Write an application to your headmaster asking him for full scholorship​


Answer 1


The Principal

ABC School, City


Date -


Subject - Application for scholarship



I am a student of your school/college in —— class. I am a bright student but my father cannot afford my fees. I would be very grateful if you could please grant me a scholarship. I do not wish that my studies and future should be affected because of lack of money.

Thanking you


Yours sincerely


Class -

Answer 2



With due respect and humble submission I wish to state that I am a student of Class X-C of your school. I belong to a weaker section of society. The financial condition of my family is not good. My father is a clerk in Collectorate. He has to support a large family. My grandmother is 80 years old. She needs regular medical treatment.

My father's income is meager. He has many liabilities. In such a situation it is becoming difficult for me to continue my study which is beyond our means. I am keenly interested to continue my studies.

I am a good student of your school. I always have been a rank holder. I have always scored high percentage of marks in all subjects. Besides, I have been the captain of our school cricket team. Under my captaincy our school has won inter­state tournament. I have been active in other extra curricular activities. I have won the first prize in state level quiz contest. I took away the first prize in junior essay writing competition of our school.

I have been very punctual in school. I am a sincere and hardworking student. All the teachers appreciate me. I have a childhood dream to be a doctor and serve the society.

I, therefore, request you to kindly waive the fees and grant me scholarship. I am sure; you will find me the most deserving. Your favour and kindness can do a lot for me. I am confident you would certainly be kind enough to grant me scholarship.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,



Hope this helps

Related Questions

"Cars are noisy. dirty, smelly and downright dangerous. They should be banned
from all town and city centres, allowing people to walk and cycle in peace.'
Write a letter to the Minister for Transport arguing your point of view on this
(24 marks for content and organisation 16 marks for technical accuracy)
[40 marks)



                     Thursday,3 March,2021

Dear Minister for transport,

I egarly want to dicuss why cars are so dangerous and should be banned from all towns and city centers,A lot of people go to the city centers and towns due to a lot of shops being build there,most people want to get there early and leave early but can not do that because of all the traffic caused by cars,Other people prefer to walk or to ride a bike there peaceful but can not either because

1.When they walk they have to wait till the lights turn red before crossing the street

2.They might be invloed in an accident

So that is why I writting this letter based on my opinnoin on banning cars at towns and city centers.I hope you put this into conceration


Person's name should be put here.                          


Hope this helps


Read this excerpt from Exploring the Titanic. "There's something," he said, pointing to the screen. Suddenly every member of the sleepy watch was alive and alert. No one could believe it wasn't just another false alarm, or a joke. But, no, there on the screen were clear images of things man-made. Which words from the excerpt best represent the author's excited tone? O every member O alive and alert 0 false alarm O on the screen​


Answer: B) alive and alert

Explanation: "There's something," he said, pointing to the screen. Suddenly every member of the sleepy watch was alive and alert. No one could believe it wasn't just another false alarm, or a joke. But, no, there on the screen were clear images of things man-made.

Is the following sentence written correctly? I went to the store, and bought candy.



Yes it issssssssssssssssssssss




yes it is because everything is spelled right

please help me please will give brainliest ​



7. sign 8. people 9. family



7. Sign

8. People

9. Family

The studies conducted at The American Association of Neurological Surgeons and Exponent Failure Analysis Associates were presented and interpreted by various doctors, engineers, NASA astronauts, and industry representatives in a Washington DC press conference.

Read the passage above and then briefly define each of the following words: neurological, exponent, conference



Neurological: "relating to the anatomy, functions, and organic disorders of nerves and the nervous system."

Exponent: "a quantity representing the power to which a given number or expression is to be raised, usually expressed as a raised symbol beside the number or expression"

Conference: a formal meeting for discussion.

Hoped this helped!

"Relating to the anatomy, functioning, and biological disorders of nerves and the nervous system," according to the dictionary."A quantity denoting the power to which a given number or expression is to be raised, typically displayed as a raised symbol beside the number or expression," according to the definition of exponent.

What is nervous system?

The enteric nervous system, a partially autonomous element of the nervous system, is composed of several neuronal circuits that control motor and local blood flow as well as immunological and endocrine function.

The phrase "digital nervous system" refers to a hypothesis that believes that an organization's IT infrastructure could be compared to the autonomic nervous system of a living creature. It is frequently associated with Microsoft's Bill Gates.

Thus, "Relating to the anatomy, functioning, and biological disorders of nerves and the nervous system,

For more information about nervous system, click here



I need help on this question


formal; ordinary
definitely not slang

Choose the answer that tells the location of a subordinate clause in the sentence.

Sitting on a fence, the cat watched the activities in the barn.

A. preceding the independent clause
B. in the middle of the independent clause

C. following the independent clause
D. There is no subordinate clause.


C. following the independent clause

What is the metonym to this metonymy?

That fancy vegetable dish you made was the best part of the meal.

I’m thinking it’s part... :P



Dish - for an entire plate of food


That fancy vegetable dish you made was the best part of the meal.

As with other literary devices, one of the main purposes of a metonymy is to add flavor. Instead of saying, "These chicken wings, coleslaw, and green beans are delicious," you could say, “This dish is delicious.” Now, you’ve avoided naming all the separate elements of the meal, breaking up some of the awkwardness and making the sentence more vibrant.

I read about the Harlem Renaissance, this was one of the questions:
Which of the following is an example of a renaissance?

A. The art museum is having a show featuring 16th-century paintings from France and Germany.

B. Many new restaurants, shops, and galleries opened in Pittsburgh, and a large number of people moved into the city from the suburbs.

Renaissance (REN-uh-sahnss) noun; If something that was declining in popularity and importance becomes popular and important again, it is said to be having a renaissance. If you see a reference to “the Renaissance,” with a capital R, it’s a reference to the period in European history from the 14th century through the 16th century, when there was a great revival of art, literature, and learning. Renaissance means “rebirth” in French.



its letter c



I think B


The earth twitched;" is an example of...





personfifcation is adding human like traits to something non human

the cell phone alarm on vibrate sounded like a jackhammer on Rachels wooden nightstand what figurative language is that
a simile
b metephor
c personifacation
d hyperbole



a. simile


it is a simile because it uses the word "like" to compare two different things

Select the word that correctly complete the sentence:
As the flood waters ____, people began to clean up the damage that had been done.





cause to become smaller or less intense

Abated because it means to become leas intense

I already know what the answer could be but still please help thank you



Atticus's statement means that no matter how hard you try to understand someone's perspective or way of life you will never be able to completely sympathize with their experiences.


His statement reveals that he truly wants to help people and he is kind and sees the good in people.

What is the mood of the excerpt in "The monkeys paw" ?

A( terrified









Have A Nice Day!


How does the island setting affect the boys' behavior in the first two chapters of Lord of the Flies?

It frightens the boys into inaction.

It allows the boys to share their talents for the benefit of everyone.

It frees the boys from having to answer to adult authority.

It forces the boys to isolate themselves from one another.



C) It free's the boy's from having to answer to adult authority

Explanation:   I took the test

The island setting frees the boys from having to answer to adult authority. Hence, option C is correct.

How does the boys' behavior change given the island environment?

The island setting affects the boys' behavior in the first two chapters of Lord of the Flies by freeing them from the constraints of adult authority. Without adults to supervise or guide them, the boys are able to explore the island and engage in activities that would not be possible in a more structured environment.

This newfound freedom initially leads to a sense of excitement and adventure, as the boys are able to act on their impulses without fear of punishment or reprisal.

However, as the novel progresses, this freedom also leads to conflict and violence, as the boys struggle to establish their own forms of authority and power on the island. Thus, option C is correct.

Learn more about "Lord of the Flies", here:



Reread the last stanza from “Sympathy.” Analyze the nuances in the meaning of words with similar denotations. Then answer the follow-up questions.

I know why the caged bird sings, ah me,

When his wing is bruised and his bosom sore,—

When he beats his bars and he would be free;

It is not a carol of joy or glee,

But a prayer that he sends from his heart's deep core,

But a plea, that upward to Heaven he flings —

I know why the caged bird sings!

CA-CCSS: CA.L.9-10.5bCA.RL.9-10.4

Part A

What is the connotation of the word “plea” as it is used in this stanza?

It connotes a request.

It connotes a desperate appeal.

It connotes an excuse.

It connotes an urgent demand.

Part B

Which sentence or phrase from the stanza supports your answer to Part A?

“a prayer that he sends from his heart’s deep core”

“upward to Heaven he flings”

“a carol of joy or glee”

“he would be free”



Part A: It connotes a desperate appeal.

Part B: "a prayer that he sends from his heart's deep core"

Explanation: Much like a prayer, a plea can be a deep and desperate call for help. An "urgent demand" would be similar in the sense that the caged bird is desperate, but one who cries for help is not in the position to be demanding, but praying.

What is denotation?

Denotation is the literal meaning, or "dictionary definition," of a word. Denotation is defined in contrast to connotation, which is the array of emotions and ideas suggested by a word in addition to its dictionary definition.

How denotation is different from connotation?

Connotation and denotation are easily confused, and the fact that neither word is particularly common in everyday use makes it difficult for many people to get a firm grip on the difference between them. While each of these two words has several possible meanings, they are notably distinct from each other in all senses. Denotation is concerned with explicit meaning, and connotation tends to be concerned with implicit meaning.

Learn more on denotation here - brainly.com/question/12191123



A. alliteration

B. ode

C. rhyme

D. chorus





Lines 1 & 3 : Alabama, Louisiana

Lines 2 & 4 : Knee, See

Lines 158-197: Why is it ironic that throughout this scene the colonel refuses to look at or speak directly to Juvencio?



It was his fault and he was mad


EZ POINTSSS!!! Which change, if any, is needed to the underlined text? took a road
trip has taken a road trip
takes a road trip
No change​


No Change is necessary for this sentence!


no change the last one-


write a diologue between students father and teacher talking about the result ?​



Teacher: hello sir.

Father: hello mam.

Ram: good afternoon mam

Teacher : do u know his result sir?

Father: No I don't . what's his score?

Ram : sorry dad i forgot to show u my result .

Teacher : he got 96 %

Father: really?

Ram: yes dad

Father: I'm proud of u my son.

Teacher: we are also proud of u ram.

Ram: thank you .....

According to Cell Description #1, which of the following statements is true of the plasma membrane?

It keeps the cell healthy.

It is the cell's most important part.

It blocks sunlight from entering the cell.

It is not necessary for the cell’s survival.



I kind of need to read the description





the selective barrier allows nutrients in and waste to leave

What do writers need to remember when writing a speech that they do not consider when writing an essay?


To understand who the audience is and aim the speech towards them

True or false : The following statement has credibility ? " The study used data provided by the game makers , Electronic Arts and Nintendo of America , on how much time the respondents spent playing , unlike previous research that relied on imprecise estimates from the players . The video game industry has previously been reluctant to work with independent scientists , the paper noted . " True O False



true it has credibility

Read the poem; then answer the question that follows.

"Rain in the Summer"
by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

How beautiful is the rain!
After the dust and heat,
In the broad and fiery street,
In the narrow lane,

How beautiful is the rain!
How it clatters along the roofs,
Like the tramp of hoofs
How it gushes and struggles out
From the throat of the overflowing spout!

2) Fill in the blank.
What is the rhyme scheme of the first stanza? ________

it doesnt come with options you have to make it up



1.the rhyming scheme is ;a b b a

What harm could 3 wishes do? Can someone help me plzzz



1.) Eternal youth, specifically, to never grow older than I currently am, while retaining all normal bodily functions of someone my current age.

2.) Invulnerability, specifically, to never be capable of being harmed unless I specifically and consciously desire myself to be, and only during that time, after which I will be once again invulnerable to harm.

3.) Wealth, specifically, to be able to manifest within any wallet in my possession any amount I desire, of any form of currency I desire which will be recognized as legitimate by the issuers and users of that currency, and in any denomination I desire it to be manifested.


Hope this helped you:D

The picture is what you can read i did not to write it lol.... help



the answer is B


i know you are in tops so i say hello fellow tops student


i would say B


sorry if it isnt right

I got commitment issues but I'm tryna fix that for you
If I can't afford that bag that you want then I would lick that for you
I wanna be there for you, I knew that the day I saw you
Too many times we argue, sorry for all of the names I called you
Shoulda never called you a b but I did
Now you're p, tryna cut my clothes (don't do that)
Should have deleted that text
Then you wouldn't of known that I f those h (alright)
Don't act like you care how I feel, don't act like you care how I feel, you don't
Don't like how you act so spoilt, you start move mad when I tell you "No"



are these song lyrics?




In “First Steps,” why does Maria hesitate before volunteering?

Maria thinks she will not be able to breathe on the planet.

Maria is worried because she has only known life in space.

Maria thinks Captain Curran is going to select someone else.

Maria wants to give her friends a chance to volunteer.

Question 2

Part B

Which evidence best supports the answer to Part A?

“‘You six have lived your entire lives in space, and it’s a great privilege to be the first of your generation to see a new planet.’”

“‘Who wants to be the first of the generations born in space to set foot on a real planet?’”

“The rest of the children gathered around the opening as she climbed down the ladder, and Maria tried to smile as she met their worried eyes.”

“As the lander hit, Maria drew a jagged breath, and her chest muscles clenched tight with anxiety.”



ok part A is B and part B is may be A

Explanation: here's what the story said "Captain Curran flipped off the microphone. “You six have lived your entire lives in space, and it’s a great privilege to be the first of your generation to see a new planet. The others are watching; if you’re afraid, they’ll be afraid. Can’t any of you find the courage to set an example?”

Maria shifted uncomfortably in her seat and thought of her parents; they had traveled across the galaxy to find their family a new home, with clean air and good soil, and she knew this planet was for them. “I’ll do it, Captain,” she mumbled as she slipped out of her harness and rose out of her seat. Maria couldn’t shake the feeling of trepidation as she stood and watched the doors of the lander slide open."

theres not a lot that tells you what the answer could be


Here's my answer!

Part A, is B,

Part B, is C!


Here's what the story said "Captain Curran flipped off the microphone. “You six have lived your entire lives in space, and it’s a great privilege to be the first of your generation to see a new planet. The others are watching; if you’re afraid, they’ll be afraid. Can’t any of you find the courage to set an example?”

Maria shifted uncomfortably in her seat and thought of her parents; they had traveled across the galaxy to find their family a new home, with clean air and good soil, and she knew this planet was for them. “I’ll do it, Captain,” she mumbled as she slipped out of her harness and rose out of her seat. Maria couldn’t shake the feeling of trepidation as she stood and watched the doors of the lander slide open."

theres not a lot that tells you what the answer could be


Your welcome!

Have a great weekend!

I took the test!

Got 100%!

No redo's!

If you want ALL the answers, COMMENT!



-Brainliest! :)

Which statement BEST describes the author's view of Muhammad Ali?



He was an average boxer who had a few great wins when he went pro.


The child sneaked like a ninja past the sleeping dog. is an an example of:












Used the word like and is comparing the child to a ninja

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