Which word most logically connects these two sentences?
The couple arrived at the prom two hours late. They were not allowed to participate in the activities especially
organized for seniors.


Answer 1
The answer is A)consequently
Answer 2

Answer: consequently

Explanation: just got it right

Related Questions

Which transitional word or phrase is most appropriate for an essay that is organize
o On the other hand,
O All in all,
O Next,
O However,





next, the other choices are for presenting an argument or the conclusion

Which is the best way to paraphrase Nagaina’s answer to Nag’s question? Everything will be better when our eggs hatch. Our children are going to need an empty house to play in. When the house is emptied of people, the mongoose will leave and we will rule the garden. So long as the bungalow is empty, we are king and queen of the garden.




Explanation: ur welcome




When the house is emptied of people, the mongoose will leave and we will rule the garden.

They greet their teacher. (change statement into a question)​



Did they greet their teacher?


Will they greet their teacher?

he does not leave this place into present continous tense​



He is not leaving this place.

hope it helps you

Identify the part of speech of the italicized word in each sentence.

Sheila’s mother can drive us to the mall.

That song is stuck in my head.

The teacher handed the math test back today.


Answer: Sheila’s mother can drive us to the mall. - "pronoun"

That song is stuck in my head. - "preposition"

The teacher handed the math test back today. - "article"

Explanation: Your Welcome Mello Gang.

“Remember, Cinderella,” warned her fairy godmother, “you must leave the ball at midnight. If you
stay later, everything will turn back as it was. Your coach will become a pumpkin again. Your gown
will become rags. Promise me you will remember."
“Of course, I'll remember,” said Cinderella, but as her coach carried her toward the ball, the warning
was replaced in her mind with images of dancing and music.

1.) Foreshadowing





Explanation: it is a warning or indication

17. When writing, you can most effectively use a dash to

A. add a formal touch to a sentence.

B. replace a passive verb.

C. replace an exclamation point.

D. add meaning and emphasis.


Answer: it add a formal touch to a sentence.


Answer is A add a formal touch to a sentence

Sahil : I have invited four of my friends for dinner today.

Radhika : Then I’ll invite my friends also.

Sahil : That will be a good idea.

Radhika : So, what should we have for dinner?

Sahil : Let us decide the menu now.

Sahil told Radhika that i) ____________. Then Radhika said ii) ____________, which Sahil

thought iii) ____________. When Radhika asked iv) ____________ Sahil replied v)




Sahil told Radhika that he had invited four of his friends for dinner that day.

Then Radhika said she will also invite her friends, which Sahil  thought would be a great idea.

When Radhika asked what they should have for dinner, Sahil replied they should decide the menu then.​


The given conversation is in the direct speech, meaning it is a real conversation with the speakers and the speeches in their respective names. But if we are to change it into the indirect or reported speech form, we have to change some aspects of the speeches. One is to remove the speech or direct format and write it in the reported form, and also some words such as "today" will be changed to "that day" and "now" will be changed to "then", etc.

Therefore, the given conversation in the reported form will be-

Sahil told Radhika that he had invited four of his friends for dinner that day.

Then Radhika said she will also invite her friends, which Sahil  thought would be a great idea.

When Radhika asked what they should have for dinner, Sahil replied they should decide the menu then.​

"Walter P. Reuther Stands Up" is a biography because O A. it was written by the person whose life it is about. O B. it tells the story of a fictional character in a realistic situation. O C. it tells about a person's life and events he experienced OD. it includes an interview with the person whose life it is about.​


Answer: C took the exam and made a 92 %


"Walter P. Reuther Stands Up" is a biography as it tells about a person's life and events he experienced.

What is a biography?

"A biography, or simply bio, is a detailed description of a person's life."

Who is Walter P. Reuther?

"Walter P. Reuther is a phenomenal activist. He is an American native. He stood up for the rights of the citizens and started many campaigns regarding various issues to raise awareness."

"Walter P. Reuther Stands Up" is a biography because it tells about a person's life and events he experienced that is notifying about someone's life events and the things that person has experienced throughout his life.

To learn more about "Walter P. Reuther Stands Up", click here:



Select all that apply. What characteristics do these words have in common? dogs, cats, race horses, plgs house pets domestic (tame) animals four-legged animals mammals​


Answer: they are all animals.



Domestic animals, four-legged animals, and mammals.


How do we learn about the character of Huckleberry Finn?
(A) actions and behavior
(B) thoughts and feelings
(C) dialogue
(D) all of the above



all of the above


Huck, as he is best known, is an uneducated, superstitious boy, the son of the town drunkard. Although he sometimes is deceived by tall tales, Huck is a shrewd judge of character. He has a sunny disposition and a well-developed, if naively natural, sense of morality

Why did Henry put his backpack on his desk like a wall? In the book of wonder​


The other students' in Auggie's homeroom kept their distance from him. the one student, Henry, placed his backpack on the desks between them to "build a wall." the students were not welcoming towards Auggie. Auggie is able to cover his face with a mask, in order to feel like every other kid.

This is a public service announcement about how kids can help conserve energy.
Children wearing capes on a poster that reads, "Bam! Kapow! How ordinary boys and girls turn into super energy heroes"

Which word best describes the tone of this public service announcement?






There is no expression in the text for emotion.

Its not aggressive.

And no anger.


C Im doing it now


Something . . . something isn't quite right here, Andrew thought as he took one cautious step forward. He strained his eyes looking down the pitch-black hallway that lay before him. However, he saw nothing . . . nothing at all. Andrew tried to hear any movement down the hall. But he heard nothing . . . nothing at all. The stillness of the house disquieted him. Andrew took one more step into the darkness, and that darkness enveloped him. There was no way out . . . no way out at all.

How does the writer build tension within the passage?
A. by focusing the passage on one character.
B. by developing a slow, suspenseful pace.
C. by using a house as the passage's setting.
D. suspense.



I guess C





It is repeatedly said that the Kid introduced Lizzie to her first drink. When she orders a whiskey at the bar, her unrefined life is made more obvious because it compares her order to that of women uptown ordering champagne.

What did residents demand of Michigan officials?
A: their re-election
B: their registration
C: their money
D: their houses


i think it’s A but i’m not sure

Which of these inferences is best supported by the text in the poem "Life Doesn't Frighten Me," and which evidence from the text most strongly supports your answer?

Question Answers:
a) The speaker of the poem is a young girl
b) All of the ideas that do not frighten the speaker are fantastical and from fairy tails
c) The speaker is upset at her teachers for not protecting her from the dangers of the world
d) The speaker is helpless against all of the things in the world which try to frighten her

Answer Evidence:
a) "Tough guys fight / All alone at night"
b) "I've got a magic charm / That I keep up my sleeve"
c) "Not at all / Not at all"
d) "That new classroom where / Boys all pull my hair"


I think its E and F because Frighten starts with F and E because Markiplier

edit: wait no its X and Y

edit 2: Im sorry this may come as a surprise for all of you but i admit i lied

edit 3: catch me on twitch at twitch.tv/boomoreojesus

Read the following lines from "The Simulacra":
bluish tinge of the elms, steepness
of the other's eyes, glowworm hidden in its own glint...
Which best explains the technique the author is using?
A. The poet compiles a list of strange images to create an interesting
B. The poet focuses on describing a single object to make it seem
C. The poet emphasizes intimate feelings by using common



i believe its A (sry if its wrong)


The poet compiles a list of strange images to create an interesting tone is the best explains the technique the author is using. Hence, option A is correct.

What is the story behind Simulacra?

According to the Spark Simulacrum in SIMULACRA 1, the Simulacra hunt for victims to incorporate into digital emblems of perfection by killing their "material world" counterparts to build a flawless digital society.

something that uses its depiction to substitute reality. This concept is defined as follows by Jean Baudrillard in "The Precession of Simulacra": "Simulation is no longer that of a territory, a referential person, or a material.

Simulacra 3 is set in the formerly idyllic community of Stonecreek, where residents have started mysteriously disappearing and leaving only weird symbols in their wake.

Thus, option A is correct.

For more information about story behind Simulacra, click here:



Dad's Barbeque
1 As Mom pulled the car into the driveway, I stepped out and heard the sizzle of
2 barbecue. I walked towards the backyard and smelled the delicious scent of grilled
3 chicken. The sun was getting ready for its nightly rest and the moon prepared to take
4 its place. The picnic table felt as hot as a frying pan, but I sat down anyway. I looked
5 around the yard and realized that the grass was freshly mowed. Poised next to the
6 barbecue pit, Dad looked more dreamy than Tom Cruise. Soon, Dad carried to the table a
7 mountain of food stacked a mile high. Not caring what anyone thought, I pigged out on
8 chicken, hot dogs, and hamburgers. I savored the sweet, sour, and salty flavors as they
9 danced on my taste buds. Dad is the best barbecue chef in the entire world!
20. In line 9, the author states that "Dad is the best barbecue chef in the entire world!" Why is
this sentence considered a hyperbole?
d. Dad's barbecue is just average
Oc. The author could not possibly have taste-tested all of the chefs in the world to verify dad's "best" status.
b. It is an opinion
a. Dad is really not an actual chef.


Answer: C

Why: It's true. A hyperbole is an exaggeration of something, and that's what answer  C is showing.

The author could not possibly have taste-tested all of the chefs in the world to verify dad's "best" status is this sentence considered a hyperbole. Hence, option C is correct.

What is hyperbole?

The deliberate use of exaggeration and overstatement for emphasis and impact is known as hyperbole in rhetoric and literature.

The hyperbole should be understood to be an exaggeration by everybody who hears or reads it. Common hyperboles like "I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse," "I've seen this movie a hundred times," and "That cost an arm and a leg" are certainly ones you've heard in regular conversations.

Extreme exaggeration is known as hyperbole. That shouldn't be interpreted literally. Hyperbole is a tool used by writers to convey ideas, accentuate emotions, or reveal information about a character.

Thus, option C is correct.

For more information about hyperbole, click here:



Change the following as indicated in brackets:
1 Someone paid the bills.(Into Yes/no questions)​



Did someone pay the bills?



First one is rare/uncommon. The second is abandon/desert.


15. rare/uncommon     16. abandon/desert

Hope that helped! :)

See the answer of your friend lost his/her pen​


Sorry, I don’t understand what you’re trying to say...
I do not understand what is the question. Perhaps it is unfinished

Select the correct answer.
Who did the speaker think was "rapping at the chamber door?
an illusion
a raven
a maiden
a visitor
by Edgar Allen Poe (adapted excerpt)
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
While I nodded, nearly napping suddenly there came a
As of some one gently rapping rapping at my chamber door.
Tis some visitor,' muttered, tapping at my chamber door-
Only this, and nothing more.
Ah distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December
And each separate dying ember wrought its form upon the
Eagerly I wished the morrow: -- vainly I had sought to
From my books surcease of sorrow - sorrow for the lost
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name
Nameless here for evermore,
And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain
Thrilled me filled me with fantastic terrors never felt
So that now, to still the beating of my heart. I stood repeating
Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door-
Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door-
This it is, and nothing more.



A Visitor.


Rather than view waking in the middle of the night as a nuisance, people appear to have welcomed it as
natural, useful, and even enjoyable.
las it is now



Yeah, but at times it can still be a nuisance, because it is scientifically proven that people sleep better before midnight, and waking up leaves you without deep sleep, and deep sleep is the time that the healing of the body is taking place. This can affect your health and your mental health.


I hope this helps, and thanks! BRAINLIEST PLEASE!

4. Which of the following quotes from "Take the Tortillas Out of Your Poetry" express the central or main idea of the essay? (A) "Bread and books were for his household, and for many like his, food for the body and the soul. (B) As a child I listened to the stories of the people, the cuentos the old ones told. (C) My friend is a Chicano poet and scholar, one of the finest I know. (D) all of the above





The central theme or the main idea of the essay, "Take the Tortillas Out of Your Poetry" is censorship.

The author, Rudolfo Anaya, opens his essay by talking about the importance of books. He remarks that for him books were bread for his soul and body in his childhood. So, when his books or the books of any other authors are censored and stopped from publishing, it means to take out tortillas (the history or way of life) of piece of writing.

Therefore, the quote that supports this central idea is option A.

Why does Victor not return to his previous studies?


Answer: ??? I don't understand....XD


Context? Explanation?



The set of shared attitudes , goals and practices that characterizes a institution

Deep in the Amazon jungles of Brazil is a huge, open-pit mine that is described as the largest and richest gold find of this century. Inside the
pit. 40,000 workers mine the gold without the aid of modern equipment. This modern day gold rush began in 1980, when a Brazilian farmer took
some of the gold nuggets he found on his land into a nearby town. Now people from various occupations and many parts of the world work the
mine, which has already yielded more than a half-billion dollars in gold.
Which words best describe the author's purpose?



The gold rush and the roots of how it started


What is de biggest problem in the book David Copperfield. Describe your answer​



Miss Betsy lost all her money so David has to support her.


What makes his need for money all the more dire is that his fiance (Dora's) father dies.

Need help please. It's urgent about context clues and signal words.
Which statements about signal words and definitions are true?
Check all that are true.
a)Signal words cannot help define difficult words.
b) Only two main words signal a definition in a sentence.
c) A sentence with the word means might not have a definition.
d) Was may signal a definition because it is a form of to be.
e) Using a dictionary is the only way to define a difficult word
P/S: answer is d) and what else???





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