many neurons of joints help to inform the brain about the activity of the joint, including pain or position of the joint. these types of neurons are classified as _____________________ neurons.


Answer 1

Answer: afferent SOMATIC neurons that we call "proprioceptors".


Related Questions

if nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil attach to the roots of a plant and consume the sugar produced by the plant through photosynthesis, the best description of this relationship is group of answer choices predation parasitism competition mutualism


The relationship between nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil and roots of plants is mutualism.

The tight ties that develop between species pairs are referred to as symbiotic interactions. They take in many different shapes, including parasitism (when one species gains while the other suffers) and commensalism (where one species benefits and the other is neither harmed nor helped).

Mutualism is a sort of symbiotic association in which all of the participating species gain from one another. Even though mutualism is extremely complicated, it may be loosely divided into two different kinds of relationships. Some species are completely dependent on one another (obligate mutualism), whereas others benefit from their interaction yet might thrive separately (facultative mutualism).

For instance, soil-dwelling nitrogen-fixing bacteria attach to plant roots and eat the sugar made by the plant.

For more information on mutualism kindly visit to


which term refers to the loose connective tissue layer that surrounds each individual muscle cell? multiple choice question.


Endomysium refers to the loose connective tissue layer that surrounds each individual muscle cell. Thus the correct answer is option (A).

The three layers of connective tissue are the epimysium, perimysium, and endomysium. Muscular fiber collections called fascicles can be found in the skeleton. In the connective tissue, blood vessels and nerves enter and branch out. The tight connective tissue that envelops the entire muscle tissue is known as the epimysium. Several bundles of muscle fibers called fascicles frequently make up the epimysium. The tissue that surrounds each bundle of muscle fibers is called the perimysium. The term "endomysium" refers to the connective tissue that most completely envelops the muscle.

The complete question is:

Which term refers to the loose connective tissue layer that surrounds each individual muscle cell? Multiple choice question.

(A). Endomysium

(B). Perimysium

(C). Fascia

(D). Epimysium

To learn more about connective tissue please click on the given link:


why when magnet attract is a pull


Different poles attract If you put two magnets together with different poles pointing towards one another, the magnets will pull towards each other. We say they attract each other.

1. Which statement best describes conservation efforts?


The statements Methods of conserving resources have both costs and benefits and The benefits of conserving resources always outweigh the costs best describe conservation efforts (Option a and c).

What do biological diversity conservation efforts mean?

The expression of biological diversity conservation efforts makes reference to all procedures aimed at preserving the biological variation present in an ecosystem, which is fundamental to protecting the ecosystem in a ever changing environment.

Biological diversity conservation efforts allow the environment to face changes such as natural disasters such as fire or earthquakes by conserving the species that are associated with the state of internal equilibrium of homeostasis of the overall ecosystem.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that biological diversity conservation efforts always have more benefits than costs because they are associated with the maintenance of the overall health of the entire ecosystem, which is a long term objective in any conservation program.

Complete question:

Which statement best describes conservation efforts? A.Methods of conserving resources have both costs and benefits.B.Methods of conserving resources all have the same costs and benefits.C.The benefits of conserving resources always outweigh the costs. .D.Many methods of conserving resources have only benefits.

Learn more about biological diversity conservation efforts here:


place the labels in the proper position to designate the location of the structures or events.


Presynaptic membrane,  contains secretory vesicies containing acetylcholine.Area associated with saltalory conduction, Site of action potential propagation, Structure might be - 1 meter long.Postsynaptic membrane,  Structure involved with the reception of signals, site of action potential origin, Site of graded potentials, Site of temporal summation.

Which one of the following describes the most typical neuron structure type?

The most prevalent kind of neuron is a multipolar neuron.They are found in the autonomic ganglia and central nervous system


Which word best sums up all neurons that send impulses to the central nervous system?

Efferent neurons transport motor information out from the the central nervous system to a muscles and glands of a body to begin an activity, whereas sensory nerves carry sensory receptor data located all over the body towards to the central nervous system.

To know more about central nervous system visit:


You decide to compare the genes and dna sequence of a specific chromosome to a homologous chromosome and a nonhomologous chromosome. which of the predictions would you make when comparing the two?


The predictions you would make when comparing the two is that the homologous chromosome can have constant genes and an analogous DNA sequence.

Two chromosomes during a combine unremarkably one familial from the mother and one from the daddy is termed a homologous chromosome. The homologous chromosome is of constant length, bodily structure position, and marking pattern. throughout fertilization, there'll be a pairing of chromosomes within the cell.

Homologous chromosomes are similiar however not identical. every carries constant genes within the same order, however the alleles for every attribute might not be constant. Non-Homologous chromosomes are chromosomes that contain alleles for the various sort of genes.

To learn more about DNA sequence here


DNA to Proteins (diagram match )


The process of translation of DNA to proteins according to the attached image is given below:

DNANuclear MembraneDNA template for producing mRNAmRNA in the nucleusNuclear poremRNA in the cytoplasmchain of amino acidsamino acidanticodonCodonamino acidmRNA moves to the ribosomerRNAWhat is the process of translation of DNA?

The process of translation of DNA is the process by which proteins are synthesized from the information stored in the genes of the DNA.

The process of translation begins with the synthesis of RNA from regions of DNA containing the gene for a particular protein.

The mRNA produced passes through the nuclear pore into the cytoplasm, In the cytoplasm, the codons in the mRNA are used to synthesize proteins from anticodons of amino acids.

Learn more about the translation of DNA at:


the evolution of the notochord in chordates permitted a more complex embryonic development. t or f


A notochord is a feature of developing chordates (which include amphibious, tunicates, and vertebrates) and, arguably, some other animals.

The Notochord's Evolution

Although notochords have been thoroughly reviewed from a developmental genetic standpoint, an adequate survey of the dozen or so scenarios that account for their evolutionary origin has yet to be completed.On the one hand, advances in molecular phylogenetics and developmental genetics have failed to support many of these ideas (although, it is not impossible that some of these rejects may yet, at least in part, return to favor).For the time being, studies of all aspects of the biology of enteropneust hemichordates, a group widely thought to be the key to understanding the chordates' evolutionary origins, will be one way forward.

To learn more about molecular refer to:


a man with red-green color blindness (a recessive, sex-linked condition) marries a woman with normal vision whose father was color-blind. what is the probability that they will have a color-blind daughter? that their first son will be color-blind? (note the different wording in the two questions.)


Colorblindness is a congenital illness that is handed down from parents. The X-chromosome contains the gene for red-green colorblindness.

If the colorblind gene is present, one out of every three cone cells does not form or becomes less sensitive to light.

-It is a recessive X-linked illness. Colorblind genes must be present on both X chromosomes in females (XX) in order to manifest phenotypically.

This indicates that if colorblind genes are present on both X-chromosomes, the female will be colorblind. If a woman carries only one color-blind gene, she is referred to be a "carrier," but she will not be colorblind.

-Males (XY) will be colorblind if the gene is exclusively found on his X chromosome. As a result, even if his father is colorblind, a colorblind boy cannot inherit a colorblind gene from him since his father can only pass on an X chromosome to his daughters.

As can be seen, each kid has a 50% probability of being colorblind. Each daughter is 50% likely to be colorblind and 50% likely to be a carrier. The tough aspect about utilizing this table is when Mom isn't colorblind.

Learn more about to Colorblindness visit here :


how does the ribosome know what amino acid to to add next when building a polypeptide?


The mRNA nucleotide sequence is translated into an amino acid sequence using the tRNAs as adaptors.

A nucleotide is the primary constructing block of nucleic acids (RNA and DNA). A nucleotide consists of a sugar molecule (either ribose in RNA or deoxyribose in DNA) attached to a phosphate organization and a nitrogen-containing base. The bases in DNA include adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine.

A nucleotide is fashioned from a carbohydrate residue linked to a heterocyclic base with the aid of a ß-D-glycosidic bond and to a phosphate institution at C-5'.

Nucleotides have a vital role within the physiology of organisms as constructing blocks of nucleic acids, storage of chemical energy, companies of activated metabolites for biosynthesis, structural moieties of coenzymes, and metabolic regulators.

Learn more about Nucleotide here:-


What term is used to describe a period characterized by very high rates of speciation?


An era with extremely high rates of speciation is described by the punctuated equilibrium model.

How does a woman's menstruation feel?

Even though there appears to be a lot of blood, a female typically only sheds a few tablespoons of blood over her whole period. About three to six times each day, most girls need to replace their pads, tampons, or menstrual cups.

Do boys have their period?

Because they lack uteruses, men do not experience menstruation, but their bodies do alter and grow in similar ways. For instance, people may alter their voice or grow hair on their faces and other areas of their body. So even though they don't have periods, males' bodies still undergo alteration.

To know more about Periods visit:


an organism in your lab has tissues with a malformed central nervous system that can be traced all the way back to the embryonic stage. to further investigate this issue, which germ layer would you want to examine closely to get an idea of exactly how the malformation occurred?


I would examine ectoderm to examine closely to get an idea of exactly how the malformation occurred.

The fertilization results in formation of zygote. It further grows through replication followed by differentiation to form tissues and organs. For this, the primary differentiation occurs into three germ layers which are the base of different cells, tissues and systems.

The three germ layers are ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. Ectoderm is the external layer that differentiates to form epithelial and neural tissues. Mesoderm or middle layer forms heart, muscle and bones. Endoderm or inner layer forms digestive system and respiratory system.

Learn more about ectoderm -


Paid farmers subsidies not to plant on part of their land and to kill off excess livestock in order to raise the value of crops.
a. True
b. False


The statement is true, the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933, paid subsidies to farmers to avoid planting on part of their land and to kill surplus livestock in order to increase the value of crops.

What was the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933?

The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 (AAA), was a law passed by Congress during the New Deal era to help raise crop prices by reducing surpluses.

The law provided federal subsidies to farmers for reducing their output, and it also established a system of domestic allotments that set limits on the amount of certain crops that could be produced. The goal of the law was to raise crop prices, which would benefit farmers and help to reduce the effects of the Great Depression.

Learn more about the Agricultural Adjustment Act:


States that cells are the basic unit of life, organisms are made up of one or more cells, and all cells come only from other cells.
a. True
b. False


It is true that cells are the basic unit of life, organisms are made up of one or more cells, and all cells come only from other cells.

What is cell function?

They provide the body with a structure, take in food's nutrients, convert them into energy, and carry out certain functions. Cells also contain the genetic material of the organism and are capable of self-replication. Each part of a cell serves a unique function.

What is cell structure?

The cell membrane, the nucleus, and the cytoplasm are the three components that make up a cell. Intricate arrangements of microscopic fibers and hundreds or even thousands of tiny, unique structures known as organelles can be found in the cytoplasm.

To know more about Cell visit


in a certain signal transduction pathway, the binding of an extracellular molecule to a cell-surface protein results in a rapid increase in the concentration of cyclic amp inside the cell. the cyclic amp binds to and activates cytosolic enzymes that then activate other enzymes in the cell.


The function of cyclic AMP is best explained by the following claims: c) it functions as a second messenger that aids in relaying and amplification of the signal inside the cell.

Best describes the role of cyclic AMP in the signal transduction pathway is?

cAMP serves as a second messenger in numerous biological processes, including signal transduction, the development of certain diseases, and others.

In the network of signaling pathways, it is a significant molecule. Employed to transmit the cAMP-dependent route for intracellular signal transduction in a variety of different species. Bringing the effects of hormones like glucagon and adrenaline—which cannot cross the plasma membrane—into the cells. The impact of signaling molecules is amplified.

The function of cyclic AMP is thus best described by the following statements: c) It functions as a second messenger that aids in relaying and amplifying the signal within the cell.

To know more about cell visit:-



In a certain signal transduction pathway, the binding of an extracellular molecule to a cell-surface protein results in a rapid increase in the concentration of cyclic AMP inside the cell. The cyclic AMP binds to and activates cytosolic enzymes that then activate other enzymes in the cell.Which of the following statements best describes the role of cyclic AMP in the signal transduction pathway?

a) It acts as a signaling molecule that passes the signal from the cell to other cells.

b) It acts as a receptor that carries the signal from outside the cell to inside the cell.

c) It acts as a second messenger that helps relay and amplify the signal within the cell.

d) It acts as a channel protein that transmits the signal across the cell’s nuclear membrane.

what is the area of brainstem called that forms a prominent bulge on the anterior aspect of the brainstem?multiple choice question.


The region of the brainstem known as Pons creates a noticeable protrusion on its anterior side.

The cerebral peduncles, which are noticeable ventrolateral white matter bulges, are the third major area of the mesencephalon. These structures are traversed by a large number of the major descending fiber networks as they travel from the cerebral hemispheres to the spinal cord.

The precentral gyrus and the postcentral gyrus are two prominent bulges that get their names from where they are located: just in front of and just behind the central sulcus, respectively. The major motor region, which is where conscious movement is controlled, is located in the precentral gyrus. The midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata make up the brainstem (sometimes known as the brain stem), which is the distal portion of the brain.

Learn more about brainstem-


design a controlled experiment to determine whether earthworms change the forest ecosystem. identify the environmental factor you will measure, state the specific hypothesis you will test, and design a procedure for collecting data accurately.


Hypothesis for a controlled experiment to determine whether earthworms change the forest ecosystem, The soil's PH will drastically change after the worms consume the leaf litter in a closed container filled with soil.

A number of plots of deciduous forest land would be the subject of an investigation in a controlled experiment to ascertain the effects of the new invasive worm. To make it easier to create artificial ecosystems in a lab, each plot should have boundaries that are limited. There ought to be three main groups: one without any worms, one with only native worms, and one with worms from both native and exotic species. similar circumstances ought to be applied to every individual plot: the same number of trees, the same amount of initial leaf litter, and the same amount of precipitation. The mass of the leaf litter should be taken at the conclusion of the experiment and compared to the initial mass. The plot with the exotic worms is anticipated to have the least amount of leaf litter compared to the other plots. The premise is: The amount of leaf litter that remains at the end of a season in a plot with only the native worm species will be significantly less if an exotic worm species is introduced into a deciduous forest ecosystem. To guarantee accurate results, multiple trials should be carried out.

know more about forest ecosystems here:


Which principle of cell theory best supports the idea that new cells will replace damaged cells in a scraped knee?.


The best principle that support it, was "All cells come from other cells". Which mean C was appropriate option.

What are the 3 principles of cell theory ?

The cell theory has three parts, they are:

Every living organism is made up of one or more cells and products of cells.The smallest living organisms are single cells that are unicellular and cells are the functional units of multicellular organisms.All cells come from other cells or pre existing cells.

The three principles of cell theory was initiated by scientists that contributed to the development of cell theory, are:

Matthias Schleiden.Theodor Schwann.Rudolf Virchow.

Learn more about principles of cell here:


what is a gene pool? what is a gene pool? a hypothetical collection of all the possible alleles in a population a collection of all the genes that occur in an individual a hypothetical collection of all the genes that occur in a habitat a puddle of water that contains gametes in it


A hypothetical collection of all the possible alleles in a population gene pool . Thus correct option (C).

A gene pool is the collection of all the genes (including alleles) found in a population or species that is capable of reproduction. A big gene pool has a wide range of genetic diversity and is more resilient to environmental stresses.

Primary gene pool, GP-1 is another name for it. The crop species itself, as well as its cultivated races and any wild or weedy spontaneous races are all included in the main gene pool, which is akin to a biological species in and of itself.

All the genes present in a population make up the gene pool. Any population might be included here, including frogs in a pond, trees in a forest, or residents of a town.

Learn more about gene pool to visit this link


What is a gene pool?

- a hypothetical collection of all the genes that occur in a habitat

- a puddle of water that contains gametes in it

- a hypothetical collection of all the possible alleles in a population

- a collection of all the genes that occur in an individual

What are the 3 main purposes of meiosis?


meiosis produces haploid gametes, it introduces genetic variation and it repairs genetic defects. These are the three main purposes of meiosis.

Meiosis is also called the reduction division. As the name suggests it will reduce the  number to half of the parental chromosome number. During meiosis crossing over of chromosome fragments occurs, this is called recombination. This process occurs during prophase 1 of meiosis. During this process chromosomal fragments of homologous chromosomes are exchanged. Through recombination new genetic variation is introduced into an organism. Recombination also replaces defective fragments with healthy chromosomal fragments thereby it can also eliminate genetic defects.

To know more about recombination-


charged ions are traveling through a cell membrane with the concentration gradient



Charged ions are the traveling through a cell membrane with the concentration gradient. What are they moving by? Cell lining the gut need to take in glucose, but at a certain time, the concentration of extracellular glucose is lower than the concentration already stored in the cells.


in animals, what is the difference between reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning?


Reproductive cloning is the process of creating genetic copies of entire organisms, whereas therapeutic cloning is the process of creating genetic copies of tissues or organs to replace damaged body parts.

Reproductive cloning is the intentional creation of genetically identical individuals. Each newly created person is a clone of the original. Natural clones are monozygotic (identical) twins. Somatic cell nuclear transfer is used in reproductive cloning to create an animal that is genetically identical to a donor animal. The newly created embryo is placed back into the uterine environment where it can implant and develop in reproductive cloning. Dolly the sheep is probably the best-known example.

The transfer of nuclear material isolated from a somatic cell into an enucleated oocyte with the goal of producing embryonic cell lines with the same genome as the nuclear donor is known as therapeutic cloning. The process of creating a cloned embryo solely for the purpose of producing embryonic stem cells with the same DNA as the donor cell is known as therapeutic cloning. These stem cells can be used in experiments to better understand disease and develop new treatments.

To learn more about Reproductive and therapeutic cloning, here


if gnrh was removed from the system, what do you predict would happen to the levels of estrogen being released into the bloodstream?


If the gonadotropin releasing hormone was absent from the body, the estrogen would completely stop being released.

Any trauma or damage to the hypothalamus can also result in a loss of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone secretion, which will halt the normal production of follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. This will result in the loss of menstrual cycles (amenorrhea) in women, loss of sperm production in men, and loss of hormone production from the testes and ovaries.

learn more about gonadotropin here


When does water stop moving by osmosis between two areas of different solute concentration?


Answer:Osmosis occurs until the concentration gradient of water goes to zero or until the hydrostatic pressure of the water balances the osmotic pressure


a single gene controls flower color in peas. the purple flower allele is dominant to the white flower allele. if you cross a heterozygous purple-flowered plant with a white-flowered plant, the resulting offspring will have a phenotypic ratio of:


The phenotypic ratio of a heterozygous purple-flowered plant crossing with a white-flowered plant will be 75% purple: 25% white because the purple flower allele is dominant over the white flower allele.

A dominant allele determines the color of white blooms. A recessive gene determines whether blossoms appear purple. Alleles that are dominant are represented by capital letters, and alleles that are recessive are represented by lowercase variations of the same letters. Purple flower color predominates over white blossom color in the pea plant. Self-pollinating plants are those that cross pure purple flowering plants with white flowering plants.

learn more about dominant allele here:


One student made the incomplete diagram shown below to represent the relationship between magma, igneous rocks, and sedimentary rocks:

three ovals, labeled from left to right, sedimentary rock, magma, and igneous rocks respectively.

Which of these is the correct next step to complete the diagram? (4 points)

Put an arrow labeled heat and pressure, pointing from magma to igneous rocks.

Put an arrow labeled heat and melt, pointing from igneous rocks to magma.

Put an arrow labeled deposition and lithification, pointing from igneous rocks to magma.

Put an arrow labeled cools and crystallizes, pointing from igneous rocks to sedimentary rocks.


c. put an arrow labeled deposition and lithification pointing from igneous rocks to magma

what are some major characteristics of (a) successful invader species and (b) ecosystems vulnerable to invader species?


invader species: 1) Pioneer species, quick generation times, long lifespans, rapid dispersal, generalists, and great genetic variability. 2) Climate characteristics resembling the invader's environment, the absence of predators on the invaders, early successional systems, a lack of diversity in native species, the absence of fire, and human activity disturbance.

Accidental introduction of invasive species into a new area is common. In Central Asia, the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea are home to zebra mussels. Zebra mussels accidently made their way to the Great Lakes of North America after becoming affixed to massive ships that sailed between the two areas. An organism that harms the ecology or the economy in a new habitat where it is not native is referred to as an invasive species. In the 1970s, Asian carp, including bighead, silver, black, and grass carp, were imported into the United States to help clean up the nation's aquaculture ponds and wastewater treatment facilities. They originated in China and are currently widespread throughout the United States, including along the Mississippi River1.

To learn more about invader species here


The abdominal quadrants are located with what structure as their midpoint?

A. Umbilicus

B. Pubic bone

C. Xiphoid process

D. Iliac crest

Which statement about genetically modified organisms is correct?
O Genes of bacteria can be modified; genes of plants and animals cannot.
O Genes of plants, animals, and bacteria can all be modified.
O Genes of plants can be modified; genes of animals and bacteria cannot.
O Genes of plants, animals, and bacteria cannot be modified.



O Genes of plants, animals, and bacteria can all be modified.


Answer:  Genes of plants, animals, and bacteria can all be modified. is the correct answer

Place the following events in order starting with the vibration of the oval window and ending with the depolarization of hair cells.
a. Basilar membrane moves up and down b. Potassium ions enter hair cell causing depolarization c. Inner hair cells are pushed against the tectorial membrane d. Oval window vibrates e. Pressure wave travels through the perilymph of the scala vestibuli f. Stereocilia bend and tip-link proteins open potassium channels


Events in order starting with the  vibration of the oval window and ending with the depolarization of hair cells are.

d. Oval window vibrates

e. Pressure wave travels through the perilymph of the Scala vestibuli

a. Basilar membrane moves up and down

c. Inner hair cells are pushed against the tectorial membrane

f. Stereocilia bend and tip-link proteins open potassium channels

b. Potassium ions enter hair cell causing depolarization

In general mechanical vibrations in the stapes at the basal plate of oval window creates the pressure and waves in the perilymph of the Scala vestibuli of the cochlea.

Thus ,these waves are responsible in moving around the tip of the cochlea through the helicotrema at the place of scala tympani and deplete when they hit window.

To learn more about oval window , here


What happens to the carbon dioxide produced in the krebs cycle?


The carbon dioxide produced from the Krebs cycle is treated as a waste product that is removed from the body through exhalation
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