Which expressions listed on the left are equivalent to √36a^8/225a^2? Check all that apply. (Assume that a ≠ 0.)


Answer 1

Answer: ABE

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer 2

Answer: a b e

Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

If y varies directly as x and y = 15 when x=-5, find y when x= 7.

A. -21
B. 21
C. 105
D. -35​



A. -21

Step-by-step explanation:

y varies directly as x

y = kx


y = 15 when x = -5

Find k, the constant of variation

15 = k(-5)

Divide both sides by -5

-3 = k

k = -3


y when x= 7

using k = -3

y = -3(7)

y = -21

The public relations officer for a particular city claims the average monthly cost for childcare outside the home for a single child is $600. A potential resident is interested in whether the claim is correct. She obtains a random sample of 14 records and computes the average monthly cost of this type of childcare to be $589 with a standard deviation of $40. Perform the appropriate test of hypothesis for the potential resident using . Approximate the p-value for the test in (a).



Since the calculated value of z= -1.0198 does not lie in the critical region  z = ± 1.96 the null hypothesis is accepted and it is concluded that the  average monthly cost for childcare outside the home for a single child is $600.

P- value  ≈ 0.307823 which supports the null hypothesis .

Step-by-step explanation:

The null and alternate hypotheses are

H0: u = $600   the average monthly cost for childcare outside the home for a single child is $600.

against the claim

Ha:  u ≠ $600 the average monthly cost for childcare outside the home for a single child is  not equal to $600.

The significance level is set at 0.05

3) The critical region is  z =  ±1.96

4) The test statistic

Z=x- u /s/√n

z= 589-600/40/√14

z= -11/10.7681

z= -1.0198

6) Conclusion

Since the calculated value of z= -1.0198 does not lie in the critical region  z = ± 1.96 the null hypothesis is accepted and it is concluded that the  average monthly cost for childcare outside the home for a single child is $600.

P- value  ≈ 0.307823 which supports the null hypothesis .

.Please help with question 21




Step-by-step explanation:

ill give brainlist to first answerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr




The areas of a rectangle is lxw. You simply multiply by 3 x 6 and get this answer.

On Tuesday, 14 students handed in a permission slip for a field trip. On Thursday, twice as many students handed in their permission slip than on Tuesday. On Friday, an additional 7 students turned in their permission slip. If 50 students received a permission slip, how many students did NOT turn it in?
15 students
0 students
1 student
49 students




Step-by-step explanation:


Hope that helped (your free to ask any question or if you are confused)

Mei hikes 3.2 miles on Saturday and 4.8 miles on Sunday. About how far does Mei hike in all?



8 miles

Step-by-step explanation:

3.2 + 4.8

Identify the terminal point for a 30° angle in a unit circle.
O A (1,
O R. (4,4)
O c. (9.12)
OD. (1,7)



The coordinates for the point on a circle of radius at an angle of are At the radius of the unit circle, 1, serves as the hypotenuse of a 30-60-90 degree right triangle, as shown in (Figure).

Step-by-step explanation:

d more than 342 is the same as 90

write this sentence as an equation.​



342 + D = 90

Step-by-step explanation:

We can deduce the following from the statement;

- D is added to 342 so as to make it greater.

- The resulting value is the same as 90 i.e equal in value to 90.

Translating the word problem into an algebraic expression, we have;

342 + D = 90

Answer this question please ASAP!!!



If helped mark me the brainiest!!

If 2/3x - 1 = 4, then x =?



x = 15/2

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Add 1 to both sides.

2/3x − 1 + 1 = 4 + 1

2/3x = 5

Step 2: Multiply both sides by 3/2.

(3/2) * (2/3x) = (3/2) * (5)

x = 15/2

Does a circle have a diameter of 7.6 feet which measurement is closest to the circumference of the circle in feet?



23.864 ft

Step-by-step explanation:

circumference = pie x diameter

   pie= 3.14                

diameter= 7.6ft

therefore, circumference =

     3.14 x 7.6 ft

=23.864 ft

roundoff to the nearest tens=23.9 ft

I think its 166 but I’m not sure x

what is the answer to this? (freckle)



hola :]

Step-by-step explanation:

Which expression is equivalent to 128?


Answer: 2^3 x 2^4

Step-by-step explanation:

The value of the exponential expression is A = 2³.2⁴ = 128

What are the laws of exponents?

When you raise a quotient to a power you raise both the numerator and the denominator to the power. When you raise a number to a zero power you'll always get 1. Negative exponents are the reciprocals of the positive exponents.

The different Laws of exponents are:

mᵃ×mᵇ = mᵃ⁺ᵇ

mᵃ / mᵇ = mᵃ⁻ᵇ

( mᵃ )ᵇ = mᵃᵇ

mᵃ / nᵃ = ( m / n )ᵃ

m⁰ = 1

m⁻ᵃ = ( 1 / mᵃ )

Given data ,

Let the value of the exponential equation be A

Now , the first expression is p = 2³

The value of p = 8

Now , the second expression is q = 2⁴

The value of q = 16

From the laws of exponents , we get

p.q = 2³.2⁴ = 2³⁺⁴

The value of A = 2⁷ = 128

Hence , the exponential equation is 2⁷ = 128

To learn more about exponents click :



Picture included-11 points-second time



b = 12

Step-by-step explanation:

c^2 = a^2 + b^2

Solving for b,

b^2 = c^2 - a^2

= (13)^2 - (5)^2

= 169 - 25

= 144


b = 12

A 4-column table with 2 rows. Column 1 has entries Sample 1, Sample 2. Column 2 is labeled Apple with entries 40, 43. Column 3 is labeled Orange with entries 64, 63. Column 4 is labeled Banana with entries 21, 19.
A survey was conducted asking people about their favorite fruit. Which inferences about the population are true based on the data? Check all that apply.
About twice as many people prefer apples as prefer bananas.
Bananas are preferred much less frequently than apples or oranges.
Exactly twice as many people prefer oranges as prefer apples.
Exactly three times as many people prefer bananas as prefer oranges.
The samples show little variation for each fruit.



A, B, E


all of them are correct give them both a brainly

The ratio of hot dogs to hamburgers on a barbeque table is 6:4. If there are 36 hot dogs on the table then how many hamburgers must be there?


Answer: 24

Step-by-step explanation:

6 hot dogs for every 4 hamburgers

6*6 = 36

36 hot dogs for every ? hamburgers

since 6*6 equals 36, do 4*6

4*6 = 24

so 24 hamburgers

I can’t guarantee that this is right but I think it is

hopefully it’s helpful

You roll a die. Find the probability that you roll an even number or a number less than 5.​




Step-by-step explanation:

Question 2
Salve for then in the measure of are GF



Step-by-step explanation:

I'm pretty sure that GF is showing, as the interior angle  x -65,  it's just kinda hard to see

135-65 = 70° = GF

(51 + 62) + 14 = u + (62 + 14)



u = 51

Step-by-step explanation:

(51 + 62) + 14 = u + (62 + 14)

(113) + 14 = u + (76)

127 = u + 76

=> Subtract 76 from each side of "="

51 = u

Hope this helps!


u = 51

Step-by-step explanation:

hope this helps :]

Which expression is the best estimate for
3 1/8 - 1 3/4?


[tex]1 \frac{3}{4} - 3 \frac{1}{8} = - \frac{11}{8} = - 1\frac{3}{8} [/tex]

Evaluate x divided 4 for x=48




Step-by-step explanation:


Let x=48

Replace x in the expression



find the simple interest on 10000 from 1 July to 12 september 2007 at 5% per year calculate the interest​



Simple interest: 83.33, Final amount: 10083.33

Step-by-step explanation:

you dont get a explanation >:)

Help with the Pythagorean Theorem









Step-by-step explanation:

u see this is how the Pythagorean theorem works a^2 + b^2 = c^ i hope this helps have a great day bye please mark as brainliest :D

A random sample of students were asked which award they would most like to win (Olympic Gold, Academy Award, or Nobel Prize), and asked which portion of the SAT they performed better on, between the Math and the Verbal. The results are summarized in the table below. Use this table to answer the following question.

1. If P(M) is the proportion of students who did better on the Math portion of the SAT who prefer winning an Olympic Gold, and P(V) is the proportion of students who did better on the Verbal portion of the SAT who prefer winning an Olympic Gold. What is the standard error of the distribution of the difference of proportions?



Well would of them just ask how and when they will get it?

Step-by-step explanation:

So sorry if this is wrong.

The following are six observations collected from treatment 1, four observations collected from treatment 2, and five observations collected from treatment 3. Test the hypothesis at the 0.05 significance level that the tre atment means are equal.
a) state the null and the alternate hypotheses
b) What is the decision rulec).
c) Compute SST, SSE, and SS total
d) Complete an ANOVA table
e) State your decision regarding the null hypothesis
Treatment 1
9, 7, 11, 9, 12, 10
Treatment 2
13, 20, 14, 13
Treatment 3
10, 9, 15, 14, 15



Since the calculated value of F=0.20  does not fall in the critical region

F ≥  = 3.481 we reject the alternate hypothesis and accept the null hypothesis and conclude that there is no difference between the means of the 3 treatments.

Step-by-step explanation:

As the sample size are different we can run anova in the excel.

Part a)

The null and alternate hypotheses are

H0: μ1=μ2=μ 3  against the claim Ha: Not all three means are equal

The significance level ∝ is chosen to be 0.05

Part b)

The critical region is F≥ F(0.05,5,9) = 3.481

Part c) SST, SSE, and SS total

SS total= 144.933

SSE= 129.8333

SST= 15.1

A nova: Single Factor    



Groups Count Sum Average    Variance  

Column 1 3 32          10.67            4.33

Column 2 3 36          12               49  

Column 3 3 40        13.33     4.33

Column 4 3 36        12               7  

Column 5 2 25       12.5               0.5  

Column 6 1 10         10             ----------

The missing value in the variance column does not account for because the excel uses the mean to perform analysis.      

Part d)      

A NOVA Table    

Source              SS df MS               F P-value F crit

Of Variation

Between Groups       15.1   5 3.02 0.20        0.95        3.482

Within Groups  129.833   9 14.43                                          

Total       144.93 14                                                          


Part e)

Since the calculated value of F=0.20  does not fall in the critical region

F ≥  = 3.481 we reject the alternate hypothesis and accept the null hypothesis and conclude that there is no difference between the means of the 3 treatments.

For this exercise it is necessary to use knowledge of statistical, in this way

A) [tex]0,05[/tex]

B) [tex]3.481[/tex]


D) Do a new table

E)[tex]\geq 3.481[/tex]

As the sample size are different we can run anova in the excel:

A)The null and alternate hypotheses are [tex]H_0: \mu_1=\mu_2=\mu_3[/tex]  against the claim Ha: Not all three means are equal The significance level ∝ is chosen to be 0.05.  

B)The critical region is [tex]F\geq F(0.05,5,9) = 3.481[/tex]

C) SS total= [tex]144.933[/tex]

SSE= [tex]129.8333[/tex]

SST= [tex]15.1[/tex]

A nova: Single Factor    

[tex]Groups\\C1\\C2\\C3\\C4\\C5\\C6[/tex]     [tex]Count\\3\\3\\3\\3\\2\\1[/tex]     [tex]Sum\\32\\36\\40\\36\\25\\10[/tex]    [tex]Avarage\\10.67\\12\\13.33\\12\\12.5\\10[/tex]     [tex]Variance\\4.33\\4.9\\4.33\\7\\0.5\\0[/tex]

The missing value in the variance column does not account for because the excel uses the mean to perform analysis.      

D) New Table    

[tex]Source\\Between\\Within \\Total[/tex]   [tex]SS df MS\\15.15\\129.833\\144.93[/tex]  [tex]FP-value\\3.02\\14.43\\145[/tex]    

E) Since the calculated value of F=0.20  does not fall in the critical region [tex]F \geq = 3.481[/tex] we reject the alternate hypothesis and accept the null hypothesis and conclude that there is no difference between the means of the 3 treatments.

See more about statistical at : brainly.com/question/15692038

Draw a picture of a line and a point that is not on the line. Draw in the shortest distance from the point to the line, What do you notice about the line connecting the point and the line to the original line?


Answer: The line connecting the point and the line is perpendicular to the original line.

Step-by-step explanation:

(Forgot the name but there is also a theorem stating that the shortest distance between a point and a line is the one that is perpendicular)

PLS, NO FILES, OR LINKS, JUST ANSWERS, AND EXPLANATIONS..... What is the combined area of the two bases of the following cylinder? 43.96 in. 2 87.92 in. 2 25.12 in. 2 12.56 in. 2


The combined area of the circular bases of the cylinder is of 25.12 squared inches.

What is the area of a circle?

The area of a circle of radius r is given by:

[tex]A = \pi r^2[/tex]

In this problem, there are two bases, and each base is a circle of r = 2 in, hence the combined area in inches squared of the two bases is given by:

[tex]A_c = 2 \times \pi \times 2^2 = 8\pi = 25.12[/tex]

More can be learned about the area of a circle at https://brainly.com/question/17326298



25.12 squared inches.

Hope this helps!

Help I don’t understand.


Answer:line grapg$

Step-by-step explanation:

ion understand either broski

Please help! I have part of the answer but I need help with the slope and understanding the solution space. Thanks!
3. (05.06 MC)
Graph the system of Inequalities presented here on your own paper, then use your graph to answer the following questions:
y > 3x + 10

Part A: Describe the graph of the system, including shading and the types of lines graphed. Provide a description of the solution area. (6 points)
Part B: Is the point (8, 10) Included in the solution area for the system? Justify your answer mathematically. (4 points)
(10 points)



Step-by-step explanation:

Given the inequalities as



Graph the inequalities on the graph tool

The solution is  points in the shaded area such as (2,2),(4,4),(4,2),(2,-2),(2,-4)

The point (-2,3) is not included in the solution area because it is located in the un-shaded area.

Mathematically, taking points (-2,3) into the inequality


3>-2(-2) +3


3>7---------------------not correct because 3<7

kevin scored 11 points in his last basketball game. if kevin made two more free throws (one point each) then two-point shots, how many of each shot did he make? choose the graph that best depicts this problem.



Kevin made 5 free throws and 3 two-point shots.

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that Kevin scored 11 points in his last basketball game, to determine if Kevin made two more free throws (one point each) than two-point shots how many of each shot did he make, the following calculation must be performed:

11 x 1 + 0 x 2 = 11

6 x 1 + 4 x 2 = 14

5 x 1 + 3 x 2 = 11

Therefore, Kevin made 5 free throws and 3 two-point shots.


Step-by-step explanation:
