14) What is the slope of the line below *

14) What Is The Slope Of The Line Below *


Answer 1
[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{slope}=\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1} \\ (-1,-3)(2,1) \\ \text{slope}=\frac{1-(-3)}{2-(-1)} \\ \text{slope}=\frac{4}{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Related Questions

Last year's freshman class at State University total 5,320 students. Of those 1,262 received a merit scholarship to help offset tuition costs. The amount a student received was N($3,450 , $480). if the cost of a full tuition was $4,050 last year , what percentage of students who received a merit scholarship did not receive enough to cover full tuition ? ( Round to nearest whole percent)Percentage of students ________%


Answer: We need to find the percentage of students that received a scholarship that did not cover their full tuition:

The number of students that received a scholarship was:


The amounts that students received were:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3,450\text{ Dollars} \\ 480\text{ Dollars} \end{gathered}[/tex]

But the actual tuition cost was:

[tex]4050\text{ Dollars}[/tex]

Therefore, none of the students that received scholarship had received enough to cover the full tuition, because:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 4050>3450 \\ 4050\text{ }>480 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, 100% of the students that received scholarships, did not receive enough to cover their tuition.

you buy a new iphone 12 pro max for $1099 the value of the iphone decreases by 25% annually write a model for the value of the phone and use the model to see how much it would be worth after 3 years ?


The price of the iphone can be modeled by the following expression:



A: price of the iphone after t years

P: initial price = 1099

r: rate of percetage decrease in decimal for = 0.25

t: years

Then, the function becomes:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=1099(1-0.25)^t \\ A=1099(0.75)^t \end{gathered}[/tex]

The price of the iphone after t = 3 years, according to the previous expression is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=1099(0.75)^3 \\ A=463.64 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the price of the iphone after 3 years would be $463.64

Can someone help me with this math problem I have like 20 more and I really need help


We can find the x-intercept when y=0 so replacing y for 0 we have

[tex]\begin{gathered} -5x+2(0)=10 \\ -5x=10 \\ x=\frac{10}{-5}=-2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The x-intercept is (-2,0).

Now we are going to replace x for 0 to find the y-intercept

[tex]\begin{gathered} -5(0)+2y=10 \\ 2y=10 \\ y=\frac{10}{2}=5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The y-intercept is (0,5).

For the graph of 4x -9y=12 we have that the x-intercept is (3,0) and the y-intercept is (0,-4/3)

5 2/5 × 0.8A. 4.32B. 5.76C.7.80D.2.75



A. 4.32


First, we need to transform the mixed number 5 2/5 into a decimal number as:


Then, we can multiply 5.4 by 0.8, so:


To multiply 5.4 by 0.8, we can multiply the numbers normally without taking into account the decimal points. So 54 times 08 is equal to:

Then, 5.4 has one digit after the decimal point and 0.8 has one digit after the decimal point. So, in total, we have two digits after the decimal point. It means that the result is equal to 4.32 because we need two digits after the decimal point.

Therefore, the answer is 4.32

describe the domain of the function f(x;y)= ln(4-x-y)


Domain of the given function is x∈(-2,∞)

Step-by-step explanation:

The given function is y=\ln(x+2)y=ln(x+2)

Domain is the set of x values for which the function is defined.

And we know that logarithm function is defined only for values greater than zero.

Therefore, for domain we have

x + 2 >0

x > -2

Hence, the domain of the

The domain of the function














is the region of the x-y plane such that the argument of logarithm function is positive,...

See full answer below.

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What Is Domain and Range in a Function?


Chapter 7 / Lesson 3


What are the domain and range of a function? What are the domain and range of the graph of a function? In this lesson, learn the definition of domain and range as it applies to functions as well as how it applies to graphs of functions. Moreover, there will be several examples presented of domain and range and how to find them.

Related to this Question

Find the domain algebraically without a graph of f(x) = \sqrt{4 - x^2}.

The graph of f(x) = x2/x2 + 2. Determine the domain of the function.

Find the domain and graph the function F(t) = 8t / |t|.

Find domain of f(x) = - 5x + 2.

Find the domain of f(x): f(x) = \sqrt [x] {16 - x^2}

Find the domain of f/g when f(x) = 2/x and g(x) = 1/(x^2 - 1) and when f(x) = 3x + 1 and g(x) = x^2 - 16.

Find (f o g)(x) and (g o f)(x) and the domain of each, where f(x) = x + 1 , g(x) = 4x^2 - 3x - 1

Find the domain of { f(x) = \frac{1}{(x - x^2)} }

Give and graph the domain of the function f(x,y)= \sqrt {y-x^3}.

Find the domain of the function and GRAPH it. h(x,y) = ln (x + y - 5)

Find the domain of the function, given the graph below.

Find the domain of the function whose graph is given below.

Use the following graph. Find the domain of the function.

If f(x) = \frac{1 - x}{2 + x}, find {f}'(x) and its domain.

Find the domain of the function f(x,y)=\frac{12}{(y^2-x^2)}.

Find the domain of the function f(x,y) = x-y/sqrt(x+y).

Find the domain for the function f(x) = (2x - 2) / (x^2 - 5 x - 14).

Find the domain of the function f(x) = x^8.

Find the domain of the function f(x, y) = (2cos(x + y))/(sqrt(9 - x^2 - y^2)).

Find the domain of the function K(x) = f(x) \cdot g(x) \cdot h(x) , for f(x) = \ln x, \ g(x) = x 169, \text{ and } h(x) = 9x^2 .

Find the domain of the given function f(x, y) = 2 / ln (x + y - 3).

Find the domain of the following function f(x) = \frac {7}{(x+2)(x-3)}

Find the domain of the function f(x) = 30 - 7x -2x².

Find the domain of the function f(x) = \frac{\sqrt{x+4{x-3}.

Find the domain of the function f(x) = 1/(x - 2) sqrt((x - 1)/(x)).

Find the domain of the function f(x) = \frac{1}{1-3e^x}

Find the domain of the function f(x) = \dfrac{x^4}{x^2 + x - 6}.

Find the domain of the function f(x) = 3/[x/2] -5^{(cos^-1x^2) + (2x+1) / (x+1)} .

Find the domain of the function f(x) = 2x - 3.

Find the domain of the function f(x) = 2x x2-4

Find the domain of the given function f(x,y)=4x^2-3y^2.

1) Find the domain and graph the function: f(x) = \sqrt {x - 1} 2) Graph the function g(x) = (x + 3)^3

Determine and graph the domain of the function. f(x, y) = \sqrt{144-9x^2 - 16y^2}

Following is a graph of a function f(x). Determine the domain where the function is differentiable.

Find the domain of the function y = \sqrt{25 x^2} . Then graph the function.

Given f(x) = 3x + 1 and g(x) = 5x - 1. a) Find \frac{f}{g} and its domain.

Given f(x) = \frac{x+2}{x} , find f^{ 1} (x) and its domain.

Given f(x) = x^2 + 1 and g(x) = 2/x + 4 , find: (f times g) (x) = _____ Domain: _____

Given f(x) = \ln (1 - | 1-2x|) , find the domain of f

If f'(x) = \frac{2xln(-4(x^2-2.75)) + (2x^3)}{(x^2-2.75)}, find the domain.

Given f(x) = x^2 + 1 and g(x) = 2/x + 4, find: (f + g) (x) = _____ Domain: _____

1. Find a function f(x, y) and domain D are which f _{x,y} \neq f _{yx}.

If f(x) = sqrt(6 - x) and g(x) = x + 7, find the domain of (g/f)(x).

Given f(x) = \ln(13x+2) , find f'(x) and the domain of f

Determine the domain of the function f(x,y,z) = \frac{\sqrt{y{x^2 - y^2 + z^2}.

Determine the domain of the function f(x) = 9x/x^2-4.

Determine the domain of the function f(x) = \frac {4}{10x^2 - 6}.

Determine the domain for each function f(x) = 2x + 3, g(x) = x - 1.

Find f_x and f_y and graph f, f_x, and f_y with domains. f(x, y) = x^2y^3

Order from Greatest to Least -2.30 , -13/4,-3 1/8,-14/5


According to the given data we have the following numbers:

-2.30 , -13/4,-31/8,-14/5

To order from Greatest to Least the above numbers first we would have to divide the numerator by the denominator of each of the fractions so we can get the decimal number and so it would be easier to order the numbers.





Therefore, the Order from Greatest to Least of the numbers would be:


You are given the circumference of the circle and the measure of the central angle ACB. Find the length of arc AB.circumference = 36 feet; m ZACB= 40"The length of arc AB isfeet


the length of arc ACB is 4 ft


the length of an arc is given by:

[tex]l=\frac{\theta}{360\text{ \degree}}2\text{ }\pi r[/tex]

where l is the length or the arc, theta is the angle in degrees, r is the radius


Step 1

find the radius of the circle

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2\text{ }\pi r=36 \\ \text{divide boths ides by 2}\pi \\ \frac{2\text{ }\pi r}{2\text{ }\pi}=\frac{36}{2\pi} \\ r=\frac{18}{\pi} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 2

now, replace in the formula


angle= 40 °

[tex]\begin{gathered} l=\frac{\theta}{360\text{ \degree}}2\text{ }\pi r \\ l=\frac{40}{360\text{ \degree}}2\text{ }\pi(\frac{18}{\pi}) \\ L=\frac{40}{360}\cdot36 \\ l=4\text{ } \end{gathered}[/tex]

therefore, the length of arc ACB is 4 ft

I hope this helps you

The tables of ordered pairs represent some points on the graphs of Lines F and G.

Line F
x y
2 7
4 10.5
7 15.75
11 22.75

Line G
x y
-3 4
-2 0
1 -12
4 -24

Which system of equations represents Lines F and G?

1. y=1.75x+3.5
2. same as 1 but -8 is -2
3. 1.75 and 3.5 are switched
4. 2 and 3 combined


The system of equation that represents lines F and G is (1) y = 1.75x + 3.5, y = -4x-8

To find the system of equation, we will put the values given tables in the equation given in the options.

For option (1)

y = 1.75x + 3.5   (For line F)

let's take the point (2,7) and put in the equation,

y = 1.75*2 + 3.5

  = 3.5 +0.35

  = 7

which is true.

Hence, (2,7) satisfies the equation.

y = -4x-8   (For line G)

lets take the point (-3,4) and put in the equation,

y = (-4)*(3) - 8

  = 12 - 8

  = 4

which is true.

Hence, (-3,4) satisfies the equation.

Therefore, Equation for line F is y = 1.75x + 3.5 and equation for line G is y = -4x-8.

Learn more about system of equation on:




1 Lola collects blood donations at a clinic. 7/16 of the donations are of Type 0, 3/8 are of Type A, and 1/16 are Type AB. The remaining are Type B. What part of the blood donations are Type B?





From the diagram, if we sum up all the parts, we have:


We solve the equation above for n.

The lowest common multiple of 16 and 8 = 16




[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{14}{16}+n=1 \\ n=1-\frac{14}{16} \\ n=\frac{16-14}{16} \\ n=\frac{2}{16} \\ n=\frac{1}{8} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The value of n is 1/8.

Given cos = 0.9528, find .



[tex]\cos \theta=0.9528[/tex]

To find the value of θ,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \cos \theta=0.9528 \\ \theta=\cos ^{-1}(0.9528) \\ \theta=17.6739^{\circ} \end{gathered}[/tex]

After watching some fish 40 feet below the surface of the water, a scuba diver went up 15 feet to explore a coral reef Use a number line to help you create an equation that shows the location of the coral reef in relation to the water's surface. mo Interpret the sum in the context of the problem A. The equation is -40 (-16) 28 The coral reef is 5 feet belo the water's surface


First he was 40 feet below surface, so he was at -40 feet

The he went up 15, so now he is -40 + 15 = -25, that means 25 feet below surface

So the right equation is D and for the line:

The two shorter sides of a right triangle measure 18 ft and 24 ft. What is the measure in feet of the third side? 


We have that in a right triangle, the larger side is the hypothenuse since the sum of the others angles must be equal to 90. Thus, we can apply the Pythagorean Theorem to solve this question.

The legs of the triangle are a = 18 ft, b = 24 ft, and c = ?.

Then, applying the Pythagorean Theorem, we have (without using units):

[tex]c^2=a^2+b^2\Rightarrow c^2=(18)^2+(24)^2\Rightarrow c^2=324+576\Rightarrow c^2=900[/tex]

Then, taking the square root to both sides of the equation, we have:

[tex]\sqrt[]{c^2}=\sqrt[]{900}\Rightarrow c=30[/tex]

Then, the measure of the third side (hypothenuse) is c = 30 ft.

Bob bought a $800 TV on sale for $650. What is the percent he saved?




Step-by-step explanation:

Since you want to know what percent he saved, first you have to figure out how much he saved.

800 - 650 = 150

Then to find the percent, find how much 150 is of 800.

[tex]\frac{150}{800} = 0.1875[/tex]

Since we're finding a percentage, multiply by a 100.

0.1875 × 100 = 18.75%

If it said to round, the answer would be 19%, but it doesn't, so keep it at 18.75%.

Ivan took out a loan for 6700 that charges an annual rate of 9.5% compounded quarterly. Answer each part.


We will have the following:

a) The amount after one year will be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=6700(1+\frac{0.095}{4})^{4\ast1}\Rightarrow A=7359.53647... \\ \\ \Rightarrow A\approx7359.54 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the amount after 1 year will be approximately $7359.54.

b) The effective annual interest rate will be:

[tex]eair=(1+\frac{0.095}{4})^4-1\Rightarrow eair=0.0984382791...[/tex]

So, the effective annual interest rate will be approximately 9.84%.

For the following set of data, find the number of data within 1 population standarddeviation of the mean.68, 68, 70, 61, 67, 71, 63, 67


Given the following set of numbers,

[tex]68,\text{ 68, 70, 61, 67, 71, 63, 67}[/tex]

Where the (n) number of data is 8, the mean is,


The standard deviation is 3.36

Hence, the interval that is 1 population within the mean is given by


Of all the data only 71, 61, and 63 are not an element of the interval (63.52,70.24)

The total number of data is 8.

Hence, the total number of data within 1 standard deviation of the mean is 5

Find an equation for the perpendicular bisector of the line segment whose endpoints are (-2,1) and (-6,5)


[tex]y\text{ = x + 7}[/tex]

Here, we want to find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of th line segment with the given endpoints

We start by calculating the slope of the line segment

Mathematically, we can have that as;

[tex]\begin{gathered} m\text{ = }\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1} \\ \\ m\text{ = }\frac{5-1}{-6-(-2)}=\text{ }\frac{4}{-4}\text{ = -1} \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, we have the slope of the line as -1

Mathematically, the slopes of two lines which are perpendicular to each other have a product of -1


[tex]\begin{gathered} m_2\text{ }\times\text{ (-1) = -1} \\ \\ m_2\text{ = 1} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, we need the midpoint segment coordinates as it is the point through which the perpendicular bisector will pass through

We can get these coordinates using the mid-point formula

That will be;

[tex]\begin{gathered} (x,y)\text{ = (}\frac{x_2+x_1}{2},\frac{y_2+y_1}{2}) \\ \\ (x,y)\text{ = (}\frac{-2-6}{2},\frac{1+5}{2}) \\ \\ (x,y)\text{ = (-4,3)} \end{gathered}[/tex]

So we use the point-slope formula to get the equation

That will be;

[tex]\begin{gathered} y-y_1=m(x-x_1) \\ y-3\text{ = 1(x+4)} \\ y-3\text{ = x + 4} \\ y\text{ = x + 4 + 3} \\ y\text{ = x + 7} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Jeremiah can drink 64 fluid ounces of coffee in 4 days. How many Quarts of coffee can he drink in 1 hour.help explain please:)


1 quart = 32 fluid ounces

Therefore, 64 fluid ounces = 2 quarts

Jeremiah can drink these 2 quarts in 4 days meaning he drinks

[tex]2\frac{\text{quarts}}{4\text{days }}=0.5\frac{\text{quarts}}{\text{days}}[/tex]

Now, there are 24 hours in a day; therefore, the number of quarts Jeremiah drinks in 1 hour is


or in decimal form, this is 0.021 quarts in an hour.

In ∆QRS, q =370 cm, r =910 cm and


using cosine rule

[tex]\begin{gathered} s^2=r^2+q^2-2rq\cos S \\ s^2=910^2+370^2-2\times910\times370\cos 31 \\ s^2=828100+136900-336700\times0.8571673007 \\ s^2=965000-288608.230146 \\ s^2=676391.769854 \\ s=\sqrt[]{676391.769854} \\ s=822.430404262 \\ s=822\operatorname{cm} \end{gathered}[/tex]

which price below has the same unit rate as 3 cans for $ 1.98? Select All That Apply●6 cans for $4.00 ●5 cans for $5.90●2 cans for $1.32 ●4 cans for $3.60


Divide the price of 3 cans over 3 to find the unit rate:


Perform the same operation with the other rates to find which of them have the same unit rate:

6 cans for$4.00


5 cans for %5.90


2 cans for $1.32


4 cans for $3.60


Therefore, the only one which has the same rate as 3 cans for $1.98 is 2 cans for 1.32

Marisol wants to buy a backpack from the Gucci store. Gucci ishaving a sale of 45% off the regular price. If the regular price of aGucci backpack is $1375.23, then what will the new sale price beafter the discount of 45% is applied?


Regular price = $1375.23

Discount = 45% of Regular price

The discount = 45% of $1375.23

= 45/100 x $1375.23

= 0.45 x $1375.23

Discount = $ 618.85

But Sale price = Regular price - Discount

Sale price = $1375.23 - $618.85

Sale price = $756.38

Hence, the new sale price after the discount of 45% is applied is $756.38

Maria drove 871 miles in 13 hrs. At the same rate, how many miles would she drive in 8 hours?


Given data: Distance= 871 and time =13 hrs

Required: Find the distance

Method: Find the speed first and then get the distance

Step 1: Find the average speed

[tex]\text{speed}=\frac{\text{distance covered}}{\text{time taken}}[/tex][tex]\text{speed}=\frac{871}{13}=67\text{ miles/hour}[/tex]

Step 2: Find the distance to be covered in 8 hours

[tex]\text{Distance}=\text{ spe}ed\text{ x time taken}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Distance}=67\text{ miles/hour x 8 hours } \\ \text{Distance =536 miles} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, Maria will drive 536 miles in 8 hours

Round 6,752 to the nearest ten and nearest hundred.


Given the number:


i) Round to the nearest ten:

To round to nearest ten means to rou

U. 3y2 +y-1
G. X-3
D. 2k2+8k+15+
1. 3k +16 +-14
R X-1
Y. x2-3x +4 +
E. X+4
M. x2-8x +24 +-68
T. y2 – 8y +12
1 2 3
4 5
6 7
13 14



After solving the numbers in front of the letters, we have:

A=4 ,B=14, C=2, D=6, E=1, F=15, G=17, H=27, I=33, J=3, K=40,L=22, M=5

N=19, O=11, P=16, Q=24, R=0, S=12, T=32, U=75, V=18, W=7, X=20, Y=35, Z=36

Now, we will match these numbers to the letters to form words.

4,16,0,33,22: APRIL

12,27,11,7,1,0,12: SHOWERS

5,4,35: MAY

15,22,11,7,1,0,12: FLOWERS

4,19,6: AND

1,18,1,0,35,32,27,33,19,17,12: EVERYTHING

33,19: IN

Victoria spends the two spinners shown 500 times solve a percent equation to predict the number of times the sum is less than or equal to 3. Enter the correct answers in the boxes.


Given t spinners :

The first has the numbers : from 1 to 5

The second has the numbers : from 1 to 3

So, the sum is less than or equal to 3 can get if the two spinners give 1 or 2

So, the probability to get 1 or 2 from the first spinner = 2/5

And the probability to get 1 or 2 from the second spinner = 2/3

So, total probability = 2/5 * 2/3 = 4/15 = 26.66%

She spends the two spinners 500 times

So, the equation will be :


Solve for x:


So, the number of times = 133

Solve the following exponential equation. Express irrational solutions in exact form and as a decimal rounded to three decimal places. 4^-x=2.6What is the exact answer? Select the correct choice below and, if necessary, fill in the answer box to complete your choice.A. The solution set { } (simplify your answer. type an exact answer)B. There is no solution




To solve for x:

Taking log on both sides

[tex]\begin{gathered} \log 4^{-x}=\log 2.6 \\ -x\log 4=\log 2.6 \\ -x=\frac{\log 2.6}{\log 4} \\ -x=0.689255811 \\ x=-0.689255811 \\ x\approx-0.689 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the value of x is -0.689 (rounded to three decimal places).

What is The percent increase of 78 to 124


The percent increase of 78 to 124 is: 58.97%

[tex]\frac{\text{ Final value }-\text{ Initial value}}{\text{ Initial value}}\cdot100=\frac{124-78}{78}=58.97\text{ \%}[/tex]

rounded to the nearest percent is 59%

Your statistics class has 26 students in it - 14 girls and 12 boys. Your teacher uses a calculator to select two students at random to solve a problem on the board. Given that the second student chosen is a girl, what is the probability that the first student was also a girl?


The probability that the first student was also a girl is 0.175.

What is probability?

Probability is the occurence of likely events. It is the area of mathematics that deals with numerical estimates of the likelihood that an event will occur or that a statement is true.

The fraction of choosing a girl will be:

= Number of girls / Number of students

= 14 / 26

= 7/13

Therefore, the probability of having both girls will be:

= 7/16 × 6/15

= 0.175

The probability is 0.175.

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=● RATIOS, PROPORTIONS, AND PERCENTSFinding the principal, rate, or time of a simple interest loan or...Try AgainYour answer is incorrect.Alonzo borrowed $800 from a lender that charged simple interest at an annual rate of 9%. When Alonzo paid off the loan, he paid $216 in interest. How longwas the loan for, in years?If necessary, refer to the list of financial formulas. I need help with this math problem please.


The simple interest rate formula is:


To find the total amount We add:


To find the total of years We can clear the t variable in the equation like this:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{A}{P}-1=rt \\ \frac{\frac{A}{P}-1}{r}=t \end{gathered}[/tex]

So We will find the time as follows:


The loan was for 3 years.

Given R(I, y) = (-y, z) and the point Qt1, 0), what is R(Q)?R(Q)


Given that R(x, y) = (-y, x)

This is a transformation.

We want to find R(Q)

The point Q is given as:

Q = (1, 0)

This means that x = 1 and y = 0

Therefore, for R(Q):

-y = -0 = 0

x = 1


R(Q) = (-y, x) = (0, 1)

To find the height of a display in a museum, a person place a mirror on the ground 35ft from the display. Then he stepped back 5ft so he could see the top of the display. His eyes were about 5'4" from the ground. What is the height of the display?(ill send the image because it was to big)


Now let's calculate the angle of the first triangle. We will use the tangent function because we have information from the opposite side and the adjacent side.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \tan \theta=\frac{5\text{ ft 4''}}{5\text{ ft}} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \theta=\tan ^{-1}(1.0666) \\ \theta=46.84\text{ degree} \end{gathered}[/tex]

With this angle we can calculate the height of the display. Again we will use the tangent function.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \tan (46.84)=\frac{x}{35} \\ x=35\cdot\tan (46.84) \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]x=37.33\text{ ft}[/tex]

The answer would be 37.33 ft the height of the display

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