with respect to saving energy, what aspect of using two-sided printing was discussed in class as providing the most signifiant benefit?


Answer 1

The use of double-sided printing will contribute to energy savings because we only need one sheet of paper instead of two to print two pages.

Why duplex printing can save the world?

Duplex printing is an environmentally friendly printing method. It uses half a sheet of paper, requires less power, and takes up less space than single-sided printing. Arizona State University has saved more than 700 trees after switching to double-sided printing. It is estimated that duplex printing can save your business about half the cost of printing single-sided pages. Because duplex printing uses half the amount of paper used for single-sided printing, businesses can reduce material costs. You are not only protecting the trees of our planet, but you are also saving your business money.

Learn more about the benefit of double-sided printing https://brainly.com/question/29817229


Related Questions

__________ are a part of big data analytics that allow a company the opportunity to analyze location data from mobile phones of employees.


Location analytics are a part of big data analytics that allow a company the opportunity to analyze location data from mobile phones of employees.

What is location analytics?

Location analytics is the process of adding a layer of geographic data to a company's data assets to extract more valuable insights. It is sometimes called "geoanalysis". Across industries, business data, including data about people, events, transactions, assets, and more, often includes a geographic component that, when added to performance analytics, can be unlocked. new relevant information. This allows for more context when asking about different business processes, providing new insights into patterns and relationships in the data.

Learn more about location analytics brainly.com/question/29422971


which property determines the amount of time, in milliseconds, that elapses between the user pointing the mouse at a control and the tooltip text's appearance?


InitialDelay property determines the amount of time, in milliseconds, that elapses between the user pointing the mouse at control and the tooltip text's appearance.

You can modify the amount of time the ToolTip waits before displaying a ToolTip window by using the InitialDelay attribute.

The user of your application might not be aware that it offers ToolTip Help if the InitialDelay property is set to a value with an excessively long duration. By reducing the time specified, you may use this parameter to make sure that the user sees ToolTips right away.

The AutomaticDelay property can be configured if you want your ToolTip windows to have a constant delay pattern. The AutoPopDelay, ReshowDelay, and InitialDelay properties are reset to initial values by the AutomaticDelay property based on a single time value. The InitialDelay property is always set to the same value as the AutomaticDelay property whenever the AutomaticDelay property is set. You can individually set the InitialDelay property after the AutomaticDelay property has been set, overriding the default value.

To learn more about tooltip click here:



What is the most important part of a patent on which its granting is based?


The most crucial component of a patent is its claims, which form the basis for its granting.

The claims specify the precise parameters of the innovation that the inventor is claiming as their own. As a result, the claims section of the patent is crucial.

The claims, which are the most crucial section of the document, outline and specify the range of exclusive rights covered by the patent. They specify what the patent covers or does not cover. Each component of a claim should be depicted in a drawing and explained in a clear description.

The claim set is the most challenging part of drafting a patent since it must constantly strike a balance between scope and validity. The claims begin with "What is claimed is," "We claim," or "I claim," and are found at the back of the patent document.

To learn more about Claims click here:



if you are tracking a folder (not a file), when will you receive an email notification from procore?


The correct answer to the given question "receive an email notification: is option d) All of the above.

A safe project management tool is available in the cloud called Procore. Procore helps to maintain construction's on-time and on-budget status by offering quick access to information and optimized project communication. Starting with project planning and ending with project closeout, It handles your projects, resources, and finances. Each project participant is connected to the owner, general contractor, and specialist contractor via the platform.

ProEst estimating software is fully integrated with Procore, the top construction management software in the market. Procore can be used by construction businesses to handle all stages and aspects of projects, from pre-development and bid to project completion.



If you are tracking a folder (not a file), when will you receive an email notification from Procore?

a. When a new sub folder is added to the tracked folder

b. When a new file is added to the tracked folder

c. When an updated version of an existing file is added to the tracked folder

d. All of the above

To learn more about construction click here



what property of virtualization allows entire virtual machines to be saved as file that can moved or copied like any other file?


The property of virtualization that allows entire virtual machines to be saved as file that can moved or copied like any other file is encapsulation.

What is property of virtualization?

Property of virtualization is a concept to create something virtual from of something, like opposite or different from physical version. Property of virtualization have many types, one of them is encapsulation.

Encapsulation is a type of property of virtualization with the concept of bundling data in one unit which makes it as easy to move or copy as a single unit as a file normally.

Learn more about property of virtualization here:



A scrum team is experiencing a growing list of impediments which techniques would be most helpful.


A scrum team is experiencing a growing list of impediments, the techniques would be most helpful is prioritize the list and work of them in order.


Scrum is a framework for addressing complex adaptive problems aimed at improving product quality and improving team and organizational performance. Scrum is not a process, technique or methodology because Scrum is just a framework where various processes and techniques are included (scrum guide).

By using Scrum, complex problems will be solved because Scrum is designed as a powerful way to solve these complex problems.

What exactly is meant by complex problems

Complex problems are problem zone level 3 from the order of the lightest problems. Problem zone tiers include:

1. Simple problem

2. Complicated problem

3. Complex problems

4. Problems messed up

Learn more about scrum at https://brainly.com/question/2891951.


what is it called when a sound editor mixes sounds from multiple sources, including diverse quality, levels, and placement?


When a sound editor mixes sounds from multiple sources, including diverse quality, levels, and placement it is called montage.

What is montage?

Audio Montage is a non-destructive multi-track editing environment that allows you to arrange, edit, playback and record audio tracks. Non-destructive means that when you delete or modify part of an audio file, that audio will not be permanently deleted or modified. Instead, a set of pointers keeps track of all changes so they can be easily undone.

Non-destructive editing features include both track and clip effects, volume and pan automation, and fade in and fade out functions. Audio Editing is a great tool for audio CD creation, mastering, multimedia work, radio production, and more.

Learn more about montage https://brainly.com/question/14585366


A programmer is developing an action-adventure game with a complex story
that is important to the gameplay. They want to describe this story and how it
makes this game different from other, similar games. Which part of the game
design document should include this information?



D Project Highlights


I think that's right hope i helped

of the following similar-sounding items, which one would you likely find on your keyboard?


Of the following similar-sounding items, the one that  you likely find on your keyboard is Caret.

What is the symbol about?

A symbol with many applications in mathematics and computer programming is the caret (). The caret stands for an exponent in mathematics, such as a square, cube, or other exponential power. For instance, 62 can also be used to symbolize 62.

Thus to use, Press and hold the Shift key while pressing the 6 key on your keyboard to make the caret symbol (Shift+6). Its visual resemblance to the caret used by the original proofreader to indicate where a punctuation mark, word, or phrase should be added into a document gave rise to the name "caret."

Learn more about keyboard from


Most of linda's slide presentation consists of clicking hyperlinks to visit websites and discussing their design. In what situation will linda likely run into trouble?.


Linda will run into trouble if her computer doesn't connect with network. While your presentation consist of hyperlink, your computer should connect to network to run your websites.

To run your hyperlink you should connect your computer with network. Hyperlink consist link that if you click it, it will direct you to websites. So, to make it run you must initially connect your computer with network. To make hyperlink in ms. word or ms. powerpoint, you can copy-paste the website address or make it manual with add www or https in front of the words. Hyperlink also says as a digital reference that make the user be guided into the websites by clicking or tapping. A hyperlink refers to a whole document or to a single component within a document.

Learn more about hyperlink here https://brainly.com/question/13344003


richard believes that a database user is misusing his privileges to gain information about the company's overall business trends by issuing queries that combine data from a large number of records. what process is the database user taking advantage of?


In this instance, the database user is utilizing the aggregation procedure. Any procedure that gathers data and expresses it in a summarised manner is considered data aggregation.

In an aggregate attack, information from many different database records is combined using specific database functions to reveal information that may be more sensitive than what the information in individual records would reveal.

Atomic data rows, which are often compiled from several sources, are replaced with totals or summary statistics when data is aggregated. Summary statistics created from those observations are used in place of groups of observed aggregates. Since aggregate data can answer analytical queries and significantly shorten the time it takes to query big data sets, it is generally found in a data warehouse.

To learn more about database click here:



A bank pay interet baed on the amount of money depoited. If the amount i le than 5000 dollar the interet i 4% per annum. If the amount i 5000 dollar or more but Le that 10000 dollar the interet i 5% per annum. If the amount i 10000 dollar or more but than 20000 dollar, the interet i 6% per annum. If the amount i 20000 dollar or more the interet i 7% per annum. Write a program to requet the amount depoited and print the interet earned for one year


A program to requet the amount depoited and print the interet earned for one year:

The given program will be:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


   double amount;

   double interest;

   cout << "Please enter the amount deposited:";

   cin >> amount;

   if (amount < 5000)


       interest = amount * 0.04;


   else if (amount >= 5000 && amount < 10000)


       interest = amount * 0.05;


   else if (amount >= 10000 && amount < 20000)


       interest = amount * 0.06;




       interest = amount * 0.07;


   cout << "The interest earned for one year is: " << interest << endl;

   return 0;


What is program?

A laptop follows a group of commands referred to as a programme to perform a positive task. [Computing] The large a laptop programme is, the much more likely it's far to have errors.

To learn more about program



read and analyze the data.csv file, and output the answers to these questiosn: how many total customers are in this data set?


To read and analyze the data.csv file and output the number of total customers in the data set using Python, you can use the following code:

import csv

# Open the CSV file

with open("data.csv", "r") as file:

   # Create a CSV reader object

   reader = csv.reader(file)


   # Skip the header row



   # Initialize a counter for the number of customers

   num_customers = 0


   # Iterate over the rows in the CSV file

   for row in reader:

       # Increment the counter for each customer

       num_customers += 1

# Print the number of customers

print(f"Number of customers: {num_customers}")

This code builds a data.CSV reader object to parse the data after opening the data.csv file in read mode. The next() function is used to skip the header row before initializing a counter for the total number of customers. Using a for loop, it repeatedly iterates over the CSV file's rows, increasing the number for each client. It then prints the total number of customers.

This code, it should be noted, expects that the data.csv file has a header row and that each row corresponds to a client. The code might need to be changed based on the data.csv file's structure.

To know more about data.csv kindly visit



Why might Soviet economic planners have favored heavy industry over the makers of consumer goods? The products of heavy industry brought in more money. Consumer goods are not good economic investments. The products of heavy industry provided material for many other industries. There were more people trained to work in heavy industry.


Soviet economic planners have favored heavy industry over the makers of consumer goods because the products of heavy industry brought in more money.

Hence, option 1 is the correct answer.

Why may heavy industry have been preferred by Soviet planners over producers of consumer goods?

Heavy industry production (such as that of steel and machinery) was prioritized by Soviet planners over the manufacture of consumer products. In the Soviet Union, consumer goods were scarce and frequently of low quality. Poor-quality commodities, shortages, and declining production are issues in centrally planned economies. The Soviet Union quickly attained the status of developed nations thanks to its planned economy.

It benefited from his choice to concentrate on heavy industries by rising to become a global superpower. As a result, ordinary Soviet Union people were typically denied access to imported consumer products, particularly those made in the United States.

Learn more about the Soviet here: https://brainly.com/question/1851400


What are the stages involved from filing to granting a patent?


The lengthy and somewhat complicated process of applying for a patent can be broken down into these five parts: a) a patentability opinion, b) preparation and filing of the patent application, c) prosecution of the patent application, d) issuance, abandonment, or appeal of the patent application, and e) maintenance fees.

Patentability Opinion: The patentability opinion, which involves a search of the prior art, is the first stage of the patent procedure. We form an opinion about whether the patent office will be likely to grant a patent on the invention during the searchPreparation and filing of a patent application: We submit the patent application to the Patent Office after receiving your permission. A document describing your innovation must be prepared in order to complete and submit the patent application. This document must be able to authorize the production and use of your idea by someone else. Patent prosecution: The communication between the patent attorney representing the inventor and the Patent Office is referred to as the prosecution of a patent application. This answer is an attempt to persuade the examiner that your idea merits a patent. Issuance, Appeal, or Abandonment: The patent application will become a patent if the patent applicant is successful during the prosecution phase of the patent process. If the patent applicant fails in the prosecution stage, they have two options: they can either withdraw the patent application or appeal the examiner's decision to an impartial board, which will then determine if the examiner was right.Maintenance Fees: If you are successful in getting a patent, maintenance payments are due 3, 7, and 11 1/2 years after your patent is issued. This is the usual procedure for applying for a patent.

To learn more about Patent click here:



a shape with a wipe animation wipes from left to right, but paco wants it to wipe from right to left. what button should he click on the animations tab to change the animation?


A shape with a wipe animation wipes from left to right, but paco wants it to wipe from right to left. The Effect Options button should be clicked on the animations tab to change the animation.

What do you mean by animation?

Animation is a technique that involves photographing subsequent sketches, models, or even puppets to give the appearance of movement in a succession. Because our eyes can only hold a picture for around 1/10 of a second, the brain combines many moving images that appear in rapid succession. Digitally creating animations is done using a process called computer animation.

While computer animation exclusively refers to moving images, computer-generated imagery (CGI) is a more generic word that includes both static scenes (still images) and dynamic images (moving images). You can express ideas clearly and fast thanks to it. Animation is a communication tactic that is less expensive.

To learn more about animation, use the link given

To determine why a computer program started to function differently, Mel should most likely use data to......
A)confirm her belief that something is wrong.
B) convince the software company of the issue.
C) understand why the issue is occurring.
D)evaluate the effectiveness of other software

Answer "C", understand why the issue is occurring.
Putting this out there for others that need it in the future.


The answer would be (B)  convince the software company of the issue.




true or false: according to the 1986 electronic communication privacy act, if the government wants access to your e-mails, it must secure permission just as it would for a telephone wiretap.


It is true, according to the 1986 electronic communication privacy act(ECPA), if the government wants access to your e-mails, it must secure permission just as it would for a telephone wiretap.

The 1986 Electronic Communication Privacy Act was created to safeguard the confidentiality of online communication. To stop terrorism, U.S. government agencies snoop on our private communications and monitor our online behavior.

The Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) of 1986 is the collective name for the Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the Stored Wire Electronic Communications Act. The Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA), which replaced the Federal Wiretap Act of 1968, dealt with listening in on conversations via "hard" telephone lines but did not address intercepting computer or other digital or electronic communications.  In order to keep up with the development of new communications technology and methods, several later pieces of legislation, such as The USA PATRIOT Act, update and clarify the ECPA. These laws also loosen restrictions on law enforcement's access to stored communications.

To learn more about ECPA click here:



if changing profile information on your social network requires both a password and a temporary 3-digit code texted to your mobile device, that system is called:


Multi-factor authentication(MFA) is the process used when updating a social network profile involves both a password and a temporary 3-digit number sent to your mobile device.

In comparison to the traditional username-password combination, MFA is a more secure method of confirming user identity. MFA typically includes a password in addition to one or more extra authentication factors. MFAs include two-factor authentication (2FA).

MFA is a crucial component of identity and access management (IAM), and single sign-on (SSO) systems frequently implement it. Using just one of the aforementioned factors to identify a person is known as single-factor authentication. The most typical instance of single-factor authentication is the need for a username and password combination.

The issue with single-factor authentication is that it only takes one successful attack from an attacker to successfully impersonate a user. The security of the user's account is compromised if their password is stolen. However, if the user uses MFA, it will be considerably more difficult for an attacker to access the account because they will likely need to steal a physical item from the user in addition to the password.

Other single-factor authentication schemes are similarly affected by this problem.  It's crucial to remember that using numerous instances of the same factor does not make MFA secure; rather, using multiple instances of different factors does.

To learn more about MFA click here:



1. this is a collection of programming statements that specify the fields and methods that a particular type of object may have. a. class b. method c. parameter d. instance 2. a class is analogous to a(n) . a. house b. blueprint c. drafting table d. architect 3. an object is a(n) . a. blueprint b. primitive data type c. variable d. instance of a class 4. this is a class member that holds data. a. method b. instance c. field d. constructor 5. this key word causes an object to be created in memory. a. create b. new c. object d. construct


this is a collection of programming statements that specify the fields and methods that a particular type of object may have a class.

When you call a method, the programme goes to that method and executes the statements in its body.?

When a method is called, the programme branches to that method and executes the statements in its body. The top-down design process is sometimes called stepwise engineering. If you're writing a method and want it to accept arguments when called, you'll need to include one or more access modifiers.

What exactly is a code that describes a specific type of programme object?

A class is a piece of code that describes a specific type of object. It defines the data that an object can store (its fields) and the actions that an object can perform (its methods). A class can be thought of as a code "blueprint" that can be used to create a specific type of object.

Which method executes a task and returns a value to the code that invoked it?

A value-returning method not only completes a task, but also returns a value to the code that invoked it. To create a method, you must first write a definition that includes a header and a body.

learn more about programming visit:



which type of attack involves an adversary attempting to gather information about a network to identify vulnerabilities?


type of attack involves an adversary attempting to gather information about a network to identify vulnerabilities Reconnaissance

What occurs during reconnaissance?

Reconnaissance is the act of gathering information about a target prior to launching an attack. Reconnaissance is performed to identify weaknesses, vulnerabilities, holes, activity, and nodes that attackers can use to target an organisation.

What exactly is active reconnaissance?

An active reconnaissance computer attack is one in which an intruder interacts with the targeted system to gather information about vulnerabilities. The term reconnaissance comes from the military, where it refers to a mission into enemy territory to gather intelligence

What exactly is reconnaissance research?

The reconnaissance survey is a thorough examination of an entire area that could be used for a road or an airfield. Its goal is to identify the more promising routes or sites while eliminating those that are impractical or unfeasible. Existing maps and aerial photographs may be extremely useful.

learn more about reconnaissance visit:



type of attack involves an adversary attempting to gather information about a network to identify vulnerabilities Reconnaissance

What occurs during reconnaissance?

Reconnaissance is the act of gathering information about a target prior to launching an attack. Reconnaissance is performed to identify weaknesses, vulnerabilities, holes, activity, and nodes that attackers can use to target an organisation.

What exactly is active reconnaissance?

An active reconnaissance computer attack is one in which an intruder interacts with the targeted system to gather information about vulnerabilities. The term reconnaissance comes from the military, where it refers to a mission into enemy territory to gather intelligence

What exactly is reconnaissance research?

The reconnaissance survey is a thorough examination of an entire area that could be used for a road or an airfield. Its goal is to identify the more promising routes or sites while eliminating those that are impractical or unfeasible. Existing maps and aerial photographs may be extremely useful.

learn more about Cyber attacks visit:



A dictionary can include the same value several times but cannot include the same key several times.a. Trueb. False


The statement is true. A dictionary cannot contain the same repeated key, but it can contain the same repeated value.

This is because dictionaries are key-value based data structures. This means that each key is unique and is associated with a single value. This key-value relationship means that no two keys can be the same in a single dictionary. However, a dictionary can contain the same repeated value, since the value is not associated with a unique key.

Why Dictionaries Can't Contain Repeated Keys?

Dictionaries are a very useful key-value data structure for storing information. This key-value relationship means that keys cannot be repeated in a single dictionary. This characteristic of dictionaries makes them extremely useful for storing information and accessing it easily.

Dictionaries are useful for some specific tasks because they ensure that there is a unique relationship between keys and values. This means that, for example, a database can be designed to contain only one instance of a key so that the data is consistent. If duplicate keys were allowed, the data would not be consistent and it would be difficult to access the information that is needed.

Learn more about dictionary keys:



James works in tech support, and someone comes in to his office with a problem. They are trying to transfer a file called Draft#4.doc and having trouble. What should he try first?

Convert it to a PDF
rename the file without the #
rename the file without the 4
transfer it to a different laptop


Since they are trying to transfer a file called Draft#4.doc and are having trouble, James should first try to: B. rename the file without the #.

What is a file?

A file can be defined as a computer resource or type of document that avails an end user the ability to save or record data as a single unit on a computer storage device.

What is a file name?

In Computer technology, a file name can be defined as a form of title which is given to a file, so as to differentiate it from others and provide some vital information about it such as the project name and version.

This ultimately implies that, a file name reflect best practices and should include the project name and version.

Generally speaking, a space or an unrecognized or unknown character in a file name can cause errors when trying to load a file or when transferring files between computers such as laptops.

Read more on file name here: brainly.com/question/28083624


data alteration, denial of service, network intrusions, thefts of information, and computer vandalism are examples of which type of computer crime?


Data alteration, denial of service, network intrusions, thefts of information, and computer vandalism are examples of computer as a target.

What is involved in changing one data to another?

In data processing, data transformation is the process of transforming data from one form or structure to another. It is a fundamental aspect of most data integration and data management tasks such as data wrangling, data warehousing, data integration, and application integration.

What is data modification? Describe the effect on data?

The process of modifying data before or after it enters the system, producing erroneous output. When processing large amounts of data, the criminal either modifies the input or internally fails the program processing the data.

Learn more about data alteration :



your office uses an impact printer and multipart carbonless forms. the office manager noticed that the bottom copies of the forms are readable, but the top copy is too light to read. what needs to be replaced?


Unlike an inkjet or laser printer, the impact printer can generate copies utilizing multi-part forms.

With carbonless laser forms, a user creates several copies of the same form because a laser printer can only print one sheet at a time. For instance, you may print three copies of a three-part form on the carbonless laser paper, one after the other. Coated paper with a coating intended to transfer information written on the front onto sheets beneath is known as carbonless copy paper (CCP), non-carbon copy paper, or NCR paper (No Carbon Required; named from the initials of its creator, National Cash Register).

Learn more about information here-



A wimming pool contain 18,000 gallon of water. A boiler with an output of 50,000 Btu/hr i operated 8 hour per day to heat the pool. Auming all the heat i aborbed by the pool water with no loe to the ground or air, how much higher i the temperature of pool after the 8 hour of heating?


The temperature of pool after the 8 hour of heating will be 2.66 F.

Calculating the problem:

Density of water = 64 .4 lb /ft²

volume = 18,000 gallon

volume   = 18,000 × 0.1336

               = 2404.8 ft³

Mass of water :

m = 64.4 × 2404.8

m = 150059. 52 lb

Q = m cΔT

q × t = m c ΔT

50000 × 8 = 150059.52 × 1× ΔT

ΔT = 2.66 F

What do you mean by temperature?

Temperature is a measure of heat or cold expressed on one of several scales, including Fahrenheit and Celsius. Temperature indicates the direction in which heat energy spontaneously flows. H. Hot body (high temperature) to cold body.

How do you measure the temperature?

Use a thermometer to take my temperature. I think I have one thermometer at home to take my temperature when I'm feeling down. I used to use thermometers containing mercury, but I stopped using them because mercury is dangerous if it leaks or breaks the thermometer.

Learn more about temperature:



a 2-dimensional 3x3 array of ints, has been created and assigned to tictactoe. write an expression whose value is true if the elements of the first row are all equal.


Assume that salarySteps, an array with exactly five elements and elements of type int, has previously been declared.

To give the first element of this array the value 30000, just write one statement.

Assume that an array of integers with the name salarySteps and exactly five items has been declared. salarySteps[0] = 30000.

Create a statement that gives the array salarySteps's final entry the value 160000.

Assume that an array named a with exactly 5 integers has been declared and populated. salarySteps[4] = 160000.

Write a single line that multiplies the value present in the array's first element, a[0]+=10, by 10, to add 10;

Learn more about array here-



What are the types of software security?


There are three different types of software security: security for the software itself, security for data handled by the software, and security for network communications with other systems.

A software package includes a number of computer programmes as well as related documentation and data. In contrast, hardware is what the system is made of and what actually does the work.

Executable code, which is the most basic form of programming, is made up of machine language instructions that are supported by a single processor, most often a central processing unit (CPU) or a graphics processing unit (GPU). Machine language is made up of collections of binary values that represent instructions for the processor to change the state of the computer from its previous state. An instruction, for instance, might have an effect that the user cannot see directly, such as altering the value kept in a particular storage place in the computer. Another option for an instruction is to use one of the various input or output operations.

Learn more about software here:



a developer added a subroutine to a web application that checks to see whether the date is april 1 and, if it is, randomly changes user account balances. what type of malicious code is this?


If they have enough access to your system, they may even be able to harm an entire network process. Use firewalls in your system to block out hackers to reduce the likelihood of such losses.

The Clark-Wilson model uses these procedures to make sure that data is shielded from unwanted alterations by any user. The Clark-Wilson paradigm essentially mandates job separation. It is a typical model for commercial applications because of the Clark-Wilson construction. The right response is redundancy. It is a mathematical method for confirming the veracity and accuracy of a communication, piece of software, or digital document. An incident that results in inconvenience, inadvertent damage, or the loss of retrievable information is referred to as a low-level incident.

Learn more about communication here-



a dependency is a logical relationship that exists between the project tasks, or between a project task and a milestone. group of answer choices false true


The statement " a dependency is a logical relationship that exists between the project tasks, or between a project task and a milestone" is True.

What is dependency?

A dependency in programming is a feature, library, or section of code that is necessary for another section of code to function. For instance, a particular library that a certain line of code depends on.

A task that depends on another task's successful completion is referred to as a dependency in project management. Project management is an example of a dependency; The CEO must provide his or her consent before a corporation can release a PR statement. The submission of an expenditure report is necessary for reimbursement.

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