Henry has $150.00 to spend on a rental car for 2 days. It costs $39.90
per day plus $0.20 per mile to rent the car. Which inequality represents
how many miles, m, Henry can drive the car?
A. m ≤ 351
B. m ≥ 351
C. m ≤ 550.5
D. m ≥ 550.5


Answer 1


The inequality that represents how many miles Henry can drive the car is "m <= 550.5". This inequality can be derived by first calculating the total cost of renting the car for 2 days at $39.90 per day and $0.20 per mile. This gives us a total cost of $79.80 for the rental plus $0.20 per mile for the number of miles Henry drives. Since Henry has $150.00 to spend, we can set up the following inequality to represent the maximum number of miles he can drive:

150.00 >= 79.80 + 0.20m

We can then solve for m by subtracting 79.80 from both sides of the inequality and dividing both sides by 0.20, which gives us:

m <= 550.5

Therefore, the inequality that represents how many miles Henry can drive the car is "m <= 550.5". This inequality states that Henry can drive the car for a maximum of 550.5 miles.

Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

If f(x) = x² - 1, and g(x) = x + 2, then g(f(x)) = [?]x² +
please explain ​



g(f(x)) = x² + 1.

Step-by-step explanation:

To evaluate g(f(x)), we need to first evaluate f(x) and then plug the result into g(x). Since f(x) = x² - 1, we have g(f(x)) = g(x² - 1). Plugging this into g(x), we get g(x² - 1) = (x² - 1) + 2. So the final result is g(f(x)) = x² + 1.

Here's a step-by-step breakdown:

g(f(x)) = g(x² - 1) [substitute f(x) = x² - 1]g(f(x)) = (x² - 1) + 2 [substitute g(x) = x + 2]g(f(x)) = x² + 1 [simplify]

Note that this is only the case if f(x) and g(x) are defined for all values of x. If either function is only defined for certain values of x, then the result of g(f(x)) will depend on the specific input value used.

Help meeeeeeeeeeeeee




you can give me more

what is angle 1 2 and 3


The Measure for the Following

m< 1= 72 degree.

m< 2= 72 degree.

m< 3= 58 degree.

What is Vertical Opposite Angle?

Horizontal Angles (Vertically Opposite Angles) The opposing angles created by the junction of two lines are known as vertical angles or vertically opposite angles. A pair of angles that are vertically opposed to one another are always equal.


In Δ MQP and Δ OQN

<3 = 58 (Alternate Interior Angle)

Now, In Δ OQN Using Angle Sum Property

<2+ <3 + 50= 180

<2 + 58+ 50 = 180

<2 = 180 - 108

<2 = 72

and, <1 = <2 = 72  (Vertical Opposite Angle)

Learn more about Vertical Opposite Angle here:



7. If m= 100 what is the value of q?
q = 21.344 m




Step-by-step explanation:

You are multiplying 21.344 by 100, which means all you have to do is move the decimal point towards the left 2 to get your answer

Answer: 2134.4

Step-by-step explanation:

The reason it is this is that when 100 times 21.344 you have to take the two zeros and push the two next numbers after the decimal and put them in front of the decimal.

Barry has a medical plan with a $1,000 deductible, 20% coinsurance, and a $5,000 coinsurance cap. His allowable medical expenses during the past year are $18,000. How much of this amount will he have to pay out of pocket?.


Based on his deductible and coinsurance cap, the amount that Barry will pay is $4,560.

Barry will pay x amount.

Barry will be responsible for covering the entire $1,200 deductible. The remaining costs will subsequently be split between him and the insurer in a ratio of 20% to 80%, although he will not be required to pay more than $5,000.

He will consequently pay the following total out of pocket:

= Deductible + ( 20% x (Medical expenses - deductible)

Solving gives:

= 1,200 + ( 20% x (18,000 - 1,200))

= $4,560

He will pay $4,560 in total.

Find out more on insurance payments at:



2.1.3 Quiz: Solving Multistep Linear Equations
Question 5 of 10
What is the solution to this equation?
4x + 2(x+6)=36
A. x=4
OB. x=7
OC. x=8
OD. x=5



The solution to this equation is x=4 (or A)

Step-by-step explanation:

First, you want to remove the parentheses from the equation and distribute 2 through the parentheses:


Then you collect like terms:


Then you move the constant to the right-hand side and change its sign:


Then you subtract the numbers:


Then you divide both sides of the equation by 6, which gives you your solution:


if a two sided test of hypothesis is conducted at a 0.05 level of significance and the test statistic resulting from the analysis was 1.23. the potential type of statistical error is :


Potential type of statistical error would be Type I statistical error.

What is statistical error?

The term "error" (also known as "statistical error") refers to the discrepancy between a value obtained through a data gathering procedure and the population's "actual" value. The data are less representative of the population the higher the inaccuracy. Both sampling error and non-sampling error can have an impact on data.

Given that:

two sided test of hypothesis is giving 0.05 level of significance.

and statistic resulting from the analysis was 1.23.

According to statistic result,

the results are not statistically significant because the p-value > 0.05.

So, Here we can say that it follows the Type I statistical error.

Hence, potential type of statistical error would be Type I statistical error.

to know more about Hypothesis visit,



100 POINTS WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST Understanding business cycles is important because it helps us make informed decisions. Which of the following would most likely be done in a business during a boom?
A. hire employees
B. cut jobs
C. save cash



The correct answer is A. hire employees.

During a boom, or an economic expansion, businesses typically experience increased demand for their products and services. This often leads to higher profits and sales, and as a result, many businesses will choose to hire additional employees to help meet the increased demand. Hiring employees allows businesses to increase their production and sales, and it can also help them to capitalize on opportunities for growth and expansion.

The other answer choices, cutting jobs (B) and saving cash (C), are not typically associated with a boom. Cutting jobs would be more likely to occur during a recession or a downturn in the economy, when businesses are trying to reduce costs and improve their bottom line. Saving cash, on the other hand, is something that businesses might do during any economic conditions, as it can help them to build up a financial cushion and prepare for unexpected events. However, during a boom, businesses are more likely to focus on expanding their operations and taking advantage of the increased demand for their products and services.

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

It seems like the most logical answer, as boom usually means it's doing well. When a business is doing well I doubt they would want to cut jobs or have to be worried about saving their extra cash.

During August, the average cost of gasoline was $3.22 per gallon. During September, the average cost of gasoline was $3.67 per gallon. Suppose the cost of gasoline is expected to rise by the same percentage with each passing month. Select the response that is true.


To ensure the proper number amount to the bond make sure that you multiply using the numerator and the denominator as well as check over the passage because you dont know how much to use according to the results so the answers should be


Which of the following quadratic equations has roots at (-4, 0) and (10, 0) and goes through the point (5,45)

Y=(x-4) (x+ 10)
Y=(x+4) (x- 10)
y= -(x+4) (x- 10)


The quadratic equation which satisfy all the condition is y= -(x+4) (x- 10)

What is the simple quadratic formula?

The quadratic formula is as follows. The equation Ax2+Bx+C=0 can be divided by A to get x2+B/Ax+C/A=0, and the procedure repeated to get the more generic version.

How do you square a number?

How to use the Quadratic Formula to solve a quadratic equation.

Ax2 + bx + c = 0 is the quadratic equation in standard form. Find the values of a, b, and c.

the quadratic formula in writing. Then enter the values for a, b, and c.


Verify the answers.

Given that :

Roots are (-4, 0) and (10, 0)

and goes through  the point (5,45)

So as we can see that that only second and third option satisfy the roots and the third one satisfy the point conditions.

hence the quadratic equation which satisfy all the condition is y= -(x+4) (x- 10)

Learn more about quadratic equation



the amount of sodium (in milligrams) in one serving for a random sample of three different kinds of foods is listed here. condiments cereals desserts 270 260 100 130 220 180 230 290 250 180 290 250 80 200 300 70 320 360 200 140 300 160 at the 0.05 significance level, is there sufficient evidence to conclude that a difference in mean sodium amounts exists among condiments, cereals and desserts?


Gustafson cardio rescue byssinosis

Which is a way to describe the fraction of 2/3


An equivalent fraction of 2/3 is 16/24

Hope this helps

How do you solve maximum problems?


A minimax problem minimizes the maximum value of a number of decision variables and the maximin problem maximizes the minimum value

We know that a minimax problem minimizes the maximum value of a number of decision variables. It is sometimes applied to minimize the possible loss for a worst case (maximum loss) scenario. On the other hand a maximin problem maximizes the minimum value. Generally it is used to maximize the minimum objective (such as profit or revenue) for all potential scenario.

To solve the  optimization problem for maximum :

First we find the derivative of the function.

Set the derivative equal to 0 and solve for x. This gives the x-values of the maximum and minimum points.

Now substitute those values of x back into the function to find the corresponding values of y. This will give the maximum and minimum points of the function.

Therefore, the maximin problem maximizes the minimum value  of a number of decision variables.

Learn more about the optimization problem here:



A horse is tied with a 10 -foot-long rope to a pole on a grassy field. Is the circumference of the circle or the area of the circle more useful for determining how much grass the horse has access to?


The area of the circle is more usefull than circumfrence of the circle.

Given that,
A horse is tied with a 10 -foot-long rope to a pole on a grassy field. Is the circumference of the circle or the area of the circle more useful for determining how much grass the horse has access to is to be discuss.

What is area of the circle?

Area of circle is given by the pie times square of radius.

Area of circle = πr^2

The circumference of the circle gives the information of the periferal boundry,
while the area of the circle gives the information about the region of grass the horse can access

Thus, the area of the circle is more usefull than circumfrence of the circle.

Learn more about circle here:



A triangle has vertices (2, 3), (5, 9), and (3, 11) is reflected across the y-axis. What are the new vertices of the reflected triangle? (-2, 3), (-5, 9), and (-3, 11) (-2, -3), (-5, -9), and (-3, -11) (2, -3), (5, -9), and (3, -11)


Answer:( -2,3),( -5,9), (-3,11)

Step-by-step explanation:

a student is randomly choosing the answer to each of seven true-false questions in a test. how many possible ways can the student answer the seven questions?


128 possible ways can the student answer the seven questions.

What is combinations?

Combinations are mathematical operations that count the number of potential configurations for a set of elements when the order of the selection is irrelevant. You can choose the components of combos in any order. Permutations and combinations can be mixed up.

We have 7 true-false questions.

Each question can be answered 2 different ways and the answer for one question has no effect on the answer for another.

They are independent events.

So, the number of different ways that 7 questions can be answered is

= 2⁷

= 128 ways

Hence, there are 128 possible ways can the student answer the seven questions.

To know more about combinations check the below link:



What is the median of 23 and 23?


The precise middle value of a dataset when it is ordered is called the median. Separating the lowest 50% of data from the top 50% of values is a measure of central tendency. the median of 23 and 23 is 23

The median is the middle number when the numbers are arranged in order from least to greatest. Since 23 and 23 are the same number, the median is 23.The median is an important measure of central tendency. It is the middle value of a data set when the numbers are arranged in order from least to greatest. In this case, since there are only two numbers and they are the same, the median is simply the number itself, 23.

Learn more about median here



A set of statistics exam scores are normally distributed with a mean of 76. 5576. 5576, point, 55 points and a standard deviation of 555 points. What proportion of exam scores are between 797979 and 86. 586. 0586, point, 05 points?.


A set of statistics exam scores are normally distributed with a mean of 76. 5576. 5576, point, 55 points and a standard deviation of 555 points. 28.34% proportion of exam scores are between 797979 and 86. 586. 0586..

Define mean and standard deviation.

A low standard deviation implies that the data are grouped around the mean, whereas a large standard deviation shows that the data are more dispersed. In contrast, a high or low standard deviation indicates that the data points are, respectively, above or below the mean. A standard deviation that is close to zero implies that the data points are close to the mean.


Mean = 76.55

Standard deviation = 5

To calculate this, we first need to get the Z score mathematically

Z = X - mean/standard deviation

For the 79,

Z = 79 - 76.55/5

Z = 0.49

For the 86.05

Z = X - mean/standard deviation

Z = 86.05 - 76.55/5

Z = 1.9

So, we have

P(0.49 < Z < 1.9)

P( Z < 1.9) - P( Z < 0.49)

Using the table of standard score probability

P(Z < 1.9) = 0.9713

P( Z < 0.49) = 0.6879

P( Z < 1.9) - P( Z < 0.49)

0.9713 - 0.6879


In percentage,

0.2834 × 100%


A set of statistics exam scores are normally distributed with a mean of 76. 5576. 5576, point, 55 points and a standard deviation of 555 points. 28.34% proportion of exam scores are between 797979 and 86. 586. 0586..

To learn more about mean and standard deviation, visit:



The price of a home (in thousands of dollars) is associated with the number of square feet in a home. Home prices in Smavile can be modeled using the equation p = 150 + 0.041a where p is the price of the home in thousands of dollars and a is the area of the house in square feet Home prices in Fancyville can be modeled using the equation p = 250 + 0.198a Ngoc saw a real estate advertisement for a 2800 square foot home that was selling for $280,000. Which city should she predict that the home is in?


The city that she should predict that the home is in is given as follows:


How to predict the city that the home is in?

We are given the linear regression equations for each town, which predicts the value of a home with a square feet.

Then the prediction of the city is given by the one whose prediction for a input of 2800 square feet gives the least residual relative to 280, that is, the value that has the least absolute difference relative to 280.

For Smaville, the equation is given as follows:

p = 150 + 0.041a.

Hence the estimate of the cost for a estate with 2800 square feet is of:

p = 150 + 0.041(2800) = 264.8.

For Fancyville, the equation is given as follows:

p = 250 + 0.198a

Hence the estimate of the cost for a estate with 2800 square feet is of:

p = 250 + 0.198(2800) = 804.4.

Smavile has the least residual, hence is the prediction.

More can be learned about linear regression at https://brainly.com/question/29613968

Question 13 (1 point)
(01.05 MC)
Which number line represents all of the values of x for the equation x² = 25? (1 point)


Answer: x= 5 and 5=x.

Step-by-step explanation: no comment.

I hope i'm right.

good luck.

What are 2 linear functions?


For example, y = 3x - 2 represents a straight line on a coordinate plane and hence it represents a linear function. Since y can be replaced with f(x), this function can be written as f(x) = 3x - 2.

researchers randomly assigned a sample of clinically depressed patients to receive a new antidepressant medication or a sugar pill. what type of research study is being used?


The experiment type of research study is being used.

What is an experiment ?

A method used in a controlled environment to find an unknown effect or law, test or establish a hypothesis, or provide an example of an established law

In the scenario described, individuals are chosen at random to participate in a new intervention, which appears to be an example of an experiment.

As opposed to option A, where the participants are being observed in their natural context, this is not a naturalistic observation example.

The lack of a relationship means that it is neither a correlation research, as in option C, nor a survey, as in option D.

Option B is the appropriate response, thus.

So, the experiment  type of research study is being used.

To know more about experiment from the link given below.



solve x for -0.2x - 1.4 = 2x + 16.2



x = -8

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Combine multiplied terms into a single fraction.

(-x / 5) - 1.4 = 2x + 16.2

Step 2: Find a common denominator.

(-x / 5) + [5(-1.4) / 5] = 2x + 16.2

Step 3: yeah this is boring idc about the explanation

I need help simplifying this problem


Answer: Use math x way it is very helpful for problems like these. The answer is attached.

Step-by-step explanation:

Which of the following problems would NOT have a solution?
- Six pizzas are shared equally among three people, and you want to know how much each person gets.
- Three pizzas are shared equally among two people, and you want to know how much each person gets.
- Zero pizzas are shared equally among three people, and you want to know how much each person gets.
- Two pizzas are shared equally among zero people, and you want to know how much each person gets.


By using the concept of division, it can be calculated that

The statement given in the fourth option

Two pizzas are shared equally among zero people do not have a solution

What is division?

Division is the process by which value of single unit can be calculated from the value of multiple unit.

The number to be divided is known as dividend, the number by which the dividend is divided is the divisor, the result obtained is the quotient and the remaining part is the remainder.

There is a well known formula for division

Divisor x Quotient + Remainder = Dividend.

This is a word problem on division.

For the first option

Number of pizzas = 6

Number of person = 3

Number of pizzas each person get = 6 [tex]\div[/tex] 3 = 2

This problem has a solution.

For the second option

Number of pizzas = 3

Number of person = 2

Number of pizzas each person get = 3 [tex]\div[/tex] 2 = 1.5

This problem has a solution.

For the third option

Number of pizzas = 0

Number of person = 3

Number of pizzas each person get = 0 [tex]\div[/tex] 3 = 0

This problem has a solution.

For the fourth option

Number of pizzas = 2

Number of person = 0

Number of pizzas each person get = 2 [tex]\div[/tex] 0

Now anything divided by zero is not possible

This problem do not have a solution.

To learn more about division, refer to the link:



A grocery store's receipts show that sunday customer purchases have a skewed distribution with a mean $32 and a standard deviation of $20. Assume that the next 100 sunday customers can be treated like an srs from this population. What is the approximate probability that the next 100 sunday customers will spend an average of at most $28?.


The approximate probability that the next 100 sunday customers will spend an average of at most $28 is 0.97725

What is Central limit theorem ?

This theorem limits the central value (mean) of a sample measure to the mean value of the population from which the sample was drawn. There are two versions of this set, average and ratio respectively. This is true only if each sample is the same size and that size matters.

We have given that,

Mean , μ = $32

Standard deviations, σ = $20

sample size, n = 100

The probability that the test 100 sunday customers will spend on average of at most $28.

Using formula,

Standard error = 20/Sqrt(100) = 2

Test- statistic, Z = (x -μ)/S.E

here we have, x = 28 , S.E = 2 , μ = 32

=> Z = ( 28 - 32)/2 = - 4/2 = -2

Now, the approximate probability value, P(X≤ x )

is P(X≤ 28) = P(X - μ / S.E < 28- 32/2) = P(Z≤ -2)

= 1 - P(Z>-2) = 1- P(Z< 2) = 1 - 0.02275 = 0.97725 To learn more about Central Limit Theorem, refer:



Write an equation of the circle with center (5,9) and radius 4


(x-5)^2 + (y-9)^2 = 16

im pretty sure thats the answer as you only need the equation

Which of the following is not a key feature of the function h(x)?
A) The domain of h(x) is [0, ထ)
B) The range of h(x) is (-ထ, ထ)
C) The y-intercept of h(x) is (0, -5)
D) The end behavior of h(x) is as x -> ထ, h(x) -> -ထ


The options that is not a key feature of the piecewise function h(x), defined as x² - 5 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 3, and -log₃x for x > 3 is the option;

The range of h(x) is (-∞, ∞)

What is a piecewise function?

A piecewise function is a function that maps the input variable with a different definition, depending on the interval of the input variable.

The piecewise function is presented as follows;

h(x) = x² - 5 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 3

h(x) = log₃x for x > 3

The domain of the function, f(x) which is the set of the x-values of the function is therefore; 0 ≤ x ≤ 3, and x > 3

Therefore; The domain of the function is 0 ≤ x < ∞, which in interval notation is; [0, ∞)

The range of the function x² - 5 is -5 ≤ x ≤ 4

The range of the function -log₃x, where x > 3 is -∞ < h(x) < -1

The range in interval notation is therefore; (-∞, 4]

Therefore, the range of h(x) is not (-∞, ∞)

The y-intercept is the point the graph intersects the y-axis, and where x is zero, which indicates;

The y-intercept is the point h(0) = 0³ - 5 = -5

Therefore, the y-intercept is the point (0, -5)

The end behavior of the function, h(x) is as x → ∞, -log₃x → -∞

Therefore, the option that is not a key feature of the function f(x) is the option; The range of h(x) is (-∞, ∞)

Learn more about the domain and range of a function here:



Translate vertex W to vertex M then reflect across the line containing
Translate vertex W to vertex M. Next, reflect WXY across the line containing line segment WX.


Translate vertex W to vertex M. Next, reflect WXY across the line containing line segment WX is MXY

The intersection of two lines, two line segments, or any suitable combination of rays, segments, and lines that results in two straight "sides" coming together at one point is known as an angle's vertex. 1. Translate vertex W to vertex M: Move point W to the right by 4 units, creating point M.

2. Reflect WXY across the line containing WX: Create a line perpendicular to WX, and reflect WXY across it. The resulting figure is MXY.

Learn more about vertex here



Given f(x)=−3x−1, find f(−6


The Value of f(-6) is -19

What is Function?

A function is an expression, rule, or law in mathematics that describes a connection between one variable (the independent variable) and another variable (the dependent variable).


Function: f(x) = 3x - 1

To Find the value of f(-6)

We need to replace x with -6

f(-6) = 3*(-6) - 1

f(-6) = -18 - 1

f(-6) = -19

To learn more about Functions from the given link



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