1. What are the differences between carbohydrates and lipids?
2. What are their similarities?​


Answer 1

The key differences are: Carbohydrates are polar and hydrophilic, which makes them easily soluble in water. Since lipids are hydrophobic and nonpolar, they do not combine with water.

Carbs are hydrophilic because of their OH bonds. OH bonds are absent in lipids. Your cells can quickly get fuel from carbohydrates, however lipids may be stored as energy in your fat tissue for later use. Lipids are a structural component of hormones and membranes as well as a source of fat-soluble vitamins.

Similarities: They all contain the element carbon since they are all organic molecules. Proteins have these three elements plus one or more of the following: nitrogen (N), Sulphur (S), or phosphorous (P). Lipids and carbohydrates both contain carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O); proteins do not (P).

Learn more about carbohydrates and lipids here:



Related Questions

The classification system developed by Linnaeus in the early 1700s divided living organisms into plant and animal kingdoms. Today, that has been expanded into five kingdoms. Which of the following inventions was most responsible for creating the need for the additional three kingdoms and why? (4 points)

The internet allowed scientists to discuss differences between organisms easily.

Genetic engineering created new species which then needed new kingdoms.

Fossil fuel-based transportation made it easier to explore and discover new species.

Microscopes made it possible to learn more about single-celled organisms.


How did Linnaeus classify living organisms in the 1700s?

In Systema Naturae, Linnaeus classified nature into a hierarchy. He proposed that there were three broad groups, called kingdoms, into which the whole of nature could fit. These kingdoms were animals, plants, and minerals. He divided each of these kingdoms into classes.

Why did Linnaeus developed a classification system?

It was developed by Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus in the 1700s. He tried to classify all living things that were known at his time. He grouped together organisms that shared obvious physical traits, such as number of legs or shape of leaves.

Living things are divided into five kingdoms:






Though scientists previously believed that domestic dogs evolved from canis ______, the gray wolf, genetic analysis indicates they actually evolved from a now extinct species.


Though scientists previously believed that domestic dogs evolved from canis lupus, the gray wolf, genetic analysis indicates they actually evolved from a now extinct species.

In other words, dogs as we know them are tamed wolves. The dog, Canis familiaris, is a direct ancestor of the grey wolf, Canis lupus. In addition to their altered behaviours, domestic dogs also differ physically from wolves in that they are typically smaller, have shorter muzzles, and have fewer teeth.Researchers examined the DNA of three canines that were discovered at 4,700–7,000-year-old archaeological sites in Germany and Ireland.

Modern European dogs are descended from the canines of antiquity. Scientists were able to date the domestication of dogs to between 20,000 and 40,000 years ago by examining the rates of change to the DNA from the earliest specimen.

Hence, modern dog are domesticated wolf.

To know more about Extinct species.



You work in a lab and you have discovered a brilliant method for targeted control of chromatin structure and remodeling on a gene-by-gene basis. you are specifically interested in modifying the transcription of oncogenes, which are genes whose overexpression can lead to cancer. Select which modifications you would make in cancer cells that are over expressing oncogenes. Check all that apply.


Modifications you would make in cancer cells that are over expressing oncogenes are Increase histone methylation while decreasing histone acetylation and phosphorylation.

It is generally known that both histone deacetylation and DNA methylation suppress gene transcription. In contrast, when histones are deacetylated by HDAC, their electrostatic contacts with DNA become stronger, resulting in relaxed chromatin that upregulates transcription. A more open conformation of chromatin is produced as a result of histone phosphorylation, which gives the histone a negative charge. As a result, it is linked to gene expression and is engaged in chromatin remodeling and DNA damage repair.

Methyltransferases and demethylases, respectively, catalyze the site-specific methylation and demethylation of histone residues. In general, transcriptional silencing marks encourage the establishment of heterochromatin while transcriptional activation markers improve the permissibility of gene transcription.

Learn more about gene modification at



How do transposable elements contribute to genome evolution?

a. They decrease the chances for recombination of genes during meiosis.

b. They carry entire genes or individual exons to new locations.

c. They maintain the function of control genes.

d. They cause unequal crossing over during meiosis.


DNA sequences known as transposable elements (TEs) have the ability to integrate into the genome at a different location within the cell of origin. Their shifting placements can occasionally cause or undo mutations, changing the genotype of the cell. Thus, option B is correct.

What role of transposable elements in genome evolution?

DNA sequences called transposable elements (TEs) can migrate around inside genomes. The transposition of TEs has been demonstrated to change regulatory networks, gene expression, and genome organization in eukaryotic organisms.

Therefore, A transposon will probably harm a gene if it inserts itself into it. The activity of a gene can be destroyed or changed via insertion into its exons, introns, or even into the surrounding DNA (which may contain promoters and enhancers).

Learn more about transposable elements here:



HELP!!!!!!!! When oxygenated blood leaves the heart through the aorta, where does it travel to next?
A. to the body
B. to the lungs
C. to the heart


Answer: b- to the lungs



When oxygenated blood leaves the heart through the aorta, it travels to the body. The aorta is the largest artery in the human body, and it carries oxygenated blood from the left ventricle of the heart to the rest of the body. The aorta branches off into smaller arteries, which distribute the oxygenated blood to the various organs and tissues of the body. This allows the cells of the body to use the oxygen in the blood to produce energy and perform essential functions.

In contrast, deoxygenated blood returns to the heart through the veins, and is then pumped to the lungs where it is oxygenated. The oxygenated blood then returns to the heart through the pulmonary artery and is pumped out to the body through the aorta. This is known as the cardiovascular system, and it is essential for maintaining the oxygen supply to the cells of the body.


Genetic variation among humans is relatively small when compared to other species. Where in the human genome does most of the diversity occur? a. in sequences that code for tRNAb. in the homeotic genes c. in the mitochondrial DNA d. in single nucleotide-polymorphisms


Single nucleotide polymorphisms of the human genome are responsible for diversity.

A single nucleotide substitution at a specific location in the genome is known as a single nucleotide polymorphism. SNPs, or single nucleotide polymorphisms, are the most prevalent form of genetic variation in humans. SNPs typically occur all over a person's DNA.  For example, an SNP could replace the nucleotide cytosine (C) with the nucleotide thymine in a specific region of DNA (T).

Many people have these variants; nevertheless, for a variation to be called an SNP, it must be present in at least 1% of the population. This SNP is responsible for that 0.1% difference in human DNA to cause diversity.

To know more about SNPs:



arrange the primary brain vesicles in the correct anterior to posterior order. a: rhombencephalon b: mesencephalon c: prosencephalon


primary brain vesicles in the correct anterior to posterior order is prosencephalon, mesencephalon and rhombencephalon

The bulge-like characteristics of the neural tube's early vertebrate development are known as brain vesicles. Three main brain vesicles, the prosencephalon, mesencephalon, and rhombencephalon, are present at birth. The prosencephalon is divided into the telencephalon and diencephalon, and the rhombencephalon is divided into the metencephalon and myelencephalon. These grow into five secondary brain vesicles.

learn more about brain vesicles here



which measure of ventilation is the maximal amount of air that can be moved in and out of the lungs with forced inhalation and exhalation?


The maximum volume of air that can be pushed into and out of the lungs during forceful inhalations and exhalations is known as vital capacity.

The vital capacity can be defined as the total amount of air that can be inhaled and exhaled in a single breath. Forced inspiration and forced expiration allow for the measurement of the reserve volumes.

The lungs have a vast air capacity, yet they are not typically fully inflated. The four different types of lung volume measurements are tidal volume, expiratory reserve volume, inspiratory reserve volume, and residual volume. The total lung capacity is the sum of these. A respiratory cycle’s maximum amount of air that may be inhaled or exhaled is measured by the vital capacity (VC). It is the result of adding the tidal volume, the inspiratory reserve volume, and the expiratory reserve volume (4.8 volumes per liter).

To learn more about vital capacity, refer:-



A farmer is trying to increase the diversity of corn kernel color in his crops. If the trait for corn color is controlled by two alleles and yellow corn (b) is completely dominant over white corn (b), which combination of corn should he cross to get the highest variety of genotypes in the next generation?.


The combination of corn that must be refined to get the highest genotype variety in the next generation is Bb x Bb

Yellow is the dominant color which is denoted by an uppercase letter with genotype B. And yellow is the recessive color which is denoted by a lowercase letter with genotype b. If farmers are increasing the color diversity of corn seeds, the phenotypes that must be produced must be more yellow than white.

A cross of the Bb x Bb genotype will produce a phenotype ratio of 3 yellow : 1 white.Crossing of the BB x BB genotypes will produce a phenotype ratio of 1 yellow.Crossing of genotypes Bb x bb will produce the same phenotype ratio.Crosses of the BB x bb genotypes will produce a phenotype ratio of 1 yellow.

Of the possible crosses above, the phenotype that produces more yellow is the genotype Bb x Bb cross.

Learn more about possible crosses Bb x Bb at https://brainly.com/question/28294656


Svetlana learned that there are organisms that live deep in the ocean that produce food using energy stored in chemicals.
a. True
b. False


Deep-water organisms use the process of chemosynthesis because they lack access to sunlight, which is necessary for them to manufacture their food.

Explain about the chemosynthesis?

Bacteria produce food (glucose) by the process of chemosynthesis, which substitutes chemicals for sunlight as the energy source. Where there is no sunshine, chemosynthetic organisms thrive around hydrothermal vents and methane seeps.

Organisms that carry out chemosynthesis include chemoautotrophs. They consist of specific bacterial groupings like the sulfur-oxidizing gamma proteobacteria, epsilon proteobacteria, and neutrophilic iron-oxidizing bacteria as well as certain archaea like the methanogenic archaea.

Chemosynthesis is the conversion of carbon (often carbon dioxide or methane) into organic matter utilizing inorganic molecules (hydrogen or hydrogen sulphide) or methane as the energy source. Plant photosynthesis is the primary method through which the majority of energy is produced.

To learn more about photosynthesis refer to:



parent how has blood type 0, is crossed with a parent how has biood type AB. Can they possible have a child with AB blood?


The parent that has blood type 0 when crossed with a parent that has blood type AB does not produce a child that has a blood group AB.

How does a child get AB blood type?

The child normally gets AB blood type when he/she has one copy of the A version from any one parent and one copy of the B version from the other parent.

According to the context of this question, the parent with blood type O has genes [tex]I^OI^O.[/tex] While the parent with blood type AB has genes [tex]I^AI^B[/tex]. They are capable of producing offspring that have blood types A and B only but not AB.

Therefore, the parent that has blood type 0 when crossed with a parent that has blood type AB does not produce a child that has a blood group AB.

To learn more about Blood grouping in humans, refer to the link:



There is a certain grammar to the genetic code, orrules to follow so that the message can be
effectively translated from DNA into functional
Codons are y base "words" that code for
specific amino acids. They are
and never
the words.


Codons are 3 base "words" that code for specific amino acids. They are non-overlapping and never have gaps between the word.

The genetic code (codon) is a series of nucleotide coding sequences in DNA or RNA to determine the sequence of amino acids during protein synthesis. The genetic code used today is a code composed of 3 nitrogenous bases called a triplet codon. There are 4 types of nitrogenous bases namely adenine, uracil, cytosine, and guanine. An example of a codon is the nucleotide sequence ATG (AUG in RNA) which specifies the amino acid methionine.

DNA serves as a pattern for making mRNA, and in turn messenger RNA serves as a pattern for making certain proteins. DNA and the corresponding messenger RNA are made up of a series of bases. In RNA, these bases are often labeled with the letters A, U, C, and G.

The question completely seen picture.

Learn more about Codon at https://brainly.com/question/10709395


A specialized plasmid vector that has an e.coli promoter upstream of a restriction site into which foreign genes can be inserted is known as a?


Plasmid vector that has an E.coli promoter at the top of the restriction site known as expression vector.

Plasmids are extrachromosomal DNA that is usually circular in shape, and these plasmids are found in bacterial cells. Plasmids as vectors are often used to reproduce target genes that express certain phenotypes such as antibiotic resistance, receptor genes, or other proteins. Plasmids replicate independently of the organism's genome and can be engineered to become vector clones.

In order to create a recombinant plasmid that contains the desired foreign DNA properties, splicing of the foreign DNA with the existing plasmid is carried out. Plasmid cutting to be used as a vector with the same restriction enzyme, namely E. Coli. This E.coli motor plasmid vector is called an expression vector. Expression vectors are a type of cloning vector, which contain expression signals that match gene expression maximally. Expression vectors consist of regulatory sequences such as enhancers and promoter regions, which lead to efficient gene expression.

Learn more about plasmids at:



a mutation that occurs in a somatic cell in an organism will most likely be transferred to


Non-reproductive cells experience somatic mutations, which are transmitted through the process of mitosis to daughter cells but not to the progeny during sexual reproduction.

Do somatic mutations transfer to progeny?

Any cellular change that takes place in somatic tissues following fertilization is referred to as a somatic mutation.Since these mutations will not affect the germline, they cannot be passed on to future generations.

How do somatic cells become mutated?

Somatic mutations can frequently be brought on by environmental conditions, like exposure to UV rays or specific chemicals.From the earliest cleavage of the fertilized egg to a cell divisions that replace cells inside a senile person, somatic mutations can happen in any cell division.

To know more about somatic cell visit:



In what era will you find the fossils of primitive horses?


Answer:55 million years ago to around 45 million years ago


explanation is not really necessary lol

What is different about the outermost boundary in a plant cell compared to an animal cell?.


The outermost boundary of  plant cell is called cell wall. The plant cells have a cell wall as well as a cell membrane. Animal cells simply have a cell membrane, but no cell wall.

What does outermost boundary mean?Outer boundary refer to the outside boundary or surface of something. Synonyms: fringe, periphery. type of: bound, boundary, edge. a line determining the limits of an area.The different about the outermost boundary in a plant cell compared to an animal cell, they have something as part of their outermost boundary that animal cells do not. The main differences between plant cell and animal cell is mentioned bellow.Cell wall of animal cells do not have a cell wall. Instead of a cell wall, the plasma membrane (usually called cell membrane when discussing animal cells) is the outer boundary of animal cells.

Learn more about cell wall here: brainly.com/question/965751


which of the following is not a biome: a. tropical dry forest b. tropical rainforest c. temperate rainforest d. taiga e. temperate dry forest


The correct option is C : Temperate rainforest ,A forest in a temperate environment with significant annual rainfall is known as a temperate rainforest.

Coniferous trees (which do not lose their leaves) and deciduous trees can both be found in these kinds of rainforests (which lose their leaves on an annual basis).

Aquatic, grassland, forest, desert, and tundra biomes are the five main types, while some of these can be further broken down into more specialized groups, such as freshwater, marine, savanna, tropical rainforest, temperate rainforest, and taiga.

They are not regarded as a biome because they lack a variety of plants and animals, and since the majority of life there is aquatic rather than terrestrial.

Learn more about to biome visit here;



what is one of the primary reasons given for why there are very few fossils from the earliest (pre-ediacaran fauna) animals?


The first animals had soft bodies and lacked the necessary body parts to be mineralized into fossils.

From the Ediacaran through the Cambrian, a series of stunning finds, including embryos, have recently brought new life to the fossil record of the earliest animals. However, numerous questions, not the least of which is the date and interpretation of the fossils, are still up for debate.

Before making claims regarding the affinities of the earliest fossils, it is especially important to carefully investigate characteristics of their taphonomy.

The fossil record of at least primitive organisms, such as sponges and maybe cnidarians, can now be extended to a time period that occurred substantially earlier than the Cambrian.

The Cambrian explosion itself still appears to mark the appearance of the bilaterians, and numerous additional fossil discoveries in recent years have significantly increased our knowledge of how the three main bilaterian clades originated.

Learn more about "  fossils " to visit here;



In a certain signal transduction pathway, the binding of an extracellular molecule to a cell-surface protein results in a rapid increase in the concentration of cyclic AMP inside the cell. The cyclic AMP binds to and activates cytosolic enzymes that then activate other enzymes in the cell. Which of the following statements best describes the role of cyclic AMP in this pathway?


The role of cyclic AMP is that it acts as a second messenger that helps relay and amplify the signal within the cell.

The process by which a chemical or physical signal is transmitted through a cell as a series of molecular events, most commonly protein phosphorylation catalyzed by protein kinases, which ultimately results in a cellular response is known as signal transduction. Proteins that detect stimuli are commonly referred to as receptors, though the term sensor is used in some cases. A biochemical cascade is a chain of biochemical events triggered by ligand binding (or signal sensing) in a receptor.

When signaling pathways interact, they form networks that allow cellular responses to be coordinated, frequently through combinatorial signaling events. Such responses at the molecular level include changes in gene transcription or translation, as well as post-translational and conformational changes in proteins, as well as changes in their location. These molecular events are the fundamental mechanisms that govern cell growth, proliferation, metabolism, and a variety of other processes. Signal transduction pathways regulate cell communication in a variety of ways in multicellular organisms.

To learn more about signal transduction pathway, here



Which phrase from the text best supports the theme of "humanity must act with reason, not become violent like animals"?.


The phrase that best support the theme of 'Humanity must act with reason, not become violent like animals" is the phrase:

"The general smiled the quiet smile of one who has faced an obstacle and surmounted it with success. “I had to invent a new animal to hunt,” he said."

The question asks us to choose a phrase from a text that supports the theme of Humanity must act with a reason and not instead become violent (like animals).

In the answer phrase, the general said that he had to invent a new animal to hunt. It indicates things, such as:

The general stops hunting (stops doing a violent act).The general had to invent a new animal if they want to hunt. Inventing a new animal is realistically impossible, so it implies that they just want to stop hunting (doing violent act) at all.

The question above seems incomplete, but most likely the completed version is as follows:

Which phrase from the text best supports the theme of "Humanity must act with reason, not become violent like animals"?

“‘One does not expect nowadays to find a young man of the educated class, even in America, with such a naïve, and, if I may say so, mid-Victorian point of view.’”“‘Civilized? And you shoot down men?’”"The general smiled the quiet smile of one who has faced an obstacle and surmounted it with success. “I had to invent a new animal to hunt,” he said."“Life is for the strong, to be lived by the strong, and, if needs be, taken by the strong. The weak of the world were put here to give the strong pleasure. I am strong. Why should I not use my gift?"

Learn more about theme at https://brainly.com/question/16362836


lizards also thermoregulate and, as in humans, thermoregulation in lizards involves negative feedback. lizards, however, are ectotherms and gain most of their heat from external sources. therefore, they often use behavioral mechanisms to adjust their body temperature. for example, if a lizard's body temperature drops below its normal range, the lizard may seek a sunny resting spot to warm up. what are the stimulus and the response in this example? drag the phrases on the left to complete the sentence on the right. not all phrases will be used.


The behavior of looking for a sunny area is the response to the stimulus of decreased body temperature.

What physiological reaction occurs in many animals when they become too hot?

Water from the skin, mouth, and nose of land animals is frequently lost to evaporation into the atmosphere. Evaporation can serve as a cooling technique by removing heat. For instance, many mammals have the ability to improve evaporative cooling in response to high body temperatures by triggering systems like sweating and panting.

How does the body temperature of lizards fluctuate?

Many ectotherms move to warmer or cooler areas of their surroundings to control their body temperatures. For example, in order to maintain their body temperatures within a certain range, lizards and snakes alternate between lazing in the sun and resting in the shade.

To know more about lizards visit:-



ligaments connect bones together and withstand a lot of stress. what type of connective tissue should you expect ligaments to contain?


Tendons and ligaments are made of dense connective tissue, which contains collagen fibers in greater density. The specialized connective tissues of adipose tissue, cartilage, bone, blood, and lymph are only a few examples.

What kind of tissue does a ligament consist of?

Ligaments are formed of connective tissue, which contains numerous, powerful collagen fibers. The body contains them in a variety of sizes and forms.

What is the supporting connective tissue that holds bones together at joints?

Ligaments. Strong ligaments, which are resilient, elastomeric bands of connective tissue, surround the joint to provide stability and control movement. Ligaments link bones together.

To know more about ligaments  visit:-



what term is used to describe a period characterized by very high rates of speciation?


The term used to describe a period characterized by very high rates of speciation is adaptive radiation.

Adaptive Radiation: A Period of High Rates of Speciation

Adaptive radiation is a term used to describe a period characterized by very high rates of speciation.

This phenomenon occurs when a new species evolves in response to a change in their environment. This can involve the adaptation of a single species to multiple environments, or the development of multiple distinct species from a single ancestral species.

During adaptive radiation, the species undergoes rapid evolution and diversification, allowing them to adapt to and fill different ecological niches. This process is essential for the survival and diversification of species, and is an important part of the evolution of life on earth.

Learn more about Adaptive radiation: https://brainly.com/question/3627477


BR) nts A scientist crosses morning glory plants of different flower colors to determine how flower color is passed on to offspring. The results of three crosses are shown in the table. Cross W X Z Flower Color in Morning Glory Plants Flower Color of Parent 2 purple red red Flower Color of Parent 1 purple red purple Flower Color of Offspring purple red, purple The scientist crosses an offspring from cross X with an offspring from cross Z. What are the expected results of this cross? 50% of plants with red flowers, 50% of plants with purple flowers O 75% of plants with purple flowers, 25% of plants with red flowers 100% of plants with red flowers 100% of plants with purple flowers​


Complete dominance occurs when a dominant allele hides the expression of the recessive allele. Option A. 50% of plants with red flowers, 50% of plants with purple flowers.

To answer this question, we will assume a single gene codes for flower color and it expresses complete dominance.

What is complete dominance?

Complete dominance is an inheritance pattern in which a dominant allele, coding for a dominant phenotype, completely covers the expression of the recessive allele.

This is evident in heterozygous individuals in which both alleles are present, but only the dominant phenotype is expressed.  

Cross W

Parents) Purple x Purple

F1) Purple

Cross X

Parents) Red x Red

F1) Red

Cross Z

Parents) Purple x Red

F1) Purple

Purple seems to be the dominant phenotype because when crossing red and purple individuals, only purple flowers are produced.


a diallelic gene complete dominance dominant phenotype is purple


P is the dominant allele that codes for purplep is the recessive allele that codes for red

Genotypes and Phenotypes

PP and Pp are plants with purpe flowerspp are plants with red flowers.

When crossing an offspring from cross X (red - pp) with an offspring from cross Z (pruple - Pp), we expect to produce 50% of plants with red flowers and 50% of plants with purple flowers.

Cross: an offspring from cross X with an offspring from cross Z

Parentals) pp   x    Pp

Gametes) p    p    P    p

Punnett square)    P      p

                      p    Pp     pp

                      p    Pp     pp

F2) 50% Pp expressing purple fowers

      50% pp expressing red flowers.

In conclusion, the correct option is A. 50% of plants with red flowers, 50% of plants with purple flowers.

You can learn more about complete dominance at



Complete question

A scientist crosses morning glory plants of different flower colors to determine how flower color is passed on to offspring.

The results of three crosses are shown in the table. (Hint: You must determine which color is dominant using the chart to answer the question.)

CROSS          PARENT 1        PARENT 2         OFFSPRING

W                      Purple               Purple               Purple

X                       Red                   Red                    Red

Z                        Purple              Red                    Purple      

The scientist crosses an offspring from cross X with an offspring from cross Z.

What are the expected results of this cross,

A) 50% of plants with red flowers, 50% of plants with purple flowers

B) 75% of plants with purple flowers, 25% of plants with red flowers

C) 100% of plants with red flowers

D) 100% of plants with purple flowers​

__________ is a highly conserved nucleotide sequence that has been found in developmental regulatory genes in many diverse organisms.


A homeobox is a highly conserved nucleotide sequence that has been found in developmental regulatory genes in many diverse organisms.

A gene is the fundamental physical and purposeful unit of heredity. Some genes act as instructions to make molecules referred to as proteins. but, many genes do now not code for proteins.

Our genes incorporate instructions that inform your cells to make molecules referred to as proteins. Every gene includes commands that determine your functions, together with eye color, hair shade, and height.

Few genes act as commands to make molecules referred to as proteins. In human beings, genes vary in length from a few hundred DNA bases to extra than 2 million bases.

Learn more about Gene here:-https://brainly.com/question/19947953


if an individual has abnormal microtubules, due to a hereditary condition, in which organs or tissues would you expect dysfunction?


You might anticipate malfunction in the sperm, larynx, and trachea organs and tissues if a person has aberrant microtubules as a result of a hereditary illness.

Male reproductive cells, often known as sperm or spermatozoa, are generated by most mammals. Sperm are flagellated, which means they have a whip-like tail and a pair of legs, with the exception of nematode worms, decapods (such as crayfish), diplopods, and mites. The pharynx above and the trachea below are connected by the larynx, often known as the voice box or glottis. It spans the fourth through sixth levels of the vertebral column. Sublarynx, larynx, and supralarynx are the three components that make up the larynx. Nine cartilages make up its structure, and they are joined by muscles and ligaments.

Learn more about sperm-



a chlorine oxide used to kill anthrax spores in contaminated buildings is 52.6% cl by mass. what is the name of this oxide?


The US Environmental Protection Agency claims that chlorine dioxide gas might be used safely to fumigate the contaminated US Senate office building.

It is common practice to treat drinking water with chlorine dioxide, a powerful anti-microbial. The spores of Legionella and other bacteria can be eliminated with great efficiency. But anthrax has never been treated with it before. With the chemical formula ClO2, chlorine dioxide gas is a substance that can be found in three different states depending on the temperature: as a bright orange crystal below 59 °C, a reddish-brown liquid between 11 °C and 59 °C, and as a yellowish-green gas above 11 °C. As an aqueous solution, it is typically handled. As a bleach, it is frequently employed. Its uses in disinfection and food processing have been expanded by more recent advances.

Learn more about chlorine dioxide gas here '



Chromosomes are easiest to move around the cell when they're tightly packed. What is this process called?.



Chromosome Condensation


The tighter wrapping, or condensing, of the chromosomes occurs only during mitosis, the process of cell division. During mitosis, the chromosomes condense so that each chromosome is a distinct unit. Prior to mitosis, the cell copies its DNA so that it contains two copies of each chromosome.

Select the statement that correctly distinguishes between relay proteins and second messengers in signal transduction pathways. Select the statement that correctly distinguishes between relay proteins and second messengers in signal transduction pathways.
1-Signal transduction pathways are multistep pathways that include relay proteins and small, nonprotein, water-soluble molecules or ions called second messengers.
2-Relay proteins are the "first messengers," the extracellular signaling molecules that bind to the membrane receptor. The signal transduction pathways are then formed by the second messengers, which are the relay molecules that respond to the first messengers.
3-Signal transduction pathways are multistep pathways in which relay proteins and second messengers alternate.


Signal transduction pathways are multistep pathways that include relay proteins and small, nonprotein, water-soluble molecules or ions called second messengers.

The process by which a chemical or physical signal is transmitted through a cell as a series of molecular events, most commonly protein phosphorylation catalyzed by protein kinases, which ultimately results in a cellular response is known as signal transduction. When signaling pathways interact, they form networks that allow cellular responses to be coordinated, frequently through combinatorial signaling events.

Such responses at the molecular level include changes in gene transcription or translation, as well as post-translational and conformational changes in proteins, as well as changes in their location. These molecular events are the fundamental mechanisms that govern cell growth, proliferation, metabolism, and a variety of other processes. Signal transduction pathways regulate cell communication in a variety of ways in multicellular organisms.

To learn more about Signal transduction pathways, here



a tree harvesting method that involves cutting intermediate-aged or mature trees singly or in small groups is called


Individual or small groups of mature or intermediate-aged trees are chopped.

An uneven-aged forest's mature or intermediate trees are chopped individually or in small groups. Reduces crowding, eliminates diseased trees, promotes the growth of younger trees, maintains a stand of trees of various species and ages, and permits the use of a forest for a variety of purposes through selective cutting.

Clear-cutting: Eliminating all trees from a space with a single cut. In essence, clear-cutting that is done in two or more phases is what shelterwood cutting and seed-tree cutting are. Strip cutting is a clear-cutting variation that can yield a sustainable amount of wood without causing extensive damage.

Selective cutting: In an unevenly-aged forest, mature or intermediate-aged trees are removed individually or in small groups.

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consider the angle the bottom of the ladder makes with the ground. how fast is the angle changing (in radians) when the ladder is 5.4 feet away from the house? many neurons of joints help to inform the brain about the activity of the joint, including pain or position of the joint. these types of neurons are classified as _____________________ neurons. You have a net lease. Your rent is $1,000 per month. Taxes and maintenance total $500 per month. What is your total monthly payment?. of these influences, which appears to be the initial source of gender segregation?.A.establishment of gender constancyB.peer pressureC.differences in behavioral styles and interestsD.parent and teacher efforts Decide if the following sentence is grammatically correct or incorrect. Ponga las flores en la mesa. Could the average person lift the weight of $150 in quarters? HINT: The average quarter weighs 0.2 oz. What is the effect of excessive ventilation?a. decresed cardiac outputb. decreased intrathoracic pressurec. increased perfusion pressured. increased venous return Select the correct answer.Look at the examples in highlighted text in the passage. Which example shows the Socratic teaching method Plato recorded? A. Yes, Polemarchus, - Thrasymachus said . . . . B. Yes, said Cleitophon, interposing, . . . . C. I am only repeating what you are saying, . . . . D. To be sure, he replied, they are liable to err. which of the following financial institutions would be most willing to swap variable-rate payments for fixed-rate payments in order to reduce exposure to interest rate risk? group of answer choices one whose assets and liabilities are equally interest-rate sensitive one whose assets are more interest-rate sensitive than its liabilities one whose liabilities are more interest-rate sensitive than its assets one whose gap ratio is equal to 1.0 performance appraisals are used most widely as a basis for a. determining training needs b. discharging decisions c. deciding compensation d. directing performance improvement The digestive tract is essentially one long tube. the order of the structures, beginning with the mouth, is: gilliam industries records revenue of $6.4 million for an accounting period. in that same accounting period, they have a beginning balance of $392,000 and an ending balance of $439,000 in the accounts receivable account. how should the cash flows from operating activities be adjusted to account for these items? why? assume gilliam uses the indirect method. All of the following are part of Darwins theory of natural selection EXCEPT a. Populations tend to overpopulate. b. Only the best-fit individuals survive and get to pass on their genes. c. Overpopulation leads to a struggle for existence. d. Individual organisms change in response to their environment and the needs of their surroundings. How do you dilate an image with a scale factor? The purpose of photosynthesis is to take the reactants _, _, and _ Which of the following is a sign that a chemical change has occurred?Group of answer choicesglass changes shape when it falls and breakswater produces a gas when it is placed on a hot stovetopa firework explodes releasing heat, sound, and light energya substance becomes cold when it is placed in the freezer what is carrying capacity? question 1 options: all limiting factors in the ecosystem. the amount you can carry in your backpack. how much rainfall an ecosystem can manage. the total number of populations in an ecosysems question 2 (2 points) Alleles are described as ______. environmental factors that affect gene expression alternate versions of a gene homologous chromosomes alternate phenotypes In a washing machine how is water on its own different from water that has been mixed with detergent. Find a low-rank approximation Compute the optimal rank-2 approximation of the symmetric matrix 3.75 -1.25 0.25 -1.75 -1.25 3.75 -1.75 0.25 A= given that the columns of 0.25 -1.75 3.75 -1.25 -1.75 0.25 -1.25 3.75 of A are eigenvectors A2 = Save & Grade 10 attempts left Save only Additional attempts available with new variantsPrevious question