can someone help me pls

Can Someone Help Me Pls


Answer 1

Answer: food, female water


Can I have brainliest

Answer 2

Answer :  dog horse  cat lion deer  moose tiger cheetah hippopotamus zebra rabbit  penguin dolphin  shark fish


Related Questions

Find the current flowing out of the battery.​



0.36 A.


We'll begin by calculating the equivalent resistance between 35 Ω and 20 Ω resistor. This is illustrated below:

Resistor 1 (R₁) = 35 Ω

Resistor 2 (R₂) = 20 Ω

Equivalent Resistance (Rₑq) =?

Since, the two resistors are in parallel connections, their equivalence can be obtained as follow:

Rₑq = (R₁ × R₂) / (R₁ + R₂)

Rₑq = (35 × 20) / (35 + 20)

Rₑq = 700 / 55

Rₑq = 12.73 Ω

Next, we shall determine the total resistance in the circuit. This can be obtained as follow:

Equivalent resistance between 35 Ω and 20 Ω (Rₑq) = 12.73 Ω

Resistor 3 (R₃) = 15 Ω

Total resistance (R) in the circuit =?

R = Rₑq + R₃ (they are in series connection)

R = 12.73 + 15

R = 27.73 Ω

Finally, we shall determine the current. This can be obtained as follow:

Total resistance (R) = 27.73 Ω

Voltage (V) = 10 V

Current (I) =?

V = IR

10 = I × 27.73

Divide both side by 27.73

I = 10 / 27.73

I = 0.36 A

Therefore, the current is 0.36 A.


Answer 0.36


Put in the box 0.36

A block attached to an ideal spring oscillates horizontally with a frequency of 2.0 Hz and amplitude of
0.25 m. The spring constant is 75
What is the mass of the block?


Answer: 0.47 kg


Find the gravitational force that Earth (mass = 5.97 × 10²⁴ kg) exerts on the moon (mass = 7.35 × 10²² kg) when the distance between them is 3.84 × 10⁸ m. The value of G is 6.67 x 10⁻¹¹ Nm²/kg².



mass of earth (m1)=5.97×10^24

mass of moon (m2)=7.35×10^22

distance between their center (d)= 3.84×10^8



gravitational force =(F)= G(m1×m2)/d²


stay safe healthy and happy...
10th term (it's from qbasic)​





2,4,6,8..Are in A.PCommon Difference=d=4-2=3First term=a=2

We know that

[tex]\boxed{\sf a_n=a+(n-1)d}[/tex]





A sled is at rest at the top of a slope 2 m high. The sled has a mass of 45 kg. What is the sled's potential energy?
(Formula: PE = mgh)



PE = 882 J


Through the International System we know that the gravity of the earth is 9.8 m/s², so...


m = 45 kgg = 9.8 m/s²h = 2 mPE = ?



Replace and solve:

[tex]\boxed{\bold{PE=45\ kg*\ 9.8\frac{m}{s^{2}}*2\ m}}[/tex][tex]\boxed{\boxed{\bold{PE=882\ J}}}[/tex]

The potential energy of the sled is 882 Joules.


F = ma
m = F/a
a = F/m
1. What is the force of the object, if it has a mass of 25kg moving 3 m/s2?





Using Newton's second law of motion:


Force=mass × acceleration



So 55 Newtons are needed

want brainlyist whats number am i thinking of from 1 to 100



50 out of 100 (ik its right)


57? 17? 7? 77? 37? 47? 87? 97? 27? 67?



An iron atom (Fe) has 26 protons in it. If the atom has 20 electrons in it, explain what type of charge it has and how you can tell.



The iron atom has a positive charge, making it a cation.


The atom has a nucleus, where the protons and neutrons, which are the subatomic particles with the highest mass, are located. Practically all the mass of the atom is concentrated in the nucleus.Protons have a positive electrical charge, while neutrons have no charge.

Electrons move around the nucleus with other negatively charged particles.

An iron atom (Fe) has 26 protons and 20 electrons in it.  That is, there are 6 more protons than electrons. As mentioned, protons are positively charged. So the iron atom has a positive charge, making it a cation.

The game of floor hockey is primarily a blank

and blank




Fast and Energetic


The game of floor hockey is primarily a Fast and Energetic game. The main objective of the game of field hockey is to score more goals than the opposing team by shooting the Hockey ball into the goal post of the opposing team,  Field hockey is similar to Ice hockey but the major difference is that Filed hockey is played without skates

Pam is running in a race at 3.3 m/s and accelerates at a rate of 3 m/s for the last 15 meters. How fast is she running when she crosses the finish line?



Pam's velocity when she crosses the finish line is 10 m/s.



initial velocity of Pam, u = 3.3 m/s

acceleration of Pam, a = 3 m/s²

last distance covered, d = 15 m

let her final velocity = v

Apply the following kinematic equation to determine Pam's final velocity;

v² = u² + 2ad

v² = 3.3²   + 2(3)(15)

v² = 10.89   +  90

v² = 100.89

v = √100.89

v = 10 m/s

Therefore, Pam's velocity when she crosses the finish line is 10 m/s.

The electric potential 5.54 m from a charge is -3680 V. What is the value of the charge?





Got it right on Acellus





Which shows that energy is being transformed?
A. A swinging pendulum
B. A ream of paper inside a box
C. A candle resting on a table
D. A glass inside a cabinet​





I think it's A, sorry if I'm wrong


I think its (A)


correct me if im wrong

What helps night vision? Answer fast please.​



Halos, blurriness, and night blindness causes night vision (symptoms) while vitamin-A,corrective lenses, such as eyeglasses or contacts, can improve or help night vision.


I bet you will get full Marks if you write it!!

(please note that you will have to mark me as brainliest if it helped you)£

A sphere of mass m1 is attached to an ideal spring, then pulled downward from its equilibrium position and released from rest. A sphere of mass m2 is hung from a massless string of length L, pulled to the right from its equilibrium position, and released from rest. If both spheres have the same period of oscillation, then what is the spring constant of the spring attached to m1



      k = [tex]\frac{g \ m_1}{L}[/tex]


In this exercise the two cases presented are a simple harmonic motion, with angular velocity

spring - mass                                      w² = k / m₁

simple pendulum (string- mass m₂)  w² = g / L

angular velocity and period are related

              w = 2π/ T

since they indicate that the two periods are equal, the angular velocities are also equal, therefore we can equal the two equations

             [tex]\frac{k}{m1} = \frac{g}{L}[/tex]

             k = [tex]\frac{g \ m_1}{L}[/tex]

According to the law of universal gravitation, any two objects are attracted to each other. The strength of the gravitational force depends on the masses of the objects and their distance from each other.

Many stars have planets around them. If there were no gravity attracting a planet to its star, the planet's motion would carry it away from the star. However, when this motion is balanced by the gravitational attraction to the star, the planet orbits the star.

Two solar systems each have a planet the same distance from the star. The planets have the same mass, but Planet A orbits a more massive star than Planet B.

Which of the following statements is true about the planets?
Planet B will keep orbiting its star longer than Planet A.
Planet B is more attracted to its star than Planet A.
Planet A orbits its star faster than Planet B.
Planet A has a longer year than Planet B.


C. Planet A orbits its star faster than Planet B.


since Planet A is closer to the star due to its gravitational force, it will orbit its star faster than planet B

hope this helps :)

If there is a negative sign in front of the Hooke's Law equation, what does the force, F, represent?



Hooke's law, given by [tex]F=-kx[/tex] is denoted with a negative sign to regard that the direction of restoring force that occurs opposite in direction of the force that caused the displacement [tex]x[/tex]. F represents the force required to create a spring displacement of [tex]x[/tex].


As with many things in physics, the negative sign represents direction. In this case, after a spring is displaced a distance of [tex]x[/tex] from equilibrium, the restoring force created by the spring will be in opposite direction of the force applied to move the spring there, represented by F.

Nanotechnology is currently used in electronics for

organ repair, data storage, and wires.

organ repair, quantum dots, and carriers.

data storage, OLEDs, and wires.

carriers, OLEDs, and skin transplants.



data storage, OLEDS, and wires


Nanotechnology is currently used in electronics for data storage, OLEDs, and wires. Option C is correct.

What is nanotechnology?

Nanotechnology is the near-atomic manipulation of matter to create new structures, materials, and gadgets.

The technique offers scientific improvement in a variety of fields, including medical, consumer goods, energy, materials, and manufacturing.

Nanotechnology is currently used in electronics for data storage, OLEDs, and wires.

Hence, option C is correct.

To learn more about the nanotechnology, refer;


Researchers have found that the larvae of all North American firefly species glow as a warning sign to ward off predators. However, the presence and use of lighting organs in adult fireflies vary greatly. Some species use glowing or light flashes as mating signals, while other species produce pheromones as mating signals and do not glow at all. Discuss how the physical characteristics and mating behavior of North American fireflies support the theory of speciation. In your discussion, provide a hypothesis to explain the driving force behind the differences in mating signals among the species.



The theory of speciation confirms what happens with fireflies, only fireflies that are part of the same species can reproduce among themselves, which means that fireflies that use pheromones as mating signals will attract fireflies that use that same form or mechanism of reproduction.

Some mechanisms that allow this type of differentiation or speciation to occur are: seasonal or geographic isolation and sexual isolation due to behavior or conduct.

Speciation allows the formation of new populations of organisms that share the same physiological and genetic characteristics. Therefore, the adult fireflies that shine as a mating signal are possibly found in the same geographical position and their physiological and genetic characteristics are compatible with those of his own species.

What is the law of conservation of energy?
Energy can be changed from one form to another
form but cannot be created nor destroyed.
b An object at rest tends to stay at rest.
The right answer is not given.
The change in energy is equal to the
d amount of heat added plus the amount of
work done



The answer is A

consider the circuit. find the equivalent resistance


Answer: 18 5.0 012


Wax, like all matter, comes in many phases. What are the three possible
A. Mixtures
B. Gas
C. Liquid
D. Solid
Multiple choice pls help



A and d


Mixture and solid

What is the symbol for the ion containing 34 protons, 46 neutrons, and 36 electrons?
Choose 1 answer:
80 Sel-
80 P22+
Show Periodic Table


I’ll say C.80Pd2 that might be it

Which is the most accurate description of how the coolant works in an engine?
O Coolant absorbs thermal energy.
O Combustion absorbs thermal energy.
O Coolant absorbs chemical energy.
O Combustion absorbs chemical energy.​



A. coolant absorbs thermal energy.


Got it right on Edg

Water rockets are very different from fuel powered rockets for many reasons. Explain some of the differences between them and why rockets that are launched into space require more power and thrust that water rockets?



How is a water rocket different than a compressed air rocket?

Usually the rocket is made from a 2-liter soda pop bottle. Before launch, the bottle is filled with some amount of water, which acts as the "propellant" for the launch. Since water is about 100 times heavier than air, the expelled water produces more thrust than compressed air alone.

True or false?

________________ Mid-ocean ridges are sites where old crust sinks into the asthenosphere.



true Mid-ocean ridges are sites where old crust sinks into the asthenosphere.


hope it helps

Which of the following refers to a force of resistance that acts on an object
when the object moves against other matter?
O A. Balanced force
B. Inertia
C. Friction
D. Contact force


The answer is D and by the way hi

All of the visible color light waves together result in____light​



White light.


Describe the general relationship between the weight of adult men and the average number of Calories needed daily to maintain a steady weight.



The average number of calories needed daily represents the average quantity of calories eliminated by human body due to metabolism and must be compensated by eating and drinking.

The amount of calories contained in the food we eat every day must represent the amount of calories eliminated by the body in that time to have a steady weight.


The average number of calories needed daily represents the average quantity of calories eliminated by human body due to metabolism and must be compensated by eating and drinking. If total quantity of calories in the food we consume every day is higher that the average number of calories needed daily, then weight increases by fat accumulation.

which of the following best describes the function of a resistor in an electrical circuit?



It controls the amount of current.


A resistor helps control and maintain the circuit which is it's main function.

The Universal Space Agency wants to know the results of your Sim investigation. Write your report to the lead chemist, explaining why the staff can smell the chocolate bar. Use evidence from your investigation in your explanation.



Condensation can also produce water droplets on the outside of soda cans or glasses of cold water. When warm air hits the cold surface, it reaches its dew point and condenses. This leaves droplets of water on the glass or can. When a pocket of air becomes full of water vapor, clouds form.


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