Writers create blank by leading the reader to expect something to happen


Answer 1


irony and/or suspense


Answer 2

Writers create suspense by leading the reader to expect something to happen. (last option)

What is suspense?

Suspense is created when readers are left curious and wondering about something. In order to create suspense, authors can reveal information little by little, for example. Another possibility is to describe a strange or mysterious environment or character.

The missing answer choices for this question are:


Learn more about suspense here:


Related Questions

Solutions to the problems that coral reef is facing?
Plz write in ur own words and not copy n paste.

Write 3 facts!



1. make sure the public is aware.

2. stop pollution - or at least minimize the damages.

3. conserve water.

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The book is "around the world in eighty days" also which not wich

Question, Rory is making some mistakes in terms of dealing with her stress. what is one thing she could do to protect herself from stress?

a) cut off contact with her parents so she no longer feels pressured to please them

b) continue to avoid her spouse

c) get more sleep

d) drop her Spanish class so she can sleep later​


The answer is Get more sleep!!

Answer: C

Explanation: I just is

a plane flying to Kathmandu from Pokhara.......thick clouds .....hit the T.V. tower at thankot ......caught fire.....all died..... compensation to the passenger announced 50000 each.​


What’s the question?

3 facts about what the coral reef ecosystem is facing.

do not copy n paste and write in ur own words plz



Because of negative human impacts, 70% of coral reefs are expected to be gone by 2030.

The development of costal areas has negatively affected  25% of cral reefs.

50-80% Warm water coral reefs damaged by sedimentation.



“Your life is not going to be easy, little Melody…If I could switch places with you, I’d do it in a heartbeat. You know that don’t you?” Who said it?

A. Melody's father
b. Melody's mother
c. Mrs. V
d. Melody's doctor



A. Melody's father


Have a good day! :)

Imagine that you are directing a production of Hamlet, and these four actors have auditioned. Whom would you cast to play the role of Hamlet? A B C D


what are the options??


this is a choice question, but i chose B


Beyonce: Gender equality is a myth

How does the injustice affect them?



Working women still earn only 77 percent of their male counterparts. Beyonce  Knowles calls upon men to join women in the fight for true equality. “Men have to demand that their wives, daughters, mothers and sisters earn more – commensurate with their qualifications and not their gender,” she states.

Gender injustice effects people of all ages, whether being denied leave, a higher pay, or even being denied a job.

Hope this helps


Worried and unsure of how to get a good deal on his first car Marty asked his parents for advice. Which revision correctly punctuates the sentence? Question 3 options: a) Worried and unsure of how to get a good deal, on his first car Marty asked his parents for advice. b) Worried and unsure of how to get a good deal on his first car, Marty asked his parents for advice. c) Worried, and unsure of how to get a good deal on his first car, Marty asked his parents for advice. d) Worried and unsure, of how to get a good deal on his first car Marty asked his parents for advice.


Answer: Hello there! I believe the answer you're looking for is B: Worried and unsure of how to get a good deal on his first car, Marty asked his parents for advice.

Explanation: This is the proper way to use a clause in a sentence, as the subject (Marty) is experiencing or feeling everything that comes before the comma.

Another way to think of this sentence is like this: Marty is worried and unsure of how to get a good deal, so he will ask his parents for advice.

I hope this helps! :)

Worried, and unsure of how to get a good deal on his first car, Marty asked his parents for advice. The correct option is C.

What is punctuation?

Punctuation is the division of written words into sentences and clauses using symbols like full stops, periods, commas, and question marks.

Punctuation makes it easier for the reader to understand the point you're trying to get through. A sentence's entire meaning can be altered by incorrect or missing punctuation.

To punctuate a sentence in writing typically means to add conventional punctuation (such as periods, commas, and exclamation points).

In the statement "Worried, and unsure of how to get a good deal on his first car, Marty asked his parents for advice." all punctuation marks are done right.

Thus, the correct option is C.

For more details regarding punctuation marks, visit:






7. I think the answer is B: uncommon/rare.

8. I think the answer is A: abandon/desert.


These are the only options that work in the sentence that are correct based on grammar rules and are both synonyms.

Can I be marked as brainliest please?

What happened in the book the Giver



a boy named Jonas learns the dark secrets of his seemingly utopian society. When he turns twelve, Jonas is chosen to be the new Receiver of Memory. The former Receiver of Memory becomes the Giver, transferring memories of the past and the rest of the world to Jonas.

why does the cricket's song sounds like the grasshopper?​



Why does the Cricket's song sound like the Grasshopper? Answer: When one is feeling sleepy on a winter night the Cricket's songs sound like the Grasshopper as we are not very alert and it becomes difficult to differentiate between the two sounds.

Where would be the best place for scientists to conduct experiments to search for fresh
drinking water?
A. the South Pole
B. the moon
C. the Pacific Ocean
D. the Mediterranean Sea





The moon makes absoulutly no sense. Both the Mediterranean sea and the ocean contain salt water. Most ice in the south pole would be fresh water. I hope this helps.

Which type of relationship is depicted in the image above?



There are a lot of those questions.. But if you look closely at the questions I think I can give you some of the answers.


5. answer D.Friends

a. family

b. coworker

c. online

d. friends

6. answer A.Family

a. family

b. friends

c. romantic

d. coworker

8. answer C.Coworker

a. online

b. friends

c. coworker

d. family

Those are the answers for Edge2021 Have a nice evening



Sheeeesh!! You’re right
I agree jajshsudjdbjsjd

Put the steps of the writing process in the correct order



1. Prewriting

2. Research.

3. Drafting

4. Revising

5. Editing/Proofreading


The writing process has to do with the various steps or stages that a piece of writing has to go through before it is completed.

These steps involve/includes the prewrting stage where the writer has to think and decide what he wants to write, the research stage where relevant information can be gathered, the drafting stage where the information gathered from the research is put into use, the revising stage, where the written words are looked over to check for errors, and finally, the editing/proofreading stage where the words already written will be corrected.

Read this excerpt from Animal Farm and answer the question.

“If Comrade Napoleon says it, it must be right.” And from then on he adopted the maxim, “Napoleon is always right,” in addition to his private motto of “I will work harder.”

What character flaw does this excerpt reveal about Boxer?

blind trust
foolish pride



I've never read this book, but from what I can tell from this context, it seems like the answer is most likely is blind trust.



i read the passage and most likly its "blind trust''


Find the error: it's not fair to expect Ryan and I to complete the project without your support



its i your


How would you explain what poetry is to someone who has never seen or read a poem? Use one of the poems in the anthology Poetry Speaks Who I Am to illustrate your definition of poetry.

Like just try to write it in a couple of paragraphs.


I would just explain to them how poetry is a way of writing in order to capture physical and emotional details unable to be written in factual writing. Hope this helps :-)


Poetry is a spoken art form


Poetry is a spoken artform using syllables and timing to create a rhythmic art that is similar to a limerick.

Hope it help be strong and be happy

Read each sentence carefully. Insert commas in the appropriate places.
a) Because honeybees are important to us we learn about how they live.


because honeybees are important to us, we learn about how they live.

figurative language is phrasing that goes beyond the literal meaning of words to get a message or point across. Determine the figures or speech used in the following expressions. a) Toivo is the cancer of my dreams and aspirations b) Gadgets isolate. us from tge rest of the family members c) pamue has been teaching here since stone age d) love is blind . it dragged her into that mess​



a. Metaphor.

b. Personification.

c. Hyperbole.

d. Personification.


A figurative language also known as figures of speech can be defined as a deliberate and specific construction or use of language by authors, writers or speakers to create a special effect in their speech or write-up.

The main purpose of a figurative language is to convey more information and enable the readers or listeners have a deeper understanding of the piece.

Some examples of figurative language used in a literary work are simile, paradox, metaphor, apostrophe, hyperbole, personification, etc.

a) Metaphor: Toivo is the cancer of my dreams and aspirations. Metaphor is an implied comparison without the use of the word as or like. It involves creating a direct similarity between two words or things.

b) Personification: Gadgets isolate us from the rest of the family members. Personification involves intentionally attributing life, human characteristics (qualities) or feelings and emotions to inanimate objects i.e non-living things.

c) Hyperbole: Pamue has been teaching here since stone age. Hyperbole is an unintentional or deliberate exaggeration (overstatement) of an event, situation or thing. The stone age was typically a period of uncivilization in which the people were uneducated and illiterate.

d) Personification: love is blind. It dragged her into that mess. Love is described as being blind whereas it's a feeling that cannot possess such quality.

Personal Narrative essay – 350 Words
There are times when we all wish, even if just for a moment, that we could be someone else for a day. Who would you choose to be for that day? What would you do? Think of some details of your day. Now write a story about what your day was like as that person.


This is supposed to be an essay about you. How are we supposed to do it? Just get your work done

Write an argument List of points for and
against the topic
Village people are more
privileged than the urban people​



village people are more privileged than urban people because they get to know more about their culture and heritage .They also get to get closer and know their other relatives.Whiles people in the urban sectors privileged thon those in the village because in the urban sector,there are high opportunities of making it in life;work opportunities,allsocial amenities are also provided.

The Cranberry Connection

“What is this book?” Anna mumbled to herself as she helped her mom look through old boxes. They had belonged to her grandparents who died when Anna was a baby.

“I think I found Grandma’s diary,” she told her mother.

Her mother quickly came closer and said, “What a find! I can’t wait to read it. I miss her.” Then seeing Anna’s frown, Mom added, “But you found Grandma’s diary, so you can read it first.”

Nodding happily, Anna read the date on the first entry, August 13, 1953. “How old was Grandma in 1953?” she asked.

Her mom thought for a minute. “She must have been about nine, the same age as you are right now.”

Anna had seen photos of her grandparents, but they looked so old that it was hard to imagine that her grandma was ever nine.

Anna read the first entry:
The county fair is only two weeks away and today I’m going to practice making Mother’s cranberry bread. Last time, the dough was so thick that I couldn’t even knead it! I get mad at myself when my baking turns out wrong, but Mother keeps telling me to have more patience. I’ll use less flour today and hope for the best.

A young girl kneels next to her trunk and a few boxes to write in her diary.

Then Anna realized that her mother made cranberry bread, too, and the recipe for that bread must have been passed down through the generations. Anna suddenly wanted to learn how to make it, and quickly asked, “Mom, could you help me make cranberry bread today?”

She could tell by the long pause that her mom was a little surprised by her request. “I guess we could make some,” she replied, “but you’ll have to do the kneading because my shoulder is sore from all this work.”

“I’ll do it all,” Anna told her. “Just make sure I’m doing it exactly the way you do it.”

Her mom pointed out, “Anna, you don’t have a lot of . . .”

“Patience!” Anna interrupted. “I’m just like Grandma! But I want to learn how to make that bread just like you do it—and like your mother did it, and her mother did it, and . . .”

Laughing, her mom held up her hand. “I get it, but I’m wondering why you’re suddenly so interested in that bread. Maybe I’d better read the diary before we start!”

Anna smiled and handed the dusty diary to her mom. “I don’t want to break the cranberry connection,” she said. “I have to be ready to teach my own kids how to make that bread!”

This question has two parts. First, answer Part A. Then, answer Part B.

Part A

Read the sentence from the passage.

I’ll use less flour today and hope for the best.

What does flour mean in the sentence?

a plant

to open

a baking ingredient

to show your talents

Part B

Which word sounds like flour but has a different meaning and spelling?







c and c


Which of the following is an independent clause?

After the rain.

I ate breakfast early today.

Even though it was late.

While he waited in the car.



Name the two chief parts of a sentence​


The two most basic parts of a sentence are the subject and predicate.

[tex] \\ \\ \\ \\ [/tex]


Which describes an important difference between onshore and offshore wind farms?
Offshore wind farms are much quieter.
Offshore wind farms cost less to construct.
Offshore wind farms produce more electricity.
Offshore wind farms cause less pollution.




guessing that Offshore wind farms produce more electricity

svp aider moi a faire cet exercise




2.politely .







9. completely




dad bought me a nice shirt ...the predicate​


i would predicate theres a unicorn on it

Answer:bought for me a nice shirt.

Carlos is looking to open an account at a bank, but wants to avoid as many fees as possible. Which would not help minimize fees paid to a bank?



Avoiding the use of a check register would not help minimize fees paid to a bank.


hindi ko alam


hindi ko alam

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A. value claim B. cause claim C. fact claim D. policy claimHere is the debate essay - Supporters of school uniforms assert that when students wear uniforms their attendance improves. They claim that students who wear uniforms have more school spirit which encourages students to attend more often. In Irving, Texas, schools have been able to improve average daily attendance through a strict uniform policy. Though students do not wear official uniforms, they wear white shirts, khaki pants, and leather shoes that must meet certain uniform requirements. However, in nearby Euless, Texas, no uniforms are required, and yet students have higher average daily attendance rates than at the charter school in Irving. This seems to demonstrate that higher attendance rates have little to do with uniforms. A school in Polk County, Florida, has the most restrictive uniform policy in the nation. 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