Winston Company estimates that the factory overhead for the following year will be $478,800. The company has decided that the basis for applying factory overhead should be machine hours, which is estimated to be 26,600 hours. The total machine hours for the year were 54,000 hours. The actual factory overhead for the year was $986,000. Enter the amount as a positive number.


Answer 1


Results are below.


First, we need to calculate the predetermined overhead rate:

Predetermined manufacturing overhead rate= total estimated overhead costs for the period/ total amount of allocation base

Predetermined manufacturing overhead rate= 478,800 / 26,600

Predetermined manufacturing overhead rate= $18 per machine hour

Now, we can allocate overhead:

Allocated MOH= Estimated manufacturing overhead rate* Actual amount of allocation base

Allocated MOH= 18*54,000

Allocated MOH= $972,000

Finally, the over/under allocation:

Under/over applied overhead= real overhead - allocated overhead

Under/over applied overhead= 986,000 - 972,000

Underallocated overhead= $14,000

Related Questions




1: B

2: A

3: D


5: C

6: C

7: D

8: Q


I'm leaning this rn

On January 1, a company issues bonds dated January 1 with a par value of $230,000. The bonds mature in 5 years. The contract rate is 7%, and interest is paid semiannually on June 30 and December 31. The market rate is 6% and the bonds are sold for $239,811. The journal entry to record the issuance of the bond is:



Debit : Cash $239,811

Credit : Bonds Payable $239,811


Step 1

First, lets determine the price of Bonds at issuance date (1 January). This is because Bonds are issued at their Issue Price not Par Value.

The Price of the Bond is its present value (PV) and this is calculated as :

FV =  $230,000

PMT = ($230,000 x 7 %) ÷ 2 = $8,050

N =  5 x 2 = 10

P/YR = 2

R = 6%

PV =  ?

Thus, the Present Value (PV) of the Bonds is $239,811.

Step 2

The journal entry to record the issuance of the bond is:

Debit : Cash $239,811

Credit : Bonds Payable $239,811

there might be times your boss allows you to work from home.having the permission to work from home,you just took some office supplies anyway you are using it for work from home​


Uhm is there a question or are you just stating this lol

A good leader should have a positive outlook. Please select the best answer from the choices provided OT F​





if your leader dont have postivie outlook it will spread to the others




Meredith, Linda, and Peter are working together in a project team at a home appliances company. They had to select two out of five new products to be introduced in the next quarter. The team has a conflict over the choice of those two products. (a) Meredith, who is uncomfortable with confrontations, chooses to remain neutral by staying away from the argument. (b) Linda and Peter had a few arguments which were finally resolved when Linda gave in to Peter's demands.
In this situation, (a) Meredith used the____style of conflict resolution and (b) Linda used the_____style of conflict resolution.



a) avoiding

b) accommodation


a) Meredith feels uncomfortable with confrontations, she chooses to remain neutral while staying away from the discussion, so it is correct to say that she used the style of avoiding conflict resolution, which occurs when individuals prefer to avoid a situation that can generate conflicts as in the case described in the matter, and so they prefer to act diplomatically avoiding confrontations and not giving opinions contrary to a given situation.

b) Linda used the accommodation style as she gave in to Peter's demands for the choice of products. In this style, the individual values ​​the relationship with the other individual above his personal opinion, and therefore gives up on maintaining the conflict because of a situation that is less important to him than the maintenance of the relationship.

when you go back to the house, do u wear shoes in your house ​



No, i live in an asian household-


Luebke Inc. has provided the following data for the month of November. The balance in the Finished Goods inventory account at the beginning of the month was $62,000 and at the end of the month was $31,000. The cost of goods manufactured for the month was $217,000. The actual manufacturing overhead cost incurred was $58,000 and the manufacturing overhead cost applied to Work in Process was $62,000. The company closes out any underapplied or overapplied manufacturing overhead to cost of goods sold. The adjusted cost of goods sold that would appear on the income statement for November is:____.
a. $255,700.
b. $182,400.
c. $260,600.
d. $221,500.


221,500 why? because thats the answer
D is your answer have a great rest of your day

Institute Technologies is choosing new cost drivers for its accounting system. One driver is labor hours, the other is a combination of machine hours for unit variable costs and number of setups for a pool of batch-level costs. Data for the past year follow.
Labor hours 200,000
Machine hours 360,000
Number of setups 3,000
Unit variable cost pool $1,600,000
Batch-level cost pool $ 900,000
$ 990,000
Assume that the two separate pools are used for Institute. The flexible budget dollar amounts for the actual level of machine hours and actual number of setups are: __________.
Unit Variable Cost Pool Batch-Level Cost Pool
a) $1,600,000 $900,000
b) $1,600,000 $990,000
c) $2,000,000 $900,000
d) $2,000,000 $990,000
e) $2,500,000 $ 0



d) $2,000,000 $990,000


The computation is shown below:

Unit variable cost pool is

= Budgeted cost ÷ Budgeted machine hours

= $1,600,000 ÷ 360,000

=$ 4.444 per machine hour


Batch-level cost pool = Budgeted cost ÷ Budgeted number of setups

= $900,000 ÷ 3000

= $ 300 per setup


Unit variable cost pool is

= Actual machine hours × Activity rate

= 450000 × 4.44

= $2,000,000

And, Batch-level cost pool is

= Actual number of setups × Activity rate

= 3300 × 300


A company begins a review of ordering policies for its continuous review system by checking the current policies for a sample of SKUs. Following are the characteristics of one item:
Demand (D) = 72 units/week (Assume 48 weeks per year)
Ordering and setup cost (S) = $55 /order
Holding cost (H) = $18 /unit/year
Lead time (L) = 3 week(s)
Standard deviation of weekly demand = 18 units
Cycle-service level = 90 percent
EOQ = 145 units
Under the same information as above, develop the best policies for a periodic review system.
1. The value of P that gives the same approximate number of orders per year as the EOQ is weeks (Hint: please round your answer to the nearest positive integer number).
2. The target inventory level that provides an 88 percent cycle-service level is units (Hint: please round your answer to the nearest positive integer number).




Given that:

weekly demand = 72 units

no of weeks in 1 year = 48

Then; total demand = 72 × 48 = 3456 units

No of orders = [tex]\dfrac{\text{total demand }}{EOQ}[/tex]

= [tex]\dfrac{\text{3456}}{145}[/tex]

The periodic review (P) = [tex]\dfrac{1}{no \ of \ orders}[/tex]

= [tex]\dfrac{1}{\dfrac{3456}{145}}[/tex]

[tex]= \dfrac{145}{3456}[/tex]

= 0.041956 year

≅ 2 weeks

Z score based on 88 percent service level = NORMSINV(0.88) = 1.18


Lead time = 3 wks

P = 2 weeks

Thus protection interval = ( 3+2) weeks

= 5 weeks

Safety stock = z-score × std dev. of demand at (P+L) days

std dev = [tex]\sqrt{5 } \times 18[/tex] = 2.236 × 18

std dev = 40.248 units

Safety stock = 1.18 × 40.248

safety stock = 47.49 units

Safety stock ≅ 48 units

Average demand during(P + L) = 5 × 72 units

= 360 units

Target inventory level = average demand + safety stock

= 360 units + 48 units

= 408 units

What is the average student contribution for one year at a private college in 2012-2013?




Step-by-step explanation: The average cost to attend a four-year private college for one year in 2012-2013 would be $43,289. Adding all of the average costs for one year of education gives us the total average cost for one year of education.



Tahvildaran Jesswein argues in Chapter 2 that the point of connection or identification for a moviegoer is not necessarily grounded in a love of nation or a particular respect for truth and thus a particular set of democratic procedures; rather, the point of connection might be found in a shared sense of doubt; uncertainty or fear; alienation and un-fulfillment.
A. True
B. False





It is a true statement.

Levi is replying to an email a customer sent seeking information about his company’s products. Which greeting should he avoid using in a business email?


Select the correct answer.

Which statement is true in the context of business etiquette for sending digital messages?

Digital messages should use abbreviations.
Digital messages should be informal.
Digital messages should be courteous.
Digital messages should use a colorful font.

Select the correct answer.

Which of these messages would be considered inappropriate for business communication?

Good night
OK, bye
See you tomorrow


A. , B, C, i’m not sure if these are correct but oh welllllll
All three of them is a help it helps

The Skulls, a student social organization, has two different locations under consideration for constructing a new chapter house. The Skulls' president, a POM student, estimates that due to differing land costs, utility rates, etc., both fixed and variable costs would be different for each of the proposed sites, as follows LocationAnnual FixedVariableAlpha Ave.$5,000 $200per personBeta Blvd.$8,000 $150per person If it is estimated that 30 persons will be living in this new chapter house, which location should the Skulls select



The Skulls

The location that Skulls should select is:

Alpha Avenue.


a) Data and Calculations:

Estimated number of persons living in this new chapter house = 30

                    Fixed       Variable                   Total Cost

Alpha Ave. $5,000       $200 per person     $11,000

Beta Blvd.  $8,000        $150 per person    $12,500

b) The location that Skulls should select must minimize the total cost.  The location which meets this criterion is Alpha Avenue, with a total cost of $11,000.  This is purely because of the number of persons living in the chapter house.  Assuming that this number would increase, then it may be considered economically better to choose the Beta Boulevard instead of the Alpha Avenue.

The customer gives you two $100 bills, two $50 bills, and one $20 bill for a clothing purchase totaling $312.69. (this is for customer service)



It is more than enough money


Assume the single-factor model is applied to a security that has a negative factor beta. The security will: A) always have a positive rate of return. B) have an expected return greater than the risk-free rate. C) have an actual return that equals the risk-free rate. D) have an expected return equal to the market rate of return. E) have an actual rate of return that can be positive, negative, or zero.


Answer: E) have an actual rate of return that can be positive, negative, or zero.


When a single factor model like the Capital Asset Pricing Model is applied to a security with a negative beta, the returns shown could be negative, positive or even zero depending on the risk free rate and the market rate.

CAPM uses the aforementioned risk free rate, the market rate and the beta to calculate returns. The size of these variables could result in a return that is either negative, positive or zero.

For instance:

Beta = -1, Rf = 4%, Market rate = 7%

Return = 4% - 1 * ( 7% - 4%)

= 4% - 3%

= 1%

A positive return yet beta is negative. Return can change signs or be zero if figures are tweaked.

Economically, the government divides its earning marks into ______, each of which lasts three months.


I believe the answer is Quarters.




Megasoft Corporation develops, produces, and markets a wide range of computer software including the Windows operating system. Megasoft reported the following information about Net Sales Revenue and Accounts Receivable (all amounts in millions).June 30, 2016 June 30, 2015Accounts Receivable, Net of Allowance for Doubtful Accounts of $310 and $360 $ 16,950 $ 15,700Net Revenues 68,000 62,000According to its Form 10-K, Megasoft recorded Bad Debt Expense of $22 and did not recover any previously written-off accounts during the year ended June 30, 2016.Required:What amount of accounts receivable was written off during the year ended June 30, 2016? (Enter your answer in millions.)What was Megasoft’s receivables turnover ratio in 2016? (Round your answer to 1 decimal place.)



Megasoft Corporation

1. The amount of accounts receivable that was written off during the year ended June 30, 2016 was:

= $72 million

2. Receivable Turnover Ratio in 2016

= 2016 Net Sales/Average receivables

= $68,000/$16,660 = 4.1


a) Data and Calculations:

                                        June 30, 2016   June 30, 2015

Net Sales Revenue              $68,000            $62,000

Accounts Receivable

(all amounts in millions)      $17,260             $16,060

Allowance for

Doubtful Accounts of                  310                    360

Net Accounts receivable   $ 16,950             $ 15,700

Bad Debts Expense = $22

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

Date                 Account Titles          Debit      Credit

June 30, 2015 Beginning balance                  $310

2016                 Bad Debts Expense  22

2016                 Accounts receivable                  72

June 30, 2016 Ending balance    $360

Accounts Receivable

Date                 Account Titles          Debit      Credit

June 30, 2015 Beginning balance $16,060

2016                 Net sales                 68,000

2016                 Allowance for Doubtful               $72

2016                 Cash                                       66,728

June 30, 2016 Ending balance                     $17,260

Average receivables = $16,660 ($16,060 + $17,260)/2

Receivable Turnover Ratio in 2016

= 2016 Net Sales/Average receivables

= $68,000/$16,660 = 4.1

N Force, a U.S. car manufacturing company, has expanded its business operations to China. Unlike their U.S. colleagues, many Chinese employees are reluctant to address senior colleagues by their first names because Chinese culture emphasizes respect for elders. To create an organizational culture that is common for all its employees, management at N Force headquarters has decided to assign titles to the senior staff. Which of the following methods would be best suited in China's top-down hierarchical culture to spread the message of the new organizational culture?
a. Assigning a team of junior staff to conduct a presentation on a list of code names for senior employees
b. Requesting employees to spread the message to peers
c. Requesting leaders to impart the message to employees
d. Creating a video starring junior staff to create awareness about the new organizational culture



c. Requesting leaders to impart the message to employees


As the culture of an organization that suits to china in terms of elders here the best way to pass the message i.e. from the leaders to the employees

The option c would represent the same and considered to be best suited in China with respect to the top-down hierarchical culture so that the message could be spreaded

arrange the scrambled letters to a correct word. utsbtiust.​



bust it us :)






That is the word I could come up with. The letters you gave me don't include an "E" but I guess this is the answer

Hope this helps :)

The Sisyphean Company's common stock is currently trading for $25.50 per share. The stock is expected to pay a $2.80 dividend at the end of the year and the Sisyphean Company's equity cost of capital is 10%. If the dividend payout rate is expected to remain constant, then the expected growth rate in the Sisyphean Company's earnings is closest to





according to the constant dividend growth model

price = d1 / (r - g)

d1 = next dividend to be paid

r = cost of equity

g = growth rate

the growth rate can be determined from the above equation

$25.50 = $2.8 / ( 0.1 -g)

Multiply both sides of the equation by 0.1 - g

$25.50( 0.1 -g) = $2.8

Divide both sides by  $25.50

0.1 - g = 0.1098

g = 0.1 -  0.1098

g = - 0.0098

g = -0.98%

An aerospace company has submitted bids on two separate federal government defense contracts. The company president believes that there is a 40% probability of winning the first contract. If they win the first contract, the probability of winning the second is 65%. However, if they lose the first contract, the president thinks that the probability of winning the second contract decreases to 49%.
1. What is the probability that they will lose both contracts?
2. What is the probability that they win only one contract?
3. What is the probability that they win both contracts?



1. What is the probability that they will lose both contracts?

probability of losing both contracts = (1 - 40%) x (1 - 65%) = 21%

2. What is the probability that they win only one contract?

probability of winning 1 contract = 1 probability of winning both contracts - probability of not winning any contract = 1 - 21% - 26% = 53%

3. What is the probability that they win both contracts?

the probability of winning both contracts = probability of winning first contract x probability of winning second contract = 40% x 65% = 26%

Instructions: Please prepare a Balance Sheet on your scratch paper based on the following Adjusted Trial Balance and Additional Information below to answer this question and the next three (3) questions.
(Hint: you may also want to prepare a new Income Statement and Statement of Stockholders' Equity before preparing the Balance Sheet to make sure you have the necessary information for the Balance Sheet account balances.)
You will need to know the amounts for total current assets, total long-term assets, total current liabilities, total long-term liabilities, and total stockholders' equity.
Adjusted Trial
Balance As of 12/31/20xx
Accounts Debit Credit
Cash $25,486
Prepaid Rent 5,700
Supplies 4,400
Building 100,000
Accumulated Depreciation $6,000
Accounts Payable 1800
Deferred Revenue 1,300
Notes Payable (due in 24 months 80,486
Common Stock 2,100
Retained Earnings 46,400
Dividends 4,000
Service Revenue 12,400
Rent Expense 900
Supplies Expense 3,000
Utility Expense 1,000
Depreciation Expense 6,000
Totals $150,486 $150,486
Additional Information:
Beginning Balance of Common Stock on 1/1/20xx $2.100
Beginning Balance of Retained Earnings on 1/1/20xx $46,400
No new stock was issued during the accounting period. .
Hint: Please remember the formula for retained earnings when preparing this statement
Question: What is the amount shown for Total Current Assets shown on the Classified Balance Sheet you prepared on your scratch paper?



a) Balance Sheet as of December 31, 20xx:


Cash                                               $25,486

Prepaid Rent                                      5,700

Supplies                                             4,400

Total current assets                     $35,586

Building                       100,000

Acc. Depreciation         (6,000)   $94,000

Total assets                                $129,586

Current Liabilities:

Accounts Payable                            $1,800

Deferred Revenue                             1,300

Total current liabilities                     $3,100

Notes Payable (due in

24 months                                      80,486

Total liabilities                               $83,586

Common Stock               2,100

Retained Earnings       43,900       46,000

Total liabilities and equity           $129,586

b) Total current assets = $35,586


a) Data and Calculations:

Adjusted Trial

Balance as of 12/31/20xx

Accounts                      Debit            Credit

Cash                            $25,486

Prepaid Rent                   5,700

Supplies                          4,400

Building                       100,000

Accumulated Depreciation            $6,000

Accounts Payable                              1,800

Deferred Revenue                             1,300

Notes Payable (due in 24 months 80,486

Common Stock                                  2,100

Retained Earnings                          46,400

Dividends                      4,000

Service Revenue                             12,400

Rent Expense                  900

Supplies Expense        3,000

Utility Expense              1,000

Depreciation Expense 6,000

Totals                      $150,486    $150,486

Additional data:

Beginning Balance of Common Stock on 1/1/20xx        $2,100

Beginning Balance of Retained Earnings on 1/1/20xx $46,400

Income Statement for the year ended December 31, 20xx

Service Revenue                       $12,400

Rent Expense                  900

Supplies Expense        3,000

Utility Expense              1,000

Depreciation Expense 6,000     10,900

Net Income                                    1,500

Statement of Stockholders' Equity:

Beginning Common Stock on 1/1/20xx         $2,100

Beginning Retained Earnings on 1/1/20xx   46,400

Net Income                                                       1,500

Dividends                                                        (4,000)

Ending Equity balance on 12/31/20xx       $46,000

Retained Earnings on 12/31/20xx:

Beginning Retained Earnings on 1/1/20xx   46,400

Net Income                                                       1,500

Dividends                                                        (4,000)

Retained Earnings on 12/31/20xx              $43,900  

Refer to the data below. Retained earnings, December 31, 2019 $ 341,200 Cost of buildings purchased during 2020 48,000 Net income for the year ended December 31, 2020 55,100 Dividends declared and paid in 2020 32,600 Increase in cash balance from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2020 23,400 Increase in long-term debt in 2020 45,000 Required: From the above data, calculate the Retained Earnings balance as of December 31, 2020:





The retained earnings balance as of December 31, 2020 is computed as;

= Retained earnings as of December 31, 2019 + Net income - Dividend paid

Given that

Retained earnings as of December 31, 2019 = $341,200

Dividends = $32,600

Net income = $55,100

Retained earnings balance as of December 31, 2020

= $341,200 + $55,100 - 32,600

= $363,700

arrange the scrambled letter











Make a simple poem regarding the learning’s that you acquired in managing the finances. (4 Stanzas only with rhyme and with no meter)



My net worth is my assets less my liabilities

I should therefore not spend above my capabilities

Pay off the debt required and then a little more

That way I can have, a great credit score

Like everything else, I must plan my finances

Create a budget and include my expenses

And make space for an emergency fund

So on rainy days I don't find myself cashless and hamstrung

Its important to remember that I won't work forever

I should therefore set something aside, to fall back on

When I'm too old and grey to embark on strenuous endeavor

I'll be well taken care of because I remembered my pension

And I shouldn't forget, to keep a proper record

Get educated in a financially sound method

That way I can know what comes in and what goes out

I'll be sure of my situation and leave room for no doubt

Presented below is information for Sunland Co. for the month of January 2022. Cost of goods sold $201,500 Rent expense $32,100 Freight-out 7,900 Sales discounts 9,000 Insurance expense 13,600 Sales returns and allowances 18,700 Salaries and wages expense 63,700 Sales revenue 393,500 Income tax expense 4,700 Other comprehensive income (net of $400 tax) 2,000 (a) Prepare an income statement using the multiple-step format.



Sunland Co.

Income statement for the month ended January 2022.

Sales revenue                                                           393,500

Sales returns and allowances                                   (18,700)

Net Sales                                                                   374,800

Less Cost of goods sold                                          (201,500)

Gross Profit                                                                173,300

Less Operating Expenses :

Freight-out                                               7,900

Sales discounts                                       9,000

Insurance expense                                13,600

Salaries and wages expense               63,700       (94,200)

Operating Profit                                                          79,100

Less Non Operating Expenses

Income tax expense                                                  (4,700)

Net Profit for the year                                               74,400

Other comprehensive income (net of $400 tax)      2,000

Total Profit and Other Comprehensive Income      76,400


Multi- step Income Statement shows Income from Primary activities and Secondary activities separately as above.

California Company included the following items in its financial statements for ​, the current year​ (amounts in​ millions):
Payment of long-term debt ......$17,300 Dividends paid ...........$225
Proceeds from Issuance Net sales:
of common stock 8,425 Current year 35,000
Total liabilities: Preceding year 78,000
Current year-end 32,319 Net income:
Preceding year-end 38,039 Current year 9,011
Total stockholders' equity Preceding year 2,010
Current year-end 23,473 Operating income:
Preceding year-end 14,037 Current year 9.126
Long-term liabilities 6,665 Preceding year 4,004
Use DuPont Analysis to calculate ​'s return on assets and return on common equity during ​(the current​ year). The company has no preferred stock outstanding. Start by calculating the rate of return on total assets​ (ROA). Select the DuPont model formula needed and then enter the amounts to calculate ROA for 2018.



3.83 %


Using the  DuPont model formula :

Return on Equity = Return on Assets x Assets / Equity


Return on Assets  = Profit Margin x Total Assets Turnover

                               = (Net Income / Sales) x ( Sales / Total Assets)

                               = ( $9,011 / $35,000) x ($35,000 / 23,473 + 32,319)

                               = 2,57% x 0.627

                               = 1.61 %

Assets / Equity = ( 23,473 + 32,319) ÷ 23,473

                         = 2.38


Return on Equity = 1.61 % x 2.38 = 3.83 %

a. The August 31 balance shown on the bank statement is $9,799.
b. There is a deposit in transit of $1,247 at August 31.
c. Outstanding checks at August 31 totaled $1,870.
d. Interest credited to the account during August but not recorded on the company's books amounted to $115.
e. A bank charge of $37 for checks was made to the account during August. Although the company was expecting a charge, the amount was not known until the bank statement arrived.
f. In the process of reviewing the canceled checks, it was determined that a check issued to a supplier in payment of accounts payable of $625 had been recorded as a disbursement of $367.
g. The August 31 balance in the general ledger Cash account, before reconciliation, is $9,356.

Prepare the adjusting journal entry that should be prepared to reflect the reconciling items.



Part a.

No entry

Part b.

Debit  : Deposits in Transit $1,247

Credit : Bank Reconciliation Statement $1,247

Increase the Bank Statement Balance

Part c.

Debit  : Bank Reconciliation Statement $1,247

Credit : Out Standing Checks $1,870

Decrease the Bank Statement Balance

Part d.

Debit  : Cash $115

Credit : Interest received $115

Interest credited in Bank Statement not recorded

Part e.

Debit  : Bank Charges $37

Credit : Cash $37

Recording of Bank Charges in the Books

Part f.

Debit  : Accounts Payable $258

Credit : Cash $258

Payment to Supplier understated by $258

Part d.

No entry


Corrections and Adjustments may be either to correct the Cash Book or the Bank Statement Balance as above.

Joplin Industries Inc. manufactures and sells high-quality sporting goods equipment under its highly recognizable J-Sports logo. The company began operations on May 1 and operated at 100% of capacity (270,000 units) during the first month, creating an ending inventory of 24,000 units. During June, the company produced 246,000 garments during the month but sold 270,000 units at $300 per unit. The June manufacturing costs and selling and administrative expenses were as follows:_____.
company began ,000 units. During June, the costs and selling and administrative Number of Unit Cost Total Cost Units Manufacturing costs in June 1 beginning inventory: Variable 24,000 $150.00 3,600,000 787,200 $182.80 $4,387,200 Fixed 24,000 32.80 Total Manufacturing costs in June: Variable 246,000 $150.00 $36,900,000 246,000 36.00 8,856,000 186.00 $45,756,000 Fixed Total Selling and administrative expenses in June Variable 270,000 $45.00 $12,150,000 972,000 48.60 $13,122,000 Fixed 270,000 3.60 Total $48.60 $13,122,000
a. Prepare an income statement according to the absorption costing concept for June.
Joplin Industries Inc.
Absorption Costing Income Statement
For the Month Ended June 30
Cost of goods sold:
b. Prepare an income statement according to the variable costing concept for June.
Joplin Industries Inc.
Variable Costing Income Statement
For the Month Ended June 30
Fixed costs:
c. What is the reason for the difference in the amount of income from operations reported in (a) and (b)?
Under the method, the fixed manufacturing cost included in the cost of goods sold is matched with the revenues. Under , all of the fixed manufacturing cost is deducted in the period in which it is incurred, regardless of the amount of inventory change. Thus, when inventory decreases, the income statement will have a lower income from operations.



a.                         Joplin Industries Inc.

             Absorption Costing Income Statement

                  For the Month Ended June 30

Sales                                                                        $81,000,000

Less: Beginning inventory           $4,387,200          

Cost of goods manufactured       $45,756,000

Cost of goods sold                                                 $50,143,200

Gross Profit                                                              $30,856,800

Selling and Administrative Expenses                    $13,122,000

Operating Income                                                  $17,734,800

b.                           Joplin Industries Inc.

                 Variable Costing Income Statement

                      For the Month Ended June 30

Sales                                                                        $81,000,000

Variable cost of goods sold                                   $40,500,000

Manufacturing Margin                                            $40,500,000

Selling and Administrative Expenses                    $12,150,000

Contribution Margin                                                $28,350,000

Fixed cost

Manufacturing cost                   $8,856,000

Selling and Admin Expenses   $972,000

Total Fixed cost                                                         $9,828,000

Operating Income                                                     $18,522,000

If the technology, the nature of competition, or the regulatory environment changes in an industry, then: Question 2 options: organizations are created by random events, just like markets. the appropriate organizational architecture will change too. a good organizational architecture is always able to cope with changes. organizational architecture is able to restore the former market environment.



the appropriate organizational architecture will change too.


Technology can be defined as a branch of knowledge which typically involves the process of applying, creating and managing practical or scientific knowledge to solve problems and improve human life. Technologies are applied to many fields in the world such as medicine, information technology, cybersecurity, engineering, environmental etc.

If the technology, the nature of competition, or the regulatory environment changes in an industry, then the appropriate organizational architecture will change too. This is so because the organizational architecture is required to be flexible and adaptive to most external and internal factors that affects the organization.

Hence, an organizational architecture that isn't adaptive to changes wouldn't be able to compete with other rival organizations in the same industry and as such would be running at a loss and subsequently, go bankrupt.

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