with this knowledge, krogstad blackmails her into doing everything she can to stop her husband from firing him.


Answer 1

The specific event that leads Nora to this realization is when she is confronted by her former lover, Krogstad. Krogstad threatens to expose Nora's secret past.

Give a brief introduction about Krogstad.

Although Krogstad is the main adversary of A Doll's House, he is not always a bad guy. Krogstad is not without compassion for Nora despite how awful it is for him to permit her to continue to suffer. Even moneylenders and crooks, or at least a man like me, he claims, "may have a little of what you call feeling, you know." He pays Nora a visit to see how she's doing and talks her out of killing herself. Furthermore, Krogstad has good reasons for acting in this way: he wants to stay working at the bank to protect his kids from the problems associated with a bad reputation. Krogstad wants respect for his family, as opposed to Torvald, who seems to want it for his own self-interest.

To study more about Krogstad.



Related Questions

what anti federalists went to the constitutional convention



The National Archives presents this biography of George Mason, one of the antifederalist leaders during the Constitutional Convention. He lobbied strongly for the creation of a separate "Bill of Rights."

What was a principle of Marxism that American capitalists opposed?
rule by the working class
support of free-market economics
O support of supply-and-demand economics
• rule by business owners


A. Rule by the working class

Why do you think that the assassination of Archduke of Austria-Hungary led to a world war?



The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary in 1914 was a key event that led to the outbreak of World War I. The Archduke's assassination led to a series of events that ultimately resulted in a world war because it was the catalyst that set off a chain of alliances and treaty obligations among the major European powers.

At the time, Europe was divided into two main alliances: the Triple Alliance (consisting of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy) and the Triple Entente (consisting of France, Russia, and Great Britain). When Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia in response to the assassination of the Archduke, it triggered a series of alliances and treaty obligations that drew the other major European powers into the conflict.

As a result, the assassination of the Archduke of Austria-Hungary led to a world war because it set off a chain of events that ultimately involved the major European powers in a conflict that escalated into a global war.


Which of the following statements describes the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?
a. The treaty was passed by the House but rejected in the U.S. Senate.
b. It prohibited slavery in all territories ceded by Mexico, including Texas.
c. It ceded California and New Mexico to the United States and required $50 million in Mexican reparations.
d. The treaty purchased more than one-third of Mexico's territory for a mere $15 million.


The following statements describes the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: d. The treaty purchased more than one-third of Mexico's territory for a mere $15 million.

What is the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

The Mexican-American War came to an end on February 2, 1848, when the United States and Mexico signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, also known as Tratado de Guadalupe Hidalgo. It is officially known as the Treaty of Peace, Friendship, Limits, and Settlement between the United States of America and the United Mexican States (1846–1848). The United States and Mexico both approved the agreement on March 10 and May 19, respectively. On 30 May, ratifications were exchanged, and on 4 July 1848, the treaty was officially announced.

By a vote of 38 to 14 in favour of ratifying the treaty, the U.S. Senate gave its advice and approval. The Whigs, who had opposed the war, denied manifest destiny in general, and specifically this expansion, spearheaded the opposition to this pact. The Gadsden Purchase of 1853, which granted the United States portions of modern-day southern Arizona and New Mexico, increased the amount of territory the United States had acquired from Mexico.

To learn more about the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo from the given link



Which of the following statements describes the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

a. The treaty was passed by the House but rejected in the U.S. Senate.

b. It prohibited slavery in all territories ceded by Mexico, including Texas.

c. It ceded California and New Mexico to the United States and required $50 million in Mexican reparations.

d. The treaty purchased more than one-third of Mexico's territory for a mere $15 million.

Study if Gullah is most useful in learning about the connections between


Study of the Gullah is most useful in learning about the connections between the Climate and culture.

What is the significance of Gullah?

African Americans known as Gullah reside on the coastal plain and Beaufort Sea Islands of the Low country in South Carolina and Georgia. More than any other African-American group in the US, the Gullah are renowned for maintaining their African language and cultural traditions.

Gullah toiled on coastal plantations from South Carolina and Georgia to Jacksonville, Florida, and were valued for their farming prowess.

Therefore, Understanding the relationships between climate and culture may be learned best by studying the Gullah.

Learn more about the Gullah, refer to:



Using your knowledge of the modern United States, write a paragraph explaining how society's interpretation of natural rights has changed over time. What differences do you notice between 1787 and today? What groups have different rights? What do these changes suggest about the Enlightenment concept of natural rights? Your response should be at least five sentences long. (5 points)


Interpretation of natural rights has changed over time, such as racial equity, which is more important today than in 1787. In the past there were differences in rights between whites and blacks, today the quest for equity is aligned with Enlightenment concepts about natural rights.

What are natural rights?

They correspond to the inalienable rights of man, which are received at birth and cannot be extinguished. Some of them are the rights to life, liberty and security.

Despite the declaration of independence and the development of the constitution in the USA in 1787, the issue of racial prejudice was still accepted in many American states, with a historical construction of slavery, where blacks still suffered a series of discriminations even with the basis of the constitution. be natural rights.

Therefore, today's society is more aware of natural rights and equity among citizens regardless of physical or cultural characteristics.

Find out more about natural rights on:



How did the Navajo serve in world war to?



Most people have heard of the famous Navajo (or Diné) code talkers who used their traditional language to transmit secret Allied messages in the Pacific theater of combat during World War II.

copy and pasted from https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/american-indian-code-talkers


please help I didint pay attention in history

2 Abolitionists, who opposed slavery in Texas,

a. were welcome to debate the topic at town meetings. b. were sometimes forced to leave. c. published newspapers in many Texas towns. d. wanted the Texas economy to focus more heavily on agriculture.

3 White Texans sometimes were fearful of nearby slaves

a. who might rise up and attack them. b. who might take their jobs. c. who refused to take part in religious services. d. when contagious disease was spreading.

4 Texas newspapers began carrying more national and world news after

a. it was safe to do so. b. the first telegraphs were introduced. c. the state legislature asked them to do so. d. the introduction of steamboats.

5 Stagecoaches could not carry heavy freight across Texas because

a. the Comanche would attack and rob them. b. steamship operators objected to competition. c. their state charter permitted them to carry only passengers. d. they were not large enough.


2.Aboltionists , who opposed slavery in Texas, published newspapers in many Texas towns. Thus option (c) is correct.

3.The white Texans were sometimes fearful of nearby slaves as they might rise up and attack them. Thus option (a) is correct.

4.Texas newspapers began carrying more national and world news after the first telegraphs were introduced. Thus option (b) is correct.

5.Stagecoaches could not carry heavy freight across Texas because they were  not large enough . Thus option (d) is correct.

What is Slavery?

The slavery is a condition in which one human being was owned by another.

A  slave was considered by law as property, or chattel, and was deprived of most of the rights ordinarily held by free persons.

Learn more about Slavery here:



the completion in 1925 of the holland tunnel, linking manhattan with new jersey's highways, which permitted 2,000 cars to pass through each tube every hour and w


It is named for Clifford Et.al Holland, who served as the organization's first chief engineer and who, together with his team, overcame several challenging tunnel engineering issues.

What is a permissible behavior?

The term "Permitted Action" refers to an acquisition of the Company with or into anyone else corporate entity or corporate entities (other than a simple reincorporation transaction), a selling of all or nearly all of the Company's assets, or a transaction or series of connected exchanges in which the Company issues 's full more than one share of the Company.

What is the proper noun for permitted?

A permit, pronounced  is a countable word that signifies a government-issued authorization to do or go somewhere. When someone is given permission to do something, the indefinite noun permission is used. This doesn't

To know more about permitted visit:


List the structures that fire arrows and bohiyas were used against:


The structures that fire arrows and bohiyas were used to set fire to buildings at a distance.

What do you mean by Arrow?

A bow-fired projectile known as an arrow typically has a thin shaft, a pointed head, and feathers at the butt.

Special brass balls packed with naphtha were used to set fire to homes and burning arrows were employed to fight off war elephants. Bags of caustic lime powder might be delivered by arrows to hostile ships.

He accomplished these by shooting a Bodkin-headed arrow at a combustible target while lighting a thin bag of gun powder that had been attached to the end of the arrow.

Therefore, Structure is used to set fire to buildings at a distance.

Learn more about Arrow, here;




This film argues that one reason Trump was elected was because of white American’s “cultural anxiety.” What does the film mean by “cultural anxiety?”

1)How did colonists “divide and conquer” under each historical period mentioned?

2)WHY? = Hint: The film mentions "cultural anxiety.” Explain


The way that colonists “divide and conquer” under each historical period mentioned is that: divide the people by the use of many castes, nationalities, and religious communities.

What is Cultural anxiety about?

"Cultural anxiety" refers to feelings of insecurity, uncertainty, or fear about one's cultural identity or values, often in the face of perceived threats or changes to those values.

Therefore, In the context of the film you mention, "cultural anxiety" may refer to the feelings of some white Americans who believe that their culture and values are under threat from forces such as globalization, immigration, or social change.

Learn more about divide and conquer from


Which group gave the colonist an advantage during the American revolution


The French navy entered the war fighting off the British along the American coast. French soldiers helped to reinforce the continental army at the final battle of Yorktown in 1781. The Spanish also sent supplies to the colonies during the Revolutionary War.


The French navy entered the war fighting off the British along the American coast. French soldiers helped to reinforce the continental army at the final battle of Yorktown in 1781. The Spanish also sent supplies to the colonies during the Revolutionary War.

*3. Many of the soldiers left young families behind. If you could make a choice, would you have chosen to be a
soldier or a pilot? Would your family want you to make the same choice? Defend both decisions.


The desire to serve one's nation is among the most frequent motives for joining the military. This sense of obligation, or "called to service," may be influenced by patriotic familial values or a desire to make a difference.

How do soldiers communicate with family?

Additionally, several overseas military facilities provide their service personnel with free video conferencing. Other social networking platforms may be fantastic tools for connecting with your service member, friends, and family. Posting pictures and updates on your deployment helps simplify and personalize all of your communications. I appreciate you serving this nation.

We will always be grateful to you and your family for all that you have contributed to the nation in the form of bravery, sacrifice, and strength. I want to express my gratitude for your assistance. I appreciate your time, bravery, and sacrifice on behalf of this nation. Respect is necessary for us to see the best in others. Respect is believing that everyone has completed their tasks.

Learn more about a soldier's family, here:



on july 26, 1945, the governments of the united states, britain, and china jointly called on japan to surrender or be destroyed. when the japanese government refused,


When governments of the United States, Great Britain, and China collectively demanded that Japan submit or perish on July 26, 1945. Potsdam Declaration was made in response to Japan's rejection.

What the definition of governments?

The individuals who make up the national government of a government unit or organization, such as the representatives who make up the political unit's governing body and make up the group as an active agency. The executive arm of the United States government, capitalized.

What is the function of government?

The fundamental duties of a government include exercising leadership, upholding the law and order, rendering public services, ensuring national security, economic security, and economic assistance.

To know more about governments visit:



What did Nixon’s New Federalism do?

It attempted to reorganize the national banking system.

It put more checkpoints into place to ensure that the right people were benefiting from welfare.

It provided itemized budgets to states so that no federal money would be misspent.

It abolished international trade.

It offered federal “block grants” to states to spend as they saw fit.



It offered federal “block grants” to states to spend as they saw fit.

It offered federal “block grants” to states to spend as they saw fit Nixon’s New Federalism. Thus, option  (d) is correct.

What is Federalism?

The term "Federalism" is the system of government on territory is controlled two levels of the government. The national government is the responsible for the broader governance are the large level of the territorial area. There were the subdivisions, on the  states, and cities govern and also the local concern.

The federal "block grants" on the Congress passed a number of revenue-sharing measures on the state and local governments as part of Nixon's New Federalism scheme. There was a reliance on federal money on the set conditions on the funds, which would be cut. The state was reliant on the state and local governments.

As a result, it offered federal “block grants” to states to spend as they saw fit Nixon’s New Federalism. Therefore, option (d) is correct.

Learn more about on Federalism, here:



EASY, Brainliest!

Which of the following centrifugal forces influenced the conflict in Pakistan?

Terrorist groups and activities
Communist government
Homogeneous culture
State's territorial morphology
Racial conflict


Racial conflict,  that include the religious Muslims groups of Sunni and Shia are the centrifugal forces influenced the conflict in Pakistan.

Which would be a centrifugal force in a country?

Any activity that binds a nation's citizens into a single political unit is a centripetal force in politics. Centrifugal force refers to situations that drive individuals apart or apart from one another in a country. Within a nation, there are "centrifugal forces" at work to rip the nation apart.

Larger states tend to have more of them, especially those where there are many distinct ethnicities vying for power and/or self-determination. People are affected by centrifugal forces that separate them and centripetal forces that bind them together. These factors can prevent interaction, create regionalism, and accentuate differences among a nation's citizens.

To learn more about Sunni, visit:



What action by the school did TLO claim had
been illegal?
A. A parent needed to be with her while being questioned.
B. A warrant was needed to search her belongings.
C. A lawyer needed to be with her while being questioned.


In the case of New Jersey vs T.L.O.,  A warrant was needed to search her belongings is the illegal claim. Thus, option B is correct.

What was the allegation in the Jersey vs. T.L.O. case?

In the case of Jersey vs. T.L.O., T.L.O. was arrested and transported to the police station, where she confessed to selling marijuana. The state of New Jersey charged her based on her confession and evidence found in her purse.

T.L.O. claimed in juvenile court that her Fourth Amendment rights against arbitrary searches and seizures had been violated. The unlawful argument in the case of New Jersey vs. T.L.O. is that a warrant was required to examine her possessions.

Therefore, option B is correct.

Learn more about the T.L.O., refer to:



In Christopher Marlowe’s The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, what do the good and bad angels symbolize?



In Christopher Marlowe's play The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, the good and bad angels symbolize the inner conflict that Faustus is experiencing as he contemplates whether to sign a contract with the devil. The good angel represents his conscience, urging him to do the right thing and not make a deal with the devil. The bad angel, on the other hand, represents temptation and the allure of having unlimited knowledge and power. Ultimately, the bad angel wins out, and Faustus signs the contract, leading to his eventual downfall.

Which mineral only forms in the presence of water? A) Quartz B) Plagioclase C) Hornblende


The answer to the question is - c

Which statement best describes how enslaved people living on plantations
performed acts of resistance?

A. Enslaved people often brought lawsuits to diminish plantation owners' ability to make a profit.

B. Enslaved people often worked harder and faster to increase
plantation owners' ability to make a profit.

OC. Enslaved people often delayed or stopped work to diminish plantation owners' ability to make a profit.

OD. Enslaved people often learned new skills to increase plantation
owners' ability to make a profit.


The answer is 100% C!

Which describes a significant difference between the North and the South in the years leading up to the Civil War?

The North did not allow slavery, while the South depended on it.
The North supported two major political parties, while the South supported only one major political party.
The North had a system of railways while the South relied only on road and river systems.
The North grew its own food, while the South focused on cash crops and imported most of its food.


The answer should be c, the north was more infrastructural then the south and had rialways way before the south. The south was more agricultural however the north did a lot of fishing and imported

point out the major terms of the compromise of 1850 and indicate how this agreement attempted to defuse the sectional crisis over slavery.


Below are the main terms of the compromise of 1850 and how it attempted to defuse the sectional crisis over slavery.


California was incorporated as a free state, permanently out of balance.Texas loses disputed territories to New Mexico and (now) Oklahoma.The District of Columbia could not conduct the slave trade, but slavery was still legal.


People's Sovereignty in the Cession of Mexico. It was a good thing for the South, because there would have been no new slave nations before then.Texas awarded her $10 million for land lost by New Mexico.The new and stricter Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was drastic, stating that (1) fugitive slaves could not testify on their own behalf and (2) the federal commissioner in charge of the case was freed. If the slave was freed, he received $5, otherwise he received $10. (3) Those who were ordered to help capture slaves had to do so even if they didn't want to.

What is Compromise of 1850?

The Compromise of 1850 consisted of five laws passed in September 1850 dealing with issues of slavery and territorial expansion. In 1849, California applied for permission to join the United States as a free state, potentially throwing the balance between free and slave states in the Senate. Senator Henry Clay introduced a series of resolutions on January 29, 1850, calling for compromise and averting a North-South crisis. As part of the Compromise of 1850, the Fugitive Slave Act was amended to prohibit the slave trade in Washington, D.C. abolition. Additionally, California joined the United States as a free state and a territorial government was created in Utah. In addition, a law was passed to resolve border disputes between Texas and New Mexico, creating a territorial government in New Mexico as well.

Learn more about compromise of 1850 https://brainly.com/question/8165267


How did Archimedes and Hippocrates make an impact on society in ancient times ?


For his discovery of the relationship between both the surface and volume of a sphere as well as its circumscribing cylinder, Archimedes is particularly significant. He is renowned for developing the hydrostatic theory and the Archimedes screw, a tool still in use for elevating water.

What was Archimedes and Hippocrates impact on society ?

The area of mathematics has benefited greatly from the work of Archimedes. Fundamental theorems about the centers of gravity of solids and geometric objects with plane surfaces were found by Archimedes. He established statics and hydrostatics.

The foundations of modern clinical medicine were laid by Hippocrates. He coined a number of medical terminology that are now often used by doctors, such as symptom, diagnostic, treatment, trauma, and sepsis. He also provided thorough descriptions of several illnesses free of superstition.

To learn more about Archimedes



What 3 departments did congress establish in the executive branch


foreign affairs, treasury, and war

Why did southern states favor lower tariffs?

A. Lower tariffs made selling cash crops to foreign countries more profitable.

B. Lower tariffs made it easier to import goods from other countries.

OC. Lower tariffs made it easier for southern companies to sell goods without competition.

D. Lower tariffs made it more difficult for northern companies to export goods.


Southern states favored lower tariffs because lower tariffs made selling cash crops to foreign countries more profitable. Option A is the right answer.

What is a tariff?

A tariff is a levy imposed on the import or export of products by the government of a nation or by a supranational union. Import tariffs can regulate international trade and serve as a means of supporting or defending home business in addition to providing the government with cash. Along with import and export restrictions, as well as other non-tariff trade obstacles, protective tariffs are some of the most often employed instruments of protectionism.

There are two types of tariffs:

fixed (a fixed amount per unit of imported products or a certain percentage of the price)variable (the amount varies according to the price

People are less likely to purchase imported goods as a result of taxes because they become more expensive. The purpose is

Learn more about tariffs here https://brainly.com/question/8629679


3. Sub-Saharan Africa did not develop in isolation. How did that effect its historical
development? What role has modern history played in the "state of the field" when it
comes to either African or Latin American studies?


The colonization of Sub-Saharan Africa devastated the traditional ways of life and cultures of that continent and stymied its economic growth.

What is the most important problem for development in Sub-Saharan Africa?

Economically, politically, and culturally, Africa suffered devastation. The colonialists appropriated the raw materials that African colonies produced. A dual economic system was also created in the African economy by colonialism. Additionally, it resulted in the disintegration of the institutions governing the African currency, market, market, and commerce. Furthermore, the region's instability was sowed by colonialism's forced, unnatural split of people and territory.

In terms of their independence from the state of the field in modern history with regard to racial representation, the fields of Latin American and Latinx art history have advanced dramatically. Additionally, it mentions that individualistic cultures, which emphasize independence and self-reliance, are more prevalent in North America and Europe whereas collectivist cultures, which value interdependence and social harmony, are mostly found in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

To learn more about Sub-Saharan Africa, visit:



How were the separation of powers and the system of checks and balances designed to limit the new federal government and prevent it from growing too strong?​



The separation of powers and the system of checks and balances were designed to limit the new federal government and prevent it from growing too strong by limiting the power of each branch of government and ensuring that no one branch could become too powerful. This was achieved by dividing the powers of the government among three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. The legislative branch, for example, makes laws, but the executive branch enforces those laws, and the judicial branch interprets them. Each branch also has the ability to check the other branches, ensuring that no one branch can gain too much power. Together, these systems ensure that the federal government remains limited in its power.


What should today's national and military leaders have learned from the military plans that helped initiate World War 1


It helped nations who planned out the war win massive amounts of territory.
Today's national and military leaders should have learned to be ready for any type of conflict. This was an important lesson.

if a pigeon working on two concurrent schedules allocates more of its time to the task that provides the greater relative rate of reinforcement than would be predicted by the empirical matching law, we call this...


If a pigeon working on two concurrent schedules allocates more of its time to the task that provides the greater relative rate of reinforcement than would be predicted by the empirical matching law, we call this Herrnstein's experiment on matching.

What is the reinforcement law?

Pavlov used the term reinforcement in 1903 to describe the strengthening of the connection between an unconditioned and a conditioned stimulus that occurs when the two are presented together. Reinforcement theory is a psychological notion that suggests that consequences impact actions and that individual behaviors can be changed through reinforcement, punishment, and extinction. B.F. Skinner, a behavioral scientist, was influential in the development of modern notions concerning reinforcement theory. Reinforcement can be used to teach new abilities, replace a disruptive behavior, improve proper behaviors, or increase on-task conduct. Reinforcement theory is supported by three main mechanisms: selective exposure, selective perception, and selective retention.

To know more about reinforcement visit:



List 2 methods the Spanish used to settle Texas.​


The Spanish Colonial era in Texas began with a system of missions and presidios, designed to spread Christianity and to establish control over the region. The missions were managed by friars from the order of St. Francis – the Franciscans — and were placed in lands that had been home to Native Americans for thousands of years.

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