Write a summary at least 200 words long
A theme is the main idea or message of a text.A theme must be a complete sentence.
Bad Examples: Courage; Loyalty; Integrity; Nature Good Example: Forces of nature are stronger than man.
Themes must apply outside of the story.
Bad Example: Cory's loyalty caused him to make noble sacrifices.
Good Example: Loyalty causes people to make noble sacrifices.Texts can have more than one theme.
Example: A text where two friends encounter dangerous forces of nature and are loyal to each other could have a theme about loyalty as well as a theme about the strength of nature.Themes must be supported with evidence.
Many different themes can be developed from a text as long as there is evidence in the text that supports each theme.

Write A Summary At Least 200 Words Long A Theme Is The Main Idea Or Message Of A Text.A Theme Must Be


Answer 1

A recurring theme in Sherlock Holmes' adventures is the flow of foreigners and money into and out of London, as well as the peculiar and sometimes terrible encounters these travellers have. The usage of opium is another pattern and topic in the Sherlock Holmes tales.

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a compilation of twelve short stories about Sherlock Holmes, published on October 31, 1892 and written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The character Sherlock Holmes was previously introduced to the world in the Christmas-themed Almanac novel titled A Study in Scarlet.

Sherlock Holmes is probably the best known and most popular fictional detective in literature. Interestingly, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle actually used his famous detective name as his colleague's Dr. Joseph Bell. Dr. Bell had a long, thin nose and was very observant, much like you would imagine Sherlock Holmes. He also used strong deductive skills. This leads to the character personality of Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes is an observant private detective. He lives at 221b Baker Street in London. He notices things others don't, and he draws precise conclusions from what he sees. In Doyle's first Holmes story, A Study in Scarlet, Holmes describes himself as someone who occasionally enters a dumpster and "opens his mouth for days." He experiences severe mood swings. He also plays the violin. Above all, he is a master of deductive reasoning.

Hence, the answer is a recurring theme in Sherlock Holmes' adventures is the flow of foreigners and money into and out of London, as well as the peculiar and sometimes terrible encounters these travellers have. The usage of opium is another pattern and topic in the Sherlock Holmes tales.

To learn more about Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, click https://brainly.com/question/26922739


Related Questions

1. Which word does not have a similar meaning to - comprise


Answer: Cover

Explanation: The word cover has its meaning furthest away from matching the word comprise as compared to the other options.

Which of the following quotations is most representative of Emerson's views on following traditional values and virtues as represented in "Self-Reliance"?

A. "I suppose no man can violate his nature."

B. "Do not think the youth has no force, because he cannot speak to you and me. Hark! in the next room his voice is sufficiently clear and emphatic."

C. "The voyage of the best ship is a zigzag line of a hundred tacks."

D. "The doctrine of hatred must be preached as the counteraction of the doctrine of love when that pules and whines."


"The doctrine of hatred must be preached as the counteraction of the doctrine of love when that pules and whines."  is the most representative of Emerson's views on following traditional values and virtues as represented in "Self-Reliance". Hence Option D is the answer.

What does Emerson say about self-reliance?

Emerson asserts firmly that society, and particularly the politically correct climate of today has a detrimental impact on a person's development in his or her "Self-Reliance" essay. According to Emerson, being self-sufficient allows a person in society the ability to find their actual selves and achieve true independence.

Emerson held that for a society to flourish, there must be individualism, accountability, and nonconformity. Emerson was aware that in order to reach this level of individualism, each person had to work on themselves. Today, we witness social breakdowns on a daily basis and wonder how we got to this point. One need only consider how little emphasis has been placed on the fundamental ideas of self-trust, self-awareness, and self-acceptance.

To learn more about Emerson's "Self-Reliance", refer to:



Select the correct answer.
Which of the following is included in a summary?
O A.
key points
personal opinions
background information
minor examples





What impact does the use of dashes have on the rhythmic structure of this poem?

The dashes create imperfect rhyme that confuses the reader.

The dashes create a slow rhythm that is pleasant for the reader.

The dashes create a quick rhythm that confuses the reader.

The dashes create a heightened rhythm that excites the reader.


Answer: The dashes create a slow rhythm that is pleasant for the reader

Explanation: so the reader knows when to stop or slow down in a certain story, hope this helped, have a blessed day

Why was Julius Caesar's rule of the Roman Empire cut short?



He was assassinated.


His opponents were threatened by his rising power and opted to have him assassinated.

Identify the conjunction(s) in the following sentence as coordinating, correlative, or subordinating.

He wants to be a fireman when he grows up.


The correct answer is subordinating conjunction as these help joining the sentence.

What are subordinating conjunctions?

A word or phrase that connects a dependent sentence to an independent clause is known as a subordinating conjunction. This word or phrase denotes a cause-and-effect relationship or a change in time and location between the two clauses, indicating that the clause has informational value to add to the sentence's main concept. Comparison, concession, condition, time, location, manner, and reason are the seven main categories of subordinating conjunctions. Following, although, as, as if, as long as, before, despite, even if, even though, if, in order that, rather than, since, so that, that, though, unless, till, when, where, whereas, whether, and while are some examples of common subordinating conjunctions.

To know more about subordinating conjunctions click on the link below:



Based on the text "The Cruelest Sport", explain why Oates finds the sport of boxing paradoxical. Give examples to support your answer.


According to Oates that brings us back to the paradox of boxing, its obsessional allure for those who see in it not just a spectacle including amazing displays of physical prowess but also an emotional experience that is difficult to describe; an art form without a natural equivalent in the arts.

Oates examines the mess after recognising it. She compares boxers to dancers, noting how their physical attributes and weight categories help to identify them.

Because boxing is such an intimate sport, she argues, "to enter the ring nearly without clothes and risk one's life is to make of one's audience voyeurs of a type."

Due to its extremely violent character, boxing is a risky and sometimes lethal activity that shouldn't even be categorised as a sport. Boxing is criticised by the author for being overly violent and for exemplifying how racism and poverty play a part in the sport's culture.

To know more about 'boxing' related questions



Please help me I have to submitt it soon


- True

- True

- True

- False ( explanation : it Is considered the lightest form of Punishment)

- True

- True

- False (explanation  : refer to young man with great beauty)

- False (explanation : it is the stage between  young amd adulthood)

- True.

There are words with synonyms as well as the opposite.

What are antonyms and synonyms?

A synonym is a word that means exactly the same or similar or very nearly same as the other word in the same language for example close is the synonym for shut.

An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word for example bad is an antonym for good.

Choosing the right synonym refines your writing. Learning common antonyms sharpens your sense of language and expands your vocabulary. Synonyms and antonyms are important as they can help to express yourself better more clearly if we know different words that describe the same thing, but in a slightly different way, or from a different angle, we can choose the best word or synonym to use. An antonym is a type of word that has opposite meaning, these are useful in descriptive writing, as the allow us to express things in powerful, impactful ways synonym and antonym are one best way for improving the vocabulary we can create a chart listing both antonym and synonym which would help information of sentences and memorize new vocabulary.

To know more about Simple sentences click:



How do people feel about the writing on the wall


The thing that people do feel about the idiom of writing on the wall is that bad thing is about to happen, hence fear.

What is the meaning of writing on the wall?

The idioms which is writing on the wall do make people have the feeling of fear, because they tend to believe that something bad is about to happen.

It should be noted that Belshazzar's reaction to thuis can be seen as an absolute fear, becasue it made him to turns pale,  which made his leg his legs to give way.

In conclusion, the idiom can be seen as one that do bring about fear.

Learn more about idiom here:  https://brainly.com/question/6111757


Archetypes are repeated patterns. Offer 3 pilgrims that are archetypes and explain why they
are archetypes
From The Wife of Bath by Geoffrey Chaucer


Three pilgrims that are archetypes in the story are Chaucer, The wife of bath and the monk. There characters are recurring in nature that's why they can be called as archetypes.

About Archetypes

Instincts and archetypes are quite similar since, even before any consciousness arises, it is the impersonal, inherited features of humans that present and guide behaviour. They also still have an impact on emotions and actions decades after some form of consciousness emerged.

Utilizing archetypes in particular writing is indeed a holistic strategy that can aid in the writing's acceptance by all readers. This is due to the readers' ability to socially and culturally relate to and empathise with both the protagonists and the circumstance. A writer strives to instill reality in their work by strategically using popular archetypes.

To know more about archetypes:



Nationwide Database of Historic


The official list of our nation's historic districts, sites, buildings, and other items deserving of preservation is the National Register of Historic Places.

The National Park Service is in charge of it; it was created as a result of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. National Historic Landmarks (NHLs) are old buildings that serve as examples of American history. The more than 2,600 NHLs that may now be found in the U.S. include a variety of historic sites, buildings, items, and districts. Every NHL game showcases a noteworthy facet of American history and culture.According to national standards that are followed by every state, inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places offers official acknowledgement of a building's historical, architectural, or archeological value.

Thus this is the meaning of National Database of Historic Places.

Refer here to learn more about National Database of Historic Places: https://brainly.com/question/28396086


What change should be made in the sentence below?

The plane had a bumpy landing, the passengers were relieved to be on the ground.


The change is adding so after comma

The plane had a bumpy landing, so the passengers were relieved to be on the ground.

What is the use of so preposition ?

So  + clause completes a preposition. The infant pushed the lever to obtain some sweets. If "so" means "outcome," then a comma should be used to separate the phrases. (Therefore, it connects two clauses)

So is a subordinating conjunction that we employ to begin outcome or decision clauses

So is a common expression used to denote "to such a considerable extent." A degree adverb that modifies adjectives and other adverbs also has this meaning.

To know more about preposition from the link



What type of writing is the following example?
A expository
B persuasive
C technical


The following example of a type of writing is technical.

What is technical writing?

Technical writing is generally defined as: The technique of documenting processes, such as in software manuals or educational materials, is known as technical writing.

One of those hard skills that is always in demand and yet holds value is technical writing.

Technical documentation make it easier for everyone to understand complex material, from tech-savvy users to engineers utilizing large-scale machines.

Whoever the audience, technical material isn't always that simple to understand. To that purpose, subject specialists strive to condense all of that material into easily digestible content, which is covered under the broad category of technical writing, a sought-after quality whose definition has grown muddled as a result of its wide range of uses.

Hence, the option c is correct.

Learn more about Technical writing, here:



Choose the option that includes a sentence fragment.
My sister cannot play tennis with us. She is too busy.
Playing tennis every weekend. My sister improved her game.
My sister is playing tennis now.
My sister cannot play tennis well.



B has a sentence fragment.


"Playing tennis every weekend" and "my sister improved her game" are both incomplete thoughts. Moreover, "playing tennis every weekend" has no subject.

Hurry pls

Which sentence from the speech BEST supports the claim that
Mandela expected support from around the world?
A Today, all of us do, by our presence here, and by our
celebrations in other parts of our country and the
world, confer glory and hope to newborn liberty.
B We, the people of South Africa, feel fulfilled that
humanity has taken us back into its bosom, that we,
who were outlaws not so long ago, have today been
given the rare privilege to be host to the nations of
the world on our own soil.
C Never, never and never again shall it be that this
beautiful land will again experience the oppression of
one by another and suffer the indignity of being the
skunk of the world.
D We trust that you will continue to stand by us as we
tackle the challenges of building peace, prosperity,
non-sexism, non-racialism and democracy



"I Am Prepared to Die" is the name given to the three-hour speech given by Nelson Mandela on 20 April 1964 from the dock of the defendant at the Rivonia Trial. The speech is so titled because it ends with the words "it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die".


How is the Industrial Revolution significant to the poem?


Because it reflects things in the poem to the Industrial Revolution

12.) Which of these skills is most assessed by level 5 questions?
O A compare two or more trends
OB locate information
O C identify the next steps in a process
OD make an inference


The most assessed skill among Level 5 questions is make an inference to know if the given set of task has been able to be comprehended.

What do critical thinking abilities entail?

The capacity for factual analysis and opinion formation is known as critical thinking. A type of emotional intelligence, it. When the occasion calls for it, a person with critical thinking abilities can think clearly and logically. They are able to make decisions and solve problems more effectively as a result. You can focus more on your strengths and prevent any form of restrictive or negative beliefs by using critical thinking to help you understand yourself. Your quality of life may go up if you can express your ideas.

To know more about critical thinking click on the link below:



Question 1 of 10
What is one way to appeal to ethos?
A. By showing you are knowledgeable about an issue
B. By quoting your friends who support your point of view
C. By asserting that there is no other way to look at the issue
D. By showing the emotional aspect of an issue and evoking pity


A. By showing you are knowledgeable about an issue.

Here’s a disgusting fact: By the time the average person is 70, he or she will have shed about forty pounds of dead skin.

Question 1 options:



both fact and opinion





There’s obviously a fact there (the 40 lbs of dead skin part), but calling it disgusting makes it opinionated. Even if somebody were to say it was an interesting fact, that’s still just opinion. Things by themselves are just things. They are not bad, good, smelly, bumpy, or anything else. And that’s a fact.

Read the excerpt from chapter 8 of The Travels of
Marco Polo and study the map.
[This] is an island lying about 1,000 miles south of
Socotra. The people are Saracens who worship
Mahomet. They have four sheikhs-that is to say, four
elders who exercise authority over the whole island.
You must know that this island is one of the biggest and
best in the whole world. It is said to measure about
4,000 miles in circumference. The people live by trade
and industry. More elephants are bred here than in any
other province; and I assure you that not so many
elephant tusks are sold in all the rest of the world put
together as in this island and that of Zanzibar.
Which labeled location is the place where more
elephants are bred than anywhere else, according to
the excerpt?
* B-Dhofar
D - India


The location where the elephants are bred than anywhere is Madagascar.

The narrator mentions an island that is "approximately 1,000 kilometers south of Socotra" in the sample. The narrator talks about the island's geography and the characteristics of its inhabitants. This contains the fact that "More elephants are raised here than in any other province," demonstrating that this island raises more elephants than any other area.Now, based on the location of Madagascar (Location C) on the map and the author's description of the island in the extract, it may be inferred that Madagascar is the island the author is referring to (Location A).Though the map in the question is missing, we can infer this answer with the link provided below.

Thus the correct answer is C.

Refer here to learn more about Madagascar: https://brainly.com/question/17197126


find is to _________________________ as search is to explore


Find is to discover as search is to explore. we can state the above only through analogical reasoning.

What is Analogical Reasoning?A comparison between two (or more) various items or concepts is known as an analogy.The similarity between two seemingly disparate objects is highlighted by analogical reasoning.They search as a cognitive tool that enables us to predict the behavior of an unknown entity or deduce its properties from the similarities between it and a known entity.One of the most crucial analogical reasoning processes that help us organize our worldview and worldview-related ideas is the search of analogies.By comparing the characteristics of a well-known entity to those of a less well-known entity, analogical reasoning enables the inference of new information.By conceiving them in terms of other phenomena or systems, reasoning by analogy also enables us to search unique insights about phenomena or systems.

To learn more about analogical reasoning from the given link



what is the logical fallacy in the 15th paragraph on the Plessy V Furguson ruling?


The logical fallacy in the 15th paragraph on the Plessy V Furguson was ruling on:  racial segregation.

What is Plessy v. Ferguson?

Plessey V. Ferguson was the landmark decision of the United States Supreme Court in 1896, upholding the constitutionality of racial segregation under the doctrine of "separate but equal." The incident dates back to an 1892 incident when an African-American train passenger, Homer Pressey, refused to board a black service car. The Supreme Court rejected Plessy's claim that his constitutional rights had been violated and ruled that the law was not unconstitutional if it meant "a mere legal distinction" between whites and blacks. As a result, restrictive Jim Crow laws and racially segregated public housing became commonplace.

Thus, The logical fallacy in the 15th paragraph on the Plessy V Furguson was ruling on:  racial segregation.

To know more about logical fallacy, check out:



identity the below sentence as either simple, compound, complex, or compound complex sentences.

I complimented Joe when he finished the job, and he seemed pleased​


The given sentence is an example of a compound sentence.

Based on the number of clauses present, sentences can be classified into simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences. Compound sentences comprise two independent clauses, i.e., a clause that contains a subject and verb and is meaningful on its own. The two independent clauses in compound sentences are linked by a coordinating conjunction (and, for, but, yet, so, or), a conjunctive adverb (however, therefore), or a semicolon. For example, in the sentence given, "I complimented Joe when he finished the job" and "he seemed pleased" are independent clauses linked by the coordinating conjunction "and." Thus, it is a compound sentence.

To read more about simple and compound sentences, refer to:



what strategy for incorporating theme into a text occurs most often in first person stories?


The benefit of telling a story in first character is that readers find out the voice and psychology of a person as expressed directly by the person.

This offers immediacy, the sense of ‘being there’.

The pronouns ‘he’ and ‘she’ in the 1/3 man or woman make the reader more aware of the narrating voice.

It stands a bit greater other than the characters whose memories are informed.

at the minus side,  pronouns first individual narration can limit your readers’ get admission to to the internal worlds of your other characters.

The tale is narrated from a unmarried person’s perspective, with all the obstacles that fixed perspective includes.

Learn more about pronouns https://brainly.com/question/7942658


Matthew Cuthbert feels uneasy in the company of women. What type of characterization is used here?


The direct characterization is used in the given scenario. The correct option is A.

What is direct characterization?

Direct characterization is a literary device that is used to tell the reader conclusive details about a character with little or no ambiguity.

The author's intention is to state a definitive fact about the character, as opposed to more subtle descriptions that leave some things to the reader's imagination.

Characterization is also enhanced by how the characters act, think, and speak.

Characterization is a literary device used to highlight and explain the details of a character in a story step by step. The artist is still in the early stages of introducing the character with a striking appearance.

Thus, the correct option is A.

For more details regarding direct characterization, visit:



Your question seems incomplete, the missing options are:

Read the selection from Chapter 2 of Anne of Green Gables

Matthew Cuthbert enjoyed the drive after his own fashion, except during the moments when he met women and had to nod to them—for in Prince Edward island you are supposed to nod to all and sundry you meet on the road whether you know them or not.

Matthew dreaded all women except Marilla and Mrs. Rachel; he had an uncomfortable feeling that the mysterious creatures were secretly laughing at him. He may have been quite right in thinking so, for he was an odd-looking personage, with an ungainly figure and long iron-gray hair that touched his shoulders, and a full, soft brown beard which he had worn ever since he was twenty. In fact, he had looked at twenty very much as he looked at sixty, lacking a little of the grayness.

Matthew Cuthbert feels uneasy in the company of women. What type of characterization is used here?

Direct characterizationStatic characterizationIndirect characterizationFlat characterization


Direct characterization


Speech on "Avarice is the major cause of sins."​



The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things is a painting attributed to Hieronymus Bosch or to a follower of his, completed around 1500 or later. Since 1898 its authenticity has been questioned several times. In 2015 the Bosch Research Conservation Project claimed it to be by a follower, but scholars at the Prado, where the painting hangs, dismissed this argument. The painting is oil on wooden panels and is presented in a series of circular images.

Four small circles, detailing the four last things — Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell — surround a larger circle in which the seven deadly sins are depicted: wrath at the bottom, then (proceeding clockwise) envy, greed, gluttony, sloth, extravagance (later replaced with lust), and pride, using scenes from life rather than allegorical representations of the sins.

At the center of the large circle, which is said to represent the eye of God, is a "pupil" in which Christ can be seen emerging from his tomb. Below this image is the Latin inscription Cave cave d[omi]n[u]s video ("Beware, Beware, The Lord Sees").

Above and below the central image are inscriptions in Latin of Deuteronomy 32:28–29, containing the lines "For they are a nation void of counsel, neither is there any understanding in them", above, and "O that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would consider their latter end!"



What is one theme found in Walt Whitman's "I Hear America Singing"?


The poem examines a number of subjects, including patriotism, the worth of the individual in American culture, and the dignity of labor.

The contributions of many ethnic and racial groups to the creation of America are discussed in Walt Whitman's poem "I Hear America Singing." Whitman describes and includes the numerous working-class people making contributions to the country in their own unique ways. He highlights those hidden employees who all contribute in their own unique ways to the formation of our country while also honoring the average American worker. Despite their seeming insignificance, each person contributed greatly by singing their own songs and doing their bit. Each person's contribution was distinct and equal. The contribution of many people to the identity of the nation is one of the themes of this poem.

Thus this is one theme found in Walt Whitman's "I Hear America Singing."

Refer here to learn more about I Hear America Singing: https://brainly.com/question/2941241


What is Reverend Hale encouraging the people who are set for hanging to do?


Hale dedicates himself to his faith and his work. His good intentions and sincere desire to help the afflicted encourage him. Unfortunately, Hale is also powerless. His zeal for discovering mysticism allows others, particularly Abigail, to abuse him.

Why does Hale want to postpone the hangings?Hale dedicates himself to his faith and his work. His good intentions and sincere desire to help the afflicted encourage him. Unfortunately, Hale is also powerless. His zeal for discovering mysticism allows others, particularly Abigail, to abuse him.Parris wants Danforth to delay, not cancel, the hangings. He is still just looking out for himself because there was a knife in his door one morning. He is worried that the town will rise up and blame him.Both Parris and Hale beseech Danforth to either pardon the prisoners or postpone the hangings until admissions are obtained because Rebecca Nurse and John Proctor still have such good prominences, and their commissions could provoke an uprising.

To learn more about : Reverend Hale

Ref : https://brainly.com/question/971268


Which of these two quotes would look better in an essay?

In the rising action, “She stood by the window and looked out dully,” O. Henry wrote, “Tomorrow would be Christmas Day, and she had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a present,” (4).

In the rising action, O. Henry writes, “She stood by the window and looked out dully,” O. Henry wrote, “Tomorrow would be Christmas Day, and she had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a present,” (4).



the first one


Which sentence has correct parallel structure?
Group of answer choices

Sarah will order the flowers, pick up the decorations, and might help us set up.

Sarah will order the flowers, will pick up the decorations, and might help us set up


The correct sentence is Sarah will order the flowers, pick up the decorations, and might help us set up.

Parallel structure in sentences gives the needed clarity in writing and makes them easier to read. The sentences become easy to understand. The word patterns are created in a way that is easily followed by the readers.

Parallel structure is also called parallelism. The selected grammatical form in a sentence is repeated. The parallel structure is formed when each sentence follow the same grammatical pattern. Example:

Parallel sentence:  Sarah will order the flowers, pick up the decorations, and might help us set up.

To know more about Parallel structure here



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Is the ordered pair (2, 7) a solution of the function f(x) = x + 5? * A triangle has two sides of length 3 and 3. What value could the length of thethird side be? Check all that apply.A. 6B. 12C. 5D. 8E4F. 2 Whats the vaule of W? Angles. I got x > 12 for my answer, but when I checked it, it didn't work. Please help me solve and check! Task: Respond to the following writing prompt in TWO PARAGRAPHS: Compare and Contrast: What life was like for Native Americans before and after European colonization? How was it similar? How was it different? What specifically changed? Explain how you came to those conclusions. Use evidence from the text to support your claims. Write an explicit formula for An, the n' term of the sequence 14, 10, 6,.. I will show the answer options later because I cant add two pictures The boy in the story moved to a new home and had to learn how to speak a new language. This experience was a turning point in his life. Write a story explaining what happened when you moved to a new place and had to learn how to speak a new language. What was a turning point that made things better for you? In the first paragraph, talk about where you lived before. Tell who your friends were and things you did. Describe some of the emotions you felt when you had to leave. In a second paragraph, describe your new school. Talk about some of the people you met and the new things you did. Be sure to combine ideas in your sentences to make your writing interesting. having clients argue for a position will change their attitudes about the position, especially if they are ambivalent. group of answer choices true false Find the surface area and volume of the sphere. Round your answers to the nearest whole number.C = 4 in.The surface area is aboutsquare inchesThe volume is aboutcubic inches Hello can you please tell me if this is right please Simplify expressions by distributing Using copyrighted material without permission from the owner for educational purposes is an example aA. fair use.B. copyright infringement.C. plagiarism.OD. ownership. Twelve students in mrs.taylors class want to start band. Seven students each made a drum.The rest of the students made 2 shakers each. How many shakers were made? Use the bar model. Need help have to show work on this whole page. Factorise the following quadratic:e - 17e + 70 how can I find which statements can be deducted from the picture 2C8H18(I) + 25 O2 (g) = 16 CO2(g) + 18 H2O (g)If 4.00 moles of gasoline are burned, what volume of oxygen is needed if the pressure is 0.953 atm and the temperature is 35 C? How is public health policy created? select all the true statements :a) Mitochondria are outside the nucleus of an animal cell.b) An animal cell can have a Golgi but does not have endoplasmic reticulumc) The cell membrane breaks down sugar to release energy than an animal cell can use. In what TWO ways did the cotton gin negatively impact Georgias economy?Your answer:1) It decreased the demand for railroad transportation.2) It greatly expanded slavery throughout the state and region.3) It resulted in Georgia losing land.4) It made the state greatly dependent upon only one crop.5) It made farmers lazy since they no longer had to remove cotton seeds by hand. Savings ($)2001601208040O5 10 15 20 25Time (weeks)Find the constant of proportionality and write an equation for the relationshipThe constant of proportionality isThe equation for the relationship is