10 people that influenced sam in the book the pact ?


Answer 1

I recall that Sam's mother and Reggie, his Kung Fu instructor, were major influences on him.

Related Questions

How does Walt Whitman portray the workers in his poem "I Hear America
• A. As weak
B. As angry
• C. As desperate
D. As happy


Walt Whitman portray the workers in his poem "I Hear America

Singing as Happy.

What is Whitman's message about America?

Sees daughters, sons as equals, heart. He adores America as a "magnificent, sane, towering, sedentary mother" who "presides over unshakable time."

Was Walt Whitman a Transcendentalist?

Walt Whitman, a 19th-century American journalist and poet, was a major player in the American transcendentalist movement, combining realism with transcendentalism to make his poetry more accessible to all. . That is, he glorified everyone's nature and self-sufficiency, but he wrote in a very accessible way. Born in Long Island, New York on May 31, 1819, the first chapter of his life was devoted to his printing business, where his love of literature began. Until Whitman was published as a poet at the age of 36, he worked in different fields, different people, and different places. He worked in the fields of printing, education, and journalism, and co-founded his own abolitionist newspaper in Brooklyn.

Therefore, Option D is correct. Walt Whitman portray the workers in his poem "I Hear America Singing as Happy.

To know more about Walt Whitman portray, visit:



Apply knowledge of context clues to determine the connotative and denotative meanings of the word "might" in paragraph 4.




would have,


it is used to explain oneself

What does the simile add to the passage? Choose two answers.

a description of the Cyclops’ home
a comparison between Odysseus and his men
an image of helplessness
a visual image of the Cyclops’ pets
a comparison between the men and innocent animals


The simile that can be added to the passage are as follow:

An image of helplessness

A comparison between the men and innocent animals

Hence, Options C and E are correct.

What does comparison mean?

Comparison or comparing is the act of assessing two or more items by identifying their pertinent, comparable features, and then identifying which of those traits are similar to, and which are distinct from, the other and to what extent.

It is possible to compare two entities using the comparative form. When three or more things are being compared.

Therefore, Options C and E are correct.

Learn more about comparison from here:



The complete question has been attached in text form:

Read the excerpt from part 2 of the Odyssey.

Neither reply nor pity came from him, but in one stride he clutched at my companions and caught two in his hands like squirming puppies to beat their brains out, spattering the floor.

What does the simile add to the passage? Check all that apply.

a description of the cyclops’ home

a comparison between odysseus and his men

an image of helplessness

a visual image of the cyclops’ pets

a comparison between the men and innocent animals


C & E are the answer  


EDGE 2023!!

Which detail best supports the idea that the
American Dream has not been a reality for all
people in the U.S.?


The American dream is the idea that everyone may achieve their own definition of success in a society where everyone has the opportunity for upward mobility, regardless of where they were born or what class they belonged to.

Due to everyone having the same opportunities, the American dream is made achievable. For some, this dream is merely a fantasy that cannot come true. The American dream is not simple to achieve, but it is very doable with passion, effort, and dedication. The American dream is the idea that anyone can achieve their own definition of success in a society where everyone has the opportunity for upward mobility, regardless of where they were born or what class they belonged to.

Because some people had to overcome social challenges to go from nothing to something, the American dream is alluring. The opportunity to create a prosperous business is the ideal. This poem discusses the American Dream and how quickly it may be snatched away from African-Americans. They don't know where it was taken from or when they will get it back. This poem's overall message is that.

Learn more about American Dream here https://brainly.in/question/39407932


The American dream is the idea that everyone may achieve their own definition of success in a society where everyone has the opportunity for upward mobility, regardless of where they were born or what class they belonged to.

Due to everyone having the same opportunities, the American dream is made achievable. For some, this dream is merely a fantasy that cannot come true. The American dream is not simple to achieve, but it is very doable with passion, effort, and dedication. The American dream is the idea that anyone can achieve their own definition of success in a society where everyone has the opportunity for upward mobility, regardless of where they were born or what class they belonged to.

Because some people had to overcome social challenges to go from nothing to something, the American dream is alluring. The opportunity to create a prosperous business is the ideal. This poem discusses the American Dream and how quickly it may be snatched away from African-Americans. They don't know where it was taken from or when they will get it back. This poem's overall message is that.

Learn more about American Dream here https://brainly.in/question/39407932


the ox bow incident: What kind of influence does Ma Griner have on the men?


In the Oxbow incident, Ma Griner (Jenny) had a personality influence over the men.

What is influence?

Influence is the ability to positively or negatively affect people in one or multiple ways. In return, people respond to you.

Ma Griner was a tough and bulky woman. She is noticeably stronger than a lot of men in her community, and she engages in tasked that are conventionally for men. She can vocal, and assertive. She loves justice but most importantly, she can dish out a healthy amount of Jokes. Therefore, she is fun to be with.

Much of her influence comes from her strength, how she handles herself, and the way runs her business. She is not exactly a domineering person, but she is equally not a subservient woman.

Learn more about influence here:



The authors of both “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?” and Barracoon: The Story of the Last “Black Cargo” use writing to shed light as well as offer commentary on the institution of slavery. For each text, summarize what the author wants his or her audience to understand about the inherent brutality of slavery and what content or rhetorical choices the author makes to convey this message. Support your response with textual evidence.


We can summarize what the author wants and the rhetorical choices each author makes concerning the two texts as seen further below:

When it comes to "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?" the author's purpose is to question America's notion of freedom. To do so, Frederick Douglass employs logos, pathos and ethos, that is, he appeals to logic, emotions and credibility. Douglass makes it clear that asking a former slave like himself to make a speech celebrating the Fourth of July is quite ironic, since he and other slaves do not know freedom like white people do.For "Barracoon: The Story of the last 'Black Cargo'" the author's purpose is to inform and enlighten readers on the story of a man, Cudjoe Lewis, one of the very few living survivors of the Atlantic traffic of slaves. Nora Zeale Hurston also makes use of pathos and ethos, relying on Lewis's memories and feelings. We can also say that her use of vernacular is an important rhetorical strategy to make readers feel as if they are talking to Lewis themselves.

What is a summary?

We can define summary is a shortened version of a text. To summarize a text, all we must do is restate the most important ideas presented in it. The two summaries above briefly recount the most important ideas in "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?", a speech by Frederick Douglass, as well as "Barracoon: The Story of the Last 'Black Cargo'", by Zora Neale Hurston.

What are rhetorical choices?

Rhetorical choices refer to devices and techniques employed by authors with the purpose of persuading their audience or of making their speeches or texts more enthralling. Some of the most famous and common rhetorical devices are ethos, pathos and logos, which are, respectively, an appeal to ethics and credibility, to feelings or emotions, and to logic or reasoning.

Learn more about summaries here:



Chapter 8 - "Las Almendras" Esperanza Rising

Reread the first full paragraph on page 132. Identify the simile or metaphor that Marta and her friends use to describe the workers. How do the story events in this section support the simile/metaphor Marta has chosen?
please help me I'm struggling so much!


When holding up a kitten, Marta states  “This is what we are.”  in Chapter 8 of Esperanza Rising, "Las Almendras," that's a metaphor.

The Esperanza Rising takes place between two pivotal historical moments in the 20th century. The first is the aftermath and late years of the Mexican Revolution, which began in 1910 and set off a period of uprising, civil war, and conflict between Mexico's wealthy landowners and its poorer masses.

The murder of Esperanza's affluent rancher father by "bandits" is therefore hinted to as a politically motivated attack, symbolically expressing the animosity, jealously, and rage directed at landowners at the time.

To learn more about Esperanza Rising here:



answers to "up-hill" A poem by Christina Rossetti newsela


Christina Rossetti experienced hardship in her life, and her poem Up-hill seems to reflect her viewpoint on the subject.

It envisions a discussion that is described in a way that the reader may easily hear one side or the other originating from their own mental process, and relate to it either way. It should not come as a surprise that Rossetti's poem and the word "an uphill fight" are both still highly relevant today because "an uphill battle" is a frequent idiom that probably inspired the title of Rossetti's work.Up-hill is written in a typical poetic form, having four verses that each include four lines. It is noteworthy because Up-hill is written from the perspectives of two different narrators, one of whom poses questions and the other who responds. The piece's straightforward rhyming structure makes it easy to keep these narrators apart from one another.

Thus this is about the poem Up-hill by Christina Rossetti.

Refer here to learn more about Up-hill: https://brainly.com/question/3649183


what are the importance of peace and stability​




The nuance between “peace and security” and “peace and stability” seems to be that the former refers to national security in the international situation while the latter mainly refers to individual security within a nation, although there is a connection between them.

In the absence of peace, education and health structures break down, systems to provide infrastructure disintegrates, and legal commerce is crippled. Critically, peace also frees up resources, both financial and human, that would otherwise be diverted to controlling (or creating) violence.

Living and spending time in a loving, secure and stable environment is incredibly important for all of us. We all want to feel like we belong, and that we are loved and cared for and this is especially important for children and young people who are unable to live with their own families.

e relief
1. Which statement best explains Henry's character development?
As a young child Henry is slow to display his speech, but he soon
proves to be inquisitive and intelligent. Ultimately, he grows into a
compassionate boy.
From a silent and troublesome child, Henry develops into a precocious,
Irreverent young man. He becomes a social outcast and finds solace in
feeding animals.
Henry begins his life as the center of attention with his parents, but he
eventually loses their approval. He becomes more and more withdrawn
into his own world.


First option is correct. The statement which best explains Henry's character development is - as a young child Henry is slow to display his speech, but he soon proves to be inquisitive and intelligent. Ultimately, he grows into a compassionate boy.

About Character Development

Any work of fiction must depict realistic character development with such a compelling character arc in order to mirror actual life. These characters must also possess believable personality features that develop as the character does. Although if a central character is just a cat, or tree, or any other nonhuman object, stories are about people. Since a story's humanity is what each reader can relate to, outstanding storytellers will benefit from strong character development. A compelling character development and strong character traits give a story life and provide the reader new perspectives.

To know more about central character:



Question 6(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
(05.01 MC)
With which of the following statements would René Descartes likely agree?
The mind and body cannot be separated, therefore physical illness and mental illness cannot be separated.
The mind and body can be separated, therefore physical illness and mental illness can be treated differently.
Physical illness is more serious than mental illness and deserves prompt attention.
Mental illness is more serious than physical illness and deserves prompt attention.


Answer: With which of the following statements would René Descartes likely agree?

B. The mind and body can be separated, therefore physical illness and mental illness can be treated differently.


René Descartes was a philosopher who believed in the separation of the mind and the body. He believed that the mind and body were separate entities that interacted with each other. According to Descartes, the body was a machine-like entity that could be studied through scientific means, while the mind was a non-physical substance that could not be studied in the same way. This concept is known as mind-body dualism.In terms of physical and mental illness, Descartes would likely believe that they could be treated differently because they affect different aspects of the individual. Physical illness affects the body, while mental illness affects the mind. Therefore, he would not consider them as the same thing that cannot be separated.

Learn more about Descartes here: https://brainly.com/question/33238643.

I have been asking for help for hours and no one helps me




"New York", underline twice "home to the""Figure of a woman with a torch", underline twice "stands at the entrance""holds a tablet", underline twice: "in her left hand""7 rays", underline twice: "surround her""broken chains", Twice: "At her feet"weighs 225 tons, twice: the statueGave the statue to the united states, twice people of Franceoccurred in 1886, twice a formal presentationMajor repairs, twice: made to the statue in the 1980s.Visit this famous lady, tourists from around the world

Sorry if this is incorrect I don't remember learning the same thing but from what is says to do this is my best guess : )

Write an interesting story that ends with"unfortunately, I realized that my friend was a wolf in a sheep's clothing"​


I was in the 8th grade, when I met one of my best friends. She was really nice to me at first, and invited me to lunch with her other friends. She always invited me to events, and let me sleep over a lot. One day, I was inside the bathroom stall, when I heard her talking to her friend. She was talking about how she was using me. That's how I unfourtunatly discovered that my "friend" was a wold in a sheeps clothing.

                            hope this is good enough, and helps~ <3

I realized that my friend was a wolf in a sheep's clothing"​ state that the person was sweet in the front but was actually bad and was pretending all this time.

What is a story?

The underlying message of a story is referred to as the theme. It is the point the author is attempting to make with the tale. A story's topic is frequently a general lesson of life. A story's topic is significant because it plays a role in the author's motivation for crafting the narrative.

The moral is that those who commit acts of evil receive harm by their very own ways. Despite appearances, an individual or entity that appears to be excellent is actually quite bad

These are the folks that are confident in what they want and do not hesitate to pursue it. They are self-assured yet nevertheless aware of their shortcomings. They may not only join if they agree with you.

Learn more about story, here:



Which synonym best replaces the word solemn in the passage below (paragraph 21)? “Was this her blue period?” I ask my mother. She hushes me unexpectedly, she will not play the game. I come to understand that this is a solemn call, and we stand before the glass case as we would before a grave. Answer choices for the above question A. honest B. serious C. religious D. moody


Serious is the word that replaces solemn in the passage below.

The Sioux Tribe of South Dakota forms the basis of the narrative. We know they coexisted with buffalos and the women wore garments made of buckskin. They respect the buffalo because they think it is a strong, generous creature who gave them a lot of things to help them live. Other than the significance of the buffalo and the buckskin outfit, the story didn't describe anything else.

The line, "She is so tall, a true Dakota woman; she towers against the sun like a skyscraper," struck me as the simile that was most crucial to the story when I was reading Museum Indians. According to this passage of the literature, the author's mother is unlike any other lady she has ever met or come into contact with. She places her mother on a higher pedestal than the necessity for the sun to survive.

Learn more about synonyms here https://brainly.com/question/24738769


Serious is the word that replaces solemn in the passage below.

The Sioux Tribe of South Dakota forms the basis of the narrative. We know they coexisted with buffalos and the women wore garments made of buckskin. They respect the buffalo because they think it is a strong, generous creature that gave them a lot of things to help them live. Other than the significance of the buffalo and the buckskin outfit, the story didn't describe anything else.

The line, "She is so tall, a true Dakota woman; she towers against the sun like a skyscraper," struck me as the simile that was most crucial to the story when I was reading Museum Indians. According to this passage of the literature, the author's mother is unlike any other lady she has ever met or come into contact with. She places her mother on a higher pedestal than the necessity for the sun to survive.

Learn more about synonyms here brainly.com/question/24738769


Which of the following characters are considered static characters?

There is more than one answer.

Question 1 options:

German Officers

Madame Schachter

Elie Wiesel


The character that is  considered static characters are:

Madame SchachterGerman Officers

What are static characters?

A static character  can be described as any character that do not change by the end of the story they can be considered as the characters that do not undergo change by the end of the story.

It sould be noted that Madame Schachter's character ungoes no change  with respect to the   and was a minor character however Elie, or Eliezer, serves as  protagonist of Night which was considered as  dynamic character due to the fact that it  undergoes change .

Learn more about character at:



In Maya Angelou’s poem “Caged Bird,” what does the cage represent?



It represents the feeling of being caged when she was an African American girl controlled by white supremacy and never getting the opportunity to be successful.

Hope this was helpful! :)

Sir Kay follows the code of chivalry because he


The correct answer is Sir Kay follows the code of chivalry because he honors the King and shows bravery and humility by accepting the Christmas challenge and not allowing the King to do so.

According to the moral code which is known as the Knight's Code of Chivalry, all knights have a duty to defend those who are unable to defend themselves, such as widows, children, and the elderly.

In the Middle Ages, knights had to be physically fit and skilled in order to fight in battle.

The four principles of chivalry upheld by the Knights of the Round Table—honor, honesty, courage, and loyalty—serve as the foundation of the Arthurian legend.

The purpose of the Code of Chivalry was to establish guidelines for combat so that war would be just and justified and that it served a purpose of upholding family honor.

To know more about 'Sir Kay' related questions

visit- https://brainly.com/question/15097902


What is the universal theme for Lamb to the Slaughter and The Cask of Amontillado?


Literary elements are what make a story powerful and attracts readers to continue reading in the story and in this story they highlight the universal theme of Revenge and Betrayal.

on the basis of what criteria does standiford compare and contrast the two novels? are her criteria appropriate? why or why not? what other criteria might she used?


Criteria do Standiford compare and contrast the two novels"The Fault in Our Stars" and "The Probability of Miracles" through the use of the block method.

A novel is an extended prose narrative that typically describes fictional characters and occasions in the shape of a sequential tale. It rests on the consensus that the radical is nowadays the longest style of narrative prose, followed by the novella, novelette, and quick tale.

A novel is a chunk of a long narrative in literary prose. Narrative prose is supposed to entertain and tell a tale. it's miles a description of a series of events which includes a solid of characters, a placing, and a finishing. most publishers select novels that are within the eighty,000- to a hundred and twenty,000-word variety, depending on the genre.

A unique is a piece of fiction, loosely described as clocking in at 50,000 phrases or extra—though that definition has widened to include photograph novels and novellas. Novels typically fall into three classes: literary fiction, genre fiction, and mainstream fiction.

Learn more about Novels  here:



write a sentence about your favorite movie that uses at least two pronouns.circle all the pronouns you use


The film that I enjoy the most is "Taarezameen per." It is my favorite film, and I have seen it numerous times. This film contains no shocking scenes and is suitable for people of all ages. This is my favorite film because the story is so moving. This film is both entertaining and informative. In this film, all of the characters performed admirably.

What is a pronoun?

A pronoun is defined as a word or phrase that is used to replace a noun or noun phrase known as the pronoun's antecedent. Pronouns are short words that can do everything that nouns can do and are one of the sentence's building blocks.

He, she, you, me, I, we, us, this, them, and that are common pronouns. A pronoun can function as a subject, direct object, indirect object, prepositional object, and more, and can stand in for any person, place, animal, or thing. So coffee is it, Barbara is she, Jeremy is he, and the team is they.

In this case, the pronouns are underlined above.

Learn more about pronoun on;



how is the Full Circle Everest Expedition heroic


The reason that the Full Circle Everest Expedition is heroic because the first all-Black team were known to have occupy the highest mountain's summit after huge struggle and strength.

How does the full circle Everest expedition work?

Henderson is currently putting together the Full Circle Everest Expedition, the first all-Black American team that will attempt the world's highest mountain. Each member of this team hopes to share their experiences in order to encourage others to follow in their footsteps.

Note that Jiban Ghimire, managing director at Shangri-La Nepal Treks, told the Himalayan Times that "the Full Circle Everest team led by Philip Henderson from California has made history as the first all-Black team to stand atop the summit, the highest mountain on Earth."

Learn more about Everest from


The broken clock on the wall affects the plot of the story by



By changing the feeling of the setting


A place with a broken clock can make another story

Which of the following sentences includes a non-restrictive clause?

Ronit knew that she enjoyed gardening, but she didn't realize how much she loved it until now.
Ronit learned a lot about gardening the first year at her new house.
Ronit really enjoyed gardening, so she bought a house with lots of land.
Ronit, who really enjoyed gardening, bought a house with lots of land for her dream garden.


The following sentences includes a non-restrictive clause are:

Ronit knew that she enjoyed gardening, but she didn't realize how much she loved it until now.

Ronit learned a lot about gardening the first year at her new house.

A non-restrictive clause is one that offers extraneous, unneeded details. A non-restrictive clause is only extra information that doesn't change the meaning of the phrase in any way. Non-restrictive clauses are often comma-separated and inserted into the sentence.

To know more about non-restrictive clause here



discuss about a person whom you met during one of your journeys.


A person I met during one of my trips was called Manuel and he lived with his family on an island in Lake Titicaca in Peru.

Who did I meet on one of my journey?

On a recent trip, I met a man named Manuel. He and his family lived on an island in Lake Titicaca in Peru. We stayed at his house one night and he treated us nicely. He initially picked us up in town and took us to the island in his boat. Later, he assigned us the room that corresponded to us and was attentive to our needs. Additionally, he prepared us a delicious lunch with some trout that he had caught in the lake and in the evening he offered us dinner.

The next morning he prepared us a very complete breakfast and showed us part of his island. At that time he was building a new house. Later, he called a tourist boat so that we could see a little more of the lake and in the afternoon we said goodbye to him to go to another place.

Learn more about journeys in: https://brainly.com/question/8912252


I wish that I were in charge of our town. Identify the mood


Subjunctive Mood example: "I wish I were in charge of our town." The subjunctive mood is used to express speculative situations, potential outcomes, and aspirations. It talks about Hypothetical situations.

How can you tell what a sentence's mood is?

Although mood is frequently conveyed through unique verb forms or inflections, it can also be done so with just one word or a short phrase. Grammar-wise, languages commonly distinguish between the indicative, imperative, and subjunctive moods.

Indicative, imperative, subjunctive, and infinitive are the four moods that English verbs can take. The verb's mood indicates the way or style in which a notion is articulated.

To learn more about Subjunctive Mood here:



Why is Max NOT dreading school this year?

Question 8 options:

He and Kevin will be in all of the same classes

He will be relieved to get away from Kevin

he has a new homeroom teacher.

He's going to be homeschooled


he and kevin will be in all of the same classes

Which prompt would be best addressed with a cause-and-effect structure?



Cause and effect is when one action leads to another or causes changes in something else. The civil rights movement of the 1950s led to historic changes in American laws. It changed our laws and that is cause and effect.

What central Ideas developed by Mrs.Higgins few lines in this Scene?


Pickering is enthralled by the prospect of assisting Eliza and wagers that if Higgins can pass Eliza off as a duchess at the Ambassador's garden party, he will fund the experiment.

What central Ideas in this Scene?

The action shifts to Higgins' laboratory in his Wimpole Street home. It's eleven o'clock in the morning, and Higgins has been showing Pickering some of the equipment he uses to record sounds, which can then be studied at leisure in a scientific manner. The lines are :

"By acting like children, Higgins and Pickering have

demonstrated that neither is worthy of Eliza."

Pickering admits that he impressed by Higgins' demonstration, but he hasn't been able to follow more than half of what Higgins has shown him. Mrs. Pearce, the housekeeper, enters to say that there is a strange girl downstairs, "quite a common girl," asking for the professor.

Eliza, the flower girl from the previous evening, walks in. She is now dressed in a bizarre outfit that includes three ostrich feathers in orange, sky-blue, and red. Higgins recognises her and orders her to leave because he has recorded enough of her "Lisson Grove lingo."

To learn more about central Ideas refer:



Which statement best explains how this archetype affects meaning in this poem?

This archetype shows how people react when facing powerful entities, reinforcing the idea that only a select few can handle power responsibly.
This archetype shows how people react when facing powerful entities, reinforcing the idea that only a select few can handle power responsibly.,

This archetype reinforces the main idea that power should be avoided at all costs.
This archetype reinforces the main idea that power should be avoided at all costs.,

The archetypal image of fire develops the idea that power is both terrifying and enticing.
The archetypal image of fire develops the idea that power is both terrifying and enticing.,

The archetype illustrates the majesty and beauty of uncontrollable power, developing the idea that many people want to be ruled.


Answer: Which statement best explains how this archetype impacts the meaning in this poem? This archetype compares the power of a tiger with the gentleness of a lamb; this reinforces the power and danger that the tiger poses.


DUE TMR!!!!!
Using your knowledge, experiences, and readings, write a carefully reasoned paragraph(s) in which you defend, challenge or qualify an assertion made by Golding on human nature. This should include an evaluation of Golding’s arguments and specific claims and an assessment of the reasoning. Be sure to identity any false statements and fallacious reasoning and support your claim using relevant and sufficient evidence.

I need 1 paragraph for each of these
A character that shows human beings are not fundamentally evil
An opposing claim paragraph


William Golding claimed that when people are not restrained by social conventions, human nature drives them away from reason and toward savagery.

William Golding's main arguments center on the idea that people are naturally violent and driven by desires to abuse power over others. The book depicts these power dynamics in a variety of ways and they are ubiquitous on the island.

These power dynamics are illustrated by the symbols in the book, which concentrate on two contrasting power structures: a democratic system with Ralph as the leader and a dictatorial system with Jack as the leader. The key takeaway is that a society's ethical foundation must dictate its organizational structure.

To learn more about William Golding here:



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