/tex]

If f(x) = - 25, we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -25=-6x+11 \\ -25-11=-6x+11-11 \\ -36=-6x \\ \frac{-36}{-6}=\frac{-6x}{-6} \\ 6=x \end{gathered}[/tex]

If f(x) = - 13, we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -13=-6x+11 \\ -13-11=-6x+11-11 \\ -24=-6x \\ \frac{-24}{-6}=\frac{-6x}{-6} \\ 4=x \end{gathered}[/tex]

If f(x) = -1, we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -1=-6x+11 \\ -1-11=-6x+11-11 \\ -12=-6x \\ \frac{-12}{-6}=\frac{-6x}{-6} \\ 2=x \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the domain is the set of the values of x: {2, 4, 6, 8}

Find the z-scores for which 70% of the distribution's area lies between - Z and z.



The values given by z-score tables represent the fraction of the area under a normal curve between -∞ and z. For example, for a given z, the value given by a table represents the following area:

However, in this exercise we must find the area under the curve between -z and z and not between -∞ and z. We are basically looking for an area like this one:

So the z in a z-score table that corresponds to 70% of the area is not the answer.

However, we still can find the value of z using a z-score table. Remember that the total area under this curve is equal to 1. We are told that the area between -z and z is the 70% so this area is equal to 0.7. Then the remaining area i.e. the sum of the areas at the left of -z and at the right of z is equal to 1-0.7=0.3. Another important property of the normal distribution curve is that it's symmetric so the area at the right of z is equal to that at the left of -z then the two green areas are equal and their sum is 0.3. This means that each green area is equal to 0.3/2=0.15. So basically we have the following:

- The area between -∞ and -z is equal to 0.15.

- The area between z and ∞ is equal to 0.15.

Remember that the z-scores tables give us the z-score associated with the area under the curve between -∞ and z. Then if we look at a z-score table and look for the value 0.15 the table will give us the value of -z and with it the value of z. So we must look for 0.15 in a z-score table:

0.14917 is the closest value to 0.15 in this table so it is useful. As you can see it's located at row -1 and column 0.04 which means that it corresponds to -1.04. Then -z=-1.04 and therefore z=1.04. Then the answer is:


To construct a square, match the corresponding steps to the proper orders. (basically match the words on the left with the number of steps 1-6)



Construct a square by matching the corresponding steps to the proper orders.


a) The first step would be,

Draw a line segment AB.

Therefore, statement 1 itself is the first step.

b) The second step would be,

Construct a perpendicular line to AB at B.

Therefore, statement 2 itself is the second step.

c) The third step would be,

Measure the distance AB with the compass. Draw an arc on the perpendicular line from B.

Therefore, statement 3 itself is the third step.

d) The fourth step would be,

Label it as C. Draw an arc from C without changing the measurements.

Therefore, statement 4 itself is the fourth step.

e) The fifth step would be,

Place the compass at A. Draw an arc from A without changing the measurements to intersect the previous arc.

Mark it as D.

Therefore, statement 5 itself is the fifth step.

f) The sixth step would be,

Connect ABCD.

Therefore, statement 6 itself is a sixth step.

on the beach boardwalk there are 20 different places to get food this year the World War II Saturday of 25% more places to get food how many total places to get food this year


Originally 20 places

Now there are 25% more

25% of 20 = 25(20)/100 = 500/100 = 5

25% of 20 = 25 times 20 and divided by 100 = 500/100 = 5

[tex]\frac{25\cdot20}{100}\text{ = 5}[/tex]

Original quantity = 20

25% of 20 is 5

Ttotal quantity = original quantity + 25% = 20 + 5 = 25


There are 25 places to get food this year

20 old plus 5 new

What is the equation of the line passing through the points( 29 ) and 2) in slope-intercept form?O y-zx-3O y-3x+o y = 2 x - 22O x- x+Mark this and retumSave and ExitNexSubmit


The slope-intercept form is


First we find m which is defined as rise / run

[tex]m=\frac{\text{rise}}{\text{run}}=\frac{y_1-y_2}{x_1-x_2}[/tex][tex]\Rightarrow m=\frac{(\frac{11}{12})-(\frac{19}{20})}{(\frac{1}{3})-(\frac{2}{5})}[/tex][tex]m=\frac{1}{2}[/tex]

And finally, we find the y-intercept b from one of the points given.

Let us use the point (1/3, 11/12).


Hence, the equation of the line in slope-intercept form is


which is the second choice in the column.

If you shift the function F(x) = log10 x right three units, what is the newfunction, G(x)?O A. G(x) = log, (x-3)O B. G(x) = log, (x+3)O C. G(x) = 109, *-3O D. G(x) = 109,X+3


Given the function:


You need to remember that, according to the Transformation Rules for Functions:

1. If:


The function is shifted left "h" units.

2. If:


The function is shifted right "h" units.

In this case, you know that F(X) is shifted right three units to obtain the new function G(x), then the transformation has this form:


Therefore, you can determine that:

[tex]G(x)=\log _{10}\mleft(x-3\mright)[/tex]

Hence, the answer is: Option A.

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