write a letter in a role of a soldier from world war 1 about your wartime experiences

PLS i needed fast i give 30 points


Answer 1


Dear Mr Welsh,

We were only out here a matter of a few hours before we went into the trenches; we were there for eight days and then came on to what is called a Rest Camp. I suppose it is called that to distinguish it from the trenches because the men are at work all day road and trench making and it comes under both rifle and artillery fire. We got here at 7 o’clock yesterday morning and were shelled at 9 o’clock.

The country is really quite pretty and just like the hills and valleys of South Wales, but there are no brooks or rivers. It rains hard for a month each year usually about this time and then there is no more until the next rainy season. But although it is so gloriously sunny something is wrong with the place and it really isn’t as healthy as it looks. I think the flies have something to do with it as well as the heat and the still unburied dead bodies about. There are millions and millions of flies here and they are all over everything. Put a cup of tea down without a cover and it is immediately covered with dead ones, they are all round your mouth and directly you open it to speak or to eat in they pop. It is a game. We have all got nets of course, we should have been worried, no medicine by now if we hadn’t.

We live in dugouts built up the reverse sides of the hills. They are just holes really, but all the same they can be made very comfortable with a bit of digging and a few waterproof sheets. They are not shell proof by any means and the one I slept in during my first night here was knocked in completely by a shell pitching right into it. Fortunately I was not at home at the time. We have another now and I must try and get a photo of it and let you see what it is like. I must send you one of our

Mess dugout too.

Everything here is named after the Regiment responsible for the making or taking. For instance the road we made from our trenches to this camp is called “New Bedford Rd” and the ridge we took and now occupy is called on the army maps, Bedford Ridge. I have just been filling in and colouring my map and find it is one of the most, if not the most, advanced line of the lot. Standing on that ridge it is possible to see what a lot of country we have taken and now hold, but there is nothing to get wildly excited about. Each position is strengthened as much as possible before another attempt is made to push on and the whole thing is just steady progress. Something might happen suddenly, I only hope it does.

We have had some very big ships out here and they have been bombarding the forts heavily now for some few days, and there are cruisers, monitors etc. standing in the bay helping the land batteries to shell the trenches. You see a flash and then wait a long time before hearing the boom and the shriek of the shell passing over our heads, almost together, then look round quickly and see the burst of the shell in or over the trenches sometimes before hearing the explosion. The first we know of shells aimed at us is the bang of the explosion, and it is too late to get out of the way. Three officers were laid flat on their backs the other day without any hurt except to their dignity and farther on six men were buried without one being injured. It isn’t always like that though.

There is quite good bathing here when we can find time to go. As the beach is in full view of the enemy, and comes under their shell fire, it would not appeal to the nervous. We never keep closer together than ten yards when we are undressing and swimming in hopes that the Turk will not consider one man worth the price of a shell. We have had some casualties through the men keeping too close together, but after washing out of a teacup for a week or more it is worth a bit of risk to get rid of some of the trench dust and smell and feel and look clean again. And really is the best bathing I’ve ever had. The water is quite warm and clear.

All the hospital work is done on board a ship that stands in the bay. If the cases are serious or lengthy they are transferred to one of the hospital ships that calls daily and then go to either one of the bases or back to England. We land troops night or day in spite of the fact that they come under fire so it is possible for a man to be on his way back wounded, by the same ship that bought him from the base, without ever having landed.

We had a grand voyage out. All the officers had either staterooms or 1st Class cabins and the food mostly was just the same as we should have had on an ordinary cruise to India or Australia, wherever it is that the Cruise Line calls. The usual cabin stewards and waiters were in attendance and it was difficult to remember that we were not exactly on a pleasure trip. We did enjoy those two weeks…

Kind regards,

Yours sincerely,

H.W. Cronin, Lieutenant.

I am acting as captain until some of the others come back from hospital.


Hope it helps

Pls mark me brainliest

Thank you

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Hope this help's

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Help me I’m confuse ???



I am also confusion.


You didn't give us the story to read.  Otherwise, I could've helped you.

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C; we create a trail of information
c will be the right answer

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It's the most accurate one in my opinion

Hope it was helpful!


The correct answer is C.


Thanks to the other guy i got it right. Full credit to him guys!!<3

Have u ever had love at first sight


yes, but when things like that happen, it’s not always the right even tho it feels right. falling in love is easy for some people so be careful.

what is the answer to question 3



I think it is a


hope this help!,

How should a reader find the central idea of a piece of writing?

A) Write to the author for clarification.
B) Identify and organize the key points.
C) Read other authors' works on the topic.
D) Take time off from reading to do other things.



Identify and organize the key points.

what is the phrasal verb of asked out​



Grammar Points

Ask someone out → “He finally asked Maria out.”

Commonly used with for → “She asked me out for a coffee.”

Commonly used with to → “She asked me out to a coffee shop.”

Common Collocations

To/for dinner, to/for lunch, for coffee, for a drink, to the movies (US), to the cinema (UK)


Explanation:   TO ASK OUT

Hope it will help you! Please give brainiest if its correct!!!!

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She left something that cannot be occupied; She left us something that couldn’t be found.

I’m not the best at this so I may not even be right but I may have helped?

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to take pictures of things in space so NASA can examine what is in the picture for any important info


In a contraction, what do you put in place of the letters you take out?



an apostrophe



An apostrophe


the apostrophe goes where the letters were removed in a contraction like don't (do + not) remove the no and add an apostrophe.

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Annabelle got off her bike and grabbed hold of the dog. There was a
baseball in its mouth. Oh, how she wanted to keep it!
A. Change "Annabelle" to "She."
B. Change "it" to "the dog."
C. Change "its" to "her."
D. Change "her" to "hers."



I think a


it has the best way to put it

the answer is A

have a hood day

PLEASE HELP WE WRITE THIS ESSAY !! IT IS PART OF A TEST SOO PLZZ HELP!!!In at least 150 words, discuss the impact of point of view in "Two kinds." How would the story have been different If told from Amy's mother's point of view?​



    The impact of point of view in "Two Kinds" carries great weight in its current state. The short story "Two Kinds" was written by the author Amy Tan and this story could be seen as a close representation of her childhood. The main characters of the story are the mother and the daughter. The story itself is told from the first person perspective from the daughter. We learn about how miserable she is with her mother's expectations of her. If the story were to be told from the mother's perspective, that would drastically change up how the story is told. I would expect a story more focused on hope, ambition, and the pursuit of happiness. The mother of the story came from a very terrible place in China and only wanted the best for her child even if she didn't quite see it yet. The whole tone of the story would be changed.



The story would have been different because we would be able to understand the reasons behind the actions on why the mother had kept trying to push her daughter to become a prodigy at something. We would also be able to understand the feelings of the mother as well. If we had the mother's point of view we would be able to understand why she had wanted to her daughter to become a famous musical prodigy. Maybe it was because she wanted her daughter to have been known and loved by everybody. Maybe it was because she wanted her daughter to  have been successful and for her to have everything to she wasn't able to have.


will be marked brainliest ​



Honesty and forgiveness are important

Tomas and Ms Guzman became friends

The window gets fixed

Ms Guzman forgives Tomas.


Ms. Guzman forgives Tomas.
The window gets fixed.
Tomás and Ms. Guzman become friends.
Honesty and forgiveness are important.

You are starting a small business. You need to decide on what type of business it is and how much you would need as a start-up.


Answer: around 1000 or 600

Explanation: Depends what business it is and plus you need supplies such as packaging and the stuff to make something if you are doing a homemade store such as necklaces or rings

Nuts berry farm makes their own trail mix using nuts and berries each pack of chair mix has 3 tablespoons of nuts and one tablespoon of berries into the percentage of the trail mix that is berries



Sorry PrettyPennny but your question doesn't make sense. In fact, there is no question.



1/4 of the package is berries


From what I could make out of the question, it states that in each package, there are 3 tablespoons of nuts and one tablespoons of berries.  If this is true, that means that there are 4 tablespoons in total, and given that there is only one tablespoon of berries, you can conclude that one out of the four tablespoons (or 1/4) of the package is made up of berries.

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Which statement best reflects the theme expressed in this excerpt?

Fear, combined with crowd mentality, leads people to make poor decisions.
People should not be blamed for decisions they make in the heat of the moment.
A crowd is always more powerful in intense situations than a single person.
A group of people is responsible for the actions of each of its members.




Explanation: I got it right on the test!!

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Answer and Explanation:

To write a paragraph on "Out of the dust", you must first show that the work portrays the difficulties and suffering faced by Oklahoma Panhandle residents when facing the droughts and violent sandstorms that prevented agriculture and the quality of life. lives of these residents. All this difficulty faced by them, must be reinforced with lines from the poems presented in the book, which provide evidence and support for everything that is being discussed about the book.

is the majority of the piece and the support that backs up the thesis.

the data
The claim
The evidence​


Answer: the evidence


help me for this page please <3​



on countable side put meat,apple,cake, fish,orange, tomatoes, chips,popcorn,donuts,potato,peas,cookies,chocolate, pickles, pie,pizza then on uncountable you put the left over words.because u can't count liquid and the bottom just make a sentence

Estimate 51.286+37.43 by first rounding each number to the nearest whole number.
I need this and fast i will mark brainliest


since it is given estimate to nearest whole number ,51.286 will be rounded to 51 and 37.43 will be rounded 37.so add 51+36 which is equal to 87

please help me please will give brainliest ​



Honesty means to be open to others, it doesn't mean to never lie but it means to choose meaningful occasions to not lie.

Forgiveness is to be forgiving, to put yourself in that person's' shoes and think how hard to must be for them.

To apologies is to ask for forgiveness, when choosing to apology you admit your mistake and think of other person situation. To forgive is to maintain a relationship through all hardships. In situations where you have wronged someone, it is always important to think of the other person, not of yourself.

Write a letter to your mom who lives in abroad asking her three important thing you need and explain why


Dear Mom,

How have you been in the Bahamas ?I have been missing you for years.Wishing you would stop by at my house in San Francisco.If are stopping by ;Can you get me somethings please?I’ll pay you back don’t worry about it.So,first I need a bed frame .Did I tell you I bought a new house? I moved in a beautiful neighborhood they were so kind with their homemade welcome to the neighborhood gifts.So,yeah I have a mattress already that’s why I need a bed frame.Second,I need some nails so, I can put together a couple of wood furnitures I already have.Third,I need a fridge cause all my dairy products are about to go bad before you get here.So,please can you stop by?

Love,your dearest son Halokai Maui.

3. What is the simple subject and simple predicate in the following sentence:
Reptiles eat and digest big meals.
A. Reptiles; meals
B. Reptiles; eat
C. Reptiles; eat and digest
D. eat; digest


umm i’m thinking it answer choice “C”

what are some satire short story ideas?


How To Flunk Your Exams While Having Fun Doing It.

No Need For A Best Friend When You Can Have A Pet.

Social Media Platforms Are The Better Option For Making Friends.

How To Avoid Doing Your Chores And Get Away With It.

Reasons Why School Is A Complete Waste Of Tim

I hope that helps, maybe

Hey! I have a few ideas...
- A cowboy using a smartphone for the first time.
- The roles of parents and children are reversed in an alternate detention
- A doctor that is supposed to be giving the vaccine to a patient accidentally gives a shot that turns the patient into a werewolf.
- Rich, rude aliens

I hope you liked my ideas! When you are finished with your short story, please tell me what it was about! Have a great day!

wen was big ben made.


It was made May 31, 1859

Raw celery has a slight sparkle, a zingy taste that you don't get in cooked celery. When Mrs. Gleason came around with the relish tray, we each took another stalk of celery, except my brother. He took two.What does the word stalk mean in this sentence?
walk away angrily
salty taste
cooked quickly
piece of a plant


Piece of a plant. :)


piece of a plant


a stalk in this case is a stalk of celery/ a piece of celery.

In "Your Childhood IQ Does Not Define You," the author argues that there is an element of danger in the belief that one's intelligence is fixed at birth. What is this danger, and how would it be avoided by adopting the author's viewpoint in the essay? Explain.



the danger is that it becomes the thing that defines you. as if all you're worth is your smarts.

good luck :)

i hope this helps

have a great day !!

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