Z1 and Z2 are a linear pair and the mZ1 is 9 times the measure of Z2. Find mZ1.mZ1 =degrees


Answer 1
[tex]\begin{gathered} Z_1,Z_2\text{ are linea pair so} \\ Z_1+Z_2=180 \\ 9x+x=180 \\ 10x=180 \\ x=18 \\ \angle Z_1=9x=9\times18=162^{\circ} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Related Questions

How to fine the volume and surface are in a cone




For the given cone, assuming

[tex]\begin{gathered} r\text{ = 10 m} \\ h\text{ = 12 m} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Slant height of cone is calculated as,

[tex]\begin{gathered} l^2\text{ = r}^2\text{ + h}^2 \\ l^2\text{ = 10}^2\text{ + 12}^2 \\ l^2\text{ = 100 + 144} \\ l^2\text{ = 244} \\ l\text{ = 15.62 m} \end{gathered}[/tex]


Surface area and volume of cone.


The surface area of cone is given as,

[tex]\begin{gathered} Surface\text{ area = }\pi r(l+r) \\ Surface\text{ area = 3.14}\times\text{ 10\lparen15.62 + 10\rparen} \\ Surface\text{ area =3.14}\times\text{ 10\lparen25.62\rparen} \\ Surface\text{ area = 3.14}\times\text{ 256.2} \\ Surface\text{ area = 804.468 m}^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Volume of cone is calculated as,

[tex]\begin{gathered} Volume\text{ = }\frac{1}{3}\pi r^2h \\ Volume\text{ = }\frac{1}{3}\times3.14\times10\times10\times12 \\ Volume\text{ = }\frac{3768}{3} \\ Volume\text{ = 1256 m}^3 \end{gathered}[/tex]


Thus the volume of the cone is 1256 cu.m.

The surface area of the cone is 804.468 sq.m.

A store pays $62 for leaf blower. The store marks up the price by 40%. what is the new pricem


A store pays $62 and they mark up the price by 0.4 of the price:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{New price= 62+(62}\cdot0.4) \\ \text{New price=86.8 usd} \end{gathered}[/tex]

a bike rental service charges $19.70 initial flat rate and the an additional $5.60 per hour. in this situation, what is the value of the y-intercept


The initial flat rate that bike rental service charges is $19.70

The additonal charges per hour is $5.60.

Let x be the number of hour.

The equation formed is


The y-intercept is determined by substituting x=0.


Hence the y -intercept is 19.70 dollar.

Hello, I am having trouble with this problem. Thank you so much.



• Graph:

• Interval notation: ,[-4, ∞)


The set is all x greater than or equal to -4. The value -4 is included in the interval, so we have to draw a dot and then a line from the dot to infinity.

When a value is included in the interval, we use the start or end bracket. For infinity or negative infinity, we always use parenthesis. To represent this set in interval notation we have to use a bracket, number -4, a comma, infinity, and a parenthesis: [-4, ∞)

A tour bus is traveling at a constant speed. The relationship between it's time and distance is shown in the graph Which statement is correctA) The origin (0, 0) is the independent quantity and the time values are the dependent quantities.B) The time values are the independent quantities and the distance values are the dependent quantities.C) The distance values are the independent quantities and the time values are the dependent quantities.D) The rate of 50 miles per hour is the independent quantity and the distance values are the dependent quantities.


Jahna, this is the solution:

As you can see in the graph, the independent variable (Time) belongs on the x-axis and the dependent variable (Distance) belongs on the y-axis.

Therefore, the statement that is correct is:

B. The time values are the independent quantities and the distance values are the dependent quantities.

Which expression is equivalent to one sixth times the quantity 4 times x plus 18 end quantity minus 13 over 18 times x?

negative one eighteenth times x minus three
negative one eighteenth times x plus 3
one eighteenth times x minus 3
one and seven eighteenths times x plus three


The equivalent expression will be;

⇒ ''negative one eighteenth times x plus 3''

What is an expression?

Mathematical expression is defined as the collection of the numbers variables and functions by using operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Given that;

The algebraic expression is,

''Sixth times the quantity 4 times x plus 18 end quantity minus 13 over 18 times x''


Since, The algebraic expression is,

''One sixth times the quantity 4 times x plus 18 end quantity minus 13 over 18 times x''

Hence, The mathematical expression is,

⇒ 1/6 (4x + 18) - 13/18x

⇒ 4/6x + 3 - 13/18x

⇒ 12/18x - 13/18x + 3

⇒ - 1/18x + 3

Thus, The equivalent expression is,

''negative one eighteenth times x plus 3''

Learn more about the mathematical expression visit:



expression and assume that X, y, and z denote any positive real numbers


a) given equation is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sqrt[8]{x^8y^4z^{4\:}} \\ =\sqrt[8]{x^8}\sqrt[8]{y^4z^4} \\ =x\sqrt[8]{y^4z^4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

b) the given equation is

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sqrt[3]{\sqrt{64x^6}} \\ =\sqrt[3]{8x^3} \\ =2\sqrt[3]{x^3} \\ =2x \end{gathered}[/tex]

Bring the standard form of the equation of the line through the pair of points (5,2) and (5,-7)



The equation is

x = 5


The equation of a line is given as:


Where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.

Given the points (5, 2) and (5, -7)

The slope is:


The slope is infinite, then the equation is:


Given Triangle XYZ, with Circumcenter O. If the distance from XO is 22mm. What is the distance of both YO and ZO?Required to answer. Single choice. 182022241313,



Circumcenter Theorem

The vertices of a triangle are equidistant from the circumcenter.

The perpendicular bisectors intersect in a point and that point is equidistant from the vertices.

Any point on the perpendicular bisector of a segment is equidistant from the endpoints of the segment.

Therefore, YO and ZO is 22mm( By the transitive property)

9) Write the slope-intercept form of an equation for
the line of fit. Use points (15, 40) and (41, 61).


The linear equation that passes through (15, 40) and (41, 61) is:

y = (21/26)*x + 725/26

How to get the linear equation?

A general line is written as:

y = m*x + c

Where m is the slope and c is the intercept of the y-axis.

If the linear equation passes through two points (x₁, y₁) and (x₂, y₂), then the slope can be written as:

slope = (y₂ - y₁)/(x₂ - x₁)

In this case the line passes through (15, 40) and (41, 61), then the slope is:

m = (61 - 40)/(41 - 15) = 21/26

Then the line is:

y = (21/26)*x + c

To find the value of c we can replace the values of one of the poitns, if we use the first one we will get:

40 = (21/26)*15 + c

40 = 315/26 + c

40 - 315/26

725/26 = c

The linear equation is.

y = (21/26)*x + 725/26

Learn more about linear equations:



Solve the inequality, then select the graph that matches the solution.x +5 ≥ 5




Given the inequality:


Subtract 5 from both sides of the inequality.

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+5-5\geq5-5 \\ x+0\geq0 \\ x\geq0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

(a)The solution to the inequality is x ≥ 0.

(b)Since the inequality sign is "greater than or equal to", the circle at 0must be shaded and the arrow pointing towards the right.

The correct graph is attached below:

The second and third options are correct.



In this scenario, there are only 2 possible outcomes. It is either the answer is correct or wrong.Since the outcomes are independent, it means that it is binomial probability. We would apply the binomial distribution formula which is expressed as

P(x) = nCx * p^x * q^(n - x)


n is the sample size

x is the number of successes

p is the probability of success

q = 1 - p = probability of failure

From the information given,

p = 1/4 = 0.25

q = 1 - 1/4 = 3/4 = 0.75

n = 12

x = 5

We want to find P(x = 5)

P(x = 5) = 12C5 * 0.25^5 * 0.75^(12 - 5)

P(x = 5) = 0.103

The probability that among 12 test subjects, exactly 5 answers are correct is 0.103


A water footprint is a measure of the appropriation of fresh water.The per capita water footprint (in mega gallons) in a certain countryfor a recent year can be approximated by a normal distribution, asshown in the figure.(a) What water footprint represents the 86th percentile?(b) What water footprint represents the 28th percentile?(c) What water footprint represents the third quartile?


To answer this question, we can use the standard normal distribution to find the asked percentiles. We will need the z-scores to find the values for them.

The z-scores are given by the formula:



• x is the raw value (the one we need to find here)


• μ is the population's mean. In this case, μ = 1.75 Mgal.


• σ is the population's standard deviation. In this case, σ = 2.82 Mgal.

Finding the 86th percentile

The 86th percentile represents the value for which 86% of the cases are less than this value, and, therefore, 14% are above this value.

Then we can find it, if we know the value for which, z, in the standard normal table, represents the cumulative probability (0.86) for the distribution. If we consult the table, we have:


Therefore, the value for z is, approximately, z = 1.08, and we can use this value to find the value for x (the 86th percentile, in this case):

[tex]\begin{gathered} 1.08=\frac{x-1.75}{2.82} \\ (1.08)(2.82)=x-1.75 \\ (1.08)(2.82)+1.75=x \\ x=4.7956 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the 86th percentile, if we round the value to two decimal places, is, approximately, x = 4.80.

Finding the 28th percentile

We can apply the same procedure as before. Then we have:


Then we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -0.58=\frac{x-1.75}{2.82} \\ (-0.58)(2.82)=x-1.75 \\ (-0.58)(2.82)+1.75=x \\ x=0.1144 \end{gathered}[/tex]

If we round the result to two decimal places, we have that the 28th percentile is x = 0.11 (approximately).

Finding the footprint for the third quartile

The third quartile is equivalent to the 75% percentile. Then we can use the same process as before to find the value of z that represents it as follows:


And we can apply the same formula as before:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 0.675=\frac{x-1.75}{2.82} \\ (0.675)(2.82)=x-1.75 \\ (0.675)(2.82)+1.75=x \\ x=3.6535 \end{gathered}[/tex]

If we round this value to two decimal places, we have x = 3.65 (approximately).

please help me with this problem i mostly need the answers because i don’t have a calculator with me


The compound interest model is given by the following expression:


Where a is the principal (initial amount), r is the interest rate in decimal form, n is the number of times compounded in a year and x is the number of years.

a) In this case, $4 are invested at 1% interest rate, then a = 4, r = 0.01 (1%) and n = 4 (compounded quarterly) and the above equation can be rewritten to get a model that led us to calculate the value of your shares over the time like this:


b) By replacing 0 for x, we can determine the y-intercept of the model, like this:


The result of raising any number to 0 is 1, then we get:


Then, the y-intercept if this model is 4 and it represents the initial amount invested ($4)

c) By replacing 10 for x, we get:


Then, after 10 years the estimated value of the shares will be $4.42

d) for a $4 stock with 2% interest compounded semiannually the model changes, we can write it like this:


By replacing 10 for x, we get:


As you can see, after 10 years the estimated value of the shares will be $4.88, which is greater than the previous penny stock investment, you would have shared better.

Of all the people going, 5/8 are children and 3/8 are adults. How much moreis 5/8 than 3/8?Explain your answer using equations, diagrams, and words.


Given, the fraction of children, C=5/8.

The fraction of adults, A=3/8.

Therefore 5/8 is more than 3/8 is given by,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Percent}=\frac{C-A}{A}\times100 \\ =\frac{\frac{5}{8}-\frac{3}{8}}{\frac{3}{8}}\times100 \\ =\frac{\frac{5-3}{8}}{\frac{3}{8}}\times100 \\ =\frac{2}{3}\times100 \\ =66.67 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, 5/8 is more than 3/8 by 66.67%.

In each of the figures, there are 8 boxes. In the first figure showing the fraction of children, two boxes are shaded more than the figure for adults. In the second figure for the fraction of adults, only 3 boxed are shaded.

So, the % by which 5/8 is more than 3/8 can be found as

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{percentage}=\frac{Number\text{ of extra shaded boxes in first figure}}{\text{Number of shaded boxes in second figure}}\times100 \\ =\frac{2}{3}\times100=66.67 \end{gathered}[/tex]

5/8 is 5 parts of 8. 3/8 is 3 parts of 8. So, if the total number of people is 8, five people are children and three people are adults.

So, number of children is 2 more than the number of adults, whose number is 3.

Therefore, the fraction for number of children more than the adults with respect to the number of adults is 2/3. In percentage,


So, 5/8 is more than 3/8 by 66.67%.

i don’t understand how to solve this promise and i need help.


Answer: [tex]Area\text{ of the figure = 210 ft}^2[/tex]


We have been given a figure and we need to find its area.

To determine the area we will divide the figure into known shapes. From the division into shapes, we have a square and a trapezoid.

[tex]Area\text{ of the figure = Area of the square + Area of the trapezoid}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} Dimensions\text{ of the square:} \\ length\text{ = 12 ft} \\ Area\text{ of the square = length}^2 \\ \\ Area\text{ of the square = 12}^2 \\ \\ Area\text{ of the square = 144 ft}^2 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} Dimensions\text{ of the trapezoid:} \\ base\text{ 1 = 10 ft, base 2 = 12 ft} \\ height\text{ = 6 ft} \\ \\ Area\text{ of trapezoid = }\frac{1}{2}(10\text{ + 12\rparen}\times\text{ 6} \\ \\ Area\text{ of trapezoid = }\frac{1}{2}\times22\text{ }\times6\text{ = 11}\times6 \\ \\ Area\text{ of trapezoid = 66 ft}^2 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} Area\text{ of the figure = 144 + 66} \\ \\ Area\text{ of the figure = 210 ft}^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

5% annual interest rate for 30 years. This results in a monthly payment of $1100.48. If only the minimum payment is made in month one, how much of the first payment goes toward reducing her balance?First, let's find the amount of interest she paid in month 1.Then, find the amount toward reducing the balance. Round to the nearest cent.


Given: Beth and Bryce sign on a $205,000 mortgage at a 5% annual interest rate for 30 years. This results in a monthly payment of $1100.48.

Required: To find the amount of interest she paid in month 1 and the amount toward reducing the balance.

Explanation: The monthly payment gets divided into two parts- One goes into the loan repayment and the other for the loan's interest.

The interest payment is based on the interest rate, which is 5%.

The monthly interest is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} I=205000\times5\%\times\frac{1}{12} \\ I=\text{\$}854.17 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The amount that goes towards reducing her balance is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} =\text{ Monthly Payment-Interest Payment} \\ =1100.48-854.17 \\ =\text{\$}246.31 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final Answer: Interest in month 1 = $854.17

Their balance is reduced by $246.31

7. Which simplified expression represents the expression below? * 102" (102c)-2 31-5 10^-1x^2 1/4 0 x2 o none of these


You have the following expression:


in order to simplify the previous expression proceed as follow:

10x⁴(10x)⁻² = 10x⁴/(10x)² = 10x⁴/10²x²

by simplifying the previous fraction, you obtain:

10x⁴/10²x² = 10⁻¹x²

where you have taken into account that the quotient between factors with different exponents, is equal to the same factor powered to the difference of the exponents:

Hence, the answer is:


Round 32020.20 to the nearest tenth


We have to round 32020.20 to the nearest tenth.

In this case, the number is expressed with decimals up to the hundred (2 decimals).

As the decimals in the hundreds is 0, we don't even need to round it, as we can ignore this and write the number as:


In this case, the decimal is in the tenths without the need of rounding.

Answer: 32020.2

You have a choice between 2 jobs, one pays $8.25/hr but requires you to spend $20 to get a uniform. The other pays $7.50/hr. At how many hours will the job be equal?


Step-by-step explanation + Answer:

x = 1st job

y = 2nd job

x + y = 22......x = 22 - y

7x + 8.25y = 171.50

7(22 - y ) + 8.25y = 171.50

154 - 7y + 8.25y = 171.50

-7y + 8.25y = 171.50 - 154

1.25y = 17.50

y = 17.50 / 1.25

y = 14 <== 14 hrs at the 8.25 per hr job

x + y = 22

x + 14 = 22

x = 22 - 14

x = 8 <=== 8 hrs at the 7 per hr job

find the sum of the first ten terms of an arithmetic series if the first term is 3 and the last term is 39a. 190b.210c.230d.275


Given the first term is 3 and the last term is 39.

Recall that the sum is given as:


Substituting in the above equation gives:

[tex]\begin{gathered} S_n=\frac{10}{2}(3+39) \\ S_n=5(42) \\ S_n=210 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, option (a) is correct.

I'm having trouble figuring out this problem. Problem: Using the formula below, solve when s = 2.50. A = 6s²


Given the formula:


Let's solve for A when the value of s is = 2.50

To solve the equation, substitute 2.50 for s and evaluate.

Thus, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=6(2.50)^2 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Solving further:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=6(2.50\ast2.50) \\ \\ A=6(6.25)^{} \\ \\ A=6\ast6.25 \\ \\ A=37.5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, when the value of s is 2.50, the value of A is 37.5



verify the following trigonometric identity (1+tanx)^2=sec^2x+2tanx


Verify the equation :

[tex](1+\tan x)^2=\sec ^2x+2\tan x[/tex]


[tex]=(1+\tan x)^2[/tex]

Use the formula :

[tex](a+b)^2=a^2+b^2+2ab[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} =(1+\tan ^{}x)^2 \\ =1^2+(\tan x)^2+2(1)(\tan x) \\ =1+\tan ^2x+2\tan x \end{gathered}[/tex]

Use the formua:

[tex]1+\tan ^2x=\sec ^2x[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} =1+\tan ^2x+2\tan x \\ =\sec ^2x+2\tan x \end{gathered}[/tex]

Micaela and Danielle each improved their yards by planting daylilies and shrubs. They bought their supplies from the same store. Micaela spent $74 on 12 daylilies and 10 shrubs. Danielle spent $39 on 7 daylilies and 5 shrubs. Find the cost of one daylily and the cost of one shrub.




Let the cost of each daylily be d

Let the cost of each shrub be s

Generating the system of equations;

[tex]\begin{gathered} 12d+10s=74.................(1) \\ 7d+5s=39.....................(2) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Equation (2) multiplied by 2;

[tex]\begin{gathered} 12d+10s=74..............(1) \\ 14d+10s=78...............(2) \\ \\ Subtracting\text{ equation \lparen1\rparen from equation \lparen2\rparen; equation \lparen2\rparen- equation \lparen1\rparen} \\ 14d-12d=78-74 \\ 2d=4 \\ Dividing\text{ both sides by 2;} \\ d=\frac{4}{2} \\ d=2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substituting the value of d into equation (2);

[tex]\begin{gathered} 7d+5s=39 \\ 7(2)+5s=39 \\ 14+5s=39 \\ 5s=39-14 \\ 5s=25 \\ Dividing\text{ both sides by 5;} \\ s=\frac{25}{5} \\ s=5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the cost of one daylily is $2 and the cost of one shrub is $5.

what is the value of b -a if a=18, b=27,and c= 11


what is the value of b -a if a=18, b=27,and c= 11​

we have



For a=18 and b=27

substitutte in the given expression



the answer is 9

48 ounces of juice are required to make 3 gallons of punch. How many ounces of juice are required to make 9 gallons of punch?


If we need 48 onces of juice for making 3 gallons of punch we can write our problem like:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 48\to3 \\ x\to9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

where x is the juice needed to made 9 gallons of punch, so we can made a rulo of 3 to find x


So we need 144 ounces of juice to made 9 gallons of punch

consider the cube shown at the right. All the side lengths of the cube have been marked with the variable s. the firmula firvthe surface area of a cube is given by SA=6s2. explain where this equatiin comes from


The explanation goes as contained below.

The shape is a cube and for a cube all sides are equal,

from the question the Area of just one side is :

[tex]\begin{gathered} S\times S=S^2 \\ \text{Then for 6 sides we have 6 }\times S^2=6S^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

A large amount of peanuts was divided equally into 6 small bags. The total number of peanuts, p, was 342. Whichstatements can be used to write an expression and then find the number of peanuts that ended up in each bag?Check all that apply.The operation is division.The operation is multiplication.The variable is the number of bags.342 divided by 6 equals 57.Write the division expression as a fraction,To evaluate, substitute 342 for the variable.Each bag will have 57 peanuts.The constant is 342.


342 peanuts were divided equally into 6 small bags. "p" represents the total number of peanuts

To determine how many peanuts go in each bag, you have to divide the total amount of peanuts by the number of bags:


The variable of this example is the number of peanuts, and the constant is the number of bags.

So, the statements that apply are:

- The operation is a division

- 342 divided by 6 equals 57

-Each bag will have 57 peanuts.

-To evaluate, substitute 342 for the variable.

-Write the division expression as a fraction,

It’s polynomial operations I need the answer and all the work written out.





Given the below polynomials expression;


The 1st step to solving the above is to clear the brackets while minding the signs as shown below;


The 2nd step is to group like terms;


Let's go ahead and evaluate;


Multiply and simplify. 3/9 x 5/9




Step-by-step explanation:

3/9 x 5/9

= ( 3 x 5 )/( 9 x 9 )

9 can be splitted as 3 x 3

= ( 3 x 5 )/( 3 x 3 x 9 )

= 5/( 3 x 9 )

= 5/27



Step-by-step explanation:

Cancel the number 3/9 = 1/3

= 1/3 x 5/9

Apply the function rule

1 · x · 5

3 · 9

Multiply the numbers 1 · 5 = 5

[tex]\frac{5x}{3 }[/tex]· [tex]9[/tex]

Now just Multiply the numbers: 3 · 9 = 27

= [tex]\frac{5x}{27}[/tex]

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