2. Why did Reagan and conservative Republicans believe that tax cuts would help all Americans?


Answer 1


His idea, which was shared by many conservatives, was called supply-side economics, or trickle-down theory. They argued that by cutting taxes for the elite, the corporations would be able to expand their company and thus bring in new jobs, helping everybody in the process. As a result, they believed that the economic benefits will seep, or "trickle-down" to the poor.

If you are taking APUSH, you should also note that liberals wanted Keynesian economics, where they believed that the key to economic success was for the government to spend a lot of money to keep the economy circulating.

Answer 2

Reagan and conservative Republicans would believe that the cutting down of taxes would eventually help all Americans by

providing more opportunities for peoplereduction in benefits for poor people

What is the meaning of Tax?

Tax is an obligated amount levied on the earned income of the taxpayer in the previous year. It can be varied from year to year as the IRS revised the rates of taxes every year.

The cutting down of taxes as given by the Reagan and conservative Republicans was actually the theory of supply-side economics where the taxes are cut of the powerful corporations in the US. It results in creating many job opportunities for the American people. But the economic benefits for the poor sector would get down due to fewer tax revenues received from the federal government.

Therefore, the tax-cutting by the republicans would create new jobs for the people of America in the various corporations.

Learn more about the taxes in the mentioned link:



Related Questions

The Sermon on the Mount discussed which of the following points? (multiple choice)

loving your enemies
the Gospel and its necessity for salvation
errors in worship
personal conduct toward others


The Sermon on the Mount discussed Loving your enemies. Enemies can also be seen as negative influences, hindering progress and creating mistrust within a society.

What do you mean by enemies?

Enemies are people or groups of people who are hostile or antagonistic towards each other. They hold opposing views and interests which can lead to a state of conflict between them. This conflict can range from the political and ideological to the physical or military. Enemies are often considered to be antagonists and work towards preventing each other from achieving their own goals. In some cases, enemies can also be considered to be adversaries, competitors or rivals. Enemies may also be perceived as threats to one's own safety, values and security. Enemies can also be seen as negative influences, hindering progress and creating mistrust within a society. Thus, it is important to try and understand the motivations of enemies and to find ways to peacefully co-exist.

So, The Sermon on the Mount discussed Loving your enemies.

To learn more about enemies:



A: Fearing more danger, what did many Jews try to do after Kristallnacht?


Answer: Well you should know first that the Kristallnacht broken into the jews home at night and killed a lot of jews and destroyed there home and shops and stuff. And after this......... the jews violence was mad and they started destroying things and basically going mad for what the Kristallnacht did to there home.


i hope this helps- Mal

What did king George lll do to cover debts incurred during the Fnench and Indian War and the cost of keeping British soldiers in the colonles?




The Navigation Acts were reinstated after the French and Indian War because Britain needed to pay off debts incurred during the war, and to pay the costs of maintaining a standing army in the colonies.

is the section of the Constitution that lists changes or additions.
D-Bill of Rights





The third part of the constitution, the Amendments, lists changes to the Constitution.

Why did the early struggle against segregation focus on buses and other forms of public

accommodations? What leverage were protesters in Montgomery able to use against the

bus company?

Why was the church so central to the struggle for black freedom?

According to Durr, what tensions in the white community did the bus boycott expose?

Why did some whites choose to help the boycotters?


Hello. You did not enter the text to which these questions refer, which makes it impossible for them to be answered accurately. However, I will try to help you in the best possible way.

The initial struggle against racial segregation focused on buses and other forms of public accommodation because these were places where blacks had the same obligations as whites, but did not have the same privileges publicly, where everyone could see and be a witness. Blacks, as well as whites, paid the same fare for a bus ticket, for example, but did not have the same privilege to sit in any chair and remain seated throughout the trip. The ticket price could be used as an element against bus companies, since blacks were exploited for that price.

Churches were central to the struggle for black freedom, because they were a very important and influential element within black communities and very influential across the country, since most of the American population was Christian.

The tensions that white people caused to boycotts, happened because the white population did not want to share the privileges they had because they thought they would be harmed if the segregation was ended. Segregation privileged the white population and they did not want to deprive them of privileges. Some whites, on the other hand, supported boycotts, as they believed that segregation was immoral, anti-democratic and limiting.

( this is an assessment) help!!
Assess the importance of a priest in Ancient Egyptian society. How important was the priest to society and what did contribute to Ancient Egypt?



Priests played an important role in ancient Egypt. The priesthood was responsible for ensuring the earth and heavens remained as the gods created them. Many people served as part-time priests in their local temples and were rewarded for their service with a share of the food and drink offered to the gods.

Which accurately describes Islamic belief


A Islamic are believers of god

What was Hitler’s plan to invade Russia called?
A. Operation Barbarossa
B. Operation Sea Lion
C. Operation Dynamo
D. Operation Lebensraum


it is option A brainliest pls
A :) have a nice day!!! Baiiiiiw

Which of the following statements is NOT true about Saudi Arabia?

A.One can be executed for converting from Islam to another religion
B. Female circumcision is required. C. Distributing non-Muslims religious materials (like the Bible, the Bhagavad Gita, etc.) is illegal.
D. The country's constitution is the Qur'an



A. One can be executed for converting from Islam to another religion

Plzzzz help What was the irony of the French
people accepting Napoleon as their
new Emperor?
A. The French people did not know who Napoleon
B. The French people were told to accept Napoleon by
the United States.
C. The French people removed a King during the
French Revolution, only to accept an Emperor.
D. The French people had no idea what the title of
Emperor actually meant in terms of government power.


the answer would be a




What basic Chinese elements are displayed in the image above? a. mountains b. rivers c. trees d. all of the above Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D


Answer: it would be d <3

Explanation: i hope this helped you ^^

WILL GIVE BRAINLY!!! What is the easiest branch of the government to a project on? I'm starting a project and don't know what branch to choose.



The executive branch should be pretty easy. This branch carries out laws.

cual es la importancia de un mito??



El mito


El mito se convirtió en una manera de explicar lo que nos rodea, ya que el ser humano siempre ha tenido la necesidad de saber y entender lo que sucede a su alrededor. ... Aquellas narraciones tenían como protagonistas a los dioses, los auténticos referentes del bien y del mal.

Which era below is
considered the Native American culture?

A: Age of contact

B: Spanish Colonial

C:Natural Texas and its People

D:Mexican National


The answer is option C

Due Process under the Fifth Amendment protects an individual's right to:
a. Free Speech
b. Free Press
c. Freedom of Religion
d. Fair Trial​



i believe the answer is D





The Fifth Amendment to our Constitution establishes the guarantee to due process by requiring that "no person...shall be deprived of life, Liberty, or property without the due process of law," The Fifth Amendment guarantee of due process is generally interpreted as extending the right of due process to only federal actions.

Procedural due process, based on the principles of fundamental fairness, address which legal procedures are required to be followed in state proceedings.

Which of the following approaches to free trade relations today would the information in both the high price of free trade and NAFTA a decade of success most likely support

A. Existing free trade agreement should serve as models for expansion of their economic zones to benefit more nations
B. Citizens must remain vigilant in challenging the provisions of future free trade to ensure more protections for workers at all levels
C. Treaties must be reevaluated to limit free trade to nations of equal economic and political standing in the world
D. Free trade should continue to open doors among nations but must also strive to level the term of competition among international workers and businesses



D: Free trade should continue to open doors among nations but must also strive to level the term of competition among international workers and businesses


Just took the test

Answer: D

Explanation: took the test

Is "Roaring into Chaos" a fitting title for this time period?? To what extent did WWI help to shape and develop the social and political life of the 1920's and beyond?



Sexual mores, gender roles, hair styles, and dress was changed due to World War I.


World War I helped to reshape and develop the social and political life of the 1920's with the rise of a consumer-oriented economy and of mass entertainment. This rise of a consumer-oriented economy and of mass entertainment bring revolution in morals and manners of people at that time. Sexual mores, gender roles, hair styles, and dress all changed due to World War I so we can conclude that the life of societies of 1920's changed by World War I.

The Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires ruled much of Eastern Europe until the end of the Cold War. the end of the Cold War. the end of World War II. the end of World War II. the end of the 18th century. the end of the 18th century. the end of World War I.



The end of World War I


The Austro- Hungarian and Ottoman Empires ruled Eastern Europe until World War I.

The tensions arising in the Austro-Hungarian Empire as nationalist feeling set off in 1914. This sense of urgency led to an attack on Serbia after the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand. After the war, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was rapidly disintegrating into separate states based on nationality. World War I led to the breakup of the Austro- Hungarian, and Ottoman Empires and the creation of several new countries, including Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, etc.

Explain the three reasons that political parties exist



Political factions or parties began to form during the struggle over ratification of the federal Constitution of 1787. Friction between them increased as attention shifted from the creation of a new federal government to the question of how powerful that federal government would be.


Hopes this helps. Mark as brainlest plz!

How were the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation made obvious by Shay's Rebellion?



Shay's rebellion exposed the weaknesses of the articles of confederation by exposing that the government, Congress, could not form a military or draft because the federal government did not have money due to the fact that they did not have the ability to enforce taxes upon the citizens


HELP PLEASE 30 POINTS What was at least one action that the United States should not have taken during the Cold
War because its outcome had more negative effects than positive? Explain.



One thing that the US should not have done was the Bay of Pigs. We trained foreign rebels to go into Cuba and try to overthrow the government.


you can find a quizlett and it will give you all the answers


"As every individual, therefore, endeavours as much as he can both to employ his capital in the support of domestic industry, and so to direct that industry that its produce may be of the greatest value; every individual necessarily labours to render the annual revenue of the society as great as he can. He generally, indeed, neither intends to promote the public interest, nor knows how much he is promoting it. By preferring the support of domestic to that of foreign industry, he intends only his own security; and by directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own gain, and he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention." Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, 1776 What are Smith’s ideas about an individual’s economic role in a society?


Adam Smith believes that government should stay out of business that way businessmen can work on a job of their choosing so that they can enjoy their work and therefore make more money and buy more things which helps the economy which helps the government.

Adam Smith believes that government should stay out of business that way businessmen can work on a job of their choosing so that they can enjoy their work and therefore make more money and buy more things which helps the economy which helps the government.

An important person in the Scottish Enlightenment and a pioneer in the field of political economy was the Scottish economist along with philosopher Adam Smith FRSA.

Because of his book "Theory of Moral Sentiments" in "An Inquiry into the Causes and Origins of the Wealth of Nations," Adam Smith is regarded as the Father of Economics.

Smith believed that an atmosphere of unlimited competition that always adhered to "natural laws" was the most favorable for the growth of the economy. Smith's economic theory served as the foundation for classical economics because it was the most organized and thorough examination of economics to that point.

Learn more about Adam Smith here:



After which major conflict was NATO formed



World War 2


After the war, the Soviets turned on their Western allies and NATO was created to stay their influence in Europe and beyond

Ww2 because ik thats the answer

what are the primary elements that make up the earth's atmosphere?



Nitrogen - 78%

Oxygen - 21%

Argon - 0.09%

Carbondioxide - 0.04%

Trace elements (neon, krypton,..)


The atmosphere consists of various gases. Theses gases do exists in different amount and include gases such as Nitrogen, carbondioxide, Nitrogen, Methane, Argon, krypton, hydrogen, water vapor and so on. These gases are mainly seperated into 4 based on its percentage.

The most abundant gas by far is Nitrogen which makes up about 78% of the atmospheric gases, followed by oxygen which contains about 21% and Argon with about 0.09%, carbon dioxide with about 0.04% and Other elements which include krypton, Methane, water vapor etc making up the remaining percentage and all these gases which are only a very small percentage of the atmospheric gases are called trace gases.

Select the correct answer.
What was the British policy of impressment during the Napoleonic Wars?
OA. British impressment involved rounding up able-bodied men at docks and taverns and forcing them to work for the Royal Navy.
OB. British impressment involved forcing neutral ships to submit to searches by the Royal Navy and seizure of any goods meant for
OC. British impressment involved attacking and boarding neutral merchant ships and forcing the captured crew to serve in the
Royal Navy.
OD. British impressment involved forcing neutral nations to trade only with Britain and its allies and terminate all trade with France
and its colonies.



Prior to this Britain practiced a cruel but effective way of combating the manpower shortage in their navy: impressment. Impressment, or “press gang” as it was more commonly known, was recruitment by force. It was a practice that directly affected the U.S. and was even one of the causes of the War of 1812.

hope i helped plz give brainlyest


During the Cold War, many nations formed alliances with on superpower for protection against. After the Cold War, the United States emerged as the sole superpower. How might this change the nature of alliances?



that Russia had lost and america had won the "cold war"

What are the characteristics of an absolute monarchy?


no form of election or say in government from anyone besides the kind and maybe a few advisors

What Paul wrote as instructions about discipleship is related to things at the heart of the Christian faith. Choose three related theological themes that are evident in Paul's letter to the Philippians.

1.the end times

2.the work of the Holy Spirit

3.the importance of the Ten Commandments

4.the reality of angels and demons

5.the Christian hope

6.the importance of being circumcised

7.the centrality of the cross

8.the nature of the universe



I think it's 2. the work of the Holy Spirit

5. the Christian hope

and 7. the centrality of the cross


Paul expresses his thanks in his letter to the Philippians. He tells them that they have to live a life pleasing to God. He also talks about our hope as Christians. His letter also alludes to the work of the Holy Spirit, because Paul preaches about Jesus Christ when he's filled with the Spirit. In a way, Paul also tells about the centrality of the cross, since he says indirectly that Jesus is the center of it all. Hope I helped, have a nice day :)

What political statement did Eleanor Roosevelt make while attending the biracial Southern Conference on Human Welfare?



she sat with african american delegates



she sat with the African American delegates

What happened when Great Britain and France declared war on Germany?

Great Britain and France quickly defeated Germany and freed Poland.

The world was plunged into a terrible war calledWorld War II.

Germany withdrew from Poland and promised to stop its aggression.

The United States immediately joined in the war against Germany.



As for Britain's response, it was initially no more than the dropping of anti-Nazi propaganda leaflets—13 tons of them—over Germany. They would begin bombing German ships on September 4, suffering significant losses. ... France would begin an offensive against Germany's western border two weeks later.

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