within the current chinese authoritarian regime, how is the problem of succession dealt with


Answer 1

Within the Chinese authoritarian regime, the problem of succession is dealt with through the political party.

The Chinese National People's Congress this week passed a constitutional amendment to eliminate presidential term limits with a nearly unanimous vote, thereby allowing Xi Jinping to rule indefinitely if he so chooses. When "Xi Jinping Thought" was incorporated into the Chinese constitution at the Communist Party Congress, this action was hinted at. Additionally breaking with precedent, Xi did not name a potential successor at the start of his second five-year term.

Since 1949, China has been a one-party state ruled by the Chinese Communist Party. This one-party state has governed the country since that time. The appointment of the paramount leader is largely in the hands of his predecessor and the strong factions that rule the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, despite the constitution's guarantee of universal voting rights.

Learn more about the CCP here brainly.com/question/7873507


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a power unique to the president is to serve in which of the following capacities?a.director of the budgetb.president pro tempore of the senatec.ex officio speaker of the housedmander in chief


A power unique to the president is to serve as Commander-in-Chief.

The president of the usa (POTUS)[A] is the pinnacle of state and head of presidency of the united states of the us. The president directs the government department of the federal government and is the commander-in-leader of the us defense force. The power of the presidency has grown appreciably[11] because the first president, George Washington, took office in 1789.[6] even as presidential power has ebbed and flowed over the years, the presidency has performed an an increasing number of sturdy position in American political lifestyles due to the fact that the beginning of the twentieth century, with extraordinary growth during the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt.

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Why is economic growth not beneficial?


Higher output will lead to increased pollution and congestion which can reduce living standards.

When corey is given a logic problem to solve, he systematically tries every possible solution until he finds the correct answer. cory’s strategy is to use


When corey is given a logic problem to solve, he systematically tries every possible solution until he finds the correct answer. Cory’s strategy is to use An algorithm.

Describe an algorithm.

The method used to carry out a calculation or solve a problem is known as an algorithm. Algorithms function as a similar sequence of commands that carry out certain tasks in software or hardware processes. In all fields of computer science, algorithms are often utilized. An algorithm is a procedure or group of guidelines that, especially when used by a computer, aids or directs calculations or other problem-solving procedures. Algorithm systematically tries every possible solution until  find the correct answer

An algorithm is thus a method for solving a logical problem by iteratively attempting all potential answers until one discovers the correct one.

learn more about the algorithm: brainly.com/question/13800096


A ________ is a short period of extreme worry sometimes manifested by an accelerated heart rate, sweating, trembling, choking sensations, hot flashes or chills, dizziness or lightheadedness, fears of losing control or going crazy, and fears of dying.


A panic attack is a short period of extreme worry sometimes manifested by an accelerated heart rate, sweating, trembling, choking sensations, hot flashes or chills, dizziness or lightheadedness, fears of losing control or going crazy, and fears of dying.

In the field of science, a panic attack can be described as an anxious state of mind that occurs for a short period of time. A panic attack is characterized by an increase in heartbeat, and the person getting thoughts that make him more anxious.

Physical characterization of a panic attack includes intense trembling, shouting, fear of things that are not true, fear of dying, etc.

A panic attack occurs when a person who was normal a minute ago feels anxious all of a sudden.

To learn more about panic attack, click here:



which argumentative fallacy involves the speaker providing a bit of irrelevant evidence to support their argument, thereby diverting the direction of the argument?


Ad Hominem argumentative fallacy involves the speaker providing a bit of irrelevant evidence to support their argument, thereby diverting the direction of the argument.

Typically, when someone uses this term, they are referring to a rhetorical tactic where they attack the person making the argument rather than dealing with the actual argument's points of contention. Ad hominem is most frequently used in the format of "A makes a claim x, B claims that A holds a property that is unwanted, hence B concludes that argument x is erroneous." When the strength of an argument is determined not by deduction or syllogism but rather by the quality of the person making it, this is known as fallacious ad hominem reasoning.

Ad hominem arguments that are legitimate in informal logic rely on arguments from authority, such as testimony, knowledge, or the selective presentation of data that supports the argument.

Learn more about Ad Hominin here: https://brainly.com/question/7494599


While nearly ¼ of americans may experience a panic attack at some point during their lives, in order to be diagnosed with a ________, a person should have attacks along with at least one month of anxiety and worry about the attacks.


In order to be diagnosed with a panic disorder, a person should have panic attacks along with at least one month of anxiety and worry about the attacks.

Panic disorder refers to an anxiety disorder characterized by regular, sudden attacks of panic or fear. It is common for every individual to experience feelings of anxiety and panic at certain times which is a natural response to stressful or dangerous situations. If feeling of anxiety and panic becomes a disorder when a person experiences frequent panic attacks along with at least one month of anxiety and worry about the attacks. Hence, panic disorder causes sessions of overwhelming fear when there is no clear or evident cause for the fear. In between panic attacks, you may worry greatly about when and where the next one may happen.

Learn more about Panic disorder:



perry complains that the room is spinning. he has had a number of such episodes over the past week. this symptom is best described as


Perry's symptom is best described as Vertigo.

The sensation of vertigo is a symptom, not a disease. It's the perception that you or your surroundings are whirling or moving. This sensation may be hardly perceptible or it may be so strong that it makes it difficult for you to maintain your equilibrium and carry out daily duties. Labyrinthitis, Ménière's disease, and benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) are the three conditions that cause vertigo the most frequently. Stroke, brain tumours, brain damage, MS, migraines, trauma, and unequal pressures between the middle ears are other less frequent causes. Physiologic vertigo can happen after spinning with your eyes closed or after being exposed to motion for a long time, such on a ship.

To know more about vertigo:



role _______ is experienced when individuals have inadequate information concerning their roles.


The experience of role ambiguity occurs when people lack adequate knowledge of their positions.

Role ambiguity is what?

Role ambiguity is a term used to describe the lack of clarity, certainty, and/or predictability one could have anticipated with regard to conduct in a position. Role ambiguity may emerge from a poorly stated or ambiguous job description and/or unclear organizational objectives.

What makes a Role ambiguity?

There were discovered to be five root reasons of role ambiguity. These included the organization's size and complexity, its rate of change, the authority restrictions placed on its employees, the vagueness of their job descriptions, and their interconnection.

Why is ambiguity important for leadership?

Managers should place a high value on the capacity to manage uncertainty since it demonstrates self-assurance, communication skills, decisiveness, analytical thinking abilities, leadership potential, and a risk-taking mindset.

Learn more about role ambiguity: https://brainly.com/question/28386737


How is Athens Art better than Sparta’s Art



Athens is superior towards Sparta throughout ancient Greek history. During the Archaic Age, Sparta was solely focused on fighting wars and training their children for these wars. Athens on the contrary, was a city that focused heavily on the arts and was a very relaxed and peaceful city to live in.



In an informative essay, describe a fundamental change that occurred in Georgia following World War II. Explain the factors that helped this change to happen, and provide examples of how it has affected Georgia.

Use the drop-down menus to identify the components of your essay.






After World War II, Georgia underwent a fundamental change in its economic, social and political landscape. This change was driven by a variety of factors, such as the post-war economic boom, new federal initiatives, and a growing civil rights movement.

The post-war economic expansion saw a dramatic increase in the number of industries operating in Georgia. This growth in industry created jobs and allowed for an influx of new residents. It also led to increased investment in infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and power lines. As a result, Georgia's economy flourished and its population grew.

The federal government also helped to spur change in Georgia. In the years following World War II, the government initiated the GI Bill, which provided veterans with educational and housing benefits, and the Social Security Act, which provided citizens with a safety net in the form of monthly benefits. These programs, combined with increased investment in public education and health care, allowed for greater social and economic mobility for Georgia's citizens.

The civil rights movement was also an important factor in Georgia's transformation. During the 1950s and 1960s, civil rights activists fought to end segregation and secure equal rights for all citizens. This movement eventually led to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.


which single activity would have exposed common people in cities to a variety of opinions about the power of kings, religious identity, and overseas expansion?


Globalization activity would have exposed common people in cities to a variety of opinions about the power of kings, religious identity, and overseas expansion.

A corporation grows its operations internationally when it enters a new market in a different nation. In the past, entering new international markets was mostly considered a business opportunity best suited for huge organisations and multinational businesses. This is due to the fact that it was viewed as a costly and risky endeavour that frequently ended in failure.

These days, globalization and remote working have created the framework for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) to pursue international expansion. This article will discuss some frequent advantages of expanding a business abroad and will outline some typical strategies for doing it legally.

To know more about Globalization visit:



robert is in a therapy session. the therapist tells him that he can fantasize or use an object or image that is related to his paraphilia. when he begins to feel like he will have an orgasm, he needs to switch to fantasies, objects or images that are socially acceptable. this type of treatment is known as .


Males make up the vast majority of paraphilic individuals.

Richard Krafft-Ebing's Psychopathia Sexualis, written in the final part of the nineteenth 100 years, can be viewed as a feature of the verifiable and social development that got the clinical look and authority as essential references for deciding the authenticity of the different human sexual ways of behaving.

A sexual interest in something that is not typically regarded as sexually arousing is referred to as paraphilia. Some paraphilias concentrate on actions like spanking, binding, and whipping, while others concentrate on a specific erotic target like shoes, clothing, or a particular group of people.

To learn more about paraphilic here



2. many actors and actresses earn millions each year and display their wealth by living in upscale mansions and driving expensive vehicles. what does their behavior exemplify?


This type of behavior of actors and actresses exemplify conspicuous consumption.

Let us explain conspicuous consumption:

Conspicuous consumption is the act of acquiring things or services specifically with the intention of flaunting one's affluence. When publicly displayed products and services are too expensive for other people in a person's class, conspicuous consumption is a way to demonstrate one's social position.

The theory of conspicuous consumption explains how consumption plays a significant part in the expansion of commercial markets and the modern culture's preoccupation with material possessions.

Bollywood/Hollywood actors and actresses earn millions each year and display their wealth by living in upscale mansions and driving expensive vehicles. This totally shows their conspicuous consumption behavior.

Know more about conspicuous consumption visit:



What are 3 things the local government does?


The three most important functions of local government are ensuring connectivity to cities, healthcare facilities for the people and urban planning and development.

Local government refers to municipality who are assigned the role of fulfilling all the valid demands of the local people because of the inability of state government to reach the extreme ends of the nation. It is thus important for the local government to fix the problems faced by the people. The basic issues in villages are about lack of educational institutions, poor healthcare facilities, lack of proper roads, electricity supply, lack of hygienic water availability, no sewage disposal system and weak administration. The people at local level must be united to work for the betterment and upliftment of their conditions to that seen in urban cities.    

Learn more about local government at:



Aometimes during a psychoanalysis session, patients will displace feelings for people in their lives onto the therapist. what is this process called?


Sometimes during a psychoanalysis session, patients will displace feelings for people in their lives onto the therapist. Transference in therapy .

Psychoanalysis is a form of remedy that objectives to launch pent-up or repressed emotions and recollections in or to steer the client to catharsis, or recovery (McLeod, 2014). In other words, the purpose of psychoanalysis is to deliver what exists on the unconscious or subconscious level as much as recognition.

A number of the examples of psychoanalysis encompass: A 20-12 months antique, properly-built and healthful, has a apparently irrational worry of mice. the concern makes him tremble on the sight of a mouse or rat. He regularly unearths himself in embarrassing situations due to the worry.

Psychoanalytic remedy lets in the patient to differentiate perceptions from fantasies, goals from needs, or speculations from truths. perception and corrective emotional studies with the therapist can assist us regain our potential to care for ourselves and our cherished ones.

Learn more about Psychoanalysis  here:



of these influences, which appears to be the initial source of gender segregation?.
A. establishment of gender constancy
B. peer pressure
C. differences in behavioral styles and interests
D. parent and teacher efforts


The initial source of gender segregation differences in behavioral styles and interests.

Hence, Option C is correct.

The physical, legal, or cultural separation of persons based on their biological sex is known as sex segregation, sex separation, gender segregation, or gender separation. Without any implication of unlawful discrimination, "sex segregation" can simply refer to the physical and spatial separation of people based on their gender.Our gender-segregated classrooms encourage students' independent thought and equip them to assume non-stereotypical roles. Regardless of the gender stereotype that may exist for a given activity, both boys and girls feel more free to be who they are and to assume varied roles.

To know  more about Gender segregation here



Individuals who have difficulty using a tool for anything other than its proper use may have difficulty solving a problem due to __________. a. experiencing mental set b. imposing unnecessary constraints c. experiencing functional fixedness d. focusing on irrelevant information please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d


People who have difficulty using a tool for anything other than its proper use may have difficulty solving a problem due to c: 'experiencing functional fixedness'.

Functional fixedness is a cognitive bias that has impact on an individual's ability to be creative. Functional fixedness is typically used to describe why an individual develops an inability to use an object in more ways than it is specified for intended use, as function fixedness impairs creativity. It means that functional fixedness is a kind of cognitive bias that comprise a tendency to see objects as only working in a specific way. For instance, you might view a 'thumbtack' as an object that can only be used to hold the paper to a corkboard.

You can learn more about functional fixedness at



What does Claudius symbolize?



Claudius is the antagonist (the enemy of the main character) in the play Hamlet. Claudius is a morally weak villain who values power and material things more than he values others. He differs from other men in the play because he is cunning, lacks morals, and is manipulative.


most women, regardless of whether or not they have children, do not work outside the home. true false


Most women, regardless of whether or not they have children, do not work outside the home. - false

"Regardless" is a track through English singer Raye and drum and bass band Rudimental, launched on 20 November 2020 as the 5th unmarried from Raye's debut mini-album, Euphoric sad Songs. The music's music video become released on 8 January 2021."Regardless" peaked at variety 37 on the UK Singles Chart and charted successfully in japanese Europe, achieving primary in Bulgaria, and the pinnacle five in Romania and Russia. "Regardless" became launched for digital down load and streaming as part of Raye's debut mini-album, Euphoric unhappy Songs, on 20 November 2020.[1][2] in the united kingdom, the music changed into added to rotation via BBC Radio 1 on 18 December 2020,[3] and BBC Radio 2 on 9 January 2021.[4]

LEarn more about regardless



Which age group has the highest voter turnout in the 2012 elections ?


The age group of 30-49 years old had the greatest total turnout in 2012.According to the Bipartisan Policy Center, 57.5% of those of voting age (VAP) cast ballots in 2012, which they claim was a decline from 2008.

According to their estimates, 54.2% of eligible voters turned out to vote in 2000, followed by 60.4% in 2004, 62.3% in 2008, and 57.5% in 2012.In the 2012 election quiz, which demographic had the greatest proportion of voter participation?In comparison to eligible Latino and Asian American voters, who turned out at rates of 48.0% and 47.3%, respectively, white and black voters turned out at rates of 64.1% and 66.2% in 2012. In the 2012 election, black voters outnumbered white voters for the first time since the end of Reconstruction.

learn more about the greatest total turnout in 2012 here:



you start to get friendly with a group of students and find yourself on a group social media post. there are conversations about the class, but also about social events. one day, one of the other students starts writing negative comments about the instructor of your course. you have liked your instructor and did not have any of these feelings. the other students start chiming in to insult the instructor more. you feel uncomfortable. what do you do?


The first day of category always creates some nervousness, even for professional instructors.

It helps to have a mental guidelines of objectives to accomplish so that you and your college students come away with the impact that the path is off to a top start.

What to say to a trainer who is now not feeling well?

Sample Miscellaneous get properly quickly messages for teacher:

I hope you have a speedy restoration from your sickness and be returned to everyday existence sooner.” “Dear instructor and our mentor, I hope you have a speedy restoration and get properly quickly from your illness. I pray to the Lord that you recover very quickly to get again on track. “

What to do when your teacher insults you in front of others?

Smile and nod. If you are irritated, this is probable the remaining component that you experience like doing, but your trainer will now not reply properly to arguing, yelling, screaming, or insults. Just be polite, smile, and agree. This will get the teacher off of your back, and it will make existence easier for you.

Learn more about  instructor here:


The fundamental attribution error is a default attribution that all people make.
a. True
b. False


The fundamental attribution error is a default attribution that all people make. This statement is false.

The fundamental attribution error refers to an individual's tendency to attribute another's actions to their character or personality while attributing their behavior to external situational factors outside of their control. In other words, you tend to cut yourself a break while holding others 100 percent accountable for their actions.

The fundamental attribution error exists because of how people perceive the world. It's clear to see how fundamental attribution error can impact your personal life, but it's also important to recognize the influence it can have on your work.

Learn more about the fundamental attribution error here:



According to article v of the us constitution, how many states are required to ratify any amendments to the us constitution?


According to article v of the united states constitution,38 states are required to ratify any amendments to the united states constitution.

The required details about amendments is mentioned in below paragraph.

An amendments  can be proposed with the aid of using a two-thirds vote of each Houses of Congress, or, if two-thirds of the States request one, with the aid of using a conference referred to as for that purpose in the constitution . The amendments  ought to then be ratified with the aid of using three-fourths of the State legislatures, or three-fourths of conventions referred to as in every State for ratification.An amendments  is a proper or reputable extrade made to a law, contract, constitution, or other criminal report. It is primarily based totally on the verbto amend, because of this that to extrade for higher. Amendments can add, remove, or replace elements of those agreements. They are regularly used whilst it's far higher to extrade the report than to write down a brand new one. Only the legislative department is concerned withinside theamendments process.

To learn about amendments visit here.



under the equal dignity rule, statutes and treaties with inconsistent provisions are resolved under the rule that the last in time prevails. group of answer choices true false


Under the equal dignity rule, statutes and treaties with inconsistent provisions are resolved under the rule that the last in time prevails True .

One of these requirements is known as the "equal dignity rule". This is a jurisprudence that requires that the general manager must have a power of attorney in writing to enter into contracts, especially those that must be in writing and the non-transferable value of each person.

A dignified person is well-groomed. It is an indecent act to speak ill of the other party after losing the election and try to put the other party down. But if you congratulate her tenderly and accept her consequences, act with her dignity.

Human dignity justifies human rights. When people are divided and valued based on characteristics such as class, gender, and religion, it creates an unequal society where discrimination is rampant. People of high value are given preferential treatment.

Learn more about dignity rule here:



The equal dignity rule, statutes, and treaties with inconsistent provisions are resolved below the guideline that the last in time prevails are proper.

Equal Dignity is the Intersection of Due method & same protection. First, the optimum principle that emerges from the honor line of cases is the reputation of intimate dating among the substantive due method and identical protection guarantees of the Fourteenth change.

All are equal before the regulation and are entitled without any discrimination to identical safety of the law. All are entitled to equal protection in opposition to any discrimination in violation of this statement and towards any incitement to such discrimination.

Learn more about equal dignity here



which statement most accurately describes barriers to information that the american public faces?


Finding the time and resources to sort through vast amounts of information is an obstacle.
Our federal government is built on the principles outlined in the United States Constitution. It is frequently referred to as the nation's supreme law; There can be no law that goes against its tenets. At the same time, it is adaptable and allows for government changes. Because it can be changed, the Constitution is called a "living" document, even though only 27 changes have been made to it over 200 years.

Three sections make up the Constitution. The purpose of the document and the Federal Government are outlined in the Preamble, the first section. The structure of the government and the means by which the Constitution can be altered are outlined in the second section, the seven Articles. The Constitution's amendments are listed in the third section; The Bill of Rights includes the first ten.

To know more about US Constitution visit https://brainly.com/question/25995963?referrer=searchResults

what is the term for the legal process that focuses on the safeguards that individuals have during criminal processes?


Criminal procedure refers to the legal procedures and protections provided to people throughout criminal investigations.

Criminal law establishes the parameters of behavior and punishments for crossing those boundaries.

Criminal procedure is the body of rules that govern the various legal processes that the government uses to enact and enforce substantive criminal law. The criminal codes of each municipality, state, and the federal government specify the behaviors that are considered crimes. The U.S. Code's Title 18 lists all federal offenses. Federal crimes typically involve actions that either cross state lines or directly affect federal interests.

The U.S. Supreme Court and Congress passed the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, sometimes known as Fed. R. Crim. P., which govern federal prosecutions. The steps involved in holding federal criminal trials are outlined in the Federal Rules. The Bill of Rights in the United States Constitution, which includes protections for due process, equal protection, the right to counsel, the right to cross-examine witnesses, the right to a jury trial, and the right not to testify against oneself, is incorporated into and expanded upon by the Federal Rules.

Learn more about " Criminal procedure " to visit here;



from the perspective of statistics, what kind of lies could a person tell, and what makes these lies worthy of being the worst type of lie?


Lies, dam-ned falsehoods, and statistics are the three types of lies.

There are three types of lying, according to Benjamin : falsehoods,  lie-s, and statistics. And that still holds true now just as it did when he first said it. Depending on how you look at it, the alleged truth can be different.

But among the most frequent reasons for lying, both children and adults are primarily motivated by the desire to avoid punis-hment.

Other common justifications include preventing d-anger to ourselves or others, preserving privacy, and preventing shame, to name a few.

To know more about Lies here



according to erik larson, what critical error did alan turing make with respect to intelligence and computers in his work?


Erik Larson, author of The Myth of Artificial Intelligence, thinks Turing lost track of one really important way minds differ from machines.

According to Erik Larson about Turing lost's error:

Erik Larson: His thought was that the intelligence decreases to critical thinking essentially. In the book, I discuss how he appears to have gone through a genuinely fundamental change. In his prior work he discussed the qualification in mathematics among creativity and understanding. Knowledge was something, he said, that mathematicians utilize that is beyond the conventional framework that they're working with, to settle on which parts of the framework are fascinating to ponder. So when some mathematician concocts another verification or fascinating improvement of some part of mathematics, Turing initially was saying that that is a non-mechanical component of the mathematician… Creativity was the genuine working out, the kind of stray pieces working out of anything that you're attempting to do in math.

Then later, he appeared to simply disregard or successfully discard that qualification from his conversation. Around 1936, you have Turing discussing these apparently non-mechanical and mechanical parts of doing mathematics… and afterward by 1950 when he composed the fundamental paper which led to the Turing test, — the discussion test that everyone knows about — he just had totally deserted this thought. He had obviously come to the view that we could simply program, that intelligence is critical thinking. So on the off chance that we tackle the issue of human intelligence, on the off chance that we simply record it in PC programs, then there wouldn't be any contrast between the psyche and the machine.

to know more about machine learning and artificial intelligence click here:



from the point of view of conductive heat loss, which adaptations would be beneficial to animals living in extremely cold climates?


Animals living in severely cold areas would benefit from having a lot of tissues with low heat conductivity, like fat. ( Option B )

- Many animals utilize behavior to regulate their body temperature, such as huddling for warmth or looking for sunlight or shade.

- Endotherms can change their metabolic heat output by shivering or not in order to control their body temperature.

- The ability of an organism to transfer heat to its surroundings can fluctuate depending on whether blood vessels close to the skin constrict or dilate.

- Heat can move from warmer to cooler blood in a system of blood vessels known as a countercurrent heat exchanger, often reducing heat loss.

- Some animals use both bodily insulation and evaporative mechanisms like sweating and panting to control their body temperature.

To know more about endotherms, kindly click on the link below :



The complete question is :

From the point of view of conductive heat loss, which adaptations would be beneficial to animals living in extremely cold climates?

A. Large surface area

B. Lots of tissues, like fat, with low thermal conductivity

C. Lots of tissues, like muscle, with high thermal conductivity

D. Thick skin

E. Thin skin

F. Small surface area

what do you think about the findings that trying to improve self-esteem can backfire? how have the programs to improve self-esteem affected the personalities of the cohorts that experienced them?


Findings indicate trying to boost self-esteem might backfire I believe that self-compassion allows for shades of gray thinking rather than black-and-white thinking, allowing us to accept our flaws while still wanting to be our best. The feedback that promotes a development mentality is more likely to inspire than overblown praise.

You may alter your views regarding low self-esteem by becoming aware of the thoughts and beliefs that contribute to it. You'll be able to accept your value as a person as a result. Your confidence and sense of well-being are likely to surge as your self-esteem rises.

Building your self-esteem requires using constructive self-talk and positive affirmations. When you employ critical self-talk, you run the risk of eventually coming to believe it since you are your own harshest critic. To keep a positive outlook, concentrate on telling yourself how awesome you are or that you can and will accomplish your goals.

To learn more about self-esteem



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