Solve this equation PLEASE AND STEPS


Answer 1


x=−2, 2.6666

Step-by-step explanation:

Let's solve your equation step-by-step.


Step 1: Simplify both sides of the equation.

4=3/2 x2−x−4

Step 2: Subtract 3/2x^2-x-4 from both sides.

4−(3/2 x2−x−4)=

3/2 x2−x−4−(3/2 x2−x−4)

−3/2 x2 +x+8=0

For this equation: a=-1.5, b=1, c=8


Step 3: Use quadratic formula with a=-1.5, b=1, c=8.








Related Questions


For which points is the x-coordinate less than 3?



C and D.

Step-by-step explanation:

C is ( 1 , 1 ) and D is ( -2.5 , -1.5 )

Answer this correctly I’ll give brainalist + 10 points


Answer: 118

Step-by-step explanation:

These angles are a linear pair. They sum to 180 degrees.

62 + x = 180

-62 -62

X= 118

5m=105 what is m in the equation



m = 105 / 5 = 21

Step-by-step explanation:

I have no idea what to do



the second is correct

Step-by-step explanation:

choose as brainliest

How do I answer this ? (1 + 3x)º




Step-by-step explanation:






Write the equation of a line parallel to and passes through the given line’s x-intercept. Leave answer
in slope-intercept form



y = 1/2x - 4

Step-by-step explanation:

The x-intercept is when y = 0, so it would be:

-x  + 2 * 0 = 4

-x = 4

x = -4

That means the x-intercept is (0, -4)

The parallel line would have the same slope as this one, so:

[tex]-x+2y = 4\\2y = x + 4\\y = 1/2x + 2[/tex]

The parallel line has a slope of 1/2

So now you need to find the equation of a line that has a slope of 1/2 and passes through the point (0, -4)

Put it in point slope form:

y - (-4) = 1/2(x - 0)

y + 4 = 1/2x

y = 1/2x - 4

Please help
A 136
B 208
C 352
D 576


I believe it’s C. Have a good day. Hope this helps.

Answer im not in grade

Step-by-step explanation:

Does someone know the answer I NEED IT NOW



2nd option ,

A is correct, B is incorrect, C is correct

A is correct B is incorrect C is correct

118.385 to the nearest ones




Step-by-step explanation:



ones place



Step-by-step explanation:


5 rounds 8 to 9

9 rounds 3 to 4

4 isnt 5 or above so 4 makes 8 stay the same

A share of ABC stock was worth $60 in 2000 and worth $1920 in 2005.
Write an exponential function that models the value of the stock starting
from 2005.



A share of ABC stock was worth $60 in 2005 and only worth $45 in 2010. ... diftolence b. Write an exponential function that ...



Answer: for number 1 its negative 14

Step-by-step explanation:

in a major study by the statistics classes at Washington High School, city parking spaces were examined for compliance with the requirement to put money in the parking meters. Overall, the students found that 76% of metered parking places had meters that had NOT expired, and 24% had meters that were expired. If the traffic officer in charge of ticketing cars with expired meters checks meters at random, what is the probability he will find an expired meter BEFORE the 3rd one



0.4224 = 42.24% probability he will find an expired meter BEFORE the 3rd one

Step-by-step explanation:

For each car, there is a 24% probability that it had expired parking meters.

What is the probability he will find an expired meter BEFORE the 3rd one?

Three possible outcomes:

Two expired(each with 24% probability)

First expired(24% probability) and second not(76% probability)

First not(76% probability) and second expired(24% probability). So

[tex]p = 0.24^2 + 2*0.24*0.76 = 0.4224[/tex]

0.4224 = 42.24% probability he will find an expired meter BEFORE the 3rd one

Please help please thank



3/4 of an hour

Step-by-step explanation:

the longest is 1 hour. the shortest is 1/4 of an hour. 1 minus 1/4 is 3/4

which of the following is like a radical to 3 sqrt 6x2 ??? PLEASE HURRY



[tex]3\sqrt{6x^2} = 3x\sqrt{6}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:




Express as a radical


[tex]3\sqrt{6x^2} = 3\sqrt{6} * \sqrt{x^2[/tex]

[tex]\sqrt{x^2} = x[/tex]


[tex]3\sqrt{6x^2} = 3\sqrt{6} * x[/tex]

This gives:

[tex]3\sqrt{6x^2} = 3x\sqrt{6}[/tex]

There are 24 students in a class. Only -- of the students remembered to bring their hat and mittens to class.
How many students forgot to bring their hat and mittens?




Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:


round 0.50062 to 2 significant figures




Step-by-step explanation:

Count figures after the decimal

The answer is 0.50 yu welcome.!

In a certain town there were 348 robberies last year. This year the number of robberies has gone down 40%. How many robberies were there this year, to the nearest whole number?



209 robberies

Step-by-step explanation:

Robberies last year =348

Robberies has reduced by 40% which means there are (100-40)% = 60% robberies this year.

Number of robberies this year= 60% of 348 = 60/100 × 348 = 208.8

To the nearest whole number = 209

There are 209 robberies this year.

I hope this help.  

Keeping it simple by asking for more help. Question 10.


Answer: I will go with A  or you can choose d if you want

Step-by-step explanation:

A certain type of aluminum screen has, an average, one flaw in a 100-foot roll. Assume the flaw distribution approximately follows the Poisson distribution. (a) Find the probability that a 100-foor roll has at most 2 flaws. (b) Suppose that I bought 10 200-foot rolls, find the probability that there are exactly 3 rolls that have no flaws in them. (c) Suppose that a store had many 200-foot rolls in storage, a clerk is doing inspections. What is the probability that the 15th roll he inspected was the 3rd one that have no flaws in it



a) 0.9197 = 91.97% probability that a 100-foor roll has at most 2 flaws.

b) 0.1074 = 10.74% probability that there are exactly 3 rolls that have no flaws in them.

c) 0.0394 = 3.94% probability that the 15th roll he inspected was the 3rd one that have no flaws in it.

Step-by-step explanation:

To solve this question, we need to understand the Poisson and the Binomial distribution.

Poisson distribution:

In a Poisson distribution, the probability that X represents the number of successes of a random variable is given by the following formula:

[tex]P(X = x) = \frac{e^{-\mu}*\mu^{x}}{(x)!}[/tex]

In which

x is the number of sucesses

e = 2.71828 is the Euler number

[tex]\mu[/tex] is the mean in the given interval.

Binomial probability distribution

The binomial probability is the probability of exactly x successes on n repeated trials, and X can only have two outcomes.

[tex]P(X = x) = C_{n,x}.p^{x}.(1-p)^{n-x}[/tex]

In which [tex]C_{n,x}[/tex] is the number of different combinations of x objects from a set of n elements, given by the following formula.

[tex]C_{n,x} = \frac{n!}{x!(n-x)!}[/tex]

And p is the probability of X happening.

(a) Find the probability that a 100-foor roll has at most 2 flaws.

A certain type of aluminum screen has, an average, one flaw in a 100-foot roll, which means that [tex]\mu = 1[/tex]. Only one roll means that the Poisson distribution is used.

This is:

[tex]P(X \leq 2) = P(X = 0) + P(X = 1) + P(X = 2)[/tex]

In which

[tex]P(X = x) = \frac{e^{-\mu}*\mu^{x}}{(x)!}[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 0) = \frac{e^{-1}*1^{0}}{(0)!} = 0.3679[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 1) = \frac{e^{-1}*1^{1}}{(1)!} = 0.3679[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 2) = \frac{e^{-1}*1^{2}}{(2)!} = 0.1839[/tex]

[tex]P(X \leq 2) = P(X = 0) + P(X = 1) + P(X = 2) = 0.3679 + 0.3679 + 0.1839 = 0.9197[/tex]

0.9197 = 91.97% probability that a 100-foor roll has at most 2 flaws.

(b) Suppose that I bought 10 200-foot rolls, find the probability that there are exactly 3 rolls that have no flaws in them.

Two parts.

Probability that a single 200-foot roll has no flaw.

This is [tex]P(X = 0)[/tex], Poisson(single 200-foot roll) when [tex]\mu = \frac{200*1}{100} = 2[/tex]. So

[tex]P(X = x) = \frac{e^{-\mu}*\mu^{x}}{(x)!}[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 0) = \frac{e^{-2}*2^{0}}{(0)!} = 0.1353[/tex]

0.1353 probability that a single 200-foot roll has no flaw.

Probability that on 10 200-foot rolls, 3 have no flaws.

Multiple 200-foot rolls means that we use the binomial distribution.

0.1353 probability that a single 200-foot roll has no flaw means that [tex]p = 0.1353[/tex]

10 200-foot rolls means that [tex]n = 10[/tex]

We want [tex]P(X = 3)[/tex]. So

[tex]P(X = x) = C_{n,x}.p^{x}.(1-p)^{n-x}[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 3) = C_{10,3}.(0.1353)^{3}.(0.8647)^{7} = 0.1074[/tex]

0.1074 = 10.74% probability that there are exactly 3 rolls that have no flaws in them.

(c) What is the probability that the 15th roll he inspected was the 3rd one that have no flaws in it.

0.1353 probability that a single 200-foot roll has no flaw means that [tex]p = 0.1353[/tex]

2 with flaws in the first 14, which is [tex]P(X = 2)[/tex] when [tex]n = 14[/tex]

The 15th has no flaw, with probability of 0.1353. So

[tex]P = 0.1353*P(X = 2) = 0.1353*(C_{14,2}.(0.1353)^{2}.(0.8647)^{12}) = 0.1353*0.2911 = 0.0394[/tex]

0.0394 = 3.94% probability that the 15th roll he inspected was the 3rd one that have no flaws in it

ill mark brainlist pllsss help




Step-by-step explanation:

all sides are equal if square 9 x 9 = 81



Step-by-step explanation:

Area = length × height

7. Bella scored 8 points in the second round. This
made her total score 39. How many points did she
score in the first round?


I I think Bella scored 31 points in the first round

Find the surface area of the pyramid.

A triangular pyramid. The base triangle has a base of 20 yards and a height of 17.3 yards. The height of a triangular face is labeled 12 yards.




Step-by-step explanation:

Surface area of a pyramid = A + 1/Ph

A is the base area

P is the perimeter of the base

h is the height of the pyramid

Given the following

Height of triangular base = 17.3yards

Base of the triangle = 20yards

Height of prism = 12yards

Base Area = 1/2 × 20×17.3

Base Area = 10×17.3

Base Area = 173yd²

For the Perimeter P

Get the slant height using Pythagoras theorem

s² = (20/2)²+17.3²

s² = 10²+17.3²

s² = 100+299.29

s² = 399.29

s = √399.29

s = 19.98

Perimeter = 19.98+19.98+20

Perimeter = 59.96yards


Surface Area = 173+1/2((59.96)(12)

Surface Area = 173+6(59.96)

Surface Area = 173+359.79

Surface Area = 532.79yards²





Step-by-step explanation:

It is given that; ([tex]2.5cm : 15km[/tex]) is the proportion by which distances are scaled down on a map. One can use this to make a proportion and solve to find how many ([tex]km[/tex]) would represent ([tex]17.5cm[/tex]). ([tex]x[/tex]) will represent the unknown or the number of ([tex]km[/tex]) that one has to solve for.

[tex]2.5 : 15 = 17.5 : x[/tex]

Cross products,

[tex]262.5 = 2.5x[/tex]

Inverse operations,

[tex]262.5 = 2.5x\\/2.5\\\\105 = x[/tex]

PART A: is this a proportional relationship?
PART B: if this is a proportional relationship, what is the constant?
PART C: if this is a proportional relationship, write a direct proportional equation.


Yes this is proportional. The constant term is the y is 2 times then the x . Y= x•2

Jamie wants to treat some friends to lunch. He has $40 and knows the lunch will cost about $7 per person p. How many people can Jamie buy lunch for.


He can but 5 people lunch and will have money leftover. If he includes himself it would be him and 4 other people.


5 people

Step-by-step explanation:


Thats not enough for 6 people so you go down to 5 people, you can't have 5.71 of someone

2 1/4 divided by 6



.375 which is 3/8

Step-by-step explanation: If you meant the mixed fraction 2 1/4 divided by 6 then that is the answer! 2 1/4 =2.25 and divide it by 6 and you get 0.375



Step-by-step explanation:

convert mixed numbers to improper fractions

21/4 = 9/4

convert element to fraction


9/4 divided by 6/1

apply the fraction rule (hope you're familiar)

9/4 * 1/6

cross- cancel common factor 3

3*1 = 3

4*2 = 8

multiply the numbers

3/ 4*2


Given a and b are numbers, and a + b = 180, which
statements also must be true?
a = 180 - 6
a - 180 = b
360 = 2a + 2b
a = 90 and b = 90


If the first one is a = 180 - b, and not 180 - 6, then that is correct.

Also, 360 = 2a + 2b is correct

Factor the algebraic expression.



Hope this helps!! :)

write an integer for each

1- a deposit for $40
2- a loss of 25 pounds

please this assignment locks soon and it’s already over due,



1. 40

2. -25

Step-by-step explanation:

I'm sure this is the answer

What is the distance of -a and a?


Step-by-step explanation:

Distance = positive value

a + a = 2a


I think its 0

Step-by-step explanation:

becuase if you add the same number but on is negative and the other is positve it is always a 0.


10 + (-10) = 0

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What is the purpose of the lab, the importance of the topic, and the question you are trying to answer What is your hypothesis (or hypotheses) for this experiment?What methods are you using to test this (or each) hypothesis?Locate the data and observations collected in your lab guide. What are the key results? How would you best summarize the data to relate your findings?Do you have quantitative data (numerical results or calculations)? Do you have qualitative data (written observations and descriptions)? How can you organize this date for your report?What do the key results indicate?If you constructed graphs, what trends do they indicate in your data?Were there any problems with the experiment or the methods? Did you have any surprising results?What do the results tell you about your hypothesis(es)?How do the data support your claim above?If you could repeat the experiment and make it better, what would you do differently and why?Writing the Lab ReportNow you will use your answers from the questions above to write your lab report. Follow the directions below.Section I: Experimental OverviewUse your answers from questions 13 as the basis for the first section of your lab report. This section provides your reader with background information about why you conducted this experiment and how it was completed. Outline the steps of the procedure in full sentences. It also provides potential answers (your hypothesis/es) relative to what you expected the experiment to demonstrate. This section should be 13 paragraphs in length.Section II: Data and ObservationsUse your answers from questions 45 as the basis for the second section of your lab report. This section provides your reader with the data from the experiment, in a summarized and concise way. No paragraphs are required for this section, but you do need to include the key data and observations from which you will generate your analysis and discussion. This section is objective.Section III: Analysis and DiscussionUse your answers from questions 68 as the basis for the third section of your lab report. This section provides your reader with your interpretation of the data set. You will also give an example of any calculations or formulas you used to analyze your data. Also, you will want to include any graphs that you made and interpret them for the reader.If you did construct graphs, your Student Guide included information on which graphs to construct. Graphs should have the following:Appropriate titlesAppropriate labels for each axisAppropriate scales for each axisCorrect units for the dataComplete a rough sketch of each graph. Explain in one or two sentences what trend the reader should observe in each of your graphs.Mention any problems, unusual or unexpected data, or other factors with the experiment here, and suggest possible causes. This section can be somewhat subjective, unlike Section II, because you are free to include your personal interpretations or even speculation if it adds constructive, reasonable insight to the discussion. This section is variable in length, and should likely be the longest part of your report.Section IV: ConclusionsUse your answers from questions 9-11 as the basis for the fourth section of your lab report. In this section you will summarize the outcome of the experiment, and discuss how the original hypothesis(es) was (were) either supported or refuted. Use logic and reason in explaining your statements, and be sure to refer to specific data from your experiment that supports your argument.This section also demonstrates your understanding of the experiment, through your ability to offer constructive criticism about its design and make suggestions for future experimentation. There are always ways that experiments can be improved. Now that you are a veteran of this experiment and have experience with the procedure, offer some advice to the next scientist about what you suggest and why.This section should be 12 paragraphs long.OverallWhen complete, the lab report should be read as a coherent whole. Make sure that you connect different pieces with relevant transitions. Review for proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, formatting, and other conventions of organization and good writing. Scenario 2: Saving for college You are a freshman in high school and have your eye on a college degree. 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Write a short story about what happens next. can you make it among us theme and can you make it exciting and. fun and make it a story dont make a short story make it a little longer story. : ) plsss help me i will give brainless someone write a strory What is the slope of these ordered pairs (3,-4(6,1) PLSSSSS HELPPPPPPP! will give 3 free brainliests if right please help find the perimeter