2 NaOH + H2SO4 ------> 2 H2O + Na2SO4What is the mole ratio of H2O to H2SO4?


Answer 1


The mole ratio of H2O to H2SO4 is 2:1


Given chemical equation:

[tex]2\text{NaOH }+H_2SO_4\rightarrow2H_2O+Na_2SO_4[/tex]

From the balanced chemical equation above, 2 moles of NaOH react with sulfuric acid, 1 mole of H2SO4, to produce 2 moles of water and 1 mole sodium sulfate.

So, from the chemical equation, you have a 2:1 mole ratio between H2O and H2SO4

Related Questions

What is the mole fraction of a solute in solution?


The mole fraction of a solute is the ratio of the number of moles of that solute to the total number of moles of the solution.

mole fraction of A = moles of A / total number of moles.

The mole fraction of any solution refers to the moles of solute divided by the sum of the moles of solute and moles of solvent.

6.02 x 10^23 atoms of magnesium to moles



[tex]1\text{ mole}[/tex]


Here, we want to get the number of moles in the given number of atoms


[tex]1\text{ mole = 6.02 }\times\text{ 10}^{23}\text{ atoms}[/tex]

The number of moles in the given number of atoms is thus:

[tex]\frac{6.02\times10^{23}\text{ atoms}}{1}\text{ }\times\frac{1\text{ mole}}{6.02\times10^{23}\text{ atoms}}\text{ = 1 mole}[/tex]

Balance the chemical equation using the smallest possible whole number stoichiometric coefficients


To balance a chemical equation, we have to take into account the coefficients and subscripts that indicate us the number of atoms of each element.

The first element we are going to balance is sodium, in the reactants, there is only one atom and in the products there two atoms of Na, so we have to assign 4 as the coefficient of NaOH and 2 as the coefficient of Na2HPO3.

There are 4 atoms of phosphorus in the reactants and 3 of them in the products. To balance it assign 2 as the coefficient of PH3.

Finally, balance the number of oxygens and hydrogens in the equation. There are 5 atoms of oxygen in the reactans and 6 of them in the products. Assign 2 as the coefficient of H2O, at this points, all the elements are balanced.

The balanced equation is:


Select all correct statements dealing with electron affinity. a) In general the first electron affinity is: X(g) → X+(g) + e-b) It is the enthalpy change associated with the addition of an electron to a gaseous atom or ion.c) It is the enthalpy change associated with the removal of an electron from a gaseous atom or ion.d) In general the first electron affinity is: X(g) + e- → X-(g)



Option C and D are correct.

Explanations:What is electron affinity?

Electron affinity is dfined as the energy required to remove en electron from a gaseous atom or molecule. An example of a gaseous atom loosing an electron is given as:

[tex]X(g)+e^-\rightarrow X^-(g)[/tex]

From the reaction, you can see that the gaseous element X looses an electron from its outershell to form an ion. This reaction is known as the first electron affinity.

Hence the correct statement dealing with electron affinity are:

• It is the enthalpy change associated with the, removal of an electron, from a gaseous atom or ion.

• In general the, first electron affinity, is:, X(g) + e- → X-(g)

Sodium fluoride is added to many municipal water supplies to reduce tooth decay. Calculate the pH of a 0.00339 M solution of NaF. Ka for HF is 6.8 x 10^-4.


The pH of 0.00339 M solution of NaF when Ka for HF is 6.8 x 10^-4 is 7.34

In this case, it is the base, F-.  A reaction table for base ionization, which is the reaction of a base with water:

F- + H2O <===> HF + OH-

Kb  =  [OH-][HF] / [F-]

Ka = 6.8 x 10-4

Kb =   1.47 x 10-11

 1.47 x 10-11 = [x] [x] / 0.00339-x  =  [x] [x] / 0.00339 ( x << than 0.00339 M due to the small Kb)

x  = 2.23 x 10-7

pOH =  6.65

pH =  14-6.65 = 7.34

pH = 7.34

The pH is 7.34

pH is the potenz of hydrogen ion and determines the strength of an acid.

To learn more about pH visit:



Question in image can you please answer it





The answer is c because the formula for calcium sulfate is CaSO4, and there is only one equation with this in.

Hope this helps!

Which property of water helps it maintain a relatively stable temperature? aHigh specific heat capacity bLow density cNeutral nature dNonpolar structure


Water property:

Water can moderate its temperature because of 2 properties: high specific heat and the high heat of vaporization.

High specific heat is the amount of energy that is absorbed or lost by one gram of a substance to change the temperature by 1 degree Celcius.


Water's high specific heat allows it to absorb a large amount of heat without changing much in temperature, keeping a relatively constant temperature.

Answer: a High specific heat capacity

What NaCl concentration results when 244 mL of a 0.750 M NaCl solution is mixed with 437 mL of a 0.390 M NaCl solution?


0.518 mol L⁻¹ NaCl concentration results when 244 mL of a 0.750 M NaCl solution is mixed with 437 mL of a 0.390M NaCl solution.

Moles of NaCl  in 244ml = 244* 10⁻³L * 0.750 mol L⁻¹

= 183 * 10⁻³ mol

Moles of NaCl in 437ml = 437*10⁻³L * 0.390 mol L⁻¹

=170.43* 10⁻³ mol

Since we must consider the volumes to be additive when these solutions are mixed, we have the following concentration with respect to  NaCl

Concentration =  ( 0.183+ 0.170)mol/ (244+437)*10⁻³L

= 0.353 mol/681*10⁻³

= 0.518 mol L⁻¹

To know more about concentration



If you need 300g of NH3 how many liters of N2 are required? N2+3H2=2NH3



197.12L of N2 are required.


1st) From the balanced reaction we know that 1 mol of N2 reacts with 3 moles of H2 to produce 2 moles of NH3.

2nd) It is necessary to convert moles to grams with the molar mass, and use the stoichiometry of the balanced reaction to find the amount of N2 moles that are required to produce 300g of NH3:

- N2 molar mass: 28g/mol

- NH3 molar mass: 17.01g/mol


300g of NH3 is equal to 17.64 moles of NH3.

3rd) Now, with a mathematical rule of three we can find the moles of N2 that are required to produce 17.64 moles of NH3:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2molesNH_3-1molN_2 \\ 17.64molesNH_3-x=\frac{17.64molesNH_3*1molN_2}{2molesNH_3} \\ x=8.82molN_2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now we know that 8.82 moles of N2 are needed.

4th) Finally, using the molar volume value (22.4L), we can calculate the liters of N2 that are required.

The molar volume indicates that 1 mole is equivalent to a volume of 22.4L under normal conditions.


So, 197.12L of N2 are required.

How diborane is prepared? write the reaction for the preparation of diborane ​


[tex]{ \underline{ \red{ \sf{preparation \: f \: diborane}}}}[/tex]

Diborane is prepared by the reduction of boron trichloride with lithium aluminium hydride.

[tex]{ \blue{ \sf{4BF3 + 3LiAlH4 → 2B2H6 + 3AlF3 + 3LiF}}}[/tex]

It can be also prepared by reducing trifluoride with sodium hydride at 180°C.

[tex]{ \red{ \tt{2BF3 + 6NaH \: —(180°C)→ \: B2H6 + 6NaF}}}[/tex]

If the following solutions are mixed, is the resulting solution acidic, basic, or neutral?60.0 mL of 0.0500 M HClO4 and 40.0 mL of 0.0750 M NaOH



The resulting solution will be neutral.



Volume of HClO4 = 60.0 mL = 0.06 L

Molarity of HClO4 = 0.0500 M

Volume of NaOH = 40.0 mL = 0.04 L

Molarity of NaOH = 0.0750 M

What to find:

To determine if the resulting solution from (HClO4 and NaOH) acidic, basic, or neutral.


The first step is to write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction.

HClO4 + NaOH → NaClO4 + H2O

The reaction is a neutralization reaction (also a double displacement reaction). The strong acid (HClO4) and a strong base react to produce salt (NaClO4) and water (H2O).

The next step is to determine the moles of the acid and the base using the formula below:

[tex]\begin{gathered} Moles=Molarity\times Volume\text{ }in\text{ }L \\ \\ For\text{ }HClO_4: \\ \\ Moles=0.0500M\times0.06L=0.003\text{ }mol \\ \\ For\text{ }NaOH: \\ \\ Moles=0.0750M\times0.04L=0.003\text{ }mol \end{gathered}[/tex]

From the balanced chemical equation, 1 mol HClO4 neutralized 1 mol NaOH.

Therefore, 0.003 mol HClO4 will completely neutralize 0.003 mol NaOH and the resulting solution will be neutral.

How many grams are in 3.25 mol of Carbon?



To solve this question we use the following formula:

m = n*MM

m = mass

n = moles

MM = molar mass

MM of carbon s 12 g/mol


m = 3.25*12

m = 39 g

Answer: 39 g

What is the pH of a 10^-4 M HCl solution?Answers to choose:•1•2•3•4


Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid. This means that in a solution all the H+ ions will be released. Also, one mole of HCl has one hydrogen atom, so we can assume that the concentration of HCl is equal to the concentration of H+ ions.

On the other hand, the definition of pH tells us:

[tex]pH=-log\lbrack H^+\rbrack[/tex]

Where [H+] is the ions H+ concentration.

H+ concentration is 10^-4M. If we replace in the equation we will have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} pH=-log10^{-4}M=4 \\ pH=4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

answer: The pH of the solution is 4

The component of a solution that is present in the greatest amount is:Group of answer choicesSoluteWaterSolventSalt


Step 1 - Understanding what is a solution

A solution is a homogeneous mixture consisting of two or more substances: one solvent and two or more solutes. Even though water is the commonest of all solvents, it is not the only one. Alcohol can be a solvent as well, for example.

The solvent is usually defined as the substance present in the greatest amount.

Step 2 - Answering the question

The correct answer is item c) solvent, since the solvent is usually present in the greatest amount.

What must the final volume be for the pressure of the gas to be 1.56 atm at a temperature of 336 K?Express your answer in milliliters to three significant figures.


According to the Combined gas Law :


The problem gives P1 = 1.32 atm, V1 = 212 ml, T1 = 292 K, P2 = 1.56 atm, T2 = 336 K.Then you just have to subtitute and solve:

[tex]V_2=\frac{P_1V_1}{T_1}\frac{T_2}{P_2}=\frac{1.32\text{ atm x 212 ml}}{292\text{ K}}\frac{336\text{ K}}{1.56\text{ atm}}=206\text{ ml}[/tex]

Calculate the quantity (in grams) of sucrose (C12H22011) required to make a 1.00 M strength solution with a volume of 500. mL.


Let us first define the term molarity. Molarity is a way of expressing the concentration of a compound in solution and is defined as the number of moles per liter of solution.

We are given the molarity value, 1.00M, and the volume of the solution, 500 mL=0.5L. We can find the number of moles by clearing them from the following equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} Molarity=\frac{MolesSolute}{Lsolution} \\ MolesSolute=Molarity\times Lsolution \end{gathered}[/tex]

We replace the known data:

[tex]\begin{gathered} MolesSolute=1.00M\times0.5L \\ MolesSolute=1.00\frac{mol}{L}\times0.500L=0.500molC_{12}H_{22}O_{11} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, the grams of sucralose are found by multiplying the moles found by the molar mass of sucralose, which is 342.3 g/mol:


The quantity of sucrose required will be 171 g of sucrose

suppose you were given three cookies containing radioactive samples, one with an alpha-emitter, the second has a beta-emitter, and the third contains that emits gamma-ray. if you were allowed to handle or do something with the cookies: (and explain the reason)1. Will you eat it2. Will you just place it in your pocket3 will you just hold it with your hand


I will eat the GAMMA-RAY because it can easily go outside my body without much harm. Those rays are just high-energy photons.

I think I would probably put the alpha-emitter in my pocket because those are easily stopped by a sheet of paper.

What is the mass in grams of 5.024x23 platinum atoms?


162.75 g

So 1 mol of Pt contains 195.08 g, and 1 mol = 6.022*10^23 atoms, so when you do the math, you will have the value of 162.75 g of mass

6.022*10^23 = 195.08 g

5.024*10^23 = x grams

6.022*10^23x = 980.08

x = 980.08/6.022*10^23

x = 162.75 g

Perform the followingmathematical operation, andreport the answer to theappropriate number ofsignificant figures.7.55 + 17.002 = [ ?=


7.55 + 17.002 = ?

First, we have to determine the number of significant figures that each number has.

7.55: 3 SF and 2 SF after the decimal point.

17.002: 5 SF and 3 SF after the decial point.

Second, perform the mathematical operation as we usually do.

7.55 + 17.002 = 24.552

Finally we determine the correct number of SF. When adding or substracting the rule says: "The final answer may have no more SF after the decimal point than the least number of significant figures in the operation". Since 7.55 has 2 SF after the decimal point, we must round the result of the addition to the second place to the right of the decimal point.

Rounding 24.552 we get 24.55.

Answer: 24.55

A 12 oz can of Red Bull contains 102 mg of caffeine (C8H10N4O2) (a) Determine how many molecules of caffeine are in the can(b) how many moles of caffeine are in the can?


3.16×10^23 molecules and 0.52 moles of caffeine are in the can.

given mass of caffeine=102 mg

molecular mass of caffeine=194.20 amu

moles=given mass/molecular mass

moles=102 mg/194.20 amu

moles= 0.52 mol

molecules = moles × avogadro number

molecules =0.52 mol× 6.022× 10^23

molecules=3.16×10^23 molecules

The mole signifies 6.02214076× 10^23 units, which is a very big quantity. The mole for the International System of Units is this quantity, according to the General Conference on Weights and Measures.

Every material has the same amount of atoms or other particles in a mole. The mole has the following relationship to an element's mass: One mole of carbon-12 atoms weighs 12 grams and has 6.02214076× 10^23 atoms.

To know more about  moles visit : https://brainly.com/question/26416088


Given is a table: 3 alcohols and 3 diols - attached. What is the difference between the structure of an alcohol and diol in the same row of the table?



Structurally alcohols are alkanes with one H atom replaced by an -OH group. The main difference with diols is that they have two alcohol groups.

If we take for example the first row. The alcohol has 4 atoms of carbon, so its name is 1-butanol. In the same row, we are given a diol that only has 3 atoms of C (one less). Its name is 1,3-propanediol.

If we consider all the rows we will see that the main difference between the structures that we are given is that in each diol one atom of C is replaced by an alcohol group (-OH).

Answer: the main difference between the structures that we are given is that in each diol one atom of C is replaced by an alcohol group (-OH).

Which describe anions? (Mark ALL the correct answers.)



positive charge

negative charge

more electrons than protons

more protons than electrons


Answer: nonmetals, negative charge, more electrons than protons


With the following information: Volume of vinegar 25 mL Mass of sodium bicarbonate 1 g Initial temperature of vinegar 17 °C Final temperature of vinegar 14 °C Change in temperature °C (∆T) ?? (answer needed) Calculate the approximate enthalpy of the reaction in joules. Estimate that 1.0 mL of vinegar has the same thermal mass as 1.0 mL of water. Ignore the thermal mass of the sodium bicarbonate. Note: It takes about 4.2 joules (J) to change 1.0 gram (1.0 mL) of water 1.0 °C.


First, let's calculate the change in temperature, which results in making the next subtraction:

[tex]\Delta T=\text{ T}_{fin}\text{ - T}_{in}=\text{ 14\degree C-17\degree C= -3\degree C}[/tex]

Now, let's calculate the enthalpy of the reaction with the next assumptions:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -\Delta H_r=\text{ Q}_{sen}^{vinegar}+\text{ Q}_{sen}^{NaHCO_3} \\ \\ As\text{ we are told in the exercise, we ignore the second term. Then:} \\ \\ -\Delta H_r=\text{ Q}_{sen}^{vinegar} \end{gathered}[/tex]

We also have to make the following assumptions: the vinegar's thermal mass and density are the same as the water's. Then, we can make the calculation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} Q_{sen}^{vinegar}=\text{ m*Cp*}\Delta T \\ \\ Where\text{ m is the mass. } \\ Cp\text{ is the specific thermal capacity. } \\ \Delta T\text{ is the change in temperature. } \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]Q_{sen}^{vinegar}=\text{ 25 mL * }\frac{1\text{ g}}{1\text{ mL}}*\text{ 4.2 }\frac{J}{g*^oC}*(-3^oC)=\text{ -315 J = -}\Delta H_r[/tex]

So, the reaction enthalpy equals 315 J approx.

Chemistry Molarity (measuring the concentration of a solution) - Correct the Question


1) Molar concentration (Molarity). This concentration unit tells us the amount a solute per unit of volume.


M: Molar concentration

n: moles of solute

v: liters of solution

Mr. Orlin is incorrect because he used grams instead of moles.

2) Calculating the molarity of the solution

Convert grams of FeCl2 to moles

The molar mass of FeCl2 is 126.75 g/mol


Plug in known values


The concentration of a 0.45 L solution containing 200 g of iron (II) chloride is 3.507 M FeCl2.


Describe two properties that the elements in the last two columns of the Periodic Table share with one another.


Two properties that the elements in the last two columns of the Periodic Table share with one another are;

they are all non-metalsthey show gradation in their physical and chemical properties.

What are the elements in the last two columns of the periodic table?

The elements in the last two columns of the periodic table are the group 17 and group 18 elements of the periodic table.

The elements in group 17 are known as halogens while the elements in group 18 are known as noble gases.

The halogens includes the following elements - Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, Astatine, and Ununsepetium.

The noble gases include the following elements - Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, and Unonoctium.

A common feature of these elements is that they are all non-metals. The elements also show gradation in their physical and chemical properties.

Learn more about halogens and noble gases at: https://brainly.com/question/10242176


7. Which is the best description of when water boils?a. It is when the vapor pressure of water equals the surrounding atmospheric pressure.b. It is when the first bubble appears in a sample that is being heated.c. It is when bubbles are continually forming in a sample that is being heated.d. It is when the temperature of the water reaches 100 °C.


The alternative b is not a good description because you can form bubles without the water being boiling yet.

Also, alternative c is also not a good option because it is just a description of what is being seen, it could be replicated in other ways.

Alternative d only gives a termperature, and the boiling temperature can change depending on other conditions.

The alternative the best describes is alternative A.

Moles and mass and help with ratios eg 3:4 3:7


The balanced equation is:

[tex]Mg_{(s)}+H_2O_{(g)}\to MgO_{(s)}+H_{2(g)}[/tex]

The first step is to convert the given mass of magnesium to moles (MW=24.3g/mol):


Now, use the ratio given by the chemical equation:


Now, use the molecular weight of magnesium oxide to convert it to grams (MW=40.3g/mol):


The maximum mass of magnesium oxide produced is 1.612g.

-4 AI (s) + 302(g)=2Al2O3(s)How many grams of Al2O3 can be formed from 43.91 g of Al and 54.13 g of O2?(Hint: You need to determine which one is the limiting reactant).


82.94g of Al2O3 will be produced.

1st) With the molar mass of each compound and the balanced equation, we need to find which reactant is the limiting reactant.

- Al molar mass: 27g/mol

- O2 molar mass: 32g/mol

- Al2O3 molar mass: 102g/mol

Calculation with Al:

According to the balanced equation, 108g of Al (4 x 27g) needs 96g of O2 (3 x 32g), so with a mathematical rule of three we can calculate the amount of oxygen that is needed to react with 43.91g of Al:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 108\text{gAl}-96gO_2 \\ 43.91\text{gAl}-x=\frac{43.91\text{gAl}\cdot96gO_2}{108\text{gAl}} \\ x=39.03gO_2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now we know that, 43.91g of Al will need 39.03g of O2 to react, and we have 54.13g of O2, so there is excess of oxygen.

Calculation with O2:

According to the balanced equation, 108g of Al (4 x 27g) needs 96g of O2 (3 x 32g), so with a mathematical rule of three we can calculate the amount of aluminum that is needed to react with 54.13g of O2:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 96gO_2-108gAl \\ 54.13gO_2-x=\frac{54.13gO_2\cdot108gAl}{96gO_2} \\ x=60.89\text{gAl} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now we know that 54.13g of O2 will need 60.89g of Al to react, and we have only 43.91g of Al, so it is not sufficient, and that's why Al is the limiting reactant.

2nd) Now that we know that Al is the limiting reactant, we can calculate the grams of Al2O3 that will be produced in the reaction by using the limiting reactant (43.91g):

[tex]\begin{gathered} 108\text{gAl}-204gAl_2O_3 \\ 43.91\text{gAl}-x=\frac{43.91\text{gAl}\cdot204gAl_2O_3}{108\text{gAl}} \\ x=82.94gAl_2O_3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

In this calculation we use the balanced equation, so we know that 108g of Al will produce 204g of Al2O3 (2 x 102g).

Finally, 82.94g of Al2O3 will be produced from 43.91g of Al and 54.13g of O2.

A flask containing 100 g of water is heated, and the temperature of the water increases from 21°C to 90°C. How much heat did the water absorb if thespecific heat capacity of water is 4.184 J/gºC? A. 289 JB. 418.4 JC. 28,870 JD. 10,000 J


The heat absorbed by the water is if the specific heat capacity of water is 4.184 J/g°C c)28,870J

It is given that the mass of water is 100g and temperature T₁ increases from 21°C to T₂ 90°C. The specific heat capacity of water(c) is 4.184g°C. To find the heat absorbed by the water, the following formula is used:

q = mcΔT

where, ΔT = T₂ - T₁

ΔT = 90 - 21

ΔT= 69°C.

Therefore, by substituting the values to the formula, we get the heat q as

q = 100x4.184x69

q = 418x69

q = 28870J

Therefore the heat absorbed by the water if the specific heat capacity of water is 4.184 J/g°C is 28,870J. Therefore the correct option is c)

To know more about specific heat capacity, click below:



What mass of iron is contained in 86.6 grams of chalcopyrite, CuFeS2?



26.428 gm


molecular mass of CuFeS2 = 63.5+(2*32)+56 = 183.5 gm

Now we apply unitary method,

183.5 gm Chalcopyrite contains 56 gm Fe

∴ 86.6 gm Chalcopyrite contains [tex]\frac{56}{183.5} X 86.6[/tex]

                                                      = 26.428 gm Fe

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