yeah please help me I’ll give brainliest

Yeah Please Help Me Ill Give Brainliest


Answer 1


Responding to the environment


I say this is the answer because ran and they responded to the environment by, sweating and wanting to drink water.

Hope this helps and pls mark me brainliest:)

Answer 2


Responding to the environment



Related Questions

effect of solstice on the earth surface​



the solstice make day or night significance longer .The mast important thing that they do idps cause the seasons ,with the earth on its 23.5 degrees angle along with the sun and the rotation the earth this causes the seasons and the appropriate climate for human to live

Can someone answer the screenshot? I need a explanation for all 4 questions


Answer: ?

Explanation: Where is the screenshot?

In what ways are the lives of people who live in villages like Khurvaleti impacted by frozen conflicts?


Some ways there lives were impacted are as follows: There agriculture was lut on hold because of the cold, Therefore they were not able to get enough food for the entire village.

Another way there life was impacted was that they did not have enough resources to make heavy coats and clothing to help them stay warm, This disadvantage caused many people from the Khurvaleti tribe to perish.

I hope this answer helps you.

If it did not please let me know.


Complete the sentences. Use these words "longer" and "shorter"

a) The closer to the Sun a planet orbits the____
its year.​





The closer to the Sun a planet orbits the longer
its year.

Why does this regions political and financial future rests on minimizing effects of climate change?



Because climate change adversely effects the region.


This regions have political and financial future that rests on minimizing effects of climate change because climate change cause damage to the regions  which effects both the political and financial future of people living in that area. Climate change has adverse effect on the agriculture activities of this region which adversely affect the economic conditions of people in this region so in order to get a stable financial condition, the region has little  affected by climate change.

What ocean surrounds Antarctica?
a. Arctic Ocean
b. Atlantic Ocean
c. Southern Ocean
d. Pacific Ocean



mainly Southern Ocean

Please mark as brainliest if answer is right

Have a great day, be safe and healthy  

Thank u  


The answer is southern ocean

what is the time in malaysia when US at 2 am​


it would be around 2pm depending on what time zone

What the h does this even mean? someone please help for 20 points!

2. Calculate the approximate diameter of Earth. Use the lowest figure for the thickness of the crust. Show your work.



Its the meaning of radiation that heats of. 6374 subtract 1216 thats inside of the earth


Which is most often a result of a warm air mass moving over a cooler air mass



When a warm air mass moves into an area of cooler air, the boundary between the air masses is called a warm front. The warmer, less-dense air slides up over the cooler, denser air in a wide, gentle slope. As the warm air cools, its relative humidity increases, and the water vapor condenses into clouds.


A warm air mass is made of lighter properties and is thus stable having low pressure and warm and hot air. The cold airmass is made of denser and cooler air.

The warm and cold front often leads to the formation of clouds and thunderstorms. The warm airmass being lighter moves over the colder air mass and hence creating rain. The cold air mass presents a zone of high pressure.

Hence the increase in precipitation is the result.

Learn more about the result of a warm air mass over a cooler

100!!!!! points to who ever can give me the best answer and not copy write

1. Air pollution is a growing environmental concern.
a.) Summarize where air pollution can be found.
b.) What forms can air pollution take?
c.) Can all air pollution be prevented?
Provide examples to support your answer.




a.) Summarize where air pollution can be found.

Air pollution can be found in many human activities - emission from power plants, exhaust from cars and trucks, pollutants from factories.

b.) What forms can air pollution take?

Air pollutants can be in solid form like particulates and gases such as SO2 from coal burning and ozone.

c.) Can all air pollution be prevented?

No, the most obvious air pollution that cannot be prevented is from cows when they pass gas!



air pollution can be found in factories, power plants, farms, cars, trains, airplanes. pollutants include CO2, SO2, NOx, CFC, HCFC, particles, methane. not all pollution can be prevented: even electric cars require electricity which is generated in power plants which emit pollution.

Name the country that China emulated when trying to set up their Communist Government.



Not sure But I think it's Russia


Which of the following has directly increased because of deforestation?





Because the atmosphere depends on trees to keep the Oxygen levels to average. Brainliest please!


................ pollution ...............


because the lack of oxygen

How do monsoons affect economic activities
in South Asia?


Industry in India and Southeast Asia also relies on the summer monsoon. A great deal of electricity in the region is produced by hydroelectric power plants, which are driven by water collected during the monsoons. Electricity powers hospitals, schools, and businesses that help the economies of these areas develop

Find the inverse function.
y(x) = 65+ 5x





How are humans contributing to the pollution of this lake?

A. Toxic chemicals are released into the air from the factory.

B. The soil is contaminated from coal mining.

C.Noise pollution from the factory disrupts the aquatic life.

D. The temperature of the water increases from chemical dumping.​





The temperature of the water is increasing from the chemical dumping

The troposphere also contains dust particles,ash, pollen, and other particulates. True or False



this is because the earth is part of the troposphere and we have those particles on the earth.

plz help What award does Josh get? How does he feel about it?crossover



a award


bad girlz j0in unz-bvoy-ppg​


no thanks .............

discuss the theory of continental drift by alfred wegner​



Germany Researcher


Alfred Lothar Wegener was a German polar researcher, geophysicist and meteorologist. During his lifetime he was primarily known for his achievements in meteorology and as a pioneer of polar research

Alfred was a German weather scientist who studied weather. Studying whether he often looked at maps and realized South America and Africa looks like they use to be connected like a puzzle piece. Alfred said the continents was moving but to say that he needed evidence. His first evidence is the land pieces that looks like they fit together. His second evidence was the fossils found. His third pieces of evidence was the climate. And last his final evidence is the rocks found in the places.

pleaseeee helppppp:)


Gulf Coastal Plains……

Read this passage. All of a sudden Janey imagined herself being sent back in time to 1776. She could picture herself standing by a doorway as Paul Revere rode by, shouting, "The British are coming! The British are coming!" What kind of story is this? A) historical fiction B) nonfiction C) science fiction D) fantasy fiction


This is an example of a historical fiction story. Is is fiction because Janey was not actually there when this happened, however this did actually happen in history.

find the area of the circle. the radius 6 cm







Reflecting on the treatment of Australia's aborigines, is Great Britain guilty of genocide?



Yes, Great Britain is guilty of genocide, but we must clarify that this does not mean whatsoever that contemporary British or White Australian people are guilty as well, although they should of course know the acts of the past so that they are never repeated.


The reason why is that before the arrival of the British, there were more than 250,000 aboriginals living in Australia, and by 1920, the aboriginal population had gone down to 60,000. This sharp population decrease did not occur only due to involuntary causes like the spread of diseases, but also because of the many massacres that the British colonists committed against the aboriginals in order to take up their lands.

12. If the dew point is 15°C and the dry bulb temperature is 20°C, what is the difference between wet and dry bulb temperatures?​



5 Degrees Celcius.


Fre.e points
Tricked you

Best anwser brainliest

Select all that Washington needed to become a state.

a public health system

a population of at least 60,000 people

a minimum of 5 million acres

a state constitution

public schools



All the above?


Washington became the forty-second state of the United States of America on November 11, 1889. After a hiatus of thirteen years when no new states were admitted to the Union, the United States Congress passed an act enabling the territories of Washington, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana to seek statehood.

I kinda confused....but...... lmk if its wrong







Question 4 of 10
Which represents the most accepted form of scientific ideas?
A. working theory
B. conclusion
C. hypothesis
D. paradigm



D. Paradigm


Hope this helps!

The answer is D paradigm

Analyze the zeros of f(x)=^4-3x^3-2x^2+3x-5

Determine the zeros to the nearest tenth.

a.1.4, -3.4

c.−1.2, 3.4

b.−2.4, 2.3

d.−1.4, 3.4



d.−1.4, 3.4



[tex]f(x) = x^4-3x^3-2x^2+3x-5[/tex]


Determine the zeros

The best way to solve this is to apply the graphical method.

First, we plot the graph of: [tex]f(x) = x^4-3x^3-2x^2+3x-5[/tex]

See attachment

Next, we write out all values of x when the line crosses the y-axis.

From the attached graph, the points are (approximately):

[tex]x =-1.449[/tex]

[tex]x = 3.449[/tex]

Option (d) is the closest to the above values.

Hence, the zeros are: -1.4 and 3.4

write one paragraph explaining the importance of Victory Day.



Victory Day is a holiday that commemorates the surrender of Nazi Germany in 1945. It was first inaugurated in the 15 republics of the Soviet Union, following the signing of the German Instrument of Surrender late in the evening on 8 May 1945 (after midnight, thus on 9 May Moscow Time).

help me plz and thank you



16 newtons.





1.  hydrogen Nitrogen Lead Mercury

2. Phytoplankton

3.   About 71 percent of the Earth's surface is water-covered, and the oceans hold about 96.5 percent of all Earth's water. Water also exists in the air as water vapor, in rivers and lakes, in icecaps and glaciers, in the ground as soil moisture and in aquifers, and even in you and your dog.


Did you know that more than half of the oxygen on earth is produced by these tiny one-celled plants in the surface of the ocean called phytoplankton?

hope this help

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