1. choose one of the theorems about chords of a circle and state it using your own words2. create a problem that uses the theorem you explained3. explain how to solve the problem you just did

1. Choose One Of The Theorems About Chords Of A Circle And State It Using Your Own Words2. Create A Problem


Answer 1


We have the following:

1. A given chord in a circle is perpendicular to a radius through its center and is a distance less than the radius of the circle.

2. A circle with center C has a radius of 5 units. If a 6-unit chord AB is drawn at a distance D from the center of the circle, determine the value of D.



Radius = 5 units

Length of chord = 6 units

A radius that meets the chord at center O divides it into two equal parts. Therefore:

AO = OB = 3 units

We can apply the Pythagorean theorem on the resulting triangle COB to determine the distance D, like this:

[tex]\begin{gathered} h^2=a^2+b^2 \\ \\ h=CB=R=5 \\ \\ a=OC=D \\ \\ b=OB=3 \\ \\ \text{ We replacing:} \\ \\ 5^2=D^2+3^2 \\ \\ 25=D^2+9 \\ \\ D^2=25-9 \\ \\ D=\sqrt{16} \\ \\ D=4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the chord is at a distance of 4 units to the center of the circle.

Related Questions

The area of a circle is 100 square millimeters. What is the circumference?


[tex]\begin{gathered} Area\text{ of circle = }\pi r^2 \\ 100=3.14r^2 \\ r^2=\frac{100}{3.14} \\ r^2=31.85 \\ r=\sqrt[]{31.85} \\ r=5.64\text{ mm} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{The circumference of a circle = 2}\pi r \\ =\text{ 2 x 3.14 x 5.64} \\ =35.42\text{ mm }\cong35.4\text{ mm (1 decimal place)} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Choose each conversion factor that relates cups to fluid Ounces.A. 8 fl oz/ 1cB. 8c/ 1 fl ozC. 1 fl oz/ 8 cD. 1 c/ 8 fl oz



A. 8 fl oz/ 1c

D. D. 1 c/ 8 fl oz​


1 cup is equal to 8 fluid ounces, so the conversion factors that relate these units are factors that keep the same equivalence. So, the conversion factors are:

A. 8 fl oz/ 1c

D. D. 1 c/ 8 fl oz​

Daniel's BAC, B, after drinking can be determined using the formula B - 0,08 - 0.016Nhere N is the number of hours that have elapsed since drinking, What is Daniel's BACNer 3 hours and 15 minutes?



1) Firstly, We need to convert 3 hours and 15 min into decimal. So, we can write out the following:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3+\frac{15}{60} \\ 3\frac{1}{4}=3.25 \end{gathered}[/tex]

2) As our second step, we can plug into the formula the number we just found:

[tex]\begin{gathered} B=0.08-0.016N \\ B=0.08-0.016(3.25)\Rightarrow B=0.08-0.052 \\ B=0.028 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So Daniel's BAC after 3 hours and 15 minutes drinking is

How do I solve this problem Lucy plans to spend between 50$ and 65$, inclusive, on packages of breads of charms. If she buys 5 packages of breads at $4.95 each, how many packages of charms at $6.55 can Lucy buy while staying within her budget?


so she can buy 6 packages of charms


Step 1


x= money Lucy spends

Lucy plans to spend between 50$ and 65$, replacing we have

[tex]50she buys 5 packages of bread at $4.95

Step 2

find the money spent for buying 5 packages of bread

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{cost}=\text{ 5 mu}ltipliedby4.95 \\ \text{cost}=5\cdot4.95=24.75 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 3

after, that she will have spent 24.75, the maximum budget is 65

then , she has

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{balance}=65-24.75 \\ \text{balance}=40.25 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 4

to find how many packages of charms at $6.55 she can buy,, just divide

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{total of packages of charm= }\frac{40.25\text{ usd}}{6.55\frac{usd}{\text{pack}}} \\ \text{total of packages of charm=6.14 } \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

she can not buy 0.14 package, so she can buy 6 packages of charms

Solve for all values of x in simplest form.
|8x| = 64


Answer: x=8

Step-by-step explanation:

A stack of 30 science flashcards includes a review card for each of the following 10 insects, 8 trees, 8 flowers and 4 birds. What is the probability of randomly selecting an insect and then a tree???


The probability (P) of event A occurring is:

[tex]P(A)=\frac{\text{ number of favorable outcomes to A}}{\text{ total number of outcomes}}[/tex]

The probability of 2 consecutive events A and B occur is:


Then, let's calculate the probability of selecting an insect:

Favorable outcomes: 10

Total outcomes: 30


Now, let's calculate the probability of selecting tree:

If the insect card is replaced:

Favorable outcomes: 8

Total outcomes: 30


If the insect card is not replaced:

Favorable outcomes: 8

Total outcomes: 29


The probability of randomly selecting an insect and then a tree is:

With replacement:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P=\frac{1}{3}*\frac{4}{15} \\ P=\frac{4}{45} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Without replacement:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P=\frac{1}{3}*\frac{8}{29} \\ P=\frac{8}{87} \end{gathered}[/tex]


With replacement: 4/45

Without replacement: 8/87

For the following find the Range:{(₁-2, 4), (3,-2), (1,0), (-2, -2), (0, 6)}



The range represents the y-value of the given points



Select the best answer for the question. 3. What is 996 times 32? O A. 29,880 B. 31,680 C. 31,872 D. 51,792


First, write the factors 996 and 32 in the following arrangement:

Next, take the last digit of 32, which is 2, and multiply it by 996. To do so, first, multiply 2 times 6:


Write the units below the column of the 6, and save the remaining 10 units to be added in the next step.

Next, multiply 2 by the next digit from right to left of 996, which is 9:


Add 1 to the result, since it was a remainder from the last operation:


Write a 9 below the second colum, and save the remaining 10 units to be added on the next step.

Repeat the procedure for the third digit of 996 from right to left, which is 9.


Since there are no more digits from the upper number, write 19 below the third colum.

Now, repeat the procedure with the next digit from the lower number (32), which is 3. Write the result one place shifted to the left.


Next, move to the next digit from right to left of the upper number, which is 9:


Next, move to the next and last digit from right to left of the upper number, which is 9:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3\times9=27 \\ 27+2=29 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Fill the blank space at the right of the last row with a 0 and add both numbers:




Given {(-1,4),(-1,9),(-1,15),(-1,0)}Find the following.Domain=Range-Determine if it is a Function or Not?


Given the relation:

[tex]\left\{ \left(-1,4\right),\left(-1,9\right),\left(-1,15\right),\left(-1,0\right)\right\} [/tex]

The domain of the relation is the set of all values of x.


[tex]\text{Domain}=\left\lbrace -1\right\rbrace [/tex]

The range of the relation is the set of all values of f(x) or y. The range is:

[tex]\text{Range}=\left\lbrace 0,4,9,15\right\rbrace [/tex]

For a relation to be a function, it must have no more than one y value for each x value.

Since the given relation has more than one y value for each x value, it is NOT A FUNCTION.

the vertex of this parabola Is at parabola is at (2,-4)




Explanation: We are given two points, P1 is vertex and P2 is another point on the parabola:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P_1(2,-4) \\ P_2(3,-1) \end{gathered}[/tex]

The general form of the equation of a parabola is:

[tex]y(x)=A(x\pm B)^2+C[/tex]

Where A is the Coefficient of the parabola function which is responsible for compression and stretch, likewise B is responsible for the translation along the x-axis and C is responsible for translation along the y-axis.

We know that our function is translated 2 units towards the right and 4 units downwards:


[tex]\begin{gathered} B=-2 \\ C=-4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

And this turns the parabola equation into:


Using P2 we can find the constant-coefficient as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y(x)=A(x-2)^2-4_{} \\ P_2(3,-1) \\ \\ \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} y(3)=A(3-2)^2-4=-1\rightarrow A-4=-1 \\ \because\rightarrow \\ A=3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Please help me with this rectangle problem they always give me trouble


Hello there. To solve this question, we'll have to remember some properties about rectangles.

A rectangle is a quadrilateral polygon (that is, it has 4 right angles in its corners) and two parallel sides.

The special cases of quadrilaterals are the parallelogram, that has two parallel sides but the angles might not be right angles and the square, in which the sides are equal.

In the case of the rectangle, it has a side with length L and other side, that we call its width, with length W, as in the following drawing:

Its area A can be calculated taking the product between the length and the width, therefore:

[tex]A=L\cdot W[/tex]

With this, we can solve this question.

It says that a rectangle is 15 ft longer than it is wide. Its area is 2700 ft². We have to determine its dimensions.

Say this rectangle has width W.

If this rectangle is 15 ft longer than it is wide, it means that


Now, we plug this values for the formula of area, knowing that A = 2700:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=L\cdot W=(15+W)\cdot W \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Apply the FOIL


In this case, we have a quadratic equation in W.

We'll solve it by completing the square, that is, finding a perfect trinomial square such that we can undo the binomial expansion and solve a simpler quadratic equation.

The binomial expansion (a + b)² gives us


So to find the b we need to complete the square, we start dividing the middle term by 2.

In the case of our equation, the middle term has coefficient 15, hence


Square the number and add it on both sides of the equation, such that

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2700+\left(\dfrac{15}{2}\right)^2=\left(\dfrac{15}{2}\right)^2+2\cdot\dfrac{15}{2}\cdot W+W^2 \\ \\ 2700+\dfrac{225}{4}=\dfrac{11025}{4}=\left(W+\dfrac{15}{2}\right)^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Take the square root on both sides of the equation, knowing that 11025 = 105²


Subtract 15/2 on both sides of the equation


Then we plug this value in the expression for L, hence we get:


Notice that multiplying the numbers, we'll get:

[tex]L\cdot W=60\cdot45=2700[/tex]

That is exactly the area we had before.

Hence we say that its width equals 45 ft and its length equals 60 ft.

Emiliano sold half of his comic books and then bought 16 more.He now has 36. How many did he begin with? Write and equation to represent the problem.


N = original number of comic books

N/2 = number of comic books after he sold half of his collection

N/2 + 16 = number of comic books after he bought 16 more

N/2 + 16 = 36

Solving for N:

[tex]\frac{N}{2}+16\text{ = 36}\Longrightarrow\frac{N}{2}=36-16\text{ = 20 }\Longrightarrow\frac{N}{2}=20\Longrightarrow N\text{ = 20 }\cdot\text{ 2=40}\Longrightarrow\text{ N = 40}[/tex]


He began with 40 comic books

Equation to represent the problem: N/2 + 16 = 36

Find the slope & y-intercept: x + 2y –9= 0



we have


to know the slope and the y-intercept the easiest way is by isolating y to get the slope-intercept form

Step 1

isolate y

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+2y-9=0 \\ add\text{9 in both sides} \\ x+2y-9+9=0+9 \\ x+2y=9 \\ \text{subtract x in both sides} \\ x+2y-x=9-x \\ 2y=9-x \\ \text{divide both sides by 2} \\ \frac{2y}{2}=\frac{9}{2}-\frac{x}{2} \\ y=-\frac{1}{2}x+\frac{9}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} y=-\frac{1}{2}x+\frac{9}{2}\rightarrow y=mx+b \\ m\text{ is the slope} \\ b\text{ is the y intercept} \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{slope}=-\frac{1}{2} \\ y-\text{intercept =}\frac{9}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

I hope this helps you

what is the slope when the rise is -10 and the run is 2


Slope intercdpt form of line


Rise means elevation over y axis

Run means displacement along X axis

Now the Slope m = ( Rise/Run ) = (-10/2) = -5

So its a line directed down with slope -5

(when slope is negative, line goes down)

Evaluate. Write your answer as an integer or as a decimal rounded to the nearest hundredth. cos 67° = ____


Answer: 0.39

The decimal form of cos 67° rounded to the nearest hundredth is 0.39.

Suppose logex = 3, log y = 7, and logz= -2.Find the value of the following expression.loga42


[tex]\begin{gathered} \log _ax=3 \\ \log _ay=7 \\ \log _az=-2 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} \log _ax^3+\log _ay-\log _az^4=\log _a(\frac{x^3y}{z^4}) \\ 3\log _ax^{}+\log _ay-4\log _az=3(3)+7-4(-2)=9+7-8=8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Find the area of the shape shown below. 7 3


To find the area of the figure you can divide the figure into to smaller shapes

calculate the area of each of the smaller figures.

for the square

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=s\cdot s \\ A=3\cdot3 \\ A=9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

For the triangle the base is the difference between the longest side which is 7 and the side on the square which is 3


find the area of the triangle

[tex]A=b\cdot\frac{h}{2}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} A=4\cdot\frac{3}{2} \\ A=\frac{12}{2} \\ A=6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Add both areas to find the area of the figure

[tex]\begin{gathered} A_T=9+6 \\ A_T=15 \end{gathered}[/tex]

find an equation of the line passing through the pair points. write the equation in the form ax+by=c (-7,5),(-8,-9)


Given the pair of coordinates;

[tex]\begin{gathered} (-7,5) \\ (-8,-9) \end{gathered}[/tex]

We would begin by first calculating the slope of the line.

This is given by the formula;


The variables are as follows;

[tex]\begin{gathered} (x_1,y_1)=(-7,5) \\ (x_2,y_2)=(-8,-9) \end{gathered}[/tex]

We will now substitute these into the formula for finding the slope as shown below;

[tex]\begin{gathered} m=\frac{(-9-5)}{(-8-\lbrack-7)} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} m=\frac{-14}{-8+7} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} m=\frac{-14}{-1} \\ m=14 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The slope of this line equals 14. We shall use this value along with a set of coordinates to now determine the y-intercept.

Using the slope-intercept form of the equation we would have;


We would now substitute for the following variables;

[tex]\begin{gathered} m=14 \\ (x,y)=(-7,5) \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]5=14(-7)+b[/tex][tex]5=-98+b[/tex]

Add 98 to both sides of the equation;


We now have the values of m, and b.The equation in "slope-intercept form" would be;


To convert this linear equation into the standard form which is;


We would move the term with variable x to the left side of the equation;

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=14x+103 \\ \text{Subtract 14x from both sides;} \\ y-14x=103 \end{gathered}[/tex]

We can now re-write and we'll have;


Note that the coefficients of x and y (that is A and B) are integers and A is positive;

Therefore, we would have;

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Multiply all through by -1} \\ 14x-y=-103 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The equation of the line passing through the points given expressed in standard form is;



If m<9 = 97° and m<12 = 114°, find the measure of each missing angle.


1) Since we have a pair of parallel lines cut by transversal ones then we can state the following conclusions about the angles formed

2) Let's set our table





m∠5 = 83º ∠9 and ∠10 are supplementary angles

m∠6 = 97º ∠6 and ∠7 are consecutive interior angles (supplementary)

m∠7 = 114º ∠7 and ∠12 are alternate interior angles (congruent)

m∠8 =66º ∠8 and ∠11 are alternate interior angles (congruent)

m∠9 =97º Given

m∠10 = 180 - 97 =83º ∠9 and ∠10 are supplementary angles

m∠11 = 180º -114º = 66º ∠11 and ∠12 are supplementary angles

m∠12 = 114º Given

m∠13 = 83º ∠10 and ∠13 are Vertical angles

m∠14 = 97º ∠9 and ∠14 are Vertical angles

m∠15= 114º ∠12 and ∠15 are Vertical angles

m∠16 = 66º ∠11 and ∠16 are Vertical angles

Let the Universal Set, S, have 52 elements. A and B are subsets of S. Set A contains 26 elements and SetB contains 14 elements. If the total number of elements in either A or B is 27, how many elements are inA but not in B?



Number of elements in A but not in B = 13


Step 1: Given that:

n(S) = 52

n(A) = 26

n(B) = 14

n(A U B) = 27

Step2: Using the Venn Diagram

Step 3: Determine the value of n(A n B)

n(A U B) = n(A) + n(B) - n(A n B)

27 = 26 + 14 - n(A n B)

n(A n B) = 40 - 27

n(A n B) = 13

Step 4: Determine the number of elements in A but not in B

n(A - B) = n(A) - n(AnB)

n(A - B) = 26 - 13

n(A - B) = 13

Hence, number of elements in A but not in B = 13

Complete the statement with < >, or =. 25 نتانا





[tex]\begin{gathered} \sqrt[]{\frac{25}{4}}=\frac{5}{4} \\ so, \\ \frac{3}{2}<\frac{5}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

You spend 51/2hours at the park this week. You spend 210 fewer minutes at the library than you do at park. How many minutes do you spend at the library?




Time spent at the park =

[tex]\begin{gathered} 5\text{ }\frac{1}{2}\text{ hours} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Convert this time to minutes

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Recall that } \\ \text{1 hour = }60\text{ minutes} \\ 5\frac{1}{2}\text{ hours = 5}\frac{1}{2}\text{ x 60}=\frac{11}{2}\text{ x 60 = 330 minutes} \\ \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Time spent at the library is 210 minutes fewer than that spent at the park.

This implies the time spent at the library is

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Time spent at the park minus 210 minutes} \\ =330\text{ minutes - 210 minutes} \\ =120\text{ miutes} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The answer is 120 minutes

can u help me with this by using inverse trig.ratios. Find angle A and angle B.


The hypotenuse is 39 because is opposite to the angle of 90 degrees.

So, angle A is given by

[tex]\measuredangle A=\sin ^{-1}\frac{7}{39}[/tex]

Then, we have

[tex]\measuredangle A=\sin ^{-1}(0.17948)[/tex]

which gives

[tex]\measuredangle A=10.339\text{ degre}es[/tex]

Now, angle C is equal to 90 degrees and angle B is given by

[tex]\begin{gathered} \measuredangle B=\cos ^{-1}(\frac{7}{39}) \\ \measuredangle B=\cos ^{-1}(0.17948) \\ \measuredangle B=79.66\text{ degr}ees \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the answer is

[tex]\begin{gathered} \measuredangle A=10.339\text{ degre}es \\ \measuredangle B=79.669\text{ degre}es \\ \measuredangle C=90\text{ degre}es \end{gathered}[/tex]

need help with a question


Let's go over each of the expressions and see if they are equal to 1/8


So A is equivalent


So B is not equivalent


So C is equivalent


So D is not equivalent


So E is equivalent


9. Marty wants to buy a gallon of lemonade, and a gallon jug costs $3.89, while a pint costs $0.59. He wants to know how much money he would save by buying the gallon jug instead of multiple pints. (3 points: Part I - 1 point; Part II - 1 point; Part III - 1 point)Part I: How many pints are in a gallon?Part II: How much money would Marty spend if he bought multiple pints?Part III: How much money would Marty save by buying the gallon jug instead of multiple pints?


Part I. In a gallon, there are 8 pints.

Part II. If Marty bought multiple pints, he will spend:

[tex]8\text{ pints}\cdot0.59=\text{ \$4.72}[/tex]

Part III. Marty would save:

[tex]4.72-3.89=\text{ \$0.83}[/tex]

Marty would save $0.83 by buying the gallon jug instead of multiple pints.

Two squares are shown in the diagram . The larger square has sides of length 5x units. The smaller square has an area equal to ⅑ of the larger square . Find the length of the sides or the smaller square. Give your answer in the form a/b where a,b ∊ ℕ


From the information given,

length of side of the larger square = 5x units

The area of a square is calculated by the faormula,

area = length of side^2


Area of larger square = (5x)^2 = 25x^2

The smaller square has an area equal to ⅑ of the larger square. This means that the area of the smaller square is

Area of smaller square = 1/9 * 25x^2 = 25x^2/9

Length of the side of square = square root of area


Length of the sides of the smaller square = square root of (25x^2/9)

Length of the sides of the smaller square = 5x/3

A coach buys a uniform and a basketball for each of the 12 players on the team. Each basketball costs $15. The coach spends a total of $756 for uniforms and basketballs. Write an equation that models the situation with u, the cost of one uniform.Find the cost of one uniform


Equation: 180 + 12u = 756

the cost of one uniform is $48


Total number of players = 12

The cost per basketball = $15

Total cost for uniform and basket balls = $756

let the cost of each uniform = u

The equation becomes:

Total number of players(The cost per basketball ) + Total number of players( cost of each uniform)

12($15) + 12(u) = $756

180 + 12u = 756

To get u, we subtract 180 from both sides:

180 - 180 + 12u = 756 - 180

12u = 576

u = 576/12

u = 48

Hence, the cost of one uniform is $48

Tiffany has volunteered 65 hours at a local hospital.This is 5 times the number of hours her friend Mario volunteered. Let m represent the number of hours that Mario volunteered. Which equation below can be used to determine the actual number of hours Mario volunteered?A 65 x 5 = mb 5 x m= 65C m +5=65d 5 ÷ m= 65e 5+ m =65



5 x m = 65


The number of hours Tiffany volunteered = 65

The number of hours Mario volunteered = m

Tiffany volunteered 5 times the number of hours mario voluntered

Number of hours Tiffany volunteered = Number of hours Mario volunteered x 5

65 = m x 5

This can also be written as:

5 x m = 65

the sum of two numbers is 70 and their difference is 30 ,Find the two numbers using the process of substitution let x=the first number and y=the second number.


Let the first number be x and the second number be y.

Since the sum of the numbers is 70, it follows that the equation that shows the sum of the numbers is:


The difference between the two numbers is 30, hence, the equation that shows the difference is:


The system of equations is:

[tex]\begin{cases}x+y={70} \\ x-y={30}\end{cases}[/tex]

Make x the subject of the first equation:


Substitute this into the second equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 70-y-y=30 \\ \Rightarrow70-2y=30 \\ \Rightarrow-2y=30-70 \\ \Rightarrow-2y=-40 \\ \Rightarrow\frac{-2y}{-2}=\frac{-40}{-2} \\ \Rightarrow y=20 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The second number is 20.

Substitute y=20 into the equation x=70-y to find x:



The equation that shows the sum of the numbers is x+y=70.

The equation that shows the difference between the numbers is x-y=30.

The numbers are x=50 and y=20.

I get a whole number so I’m not taking steps correctly


The sum of the given matrices is not possible to calculate as the order of both the matrix are different.

To add two matrices both matrices must be of the same order.

[3      -8] is of order 1 × 2

[4   -5    -6] is of order 1 × 3

Since the two matrices are of different orders it is not possible for the two matrices to be added.

Although direct sum or Kronecker sum could be used to add the matrices but the correct symbol for them is not used.

Hence the required result is impossible .

A matrix, also spelled "matrices," is a rectangular table or array of characters that are arranged in rows and columns to represent a mathematical object or a property of one.

Matrix representations of linear mappings in linear algebra allow for explicit computations. Because of this, matrices are studied extensively in linear algebra, and most properties and actions of abstract discrete mathematics may be explained in terms of matrices.

To learn more about matrix visit:



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