You and two of your friends go to eat pizza

together. There are two deals:

1. 10% off of 1 pizza )

2. 30% off of 3 pizzas

Do you want to each pay separately and get

10% off of your bill, or do you want to split the

bill 3 ways and get 30% off of 3 pizzas?

Write a response that convinces your teacher


Answer 1


The second deal offers a lower cost for the three friends.

Step-by-step explanation:

Let consider that each pizza has a price [tex]c_{o}[/tex]. Now, we proceed to check the total cost for each case, the better choice is whose total cost after discounts is the lowest.

Case 1 - 10 % off of 1 pizza (Split costs and buy 3 pizzas separately)

[tex]C = 0.9\cdot C_{o} + 0.9\cdot C_{o} + 0.9\cdot C_{o}[/tex]

[tex]C = 2.7\cdot C_{o}[/tex]

The cost for each person is:

[tex]c = \frac{C}{3}[/tex]

[tex]c = 0.9\cdot C_{o}[/tex]

Case 2 - 30 % off of 3 pizzas (Split costs and buy 3 pizzas in a row)

[tex]C = 0.7\cdot (3\cdot C_{o})[/tex]

[tex]C_{o} = 2.1\cdot C_{o}[/tex]

The cost for each person is:

[tex]c = \frac{C}{3}[/tex]

[tex]c = 0.7\cdot C_{o}[/tex]

The second deal offers a lower cost for the three friends.

Related Questions

pls help i need the answer


This is just an equation with no answer since there are two different variables, p(t) and t, so there’s no solution, but if you create another request with a full question I can help you out.

Coach Smith purchased x footballs and y basketballs at a sporting goods store. The price of one football was $35.00 and the price of one basketball was $45.00. There was no tax included on the purchase. Part A. Write an expression that can be used to find the total cost of x footballs and y basketballs. Part B. The total cost of the purchase was $455.00. If Coach Smith purchased 4 footballs, find the number of basketballs he purchased.


The answer is 7 because it just is uuhm

Find the product of these complex numbers.
(5+6i)(3-3i) =
A. 33 + 3i
B. 15 + 18i
C. 15 - 18i
D. -3 + 3i



A) 33+3i

Step-by-step explanation:

Use the FOIL method: (a+b)(c+d)=ac+ad+bc+bd(a+b)(c+d)=ac+ad+bc+bd.


combine like terms




Which scenario would result in 12 possible outcomes?

You roll a number cube twice.

You flip a coin twice.

You roll a number cube, and then you flip a coin.

You roll a number cube once.





Step-by-step explanation:

rolling a cube would have six possible but then flipping a coin would mean it would be 12.

You roll a number cube twice bec the highest number you can get on a number cube is 6 and 6 plus 6 equals 12

What is the volume of a rectangular prism
7 inches long, 2 inches wide, and 8 inches high?



112 in³

Step-by-step explanation:

ν = length*width*height




[tex]Q1 . (11x + 9) - (5x +1) = 11x + 9 -5x - 1 = 6x + 8[/tex]

option 1

[tex]Q2. \ \ 6(2x -3)+4=16-(-18)\\[/tex]

         [tex]12x - 18 + 4 =16 +18\\12 x -14 = 34\\12x = 34 + 14 \\12x = 48\\x = 4[/tex]

option 4

[tex]Q3 .f(x) = 2x, \ g(x) = -2x^3 +2x\\[/tex]

        [tex]f(x) + g(x) = -2x^3 +4x[/tex]

option 3

[tex]Q4. \ \sqrt{18x^3y5^}[/tex] [tex]= \sqrt{2*3^2*x^3*y^5} = 3*x*y^2\sqrt{2*x*y} = 3xy^2\sqrt{2xy}[/tex]

option  2

plz help!!! pick abc or d




Step-by-step explanation:

Position = 1

Value of term = -6

Multiple choice PLEASE HELP



I think it is B

Step-by-step explanation:

Sorry  if it is wrong

Jack hit a combined 18 doubles and triples last baseball season. A double is two bases and a triple is three bases. If he had 42 total bases in these 18 hits, how many of these hits were triples? The solution is



I wanna say 7 but I could be wrong

Step-by-step explanation:

The number of triples is 6.

What is a linear equation?

A Linear Equation is an equation of a line. An equation in which the highest power of the variable is always 1. An equation which is expressed in the form of ax+b = 0, where a and b are two integers, and x is a variable and has only one solution.

For the given situation,

Total number of hits = 18

Doubles + triples = 18

Let x be the number of triples. Then

Number of doubles = 18-x

Number of bases for doubles = 2 bases

Number of bases for triples = 3

The equation for the above situation is

⇒ [tex]2(18-x)+3x=42\\[/tex]

⇒ [tex]36-2x+3x=42[/tex]

⇒ [tex]x=42-36[/tex]

⇒ [tex]x=6[/tex]

Hence we can conclude that the number of triples is 6.

Learn more about linear equations here


What is the average of these three numbers?

4,293 4,216 4,304​



Answer: 4271

John finished his 5 chores in 45 minutes. If he spent the same amount of time on each
chore, how long, in minutes, did it take him to finish each chore?



9 Minutes

Step-by-step explanation:



9 minutes 5x9=45…………..

Which is the better buy on apples?

7.64 for 8 lbs of apples

12.81 for 14 lbs of apples


Answer: The 12.81 for 14 lbs of apples is the better buy.

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the unit price (the price of 1 lb of apples)

7.64/8 lbs = 0.955 per pound

12.81/14 lbs. = 0.915 per pound;

I believe this is goodbye i hope i helped u guys.
if not receive this as a token of my appreciation



goodbye??? what're you going to bed? you alr my dude?

Step-by-step explanation:

An employee put $5,000.00 in a retirement account that offers 9% interest compounded
annually. The employee makes no additional deposits or withdrawals. Which amount is closest
to the interest the employee will have earned at the end of 5 years?




Step-by-step explanation:

Use the formula P(1+r/n)^nt

So 5000(1+.09)^5

That comes out to 7693.12

Hope this helps

Brainliest would be appreciated

7693.12 it’s because blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah there u go

Find x ??????????????????????



x = 2√58

Step-by-step explanation:

using the Pythagorean theorem:

x² = 14² + 6² = 232

x = √232 = 2√58

write an inequality in slope intercept form for the graph below. if necessary use <= or >=



Where is the graph tho?

Step-by-step explanation:

What this I’m trying to figure it out ASAP plz help



i hink c or a

Step-by-step explanation:


A line segment is a connected, non-empty set.

If V is a topological vector space, then a closed line segment is a closed set in V. However, an open line segment is an...

More generally than above, the concept of a line segment can be defined in an ordered geometry.

A pair of line segments can be any one of the following: intersecting, parallel, skew, or none of...

Find the area of the circle in terms of Pi. (TT)
10 cm




Step-by-step explanation:

a right cylindrical solid is cut in half to form the figure shown. if the length is 20 cm and the diameter is 8cm, what is the surface area? (please explain thoroughly)



Step-by-step explanation: (96pi + 160)


What is the steps


Hopes this helps:

Answer: u = 4

1. Expand.
9u - 6 = 6u + 6

2. Add 6 to both sides.
9u = 6u + 6 + 6

3. Simplify 6u + 6 + 6 to 6u + 12.
9u = 6u + 12

4. Subtract 6u from both sides.
9u - 6u = 12

5. Simplify 9u - 6u to 3u.
3u = 12

6. Divide both sides by 3.
u = 12/3

7. Simplify 12/3 to 4.
u = 4

If the radius of the circle below is 12 feet, find the area of the shaded region.



The area of the shaded region is 195.84sqft.

Step-by-step explanation:

Area of shaded region = area of trapezium- area of circle

Area of shaded region= 1/2(sum of parallel side)*height - π[tex](radius)^{2}[/tex]

Area of shaded region=1/2(20+34)*24 - π[tex](12)^{2}[/tex]

Area of shaded region=648-452.16

Area of shaded region=195.84 sqft.

To know more about area of shaded  region click here


How do I find the indicated value for this problem?


Answer: an = a1 +

Step-by-step explanation:

Give an example of a pair of variables where there would likely be a correlation, but no causation.



Number of people with polio.

Ice cream sales.

Seems like a weird thing to be correlated but I saw a graph with this example and people used to think that ice cream was the reason for polio. It's obvious there's no causation!

hope this helps!!

Find the perimeter of the right triangle. If necessary, round to the nearest tenth. a. 13 in. b. 169 in. c. 60 in. d. 30 in.


Question: Find the perimeter of the right triangle. If necessary, round to the nearest tenth. 4 cm 15 cm a. 15.5 cm

b. 30 cm

c. 60 cm

d. 34.5 cm​


d. 34.5 cm

Step-by-step explanation:


Perimeter of the right triangle (P) = a+b+c

P = a+b+c.................... Equation 1

But we can find the hyotenuse (a) using pythagoras theorem

a² = b²+c²

a = √(b²+c²)............... Equation 2

Substituting equation 2 into equation 1

P = √(b²+c²)+b+c................... Equation 3

From the diagram,

Given: b = 4 cm, c = 15 cm

Substitute these values into equation 2

P = √(4²+15²)+4+15

P = √(241)+4+15

P = 15.5+4+15

P = 34.5 cm

Hence the right answer is d. 34.5 cm

A car wash cleaned 38 cars in 2 hours. At this rate,
how many cars can it clean in 7 hours?



133 cars in 7 hours

Step-by-step explanation:

divide 2 and 38 wich is 19 so its 19 cars per hour so now 19 times 7 and get 133 plz mark brainliest


I am no mathematician but i would say 133cars

Step-by-step explanation:

I first divided 38 by 2 which gave me 19 so on the average they cleaned 19 cars an hour

I then multiplied 19 by 7 giving me 133

Hope this works!!!

Show all work. 5. Find the surface area of the composite figure.​



        4130 m²

Step-by-step explanation:


How do I find the indicated value for this problem?



t_n =a +(n-1)d

t_100 = 2+ (100-1)6

= 2+99× 6

= 2 +594

= 596

This should be the last question for the day...hopefully


I’d think it’s equated to the one, why I think that? Idek.

Using the net below, find the surface area
of the pyramid.
7 in.
3 in.
n.3 in.
Surface Area
[?] in.2



51 in²

Step-by-step explanation:

formula of a triangle: [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]bh

the base is 3 and the height is 7




Since there are 4 of these same triangles, we multiply by 4.

10.5 · 4 = 42 in²

formula of a square: bh

base is 3 and height is 3

(3)(3) =

9 in²

add them together and you get your answer of 51 in²

A city that has an elevation of 15 meters is closer to sea level than a city that has an elevation of -10 meters. True or false


For this It would be false!
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We think they are not, and that they arenot included, and were not intended to be includedunder the word "citizens" in the Constitution, and cantherefore claim none of the rights and privileges whichthat instrument provides for and secures to citizens ofthe United States. On the contrary, they were at thattime considered as a subordinate and inferior class ofbeings who had been subjugated by the dominantrace and whether emancipated or not yet remainedsubject to their authority and had no rights or privilegesbut such as those who held the power and theGovernment might choose to grant themA)that African American people were covered by theConstitution's definition of citizenB)that emancipated African American people hadrights guaranteed by the governmentC)that African American people were not part of thegroup considered citizens by the ConstitutionD)that African American people would have to get thegovernment's permission to be citizens Accounts Debits Credits Cash $ 17,000 Accounts Receivable 7,400 Supplies 3,400 Equipment 12,000 Accumulated Depreciation $ 3,800 Salaries Payable 5,800 Common Stock 22,000 Retained Earnings 8,200 Totals $ 39,800 $ 39,800 The following is a summary of the transactions for the year: 1. 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