why was the separation of powers important to the founding fathers?​


Answer 1


Desperation of Powers was so important ti the founding fathers because in the government in Britain where they had came from all powers were in one place with one person which means no one could keep the powers in check

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An device with a magnetic needle which spins freely and generally points north



Pretty sure it’s a compass

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weare sans you
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According to the Treaty of Paris that ended the French and Indian War in 1763,
The British gave France their empire in North America.
The French gave Great Britain their empire in North America.
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The French gave American Indians some of their land.


Answer: The French gave Great Britain their empire in North America.

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George Washington Carver could best be described as? A Irrational B Dedicated C Passive D Impulsive



I would think that the Answer is B. Dedicated




Because he was very passionate about getting civil rights for others

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they drove them?



They used them to sink nearby ships.


They would try to sink any ship they saw, including both enemy and neutral boats. They would even sink passenger boats such as the Lusitania.

Is the democratic-Republican Party a republican or democratic?


In 1790 started of as Republican Party. The party became increasingly dominant after the 1800 elections as the opposing Federalist Party collapsed. During the 1824 presidential election one faction of the Democratic-Republicans eventually coalesced into the modern Democratic Party, while the other faction ultimately formed the core of the Whig Party.
That’s all I got. Good luck.

(Describe the role of Black soldiers in the American Revolution. Be specific and include at least 2 sentences.)




Most black soldiers were scattered throughout the Continental Army in integrated infantry regiments, where they were often assigned to support roles as wagoners, cooks, waiters or artisans. Several all-black units, commanded by white officers, also were formed and saw action against the British.

In 1800 the US was struggling to preserve the rights of its citizens and its newly created democracy. Why would the Democratic-Republicans believe the government should favor farmers and common people?



should work hard to grow the economic community



they make the democracy possible


What impact did the event described in the chart above have during George Washington’s Presidency? A. It solidified the power of the federal government B. It underpinned the importance of state rights C. It provided an argument for the legitimacy of taxes D. It underscored the power and rights of Congress



i believe it is C im sorry if i got it wrong


It provided an argument for the legitimacy of taxes impact did the event described in the chart above have during George Washington’s Presidency. Therefore, option (c) is correct.

What is taxes?

The term taxes refer to, known as monetary charges. The government are charge extra amount for goods and services. The amount of tax are collect in the government account and spent on the public welfare. The taxes are the imposed of the government to spend on the public at the time of the crises.

According to the documentation, President George Washington ratified the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. As the saying goes, they draw their legitimate powers from the agreement of the governed. It was central to the arguments for the validity of taxes.

As a result, the provided an argument for the legitimacy of taxes impact did the event described in the chart above have during George Washington’s Presidency. Therefore, option (c) is correct.

Learn more about on taxes, here:



help multiple choice question, need answer quick!



that answer is optional 1 and 2


so tojo uses supreme terror and making his soldiers listen to him and make them heartless peopel


option 1 .......


What were the benefits of trade for ancient China?



Trade was very important for China because it helped China get extra surpluses exchanged for valuable supplies. China was able to get what it needed by trading what it had. Therefore trade was very helpful and played a major part in China's growth in history. It helped China grow wealthier and stronger.


How did Rerum Novarum affect the Catholic Church? Was it positive or negative? And does it still affect us today?



The answer is below


Rerum Novarum is an open letter written and distributed by Pope Leo XIII in 1891.

It has various effects on the Catholic Church, some of which are:

1. It encouraged the church to assist the poor and vulnerable people.

2. It established the idea that Church can speak out on social matters.

The effects of Rerum Novarum were positive. Some of which are:

1. It promotes work satisfaction

2. It promotes cooperation among different classes.

The effect of Rerum Novarum still affects us today as Churches continue to speak on social matters and encourage a good sociopolitical economy that benefits everybody regardless of classes.

Why did the geography of the Americas and Eurasia produce such different results?



The continents that are spread out in an east-west direction such as Eurasia,had a developmental advantage because of the ease with which crops, animals,ideas and technologies could spread between areas of similar latitude.

Due to the ease with which crops, animals, ideas, and technology could move between regions of similar latitude, continents that are spread out in an east-west direction, such as Eurasia, enjoyed a developmental edge.

What is geography?

The term geography is the study of lands rivers and locations are being there in it as we see that the agriculture part can be considered in it as we see there are many geography people are also there who research things as well and make a better search on agriculture as well.

The vast amounts of fertile, uncultivated land in the Americas, could be used to grow the large quantities of agricultural products necessary to sustain European economic growth and free up labor and

Therefore, land in Europe for industrialization was considered to be Europe's most significant advantage.

Learn more about geography here:



What was the most important task for congress after the U.S. constitution was ratified? Explain why you think this task was important


On June 21, 1788, the Constitution became the official framework of the government of the United States of America when New Hampshire became the ninth of 13 states to ratify it. The journey to ratification, however, was a long and arduous process. Until the new Constitution was ratified, the country was governed by the Articles of Confederation. That document was tailored to a newly formed nation made of states acting more like independent, sovereign countries, and it quickly became clear to some of America’s leaders that future stability required a stronger, more centralized government. New York’s Alexander Hamilton thus led the call for a constitutional convention to reevaluate the nation’s governing document. The Confederation Congress endorsed his initiative, and representatives from all 13 states were subsequently invited to convene in Philadelphia on May 25, 1787, to participate in the Convention. The initial purpose of the Convention was for the delegates to amend the Articles of Confederation; however, the ultimate outcome was the proposal and creation of a completely new form of government. Three months later, on September 17, 1787, the Convention concluded with the signing (by 38 out of 41 delegates present) of the new U.S. Constitution. Under Article VII, it was agreed that the document would not be binding until its ratification by nine of the 13 existing states.

how was europe having an age of anxiety in the 20th century


hmm i'm not sure i'll come back when i have the answer.

Prior to 1880, What areas of Africa were influenced by Europeans


That is the parts of Africa owned in different country’s

Which word best completes the sentence?

Select the word from the drop-down menu

This song
powerful memories of my childhood.




Explanation: It evokes powerful memories because you're remembering that memory

In the 1870s, the system of sharecropping failed to reincorporate the South into the United States. provide landowners with a steady labor force. return abandoned land to its former owners. stimulate and grow the Southern economy.



stimulate and grow the Southern economy.


In the 1870s, the system of sharecropping failed to reincorporate the South into the United States stimulate and grow the Southern economy. Therefore option C is correct.

What is Sharecropping?

Sharecropping is a form of farming whereby families rent small parcels of land from a landowner in exchange for the right to give the landowner a portion of their harvest each year.

Sharecropping in various forms has been practiced for centuries, but with the southern economy in disarray following the abolition of slavery and the destruction of the Civil War, sharecropping helped landowners reestablish a labor force while providing poor whites and free Black people with a means of subsistence.

Sharecroppers made up roughly two-thirds of White people and one-third of Black People.

To learn more about Sharecropping follow the link.



Which aspect of the March on Washington sent a powerful statement to the United States and the world?
the lack of famous celebrities
the location at the Jefferson Memorial
the presence of foreign leaders
the size of the crowd that attended





The aspect of the March on Washington that was very powerful in sending a message was the size of the crowd that attended.

What happened in the March on Washington?

It was a protest that was organized by Martin Luther King and other leaders in the Civil Rights Movement to bring an end to segregation and racial policies.

More than 250,000 people attended it which showed the U.S. and the rest of the World just how serious the Civil Rights Movement was.

In conclusion, option D is correct.

Find out more on the March on Washington at https://brainly.com/question/330087.

What did the Supreme Court decide in Sweatt v. Painter?
The order to segregate Texas graduate schools was constitutional.
The order to desegregate Texas graduate schools was unconstitutional.
The separate Texas law school for African American students was equal to the University of Texas Law School.
The separate Texas law school for African American students was not equal to the University of Texas Law School.





The separate Texas law school for African American students was not equal to the University of Texas Law School.

The Supreme Court decision in Sweatt v. Painter was that:

The separate Texas law school for African American students was not equal to the University of Texas Law School.

What was Sweatt v. Painter case about?

The Supreme Court in the case above was said to have ruled that the states where public graduate and professional schools were found only for white students and not for black students, black students have to and have been mandated to be admitted to any school that is tagged all-white institutions.

The case brought about equal protection clause needed for Sweatt's admission into the University.

Learn more about Supreme Court from


This 1944 order was addressed to U.S. troops sent to-
A-capture the Italian mainland
B-transport weapons to Great Britain
C-invade the beaches at Normandy
D-repel an attack on Stalingrad


C. Invade the beaches at Normandy

Why did europeans want to colonize west africa?


Answer: They wanted more power



Because large countries such as Germany, France, and Great Britain were losing money.


Took the test, hope this helped.

How did the Hundred Years’ War affect western European society?
by encouraging the popularity of secular values
by weakening monarchies in England and France
by creating feelings of nationalism in England and France
by shifting the population to rural fiefdoms


The Hundred Years’ War affect western European society by creating feelings of nationalism in England and France.

What is nationalism?

Nationalist ideas and movements advocate for peaceful coexistence between the state and the nation. It states that a nation is the only legal foundation for a polity and that a nation should hold all political authority. Each nation should be permitted to govern itself without outside interference (self-determination). Thus, nationalism seeks to preserve and advance a nation's historical culture. The growth of nationalism at the end of the 18th century was largely influenced by the French Revolution and the popularization of the idea of popular sovereignty. Since this thesis was disproved by academics, it is now widely accepted that nations are socially and historically formed. An alternative explanation for nationalism offered by Anthony D. Smith's work is known as ethnosymbolism, which contends that symbols, myths, and traditions are to blame.

To learn about nationalism, visit:




What percent of the 520,000 troops were American in the Korean War?





Your answer is 90% we’re American troops

these are the answers


Good job !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awesome job! Thank u too I have the same assignment

How did economic opportunities for free African Americans differ from enslaved African Americans during the early 1800s?

A. Free African Americans could own property and had some rights, while enslaved African Americans had no rights at all.

B. Free African Americans had no rights to own property but could operate a business, while enslaved African Americans had no rights at all.

C. Free African Americans had the right to own businesses and property, while enslaved African Americans only had the right to own personal property.

D. Free African Americans could own and operate their own business, while enslaved African Americans could not own but could only operate a few small types of businesses.



that will be A. Free African Americans could own property and had some rights, while enslaved African Americans had no rights at all.

Which of the following is NOT a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in India?

nuclear power plants

burning of biomass fuel

agricultural methane emissions

gases released during coal mining





if you understand a little bit the topic you will see that nuclear power plants do NOT emits any kind of greenhouse gases as different from answers B C and d being the main contributor of greenhouse gases in India

WhAt is it really like to live off 1 dollar a day



You would be starving, and thirsty.. Unless you go to the dollar store


Well, possibly starve and you wouldn’t have a place to live because how the rent is awfully expensive and to buy a house too.

14) Which philosophy was based on ethics, or moral values, & wanted
people to follow the guidelines of the past?
O Legalism
O Stoicism
O Confucianism
I’ll give Brainliest pls help quickly





Taoism is a Chinese religious philosophy, which is based on ethical and moral values, presents values based on mysticism and popular enigmas, with a strong influence on Chinese culture and polytheistic content. Taoism is of great value to ancestry and the cult of ancestors, encouraging people to follow the guidelines of the past. Taoism also uses concepts of alchemy and magic.

How does the process for amending the constitution of florida compare to that of amending the u.S constitution




Amending the FL Constitution is much more difficult to amend then the US Constitution

It is more difficult to amend the Florida Constitution than the U.S Constitution

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