write a diologue between students father and teacher talking about the result ?​


Answer 1


Teacher: hello sir.

Father: hello mam.

Ram: good afternoon mam

Teacher : do u know his result sir?

Father: No I don't . what's his score?

Ram : sorry dad i forgot to show u my result .

Teacher : he got 96 %

Father: really?

Ram: yes dad

Father: I'm proud of u my son.

Teacher: we are also proud of u ram.

Ram: thank you .....

Related Questions

Read the excerpt from "A Flag with 50 Stars.” The U.S. flag at the time had six neat rows of eight stars each. What would be the best way to add two more stars while keeping the arrangement neat and orderly? How do these sentences contribute to the text? A. They develop the idea that people around the country are resistant to changing the appearance of the flag. B. They indicate that Bob Heft is the only person to find a way to add two stars to the U.S. flag. C. They show how Bob Heft is able to find a way to organize the stars so that they fit in six neat rows. D. They develop the idea that the new arrangement of stars posed a problem with no obvious solution.



B. They indicate that Bob Heft is the only person to find a way to add two stars to the U.S. flag.


They indicate that Bob Heft is the only person to find a way to add two stars to the U.S. flag would be the best way to add two more stars while keeping the arrangement neat and orderly. Hence, option B is correct.

When did the US flag have 50 stars?

The 50-star flag's design was established by Executive Order 10834, which was signed by President Eisenhower on August 21, 1959. On July 4, 1960, with Secretary of the Interior Fred A. Seaton in charge, this flag was hoisted over Fort McHenry National Historic Monument for the first time.

In 1958, Bob Heft's junior year of high school, he made a 50-star flag for a project on American history. The main issue was that there were only 48 states at the time. Alaska and Hawaii became our 49th and 50th states in 1959, as predicted by Bob, who had a premonition that two more states would be added.

Today, a 50-star banner is flown over President Truman's home. Since the addition on July 4, 1960, it has flown across the United States.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about US flag have 50 stars, click here:



Page 1Page 2
Just then he saw an old witch standing near him.

"What's your trouble, young man?" she asked Manuel.

"Old woman," he said, "I wonder how I will find my rabbits again if I let them run free."

The witch gave him a whistle and told him, "Whenever you want your rabbits, blow on the whistle. And wherever they are, they will come to you."

Then she was gone as quickly as she had come.

—“Manuel Had a Riddle,”
Virginia Hamilton

What do these passages show about the witch?

She is really a beautiful princess in disguise.
She is helpful and cares about what happens to other creatures.
She is helping the king trick Manuel.
She lives near the king’s palace and knows him well.



B. She is helpful and cares about what happens to other creatures.



Explanation: because if you read both pages it tells you the answer which is B

3. hanlet Why do you think he asks this of the actor? What are his intentions? ​


Answer:-He asks the first player if he can perform The Murder of Gonzago. Hamlet asks him if he were to compose an extra speech if the player could learn it by tomorrow. This additional script will enact the murder that his late father described to him.


go to this link for answers https://quizlet.com/123957873/hamlet-act-2-flash-cards/

3 effective ways to educate young people about agriculture .................................



Link social media to agriculture.

Improve agriculture's image.

Strengthen higher education in agriculture.

Greater use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

Empower young people to speak up.

Facilitate access to land and credit.

Put agriculture on the school curricula.


Hope this helps sorry if incorrect

what happens in act 4 scene 1 of a midsummer night's dream



If i remember correctly this is the act where titania the queen of fairies gets love potioned into falling in love with (i forgot name) guy with donkey head


The parts of the rhetorical triangle are in a ______________ relationship.

A. static

B. adversarial

C. dynamic

D. fixed





Aristotle taught that a speaker's ability to persuade an audience is based on how well the speaker appeals to that audience in three different areas: logos, ethos, and pathos. Considered together, these appeals form what later rhetoricians have called the rhetorical triangle. Logos appeals to reason

Based on the historical context, why are the bauers interested in the notice?


It provides them with the opportunity to gain employment on the railroad. It provides them with the opportunity to work on someone else's island. It provides them with the opportunity to travel to another part of the country.

Which of the following groups of sentences forms the best introduction to an opinion essay? (2 points)

In my opinion, the text Cinderella more effectively develops the theme that love conquers all. Cinderella is kind, gentle, and thoughtful to all.

In The Sleeping Beauty, the king loves his daughter and bans all spindles from the land to protect her, while the prince is courageous.

Love is present in fairy tales. In The Sleeping Beauty, the king bans all spindles to protect his daughter. In Cinderella, a daughter humbly loves her family. The fairy tales show that love conquers all in the best ways possible through family.

Love in its many different forms is present in fairy tales. In The Sleeping Beauty, the king bans all spindles to protect his daughter. In Cinderella, a daughter humbly loves her family. In my opinion, though, the text Cinderella more effectively develops the theme that love conquers all.



ong this easy it's A


What are types of external conflict in literature? Select three options.
character vs. society
character vs. self
character vs. nature
character vs. character
O character vs. their fatal flaw


The types of External conflict in literature are:

character vs. societycharacter vs. naturecharacter vs. character
What is External Conflict?

External conflict in literature refers to something that sets a character against something or someone else which in the short term seems beyond their control or ability to surmount the same.

External forces or conflict are situations or things that stand in the way of a character's motivations and are often a source of tension as the character tries to achieve their goals.

Learn more about external conflict at:


The three types of external conflicts in literature are character vs. society, character vs. nature, and character vs. character. Therefore, options A, C, and D are correct.

What are external conflicts?

External conflicts are conflicts that arise between a character and an external force, such as another character, society, nature, or fate. They are typically obstacles that stand in the way of a character's goals or desires. They create tension and drama in the story.

External conflicts can take many forms, including physical confrontations, verbal disagreements, social or political injustices, environmental obstacles, or supernatural forces. They may be short-lived or persistent throughout the story. They can be resolved or left unresolved by the end of the narrative. Therefore, options A, C, and D are correct.

Learn more about external conflicts, here:



his parents have brought him to be polite. to passive voice​



Politeness was brought by his parents.



"Wandering As A Clouds"

Our lives are but clouds wandering across a sky

Restlessly drifting along with a tempestuous wind

Sometimes billowing puffed up sometimes thinned

Or grey with darkened streaks of lightning flashing by

They speed with no mercy in the jet

stream high above

Or labouring they shed their heavy load upon the soil With cymbals' of crashing thunder

they bubble and boil

Yet with ageless beauty they're looked on with love

Like clouds our lives are full of wandering thoughts

Those times we feel happy or pain or

laugh or we weep

We play and we work and make

appointments we can't keep

Of winning the lottery a cheque ending one and six noughts

And have dreams of wielding power

prestige or of love

But spare a thought for those with

monotonous dread

We all drift through this mortal life

until we are dead

And live in memories and history that

once we were part of

We are those wandering clouds in the

heat of the day

We start out as nothing just a few

gentle wisps that grow Shaped by the wheel of fortune

takes a throw

as fate

Then when our cloud evaporates we simply fade away​



Our lives are but clouds wandering across a sky

Like clouds our lives are full of wandering thoughts


"What did you do last year—what use did you make of the time as it went by? What did you do yesterday? What are you going to do today? You possess a mind organized for practically unlimited thinking and studying. How many of your hours do you live as a thinking, studying man? How many do you live on a par with an ox chewing his cud in the field?"

Why does the author ask a series of rhetorical questions in paragraph 11?

to point out the similarities between animals and human beings

to encourage readers to think about the meaning of time

to suggest specific ways to utilize time most wisely

to make readers evaluate their use of time



D. to make readers evaluate their use of time


The rhetorical question is used to force reflection on readers or listeners, as it does not require answers, but it does require people to make an assessment of the topic it is addressing. In relation to the above text, we can say that rhetorical questions seek to reflect on the use of readers' time, allowing them to evaluate and reflect on whether they are using their time productively and progressively, or whether they are playing time. out with super nice things.

2) In which month did the stranger arrive? A) December B) February C) January D) March​



Is it a question about the story 'Where is here? '

Then the answer is November. But that is not there in the options




This is an idioms worksheet. Can Anyone pls help me? There is no specific answers. We are supposed to write it in our own words.

1- If you get top marks in an exam, would you feel down in the dumps?

2- Are people more likely to get a kick out of hot-air ballooning or cleaning their boots?

3- Do you have to grin and bear it when you are happy or unhappy about something that has happened?

4- If you are at someone’s birthday party, what would be more likely to put a damper on the event - news of the illness of a close friend or a heavy shower in rain?


1. No
2. Hot air ballooning
3. You have to grin and bear it when your unhappy about something
4. News of the illness of a close friend

Which statement best expresses Brutus's conflicting motivations?

A. Brutus is motivated by his friendship with Cassius, but he also wants to support Caesar as leader of Rome.

B. Brutus is torn between motivations for his friendship with both Caesar and Cassius.

C. Brutus is torn between his friendship with Caesar and his commitment to what's best for Rome

D. Brutus is motivated by his commitment to Rome and his friendship with Cassius ​


The excerpt best expresses two conflicting thoughts. The conflicting motivation is:

A. Brutus is motivated by his friendship with Cassius, but he also wants to support Caesar as leader of Rome.

Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar was a Roman general and statesman. He is a member of the First Triumvirate, Caesar led the Roman armies in the Gallic Wars before defeating his political rival Pompey in a civil war. He later became a dictator of Rome from 49 BC until his assassination in 44 BC by his closest allies.

Therefore, it was at a time when they were planning his assassination that this excerpt was carved from the W. Shakespearean text named after him, Julius Caesar

learn more about Julius Caesar from here: https://brainly.com/question/1324420

What values or ideas can we learn from the stories of St. Patrick’s Day?



You wanna know from a college experience or the actual meaning of St. Patricks? Because if its just in college then it is millions of students getting super dunk


An adverb limits what 3 things?



An adverb is a word that modifies (describes) a verb (he sings loudly), an adjective (very tall), another adverb (ended too quickly), or even a whole sentence (Fortunately, I had brought an umbrella). Adverbs often end in -ly, but some (such as fast) look exactly the same as their adjective counterparts.


Its easy.

What is the root of debilitate?



Etymology. Latin debilitatus, past participle of debilitare (“to weaken, debilitate”), from the adjective debilis (“weak”), from de- + habilis (“able”).


I was climbing up a mountain-path

With many things to do,

Important business of my own,

And other people's too,

When I ran against a Prejudice

That quite cut off the view.

My work was such as could not wait,

My path quite clearly showed,

My strength and time were limited,

I carried quite a load;

And there that hulking Prejudice

Sat all across the road.

So I spoke to him politely,

For he was huge and high,

And begged that he would move a bit

And let me travel by.

He smiled, but as for moving! —

He didn't even try.

And then I reasoned quietly

With that colossal

My time was short — no other path —

The mountain winds were cool.

I argued like a Solomon;

He sat there like a fool.

Then I flew into a passion,

and I danced and howled and swore.

I pelted and belabored him

Till I was stiff and sore;

He got as mad as I did —

But he sat there as before.

And then I begged him on my knees;

I might be kneeling still

If so I hoped to move that mass

Of obdurate
ill-will —

As well invite the monument

To vacate Bunker Hill!

So I sat before him helpless,

In an ecstasy
of woe —

The mountain mists were rising fast,

The sun was sinking slow —

When a sudden inspiration came,

As sudden winds do blow.

I took my hat, I took my stick,

My load I settled fair,

I approached that awful incubus

With an absent-minded air —

And I walked directly through him,

As if he wasn't there!

What does the author imply about the nature of prejudice in this poem? How does the author suggest one should react to prejudice?



You have things of your own to do and you just have to try and take the path you want to take in life! :)


I helped many ppl! This is easy! plz give 5 stars a heart and brainliest cuz look how many ppl i have helped and no Brainliest! :( Plz help! Thank you if u do! :)

Who has been accused of William’s murder?



Justine Moritz


Justine lives with the Frankenstein family as a servant after her mother dies. When William is murdered, the monster puts a photograph that William was carrying in her pocket, and she is accused of murder.

Justine Moritz was accused of Williams murder

____ is a series of lines arranged together in a recurring pattern with rhythm and meter.

A. A stanza

B. An ode

C. A verse

D. An elegy


A is the answer I think


A. A stanza


There are two main elements of poetry:

verse—a line of writing that has a musical flow and rhythm (also called meter or beat)

stanza—a series of lines arranged together in a recurring pattern with rhythm and meter

A stanza that is repeated throughout a poem is called a refrain or chorus.

It is important to know that lyric poetry is meant to be read aloud, just as music is meant to be played aloud. When you read the passages in this lesson, read them quietly to yourself and listen to the sound and the flow of the words.

An ode is marked by joyous feelings. Odes are written to

describe the poet’s vision of a subject;

express how the subject of the ode makes the poet feel;

explain why the poet feels that way; or

explain why the subject is important to the poet.

An elegy is a short poem of lamentation (expressions of sorrow) or regret. It is written from the point of view of the person who died or by someone who knew, or knew about, the person who died.

Why did the author leave home? Boxcar Letters Questions


Answer: She wanted to try riding the rails like her brother, and her family was having a hard time making ends meet. ... A: Her family was struggling to make ends meet, but they were better off than a lot of other families, especially since their home life wasn't unhappy. 8.


module 3 english grade 10


Thanks for this question

hEy pLeAsE hElP mE!!! ^_^



1. impatient

2. kind

3. betrayer

4. serious

5. lazt


hope this helps:))

Which choices BEST analyze how the lines "Let there be justice for all. Let there be peace for all. Let there be work, bread, water and salt for all. Let each know that for each the body, the mind and the soul have been freed to fulfill themselves," function in the argument? (Choose all that apply). A) These lines offer what people need both physically and spiritually to be most happy and free. B) These lines work to unite the country, offering the same benefits to all people in the country. C) These lines promise exact amounts of food and benefits that citizens can expect from the new government. D) These lines offer logical support and statistical justification for arguments made earlier in the speech. E) These lines reject the need for economic policy in the new government, instead offering a spirit only approach.


Answer: A and B

Explanation: i just took the quiz

These lines offer what people need both physically and spiritually to be most happy and free and work to unite the country, offering the same benefits to all people in the country. Thus, options A and B are correct.

Who is Nelson Mandela?

The first president of South Africa became Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, a South African pro-government activist. Mandela was the first completely supposedly democratic election to elect a black leader of the state.

These lines were then taken from the space which was given by Nelson Mandela. It was an inaugural speech. He suggests that there should be equality among everyone.

Every individual or citizen would receive a proper amount of food and water. This also suggests that every person will be treated equally. And he also said about mind and soul will be happy.

Therefore, option A and B is the correct option.

Learn more about Nelson Mandela, here:



I need help on this please



the third one


What "crossfire" is the poem referring to?
What two camps are fighting?



I'm not sure what poem you mean by this, but crossfire usually means bullets shot from guns in between two camps. Hope this helps! :)


It was late, we decided to go home.
The above is a comma splice. Which of these possible choices corrects this error?
Because it was late, we decided to go home.
It was late in the day, we decided to go home.
It was so very late, we finally decided to go home.
It was late, we decided to go home, there was no other choice.




Because it was late, we decided to go home.

The answer is A I agree with him/ her

the first term of A.P is 5 and the last term is 45 and the sum of all term is 400. find the number of terms and the Common difference.
help me plz ​



[tex]n =16[/tex] --- Number of terms

[tex]d = \frac{8}{3}[/tex] --- Common difference



[tex]a = 5[/tex] --- first term

[tex]T_n = 45[/tex]

[tex]S_n = 400[/tex]


Determine the number of terms (n) and the common difference (d)

The sum of n terms of an AP is:

[tex]S_n = \frac{n}{2}(a + T_n)[/tex]

This gives:

[tex]400 = \frac{n}{2}(5 + 45)[/tex]

[tex]400 = \frac{n}{2} * 50[/tex]

[tex]400 = n * 25[/tex]

Divide both sides by 25

[tex]16 = n[/tex]

[tex]n =16[/tex]

The nth term of an AP is:

[tex]T_n = a + (n - 1)d[/tex]

This gives:

[tex]45 = 5 + (16 - 1) * d[/tex]

[tex]45 = 5 + 15 * d[/tex]

Subtract 5 from both sides

[tex]45 - 5= 5 - 5 + 15 * d[/tex]

[tex]40= 15 * d[/tex]

Divide both sides by 15

[tex]\frac{40}{15} = d[/tex]

[tex]\frac{8}{3} = d[/tex]

[tex]d = \frac{8}{3}[/tex]

4. The_______were ready to compete.
A. band's B. bands' C. bands​









The presence of a plural verb "were" indicates that our subject should be plural

band's shows possession ie the band's vocalist.

bands' shows possession for more than one band ie The bands' drummers are over here

bands is the plural form of band and so is our most appropriate answer

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