14 pts!! Find one please
1) Which of the following parts of a paragraph provides proof to the claim made in topic sentence?
1. Topic Sentence
2. Set the Scene
3. Evidence
4. Commentary
5. Concluding Sentence

2) Which of the following parts of a paragraph summarizes main points and wraps up paragraph.
1. Topic Sentence
2. Set the Scene
3. Evidence
4. Commentary
5. Concluding Sentence


Answer 1


evidnce and concluding sentence


Answer 2


i think ur answer would be 3.) evidence and  5.) concluding sentence

hope this helps


also hey ivy

Related Questions

Read the poem; then answer the question that follows.

"Rain in the Summer"
by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

How beautiful is the rain!
After the dust and heat,
In the broad and fiery street,
In the narrow lane,

How beautiful is the rain!
How it clatters along the roofs,
Like the tramp of hoofs
How it gushes and struggles out
From the throat of the overflowing spout!

What is the rhyme scheme of the second stanza? _______



"how it clatters along the roofs, like the tramp of hoofs."


6. Did Father's dream "really happen? Does he think so?



Im pretty sure his dream really happen


Watch the movie Ive watched it:)

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A. Juliet still loves him.
B. Romeo is banished, not sentenced to death.
C. Tybalt is dead.
D. Benvolio survived the sword fight.



Option a) Juliet still loves him

is the answer

Which effect do authors hope to create on a novel's first pages, to keep readers reading?







I would say option B) suspense.


But not 100% sure. I'm so sorry if my answer is wrong. Tried to help to the best of my Knowledge.




I have an assignment where I have to write a situation where two people are arguing about something, and two different scenarios: one where it’s an immature, bad argument that ends badly, and another where they’re mature about it. I’m sick right now and really can’t think of anythinggg. I’ll give brainliest. Ty <3



Ram: plz... be polite with elders you are very rude.

syam: he is sitting in my beach. how dare he.

Ram: he is old plz give him the sit.

syam : why I should give him my seat?

Ram : bcoz their is no other place to sit.and he is a asthma patient.he is having a inhaler.

syam: I am also tired . I also need to sit.

Ram: you are a young man you can stand for a while but he is a old man plz try to understand.

syam: whatever I am leaving.

old man : thank you

Ram: no problem grandpa. bye I am leaving take care grandpa


_____ is the repetition of a stanza after every verse throughout a poem.

A. A lyric

B. A chorus

C. A rhyme

D. Alliteration



B. A chorus


Why did African Americans leave the south after the civil war


The Great Migration was the relocation of more than 6 million African Americans from the rural South to the cities of the North, Midwest and West from about 1916 to 1970. Driven from their homes by unsatisfactory economic opportunities and harsh segregationist laws, many Black Americans headed north, where they took advantage of the need for industrial workers that arose during the First World War. During the Great Migration, African Americans began to build a new place for themselves in public life, actively confronting racial prejudice as well as economic, political and social challenges to create a Black urban culture that would exert enormous influence in the decades to come.

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where we live I do believe


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b. they suggest the happy prince statue actually is not very happy
c. they create an eerie atmosphere to Indicate the statue is haunted
d. they indicate that the town leader plans to steal the happy prince statue​








jason reynolds commencement speech





full question please.

The graphic organizer we use to plan for an essay is called ____


a roughdraft?

have a good day

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Peter when he said he wanted both of them to be his


Answer: ummm i- forgot im so so so srry



I MET a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert ... Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage [face] lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which still survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Select one piece of evidence that supports the situational irony of the poem.

A Nothing beside remains

B I met a traveler

C Its sculptor well those passions read





B I met a traveler

B I met a traveler

ANSWER ASAP thank you


Metaphor, memory is being compared to a painting

what does this sentence demonstrate

I took swimming lessons at church camp, although I already know how to swim

A condition relationship expressed by the conjunction

a subcornating conjunction

an adverb phrase

all of the above

plz help​


all of the above is the correct answer


a subcornating conjunction


a condition relationship expressed by the conjunction, a subordinating conjunction, an adverb claus


Emojis were first invented in Japan in the 1990s. These days, most people use Emojis. There are almost 2,000 of them! You
can find an Emoji for almost anything. They let people express ideas with pictures. They can be a lot of fun and a good way to show someone how you feel without using words. Also, they help people say what they mean with less effort, which is a good thing. Even young kids who don’t know how to read yet can understand them.

Use the RACE strategy to answer the following question, using the checklist as you write.
Why does the author think Emojis are good? Explain using reasons from the text.



The author definitely think emojis are good. The author said "They can be a lot of fun and a good way to show someone how you feel without using words." which expresses she/he likes emojis very much!

(P.S. My twin is here, so we are gonna have the same answer. Her username is eternalvanimelda27!) And I don't understand the 'race mode' means.


The author thinks emojis are good because: they are a lot of fun, they help you say what you mean, and they help little kids read. The author also states that emojis are "a good way to show someone how you feel without using words.".


This is what I wrote when I did this lesson. Does anyone know if it is: .". or ." or just ". even if the quote ends in a period??

Are phones getting in the way of having real face-to-face conversations? Do you find yourself — or others — reading texts or Googling instead of really paying attention?



yes I do. Phones are A boon and a curse

in some ways yes phones can get into the way of having a normal conversation with anyone in the real world today, some people today lack basic social skills needed in this world, for example a job interview or giving a speech, but some people rely on their phone so much that they lack that basic social skill to get them started in the real world today. Also people are so obsessed with the phone that they text while driving or talk on the phone which can lead to a very serious car wreck that could kill anyone. People need to start putting their phones down in order to make it in the real world today.

Please help me !! Pls



there aint no question


How have people been treated unfairly in the past?(PLEASE TRY TO DO 3+ SENTENCES PLEASE THANK YOU)


In the past, women were treated inferior to men.
In the past, kids were forced to work.
In the past, Jewish people were killed for no reason.

what is the Authors point of view of the Gettysburg address



We need the passage





I believe these are the answers:

1: B

2: A

3: C


4: A

5: B

6: A

I am truly sorry if I didn't get any correct, but I'm wishing the best of luck to you.

Also, after some times has passed after two people answer a question, you can then mark brainliest on a person.

B. give your own version (paraphrase) and the following essays.
1. The american language is one of the treasures we have received from our ancestors. It serves as an instrument for national understanding and bridge to good relationships. As a citizen of the american country and steadfastly american our own language should be preserved for future generations. It is a habit of using and proud wherever we arrive. Always remember that the language symbolises our american



The American language is something that has been passed down from generation to generation we use it as a tool for communication. That's one who lives in the American country . and unwavering our language should be preserved for use of more generations to come. should always be proud of your language as it shows your American patriotism

In the printing business, giant stamps that are used to create multiple copies of text are called: boutiques, graphics, printing plates, computer pressses



printing plates


Printing Plates.

I will let you know if it is correct, or you can let me know!

Credit to the person above me:-)

Choose the fact from the statements below. a. Everyone should start eating kale. b. My auntie makes the most delicious pancakes. c. The sun set over the mountains. d. His tuxedo was a little too fancy for the party.



c. The sun set over the mountains.


A fact is information about something which is seen or proven to be true. It cannot be a whimsical expression or something that one wishes, but more of a known occurrence. A fact is the opposite of fiction.

Among the given statements, the only statement that is a fact is sentence c. The setting of the sun over the mountains is a known fact and also has occurred and is still occurring, with many people who have seen and enjoyed it.

On the other hand, the other statements are based on a personal expression about something or the other.

Thus, the correct answer is option c.

please help its due in 10 min
Read the excerpt from Lord of the Flies.

“Ralph! Stop laughing like that. Look, there ain’t no need, Ralph! What’s the others going to think?”

At last Ralph stopped. He was shivering.



"That was Simon."

"You said that before."



"That was murder."

"You stop it!" said Piggy, shrilly. "What good’re you doing talking like that?”

Question 1
Part A

What decision do Ralph and Piggy make in the excerpt?

They agree to pretend that Simon has simply run off.

They decide to blame Simon for pretending to be the beast.

They agree to pretend that they were not part of the incident.

They decide to tell Jack that he must stop hunting the island's pigs.
Question 2
Part B

How does the decision in Part A affect the way readers view Ralph and Piggy?

It makes it clear to readers how deeply ashamed of their actions they are.

It demonstrates to readers that Ralph and Piggy are admirable figures.

It shows readers that Ralph and Piggy are exactly like Jack.

It indicates to readers that Ralph and Piggy are not responsible for Simon's death.



part A is they agree to pretend that they were not part of the incident.

part B is it makes it clear to readers how deeply ashamed of their actions they are.


Part A. They agree to pretend that they were not part of the incident.

Part B. They agree to pretend that Simon has simply run off.

What is the Lord of the Flies really about?

Results of images of Road of the Fly. In an interview with the author stated that the novel was about the importance of the rule of law. It was also about human complexity. My dad was very distrustful of simple decisions. He gave Jack some good qualities and ensured that he was attractive.

Lord of the Flies is a 1954 novel by Nobel Prize-winning British author William Golding. The plot is about a group of British boys stuck on an uninhabited island, and after parents oppose, miserable attempts at autonomy are removed from all schools According to ALA, this novel is black. For the use of racial blasphemy in books, saying they are injured

Learn more about Lord of the Flies here: https://brainly.com/question/27877138


Which choices provide the BEST analysis of the author's reason for structuring the first paragraph as he did? (Choose all that apply) es A) He mentions God to show that he holds his duty as president in high regard B) He speaks of God to show that he will be more of a political leader than a religious one. He gives a discussion of freedom in the beginning to signal his victory and to taunt the opposing side. D) He opens with a discussion of freedom to show that he is not only concerned with is victory in the election. E) He closes the paragraph with the number of years since the beginning of the country to show that times need to change.​



His people believed that he gained his victories because he had the sword of Tiew, which a herdsman chanced to find where the god had allowed it to fall.

The choices that provide the analysis of the author's reason for structuring the first paragraph as he did include A and D.

What is text structure?

Text structure simply means the way that a text is organized to convey the theme and central idea effectively.

In this case, the choices that provide the analysis of the author's reason for structuring the first paragraph as he did ate that he mentions God to show that he holds his duty as president in high regard and he opens with a discussion of freedom to show that he is not only concerned with is victory in the election.

Learn more about structures on:


Which of these is not a traditional category used in an index? A. Parts of speech
B. Events
C. Concepts that are important
D. Names of places


The answer is b I think I pretty sure

In what ways can Earthens be manipulated by the Lunars from what we see in Chapter 19



Dr. Erland explains that the chips can be sold off illegally for people who want a new identity—like Lunars who have escaped Luna and fled to Earth. Cinder says that this makes it sound like they’re escaping a prison, and Dr. Erland says that they are. Cinder is suspicious of these “savages” coming to Earth and manipulating Earthens.

What figurative language is "Abraham Lincoln, what would you say today?"
A: simile
b: apostrophe
c: metaphor
d : allusion


D because allusion means referencing someone or something, in this case Abraham Lincoln




they're talking to a dead person

I really need help Five Stars 20 points


we would have to know what part A and B are so we could answer it, also u can just click submit it wont count it wrong. have a great day :)

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