Write a letter of appreciation to the People of China. SOMEONE PLS HELP ME ITS FOR MY PROJECT ILL GIVE BRAINLIEST (needs to be 3-4 paragraphs long)


Answer 1
I’d did disband dvdbdbfbfbfbfbdbdbdb

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14.the following are features to help in navigating a website properly.which is not belong?

a.good design
c.distracting colors
d.easy to read

need an answer now.​


I’m pretty sure it’s C.

describe Character in your older​


Answer:Synonyms include old age pensioner or pensioner in British English, and retiree and senior in American English. Some dictionaries describe widespread use of "senior citizen" for people over the age of 65.



Read the introduction from “The Girl Who Silenced the World for Five Minutes.”

Hello, I'm Severn Suzuki speaking for E.C.O.—The Environmental Children's Organisation.

We are a group of twelve and thirteen-year-olds from Canada trying to make a difference: Vanessa Suttie, Morgan Geisler, Michelle Quigg and me. We raised all the money ourselves to come six thousand miles to tell you adults you must change your ways. Coming here today, I have no hidden agenda. I am fighting for my future.

Which word pair best describes the tone Severn Suzuki uses in her introduction?

worried and confused
disappointed and upset
satisfied and happy
honest and direct



The tone Severn Suzuki uses in her introduction is Honest and Direct

Given Bob's attitude toward nature, his love of animals, and his previous life being enslaved, would it be difficult to justify chasing and capturing wild mustangs? EXPLAIN YOUR POSITION



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Which statement best evaluates the effectiveness of
the evidence in the passage?
O It effectively appeals to emotion and nationalism
with logical and anecdotal evidence of citizenship
trends that support the empire.
It ineffectively uses logical evidence because it is
not clear whether the immigration patterns verifiably
support decolonization.
O It effectively uses anecdotal evidence to verify the
immigration trends and the answer is there support the empire.
O It ineffectively uses anecdotal evidence because it
makes Canada seem powerful.



It effectively appeals to emotion and nationalism with logical and anecdotal evidence of citizenship trends that support the empire.


Got it right on ed. Also,

it doesn't really make Canada seem more powerfulThe third option is out of the questionThe 2nd option may seem right but logical evidence is still evidence and is able to clear things up

Answer: It effectively appeals to emotion and nationalism with logical and anecdotal evidence of citizenship trends that support the empire.



please help me I only have 7 minutes to do this



D most likely





Read the following passage from Zora Neale Hurston's "How It Feels to be Colored Me":
I do not belong to the sobbing school of Negrohood who
hold that nature somehow has given them a lowdown dirty
deal and whose feelings are all but about it.
Which words could best replace "lowdown dirty deal" in order to maintain
Hurston's tone and meaning?
A. Problematic situation
B. Cruel bargain
C. Unhealthy experience
D. Outrageous misfortune



Answer is B


"Cruel Bargain"

Rewrite the sentences. Add un or re to the underlined words.
Namita told the story in her own way.​



Namita retold the story in her own way.


Prefixes and suffixes are words that we add before and after a word to make a new word with a new meaning. Depending on their need to be used in a sentence, we can use prefixes or suffixes to change a sentence.

In the given sentence "Namita told the story in her own way", we can add the prefix "re-" to change the sentence. So, if we write it as "Namita retold the story in her own way", then we meant to say that Namita told the story again and in a different manner.

And using the word "retold", we are changing the verb "retell" to the past participle form.

Thus, the correct and new way to write the sentence is-

Namita retold the story in her own way.

which sentence demonstrates correct subject and verb agreement​


the first one hope this helps :D

In the absolutely true diary of a part time Indian, How do you think Junior would feel if the other students bullied him instead of
ignoring him?



In The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian, the protagonist Junior (Arnold Spirit) learns that his identity is worth fighting for.

please help if you can. Add any missing commas ​



1) Of course, we will not forget our homework, Ms, Sandy!

2) Always blow out candles, check your curling iron, and lock the front door when you leave the house.

3) Chase, make sure your shoes are tied, before the race starts.

4) Because it was my birthday, I brought in cupcakes for everyone.

5) Our big test is somewhere between March 1, 2021 and March 7, 2021, so be sure you study.

6) No, you can not chew gum in class, Tony!

7) Hulu has 25 million subscirbres, it is however only availabe in 10 countries.

8) My favorite cartoon is about a loud big family, and all of their adventures.

9) We lived in a blue house, on 2222 Maple ST, New York, New York when I got my first pet.

10) Whenever I am worried about my grades, I ask the teacher for help, and I searched the internet for extra practice.

11) "We are going to the beach, in June this summer", I reminded my mother.

12) "Right", she replies, "so, we will be there for your birthday!"

I hope this helps you and good luck!

Commonlit Everday use
What is the answer



I took this so here is the Answer; Let me know if you need help with any others!!! :)


Determine which suffix corresponds to the following mnemonic ald.
When the root is a full word except for a final e, the forms usually are spelled with
O able



When a root word ends in ns, soft c or g and miss, one should use the suffix ible. A suffix is a group of letters that is being place at the end of a word in order to make a new one.


. Explain the details about the Russian campaign that the author of “A Brief Stop” chooses to emphasize in his story. Use examples from both passages in your answer.



The Russian Campaign, 1812. In 1811, Tsar Alexander I, supposedly allied with Napoleon, refused to be part of the continental blockade of British goods any longer. Napoleon's edict barring trade with Great Britain was ruining the Russian economy. Tensions quickly escalated; every attempt to negotiate failed.


What the purpose of the adjective part of speech in a sentence


Answer- an adjective provides more detail about a noun, like bi, small, fat and thin.



It usually modifies a noun. It makes the noun more distinctive.

The red house (that cuts out a lot of houses that aren't red).

The run down mansion. (that tells you quite a bit about the state of the mansion. Whoever owns it has run out of money).

The Green Goblin. That should  not require any explanation. What is a Goblin anyway?

Little red ridding hood.

How would you define theme? Give an example.​


Answer: the subject or topic in a writing

Example: The theme of the three little pigs is taking your time to do something right pays off. I hope this helps, if you need more examples let me know.

is anyone else doing the seamless book ?


I've never heard of that. What is it? I'm very curious now.

Which image would best illustrate a main point about how a celebration of heroes would reward people for doing good things?





The second image best illustrate a main point about how a celebration of heroes would reward people for doing good things. Hence, option B is correct.

What is meant by reward?

Monetary compensation or any other form of remuneration received or given in exchange for a service rendered or a potential service rendered.

Promotion, increased pay, monetary incentives, and recognition of completed work are all excellent examples of rewards. In today's workplaces, employees seek both rewards and recognition for their efforts.

An incentive is a motivator. It's interesting to note that God rewards His children for their commitment to Him. According to Hebrews 11:6, "But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.".

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about reward, click here:



(Wonder book)

Do you think Auggie's parents made the right choice by enrolling him into Beecher Prep? Or, should they have continued to homeschool him? Give one reason defending their decision or arguing in support of their decision.


Yes, I think Auggies parents did make a great choice because he couldn’t stay homeschooled his whole life not knowing how real school is like

Defending: There parents made an excellent decision on enrolling him in school they picked a great public school with lots of great peolpe he could meet.

Arguing: But Auggies parents could of waited unit Auggie was a bit older so he can get more comfortable around peolpe and around his environment.

Aunt Harriet never meant to say any of this when Elizabeth Ann could hear, but the little girl’s ears were as sharp as little girls’ ears always are, and long before she was nine, she knew all about the opinion Aunt Harriet had of the Putney's. She did not know, to be sure, what “chores” were, but she took it confidently from Aunt Harriet’s voice that they were something very, very dreadful.Immersive Reader
(10 Points)

First Person

3rd Person Omniscient

3rd Person Limited

3rd Person Objective



B). 3rd Person Omniscient


In the given excerpt, the author has employed a 'third-person omniscient' point of view as the readers have knowledge about the thoughts, feelings, as well as, emotions of every character(Aunt Harriet, Elizabeth Ann). The descriptions displaying that Elizabeth knew what Aunt Harriet thinks about Putney while Aunt Harriet did not mean to say so. Thus, the readers are able to know what every character goes through. Thus, option B is the correct answer.

Who is the protagonist, (good guy) and what do they want? -in the book "all summer in a day"-



The protagonist is Margot, and she wants to see the sun again.


Anne frank

What is Anne longing for in her relationship with her father?


Answer: Initially, the relationship between Otto Frank and his daughter Anne is a strong one. Anne is very much a 'daddy's girl' and can do little wrong in his eyes. From her diary, the reader senses that Anne sees a kindred spirit in her father, someone who understands her in a way that no one else truly does.

Explanation: yes i stole this from g o o g le

Hello, can you help me, I can't find a story in which the cat plays an important role. I need to explain why the animal was chosen by the author



because there are kinds of fable stories


Write a poem inspired by Romeo and Juliet



If you will die for me,

I will die for you

If you will lie for me

I will lie for you

If you are willing to break the rules for me

I will break the rules for you


I don't know if this helps I kind of thought about it quickly but I don't know if it's good

As children learn to write, prekindergarten teachers should focus on?



set of language and literacy skills focused primarily on the development and ... In this domain, young children learn that writing has a purpose and that print ... There are multiple strategies teachers can use to scaffold children's writing, ... “Preschool Teachers and Children's Emergent Writing: Supporting Diverse Learners.


Could the Great Depression have been avoided? Explain by referring to the factors that led to the depression. In order to receive any credit,
you must answer in 7-10 complete sentences.


The Great Depression I believe could not have been avoided due to the fact that there were multiple historic events that led up to the Great Depression such as the stock market crashing, banking panics, etc. so In order for the Great Depression to be avoided all of the things that led up to it would have to have not happened, which is not possible.

The correct response is - The Great Depression, in my opinion, could not have been prevented because it was preceded by a number of historic occurrences, including the stock market crash, banking panics, etc. For the Great Depression to have been stopped, all of the events that preceded it would have had to occur, which is impossible.

What is a Great Depression?

The 1929 stock market crash, the Smoot-Hawley Tariff's impact on global trade, government policies, bank failures, panics, and the depletion of the money supply are a few of the explanations cited for the Great Depression. David Wheelock, a specialist on the Great Depression with the St.

It lasted for about ten years (from late 1929 to around 1939), affected almost every nation on earth, and was characterized by rapid drops in industrial production and prices (deflation), mass unemployment, bank panics, and sharp rises in poverty and homelessness rates.

To read more about Great Depression, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/17642418


What definition describes devising the best (in drama)



it is a group collaboration in response to a stimulus leading to the creation of an original performance

Really easy and really short! Please help me cause I'm terrible at English. Only need to write like three sentences.

Do you think romantic love, by its nature, is subject to scientific proof or disproof? Can you really prove whether any individual person feels, or doesn’t feel, love for another one?



I think that rimantic love, by its nature, is subject to scientific proof because we have many changes that happen to us. Like our heart beats faster, we sweat, or we blush. And I think that any individual person can in fact feel love for someone else


Question 4 (1 point) Saved
Dickon and the robin like Mary.


We need a picture in order to answer the question.

for anyone who has read midsummer night dream by Shakespeare
please answer the following

1.what did Robin do to Bottom to make Quince day 'O monstrous! O strange we are haunted!!"



Bottom comes back onto stage. He now has a donkey's head where his own should be, thanks to one of Puck's tricks.

As you might expect, this donkey-Bottom hybrid is frightening. All the other men run away in a panic. Robin follows them, leading the Mechanicals in circles about the dark woods and chasing them in the guise of scary things: a headless bear, hounds, and flames.


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