With respect to religiosity and women a. Protestantism offered women a way to express religious independence, but mysticism did not. b. both mysticism and Protestantism allowed women a way to express independence in religious matters. c. mysticism offered women a way to express religious independence, but Protestantism did not. d. women were prohibited from expressing religious independence in both mysticism and Protestantism.


Answer 1


Queen Elizabeth I inherited a nation suffering from religious flux, but went on to ... this decision when she restored Roman Catholicism as the state religion, and the Pope ... Returning to Protestantism would align England with the Dutch, its main ... This change of title placated those who did not feel that a woman could be ...

Related Questions

When given his prisoner uniform at Birkenau, what item did Yanek feel luck to receive?
A. A pair of pants that fit
B. Underwear
C. A shirt
D. A pair of shoes


I just really want some points :):):)

1. Write a summary of the text. "Settling In: Boarders and Greenhorns" from Shutting out the Sky. Use the information on the two sides above to help you. You must follow the summary template. Each step of the template is worth.



Shutting out the Sky tells the stories of five immigrant children who lived in the tenements of New York City between 1880 and the early 1900's. The children came from Eastern Europe and Italy. Their experiences are shared through first-person recollections and vivid photographs of the time period.

Hope it helps.

Christine, a teenager, kept a diary of her most personal moments. The diary was kept hidden in her room. Christine found portions of her private diary, and her picture, posted in a manner accessible to a number of her friends and schoolmates. A friend of the teen's mother was responsible for the postings and was prosecuted for two criminal charges based on acts that violated the teen's privacy. Based upon your reading of Chaney, did Christine have a legitimate expectation of privacy



I think she did have legitimate expactation of privacy because if she is a teen and she keep's a diary  with all her personal moments in there, The friend of the teens mother was responsible for posting things that were in her diary so therefor she would  get two criminal charges



i agree with the other person


What was the impact of Fredericksburg?


Answer: there was a battle


Why did Mormons relocate to utah?


Answer: In 1844, reeling from the murder of their founder and prophet, Joseph Smith, and facing continued mob violence in their settlement in Illinois, thousands of Latter Day Saints (better known as Mormons) threw their support behind a new leader, Brigham Young. Two years later, Young led the Mormons on their great trek westward through the wilderness some 1,300 miles to the Rocky Mountains—a rite of passage they saw as necessary in order to find their promised land.

Young, and 148 Mormons, crossed into the Great Salt Lake Valley on July 24, 1847. For the next two decades, wagon trains bearing thousands of Mormon immigrants followed Young’s westward trail. By 1896, when Utah was granted statehood, the church had more than 250,000 members, most living in Utah. Today, according to official LDS statistics, Utah is home to more than 2 million Mormons, or about one-third of the total number of Mormons in the United States.


hope this helps!!!

Which of the following was NOT a goal of the Freedmen's Bureau? *
10 points
provide housing
provide medicine
provide educational opportunities
provide weapons for protection
provide food



From what I know, the Freedmen's Bureau was not able to provide protection for African American people.

What are some factors to help prove that the Islamic religion spread by military conquests



Over a period of a few hundred years, Islam spread from its place of origin in the Arabian


What events caused the New Kingdom to fall? (i’ll give brainliest to best answer!)


Answer: (in explanation)


The unity and strength which characterized the 18th and 19th Dynasties steadily was lost during the 20th. The New Kingdom ended when the priests of Amun grew strong enough to assert their power at Thebes and divide the country between their rule and the pharaoh's at the city of Per-Ramesses

What are the two states that had no railroads?



South Dakota and Wyoming have no passenger rail service


South Dakota and Wyoming

It’s urgent!!

Respond to the following question in complete sentences.

What benefits and drawbacks might have arose from the Hellenization of Alexander’s empire?



I'm not sure if you wanted an essay or not



One enduring aspect of Alexander's campaign of conquest was Hellenization. Hellenization refers to Alexander the Great's practice of bringing Greeks with him on his conquest and installing them as administrators in his growing empire. The result was that Greek culture, philosophy, art and language were quickly spread across the ancient world. Though Alexander's empire soon crumbled, the Greek administrators stayed put, and Greek soon became the universal language of the ancient world.


Though earlier empires made efforts at linguistic unification, none were equipped with a full alphabet like the Greeks had. This alphabet had very few characters, making it easier to learn, but it also included vowel sounds, allowing people unfamiliar with Greek to sound out the words. The Greeks even added little accent marks to their writing to make it even easier to read. The result was that Greek quickly became the universal language of the ancient world.


Hellenization, however, had its limitations. For example, areas of southern Syria that were affected by Greek culture entailed mostly Seleucid urban centres, where Greek was commonly spoken. The countryside, on the other hand, was largely unaffected, with most of its inhabitants speaking Syriac and clinging to their native traditions

Summary of the article ^ minimum 1 paragrpah please



What is the first step of effective communication?


Adjust your communication based on the feedback.


Be aware of feedback


Be clear about your goals.


Choose effective words.



What is the first step of effective communication?


Adjust your communication based on the feedback.


Be aware of feedbackWhat is the first step of effective communication?


Adjust your communication based on the feedback.


Be aware of feedback


Be clear about your goals.


Choose effective words.



Be clear about your goals.


Choose effective words.


True or False: Fossil Fuels are a renewable energy source.

a. this is TRUE because fossil fuels are made from natural materials

b. this is FALSE because fossil fuels are "used up" and cannot be replaced as quickly as we are using them


Answer:b even though there made from natural material there not renewable


B is the correct answer. We may have them now but it will take time to get them back

Which non-price determinate is sometimes utilized by the government to decrease demand
for a product that is viewed as harmful to society?
Excise taxes
Consumer boycotts



Option C

Excise taxes

Hope this helps you. Do mark me as brainliest.

We are to determine which non-price determinate is sometimes utilized by the government to decrease demand for a product that is viewed as harmful to society

The non-price determinate which is sometimes utilized by the government to decrease demand for a product that is viewed as harmful to society is excise taxes.

Tax refers to the compulsory fee on the income of workers and goods or services sold in a country.

Income tax is levied on employees income.

Excise tax is levied on goods and services. The government uses tax to either encourage the consumption of a product or to discourage the consumption.

When excise tax are increased by the government, the price of the products increases causing a decrease in demand.

On the other hand, when excise tax are reduced, the price of the product decrease causing an increase in demand.

Remember, the law of demand which says "the higher the price, the lower the quantity demanded and the lower the price, the higher the quantity demanded".

Read more:


What is decent work I need help Asapppppp



Professional cuddler. ...

Hotel sleep tester. ...

Beer taster. ...

Video game tester. ...

Sleep study participant. ...

Movie extra. ...

Dog walker.

Or at a restaurant


What happens in a society when the
government does not allow the news to print
whatever they want?



society would riot


If the government were to do this society would riot. Printing News is a part of freedom of the press, and freedom of speech. Meaning that it is the right that every individual has to voice their own opinion and not be censored by the government in any way. Not allowing the news to print is basically taking away these rights from the citizens and never in history has this gone well for a country. Society always rises up and fights back against the government in these scenarios for their rights.

Why was Mexican American war different from previous American wars?

Plz Help

Better Answer = Brainliest



because they had differences


it was an armed conflict between the United States and Mexico


Why do you think George Washington became the 1st President of the United States?



because he was


he became president because of his valor in the revolutionary war, especially during his Delaware River crossing. the people at first wanted him to be king, but he didn’t want to rule in a monarchy like king george iii, the king who made them run away in the first place.

Please Help me i need the right answer fast!



full moon exists when party is between the sub and moon

what are the examples of territorial games?​


Soccer basketball lacrosse

John purchased a toy for his young daughter. The toy included nine colorful plastic pieces in the shape of the numbers from 1 to 9. In examining these pieces he made the following observations:
One piece is purple and two pieces each are red, green, yellow, and blue.
The two red pieces are consecutive numbers.
The number 4 is green.
The two blue pieces are not consecutive numbers
Both the 1 and the 9 are yellow
The purple piece is not a number immediately greater than or less than either green piece



I found the complete instructions for the exercise online:

If one of the red pieces is the number 3, what number is the other red piece?







A. 2


In this exercise, you have to answer the question after analyzing the information given about the pieces. The correct answer is "2" because both red plastic pieces are consecutive, and one of the red pieces is the number 3. The correct answer couldn't be number 4 because number 4 is one of the green pieces.

Please help me i need the answer very hard and plz dont guess ty <3



mt erebus!!


Which of the following issues relates most to domestic pollcy?
O Education
O Treaties
O War
O Military
Please helppp


the answer military

What are some differences between Brazil and its neighbors Bolivia and Paraguay?



Brazil is a Portuguese speaking country while Bolivia and Paraguay are Spanish speaking countries.

Which group do you think is more effective?



Which groups are you talking about?


describe the basic functions of
their connections to development.​



Social control

Social unity and togetherness

Psychological support


Religion as a belief or creed with an individual is attached to spiritually has a major effect in shaping the behavior and lifestyle of most people as it is usually stated in the books of each major religion. Therefore, most religious individuals tend to follow in the footsteps of these teachings and these highlights the major importance of religion in shaping the behavior of men.

Religion can contribute immensely to the level of extremism and control individual's exhibit within the society by preaching the adverse effects of negative and that its religion forbid negative and extreme social behavior.

Religion can play a major part in tolerance and togetherness of community members by preaching the impact and spiritual stance of religion towards social cohesion and accommodation.

Some individuals prefer to seek religious opinions and counseling during times of extreme difficulty especially. Religious clerics in this case can provide mental and psychological assistance to help pull through.

what is your respondent point of view regarding sex​





list five solutions of energy crisis of Nepal ​



reduce the unnecessary use of electric power at home use less electricity consuming appliances. use alternative source of energy make the public aware about proper use of electricity use bright colours at home

Which country is directly south of the island of Honshu?
South Korea



Indonesia is the country directly south of the island of Honshu.

9.How did Abbasid rulers support arts and



Art, poetry, and science flourished. The Abbasids learned from the Chinese (allegedly from Chinese soldiers captured in battle) the art of making paper. Cheap and durable, paper became an important material for spreading literature and knowledge. The fifth caliph of the Abbasid dynasty, Harun al-Rashid.


At what minimum temperature do rocks melt into lava?
A) 3,500 degrees Celsius
B) 6,332 degrees Fahrenheit
C) 800 degrees Fahrenheit
D) 800 degrees Celsius



im not that sure but i think its C or it can be D  


Temperatures of lavas are in the range 700 °C to 1300 °C (or 1300 °F to 2400 °F), but very rare carbonatite magmas may be as cool as 490 °C, and komatiite magmas may have been as hot as 1600 °C.

if im wrong im soooooooo sorry

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