1 point1. Inertia is the tendency of an object to stay at rest or in motion. *TrueFalse


Answer 1

The given statement is true

Inertia is the tendency of an object to stay at rest or in motion

Related Questions

a freight train, traveling at a speed of 60km/h, passes a light post over the course of 30 seconds. what is the lenght of the train


In the space of 30 seconds, a freight train moving at 60 km/h passes a light post. The train is 500 meters long.

Explain about the Speed?

The first person to calculate speed by accounting for both the distance travelled and the amount of time required was the Italian physicist Galileo Galilei. Galileo described speed as the distance travelled in a unit of time.

The speed at which an object's location changes in any direction. The distance travelled in relation to the time it took to travel that distance is how speed is defined.

Miles per hour (mph), kilometers per hour (km/h), and meters per second (m/s) are the three most popular speed units (mph). The distance an object covers in a given amount of time is its speed. Speed equals distance x time is the speed equation.

Speed is 60x (5/18) m/s, or 50/3 m/s, and time is 30 seconds. Distance (train length) = speed x time = 50/3 m/s x 30 s = 500 m. 

To learn more about Speed refer to:



What is the name of the organic molecule modeled below?
A - Propane
B - Propene
C - Propine
D - Propyne



the correct objective is C

C- Propine is the correct answer !

A rock on the edge of a cliff has a 1500 J of potential energy. The rock falls 20 m to
the ground. What is the mass of the rock? What force will be exerted on the ground on



Mass = 7.65kg

Force = 75N


Energy Potential = mass • gravity • height

1500 J = mass • 9.8 • 20

1500 J/(9.8 m/s/s •20 m) = mass

7.65 kg = mass

Force = mass • acceleration

Force = 7.65 • 9.8m/s/s

Force = 75 N

We could also do 1500J/20m as gravity is divided in one and then multiplied again

Force = (1500J • 9.8m/s/s)/(9.8m/s/s • 20m)

Force = 1500J/20m

Force = 75N

this makes sense as Energy is defined as Newton metres  as seen by the work formula, Work = Force • distance

Answer: Mass of the rock= 7.65g

              Force exerted on the ground = 74.9N


potential energy = mass × gravity ×height

1500J = y × 9.8 × 20


1500 ÷ 196 = y

y= 7.65g

force= mass × gravity

         = 7.65 ×9.8


The length of an iron rod is measures by a brass scale. When both of them are at 10°C, the measured length is 50cm. What is the length of the rod at 40°C when measured by the brass scale at 40°C.? (a for brass=24x10-6°C, a for iron = 16x10 °C -¹)​


Answer: The answer is 222.8

A dog walks 12 meters to the east and then 16 meters back to the west. For this motion, what is the distance moved?.


The total distance moved by the dog is 28meters while the magnitude of the displacement is 4 meters. Moreover, The direction of the displacement is zero degrees.

In Physics, Distance refers to the motion of an object in any direction while displacement is defined as the total distance traveled in a particular direction.

If a dog walks 12 meters to the east and then 16 meters back to the west, then the total distance covered will be calculated as:

Distance moved = 12m (East) + 16m (West)

Total Distance moved = 28 meters [East + West]

Now let's calculate the displacement.

Distance covered towards east (fro origin) = + 12 meters

Distance covered towards west (fro origin) = - 16metres

Displacement = -16 + 12

Displacement = - 4meters (-ve sign represents direction)

|D| = 4 meters

Thus, the magnitude of the displacement is 4 meters

Since the direction of movement is along the x-axis, therefore the direction is zero degrees.

If you need to learn more about distance click here:



The complete question is:

A dog walks 12 meters to the east and then 16 meters back to the west.

For this motion, what is the distance moved?

What is the magnitude and direction of the displacement?

what is the net force and acceleration of a falling crate (mass including parachute 132 kg) when the upward force or air resistance is one-fourth its weight?


the net force and acceleration of a falling crate (mass including parachute 132 kg) when the upward force or air resistance is one-fourth of its weight is 7.35m/s²

We know from newton's second law

sum of forces = ma

here, the forces are weight (down) and resistance (up)

choosing down as the positive direction, we have

weight - resistance = ma

mg - [tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex](mg)=ma

[tex]\frac{3}{4}[/tex] mg = ma or a = [tex]\frac{3}{4}[/tex] g =7.35m/s²

The net pressure is defined as the sum of all the forces appearing on an item. internet force can boost up a mass. some different pressure acts on a body either at relaxation or movement. Internet forces is a term utilized in a system while there may be an extensive range of forces.

the net pressure is the vector sum of forces performed on a particle or object. The internet pressure is an unmarried force that replaces the impact of the unique forces on the particle's motion. It gives the particle equal acceleration as all those actual forces collectively as defined via Newton's 2nd law of motion.

it's miles possible to decide the torque related to the factor of application of an internet pressure so that it maintains the movement of jets of the object below the original machine of forces. Its related torque, the net pressure, turns into the consequent force and has an identical impact on the rotational motion of the object as all actual forces have taken together.

To learn more about net force visit here:



what would happen to the distances between bright spots (intensity maxima) on the screen if the spacing between the slits is doubled? group of answer choices


If the spacing between the slits is doubled, then  the distances between bright spots (intensity maxima) on the screen will become half

From the young double slit experiment, we come up with a formula which  is  : β = λD/d, where β is the fringe width,  λ is the wavelength of the light rays, D is the distance between the screen and the source of the rays, and the d is the distance between the two slits. here the distance between the two bright spots is also called the bandwidth. If d is doubled then the value of β will be halved.

To know more about slits refer to the  link  https://brainly.com/question/24305019?referrer=searchResults.


Look at the following transformer. The source of electricity is on the left. Therefore, the primary coil is on the left, and the secondary is on the right.

A. How much the primary current ?
B. For the above transformer what is the output power if it is only 85% efficient?
C. How much the secondary voltage?


The primary current of transformer is 9A, the secondary voltage is 63.75 V and the output power at 85% efficiency is 650.25 VA.

(a) Turns of primary coil (N₁) = 400

Turns of secondary coil (N₂) = 300

Current on secondary coil (I₂) = 12 A

Current on primary coil (I₁) =

= using transformer equation,

= N₁ × I₁ = N₂ × I₂

= I₁ = (300 ×12) / 400

=  I₁ = 9 A

(b) Voltage of primary coil (V₁) = 85 V

Current on secondary coil (I₂) = 12 A

Power on primary coil (P₁) =

= P₁ = V₁ × I₁

= P₁  = 85 × 9

= P₁ = 765 VA

However, if the efficiency of the transformer is 85% then,

= 85 = (P₂ / P₁ ) × 100

= 0.85 × 765 = P₂

= P₂ = 650.25 VA

(c) Voltage of primary coil (V₁) = 85 V

Current on secondary coil (I₂) = 12 A

Current on primary coil (I₁) = 9 A

Voltage on secondary coil (V₂) =

= using transformer equation,

= I₁ × V₁ = N₂ × I₂

= V₂ = (85 × 9) / 12

= V₂ = 63.75 V

To know more about Efficiency of Transformers:



The mass of a bike and cyclist is 75.0 kg. The rider starts at rest at a height of Om. She speeds up to 6.00 m/s. What is the mechanical energy of thebike?The answers would be one of the four choices in the pictures.


Given that the mass of the bike and cyclist is m = 75 kg and the velocity is v = 6 m/s. The height is h= 0 m

Mechanical energy is the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy.

The kinetic energy is given by the formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} K.E\text{. =}\frac{1}{2}mv^2 \\ =\frac{1}{2}\times75\times(6)^2 \\ =1350\text{ J} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The potential energy is given by the formula,

[tex]\begin{gathered} P\mathrm{}E\mathrm{}=\text{mgh} \\ =75\times9.8\times0 \\ =0\text{ J} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Here, g = 9.8 m/s^2 and is the acceleration due to gravity.

The mechanical energy will be

[tex]\begin{gathered} E=\text{ 1350 J+0 J} \\ =1350\text{ J} \end{gathered}[/tex]

A 1,470.39 N rocket travels at constant speed for 1,522.64m in 2.11 seconds. What is the kinetic energy of the rocket?


Given data:

* The weight of the rocket is 1470.39 N.

* The distance traveled by the rocket is 1522.64 m.

* The time taken by the rocket is 2.11 seconds.


The velocity of the rocket in terms of the distance and time is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} v=\frac{\text{distance}}{\text{time}} \\ v=\frac{1522.64}{2.11} \\ v=721.63\text{ m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The mass of the rocket from the weight is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} mg=1470.39 \\ m=\frac{1470.39}{g} \end{gathered}[/tex]

where g is the acceleration due to gravity,

Substituting the known values,

[tex]\begin{gathered} m=\frac{1470.39}{9.8} \\ m=150.04\text{ kg} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The kinetic energy of the rocket in terms of mass and velocity of the rocket is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} K=\frac{1}{2}mv^2 \\ K=\frac{1}{2}\times150.04\times721.63^2 \\ K=39066654.26\text{ J} \\ K=39.07\times10^6\text{ J} \\ K=39.07\text{ MJ} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the kinetic energy of the rocket is 39.07 MJ.

Mix a liter of 20°C water with 2 liters of 30°C water and you’ll have 3 liters of water at?


We can solve this question by using the principle of calorimetry.

The density of water is 1000 kg/m^3

According to the principle of calorimetry,

Heat lost by hot body = Heat gained by the cold body.

This principle is based on conservation of energy.

Let assume that the final temperature is t(f).


[tex]\begin{gathered} Q=mc\Delta t \\ Where,\text{ } \\ Q=Heat \\ m=mass \\ c=Specific\text{ }heat\text{ }capacity \\ \Delta t=Change\text{ }in\text{ }temperature \end{gathered}[/tex]

For two liter of water the final temperature is t(f) and initial temperature is 30°celcius,

So here the water will lose heat because it is at higher temperature,

[tex]\begin{gathered} Heat\text{ loose by the water is,} \\ Q=mc\Delta t=1000\times2\times c\times[t(f)-30] \end{gathered}[/tex]

And for 1 liter of water the gain in heat is,

[tex]Q=mc\Delta t=1000\times1\times c\times[t(f)-20][/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} Q\text{ }lose=Q\text{ }gain \\ -1000\times2\times c\times[t(f)-30]=1000\times1\times c\times[t(f)-20] \\ -2\times[t(f)-30]=[t(f)-20] \\ -2t(f)+60=t(f)-20 \\ -3t(f)=-20-60 \\ t(f)=\frac{80}{3}=26.667\mathring{\text{ }}celcius \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the final temperature of the 3 liter water = 26.667 degree cus.

12Question 17 (1 point)It's been said that "Dilution is the solution to pollution." Which of the following is anexample of this saying?✓15Gasoline leaks into a sewage system and is filtered out at the sewage treatmentplant.A doctor's office throws all their trash into the Atlantic Ocean. Waves andcurrents wash it all ashore.18An camper washes her dishes then dumps the water into a large river.Mercury is absorbed into fish and humans eat the fish.1


detectableThe solution to pollution is not dilution. That is, due to the low levels

of contaminants in the effluent and the high volume cmd rate of flow in the St.

Clair River, most substances would be dispersed to the point of undetectability

within ten metres or so, If the contaminants were still decte after ten

kilometres. for example, that would be considered using dilution as a solution.

Since ICI trecrts the waste water before it is released. and with the mixhg zones

ço small, Lusby is confident thd the discharge is hdess because the

concentration is extremely low

if you take a picture of your friend, who is standing 3.90 m from the lens, using a camera with a lens with an 85 mm focal length, how far from the sensor is the lens?


If you take a picture of your friend, who is standing 3.90 m from the lens, using a camera with a lens with an 85 mm focal length, the sensor is 1.087 m from the lens.

1 / f = 1 / v + 1 / u

f = Focal length

v = Image distance

u = Object distance

u = 3.9 m

f = 85 mm

f = 0.85 m

1 / v = 1 / f - 1 / u

1 / v = 1 / 0.85 - 1 / 3.9

1 / v = 3.05 / 3.315

v = 1.087 m

The sign convention for this formula is:

When the object is on the same side of the refracting surface as the incoming light, the value of u is taken as positive else taken as negative.When the image is on the same side of the refracting surface as the incoming light, the value of v is taken as positive else taken as negative.

Therefore, the sensor is 1.087 m from the lens.

To know more about focal length



What constant torque is required to bring it up to an angular speed of 400 rev/min in 8. 00 s , starting from rest?.


The required Torque would be 13.0895 Nm.

The force that can cause an object to rotate around an axis is measured in torque.

Similar to how force accelerates an object in linear kinematics, torque accelerates an object in an angular direction.

In rotational kinematics, torque takes the place of force in linear kinematics. There is a direct equivalent to Newton’s 2ⁿᵈ law of motion (F=maF=maF, equals, m, a),

[tex]\tau = I \alphaτ=Iαtau[/tex]= αI


Time (t) =8.00 sec

Ang Velocity (W) = 400 rev/min

Moment of Inertia (I) = 2.50 kg m²

As we know,

W=Wo+αt T

= αI

400 rev/min to rad/sec-

400 × 2π/60sec = 41.8876 rad/sec

41.8876 rad/sec = 0 + α(8 sec) α = 5.2358 rad/sec²

Torque, T=αI.


T=13.0895 Nm

Know more about Torque at:



A solar-powered car has a kinetic energy of 110250 J. Its mass is 180 kg. Work out how fast the car is travelling Enter a number m/s​


Answer: Velocity = v = 35 m/s


Kinetic energy of an object is defined as the energy possess by an object due to its motion. Kinetic energy K.E of an object is equal to the half of the mass of that object multiplied by square of the object's velocity.


v = 35 m/s

How can you determine the velocity of a runner from a position time graph?





The slope of the  position-time graph is the velocity at any point in time

If the gravity of the moon is 1/6 of Earth’s gravity, what is the mass of an object that has a weight of 115N on the moon?



70.3 kg


The MASS will be the same on the moon as on earth....but the eight is different

gravity of moon =   gravity of earth/6 = 9.81 / 6    m/s^2

F = ma

F/a = m  = 115 N / ( 9.81/6  m/s^2) = 70.3 kg mass




g = 9.8 m/s²

g₁ = g / 6 = 9.8 / 6 ≈ 1.6 m/s²

F = 115 N


m - ?

m  = F / g₁

m = 115 / 1,6 ≈ 71.9  kg

how do astronomers currently think the amount of detectable (observable) matter in the universe compares to the amount of dark matter and dark energy?


Astronomers think the amount of detectable matter as one of some hundred thousand million out of which some are compared and contrasted with the help of modern telescopes.

In 1920 when astronomers began to study the spectra of stars in other galaxies , they found something most peculiar. There were same characteristic sets of missing colours as for stars in galaxy. But they were shifted by some relative amount towards red end of spectrum.The present rate of expanding universe has some resolutions in thermodynamics as the third law states "entropy of universe keeps increasing"  , where entropy states the randomness of the universe.Some non luminous material that is believed to exist in space and have the ability to take any several forms including the weakly interacting particles , further having classification of hot dark matter and cold dark matter. Gravity has its field in every particle due to which the stability is maintained with centrifugal force. Something pairing to oppose this fundamental force or field is the dark energy that is negative in nature. And this is responsible for slowing the rate  of expansion of universe.[tex]Dark. energy= \frac{\alpha }{\beta } \\\\\alpha =pressure \\\\\beta =energy-Density[/tex]

To know more about modern telescopes-



Greenhouse A. Open system B. Closed system C. Isolated system


In an open system, both energy and matter are exchanged with the surroundings.

In a closed system, only energy is exchanged with the surroundings.

In an isolated system, neither matter nor energy is exchanged with the surroundings.

In the greenhouse, only energy is exchanged with the surroundings.

Thus, the greenhouse is a closed system.

A boy and a dog are both pulling oppositely on the same bone when the boy pulls as hard as he can. What is the equal and opposite force for the force of the boy pulling on the bone as described by newton's third law?.


The equal and opposite force for the force of the boy pulling on the bone, the net force is zero.

A boy and a dog are both pulling oppositely on the same bone when the boy pulls as hard as he can. There is no net force. Each dog exerts an equal amount of force in opposing directions, which causes the combined force to cancel out.

Newton's third law :

When one body applies pressure to another, the first body feels pressure that is equal to the applied pressure but applied in the opposite direction.Fa = - Fb force exerted on a body is equal and opposite to the force exerted on another body.

The equal and opposite force for the force of the boy pulling on the bone, the net force is zero.

To know more about force:



This is the greatest number of beats your heart can pump in one minute.
O Resting Heart Rate
O Heart Rate
O Maximum Heart Rate
O Target Heart Rate


The greatest number of beats your heart can pump in one minute is option B: Heart Rate.

What is the heart beat?

Your heart beats on average between 60 to 100 times per minute for adults, which is what is known as your heart rate.

Your body adjusts your heart rate naturally to match what you're doing or what's going on around you. Because of this, your heart rate increases at times of activity, excitement, or fear and decreases during times of rest, serenity, or comfort.

Note that your heart rate is a crucial sign of your general health. A high or slow heart rate may indicate a cardiac condition or other health issues. Having the ability to feel your heartbeat all around your body may also help doctors identify medical issues.

Learn more about Heart Rate from





Maximum Heart Rate

answer for 27. i understand the concept just want to confirm the answer


In a vacuum x-rays and microwaves have the same velocity but different wavelengths.

Correct option: D. the same

what is the power dissipated in a if it is connected to a 4.00 v battery that has negligible internal resistance?


The power dissipated if the resistor A is connected to a 4.00 V battery that has negligible internal resistance is 1.42 W

According to Ohm's law,

V = IR

V = Voltage

I = Current

R = Resistance

For resistor A,

I1 = 0.5 A

V1 = 2.55 V

R1 = 2.55 / 0.5

R1 = 5.1 Ω

I2 = 1 A

V2 = 3.11 V

R2 = 3.11 / 1

R2 = 3.11 Ω

I3 = 2 A

V3 = 3.77 V

R3 = 3.77 / 2

R3 = 1.885 Ω

I4 = 4 A

V4 = 4.58 V

R4 = 4.58 / 4

R4 = 1.145 Ω

R = ( R1 + R2 + R3 + R4 ) / 4

R = ( 5. + 3.11 + 1.885 + 1.145 ) / 4

R = 2.81 Ω

P = V² / R

P = Power

V = 4 V

P = 4² / 2.81

P = 1.42 W

Therefore, the power dissipated if it is connected to a 4.00 V battery that has negligible internal resistance is 1.42 W

The given question is incomplete. The complete question is:

The voltage drop Vab across each of resistors A and B was measured as a function of the current I in the resistor. The results are shown in the table attached. What is the power dissipated in A if it is connected to a 4.00 V battery that has negligible internal resistance?

To know more about power



In order to have kinetic energy an object must be
2. At rest


To have kinetic energy a object must be A moving

4. A car has a mass of 1,350 kg. A driver travels on a level road with an acceleration of 4.7 m/s.What force, neglecting friction, must be exerted to achieve this accelerations?


We have to use Newton's Second Law


Where m = 1,350 kg and a = 4.7 m/s2.

[tex]\begin{gathered} F=1,350\operatorname{kg}\cdot\frac{4.7m}{s^2} \\ F=6,345N \end{gathered}[/tex]Hence, the force exerted is 6,345 Newtons.

what is the mass of a hiker 350m above the ground if her GPE is 120,200 J?



The height from the ground is h = 350 m

The gravitational potential energy is GPE = 120,200 J

To find the mass of the hiker.


The mass of the hiker can be calculated by the formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} GPE\text{ =mgh} \\ m\text{ =}\frac{GPE}{gh} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Here, g =9.8 m/s^2 is the acceleration due to gravity.

On substituting the values, the mass of the hiker will be

[tex]\begin{gathered} m\text{ =}\frac{120200}{9.8\times350} \\ =35.044\text{ kg } \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the mass of the hiker is 35.044 kg

The water displacement method was used to determine the density of silly putty. The initial water level in graduated cylinder was 25 ml and the final water level after placing silly putty into graduated cylinder was 29 ml. The mass of the silly putty was 8 grams. Calculate the density of the silly putty.



The density of  putty 2 g/cm³



V₀ = 25 ml = 25 cm³

V = 29 ml = 29 cm³

m = 8 g


ρ - ?

The density of  putty:

ρ = m / (V - V₀)

ρ = 8 / (29 - 25) = 8 / 4 = 2 g/cm³

What is the si unit of mass and length​



Mass: Kg (kilogram)

Length: M (meter)

the beam is balanced use the principle of moments to calculate the weight, W, of the monkey in newtons.
the objects weight on the left is 350N and the distance from the pivot is 20m. the second object on the right weight is x and distance from the pivot is 1.5m





350 * 20    has to equal    x * 1.5  

350 * 20   =   1.5 x

x = 4666.7 N

The half-life of iodine-131 is 8.07 days. If 0.25 g are left after 40.35 days, how many gramswere in the original sample?


Given data

*The half-life of iodine-131 is t = 8.07 days

*The amount of quantity left is N = 0.25 g

*The number of days is T = 40.35 days

The expression for the radioactivity decay is given as


Substitute the values in the above expression as

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{0}.25=N_0(\frac{1}{2})^{\frac{40.35}{8.07}} \\ N_0=8\text{ g} \end{gathered}[/tex]


See below


40.35 days / (8.07 day per half life) = 5 half lives

.25 = x ( 1/2)^5

.25 / ( 1/2)^5 = x = 8 gm originally

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The population, P, of a species of fish is decreasing at a rate that is proportional to the population itself. If P=200000 when t=3 and P=150000 when t=4, what is the population when t=10?Round your answer to the nearest integer. Tries 0/99 8. An object of mass 13 kg going to the right witha speed of 26 m/s collides with a(n) 10 kg object at rest.After collision the 13 kg object moves with a speed of 11 m/smaking an angle of 20 degree with the horizontal-right.Calculate the x-component of the velocity of the 10 kgobject after collision. (1 point)A. 07.069 m/sB. O 17.629 m/sC. O 3.745 m/sD. O 11.865 m/sE. O 20.362 m/s Ethan and Michael played tablebasketball using wadded up bitsof paper and plastic cups. Eachbasket was worth 2 points.Ethan scored 18 points andMichael scored 24 points. Howmany goals did the boys scorealtogether? Does the set of ordered pairs {(-5, 0), (0, 1}, (5, 2), (10, 3), (15, 4)} represent a function? Why or why not? The vertices of a y rectangle are 8 A(1,7), B (3,7). C(3, 1.5), and 6 D (1, 1.5). Find the perimeter and the area of 3 the rectangle. original price of pants is 2995 the discount is 10% discuss the rise and impact of states like ghana and mali. refer to specific evidence how do you draw a model to explain 3/4 x 24 Read the excerpt from chapter 8 of Obasan by Joy Kogawa.Obasan is sitting on a mandarin box at my feet winding the twine from Aunt Emilys package onto a twine ball she keeps in the pantry.Obasan never discards anything. Besides the twine ball, theres a ball of string full of knots, a number of balls of wool bits, and even short bits of thread twirled around popsicle sticks that are stacked up like soldiers in a black woven x. The twine ball is larger than a baseball and slips off her lap, rolling a short distance along the floor.How does the authors use of longer sentences impact meaning in this excerpt? evaluate the expression and enter your answer below. 3x10+15-6^2 Please Help me solve ksp of AgOH = 2.0 x 10^-8 To celebrate getting a new job, Marco went out for a dinner that cost $100. If the local sales tax is 6% and Marco left a 15% tip on $100, what was the total cost of his meal?$ help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Use properties to rewrite the given equation. Which equations have the same solution as 2.3p 10.1 = 6.5p 4 0.01p? Select two options. 2.3p 10.1 = 6.4p 4 2.3p 10.1 = 6.49p 4 230p 1010 = 650p 400 p 23p 101 = 65p 40 p 2.3p 14.1 = 6.4p 4 PLEASE HELP 50 POINTS. PLEASE !!! BALANCING CHEMICAL EQUATIONS Factor out the GCF in the polynomial.32x - 24 = Write down the value of 3 A cylinder has a radius of 10' and a height of 11.4' what is the approximate volume of the cylinder used 3.14 for pi. There was a recent fire that took place at the famous Main Street bakery. Caleb happened to be walking by the bakery at the same time the fire broke out. Several people said they saw Caleb set the building ablaze, but Caleb was prevented from questioning the witnesses in open trial. Which amendment may have been violated? The spatial pattern shown in the following image best describesQuestion 3 options:a shatterbelt region in sub-Saharan Africa between a poor rural area and a wealthy urban area.a choke point along the Suez Canal in Egypt.the breakup of the elite estates into small farms by the government in postcolonial Paraguaythe open border between the U.S. and Mexico along the Rio Grande River during the 1950s.a series of small farmer-owned cocoa plantations in West Africa separated by a canal from larger European-owned plantations.