You and three of your friends buy tickets for a concert so that you sit together in the same row. Write an expression using factorials that could be used to find the probability that you will get the seat on the far left.


Answer 1


[tex]Pr = \frac{1}{4}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]n = 4[/tex]


Probability that you seat on the far left

First, we calculate the total possible seat arrangements.

This is calculated using:

[tex]Total =n![/tex]

[tex]Total =4![/tex]

[tex]Total =4*3*2*1[/tex]

[tex]Total =24[/tex]

Next, the possible seat arrangements if you seat at the far left.

This implies that you can only seat 1 spot while your friends (3) can seat on any of the remaining 3 seats.


[tex]You \to 1[/tex]

[tex]Friend\ 1,2,3 \to 3,2,1[/tex]

The number of arrangement is:

[tex]Arrangement = 1 * 3 *2 *1[/tex]

[tex]Arrangement = 6[/tex]

The required probability is:

[tex]Pr = \frac{Arrangement}{Total}[/tex]

[tex]Pr = \frac{6}{24}[/tex]


[tex]Pr = \frac{1}{4}[/tex]

Related Questions

165363>×÷?2×<678if x is ಠ_ಠ​


Umm what!??? What typa answer is that

Please help I need it now!


Answer: 40,000

Step-by-step explanation:

First 6 years: 5,000 + 5,000 = 10,000

Second 6 years: 10,000 + 10,000 = 20,000

Third 6 years: 20,000 + 20,000 = 40,000

Hope this helps!

Aaron has 13 dimes and 10 quarters. Emily has the same amount of money as Aaron, but she only has nickels and dimes.
If Emily has 46 coins, how many nickels and dimes does she have?



The answer

Step-by-step explanation:

16 nickels and 30 dimes

Determine if the two triangles are similar. If they are similar, then which Triangle Similarity Theorem proves they are similar? *
1 point
Captionless Image



Another way to prove triangles are similar is by SSS, side-side-side. If the measures of corresponding sides are known, then their proportionality can be calculated. If all three pairs are in proportion, then the triangles are similar.

Step-by-step explanation:

Help plz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think is C is the first one. B for the second. C for the third. and C again. I hope these are right! have a good day!

-3x + 2<8



x > -2

Step-by-step explanation:

-3x + 2 < 8

our goal is to isolate the x

subtract two from both sides

-3x < 8 - 2

- 3x < 6

divide both sides by -3

flip the sign because we divided by a negative number

x > -2



1.6 oz in each bowl


8/5 oz

Step-by-step explanation:

The problem is saying that there are 8 ounces of cheese and 5 bowls of spaghetti you need to divide the cheese over. As you need an equal amount of cheese in each bowl, you have to divide 8 ounces by the number of bowls, which is 5. Thus, you would do 8 divided by 5, which we just say is 8/5. Therefore, your answer is 8/5 ounces of cheese (or simplified to 1 3/5).

GIVING BRAInLY !!!!! Which expression shows the result of applying the distributive property to 3(1/5x-1/7)?
(A) -3/5x-3/7
(B) 3/5x-3/7
(C) 3/5x+3/7
(D) -3/5x+3/7



B. 3/5x-3/7

Step-by-step explanation:

You multiply when applying the distributative property


3/5x-3/7 multiply 3 by each value in parentheses.

Multiply 3 by each fraction given.
1/5x times 3 = 3/5x
-1/7 times 3 = -3/7.
Answer = b when you put the two back together. Don’t forget about your negative sign when multiplying!!

Find the common difference (d) of the arithmetic sequence. It it is not arithmetic, enter "None" in the box. 10, 2, -6, -14, -22, ... d =?​


Answer:  d = -8



Pick any term that isn't the first term. Then subtract off the previous term. If we get the same result each time, then the sequence is arithmetic, and that result is the common difference.

term2 - term1 = 2-10 = -8term3 - term2 = -6-2 = -8term4 - term3 = -14-(-6) = -14+6 = -8term5 - term4 = -22-(-14) = -22+14 = -8

We get -8 each time, so the sequence is arithmetic with common difference d = -8. It says to add -8 to each term to get the next term. This is the same as subtracting 8 from each term to get the next term.

Note how:

10-8 = 22-8 = -6-6-8 = -14-14-8 = -22

Vectors u and v are graphed. Explain in detail each step necessary to find the angle between the two vectors and find the angle in degrees.



Angle between vectors u and v: 26.56 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

I just recently did this question, so here's my response and hopefully that helps you:

Vector u is <-3,-4> and vector v is <-2,-1>. To find the angle between the two vectors, you first need to find their dot product. This means that u*v = <-3,-4> * <-2,-1> = (-3)(-2) + (-4)(-1) = 6 + 4 = 10. Second, you find the product of each of the vectors' magnitudes. The magnitude for vector u is ||u|| = sqrt((-3)^2 + (-4)^2) = sqrt(9+16) = sqrt(25) = 5. The magnitude for vector v is ||v|| = sqrt((-2)^2 + (-1)^2) = sqrt(4+1) = sqrt(5). The product of the magnitudes would thus be ||u||||v|| = 5sqrt(5). Third, divide the dot product by the product of the magnitudes which would be u*v/||u||||v|| = 10/5sqrt(5) = 2sqrt(5)/5. Lastly, you take the arccosine of the result which would be theta=cos^-1(2sqrt(5)/5) = 26.56 degrees, which is the angle between vectors u and v.

The explanation for determining the angle between the two vectors and find the angle in degrees should be explained below.

Steps for determining the angle:


vector v is from (0,0) to ( -2,-1)



Here, vector u is from (0,0) to (-3,-4)



Now here we used dot product concept


[tex]\bar{u}.\bar{v}=|u|.|v|cos\theta\\ \bar{u}.\bar{v}=(-3i-4j).(-2i-j)=6+4=10\\ |u|=\sqrt{9+16}=5\\ |v|=\sqrt{4+1}=\sqrt{5}\\ cos\theta=10/(5*\sqrt5)=2/\sqrt5\\ \theta=cos^{-1}(2/\sqrt5)= 26.56^o[/tex]

Learn more about graph here:

The ratio of the numbers of apples to bananas in a market bag is 6:11. There are 144 apples. How many bananas are there?​



264 bananas

Step-by-step explanation:

11/6 = x/144

cross multiplicaion

6x = 11x144

6x = 1584

x = 265

         It males sense since 11 is almost double than 6

         264 is almost double than 144

Bao owns a small business selling used books. She knows that in the last week 20
customers paid cash, 26 customers used a debit card, and 13 customers used a credit
Based on these results, express the probability that the next customer will pay with a
debit card as a percent to the nearest whole number.



44% cahnce

Step-by-step explanation:

To solve this, add up all the customers. Then, divide the amount of debit card customers, by the total amount of customers. This will give you percentage of people who paid in debit, which is also the probability:




This is the amount of customers. Now we divide:




Remember that to create percentage, you must multiply the decimal by 100:




The .06 is so small that it doesnt need to be kept in this percentage:


So this is you answer!

Hope it helps! :)


Step-by-step explanation:


answer overall is 28

complete out the table for the function f(x) = |x-2|



3, 2, 1, 0

Step-by-step explanation:

f(-1) = |-1 - 2|  =  3

f(0) = |0 - (-2)|  =  2

f(1) = |1 - 2|  =  1

f(2) = |2 - 2|  =  0

solve for system of linear equations by substitution
y = 2x + 3
y = 3x + 5



(- 2, - 1 )

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the 2 equations

y = 2x + 3 → (1)

y = 3x + 5 → (2)

Substitute y = 3x + 5 into (1)

3x + 5 = 2x + 3 ( subtract 2x from both sides )

x + 5 = 3 ( subtract 5 from both sides )

x = - 2

Substitute x = - 2 into either of the 2 equations and evaluate for y

Substituting into (1)

y = 2(- 2) + 3 = - 4 + 3 = - 1

solution is (- 2, - 1 )

The perimeter of a square is 20 ft. if you increase the length of the square by two feet what is the area, in square feet, of the new figure?
a. 35
b. 28
c. 22
d. 40


The answer would actually be A. P=20 so that means the side lengths are 5 each. 5+2 is 7. So 5 times 7 is 35

help pleaseeeeeeeeeeeew!!!!


You substitute the x and the y values from the coordinates into the equation (y=6x-2) and solve for y. Make sure whatever you do to one side of the equation you do to the other side. Simplify until your left with y= some number.

Find the diameter of Oo. A line that appears to be tangent is tangent. If your answer is not a whole
number, round to the nearest tenth.



Diameter = 9

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the diameter be represented as x.

Based on the secant-tangent theorem, the following equation representing the relationship between the segments would be:

(16 + x)(16) = 20²

256 + 16x = 400

Subtract 256 from each side

16x = 400 - 256

16x = 144

Divide both sides by 16

x = 144/16

x = 9

Diameter = 9

The given cylindrical

to fill the rectangular prism fish tank with water.

8 inches

24 inches

6 inches

12 inches

24 inches

What is the least number of full cylindrical containers needed to completely fill the fish tank?

Enter your answer in the box.





Step-by-step explanation:

Here is the complete question used in answering this question

he given cylindrical container r =3 inches and height= 8in is used to fill the rectangular prism fish tank 24 , 24 and 12 inches with water. What is the least number of full cylindrical needed to completely fill the fish tank?

Number of cylinders needed = volume of prism / volume of cylinder

volume of prism = width x height x length = 24 x 24 x 12 = 6912

volume of a cylinder = nr^2h

n = 22/7

r = radius

(22/7) x (3^2) x 8 = 226.29

6912 / 226.29= 30.54

What is:
s = 8.3 in.



the square of 8.3 is 68.89

Step-by-step explanation:

The square of 8.3 is 68.89


What is the total surface area of the solid?






The answer is C 12 90.4 is your answer

Suzanne is baking cupcakes. Her cupcake recipe calls for 314 cups of flour. Suzanne has already added 235 cups of flour. How much more flour does Suzanne need to add in order to reach the amount called for in the recipe? Enter your answer as a fraction.




Step-by-step explanation: First you would wanna add 70, to get to 100.

Then, add 9 to get to 314. add 70+9, that is your final answer.

TTQA: Suzanne needs to add 79 more cups of flour, to get to the anount called for in the recipe.

i need help with both plz help



6a + (6 x 3) = 60


6a + 18 = 60

Step-by-step explanation:

You have 6 students who are assigned an unknown amount of problems. We can write it as 6x. Then each is given 3 more problems, so now we have 6x + (6 x 3). We also know that in all they have 60 problems.

Therefore, the equation is:

6x + 18 = 60

Then just solve

6x + 18 = 60

     - 18   -18

6x = 42

x = 7

It used to take Andie 45 seconds to swim 50 meters. Now she swims the same distance in 35 seconds. What is the percent increase in her speed rounded to the nearest whole percent.


Answer: 28.8%

Step-by-step explanation:

First find out what her speed is:

Speed = Distance / Time

= 50 / 45

= 1.11 meters/second

Now her speed is:

= 50 / 35

= 1.43 meters/ second

The percentage increase in her speed is:

= (New speed - Old speed) / Old speed

= (1.43 - 1.11) / 1.11

= 0.288

= 28.8%

A pound of ground beef costs $5. At this rate, what is the cost of:
3 pounds




Step-by-step explanation:

If one pound of beef costs 5 dollars then three would be 3 x 5 which is 15.

A map is created on a coordinated plane . Ty’s house is located( 7,8) and the library is located( 7,-6)How many blocks is it from Ty’s house to the library each unit on the coordinate plane represents 1 block



Ty’s house is located ( 7,8) and the library is located ( 7,-6).

Each unit on the coordinate plane represents 1 block.

To find:

The number of blocks from Ty’s house to the library.


Distance formula:


We need to find the distance between the two points ( 7,8) and ( 7,-6).

Using the distance formula, we get





The distance between the two points ( 7,8) and ( 7,-6) is 14 units.

We know that, each unit on the coordinate plane represents 1 block.

Therefore, there are 14 blocks from Ty’s house to the library.

I really need help with this, it's my last question. Please help!



The measure of Angle M = 74.8°

Step-by-step explanation:

Cos(x) = [tex]\frac{adjacent}{hypotenuse}[/tex]

Cos(x) = [tex]\frac{26}{99}[/tex]

x = Cos⁻¹([tex]\frac{26}{99}[/tex])

x = 74.8°

So the measure of Angle M = 74.8°

Hope this helps!



since we have the adjacent and the hypotenuse we use CAH .We are looking for the angle we take the cos inverse

cos x = A


cos x = 26


x = cos -1 (26 ÷ 99)

x = 74.77404748

x= 74.8

Find the measure of angle x in the figure below.


180-126 equals 54 and 54+58 equals 102 and a triangle equals 180 so 180-102 equals 78 so ur answer is x=78

How many boards 6in. Long can be cut from a board 2ft long


This is what I got I hope it helps

Graph the piecewise function.




Step-by-step explanation:



Middle one I think or bottom left


The top right and the middle one.

Step-by-step explanation:

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